mr- bottom THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB 'SKPTEMBER 13, 1918. No. 70 3" he r ID 4) SOUTH PLATTK LAM) OFFICE "WILL UK RISCONTLNTKI). A Washington dispatch appearing in the World-Herald of yesterday stated that the United States land office In this city will he discontinued, along with the- offices at Valentino and O'Neill. The offices that will be main tained are Alllanoe, Broken Bow and Lincoln. Tho consolidation of these land dis tricts is not unexpected; in fact it has hoon anticipated for soveral years as tho business , has been pretty well wound up. It had been hoped, how ever, that when th consolidation did como that the North Platto office would bo maintained rather than the office at Broken Bow. The date of the closing of the office was not contained in the dis patch, but it will probacy bo between now and January first next. .:o: : Entertains Gothenburg Ladles. Mrs. E. Draney, mother of Mrs. Leigh C. Carroll, entertained on her seventy-fifth birthday' yesterday Mrs. C. C. Williams, Mrs. T. S. Carroll, Mrs. J. J. Holmes, Mrs. D. Newman and Mrs. L. R. Samson, of Gothen burg. Those ladies arrived on No. 19 in the morning and returned homo on No. 20 in the evening. : :o: : The Yanks over in Franco will cele brate Pershing's birthday with even more spirit than wo will here at home. If the conditions are favorable tho drlvo they started yesterday will be continued today in ono supreme effort that will unquestionable drive back the Germans on the entlro front the Yanks cover. Wo confidently look for gratifying war bulletins today. Tho H. A. G. Club will hold a Red Cross benefit at tho homo of Mrs. .prou Ferrett, Saturday afternoon MEN BETWEEN 10 AM) 37 TO BE CLASSIFIED FIRST. TEX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY REGISTER IN NORTH PLATTE. By order of the war department the men who registered yesterday will be classified Into two groups by the local registration board, men between nine teen up to and Including thlrty-sovon will bo placed In ono group and those under nineteen and above thirty-seven ' wttl be placed In n second group. Tho order received by wire yes terday directs that tho men between nineteen and thlrty-Boven bo grouped at onco; "rush tho work," Is tho com mand of tho department, and the local board is planning to do this work at onco. The socond group will be lined up When the first group has been 11st- jed. The lordor further commands that J questlonarles bo filled out at tho ; earliest posslblo time by tho nineteen to thlrty-soven registrants, and indi-t cates that call for sorvlco will como to theso men ImmcdiateJy following the drawing which will tako place at Washington at tho earliest possible date. I Buys Reynold's Bungalow, i Tho Bert Reynolds' bungalow in I the 800 block on west Fifth street iwas sold Wednesday to Dr. Louis C. Drofit for nlno thousand dollars. It I is tho intention of Dr. Drost and j family to tako possession of the prop erty in tho Immediate future'. I ::o:: 1 Earl Carlton, who left this city with Company E, is homo on n visit. All locomotivo engineers pleaso, meet on Third street, at 7 tonight to tako part in the parade. Bring an American flag. I J. E. Nelson and J. T. Keefe ro , turned early this morning from n three weok's trip to tho Yellowstone I'ark and points In Idaho and Utah. The tbtal registration In North Platto of men botweon the agos of eighteen and forly-Evon was ton hundred and seventy. Four hundred Forty-two of theso registered yester day, and six hundred and twenty olcht relcstored on davs nrlor to vns. terday. Tho registration by wards yoster day was as follows: First Ward 98 Second Ward C2 Third Ward 202 Fourth Ward 90 The heavy registration in tho Third ward, the population of -which is not much greater, It nny than the First nnd Fourth wards, is duo to the fact mat comparatively row railroad men live In that ward, and In the othor wnrds tho majority of tho railroad men registered prior to yestorday. About fifty of those who registered In North Platte woro non-resldonts of the city. As North Platto hae about ono-third the population of tho entire county, tho total registration In Lincoln county will not fall short of three thousand. Tho government's estlmato for the county was 2,337. If General Pershing needs n regi ment of 2,500 men to win tho war, Llncor.n county can furnish it. ::o:i Miss Edith Patterson has been en gaged to teach Latin to three classes In the City schools each afternoon. By reason f