The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 23, 1918, Image 8

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    IRA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher
One Year by Mali In Adrnnce. . ..SIA1)
One Vcar by Carrier In Advance $1J0
Entered at North Platto. Nebraska,
Postoffico an Second CIbbs Matter.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1918.
Nebraska has 177,000 mon within
the proposed now draft ago limits of
18 to 45. It 1b OBtimatcd at Oovornor
Novlllo's office. The roglBtratlon undor
the now manpower 1)111 ifi tentatively
rot for September 5.
Tho war department Is anticipat
ing a Soptombor enrolment and has
forwarded to Governor Nnvlllo 105
mail sncks containing printed blanks
Instructions and mlsicollnneoUn sifp
pllon. Tho matorlal will be sent out
to the local boards.
The now registration, If tho bill
paHss ns planned, win onu tor boys
from 18 to 20, Inclusive, and mon
from 32 to 45, Inclusive. Rough es
tlmato,, place tho coming registration
at about one and ono-half tlmos as
great ob tho first onw, In 1917.
Undor tho Initial draft registration,
Nebraska enumerated 118,000 mon,
while anothor 10,000 namos wore add
ed to the draft list on Juno 5, this
:.o-: 1
)'ni- Exhibit nt Slnlo Fiilr.
One of the features of tho Soml
f'ontonnial NobraHka lUito Fair
whirl opt'.s nt Lincoln, Soptombor
1st will bo a iorgo government ex
hibit which w'll occupy tho Toxtllo
Building at the State Fair Grounds
Four government dopnrtmontg will bo1
represented, thepe lung tho Depart
ments of AVnr, Navy. Agriculturo nnd
Commorco The exul'-its of War nnd
Navy, will, however, hold tho chief
interest as nc:in.ilntfng people with
the n.oiirs and methods of conducting
thin war
Hut few pcoplo cn.i iie found who
have not road of tho Drowning and
tho Lewis mnchlno gun, yet how
many ot us have ovor soon ono? How
ninny are familiar with tho projec
tiles thrown by tho big guns? What
perrcnliigo havo ovor soon such im
plements of modorn warfare as
tiench digging tools, trench perl-
flccpes. nnd gns masks? For thoso
who knows Httlo nbout such things
which means most pooplo, tho gov
ernment exhibit at tho Fair will bo
highly Inulructlvo and a mutter of
great Interest.
The ojhlblt of tho Navy Depart
ment will bo no less Instructive to tho
Nebraska "land libbers," Romoto as
In our urate wo aro quite unfamiliar
with nuval equipment and tills ex
hibit will probably ho tho only means
tho largo mnjorlty of Nebrnslcans
will hnve of soolng bucIi parapher
nalia -::o::-
A Tribute to (he Life of Llltlo
Jlurjory IbiiIioI Snyder.
"I think when I rond that sweet sto
ry of old, when Jesus was bore nmong
mon. how Ho called littlo. children ns
lambs t6 lils fold; I Bhould llko tojiavo
boon boon with Uiom then." Then?
Why not now? As surely did Ho Iput
His "hands on littlo Marjory's goldon
Yes. Mnrjory was with iUt, llvo years
iiiiui iuu, unit luruui nur nui, lor in
such Is the Kingdom of Heavon."
Hho took sick. "How long havo I been
two months and twenty-llvo days. She
Obkcd a donr friend a fow days boforo
sho tbok sick, "How long havo I boon
here?" "How old aro you Marjory?"
"Flvt years old." sho roplled. Well
then.tho friend said, "you havo boon
. hero flvo yoarB' "Oh! I am bo glad,"
hor happy UU.o vnlco mado answor,
"for t have had such a lovoly tlmo all !
the ivhllo."
