The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 20, 1918, Image 1

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    nte ii,
No. 72
ft- -
Lnst Wednesday was a record day
for freight traffic on the Third district
of the Union Pacific. For tho twenty
four hours thirty-eight freight trains
were sent out of the local yards,
twenty-three engines wore omployed
In handling these trains and the. avor
ago mileage of each onglncwns 207
During the twenty-four hours thoro
arrived from the west nineteen trains
with a totnl of 998 loaded and eight
empty cars, with an averago of 2,580
tons to each train. Tho averago time
of each train between Sidney and
North Platte, 123 miles, was four
hours and fifty-five minutes.
During tho samo period nineteen
trains, ten fast and nine slow, were
sent west with 395 loads and GIG emp
ties. Tho averago tonnage of each
train was 1.G20 tons. Tho average
time over tho district was seven hours
and fifty minutes.
Tho totnl numhor of cars handled
over tho district for tho twenty-four
Iiours was 2,009.
Flics Petition for Divorce.
Laura Erlckson has filed her peti
tion In the district court for a legal
separation from her husband August
E. Erlckson. The petition recites that
though tho husband earns $200 a
month as railroad fireman ho refuses
to support her, and that ho associates
with lewd women, naming ono woman
in particular with whom ho has been
-: :o:
Notice to Organized Labor.
Thoro will bo a meeting of all Labor
Unions at the court houso at eight
o'clock this evening for tho organ
ization of a central body. Stato organ-
izor will be present. COMMITTEE.
Chas. Lawrence, who was rejected
at Camp Dodge on account of a weak
heart, returned this morning from
Denver whero he was accepted as" a
ground man in the aviation corps.
Ho will bo sent to Kelly field, Texa3
In a few days.
N'ew Suits, and Coats arriving daily
and they aro added to our already big
stock of Suits and Coats now on sale.
Jose Padilla, n Mexican, was arrest
ed at tho Commercial House last ovon-
Ing by Sheriff Salisbury on tho chargo
of having In his possession and offer
ing for salt tho stuff that bo many
mfen around North Platte are crazy to
purchase at fivo dollars n pint. It was
known that this olive drab Individual
had borrowed monoy, that ho had gone
to Cheyenne, and when ho returned
Sheriff Salisbury felt confident that
tho Mcx was a booze peddler. Armed
with n search warrant tho roms oc
cupied by two Mexicans at tho Com
mercial Houso was searched and n
total of twcnty-flvo bottles labeled
"Yellowstone" was unearthed. Part
of it was found In a grip, tho remaind
er was hurried In tho bod clothing.
In ono of tho rooms was found a
jacket, on the Inside of which had
bo?n i-owd a number of pockets Into
which a pint botflo would snugly fit.
It was In this manner that tho Mox
ovldontly Intondod to carry and
market the booze.
Padilla is in jail and wll have a
hoarlng today or tomorrow.-
It Is probable that the nlortness of
the officers In picking up tho booze
venders will tend to lessen the amount
Inlported into town, and it Is certain
that tho price will advance from $5.00
to $7.50 per pint bottle.
F. C. Plolstlcloer, W. R. Maloney
and J. J. Crawford, were visitors at
tho Dawson county fair yesterday.
For Farm Loans see Gene ,CrooK,
Hoom west of Vienna Cafe.
The women of'tho county havo be-an
organized In' the campaign for tho
Fourth Liberty Loan . During the drlvp
solicitors will call on tho women for
For quick ectlon nnil ntIsfactorj
Olio list yonr land with Thnelecbe, tf
Harry Hemphill returned this morn
ing from Denver whero he mado ap
plication for enlistment as a printer
in tho marine corps. His application
was accepted and If ho passes the
examination ho will bo .called Into
sorvico In a couple of weeks
! - NEXT HON!) DRIVl!.
! A ltborty bond mooting called at
1 7:30 Wednesday ovening nt tho feder
al building by County-Chairman Teth
t plo was very woll attended by bnnk
i ers, newsapor mon, district coinmltto
I mon nnd ladfes bond committeemen.
