(The tote &cmt-1fttttltl iribtmt THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NOUTH PLAOTE, NEB, SEPTEMBER 17, 1?18. No. 71 TAHLIiT TO HE ERECTED TO HOYS IN SERVICE. A cominlttob . composed of O. B. Elder, chairman, A. P. White, A. S. Allen, Ray C. Langford and Ira L. Baro has been named to secure tho nanic of every Lino .In county boy In service and place them on a tablet to lu erected on the court house grounds. These names, together with the homo address, will bo printed In good sized ijpo am' arrange I i.lphabetlcnll' , leaving space under each alphabet letter to add tho names of thoso who enter the service after the tablet has. been placed In position. This tablet will bo In tho shape of a case, covered with plato glass' ,and of such a per manent naturo as to stand not only during the continuance of the war, but for years after. Should a man bo killed or die, a gold star will bo placed at the head of his name. In an other case will be a duplication of tho names with the present address of each man. For Instance If John Smith's pres out address Is Camp Funston and ho Is transferred to another camp next week the address will be changed. The committee will rely upon tho parents or friends of tho boys to see that these changes aro kept up to dato. Tho committee realizes that It has undertaken quite a task. Tho names of drafted men can easily be secured from registration board, but it will l& somewhat difficult to securo the names of all tho boys who enlisted. The committee therefore asks that tho parents of every boy who enlisted send his name, his home address and Ills present address to O. E. Elder, chairman. This should be done at as early a day as possible as tho com mittee Is anxious to complete Its work without unnecessary delay. The committee asks the people of Lincoln county to Interest themselves and lend assistance in this work to the end that a deserving tribute to tho boys in service may be erected and maintained and honor given to those to whom honor is duo. THE REGISTRATION IX COUNTY THURSDAY WAS S.&S1. Tho last precinct returns of the registration hold Thursday were re ceived yesterday by the registration board. Tho total number registering in tho county was 2,581, or 823 more than registered in June 1917. The number registering last Thursday was 254 greater than tho ostlniate made by tho federal authorities. We can therefore claim that Lincoln coun ty has again gono "over tho top." Tho board has been notified that all clerical work, physical examination and classification of tho men and everything pertaining to last week's registration must bo completed with in ono hundred days from the date of registration.' This means that all work must bo completed and men be subjected to call not later than De cember 20th. It Is possible, however, that class one men may bo called bo foro that date, and It Is certain that qulto a number of tho boys between eighteen and twenty-one will bo In tho training schools before October 15th. :o::- : :o: :- Notice to Ladies. Hair-Dresser from Denver, stopping at the Hotel McCabe. On account of the large amount of hair-work I am doing, I will be horo two weoks long er. All kinds of hair-work done while here. Switches made from combings, loots carefully turned. New switches furnished from best American hair. Old switches and hair colored and , inndo over to look, like new. Ladles bring your work in and see it done . I buy hair orexchange. Call afternoons. Room 218. Work Guaranteed. Organize Sain in y Girls at Wallace. A Sammy Girls' club was organized at Wallace Saturday, and Just to show that they aro enterprising as well as patriotic they held a sale and sorvod a lunch on the day of organization and netted fifty dollars which they turnsd over to tho Red Cross. Mrs. Swanson was elected mother of tho girls, Ella Corbett president of tho club and Mrs. Newman directress of the work. The Tribune trusts tho Sammy Girls of Wallaco will keep it posted on what they are doing. ::o:: Seven Roys Lcuro Tomorrow. ' Seven Lincoln county boys who were selected to go to Manhattan, for special service at the Kansas agricul tural college, will leave tomorrow night on train No. 4. Arrangements have been made to glvo the boys the usual farewell reception. The boys who leave aro: Peter J. Merer, Chas. J. Leth. Fay Mudge, John Winn