Whon about two years old sho would
sing with hor two oldor brothors,
William and Bruco, "Sunbonnis, I'll bo
a Sunbeam for Him." and It can truly
b6 said sho wns a HUo sunboam and
still is. for the beumlnc smllo, her
sunn curls, hor bright bluo oyos aro
beaming down upon us; I say ub, for
truly ovoryono bIio enmo In contact
with, and that was a great number,
folt that to know Marjory was to fool
that one of God's sunbeams had
touched uh.
Marjory Isabel Snyder wuu born tho
nftomoon of May 14th, 1913, and died
tho afternoon of August 8th, 1918.
V Is a wondorful nrlvllcgo to mo to
hive own this beautiful littlo llfo
slnco the duv and hour t Hut sho canin i
Into tho Snydor homo to brighten nnd
glnddon thorn with hor ovor ready
Bmr'.G. her wlnsomo way and cheery
talk. She wus a mombor of Uio Pres
byterian Sunday school and did bo
dearly lovo to attend.
Tho Sunduy provlous to hor death
nt the roquost ot hor teacher, Mrs. Goo.
Prossor, sho Bang tho solo, "Jesus
Lovei mo I know," In hor clonr lioautl-,
ful vo'co. On Tuesday aftornoon sho
tiok very 111 and remained bo itnUl
Thursday aftornoon whon God took
hor nnd hor suJtorlngs woro ovor.
Her Illness wns caused from fytoni
nluo poison.
Tho funeral services woro hold nt
the homo on tho Stato Experimental
farm Saturday attoroon nt four
o'clock. Saturday ovoulng tho romnlna
wore tnlnin to Council Bluffs, Iowa,
for Intermoi.t,
And Is this' nil? No! Nol Nol For
she lias only gono oil tho road a littlo
way boforo ub. For HtUo wo know
how soon wo mny follow nnd so hor
littlo Ufa will go on nnd on with Its
wonderful unfolding up thoro lnstond
of hare
Gonns are plentiful In tho summor
Tllr, wo broatlio thorn ovary minute. In
health thoy do no harm but to thoso
who havo a bad liver, disordered stom
ach or constipated bowols thoy mean n
epoll of sIcknosD. Tho host way to ln
Buro your health Is to tako Prickly
Ash BIttors. It purifies and strength
ens tho system. Price 1.25 for bottflo.
Gummoro-Dent Drug Co., Special
l.assltrtiy haH b"cn captured by the
French forces, whoso linos havo now t
reached tho outskirts of Chlry-,
Ouriscnmph, Bouthwost of Noyon.
Tho official statomont making this
anriouncemont also says that 20 vll-'
luges havo bocn liberated slnco Wed-1
noKday and that tho French havo ad-:
vanned about flvo mllos nt certain J
l-cllttfl. i
Oh t'lf light wing of the battle
front ettvt of tho OIso, tho French
rushod their nttack vigorously, taking
Laval nnd arriving at tho edgo of
Pojnmcirs, which Hon nbout two mllos
northwest ot Solssons.
Several thousand moro prisoners
have boon token, ono nrmy corps cap
turing 1,600.
Tills advance brings tho Fronch
troops to tho plateau north of the
Alslfo, which will facilltato future
operations by Cloneral "Mangln's right, j
Ilrltlsli forces havo captured Cotir-.
cellos, Ach'Jcti'.o-Poit4t anil havo
reiiehed Moyonnevlllo nnd Iloaucurt-'
SurrAnero In their drive which bogan
Wednesday north of tho Ancro river
according to advices from tho front.
Tho Hrltlsh attack was hotweon
MoyonnoviVo nnd' Beatimont-Sur-Ancro,
a distance, of nbout eight mil
ono-half mllos. It Is rdportcd that tho
British havo advanced from two to
thrk JiilloH along this front.
Tho attack of tho Hrltlsh wns made
without artillery preparation. It was
completely successful. Tho nttack
wag, made by tho British third army
under Gonoral Byng,
After capturing Achlot-lo-Potlt, the
British troops advanced another nillo
and a half to tho oast and reached
For Sale Two Ford cars in sflrst
class running ordor. witli light (truck
bodies. Inquiro at 214 South Chostnut,
North Platto, Nebraska.
