The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 03, 1918, Image 4

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    tt" .Children's Eyes
Children's cjcs should lie Matched
carefully. If development la slotf
school work Ih npf to slmln t lie eyes
mid cause permanent Iiiirin,
Our optometrist 1H skilled In exam
, I ii In (f children'. He determines their
jimicI condition mid luil, If anything
' should ho done t lie protect the rlslon.
It Mill he to j our child's admiringc
to have the eyes examined here.
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At tho Sign with the Dig Ring.
,f ' M
ISergusonTh DailOOT Mark"
Robert W. Chambers has written the story so
daringly and Elsie Ferguson portrays . tho stellar
role so convincingly that you'll thoroughly delighted
at the photoplay of this woman who conqured the
force of heredity.
.Crystal, Thursday' and Friday, Sent. 5-6
Graduate Dentist
OrficH over tho McDonald
SUte Hunk.
Miss Dorothy Hubbartt tort Satur
da,for Konmoy.
'fMrB. Loallo Raskins roturnod Sun
daw from a visit In Omaha.
"Lr-Grcon snout tho Cnttor part of
toBtwi'ok In Omaha traniactlng busl-
II 098.
J)r. Morrill, Dentist.
Mrs. W. .W. Gumming and son
loft, Sunday for a. visit with friends at
Milan, Mo. '
Mrs. Albort tMuldoon wen: to Qga
lalla Saturdny to visit her husband
for a fow days.
Tho Presbyterian aid socloty will
moot Thursday aftbrnoon In tho
church parlors.
Mr. and Mrs. Ell Hanson camo
down from Choyonno Saturday and
spent Sunday relatives.
C. S. Clinton 'loft Sunday on a tn?
to Kansas City, stopping a day or two
in Lincoln whllo onrouto.
Mrs. Joseph Sehwalgor and (laugh
tor loft Sunday for a visit with rela
tives In La Grando, t)rogon.
Dr. L. J. PratiBO, Dontlnt', room 8
McDonald Dank building.
Mrs. William Young roturnod to
Hastings Saturday after a visit with
hor daughter Mrs. Carl Simon.
Tho Cathollo ladios will hold an Icq'
cream social Thursday afternoon In
tho basement of tho parochial school.
Furnished Houiso for Ileut, modorn
throughout. 400 E. 3d. 08
Mlns Margaret Coynor, clork in Dr.
Twlnom's office, loft Sunday for Dig
Springs whoro sho will toach Bchool.
Dr. II. O. Mitchell loft Saturday
for Denver and othor Colorado points
whoro ho will spond a short vacation.
Mrs. Anna Polack, who had been
visiting relatives in town, loft Sun
day .'or hor home in La Grande, Ore.
An costbound troop train passed
through at throe o'clock yesterday
afternoon and wore given the Canteen
Mrs. H . M. Grlmos, who hud been
visiting hor aon Loo in Chattanooga,
Tonn., arrived homo tho Hatter part
of last weok.
High spots, ton spots and plstoi
spots, tlguro In "Markot Cards" at
tho Crystal Wednesday night.
Mrs. Jamofl Sumner and children,
who had boon visiting Mr. nnd Mrs.
0. S. Huffman returned to their homo
In Dloomfiold Sunday.
Every oxpross brings us moro now
fall suits, coats, dressos and blouses.
Our stocks now arc completo and
roady for your Inspection. BLOCKS.
'Ford Roadstor wanted; must bo in
good condition. Will pay cash, S. It.
Gochnour, 515 East D streot. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Andorson, who
had boon visiting Will Otton and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. O. It. Robinson
loft Sunday for their homo In Nanipa.
Trains No, 7 nnd 8, which worn
pullod off a couplo of months ago,
wore put back Sunday. No. 7 arrives
nt 4:45 In tho afternoon and No. "8 at
2 o'clock p. m.
Tho W. T. C. U. wl'.l moot this
aftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. G. W.
