vThejNewest Styles A grcnt rtcnl of sntlsfnctlon In oiwinif,' a bracelet' wntcli Is in Hie onftuiiciilnl vnluo of llic timepiece. CHntoVs pays niuch nltcnllon lo this feature, at tlie game tlmo helng Tcry particular to liaro wicli watch An acciirntc timekeeper. You will enjoy seeing our display of j bracelet watclics. Here you will geca (lie latest Ideas In round nnd odd sbapes exquisite llttlo ..ornnnicnts one vlll be proud of nnyivhcrc. C. S. Clinton Graduate Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. oiMUMZi: v i-Emui, i.iion 1 UNION IN TOWN. A centra) labor urtlorr W08 organized In North Matte Friday, (enintfy II. 11. Long.'-.d Grand ttland, fitnle or ganizer or the'' American, r adoration of Labor The localMinlqilfi represent ed In the nicotine y6to ,tho .painters, hurbsr. bullormnifc'rs- anil musicians, oach of which had previously elected tlire'J delegtei to' :thl organization meeting, these riikgn)., representing 12C members of those unions. Officers were elected as follows: R, ' L, Cantlln, president, Clinton York vieo-presldont, Earl Stamp flnnnclal gocratnry nnd troasurer, K. B. Payne recording secretary, A. Ovall guide, A O. Swarthout guardian, trustees . JR. P. Servlss' for eighteen months, .Hubert Wicks for twelve months and 1 J3. DNen for six ivonths. :o::- i DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Gradnale Dentist Office oyer the McDonald State Bunk. ! It. II, FQwles has sold 320 acres , of valley land lying east of the Paw- ' . . . . r .. . M nee rancn 10 uasmusBcii oi .iiiAt.-u ! Smfit Treatment for Wheat. 1 0,190 acres of wheat will ho treated fxr smut this year, according to defl- nite promises made by Lincoln county farmers to do their part, in this simple way,' to holp increase production, i According to past experiences, this should net a saving of approximately 10,000 to 30,000 bushols of wheat. Ask Mr. Harbor for a demonstra tion at the Farm Bureau booth on the Fair Grounds. ::o:: Plead (.'ullfy to Gambling. Perry Sawyer and Frank Boyer were arraigned in tho county court Saturday afternoon on the charge of Are Shoes Priced too High? No! Positively-Ernphatkally, No! BECAUSE; ; for a consideration of eighteen thous- Knmoiing or running gambling games Both pleaded guilty and were bound over to tho district court under LOCAL AND PERSONAL Paul Roddy loft Sunday for a visit In Omaha and Lincoln. Mis Besslo Chamborlain was a pas i.or.ger to Omaha Sunday. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Miss Clara DoRolf rotumod Sunday from a visit In Grand Island. Bert Chamberlain loft Sunday for Denver, where ho will visit for n few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGovorn and J. T. Keofo wero guets of frlonds in Horshoy Sunday. "Wm. Dnvis left Sunday for Amos, la., wharu he will enter the students training class 'of tho army. Dr. Brock, Dentist, of or Stono Drug Store. tf Mrs. Julia Toddand Miss Margarot Adslt, toachors in tho Horshoy schools spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Fred Rasmussen and family wore in town Sunday while onroute to Osceola to attend a family roumion. Engineer Phil IJgan, who had been out of sorvios for two years, was ro JnBtatcd tho latter part of last week Len Klndwell camo over from Wnl laco today and will holp preservo tho peaco and dignity of tho city during tho fair. Nqw bargains added" cabh day at our unlo. Rlbbcus now on snlo at unheard of prices. E, T. TRAMP & SONS. Mr. nnd. Mrs. A. M. Solbort ro tumod Sunday from a ton days visit at Groat Lakes, 111., and nt Water town, S. D, and dollars. Dr. L. J. Krause, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Bank building. Gago Hollaway has sold his land nine miles coutheast of town. It is 1.1 1,n I t 1 t1n tint nnra fnr fltn eighty acres on which tho buildings U1 aro located. bonds. Tlio information charged them with running gambling gnmcs in rooms in tho rear of tho Carson barhor