Anxious (o bo Mudo Prisoners.
Sixty Prussians havo been takon
prisoner by tho Americans near Fis
metto, north of Flsmos, without olthor
side firing a shot. The Prussians wore
mnchlno gunners and nil that remaln
dd of a company which hnd boon in
lino, loss than a month.
American dotnchmonts wont out a
few flights ago, tho location of tho
mnchlno gun positions having boon
reported by a prisoner. Tho Intolli
gncq; of fleer who questioned tho Prus
sian assorted that that had aggrccd
to alrfondor If tho opportunity arose
A;,prlsonor takon Sunday told an
Intel Igenco ofllcor ho bollvcd that if
tho l()'att'.o linos receded to Germany
prafi jr" the fighting spirit of tho Ger
man soldlerH would bo greatly bUiikW
:o: -
Tlmt "all In" fooling so conimon in
hot weathor Is not duo to heat alono,
but to an unhealthy condition In tho
liver, stomach and bowels. To pre
vent a spoil of sickness tako Prickly
Ash' BIttors, It Is an oxcof.lont syBtdm
clonnscr and rogulator. Price $1,25 !or
bottle GunimonoDont Drai'g Co.,
Special Agonts.
Packers' Profits
Large or Small'
Packers' profits look big
when the Federal Trade
Commission reports that four
of them earned $140,000,000
during the three war years.
Packers profits look small
When it is explained that
this profit was earned on
total sales of over four and
a half billion 1 dollars or
only about fAree cents on
each dollar of sales.
This is the relation
and sales:
If no packer profits had been
earned, you x could have bought
your meat at only a fraction of
a cent per pound cheaper?
Packers' profits on peats and
animal products have been lim
ited by the Food Administration,
since November 1, 1917.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
August 19, 1918,
Board mot pursuant to adjournment,
present Sprlngnr, Hcrnilnghnuseniand
Koch and county cf.ork. '
Claim of Harold Konworthy, unftgf 1
work. $8.00 Kf
B. B. Cnss. care of county 'poor-$25 1
C. L. Grant, road work $41-.00,
Anna Andorson, care of Emma An
dorson $30.00.
Wnltomath Lumbor Co.. mdSg,(Co ,'
poor. $48.25. ,
S. Workmnn. roadwork $26tfi). i
Joseph Splos, hauling ErnveJS2,2"
The Star. mdso. county poor,2j20 !
Nina Elder, clerical work. S&jeO j
Wilcox Dopt. Storo. mdse. Acptnty
poor. $17.10. . '
Paul G. Mevor. sorvlco. $13.70.
A. S. Allen, sorvlces as county as
soBsor, $150.00. j
C. II . Bostwlck, road work, $23.25
C. R. Cochran, dragging, $52.50.
Josso Campbell, road work, $34.00
John Remus, rond work, $27.0.
C. Furnish rond work, $2.00. t;
J. Zlogor, road work, $0.00. j
Walter Remus, road work, $1.50
W. R. Malonoy Co., mdso., $198.9H
Dalo Murphy, dragging, $38
W. R. Thosslng, dragging,-$18.90
W. R. Mnloney Co., mdso. dolintj
poor, $GC2.08. "i
A. P. Kelly, printing ballots,otc
Adjourned to August 2G, 1918.. J
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
Readjustment of Million's Industries.
Tho department of Labor announces
that a shortage of at least a mifllor
skilled workers In war plants Imp'ends.
