The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 03, 1918, Image 3

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Net Contents 15 Fluid Jraoh
iTiIIhWWiI I For Infanta and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
I . j . . -n l f.l.Jl
I similntingUicIbod byRcguU- (;
rC.S. ffilMi iLV liiRlllioJ
m nvillir-l
I HicrcbyPromoUnpi4csUon
Cheerfulness and irest-ura"
neither Oplum.Morphlnc nor
Mineral. NotNAhcotic,
Jfpummt .
A f,olfiCnl Remedy for
r, n nnrl TlaIThOea.'
uuuau iuui"- , j
nnd Fwcrlshncss
Tnecnp Sleep
resulting uicrcfrorajnlnfancy.
Iiie CnrrAun Compaq
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Bears the $
Signature JLjf
ft In
J Use
For Over
Thirty Years
Unless the waiter Is feed he may
"forget to feed you.
The "Come-back" man was really never
down-and-out. His weakened condition
because of overwork, lack of exercise, im
proper eating and living demands stimula
tion to satisfy the cry for a health-giving
appetite and the refreshing sleep essential
to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland,
will do the work. They are wonderful.
Three of these capsules each day will put
ft man on his feet before he knows it:
whether his trouble comes from uric acid
fioisoning, the kidneys, gravel or stone in
he bladder, stomach derangement or other
ailments that befall the over-zealous Amer
ican. The best known, most reliable rem
edy for these troubles is GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. This remedy has
itood the test lor more than 200 years
since its discovery in the ancient labora
tories in Holland. It acts directly and
fives relief at once. Don't wait until you
are entirely down-and-out,, but take them
today. Your druggist will gladly refund
jrour money if they do not help you. Ac
cept no substitutes. Look for the name
GOLD MEDAL on every box, three sizes.
They are the pure, original, imported
Haarlem Oil Capsules. Adv.
Holland In practically meatless.
He's Losing Weight.
Snookle Is a white-haired, 20-pound
houso dog living on the South side.
He Is nn overgrown Inpdog and acts
like one.
Two yenrs ago at a summer picnic,
on a hot day, lie developed a taste for
beer. From that time forward he
was ever ready to go on a cau-rushlng
"But this neur-beer," says his-master,
"he won't touch It not even if
you pour It out of a bottle, he won't
drink It and ever since prohibition
came In Snookle has been falling
away." Indiannpolls News.
That's tho Idea. A pure blue, true
blue, no dope. Gives to clothes a clear
white, whiter than snow. Be careful,
uso tho best. Largo, package, sold by
good grocers only, 5 cents. Ask for It
today. Adv.
How Did He- Know?
Three-yenr-old. Junius and Ills moth
er were at the barn admiring the
calves. Junius' mother said, "Aren't
they pretty?" "Yes," answered tho
little fellow, "but if you want to see
some real fun, Just crank their tails I"
Savory hot sandwiches
Libby's Dried Beef, toast
and cream sauce.
Tender Delicate Sliced Beef
THE tender delicacy of Libby's
Sliced Dried Beef will surprise
vou. l ne care witn wnicn
choice meat is selected, the skill
with which it is prepared, give
it the exceptionally fine flavor.
Its uniform slices will please you,
too. Order Libby's Sliced
Dried Beef today.
Libby, MfNelll & Libby, Chicago
Save the
When Our Own Harvest Requirements Are Completed
United States Help Badly Needed
Harvest Hands Wanted
Military demands from a limited population have made such a
scarcity of farm help in Canada that the appeal of the Canadian
Government to the United States Government for
Help to Harvest the Canadian Grain Crop of 1918
Meets with a request for all available assistance to
The Allied Armies must be fed and therefore It is necessary to save every bit
of the crop of the Continent American and Canadian.
Those who respond to this appeal will get a
Warn Welcome, Good Wages, Good Board and Flad Comfortable Homes
A card entitling the holder to a rate of one cent per mile from Canadian
boundary points to destination and return will be given to all harvest applicants.
Every facility will be afforded for admission into Canada and return to the
United States.
Information as to wages, railway rate aad routes may be had from the
Thoroughness in Performing Op
eration Is Important for Se
curing Best Results.
Binders and Platform Harvesters
Save Man-Power and
Various Surfaces Should Be Swept
Clean and All Refuse Matter Re
moved Selection and Prep
aration of Disinfectant.
(From tho. United Stntca Department of
? In tho practical work of (lis-
2 Infection there are three essen-
T tlnls:
X 1. A preparation of the
T building that will facilitate
X reaching organisms of disease.
X 2. A disinfectant which upon
contact can be depended upon to
destroy such organisms.
3. A method of applying the
disinfectant that will assuro the
most thorough contact with the
X bacteria.
