The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 03, 1918, Image 5

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vfll Morris is homo for a few days
vlslUwitl) Yeln'cs
Ktmneth Wholnn loft Sunday for
Omajia whp.r.e he will, enter Crclghton
college-, '
Mrs. Joseph L. Boddy left Friday
for Denver with her son Vincent, who
wltt'bnter the navy.
Mrs .! Wilson Tout and children left
afqw days ago for York, to spend two
weeks with relatives. '
Mrs. J. H. Donegaii and daughter
have roturned from a three weeks
visit In New York.
For Sale 5 room house, ' modern
except heat. 510 E. 4th street. 4t
1 Mrs. J. G. Anderson and two grand
children returned Saturday night
from a visit in Denver.
Mrs. Charles Boguo and daughto
Emma returned Friday from an "ex
tended visit in California.
Mrs. Miller, of Hastings, who hart
liocn tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tim
Hanlfln returned homo Saturday.
Miss Lillian McCrackon left for
Boulder, Col., yesterday attor a short
visit at tho home of Judge Grimes.
. For Sale Four room, house on west
9th street. Will sell on very easy
terms. Inquire at 302 So. Chestnut, tf
. Ray Cuntr.ln, while gathering wild
plumR Sunday, stepped In a holo and
fractured a hone in his right foot.
Loulf, Tobln, formerly of this city,
was married last Wednesday at
Sheridan, Wye, to a young lady of
that city.
Miss Mabel Root, of Omaha, who
visited Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Allen last
week was onouto homo from a
In Gerlng.
. Wanted B.oardors and roomers. G14
Garfield Ave. Phono Black 1013 . tf
mi n riuiuiiuo iviL'tviiy reiurnca last
week from Donver whero she had
boon taking advanced piano and pipe
organ instruction.
Ono troop train passed east Friday
night, two Saturday forenoon and one
Saturday afternoon. Thoso trains car.
rled about 2,000 men.
E. E. Moody and son IBmmet loft
Saturday for Baltimore whore Mr.
Moody goos as a delegato to tho an
nual encampment or Spanish War
Or. Morrill. Dentist
Miss Ann Valerius, who had been
employed aH clerk at the Tlnimerman
Hotel, resigned a few days ago and
lias returned to her former home in
Grand Island. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Andorson, of Nampa,
Ida.', came a few days ago to visit her
sister, Mrs. O. B. Robinson. Mrs.
Andorson was formerly Miss Mabel
Otton of this city.
R. L. Baker, who was in town Sat
urday, says he Is disposing of every
thing, ho ownH preparatory to making
application for entranco into an of
ficers' training camp.
i ' " -
Fpr Farm Loans see Gone Crook.
Room west of Vienna Cafe.
William Cralgic, who has been em
ployed n the locall U. P. round house
hafi received his call from the. draft
board of Colfax Coujity, Raton, New
Mexico, and left last week.
Tho L. A. to the B. of R, T. will
meet Friday, Sept. 0th at the K. P.
hall. AR this Is an important business
meeting, aH membors are asked to be
present. Lunch will. bo served.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Store. tf
O: E. Elder, Carl Brodbcck and Roy
Mehlman responded to tho call fo.
threshers at tho H. P. Stevpns farm
Friday and aro said to have "mado
good" in loading sheaves into tho
For Sale Ford Car In good con
dition. Phono Red 271. tf
Yesterday was Labor Day but other
than by tho banks and barber shops
the lud.iday was not observed by busi
ness houses. Tho county ortlces "were
closed and at tho postofflco tho regu
lar holiday hours wero observed.
- Loren Hastings, who for the past
nine months has been working In a
ship building plant at Long Beach,
Cal., is expected homo within tho next
week. H comes homo to register, pre
ferring to do so hero than In Califor
nia, Extract Honey for sale by L. E.
Hastings, 210 Willow. G6-2
Davo Macombor camo Into town
Saturday forenoon to have hlfl right
hand dressed for wounds received
while riding a hay rake which a frac
tious team, of mulos cavorted with
ovor meadows. Davo was not thrown
off but the rako teeth managed to claw
hl hand and arm.
ROOMS Some) fine, cool -rooms at
tho Rltnor Hotel. Rent by week or
month, reasonable. 07
Tho North Platto contlngont that
spent Saturday on tho Stevens' farnx
helping to thresh was composed of
Manager Pratt oi uio 'teiopnono ex
chanKO, Arthur Hammond, Leonard
Dick and Frank Barber. Tho North
Platte jnen who aro hef.plng out the
farmor turn over their earnings to
the Rod Cross.
Siberian Crab apples and all other
kinds of apples for sale. Androw Ol
sen, near Platto Valley school house?