This can only bo met by combing' out
non-ossontial or other peace Workers
and putting thrin Into tho service ol
Mars. Such a condition has boon. Im
pending slnco wo went Into tho war
It has 'been reached a littlo sooner
than might hftvo boon oxpcctetl by
reason of tho great expansion of re
oulroments. Tho call on the factories
cnpablo of producing arms, umnlunl
tlon, equfpment nnd the llko has de
veloped much fastor than was antici
pated, until now In some lines Its: ex
ceeds tho capacity of tho country to
produce For example, requests, for
sUel for government needs for the cur
ront year totrtl 7,000,000 tons more
than nil existing furnaces in tho coun
try can produco. Tho 'production of
pig Iron nnd stool has onormously In
creased sinco tho war commonedd but
tho ambitious program of the1 war de
partment has leaped far ahead of- the
nntlcn's rosourcos. This Is trnio In
other linos, and almost suggest that wo
have reached tho limit of our capacity
to produce with present facilities, A
readjustment cf Industry on n strict
ly war baflts lmponds, ns wolt as a
revision of demands for material. , No
check to ou etlvltlcs in tho field will
follow, for wo nre producing weapons
ammunition and other material at a
rate surpassing understanding. The
enly difficulty Is that our existing
machinery can not make moro.--Om-
nha Bee. ;
For Service First and Guarantee
Work, call North Platto Plumbing and
Heating Co.. Phono 4G9, 10G East
Sixth street.
between profits
Ollice phone 241. Res. phone 217
Oateopnlhlc Physician.
North Platte, - Nebraska.
Knights of ColumbUB Building.
Office over McDonnld Bank.
Office Phono 1130 Res. Phono 112(1
Wanted Rags
2 Cents a Pound.
Must by dry and packed hi
We pay big price for Scrap
Iron and all kinds of
' Metal.
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers ami Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 538. -
2 to 8 cents per pound.
Wo also pay tho highest market
price for, hides, all kinds of junk
& METAL CO. Phono Red 2G0.
General Farm Sulcs.n Specialty.
References and Dates at First
National Bank, North l'lnlte, Nebr.
1'liono 1000.
Notice Is hereby glvon that at the
special election hold In tho Cltv of
North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska on tlie 18th day of May, 1917,
which said election was duly and logal
ly called and hold for the mirnoso of
voting Ten Thousand and no-100
Dollars ($10,000.00) of Bridge bonds
to be issued for the purpose of ob
taining money with which to aid In
the construction of a wagon bridge
across tho South Platto river, as des
cribed In notice of said election hor
toforo published nnd made a part of
tho records of said city, that by tho
returns on file nnd as canvassed by
the Mayor and Council of said city
and shown by tho records of said city
tno total number of votes cast at said
olcction were 303 and of said total
ivuMiibor of votes cast 288 woro cast
for issuing said bonds and 15 wera
against Issuing said bonds. More than
two-thirds of tho votos being In favor
of issuing said bonds as required hy
law. The proposition wns by motion
duly soconded, carried and adopted
by tho Mayor and City Council of
snld city and entered on the records
of snld city.
In witness- whereof 1 have here
unto sot my hnndnn d ufflxed my of
ficial soal on tho 12th day of August,
O. E. ELDER, City Clork.
Order ot hearing of petition for
summary administration.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County,
ss. In tho county court, August 13th,
In tho mattor of the estate of
Lorenzo Wiser, deceased.
On roadlng and flWng tho petition
of Morrill Keith Novillo Braying that
tho regular administration of said
dstuto be disponced with as provided
by Cliaptor 185 of Uio Nebraska Ses
son Laws of the year 1915.
Order that Soptomber 20th, 1918 nt
9 o clock a. m. as assigned hearing
said petition whoro tho heirs cred
itors nnd nil persons Interested In
snld estato ot Lorenzo Wiser, who
died in October, 1890, a resident ot
Lincoln county, Nebraska. Seized ot
somo lntorost in tho of SW and
W of SEVi of section 30 towiiBhlp
14, rango 28. west ot tho Gth P. M.
AH persons .Interested In said matters
and all creditors and heirs of said de
ceased may appear at county court to
bo houl In and for said county Sfipt.