1 Aftor considerable discussion, It was
thought advisable by a numbor of
thoso present that a levy of three per
cent of the tax" valuation of the county
bo Invested In government bonds, and
whoro a man's valuation runs under
$1800.00 on real estate nnd porsonal,
but yot being a poll-tax payor, that ho
bo obliged to buy at least a $50.00
bond, or more. This systom In con
nection with tho card systom, which is
reasonably complote, will msUea
very fair aul Just way of getting at
ovory porson in tho county that should
buy a bond. Tho above 'plan was moro
ly discussed and quoted on a basis
prosuming that Lincoln county's quota
would bo perhaps $500,000.00 or bet
tor. Inasmuch as tho quota has. not
yot nrrlved, thoro was no definite plan
settled on, but tho above plan no
doubt will bo Used nnd tho lndios bond
committee, under tho direction of Mrs.
Cottcroll, district chairman, and Mrs,
Frank Buchanan, county chairman foi
Lincoln county will work among the
women of Lincoln county, making a
special offort to placo bonds especial
ly with school teachers, clerks and
ladles In public nnd business life. It
was stated that as soon as tho quota
for Lincoln county was received, thoro
would be another meeting called, at
which time each respective dlstrlat
would recolvo its quota,
::o:: ;
For Rent.
Irrigated form of 200 ncros, fivo
miles northwest of Horshey, under tho
old ditch. C. R. LAWRENCE, 312 oast
Third, North Plntto. - 70tf
I "Old Wives for New" I
Will the love of December be the same sweet
love of May?
What do tlie year's that are passing 'anil the
silver threads that are coming-mean to you?
This picture may mean years of happiness to
you. '
Keith Theatre Monday:Lay Sept. 23-24
If you will have real use for an automobile
during these war times, I would advise
that you make arrangements tor your new
car in the next thirty days. Several of the
larger factories have already stopped pro
ducing and the production of all the . fac
tories is diminishing fast.
If you want one of the popular makes
of cars, from which you will get dependable
and economical service, and an assurance
of after service and repair parts, your im
mediate order would probably be the only
safe thing now.
We admit that we are short on both
Dd3ge Brothers and Chandler motor cars,
but are assured that we will be able to care
for a few more buyers before the end
comes. We sincerely recommend these cars
to you and will stand behind them after
you buy.
I Sell Only Good Cars
I am Prepared to Give Real Service to My Owners
J. V. Romigh,
Morrill. DHUtlpt
The Octobor call for mon for train
ing ramps -will take ninety from Lin
coln county, which la tho largest
quota we havo boon called upon to fill
at any ono Umo. Tho exact dnto of
ontrainmont Is not at this tlmo known,
but It will bo between Octobor 7th ami
lltli, and tho designated camp is Fun
6ton. Asked yesterday It ho had men
available at this Umo Clerk Allen, of
tho 'exemption board, replied that ho
had; that thoro wero available tho
young men who registered In Juno nnd
August of this year, and thoro prob
ably would also bo available somo of
the ninety-three young married men
who are under conBldorntlon for ro
olasslflcatlln. With this rosorve on
hand he anticipated no trouble In
Securing mon on hand to fill tho call.
Whllo it has not been so announced, I
(ho gonornl opinion scorns to be that'
the Nnramlmr call will Iiajir hnnvv tut I
the October call, If not groator. Tho
training camps are being emptied at
t)io ralo of nearly 75,000 men each
week: that Is, abort thnt number Is
bolng sem abroad weokly, and it
means that many tnkon from tho camps
As tho, camps nro emptied tho calls
will bo made, and as ontllstments havo
Closed, It means greater quotas from
each stato and county.
It is probable that botwoon now nnd
December. 31st the number of men to
leave Lincoln county will bo protty
olose to threo hundred.
:o: :
See us at once before final
shipment from branches stop.
We have some used Fords
which are in first class condi
tion and know of others for
sale. Place you order before
considering any other make. I
FORD TRUCKS will be made
at the Detroit factory and ship
ped jdirect, but the out put will
be. limited.
We are in position to fill or
ders now and will have other
shipments later."
Ford Truck
Don't buy a Touring car made
into a Truck or spend $1,200 to
$1,500 for a truck when you can
buy a real Ford Worm' drive
Truck (same drive as used on
Pierce Arrow Truck.) The price
only $010.25.
We have the agency for the
Fordson Tractor and the farm
equipment for it. Wo will have
this machinery on exhibition in
our new home Fair Week.