Phono 780R11. tr
Bricklaying on the Ugal building
began tho latter part of last wook and
will lio hurried along as fast as pos
sible. Tho contractors have, howovor,
a wintors Job ahead of the,m. Con
tractor Brooks, busy with tho Luther
an church and tho Crossler residence
has not yet begun brick work on uib
Horrod building.
If you feett bad; if you aro "bluo,"
tired and discouraged, witnout ap
parent reason, you need Prickly Ash
Bittors. the system purinor. it ro
stores action In tho torpid Uvor,
cleanses' tho stomach, holpR digestion,
drives out gas and fermented matter
in tho bowels, and brings back that
flno feeling or utrengtn, vim anu
cheerfulness which belongs only to
norfect health. Prlco SI. 25 per hot
tlo. Gummore-Dont Co. Special Agts.
An eight year-old Mexican boy was
brought down from Horshoy Friday
night suffering from o gun wound In
tho sldo and was placed In tho Gonor
afl Hospital for treatment. The Bhoot
ing occurred about oloven o'clock
that night and tho man who fired tho
shot was Joso Barron, a Mexican.
Barron and tho father of tho boy,
both of whom aro boot tondors, had
personal trouble Barron went to the
othor man's shack ana aomanticn
that no open tho door. Tho door was
opened by tho boy, and as ho swung
It opon Barron fired and ran. The
ball entered tho right sldo and rang
ed downward, and through tho wound
IB a serious ono It Is thought tho lad
will recover.
. The shooting was not roportod to
Sheriff Salisbury until olovon o'clock
Saturday forenoon, twolvo hours
after It occurred, though the father
had brought the boy to tho hospital.
"Why dldn' yoa report to tho sheriff
Immediately?" was asked the father.
To which the father replied: "Mo got
him, (referring to Barron) mo got
him down In New Mexico."
Hitllrujul Bulletin.
The Union Pniffie Railroad can gTve;
employment to homesteaders and
others In Its carshopa and round
houses, under conditions that will on-;
able thorn to cam during tho balanut
of tho season nt least $120 por moitfh
at ten hours work pet day.
We will co-oporato In ovory way to
put tiiem to worK, lurnismng trans
portntloH for thorn to rtcurn to tholr
homos should thoy need to go back to
kcop a Una on things nt the farm.
If theso homcstoadorB will apply
to tho agent, to tho mechanical de
partment nt tho nearest terminal, o
to our Division offlcors, wo will find
work for them ut onco. Wo will, ot
course, furnish transportation to
point whero work Js, and, as stated
above, for them to return to tholr
homos when it Is necessary.
Wo bollovo this will help out
materially In aiding theso homostead
ofs to do their part In the work of tho
war, and thoy will bo performing
work essential to tho railroad at Una
Wanted Woman to do liousokoop
Intr. Mrs. J. S. Simms. .Phono 38. tf
At tho monthly meeting of the board
o! directors of tho Mvtual Building
and Loan Assollatlon Friday ovcnlng
with all dlroctors present Samuol
Ubozee handed In his resignation to
tako effect January 1st, 1919., Tho
bfoard accepted tho resignation and
unanimously olocted MIbb Bosslo Sal
isbury secretary at n salary of $125
per month, Miss Salisbury to begin
tho dutlos of tho office January first.
3 :q:
iThe weather yestorday morning
w'ns decidedly cool, which may por
tend early frosts this fall. Tho dry
weathor Is rapidly rlponlng corn and
It" will scon bo out of tho wny of a
Frank Laughltn, who purchased tho
former Crick houso on west Sixth
street, hnn removed the samo to tho
fifteen acros of lnnd ho recently pur
chased of Albort Haspoll wost of
4Anyono willing to glvo board and
rrtuni or to rent rooms to the teachers
dnrinp Uio Lincoln County Teachers'
Ihstl ute September 2-C plcaso call
Black 502. Allocn Gautt. Co. Supt. 07
Shower Bath for Canteen.
While In town Saturday tTcnl.Mnn
ngor Joffbrs Informod Commnndor
Mrs. Rogue, of tho Canteen workers,
thnt a shower bath will bo put In nt
tho old round houso and become part
of tho cantoon sorvlco. Tho (Union
Pacific will supply a man as nn atten
dant nnd tho company wl.V. also fur
nish tho towolR and pay for tho laund
ering. An office for tho canteen of
ficers will be fitted up In tho canteen
Mr. Joffers told tho ladles that ho
had nothing but vory favorablo re
ports. from tho North Platto canteen,
and thnt tho Union Pacific fcf.t that It
was Justified In giving the service
Btich help as It could consistently.
! m; :
Engineer Morrls hns stuccoed and
onlnrged his resldonco on tho land, ho
purphased. ot Allbort Haspoll west of
For Sale Tho SWM ot hocUqu 35,
Hlnman product. G. T. Stogmann,
Routo 1, North Platto. CO
Horses for Sale
At Bowen's Bnm. These nnlniala
weigh from 900 to 1100 pounds
each. Qjjj;
Money to Lonn.