and Earl Hall of tills city, Glenn Cox of Sutherland and Kenneth Ab?rcomble of Brady. mm mmi I ! J J Q J I ' ' ' ' ' Stnto Candidates Coming. Notice was received yesterday that jS. R. McKelvle, republican candidate for governor, and H. T. Taylor, re publican candidate for railway com missioner, who aro campaigning In tho west part of tho state, will reach North Platte at five o'clock tomorrow evening. " J C Or J Cobb Sells Land. C. Cobb, who recently purchased 517 acres of the former Dillon ranch northwest of town, has" re-sold tho tract to Jacob Luft, of Polk county for a consideration of $33,605. Mr. Luft expects to move to the land early next spring. This salo was made through Eugene Combs . ;:o: Wanted Experienced cook at North Platto General Hospital The- 67tlr anniversary of Rebecca .Oddfellowshlp will be celebrated In North Platte on Friday evening, Sopt. 20th. This being the regular moating night the doors will beopen at S30. All Odd Fellows and their families, all Rebeccas and their families arc cordially Invited to at tend to help celebrate ard to enjoy tho program that Is b-Mng arranged. Tho Christian aid society will meet Thursday afternoon at tho church. A ten cent lunch will be served, to which all are cordially invited. NORTH PLATTE ROY IS REl'ORED MISSING IN ACTION. Mrs. A. C. Salvors, of this city, re ceived tho following telegram yestor day afternoon from tho war depart ment: "Deeply regret to Inform you that prlvato Edward R. Moore, Infantry, is officially reported missing in action slnco August 11th. Will report first in formation recoivod." Prlvato Mooro was tho son of Mrs. Shivers, and was twenty-two years of ago last July. Ho volunteered and had been in France since the 9th of April While tho young man made this city his home, ho was In and out of town and was not widly known. This Is tho first North Platto boy who has boon reported missing In action. NEWS AltOUT THE ROYS WHO- ARE IN SERVICE, If. Ch. Elect Officers. At a mooting of St. Patrick's Council Knights of Columbus, last evening tho following offlcors woro elected: Grand Knight, John R. Carroll; Deputy urami Knight, v. II. McEvoy: Chan collor, Frank J. McGovern; Recorder, tuos. Heaioy; Flnantfnl Sec'y., W. J. Landgraf; Treasurer F. C. Piol sticker, Advocate, Luko Hoaloy; War den, A. Plcard; Inside Gunrd, Relit. Sullivan; Outside Guard, W. J. O'Connor; TniBtee, Carl Simon. to: To Manure Harcourt Store. John B. Edwards, for fourtoen years road salesman for David Adler & Sons, clothing manufacturers, arrtvod in town a few days ago to look afttor the Harcourt clothing store in which he is financially Interested during the nbsenoa of W. R. Harcourt In tho service Mr. Edwards has a wife and three children and will move hero from Omaha as soon as he can securo a house In which to llvo. :o::- PAULINE FREDERICK IN 6fe FEDORA 99 The,strarigest of all the stages heroines. Her hatred for the man she really loved and his burning love for her have been made the theme of a screen classic. Crystal Theatre Thursday and -Friday Sept. 19-20 Tho County Commissioners were In session yesterday transacting gonoral business. Sanford "Hnrtman and Sanl ,Van Doran havo harvested and sold their 1918 crop of honey. Tho yl-eld this year was nine hundred nnd sixty gallons. Mrs. Geo. Rose nnd family wish to thank all who word so kind to help and for the beautiful blowers sent dining tho long Illness nnd at tho funeral of the late Geo. Rose. Tho A. K. G. Club girls of. Mrs. Perrlt's Sufnday school -class hold a Red Cross benefit from which th?y re ceived $G.00. This money will be turned over tp tho Red Cro3S. 'Wanted Music pupils, beginners a specialty- Twelve years'" experience;" Miss Confer, 314 West 1st. Phone Black 078 between 7 and 8 p. m. 71-4 Mr. and Mrs.. Frank D. Winn, of Kearney, former North Platte resi dents, were In town yesterday visiting their son John, who leaves Wednesday for tho training school nt Manhattan, Kan. All those who will assist tho reg istration board in copying regis tration cards aro requested to moot at tho federal building nt 7:30 this even ing and devote sueh time as they can sparo to that work. Wanted Competent girl for general housework. Apply to Julius Plzcr at The Leader. Dr. Shaffor assistant of Dr. Drost, who was called to report for service last month and was sent to