THE 8EMI-WEEKLV TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. m k. con w GETTING HIS FIRST AMERICAN DOUGHNUT 1 Iirltlsli iiiittalrcrufl gun crow In notion, .shelling nn enemy piano. 2 Freight yard In France where American soldiers nro busy sending supplies to their comrades at the front. .'J American nrmy engineers at Hnrhln, where they nro helping to reorganize the railway lines of Siberia, SCENE IN BAKU WHICH WAS CAPTURED BY THE BRITISH ii milium mnmn mm i i li i i ) li i ii A Urltlsh forco recently captured the defenses of Baku, the Important center of the Caspian sea oil district. Tho photograph was taken Just after a light In tho streets of the city. "PUBLIC UTILITIES" IN ARMY CAMP WOMEN AS VETERINARIES Here aro the "public utilities." of & Urltlsh army camp In Italy, tho post olllce, tho tiro station, tho town clock nnd tho bulletin board all together. A Tommy Is about to mall n letter to his best girl at home. WHERE AMERICAN HEROES SLEEP Tho France, graves of United Slates officers In an American cemetery In Tours, decorated with French and American lings and covered with roses, British women have .Invaded nnd conquered another Held of Industry Their latest accomplishment has been In tho lino of vetcrlnnrlcs. One Is very likely to say when looking at tho pic ture that their work Is dangerous, hut what Is that to the brnvu women o't England who are patriotically looking after the horses of the army? This photograph shows tho women giving a horsu medicine. It's Some Word Now. Tho recent vocuo of tho word "some" as an ndjectlve, In n sense for which there Is absolutely no synonyn In tho dictionary, has been the desimii of many a parent and pedagogue, no- cording to Harold Goddard In At Inntlc. "The language Is being pauper Ized," they cry. Nonsense. It would be nearer tho mark to say It Is being vitalize Watch a healthy schoolboy when li tells you he has Just come from "somo ball game, and' you wlH nor celvo that the offending word ns ceased to bo u mere linguistic slun imii has become a kinetic current within tho body, a movement of the spirit Some word. It I A true superword, In fact. Philosophize on It and on tho kin dred subject of slang and you nm discover wny, wnen a man's vocab lary begins to expand, his powers of expansion aro generally on tho wane Ncwnrk News. American doughboys are not the only ones who get American doughnuts. A French soldier Is here seen being served bis first doughnut In an American Rod Cross canteen bnck of the United States sector. AMERICANS MOVING UP TO THE FIRING LINE IN FRANCE A steady stream of American soldiers Is constantly moving forward to the tiring line, as is shown in this ish official picture. This Is only part of n ionglne thnt Is going forwnrd, headed by a British band. Thousands thousands of these soldiers arc moving up to the lines. Brit-upon DECORATED FOR BRAVERY BUILDING RAILWAY UP TO THE FRONT ........... pTOWMiMiMnitwjwWjiiigitjiMiLVttWyiWWtAJWI General IMumer of the British army Is here shown pinning tiie military medal on one of the many women am bulance drivers of the British nrmy who huve been cited for bravery during air rnlds In France. The risk that theso women run In tho face of duty Is great, cspeclnlly as the Hun shows a constant nnd utter disregard for tho Bed Cross Hag or emblem. An Important part of the work or tho army engineers Is tho construction of rullwny lines on which supplies can lio carried to tho battle front. A body of engineers Is hero shown unloading rails for one of theso nnrrow-gungo roads. BUSY DOCKYARD WHERE ONCE WAS A' DESERT Couldn't Understand. "The problems which confront Uncle Sam In tho present crisis are beyond the understnndlng of n great many people," declares Dr. Frank Botm, the author nnd lecturer. "Many of them remind me of n little story that I heard the other day." "lop." "Yes, my son." "Why does a cow chow ut night?" "Well, my son, a cow takes food during the day, und then chews her cud at night." "But, say pop, Isn't thnt hoarding food?" Economy In France. Economy Is developed to Its fullest extent by the armies In France and Flanders. In connection with the com missariat Is n department for the elim ination of waste, and each soldier, ex cept in the front trenches, Is compelled to scrape his plate for the purpose. This rcfuso Is gathered up nnd collected at certnln points behind the lines, where It Is sorted nnd put to various uses, not the least Important of which Is the soap used by the nrmy and nnvv. This British official photograph showing a big dockyard whore was onco n bnrren desert Is nn Indication of VJe wonderful work that British nrmy engineers have wrought In Mesopotamia. After many years of decadence the land Is now humming with Industry. I GATHERED FACTS At one end of n hnndlo for casement windows nn Inventor lins placed n spring catch so that It will also serve to hold a window closed. Evidently u great national struggle makes for mental steadiness. For the last two years there has been a de crease of over 3,000 In tho number of I nKnne nersans cared for In Encliitul ' und Wales. mi. - rt . . -me, imesi variety of asbestos la known ns amlnnthus, and tho most beautiful specimens of this como from Inrantalse, In Savoy. Hence the fab- 11 "ovu" Ir nsnostos U sometimes un uiuinnwuno cloth. J.?!!LU '! Charged : "Honimuineni or ages, t! Iter of women In thn h,-ih,i. , . ....noil Vl-IIBU.1 groups aged twenty to twenty-livo nnd tu-nnfv.flvo ... .. ' ,,,,u utely hlgi,; "y " "I'roportlou of the uum- census