Plenty of six per cent money to lonn
on farms nnd ranches, Interest pny
nble annually with privilege of pny
tug part or nil nt any time. Loans
closed promptly. No delay.
Whero Folks Enjoy Themselves
Wouldn't, It
' Get.
Just because Old Mini Shannon carried
n Hod In his yonth, Mrs. llreslln re
fused to permit, her son, Ted to marry
Shannon's daughter.
Ah the Daughter
It's a huiimii Interest story with ter
rlllc emotional situations
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1th, 1918
The Rexall Modern Method of Advertising
One Cent Equals One Dollar
Symonds Inn
.Made from the pure cocoa
licnns. Unexcelled in
quality, without
"rJJTi rr h-m 4i-it1 Ifl
One n nc
This sah
Two 01 C
Symonds Inn Pud
ding C.iD2!ite
A knockout to the high
cost of living.
Standard Prlco
rhls Snlo
2"c Symonds Inn Choco
late bar (bitter) 12 for 20c
Opekd Breakfast Coffee
m Mam I
Pound of -ii
Coffee for 1L
A surprising
Blend of Mild
Coffee. Tho Acmo
of Perfection,
Stnndard Prlco
This' Salo
two oqr
am lis
Friday and S
SEPTEMBER 5th, 6th AND 7th
araraay ,
The Plan
Payus the regular price for any item here advertised and we
will sell you another of same kind for ONE CENT.
A u,r I l..:i i r.. r 1 '
advertisingplan. The Company sacrificed itn profits and some
thing besides, in order to get a.larger distribution of its meritorious products,'
and you get the benefit.
Liggefcfc's Opeko Tea
200 Hiidm
if Ton for
St an (lav d
Standard Uftoo
Half-round tl(n
raclcet i5"-
This Sale
Two r
rackets tfit-
Household Remedies
G0c Analgesic Balm 2 for 51c
35c Baby Laxative 2 for !?0c
25c Blackberry Compound. .2 for 2Gc
50c Blood Tablots 2 for Glc
25c Bunloh Ease 2 for 2(ic
2!5c Carbolic Salve 2 for 2Cc
50c Catarrh Spray Imp 2 for 51c
2Cc Cathartic Pills 2 for 2Cc
2ftc Cleaning Fluid 2 for 2fic
25c Cold Tablets 2 for 2(5c
15c Corn Solvont 2 for lGc
50c Eczema Olntmont. .... , .2 for 51c
25c Eye Wash 2 for 2(!c
25c Foot Bath Tablets 2 for 2Cc
25c Foot Powder 2 for 20o
25c Grippe, Pills 2 for 2Cc
10c Headacho Powdor 2 for 11c
25c Headache Powder 2 for 20c
50c KIdnoy Pills 2 for 51c
25c Ko-KO-Kas-Kots 2 for 2(5c
25c Llttlo Livor Pills 2 for 2Cc
25c Menthollno Balm 2 for 2Cc
25c Bat and Boach Pasto....2 for 20c
50c Pile Treatment ,2 for 51c
25c Slceeter Skoot 2 for 25c
15c Soda Mint Tablets 2 for lCc
25c Soothing Syrup 2 for 20o
?.rc Special Ointment 2 for 20c
25c Sunburn Lotion 2 for 20c
$1.00 Syrup of Hypophosphites
Compound 2 for $1.01
10c Toothacho Stoppor 2 for 11c
2Cc White Liniment 2 for 20c
26c "Worm Candy 2 for 20c
2oc Pearl Tooth Powder.... 2 for 20c
30c A. B. C. Seltzer 2 for Sic
50c Biker's Senaflg 2 for 51c
25c Blkers Expectorant. .. .2 for 2Cc
50c Biker's Lac Magnesia. . . .2 for 51c
25c Aromatic Cascara 2 for 20c
2uc Sol. Alkallno AntisepUc. .2 for 20c
30c HinMo Tablots 2 for aic
25c Aspirin U. D. Co. Tablets,
5 gr V 2 for 2Cc
$1.25 Aspirin U. D. Co. TabletB
5 gr.; 2 for $1 20
50c Gastric Tablets 2 for 51c
50c Foloy's KIdnoy Pills.... 2 for 51c
Gum and Mints
5c Llggett's Chewing Gum.... 2 for flc
Tho namo stands for Uio highest quality, being one
of the famous VIolot Dulco Complexion requisites.
Ono of tho best qualltlea of this complexion powder
Is that it does not "show"
when used proporly. De
lightfully scented with the
VIolot Dulce odor. Brun
ette. Will to nnd Flesh
I Dug
Z&MZ' Box jut. Boxes311'
Cascade Pound Paper
Excoptlonnlly good quality
whlto, Ulnen finish stock.