the med ical officers trailing camp at Ft. Riley failed to pass tho examination and has returned to Uiko up his work with Dr. Drost again. Tho casualty' lists which appear in the dally press aro published fully four weeks aftor tho casualties occur. This is as quickly as It Is possible to gnthor the data on tho battle field substantiate tho records and cable tho lists to Washington. Fulfill Your Dress Requirements Here Harris Stuart is now enrouto from Gettysburg, Pa., to Denver whoro ho will for n tlmo bo located ns a ro crultlng officer. A card rocoived by rolatlvos Suaulay announced that tho transport on which Elinor Tolltz had sailed had ar rived safely overseas.' Hay Duncan, ono of tho three boys recently sont to Ft. Rlloy for special service hos boon rojoctcd on account of physical disability. Sergeant Ed Walker, who has boon stationed at Greoley, Col., for some time past as a navy rocruiting officer, arrived Friday, night and visited tho homo folks until Sunday night. Victor Anderson, of this city, writes his parents that ho Is now In n con centration camp in Scotand, and that ho is feeling flno. It will probabry bo but a short time until ho will bo sont tb France, in fact ho may bo thoro now. Mr, and Mrs. E. O. Cool havo re ceived no dotalled -information as to tho condition of their son Cyril, who according meager roports was shot through tho chest whllo on tho firing lino on Auguist 12th. Ho is in ono of tho bnso hospitals tlrcolvflng treat ment. In a letter to friends In town, Her bert Bergstrom, with Co. A, Fourth Engineers in Franco, writes that ho was In the! trenches for twenty nine consccutlvo days without having his clothes off. Ho is now In a rest camp takng a well earned vacation from the fighting lino. A card received Saturday by The Tribuno announced that tho vcsboI on which Harry Lnnnln n fornlor em ploye of this office hnd taken passage had arrived safely ovorseas. Harry wont to tho school of Instruction at tho state university about thrco months ago, finished tho courso In tho radio sorvlco and Is now somewhere in France. That's shooting them ovor pretty rapidly. -::o:: Attention Chorus Members. All members of tho chorus who sang at tho Pershing day celebration aro requested to assomblo at tho Franklm auditorium tomorrow ovon- Ing at eight o'clock to sing at tho reception to bo given to tho boys who leave for Manhattan tomorrow night. ::oj: Ilccfrpjfjon Tomorrow Nlfrht. The seven boys who leavo for Man hattan, Kan., tomorrow night' wl.ll bp given a reception at tho Franklin auditorium at eight o'clock. J. G. Boelef will make a short address, a big chorus, will sing, thero will be readings and the Sammy Girls will present tho boys with swenters and comfort kits. : :o: : Prlvato Frank Blau, of tho Omaha balloon school, nrrlved hero yostorday and will assist the local exemption board In tho clerical work connected with tho registration of last weok. Men in -the servico havo been sent to ench county seat In tho stnto to assist in this class of work. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Graves, who had been visiting friends in town for sovoral days, left this morning for Denver nnd Colorado Springs. They will probably stop over horo for a day or two next week whllo enrouto cast. Win. Davis has made application for entrance into the military school of tho Iowa agricultural collego at Ames. Ho will tnke a physical ex amination before tho local board to day. Mr. and Mrs. Loulo Llpshltz ro turned this morning from a visit in Omaha. ::o:: For Snlo. No. 3 Burdsoll Alfalfa huller. In- ulro of Thos. Orton, North Platto. Nob. C9-4 Making the most of the present Is tho best uHHiirance for the future. Q S .!. In such an extensive display as this every requisite to women's apparel is to be found. Only fresh, clean merchandise ol dependable character is shown here. The styles are of the latest mode and the shades are tasteful and attractive. Women will find if both pleas urable and profitable to select their wardrobes here, where quality s is always consistent with intelligent economy. a i 1 c o :: Department Store AMERICAN ARTILLERY OlENS EI HE OX 3IETZ FORTRESS. SAMMY GIRLS TO SERVE MEALS AT FAIR GROUNDS. W( Tho CUria of Mntz. nbtnf ilnfntialvn Orlt 011 thn WORtorn frmitlnr nf finr. many, and ono of tho strongost fort resses In tho world, and