Mr. Farmer we solicit part of
your time while here during
Fair Week to demonstrate to
you the Tractor and Farm
equipment. We carry a com
plete stock of repair parts for
our Autos and Machinery, also
Bodies for Trucks and Winter
Tops for your Ford Touring
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.,
Railroad Clerks Organize.
.. Tho North Plntto local order of tho
Brotherhood of Railroad Clorks was
orguiifed last night and tho following
leers oloctcu: Earl stamp, pres
ident; Edgar F. Servlss, vlco-pres-
qnt; Miss vaunlta Hayos, financial
crmary nnd treasurer; Miss Esthor
chwatger, rocordlng secretary:
Ralph E. Hanson, guide; Joo D. Kelly,
guardian; John R. Carroll, E. Rex
isewsonio and Fred Loudon, trustees;
B. F. Servlss, John R. Carroll and
(Jllnton M. York, dolegatos to Central
Labor Union.
H. H. Long, of Orand Island and
H. A. Jensen, of Kparnoy, nsslsted in
the work of organization.
Child Wcifnro Exhibit.
Every parent will bo greatly Inter
ested In the child welfare booth nt the
, .Our childroriLBhouldHandfado, cOmo
ffeSt" irf our ? lntorestrand ltts' thd aim
of the committee to make this booth
suggest many ways In which mothers
can make their children honlthlor and
Wo will ho glad to register all
children under fivo years of age who
wero not registered last spring, lie
sure to wolgh and moasuro tho holght
of your child before coming. Every
mother is urged to do this.
: o:
Mrs. Nurt'n Olicrst Passes Awny.
A telecram received vestordav nn-
I nouwed the death in Omaha Wednes
day night of Mrs. Martin Obirst, for
! a number of years a resident of North
j Plntto. Death occurred at tho heme
of her daughter Mrs. I. II. Arey at
tho ago of sixty-three years. Bereft!
are tho husband, a son Lieut. Byron
II. stationed at Camp Dix and
a daughter, Mrs. Arey.
I Mrs. Ralph Smith and Mrs. C
I Fredrlckson leave for Omaha tonight
to attend tno funeral of tlioir aunt,
the Into .Mrs. Martin Oliorst.
; ::o::
Itov. Hesse Comes Here.
Tho appointment of Methodist mln
Isters to th various charges wero
mado tho early part of this week. Rov.
II. E. Hesse, who wo aro told has
been stationed at Croto has been ap
nolntcd to this cltv.
Ill a lottor received yesterday by
Ray C. Langford, Rov. Hesse an
nounced that ho would not bo nblo to
reaoh hero for services Sunday, but
would nil tho pulpit September 28th
The Lincoln county fair which will
bo held Wodnsday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of next weok promises to
bo unusually attractive, not only us
to the racing cards, but in the exhibit
of agricultural productions, fine nrts
and stock. This has boon a bottier
year than ordinary for Lincoln coun
ty crops, nnd tho exhibits In thla lino
will show up strong nnd bo a revela
tion to thoso of other partB of tho
state who may visit tho fair.' Tho
stock show will ba larger than usual,
duo to somo oxtent by tho fact thnt
the r'econtly orgnnlzod W'ostorn Ne
braska Breeders' Association la tak
ing nn lntorest In this lino of exhibits.
Ono foaturo of Interest to the Mock
mon, and ospeolally hog growors will
bo tho, salo of pure bred boars Friday
forenoon, nt which fifty head will bo
offered. Tho lino arts department
promlsos to bo up to tho standard of
provloua years.
Tho racing events will bo tho strong
est North Platto has evor had for a
numhor of tho horses ontorod in tho
stnto fnlr races havo been entered hero
and altogether thoro will bo fifty
nors'es represented in harness nnd
running rnces. Tho auto races will
nlso coinmnnd strong interest, for
drivers from four states will bo pre
sent, and each race will bo "for
blood." In addition to thoso tho man
agement hns provided feature attrac
tions. Wo aro confident that ovoryono
wno attonds tho fair will fool satis
fled, and will consider tho time nnd
monoy spent woll Invested.
: :o: :
To the Snmiiiy Girls.
All Sammy Girls aro roouostodto bo
present nt tho homo of Mrs. Jv Mc
Oraw Monday ovonlng. All soliciting
must bo completed by then nnd at that
umo arrangements ror tno carrying
out of tho work will bo mado.
Dcorlng corn binder for salo. Godd
as new. Price $125.00, CP. Howard
Phono 707F031. 72-2
Hurry! Hurry!