Col. Patterson's death she trontgn.fed her rfislton at Chateau, Mont., In order to be at homo with her parents. Sammy Girls bo sure to meet at 7 o'clock this evening on tho corner of Locust and Third streets to march In tne parade. Every ono have a Hag. U&XCM-: SAM WANTS FRUIT STONES FOR GAS MASKS. ,,Tho Ten Cent Btore has placed a largo barrel nt tho center ontranco for the ppoplo of North Platto to place oil fruit stones nnd nut sholls. W will forward them to tho Gas Dofenco Division of tho Chemical Warfare Sqrvico of tho United States. To make gas masks offoctlvo the government niust havo carbon; and carbon now is being mado from peach pjta or stones, apricot, chorry, plum, prune nnd ollvo pits, dato seeds and nut sluOs. Two hundred poach stonos, or sovon pounds of nut shells will mnko carb on enough for ono mask think of that-aud then know that ono gas mnsk will save an American soldier's llfo. .This Is nnothor way loyal pcoplo can help Uncle Sam win tho war. W, J. O'Connor, 5, 10, & 26 Cont Store : ;o: ;. Lincoln County Boys lis Lino, The dispatches tcU us that among the American divisions which began the.orfenslvo yestorday is tho olglity njnth, which Includes regiments to which many -Nobraaka boys belong. Among the Nebraska boys nro a number from North Platto and othor pdints in tho county. ::o:: Mrs. Duryoa, who had boon tho guost of her uncle Edward Boesch, ioft last ovcnlng for her homo In Brooklyn, N. Y. Not only had Mr. Boesch never seen his nloco boforo, but he never saw his sister, tho mother of tho nloco, tho slstor having been born after ho left tho old country. Eight or ton switchmen in tho local yards have been ro-classlflcd and placed In class ontf. Tho probably loss of these men .will bo ketonly .felt by vnruinasior siniinir. iv - 13 "" The Opening Show of is set for Saturday, September 14th. The assortment is large. We planned to meet every requirement of women who demand up-to-the-minute styles combined with undeniable quality who seek service rather than display. As such, ours is a thoroly representative stock, from which no worthy style-thought has been omitted. Fortunately, makers with whom we have dealt for years were abundantly able to meet all our demands they were as Interested as ourselves in keeping up a reputation they had helped us to build. We insisted on cloth-quality and exacted ex ceptional workmanship. Styles were abun dantbut real old fashioned values were scarce. Yet these makers had provided by advance orders for nearly adequate supplies for this season. With goods in stock they were able to undersell many of their rivals. TIiub it happens that many prices are quite close to the old values which you must have thought were gone forever. In every respect ours is a very remarkable showing in point of variety, in point of real quality, in point of values which are' not likely to be equalled anywhere. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE LAND IN LINCOLN COt'NTV SELLS FOR iiM PER ACRE. JOIN THi: AIUIY AND SKI! TUB WORLD SAYS WOOlHtlNfJ. Tills WOOk'H Issnn nf Mm Timos contained tho following: I Yostorday Harry J. Shrlvor of! Dodgo county bought tho Jonas 8wedo! bnrgvfnnn In tho O'Fnllons section.! paying $1G,000 for samo, or $200 per1 acre a no bwououurg farm Is a good ono, well worth the money, but sets a new mark for land vnluios In tho valley. Tuesday Carl Wickstrom, of Horshoy purchased tho D, H. Wilkinson placo, northeast of Horshoy. This farm con tains 320 acres nnd tho consideration was ?40.000. I J. W. Abbott sold his 120 ncro farm at O'Fnllons to John W. Fow lor from south of North Platto. Tho consideration was $17,000. Mr. Fow ler takoB possession March 1st. Tho three dcalB in ns ninny daytt nggrognto an exchango of $73,000. ::o:: In a circular letter W. a. McAdoo, Director Gonoral of Railroads says that whorovor streot or road construc tion nnd othor public Improvements nro contemplated by Btnto, county or city for which a portion of iY0 cost exceeding $500 Is to bo charged against any railroad undor fedornl control, tho authorities aro requested to tako tho matter up with the federal management of tho road directly In terested and secure tho concurronco of tho rnllroad administration In nd vanco. If this 1h not done, the Direct or Genornl reserves tho right to decldo whother or not ho will participate In the pnyment. It Is not tho attitude of tho Director General to opposo con struction of merltorous work, but whore work is not absolutely obbcii tlal It should