Before beginning the use of disin
fectant It Is essentlnl that certain pre
liminary work bo done In nnd about
tho stable thnt Is to bo treated. Tho
various surfaces, such us ceilings,
walls, partitions, floors, etc., should bo
swept until free from cobwebs nnd
dust. Any accumulation of filth
should be removed by scraping and
scrubbing, using for this purpose a
wire or other stiff brush nnd warm
water with n llbernl quantity of
waRhlng soda. In some cases the
woodwork may have become softened
nnd so porous ns to bo a good me
dium for the absorption of dlseaso
germs. Such woodwork should bo
removed, burned, and replaced with
new mnterlnl.
Remove Refuse Matter.
All refuse, manure, etc., from stable-
nnd bnrnyartl should bo removed
to a place Inaccessible to live stock
nnd, If possible, bo burned or thor
oughly mixed with a solution of chlor
ide of lime in the proportion of six
ounces to one gnllon of water. If
the floor Is of earth, It will doubt
less have become stained with urine
and contaminated to n depth of sev
eral Inches. In such cases four Inches
or more of the surface soil should
be removed nnd treated ns suggested
above for refuse nnd manure.
Having made ready the field opera
atlon, the next consideration should
be the selection and preparation of
tho disinfectant. The fact must not
bo overlooked that many agents used
for the destruction of bacteria arc
likewise poisonous to animals nnd
man. In fact, some drugs, although
powerful ns germicides, nro so poi
sonous as to preclude their general
use In tho work of disinfection.
Among- such, ns previously stated, is
bichloride of mercury, which pos
sesses tho power of destroying not
only bacteria, but spores as well. It
is therefore essential In deciding upon
nn agent to select one having a known
germicidal strength, properties of sol
ubility, and nt the same time possess
ing a reasonable degree of safety to
unlmnls and man.
Method of Application.
The efllcleucy nfid economy of the
work will depend In n great mensuro
upon the method of applying the dis
infectant. Economy requires that the
disinfecting solution bo applied rap
Idly i elllclency requires that It bo
not only spread In such manner as
to cover the entire surface requiring
disinfection, but thnt sufficient quan
tity and force bo weed to drlvo tho so-
Performing Task by Hand la Hard
Dlsaureeablo Job Bundle Eleva
tor Attachment Eliminates
Ono Man In the Crew.
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
mcnt of Agriculture.)
This year when farm help la so llm
Ued, tliero Is nn urgent need for lnbor
saving machinery wherover possible
One man with n corn knlfo by work
lng hard can cut and shock nn nvcr
age of acres n day. Two men wltt
n platform harvester can hnrvest 1 01
5 acres In tho same tlmo and three
hien with u corn binder In n teu-houi
dny can cut and shock from 7 to f
acres. Cutting corn by hand Is n hard
disagreeable tusk, tho bulletin points
out, nnd the time 'when It should b
done Is limited to a few days If th
full feeding Value of the corn is to be
retained. Fall plowing, sending foi
winter wheat and digging potatoes
must be done on tnnny farms at nboul
the snu:o time. In such cases, th
timeliness and ease of accomplishing
the work are determining factors In
deriding the advisability of using cora
cutting machinery.
Tho corn binder does the best worl)
when the corn Is all standing upright
Pail Spraying Pump Suitable for Dis
infecting Small Stables.
lutlon Into nil cracks and crevices.
Where a very limited surfnee is to
be treated, as, for example, one stall,
it may be possible to apply the disin
fectant In a satisfactory manner by
menns of n whitewash hrush. In all
enses, however, the best method of
applying the disinfectant and the Umo
wash Is by means of 'a strong spray
Tho enUre interior of the stable
should bo. saturated with tho disin
fectant Special attention should bo
given to the feeding troughs and
drains. After tho disinfectant has
dried, the surface may bo sprayed
with lime wash, provided this hns
not been combined with tho disinfect
ant' ns previously described. When
tho work has been completed It will
be advisable to open all doors and
windows of the building for tho ad-
I mission of air and light.
Labor-Saving Methods of Harvesting
Usually most satisfactory results are
obtained with a three-horse team, nnd
sometimes four horses are necessary
when tho corn Is heavy or the ground
hilly. In ordlnnry yields, ono mnn op
eratlng the binder will keep two men
busy gathering the bundles nnd shock
lng them. These three men cutting
and shocklilg by hnod would scarcely
cover more than four acres in a day
and It would be necessnry to work
much harder than when the corn bind
er Is used, thus tho machine requiring
less Inborlous work takes from one-
hnlf to two-thirds as long to cut a glv
en acreage.
When tho binder Is used for cut
ting corn for silage tho lnbor of at
least two men will bo saved us com
pared to cutting by hand. Ono binder
will usunlly bo able to cut the corn
ns fnst as a 12 or 14-lnch sllnge cutter
can handle. It. A great denl of tlmo
Is saved In unloading nt tho cutter.
because the corn Is In bundles, which
enables a further reduction in the size
of the harvesting crew.