Monks.215 south Sycamore. A ten
cent lunch wll bo sorved. All are in-'
vltod to nttond.
Mlns M. Sloman, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladles and gontlo
men. Phono 897. Brodbock bldg 8St
Wm. G. Olson, of Mlndon, who re
cently purchased orio of the W. L.
Park farms In tho valloy, itas licon
horo for a fow days. Ho will movo to
tho placo noxt spring.
Furnished .Rpom, i stenm-heatedi
with bath, In business part. J: W.
Hondorson nt W. It. Mnlonoy Co.'s
Hardwaro. C5-3
Mrs. E. A. Moxwoll, MisH Lula
Maxwoll nnd Miss Rona Gronowald
arrived from Omaha tho lattor part of
last weok to accopt position,, in tho
Nurse Brown hospital.
li I
Ford One Ton Truck
Price $550 at Factory
Farmer you can't afford
to put more money in a
truck with this depend
able one before you.
Hendy - Ogier Auto Co.
Ford Sales and Service
Llifcoln county's quota of twenty,
two mei will leavo Thursday morn
ing at six o'clock on tho locaT. Their
destination Is Camp Grant, thero to
go Into training for overseas duty.
Tho oarly hour at which tho boys
loavo will result In fewer people
than usual bolng at tho depot to bid
thorn good-byo, but thoro Is cortain
to bo a numbor of ro.otlves and
frionds presont.
Tho Sammy GirlH havo made ar
rangements to glvo tho boys a fare
woll reception at tho court houfee
park tomorrow evening.
Weed Out Extra List.
Gonoral Managor Jeffora while in
town Saturday made somo investlga
tion of men on tho extra lists and It
Is said In somo departments found an
oxcosslve number of men on the lists.
Ho gave orders that tho men not
needed be transferred to RawllnB, and
refusing to go that they bo discharg
ed. It has boon intimated for some
time that there has been nn inclina
tion on tho part of some men to seek
omploymont with tho Union I'acifk
thoroby hoping to secure exemption
from military sorvico, and this has
swelled tho extra list. Mr. Jotters
said that such action would not bo
tolerated by tho Union Pacific.
::o:: F
Passenger Train Wrecked.
Train No. 20, duo In this cltv nt
6:15 was wrecked at Colton six miles
east of SIdnoy Friday afternoon when
track employees noglocted to close a
switch thus allowing tho train to en
ter tho olovator track.
Thp engine turned turtr.o and nlno
cars wero derailed, but fortunately
tho number Injured wore few and the
injuries not fatal. Those injured most
seriously woro Firomnn Nellls and
naggngoman Wlckham, both of whom
woro broucht to this cltv on tho Sec
ond soctlon of the train and placed in
uio uonerai Hospital, whoro thov nro
getting along nicely. Engincor Wm.
woicn escaped injury.
. : :o: :
Sammy Girls' Entertainment.
Tho Snmmv nir1 li
Invitation from tho Wallace pooplo to
givo an ontortainmont in that village
noxt Saturday ovonlngr The program
will tnefcude reariinca and miinln nml
a talk by W. V. Hongland. Follow
ing tuo program a nance will be
given. Tho entire proceeds of tho
ovonlng wilt bo clvon to the Snmmv
Tho samo ovonlng tho Sammy Girls
will nsslst In an ontertalnment at
Bignoll. This program, which will bo
In chargo of Mrs. Alison Wilcox, has
not been fully coraplotcd. Miss Annie
Kramph will mako tho address.
Leave for Special Service.
Four young men will leave on train
No. 0 tomorrow morning for Fort
Riloy, whoro thoy will enter tho limi
ted sorvico class. Tho men going aro
Ed Ackermjm, John Nichols. Georgo
Duncan nnd Frank . Faw. Tho lat
tor's homo Is In Nuclcor. county. 'but
of lato ho. had boon working at Suth
orlan'd. . ' '
:to;: . .
