ft Stat RED CROSS DRIVE FOR CLOTHING FOR NEEDY BELGIANS IS ON THIS WEEK. CONTRIBUTE ALL YOU CAN SPARE. 01 JtOTtft kite $wi-WitMv (Tribune. THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SKPTEMIffift 24, 19 1 8. No. 73 me A1TKAL FOK CLOTHING FOlt THE DESTITUTE BELGIANS. riHE DEl'AltTJIENT IS IN i A DEl'LOHAHLE CONDITION. jllOAIW SELKC'lS FOIITV- ! NINE OF THE NINETV. Back from the Gorman wall that has hommctl In Belgium and part of Northern France, ton million human Icings look to us for clothing, as well as food. We, who arc well cloth ed. can hardly apprcclato In what dtro need theso people aro fpr lack of Tho city council Is up against a At n meeting ot the loca board n ssorlous situation and a raenaco haiiss partial list of the men who go to over very property owner in North C?P onBto" ,nt th" ?.vo ??y ,por ml Platto. Wo refor to the deplorable of 0ctober to 11th. I- orty-n no condition of tho fire department. For several weeks tho motor truck has been out ot commission by reason of a broken crank' shaft. Repairs were nonoBiiHon. StnrkM of olnthlnir nnd raw " piwuii criuiK Biiait. puira material are long since exhausted. ored . e., " " SrKi" There aro no Imports other than those "L,., afJa 1 in ,,L a"JA tho Commission for Belief In Belgium . e ; council has to provi o aga Inst has been permitted to make, and these' rp- "sondes, ordered another never have been sufficient. Tho world f,"0,.! mL nfLy i Si te now short ot both clothing and raw S fd i? ,ntin,w material, so the commission can no MMnR appar atus i concerned o y , ,t, io nnn,i..i n.if tho old carts are available. But this vnn noV, riTvw u nt tho worst featuro of the situa tion. Today there aro but NINE ac- YOU can GIVE it. TJn LnnMnli nA I i li o Innrl lint) , .,, ..i ,),. bo out ot town. What then? Holy on, named as tlie days for gatnrtng .tneso i , ,,,. ,,,, .,.,i.,., ... ' . 11 i, i,r ,.,, men who havo had no experience in fomlW (n T.lnxnln miinlv will irn "MUHlg UrCS, family in Lincoln county will go through their, wardrobes and select such garments as they can sparo for the relief of the stricken and destitute Belgians. All branches and auxiliaries are re quested to bring donations In by Sat urday to Durbin Auto Co. Ouir min imum quota Is 1570 pounds. MBS. A. DURBIN, Chairman. Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs. A. Howard, Mrs. A. P. Kelly, Mrs. E. Ogier Mrs. E. Vanderhoof, Committee. Two fire calls woro made yesterday. One was from the west end of tho north side whero burlnglng grass threatened adjacent buildings, tho second was a ilro which destroyed the coke bin back of tho Union Pacific shops. Mrs. Graham Duder, a former re sident of the city, is tho guest of Mrs. Asa Snyder. Mrs. Duder now lives at Ottowa, 111. Tho North Platto fire department must bo built up, or our insurance rates will bo advanced to a point wo cannot endure. It must be built up or none will feel secure in the owner ship of property. Tho time to act is now; wo cannot afford to delay. ::: Child Wellfnro Exhibit. A number of good oxhlblts aro ex pected to arrive for exhibition at tho Child Welfare Booth at th county fair. Those exhibits aro very Interesting and aro sent out by various state or ganizations to help along tho work. All mothers should see theso ex hlblts and should register their babies If they have not been registered before. :o: : The "Over the Top" Red Cross auxiliary will hold a Bazaar at the Fair grounds this week at their booth They will soli home made article and fancv work. ANNETTE KELLERMAN IN "A Daughter of the Gods" An 8 reel production in which beauty and charm are the two fascinating, factors. A. spectacular htm with glorious views ot the tropic sea. Keith Theatre Wednesday and Thursday Sept. 25-26 men wero selected last nignt; tno remaining forty-one will be solectod today or tonight. Tho men solectod last night nro: Raymond T. Harvoy, Sutherland Walter P. Boachamp. Horshey Orlo W. Philips, Wallace Cyrus W. PetorB, Sutherland Aaron Bartholomew, Horshey John Kosbau, Horshey Abo Unruh, Horshey Molvln T. Johnson, Brady Charles McKnlght, Moorofield Marlon E. Bailey, Hershoy Ray