shop rear or tno Den cigar store. : :o: : Miss Dorothy Whelpley -spent tho Mexican Fined $100.. latter part of last week with her aunt Joso Padllla, tho Mexican who was Mrs. II. M. Grimes while enroute to arrested Thursday night at the Com Lnramle where she will teach in the morlcal Hotel for Illegal possession etnto university. of twenty-flvo pints of whiskey, drew Mr. .and -Mrs . O. J. Brooks, Mm.. n n". f 0110 hundred dollars and David Brooks and II. A. Brooks left sts in the county court Frl, ay after hy auto the latter part of last wpek " b I V n oncyless and for Camp Funston whorq they will w,aHftt' l,..t ,n.y 01 $ h mi?: vlnlf llnvn Hrnnlffi Bftch ca80s as th,s tl,e ,llct Should be visit uavo urooits. confined to bread nnd water, as laying Rob Armstrong returned Saturday in Jail nnd being well fed Is no pun- nignt irom rorunnu, wnore ho mm isnment to n Mexican. Shoes are made from skins of ani mals which are raised for meat, milk or for beasts of burden not for their skins. These skins are, avail able for shoes only, as animals are slaughtered for food. Consider the prices you pay for meat! Kid skins come from the four cor ners of the earth. Consider ship scarcity; Leather is not all. items of materials parts of the world. Sixty-five other come from all spont sovoral weeks. Mrs. Armstrong nnd chlldron will continue their visit thero durlpg th winter. .Mrs.v Julius Plzor nnd daughter Maymp returned Frldny from Chicago. While in that city Mrs. PIzor sub mitted to an oporntlon which was very auccoasful and she roturns groat ly Improved. Paul Urotzcr, whllo out hunting at tho McNeol ranch S,undny shot n largo Save Fruit Stones nnd Xnl Shells. Tho War Department has asked the American Red Cross to collect fruit pits, stones nnd nut shells. Tho fol lowing should bo saved: Peach pits, apricot pits, prune pits, plum pits, date stones, cherry pits, Brazil nut sholls, olive pits, shells of hickory nuts, walnuts and butternuts. All pits and shells must bo thorolv dried, either in ovens or by tho sun, coyote which ho brought homo as a boforo they nro placed in tho barrels. Materials are not all! Consider la bor! It requires the labor of 300 people and 110 machines to produce a woman's shoe, ready to wear. You know the scarcity of Jabor and how high-priced it is. I't requires 135 separate and distinct operations to make one shoe 270 to make a pair. Think what It means to make a fine shoe a Queen Quality. Manufacturers and merchants have used brains, skill, scientific methods and honesty in production. You get more for your money in shoes than any other' article of wearing ttpparel. Compare the wear and hard knocks given to shoes, with any other article. Consider the protection, the comfort and satis faction you get from your shoes. Shoes are really the cheapest article in your wardrobe, when you consid er all these things. The shoes of 25 years ago, made as they were made then, would cost many times the prices of today. Improved machinery, scientific methods and standardization have kept prices of shoes within reason able bounds. The conservation policy of manu facturers has kept prices from go ing to unreasonable heights this fall and winter. Queen Quality shoes, represent a solid standard of value, nationally known. trophy.-In addition to the coyote ho killed n number of chickens nnd a rattlesnake. Farmors In town Saturday reported that but llttlo corn was effected by the frost last Friday morning, wjion tho temporaturo slid down to twenty flvo degrees. Nearly all tho corn was out of way of tho freeze. Wanted Sa'lesman, lady or gontlo ni an to tnko over tho established tea route In North Platto for tho Grand Union Ten Co. Call on Joo" Spies for particulars. Up to Staunlay ovenlug 1,390 stud cuts had enrolled In the army unit nt tho stato unlvorslty. Physical exami nations began students who ThCEo shells md pits aro used for making carbon best suited