Ono now Ford Touring and ono
prnctlcally new roadster.
The Bar association of Lincoln coun
ty havo fitted up two rooms In tho
federal building, and all work In' con
nection with the- making out of tho
questionnaires win bo done In thoso
two rooms at that building, it hnvlng
been found Impossblo for tho Inwyors
to do tho work nt their ofticos.
Tho lawyora would suggest to nil
tho registrants thnt they study over
their questionnaires us much ns pos
sible familiarize themselves with
what is nocossnry In ordor to answor
tho questions. Study ovor tho pnst
yoar's business, nnd ascertain what
you havo boon making per month or
yenr, and nacortaln the amount of
crops or Btock you have sold, and
whoro deferred classification Is nsked.
by roaiwii of hnvlng persons depend
ent upon you for support, tho amount
In dollars that will bo nocossary In
ordor to support such dopendonts.
Also as far as posslblo ascertain
whothor or not tho fathor of tho re
gistrant boenmo naturalized, and i'
so, when nnd whoro. If tho registrant
will do this it will Bavo thorn con
sldorablo time, and In many Instances
eavo them being nround North Platte
from ono to two dnys, as tho work
will bo vory heavy, and somo of tho
lawyers of .this city having gone- to
war and tho numhor avnllnblo for as
Bistanco to tho registrants have beon
tnatorlally reduced.
This will apply nlso to tho making
out of affidavits which may later bo
filed asjclng for doforred classification,
nnd also to all matters with reference
to nppoals from tho decision of tho
Local Board to tho District Board.
Nono of tho work will bo dono In tho
offices of the Inwyors.
Chnlrmnn of tho Advisory Board.
Tho first lesson In tho Homo nurs
ing course will bo hold thla ovonlng
at tho homo of Mrs. B. B. Fields.
Miss Elsa Boyd, Ruporlntondont of tho
General hospital Is instructress.
Bride's Awakening
MMHC TO i " tl
Me Stranger"
if LAW
: :o: :
Lute Wnr Nows.
British troops in desperate lighting aro
plunging further into tho Hlndenburg
lino ncrth of St. Quontrn, whllo west
of Cnmbrai thoy havo withstood vicious
countor attacks. Tho enemy Is making
every effort to retain his position on
the thirty-mile front and to chock the
new nlllod movo which threatens both
St. Quentln and Cnmbrla. Tho British
have taken 8,000- prisoners in this
drive lp tho last day or two.
Tho American troops aro sholllng
tho fortified city of Motz with their big
guns. Aviators report that thoy saw
shells bursting In the city yester
day and noticed a big factory In
French. Serbian and Greek forcos
havo continued their advanco on tho
Macedonian front and havo taken a
numbpr of strongly defended points in
the mountainous region cast of Mon-
astlr. Tho front Is now noarly twenty
miles in longth and tho advanco has
reached a depth of more than six
miles. Tho Bulgarian forces aro being
v.; j'sted by German units,
''he British Fourth army, command
od by Gen. Sir Honry Soymour nawlin
eon sinco tho start of its victorious
ownsivo, Aug. 8, has captured 37,000
prl' onors and regained moro than 200
w;!.uri miles of territory. It hns
icrpiurod a large number of guns and
fou "'it thirty-four Gorman divisions,
,twlo of them botwoon two nnd threo
tlmi. Many of thoso divisions havo
hof n put out of action, but all Rawlln-
son' i divisions are still on tho Job.
W. ntPd - Competent v'rl for ganeral
'hou- work. Apply to JmIIus PIzer ntj
Tho I oadnr.
AH household gond i for ' .ile 17 F,
5th Btreet Phon Rod 104C
We feel that wo have every reason to be
proud of the Shoes we have to show you for Pall
and Winter 1918-1919.
They aro so typically American In character
dignified in style, yet of Individualized charm
and beauty.
America's Best Footwear
Just the kind of shoes that give the feet the
"American Look," daintiness personified grace
and piquancy in every lino.
Slender and artistic, with a certain touch of
the designer's mastercraft, setting them apart
as "different from all others." 1 ' -
These Shoes are made in strict conformity
to tho Government's request nothing wasted
no extravagance in cutting or manufacturing.
Priced fairly and equitably as they always
have been and always will be.
Wilcox Department Store