Freeman, North Platte Harry F. Vonker, Somerset Phillip J. Hild, Brndy Claudo M. McMlnn, Sutherland. Roy S. Hansen, Denmark Axel C. Isakson, Brady -Henry Gambia, North Platto Thomas E. Hill, Moorofield ; Clydo M. Brown. Wellfleet Edward V. Jonnlngs, Sutherland Louis Broedor, North Platto Win, Clydo Moore, Maxwell George Flkenscher, Brady Ray IT. Zlogonhagen, Hershoy Chas. E Syphor, Somerset Virgil C: Fowler. North Platto Ray Tavluger, Wallace Wllllnni H, Hobbs, Wheatland, Wyo. OrvnljV.. -Matson, Wollfleot Goo. B. Cnrllle, North Platto Oscar M. Brostol, Maxwoll Jambs F. Campbell, Dickens Harry E. Jenkins, Horshey Clarenco' Smith, Wellfleet Dale B. Murphy, Brndy Claudo W. Moore, North Platto Loslio L. Griffiths, Dlcekns Arthur Gregg, North Platto Harry Flshor, Maxwell John J. Durner, Somerset Clinton B. Runner, Horshey Georgo I. Bostwick, Hershev Sholhv L. Sporry. Wallace Leslie L. Griffiths, Dickens Edgar P. Anderson, Maxwell Ray Essloy, Stapleton Jens C. Chrlstensen, Tryon Ray M. Hunter, North Platto : :o: : Twlnoni Hospital Notes. Mr. L, D. Snow left the hospital yesterday, having recovero d from a recent operation. Mrs. G. B. Johnson of Ogallala was oporated on Monday! morning. Mr. Amos Korrman under went an ofporatlon yesterday. Mrs. C. J, Roth of May wood entered tho hospital yesterday. Dr. Twlnom was called to Mnywood professionally Saturday. " t:o:: Attorney Shuman is transacting business In Lexington today. The Economy knitting club will bo postponed this week. Girls wanted at Dickey's Laundry. lied Cross .Hcnellt. Evrtnllltr nnt nrtntnninnt fm tlin lintin. fnt of tho Rod Cross will bo given Wednesday, Thursday and Elrday Evening- at tho fair grouiuls'ipTho program will bo ns follows; Wednesday Etcntiig;. p. m. Bnnd Concert. '"' 7;4B p. m. Hnrnoss Race. in. Flying Vnlontlnos. m. in. v . vv nit if uvu Thursday Evcninir. r1 7:110 n. m. Music bv Lincoln" fVlllntv TIimiiii mill lliltrlft Hftl-na I 7:45 p. m. Flying- Vnlontlnos. S:00 p. in. Band. 8:10 p. m. Harness Raco. ' ' S;5ft 11. in . TCnlinna frnin TTminln.ln I S:30 p. m. Speaking. T S:4S ii. in. Hniul lMimln. - I Erldny Eieuln. 7:30 p. m. Muslca and Parado Rod Cross, Sammy Girls, Homo Guards, Drum Corps and Boy Scouts. s:oo p. m. Flying Valpntlnos. , m. Hawallans. in. Harness Raco, HOARD UECI.ASSIEIIIS FORTY- OXE MUX SATURDAY. 8:00 p. S:15 p. S:30 li. 8:15 p. U:00 .p. The local board reclassified forty ono mon Saturday, nil of whom are marrlmj. Thoy woro takon from Class hi ami piaceu in uiass ia and itiuosj thoy nppenl and appeal rocolvos favor ablo action by district board thoy will I'.i.lS lUlUHllllUB. - ... 011i.inpt . -nli ., BftIlB, , mi m. Dupllcato Mulo Riding .Il' m,. i....." ."." .J. ' in wiikii to -Isokvlstoekl Troupo. -spoaKing. I 8:13 p. . 8:30 p. for all. S:45 p. for all. .1 9:00 p. Frco in, Running Raco. Free in. Band. -: :o: her lias innkn nn ntinniil lr tlin district board. Theso forty-one woro ro-ciassined from n list ot nlnoty threo selected And notified somo tlmo ago. Other ro-classlflcatlon ftom this number will follow Inter. Tho mon ro-classlflod nro: Wallaco E. Owens, North Platto Frooinnn G. Mlllott, North Platto Honry D. Knhlor. North Platto Chester Ellsworth, North Plntto Harry H. Homphlll, North Platto Porcy O. Loudon, North Platto Andrew McGovorn, North Platto Robt. Rasnmssen, Brady Raymond Kuhns, North Platto Guy V. Coatos, Maxwoll Luko Comically, Wallaco Floyd Rlchoson, North Platto Roy'F. Cottoroll, North Plotto John Bcal, North Platto Robort Canady, North Platto Earl F. Wood, Maxwell . AugtiBt Erlckson, North Platto Hugh C. Davis, North Plntto John R. Glnsgow, North Platto Clarenco Funk, Brndy Guy H . Brnko. North Platto Harold Coleman, North Plotto Carl E. Strayor, North Platto Bort Ci;nvloy, Wollfleot Chester Colin, Maxwoll Robert Caldor. North Platto Loslio Johnson, North Platte, now Null tho Kalsor's Coffin. v. A young lady, who requested jianie wltlihold for tho prosent, l)eon directed to roport at Omaha next wcok for examination for Red (Jross canteen work overseas. In this sorvlco tho Individual must pay hor own oxpensos for at least ono y(enr, which includes traveling ox pensos. As