the guns of tho American nrtlllory woro engaged In migniy uuoi yesterday. American minion urn lilneHnt tint gigantic web of railways ccntorlng nt Met, with n storm of steel, while tho Gorman guns havo tnkon tho ad vanced positions, gained In the Am orlcnn drlvo, undor their fire. Tho Americans n-tmlnil flmlr between tho Mouso nnd Moselle rivers 011 SundllV. nriviinnliiir hvn lllllna nn o Lthlrtyithrce mllo front. rno Americans thus havo liberated from tho crnsn nf thn Hun tnfrlrnrv aggregating more thnn 250 Bquaro nines in area. Norrov and Vllocv fthn inttni riTilv about fourteen mllos from tetz) are ,u American iinnds nnd patrols aro renortcd to havo ml Villi noil fnr n linrifl of Gonoral Pershing's main force. xuoro man uo guns haw been captured by tho Amorlcnns slnco tho doughboys began smashing tho St. Mlhlol sallont last Thursday and tho German prisoner oxceed 15,000 (of- uciai nguresj Tho Americans now hnld n Rimli-ht line in front of Motz, running from a ponu on mo voraun-utam road, noar Abaucourt to tho Mosello noar "Vllocy. Tim Amoricans apparently nro mnk lng ready for n drlvo ngaliiBt tho "Kriomhlld" lino to which tho Ger mans wlthdrow from tho St. Mlhlol salient. Along this front American forces aro on tho threshold of Gor- many. Tho victory of General Porshlng's men has had moro than a moroly local onoct. uorman linos to tho southeast linVO boon WOakotlPil hv thn tnrrlfln blow dealt along tho heights of tho MottS(? whlln in thn nnrtW-nat ilm iGermnns nro forced to adapt thom- K.l..n. 4 !. ........ . ouivub iu iuo uuw iiiyuiicn WIlICIl Iia8 taken from them tho comer .stono of their positions east of Verdun. Kolihcr Homo for Snlo, Will soli our homo at 414 east 3rd St., North Platto. Proporty consists of seven room houso, all modorn, good condition; with full bIzo lot, good lawn and shndo trees. Addrosa E. T. Kollhor, C24 First National Bank. Omaha. Nob. C8-0 j Tho Sammy Girls havo made ar rnngomonts to servo dinner and sup ' por nt the fair grounds during tho continuance oi mo rair next weok. Tho object of serving thes meals is, I of courso to secure tunds to carry on tho o.vecollent work of tho Sammy Girls, and tho Girls nro Juist at pres 1 ent Urcentlv In nood of funds in tinr. chase tho necessary supplies for swontors nnd comfort kits to bo given to tho boys who leave. ' Thot Girls respectfully solicit donations for thoso meals, such as moat, potatoes, uutter, cream and milk, break, plos, otc,, and this appeal lor donations Is extended Mm fnM,.M ...1.. ...... I. -1.1 . furnish moat for roasts, or other provenuor. Thoso who will donate to tho needed articles will ploaso phono Red 530 or Black 232. Rev. Cunningham, who closed a week's mission at St. Patrick's churcb Sunday, loft for tho east this morn ing. Tho pooplo of tho parish speak very highly -of tho lectures given by Father Cunningham during-, each ovonlng of tho past week, ::o:: Ranch Bargain. 9,G00 acres pasturo land, 5,000 acres under fenco, ?G.OO por ncro. Also BOO acres flno hay, alfalfa and farm land $50 por aero. Will sell together or separate, Tho Wist bargain' In tho stnto. O. H. THOELECKE. -.:o::- Twlncm Hospital Notes. II. L. Pennington was tnkon to his homo this week. Dr. D. A. Footo of Omnha was at tho hospital last weok. Mrs. Fred Low who was recently opornted on returned to her homo Tuesday. , , Dowoy Boyor, who was operated on last woek will return to his homo soon. L. D. Snow, a surgical case, enter ed tho hospital Saturday. N. Pequoles was released from tho hospital last weok .. ..- Tho son of Harry Lowls, of Max woll, underwent an operation last Wednosdny. ' A. L. Bostwick roturnod to his homo today. ' A daughter was born Mondny to Mrs. Elmer Swanson at tho hospital . Thursday At The SUN Fritzie Brunette in "Play Things" And a Christee Comedy Wedeesday-At the SUN Harold Lockwood in "Lend Me Your Name" And the latest Current Events., All the World's News in Picture. w llhick nnd Tan Calf Roots, Military Heel, soft and easy on tho foot at - $5.50 to $8.00 SHOE MARKET Better Shoes for less money THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford Truck $550 F. O. B. DETROIT. Carload Each Ford Tractors and Farm Attachments Shipped us September 12th. For particulars call or phone 34 Hendy - Ogier Auto Co. Authorized Ford Truck & Traction, Agency NORTH PLATTE, NEB.