Mr. nnd Mrs. N. E. Buckley antl
Mrs. John Bratt loft yestorday by
auto on a trip to Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred UlCrich, who hart
boon llvlntr nt Mm stnn fnrtn trw
oral years, went to Horshoy Saturday
whuio mr. uuricn nas rented a ram.
Mrs. Wm. Fowlor, of Fremont,
spent Saturday and Sunday in town
as the guost of Mr. and Mrs. Ilorton
Mungor whllo onrouto home from a
two months visit in Colorado.
117 acres of first clnss alfalfa and
farm land 3 mllos from North Platto.
Noll, fin ml tfirmn. S! OflO nrnn nn
thtB year. I. L. MILTONBERGER,
Agoni. C4-4
Abrnm Blakeslov. Mrs. T)p1'h Thin.
key and John S. Ryan and daughter
an or Leon, la., aro guests at the
homo of II. A. Harmon. Thoy wero
called to Cozad IJast week by tho
death of Mrs. E. S. Brownfleld, who
was a relative
No dcflnlto action hns as yet been
taken In rogard to a celebration on
Pershing's birthday, which falls on
Friday. September 13th. This is not
bocauso Frldav tho 13th. mlphf nrnvn
a "Jonah day," but rathor that no one
hub uikoii mo miiiauvo in tao matter.
Tho Episcopal guild will hold a
social In tho church basomont Thurs-
"Twln Beds" was presented to a
largo audience at the Keith theatre
Saturday ovonlng. The play was well
prosontod nnd proved qulto laugh
able. Wanted Salesman, lady or gentlo
man to tako ovor tho established tea
routo in North Platto for the Grand
Union Ton Co. Call on Joe Spies for
John E, Evans haR suggesod to tho
Sammy Girls that In tho event a
colobrntlou Is hold on Porshlng's
birthday If thoy will bako a huge cako
ho will furnish a riug to bb piacoa
thoroln and tho cako Bllced and s.old.
thus Increasing tho Sammy GlrlB
bank nccount.
Ladles aid socloty of tho Methodist
EJiscopal church will bo hold noxt
Thursday aftornoon, Sopt. 5th. a ful.
attondanco Ih greatly desired. In the
ovonlng a commlttco of Indies wl5
sorvo ono of their usual splendid cafe
torla Biippors, to which an invitation
lR oxtonded to all.
For Sorvico First and Guarantee
Work, call North Platto Plumbing and
Heating Co., Phono 403, 100 East
Sixth stroot.
Georgo Mudd, who was down from
Horshoy yesterday, says his big acre
ago of sugar beots aro in lino condi
tion, tho boot worm not having dam
aged them. He said ho understood
tho boot harvest would begin early
this year, probably starting about
Soptombor 20th. Shortage of holp
promlsos to make tho harvest a prob
lem. Hoartburn uftor a hearty meal
moans wenkness In the dlgestlvo or
gans. Prickly AbIi BlttorB gives them
strongtb, tonos up tho Btomnch and
purlflos tho bowces. Prlco l.25 per
bottlo. Gunimorn-Tlonti r
I" - 1 MMm ! Ill HUH
B mfre M0THFRS
v ot vacation J" IV 1 llLIUi
I Are Your Urls Read? for School?
6 more days
until school
Begins "
for the Higli Scltool Miss. It will lie a plcn
new stock now on display.
WHEN jour Girl makes her
appearance hefore her new
classmates, you want her to
feci that she compares favor
ably with them. This is where
we can he of real assistance to
you. 3rany Materials have been
removed from the market and
restrictions placed on others,
but we fortunately have dozens
of attractive models for the
small school Girls, as well as
to mako your selection from our large
GIItLS URESES 2 to 14.
Made in plaid Ginghams and fancy Per
cale fast color stripes, Chambrays in Blue
Tan and Pink, long and short sleeves. Hun
dreds of them to choose from.