this lady has nntrlotlc- olly offered her sorvlces, tho Sammy In Grnnd Island Girls, of which aim has linmi nnn. i Arch Mnnnn. Rnilinrlnml nave oiiorod to dofray liart of hor ex- Irtinsos which it Is stated, aro nbout .,200 for tho first yenr. In order to , raise theso funds tho Sammy Girls! have hud mado tho Kaiser's coffin, I and during tho couaity fair will havo' it on tho fair grounds and will charge the pooplo twonty-llvo conts each for tho privilege of driving a natl In the coffin. It Is honod that a sufficient. number of nulls will be driven so that ' tlie heads will form a solid surface of Iron. jEvory one will no doubt want to drlvo a nail in tho Kaiser's coffin, i 1 ::o: 35 3G 37 38 30 40 41 42 John O'Hnro. Dickons Molviu Brown. North Plntto Jesso Robinson. Wollfloet Thos. McDonald. North Platto Jules, Brewor, Horshoy Julius Iiismnn. North Platto Harry Shlnn, North .Plntto Orn Wolllvor, Maxwell Chostor Simpson, North Platto Cecil Bucknllen. Wollfleot Albort Ellison, North Plntte Cecil Carlon, Curtis Nfllleo. ' 43 yoars old ni? 44 years old ; .',114 45s years old.. 91 ::o; : Merchants Tnko Notice. Tho FVdoral Food Administration ia insisting on strict compliance with all tho rutos promulgated and especially tho obsorvonco of tho prices as flxrtl by tho Prlco. Fixing Committoo, Elsa whoro in this nniir In nuhllBhod tho now prico list which will govern until a now ono Is published. Any violation win no. subject to a ponalty. i-j. u. u 00 dm AN Oounty Food Ad. Ford Tho Fair Races. First of nil we want to thank the 6 h (rwm g tK c new your 'Little Sister" Dresses QUAINT "Little- Sister" Frocks. Crisp and new for girls who start to kindergarten. ' A VARIETY of colors in good quality gingham; Made in small plaids, checks and plain shades. HIGH waist line. Neatly tailored with wide hems which can be let out, Sizes 2r 3, 4, 5, 6. , A SET of paper dolls- with dresses which reproduce the models on display in our store. Free to Every Little Girl Tomorrow. Wilcox Department Store. Tlin rnr-nu nt Hin nnnntv fnlr lila Pllbllc for tliolr llllfirnl nnfrnnnirn nf. week nromlso to bo tho host North forded us thus far during our anlo, Platto has over seen. This anpllos not wnRU haa 1,0011 Vor grntlfyng to us onlv to tho harness mens hi-.it. to tho and wo sincoroly bolievo that moat of running ovonts nB well. Horses that! th2. P0Plo aro- appreciating our effort lirodMn tlio sTalo f alr hnccs1UiVS,bovn,lt?,Blv -'thom morchandlso-1 nt a prlcfel entered in this week's program. Thoro are on the groundu thirty runners, and! tno trotters and pacers show up al most nB strong in number. Tno program will bo as follows: Wtdnesdny Trot for 3 year-olds and under, four entries, purso $200; 2:25 pneo, five entries purse, $350. Thursday 2:15 trot, flvo entries, purso $350; 2:10 pnee, flvo entries, purso $350; 2:25 trot, flvo entries, purso $350. Friday 2:20 pace, six entries, pruso $350; 2:12 pace, flvo entries, purso $350; 2:30 trotv flvo entries, purso $350. Auto and motorcyclo races Satur day starting at 1:30 Two mile motor cycle, six entries, purso $15; flvo milo auto race, eight entries, "purso $200; threo milo motorcyclo, six en tries, purso $25; ton milo auto race, eight entrlos, purso $300; flvo milo motorcyclo, six entries, purso $G0; fifteon mile auto race, eight entries, purso $500; sweepstake auto raco, en tries are the winners of iprovlous races runo $1,000. An elimination tryout for tiio nt one that under those war conditions Is a suro saving of nionov. Hnwovr. It has como toour notlco that a fow peoplo do not apprcclato ths fact and remarks havo boon mado by thoso very people that our merchandise Is old stock. Now thiB Is entirely fnlHn and wo want to disillusion their minds or tins orror. Wo want to ny right horo, that our merchandise In tho line of Suits, Conts, Dressos otc. Is of necessity now and Is nbsolutoly up to dato In cvorv Particular but wo lnnfe tho display room that wo aro striving io goi in orunr to do justlco to tho customer ns woll as our merchandise This Is not Idlo talk but truth. Iri connection horowlth wo want to say thnt for this very reason, namely, LACK