ltot bo undortakon. The service -flag, which will bo un furled at tho court house this evening was received yoaterday and Is being strung In position on tho wlro today. Tho Hag contains 517 two inch stars, with considerable room for addition al stars to bo added as tho mon lcavo for training camps. Tho Hag la six teen by twonty feet and In tho future will bo displayed at all patriotic jnoot ings, tho additional stars bolng added from time to tltno. Mrs. LIHIan Glenson has rocolved nnothor lot of rolI6s from thobnttlo lleld of Franco, Including n Gorman drinking cup, buttons from dead Heches' clothing, pieces of cxplodod shrapnel and a bullet that Bent n uorman to his hftmo beyond, whore oyortHat.,may ba. In tho collection aro ty.Q cratrldgqs that groovodthem- Boivoauiuo oaca otnor, omier ns they ontorod or before they reached tho body of tho Gorman. Two troon trains nasscri Mirnuirh about eight Vcloc,t tll,a morning and two moro aro dub to arrive boforo noon. Lost last Sunday between Well Canyon and North Platto a twelve year old boy's dark corduroy coat. Finder pleaso return to. this office- ;:o:: . For Sale. No. 3 Durdsell Alfalfa hul'.or. In- ulro of Thos. Orton, North Platto. Nob. G9-4 "Billy" Woodrlng, formor traveling man or North Platto and one of tho lirst sound Bent to Camp Funston, has boon In Franco for thro months ua a monibor of Co. B. 355th Infantry. In a lottor to C. O. Weingand, "Billy" writes n8 folloys: , "Join tho army nnd seo tho world. I did and this dato finds mo in Franco Haw boon over hero about throo monthB, and talk about your JUi of July colebratlons; every dn$$is a Fourth of July for us. I surchavo o?n somo wondorful ' ns well as beautiful oountry; for instnnco Eng land which is sjire lovoly section. Was thoro a month, nnd tho hills ajul valloy wore a plcturo no artist could paint. But I wouldn't wont to live thoro bocnuso, 'Oh, you Percy or Archie.' Travollng through Franco wo saw lots of beautiful country nnd many curloUB sights, and Anally Jnprt ed'ln tho treuchoB, which nro vey'tlla agroeablo ion account of tho mull "nd wntor. I could toll you much (if tho oensor permitted) about tho roaring of the1 big guns, tho rat-tat-tat from tho mnc.hlno guns nnd rlllos, and the crack-crack of tho automatics of tho nlrplanes ns they bwopp down. and then sometimes a rush for tho.. dug louts. I havo seen ninny aerial ilghts and In every Instance Fritz got1 the worst of It. ThlB Is a good place for .-a .felUw who wants to light; ho can be accom modated ovory hour in tho day,ftnd bollovo mo, the Ynnks nro llghtors I havo yet to seo tho first Yank.,. with a yellow streak. I want to say to you men In North Platte slip a Httlo nionoy to (ho Salvation army. They aro tho poonlo who carry hot pie, doughnuts and hot coffco to the trenches to give to tho hoys. Thoy foar not shrapnel nor gaa sholls, pursuing this duty thoy bollovo they owo the soldier boys un falteringly and unflinchingly. It. la certainly a treat to got this sorvlco from theso bravo and every, ready to help people :;o:: Prior to the romovnl to this city, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Loypoldt;,jvera glvon n BurprlBo fnrewell par.iy'tnt their homo In Ilorshey Tuesdajj -by sovonty-llve of their friends. iMr. Loypoldt recently purchased tlie Irving Van Doran property In tho southwest pnrt of town and will ro movo his family thereto In a few days. Mlsa AHco Alboo, after spending a month's vnpntlon with her par-entB, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wmr Alboo, loft laBt ovcnlng for Washington, D." C, to resume her duties as n clerk in tho lnternol revenue department. Wanted Plnco 'for a high school ' ern her board or part board. Phono 7,84yn or lenvo address at this office. ;:o:: Money to Lonn. Plenty of six per cont money to loan on farms nnd ranches, Interest pav nhle nnnunlly with prlTllcgo of pay ing pnrt or nil nt nny time. LoniiB closed promptly. No dolny. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Keith Theatre, Friday and Saturday Thc"Onc And Only Fatty Arbuckie MOONSHINE Fridays Feature-We Should Worry" Saturdays Feature "The House ol Silence" WITH WALLACE REID Adults 25c. Balcony 20c, Children 15c. INCLUDING WAR TAX THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford Truck $550 F. O. B. DETROIT. Carload Each Ford Tractors and Farm Attachments - Shipped us September 12th. For particulars call or phone 34 Hendy - Ogier Auto Co. Authorized Ford Truck & Traction Agency NORTH PLATTE, NEB.