98c to 4.98
Made up to the minute in style, very Girl
ish looking in Navy, Wine and Brown, sizes
3 to 14, and Junior Dresses in all the newest
Fall Models in all the wanted shades, sizes
15 to 19 at
oderate Prices
Girls Sweaters In
all the now Fall
shades, all sizes
Priced very reasonable
i iiyuiiiriiwmaM,,,,,,,,! ! i mm in ij i
Ladies" Outfitting sioi-e
North Platte Columbus
To Get an idea ol
our vast assort
ment of Girls
Dresses sco our
south Wlndfiw
We have the most completely equipped plarit for the
handling of your products of any concern between Omaha
and Denver and can give you service second to none. Our
bids on grain are the highest tliat conservative business will
' . We buy more prairie hay direct from the Producer and
sell direct to the Consumer, than any other Shipper in the
United States, and are, therefore in a position to bid you the
top market, or better, at all times. k
Leypoldt & Pennington
Branchesr-Newport and Atkinson, Nebraska, on the C fit N. W. Railway.
i ' K '" ' " " " " "
1111 ' i BltkMj,
Donvor, Colo., Aug. 29th, 1918.
To tho Sammy Girls:
I am sending you a small box of
holders which I think you can soli
for llvo or ton cents each, moro or
less. I want to do a "bit" for our
soldiers in honor of my father, who
was Captain in tho war or 1812. l
can't do much. I will bo 90 years old
tho 22d of noxt ,month. I lived In
North Platto 24 years and I lovo tho
dear old place vory much and tho
many friends I used to havo.
I see by tho papers tho work you
aro doing so well. I havo glvon somo
holders to tho Rod Cross horo and
thoy aro so woll pleased with thorn
that It made mo think to sond you
Yours for success,
Sorvlng a year and a halt In tho
tronchos and receiving four, wounds
from burstlmr sholls. is tho record of
a young man now cmpCoyed at tho
Ldborty Inn. Going irom uinnart,
Ind., to Canada ho enlisted with tho
Canadian troops and Borvod until
wounded. Ho was discharged from
hospital a norvous wreck from shell
shock and Invalided homo. Ho is
gradually recovering from his ner
vousness .
, Tho sovornl hundred artillery men
who passed cast on the troop train
yostorday aftornoon woro about thu
llvllost lot of men that wo havo soon
Thoy sang their songs In front of tho
canteen, and gavo cheer after choor
for tho Rod Cross and tho North
Platto ladles,
Changes Union Pacific Train Service
Effective September 1st, the Union Pacific will Inaugurate a now
train to bo designated as No. 7 lpaving North Platto 4:00 p." ML,
carrying coaches Omaha to Ogden, Standard Sleeper to Portland, and
Tourist Sleeper to Los Angoles, with Dining Car serving all meals'.
Corresponding train No. 8 east bound leaving North Platto 2:00 P. m!
No. 7 will carry tho coaches formerly carried by No. 9 and No. 9
hereafter, will bo a mail train exclusively without passenger accom
modations. Bolow la shown departure time from North Platte of other Union
Pacific trains.
No. 1 Tho Overland Limited (West bound) .."...3:30 P. M.
No. 13 The Colorado Special (West bound) .'8:60 a', m!
No. 1C Tho Colorado Express (West bound) '..11:50 P M
No. 19 Tho Pacific Limited (Wost bound) 8:55 A.' M.'
No. 63 Halg Local (North bound) ; 9:00 A, m".
No. 97 Northport Local, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. . .'.0:30 A.' M.'
No. 2 Tho Overland Limited (East bound) 2:15 P." M.'
No. 4 Tho Atlantic Express (East bound) !il:30 P. m!
No. 6 Omaha' Express (East bound) 0:30 A.' m!
No. 16 Tho Chicago Express (East bound) !.!!!.7:65 a! M
No. 20 Tho Pacific Limited (East bound) .!! .G:25 P M
No. 26 Omaha Local (East bound) .' .5:45 a! m!
F. T. REDMOND, Agent