of SPACE, tvo will nsk tho knockers to slay out and mnko room for the buyers who npproclato good morchnndlso nt a prlco. E. T. TRAMP ft SONS. : :o: : PoIiiIooh Will Be Inspected Nobraska potntoos, when shinned auto races will bo held Saturday! horeufter, must carry official liiBpec Iio o'clock. tlon of tho Fodorni Food Admlnlstra- Mon o' Nenrasim, according to recent Lnsl oHco In Oinnlin Ren Subscriber, rulings' of Administrator Wnttks I am required to forward to tho To C(U'ry out tho provisions of tho publishers a lM of all subscribers on'B.radtng and sorting regulations of Sept. 27th, 1918 to bo In tholr hands 1 1110 government, twoivo or moro In, Sent. noth. 1918 clvlnir tlin dnto ir.spoctorB will bo nppointed by Wnt expiration. itlos ln 1110 cnIot shipping centers of It Is a govornomnt order thnt all daily papers shall be discontinued on Oct. 1st, 1918 unless puid in ndv'anco. You will have to call or sond your subscription, ns I cannot got my boys to collect since school commenced. Very truly, your, CM. NEWTON, Agont for Tho Beo. ::o:: Mrh. B, A. Cram and daughtor left this morning for Altanta, Ga., whero Rov. Cram Is stationed as Chaplain In tho cantonment. tho state Thoso Inspectors will ox amino all carlot shipments of potatoes and lssuo certificates showing grades and condition of tho potntooB. A nom lna Inspection fee of $2 por car will Ob charged, payable by tho shlppor. Tho regulations provide that all liconsod potato dealers miiBt, havo potatoes Inspected If thoy donl in car load lots. Tho only exception is tho grower but If ho Is Boiling to licensed dealers, ho will bo forced to ship graded potatoes or thoy will not bo accopted Wednesday-At the SUN S03IK FIGURES PK11TAIMXG TO THE EAST REGISTRATION. WllOll Clorlt Allen, of tlin rmrlatr.i. Hon board, numbered the Inst rpirin- trntlon card of tho men who registered oopiomuer l-'tn, Hint card horo tho figiiroo of 2597. Of thoso 2597 men who registered. 2188 worn nnflvn bom, sovouty-slx woro nnturaltzed cltLzons. fifty-four boenmo citizens thru tbtelr fnthor'a naturalization forty-olght had taken out tholr first Manors mill wnrn nnnlnntnMn -i ' ' VJ llUlt'UUUIII.Ull. aliens. Tho whttos numbered 252k fourteen nnd orientals thirty-throe. The number of men of each ago woro as follows. 18 years old. 204 10 yoars old." iki 20 yoars old...; , 1G3 21 yoars old ic (From 21 to 31 tltoro woro but tlilr- ty-two registrants, tills being duo to tho formor registration.) ' " 32 yonra old "...108 33 yonra old ...19G 34 yoars old ma years old ;..16D ....172 years old ,,163 yoars old. 152 years old ...130 years old." 150 old ,131 ,...131 years old. years years old.. Assembly Plants Closed SAMMY GIRLS THEATRE VIOLA DANA in "THE ONLY JRftAD" and CURRRNT EVENTS 10 and 20 Cents. Doucet's Orchestra 15 TONIGHT at THE SUN THE SAMMY GIRLS THEATRE BARBARA CARLTON and MADGE EVANS in HEREDITY And o LYONS-MORAN COMEDY o 10 '0 10 and 20 Cents Doucet's Orchestra NO BIOliH TOUJtlNG Oil ItOADSTERS WILL BE 1JUILT UNTIL AFTER THE 1VA11. See us at once before flnal shipment from branches stop. We have some used Fords which are in first class condi tion ' and know of others for sale. Place you order before considering any other make. FORD TRUCKS will be made at tho Detroit factory and ship ped direct, but the out put will be limited. Ve are in position to fill or ders now and will have other shipments later. JL UJPA Ji JL JL flLaViV 16.25 F. 0. 11. NORTH PLATTE Don't buy a Touring car made into a Truck or spend $1,200 to $1,500 for a truck when you can buy a real Ford Worm drive Truck (same drlvo as used on Pierce Arrow Truck.) Tho prico only $010.25. We havo the agency for the Fordson Tractor and tho farm equipment for it. Wo will have this machinery on exhibition in our new home Fair Week. Mr. Farmer wo solicit part of your time while herV 'during Fair Week to demonstrate to you tho Tractor and Farm equipment. We carry 'a com plete stock of repair parts for our Autos and Machinery, also Bodies for Trucks and Winter Tops for your Ford Touring car.. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co., FORI) AUTHORIZED TRUCK AND TRACTOR AGENCY. .