A bundle elevator attachment to the
corn binder saves further labor. By
this attachment the bundles of corn
nre delivered directly to a wagon drlv
en by the side of the hinder. This
method eliminates another man In the
crew. When tho bundles are dropped
from the binder to tho ground two men
are generally required to hand them
up ns fast as ono mnn can arrange
them on tho wagon. When an clevn
tor nttnehmont Is used one man usual
ly arranges the bundles on the wagon
as they are delivered from the binder
and another man or boy drives tho
team. .
The platform harvester Is the most
satisfactory machine when tho acre
ago in corn is not sufficiently lnrco
justify n binder. This machine eon
slsts of nn A-shnped plntform on low
wneels two sides of which are enuln
ped with knives. It is drawn by ono
norse, operated by two men, nnd cuts
two rows nt a time. The men gather
the stalks us they ore cut, and when
me shock is reached the horse
stopped nnd tho men carry the cut corn
10 tno shock. In cutt nc corn with
platform harvester for silage much
timo can he saved and ofllclent work
done if n wncon Is driven n1nni?Rlrir
the harvester and tho corn placed on
It directly as It Is cut. By this method
approximately flvo ocres of corn yield
ing 8 tons of silage per aero consti
tutes a fair day's work. Two men
with n platform harvester and one
horso will cut nnd shock nt least ns
much corn In n day as threo men cut
ting by hand. This mnchlno thus tnk
lng the place of one hired helper will
vey nearly pay for Itself In cutting -10
Avoid Damp Grass.
Don't allow the hens to run the
chicks through the damp grass on
dewy mornings or rainy duys.
!" 1 ft. V? "X J .HliaVamUWLt 7
'Bvry Picture "IL
Help That Weak Back!
IN THESE trying times the utmost effort of every mnn and
every woman is necessary. But the man or woman vho
is handicapped with weak kidneys finds a good day's work
impossible, nnd any work a burden. Lame, achy back; daily
headaches, dizzy spells, urinary irregularities nnd that "oil-worn-out"
feeling ore constant sources of distress nnd ohould
have prompt attention.
Dont delay! Neglected kidney weakness too often leads
to gravel, dropsy or Bright's disease. Begin using Donn's
Kidney Pills today. They have brought thousands of kidney
sufferers back to health. They should help you.
Personal Reports of Real Cases
Mrs. Harriet Stump, MoLan
and Seventeenth Sts., Falls City,
Nob., eaya: "For years I had suf
fered terribly from my kidneys.
It affected my back ana sides and
lator, dovelopod Into rheumatism.
At first I took no notlco of It, but
as it kept gottlng worse, I decid
ed that I had to do something.
As Doan's Kldnoy Tills had boon
successfully used In my family, I
got somo. Aftor using about
three boxes, I was entirely cured.
My limbs, which had boon swol
len, were rcducod to normal size
and tho soreness disappeared
from my Joints. That was over
fivo years ago and the troublo
has never roturned."
T. D. John, palntor, "03 Omaha
St., Sioux City, Iowa, says:
"About four years ngo I was liv
ing Mown In Oklahoma and I
strained my back and from that
tlmo on, I Buffered from weak
kidneys. I took modlclno, but
wasn't helped and my back got
so lamo and weak I could hardly
get up after sitting. My loft kid
ney felt as If It was loaded with
lead and bcarlng-down pains In
my back caused mo no end of
suffering. I had often road and
hoard a lot about Doan's ICidnoy
rills, so I trlod them. They woro
Just what I needed and In a short
tlmo they cured all tho trouble."
DOAN'S Ktfft!Y
60c a Box at All Stores. Foster-Mllburn Co., DuITalo, N.Y. Mfg. Chcm.
The less a man knows about women
tho morp ho suspects they know about
The pleasuro of giving Is often spoil
pd by tho wrench It costs to let go.
Look within for hnpplncss, as tron
hies will como without being looked
Washington Is soon to have a num
ber of new temporary hotels.
Packers' Costs
and Profits
How much do you think
it costs
1. To dress beef, care hides, end
prepare all the nrtmeroas by
products? 2. To cool the meat for two or
three days before shipment?
3. To freight it to all parts off
the country in special refrige
rator cars, iced daily ?
4. To carry it in hundreds of
branch houses, each with its
refrigerating plant?
5. And to deliver it to the retailer
sweet and fresh in less
than two weeks after dressing?
Swift & Company did all this
for you in 1917 at an expense of
less than 2lz cents per pound of
beef sold, mcludihg an average
profit of Va of a cent a pound.
Figure for yourself how little
effect this cost and profit had
on prices you paid for beefsteak.
Swift & Company, U.S. A.