for use as a protection front German poison gas. Barrels hav,o been placed at all the grocery stojes of the city for tho pur po.so of depositing these stones and pits. Tho committeo will nttend to shinning them to the Wnr Departs mont. : :o: : 1 3Frs. Warner Pusses Awny. Mrs Sarah A. Warner, for many years a resident ot North Platte, died nt her Homo In Denver, Sept. ICttw Tho Denver Post contained this notice of her death: In tho death of Mrs. Salllo A. F. Warner, 2330 Washington street, tho This Store will continue to give your money's worth yest-erday. onlv those-' UUI", u lunl ,,OSCB " UfL omest nml registered September noblest citizens . Next Sunday she Port Marti writes his father that 12th to be examined and inducted at iirilfHaBYuaino?S , has received his overseas' flnhtlnK', Prosqnt. Those who registered later rn-or?f.rJl!,I.",,L? will bo inducted October 15th. "u"l'"u"u """" ,ul "y yeara nu .... a constant sufferer, no one ever heard Lincoln county's oxnet quota In tho a word of complaint escape her lips. United war work campaign Is $19,003. Mrs. Wnrnr was tho widow of tho Thoso funds will bo used for tho wnr late Rov. Marshall D. Warner. Four work of tho Y. M. O. A., tho Y. W. sons and a daughter blessed tho homo, O. A,, tho natlonnl Catholic war fund, of whom Erwin B. Warner and Mrs. tno jowisn nonru, tlio war camp com- Harriet E. Nlckerson, both ot Los An munity service, the American library goles, survive. Mrs. Harry Shook, a iinnui-iuuun mm mi; ouivuuuii uriiiy ho hag rocolvcd his overseas' lighting outfit and expects to soon loavo for "over there." . Wanted Kxporlencod cook nt North Platto General Hospital. Joo Schwaiger loft Sunday for Green River, whoro ho will meet Mrs. Schwnigor who Is roturnlng from a visit n Portland. Mr. Lilos and slstor, who had boon guests, at tho Darnell homo for two weeks, loft yesterday for their homo in Ypungstown, Ohio. Al Wright, u former North Platto resldont who hns made his homo in Grand Island for fifteen years, visited friends Ju town yesterday. Deoring corn binder for sal. Good ns now. Prico 1125.00. C. P. Howard Phono 797F031. 72-2 J. R. Derryborry rotumod tho lat ter part or tlio wool; from a sovornl days hunting trip north of Pnxton. He had fairly good success . Mako your dollars go as far as pos stblo. Our salo Is a monoy saving proposition. E. T .TRAMP & SONS, Mr. nnd Mrs. IrvIiiK Aroy and Lieut, and Mrs. Byron Oborst aro expected to nrrlvo'by auto from Omaha this evening. Lieut. Oborst was on a ship last week ready to sail overseas when a telegram announcing JUb mother's death was dellvored to him. IJoglnnlng Wednesday morning I will sell a big assortment of untrlm med shnpos for $.50 each. Thoso aro real bargnlns. VILLA WHITTAKBR, 2nd floor Mock's Store. If you can uso t piano or player piano this fall it will bo to your In terest to got In touch with A. HOSPE CO., Omaha, at once. They have barganB in used pianos nnd plnyorH ns wall us tno world's boat In both r grnnddnughtor, lives In Denver Tho sightless, Mrs. Warner was busy with hor rugs and quilts until a few days boforo hor death camo. Hor Inst work was on a beautiful rug for tho Denver Gcnornl Hospital, No. 21, Au rora. Mrs. Warnor was laid to rest by tho Bldo ot a grnnddnughtor In Fair mount cometory Thursday afternoon. : :o: : For Rout. Irrigated farm ot 200 acres, five mites northwest ot Horshoy, under tho medium nnd higher priced mnkos old ditch. O. R. LAWRENCE, 312 cast wlilcli can bo bought for olthor cash Tiurd. North Platto. 70tf or payments. Wrlto or phono them nt onco ror a catalogue, 73-8 E. W. Crossgrovo, of Farnnm, nr-' rived Sunday with a bunch ot Short Horns for inhibition at tho fair, and . ! btono, ot Loxington, arrived tho same day with a numbor of Horofords, Yesterday sovoral bunches ot exhibi tion cattle from Kolth county arrived. I In order to accommodnto all Uk on trlos tho management found It neces-! snry to oroct a now cattlo bam on tho fair grounds. DOROTHY DALTON in "The Kaisers Shadow" France hod sent her to do the most dangerous thing in the world. In snitc oi every obstacle the German Secret Service could put In lier way she would do it. Her mission was for France and come what would, it must he fulfilled. Crystal Theatre ISept. 