Standard Price This Salo
,a 40c'fC,..,s 41c
Cascade Linen Envelopes
Made to match Cascndo
Linen Pound Paper. '
Standard Price
Two or
This Sale
50c Modern Art Papeterlo 2 for 51c
35c Sconic Linen Papeterie 2 for SOc
35c Lord Baltimore Papeterlo 2 for .'fie
10c Bag Envelopes 2 for 11c
15c Envolopos 2 for KIc
5c Pencil Eraser 2 for (!c
5c Pencil nnd Pen Clips 2 for (ic
10c Qluo 2 for lie
Rubber Goods and Hon sehold Needs
, uuv. .JLUin. 4M11BUIB , J, ,JC
i.t ucai uubbor Fountain Syringe 2 for $1.70
$1.75 Bod Bamblcr Fountain Syringe. .. .2 for $1.70
$2.50 Monogram Snrav Svrinirn 9 tar ft? r.i
25c Bubber Toys 2 for 20c
oui; uuonor ioys 2 for 61f,
25c Bubbor Battles for 20t
10c Corn Plasters o Tt
VGclIalr Brush . '.Z for 7Sc
ioc nana urusn 2 for 10c
30c Hand Brush w .'.'2 for 31c
J2Gc Powder Puffs , 2 for 20c
7uc Auto Goggles 2 for, 70c.
$1.00 Auto Goggles 2 for $1.01
rn f T IT 111- .
ouw oiiiunuB 11111 viuilllll ., i i)i Ji(c
4Qc Symonds Inn Lemon 2 for lie
30c Symonds Inn Beef Cubos . 2 for .'10c
Great Westorn Poultry Bemedy. Guaranteed to make
I nens lay 1 pacitago 25c 2 for 20c
j Security Healen, a llnment for nlC round' uso on
I tho farm 50c por bottlo 2 for 51c
Riker's Violet Witch Hazel
Itiker's Violet Witch Hazel ia
distilled from the finest Witch
Hazel twigs, is delightfully per
fumed. This is one of the best
numbers in the famous Itiker Line
of Toilet Requisites.
Standard Prlco
One CO-r
This Sale
Rexall Cold Cream
An antiseptic and heal
ing cold cream, especial
ly recommended for
chapping and roughness
of the skin caused by ex
posure to sun and wind.
25cT; 26c
Oneida Community
Par Plate Silverware
25c Teaspoon .....2 for 20c
50c Tnblospoou 2 for 51c
50c Fork 2 for 5tc
'70c Knlfo 2 for 71c
50c Sugar ShoK. 2 for 51c
00c Salad Fork 2 for 01?
"Par Plato" Juno pattern is guar
anteed for 10 years by tho Onolda
Community Compnny, Ltd.
Toilet Goods
50c Bouquet Jeanlco Talc... 2 for 5le
75c Bouquot Jeanlcp Complexion
Powdor 2 for 70c
25c Violet Dulco Shampoo Crystals
2 for 211
SOc Violet Dulco Liquid Comploxlon
Powdor 2 for 51c
SOc Violot Dulco Cold Cream 2 for 51c
50c Alma Zada Comploxlon Powdor
2 for 51c
: 50c Harmony Cocoa Huttor Cold
Cream 2 for 51c
$1.00 Douquet Dazlra Extract
2 for $1.01;
$2.00 Bouquot Dazlra Extract
2 for $2.01
50c Blkor's Violet Corato. . . .2 for 51c
-75c oz. Intonso Porfumo 2 oz. for 70c
$1.50 Now England Tollot Water
2 for $L51
SOc Harmony Extract Porfumo
2 for 51c
25c Modlcatod Skin Soap.... 2 for 20c
25c Klonzo Tar Shampoo Soap
2 for 20q
10c Boxall Tollot Soap 2 for 20c
25c Imported Tollot Soap 2 for SOc
25c Baby Talc 2 for 20c
35c Cream of Almonds 2 for !10c
25c Nico 2 for 20o
75c Harmony Skin Cream.... 2 for 20c
25c Trailing Arbutus Talcum 2 for 20c
$1.50 Grahams Faco BCoach 2 for $1.51
SOc Palmers Lotion 2 for 51c
$1.00 Palmors Lotion 2 for $1.01
Rexall Tooth Paste
A perfect dentifrice, an
tiseptic and deodorant.
Cleans and whitens the
teeth. Comes out flat on
the brush.
-T,vo ?fir
North Platte's Leading
Drug Store
Maximum Hot-Water Bottle
The largest selling bottle
in tho world. The price
everywhere Is $2.25 each.
Full two-quart capacity 6
"!linrnnf noil fni turn imn ta tvj
Standard Prlco ThIH Sale
ono co or Two co on
Bottlo tj 1, CtO Bottles $6m)
Save this List, Check the Items You Want and Bring It With You