26-27 i DOROTHY PHILLIPS in Official GYMNASIUM SHOES Is Sold by the SHOE MARKET Indorsed nnd npuroYCtl liy the Gymnasium Instructors White Canvas, Incecjpso - tilling instep, lioavy double rubber sole, suction bot tom to iiretuiil sllpiiinjr, reinforced toes and Hoels A SOUL FOR SALE Money Enthroned as Society's God, Crushes its bringing Victims. From the Famous Serial Story BARTER." Crystal Theatre, Tonight and Tomorrow SVECUL AT $2 .SO Pair FOR SALE NOW AT THE SHOB MARKET FAIR PltlCES ANNOUNCED HY 1 FOOD AIOIINISTKATOll GOODMAN Fair nrlces recommended by price customers. committeo for Lincoln county, Ne braska, nnd published by authority of tho Federal Food Administration for said county. SUGAR: 2 lb. lot, per lb , 10 K lb. lot. nor lb 10 25 lb. lot, per lb 09 FLOUR: 48 lb. sack $2.9B 2 lb. sack 1-50 ', Bulk, por lb 0G WHEAT GRAHAM i G lb. sack 40 I 12 lb. sack 75 I 24 lb. sack, 1.40 j RYE GRAHAM 6 lb. sack 35 j 12 lb. sack .v...... .70 i 24 lb. sack 1.40 , RYE FLOUR ! 12 lb. sack -80 24 lb. sack v 1.55 , WHOLE WHEAT 12 lb. sack SO PORN MEAL 5 tb. sack 35 i 10 lb. sack 70 25 lb. sack 1.55 CORN FLOUR 5 lb. Bnck .40 10 lb. sack 75 . 25 lb. sack 1.65 Bulk, por lb 0G BARLEY FLOUR Bulk, por lb. '.. .0G 5 lb. sack ,7 35 POTATOES Per pound " BEANS Fancy whlto, por lb 17 Common white, 'per lb 12 Colored, por lb . . . .10 Lima, per lb 13 LARD Puro, per lb. , No. 3 lb. pail 90 No. 5 lb. pail ; J.50 Tor dozen 40 BREAD 1G ot. U. S. S. loaf 10 24 oe. U. S. S. loaf ,16 UU o. U. S. S. loaf .. .19 4S w. U. S .S. lost .36 BUTTER' Creamory, pr lb .SO OOJIN SYRUP No. 84. prr oaa ....v, NO. 6. Pr c M .. No. 10, par cs .tt OORN 8YRUP, WIIIT1D No. 2H. Pr can . . . M No. 5. pr owi .............. M Ko. 10 per can M Ji. 1 whole klaad,'pr U, .88 'No. 1 whole regular, per lb. .38 Shoulder. pr lb ..30 BACON K. 1 wrapped, whole, for lb. .65 "No. 3 wrapped whole, pr lb. .61 5fo. 2 wrapped, piece per lb. .5J 'C'KoU' 1-Thes price are fcr rMb : :o: : Farm For Sale. 320 acres, 2 miles east of the state .farm. Inquire of Owen Jones, 220 south Locust. 73-2 ::o:: i Tho 20th Century Club will meet with Mrs. Bert Barber, 420 west Fifth street. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. BoKuowill talk on canteen work. over counter. An exceptionally brilliant meteor iNoie i ah aciuuionai cnarge may shot across- the heavens from east to bo made for delivery or credit to west about nlnn nVinnir lnaf nti,f Tf ngntea tne sky from the eastern hor izon, to almost the western edge. : :o: : Money to Loan. Plenty of six per cent monoy to lonn on forms nnd ranches, Interest pay able annually with privilego of pay ing part or nil nt any time. Loans closed promptly. No dclny. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Don't Fail to Obtain Our Prices on Wheat, Oafs9 Barley, Rye Hay and Alfalfa You will have more dollars in your pocket HARRINGTON MERCANTILE COMPANY BOAR SALE!! ITnlt until 10 a. m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1918 and buy your Duroc-Jers J m - ooar nt your own price in the Western Nebraska Duroc-Jersey Breeders BOAR SALE x to bo held nt nt 10:00 u. in. Central Tlmo LINCOLN COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS No Charge for Admission FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th 50-Spring and Fall Boars--50 The choice pigs from 10 of the best herds in the county. Critic Ii, Illustrator, King.Orin, Seusatiou, Ptlumdr and other leading blood linos represented. THE BEST COUMT FAIR IS THE STATE September 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th BUY YOUR HOAR AKD SEE THE RACES