20. 1918. That said Morrill Keith
Neville, 'petitioner Jioroin is tho owner
uy ueui oi conveyance to tno anovo
described land and that thoso pro
ceedings aro brought to dotermlno tho
hrlrrhlp and right of descent.
riiU order to ho printed for three
fcucces&lvo weeks in tho North Platto
Tribuno a legal nowspapor, 'published
In lAncoln County, Nebraska, prior
to Eertembor 20th, 1918.
Wm. if. O. WpODHURST,
al9-sG County Judge,
Make your family comfortable-,
cot onlj this Summer f"it. for
many Summers.. Iluy nn Elec
tric Fan. Dlvldo tho prko by
tho years thoy lust.
North Platte Light
& Power Co.
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redflold
Office Phono 642 Res. Phone 67
..Genera! Hospital..
One Halt Blcck North ot Postoftice.
Phone' 58
A modern Institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Luca?, H. D.
J.B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
The Artificial Ice and
Cold Storage Co.
Announces that It is prepared to far
nish nil consumers Trlth DEEP WELL
Artlflcal Ice.
PHONE 40 and your orders
will be Promptly Filled.
Tho following proposed amendment
to tho constitution of tho State of
.Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in
full, is submitted to the electors of
tho Stato of Nebraska to bo voted
.upon at tho genoral olectlon to bo
hold Tuesday, November 5th, A. D.
Section one fl) of Article sevnn m
of tho Constitution of tho Stato of
Do It Resolved by tho Legislature of
tho Stato of Nobraska:
Soctlon 1. That Section One of Ar
ticle Sevon of tho Constitution of tho
Stato ot Nebraska bo and tho samo
hereby Is amonded by striking out tho
following words:
"Second. Porsons of foreign birth
who Bhall have declared their inten
tion to become cltlzons comformably
to the laws of tho United States, on
the subject of naturalization, at least
thirty days prior to an election."
And inserting In tho place of tho
words so stricken, tho following
"Second. Persons of forolgn blrtb
who nhall have bocome citizens of tho
United States by naturalization or
otherwise conformnbly to the laws of
tho United States at least thirty days
prior to an election.
, Sec. 2. That at the genernl elec
tion ninotcen hllililrrrl nml nUhinnn
'(1918) there shall bo submlttod to the
.ejectors oi tno stato ror tnelr approval
or rejection tho foregoing proposod
amendment to tho constitution relat
ing to tho right of suffrage. At such
election, on tlio ballot of each elector
voting for or against said proposed
amendment, shall bo written or printed
the words: "For proposed amend
ment to the constitution relating to
tho right ot suffrage," nnd "Against
snld proposed amondmont to tho con
stitution relating to the right of
Sec. 3. If such nmondmeut shall
bo approved by a majority of all
electors voting at sucti oloction, said
amendment shall constitute Section
Ono (1) Article Seven (7) of tho Con
stitution ot tho Stato of Nobraska.
Approved, April 9. -1918.
Attest: Governor.
- - ... rnrgJJUaJa
riisylclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
nnd Obstrotrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones': OfCca 130, Rosldonco 115
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Jimliuiii Therapy
728 Clt; National Rank Ilnlidlng.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phono Black C33
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, Bouth Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Notlco of Petition.
EstabDi No. 1577 of TlnfMn If. Ami.
russ, deceased In tho County Court
oi Lincoln, uounty, Nebraska.
.rne stato or Nebraska, To all
persons lnterosted in said Eatnfn tnUn
notlofi that a ipotltlon has boon filed
e n. j
ior uio appointment or iSdwaru
Specht as Administrator of said Es
tate Which has boon set fnr lionrlno-
herein on Sepbcanber C, 1918, nt 9
o'clock a. m.
Dated August 8, 1315.
A13-3W Countv Judiro.
. , r fc
Order Fixing Clnlm Days.
In the Matter of the Estate nt .Tr..
emlah Snydor, Deceased.
wow on tins 1st day of August, 1918,
It Is ordered by the court that tho ex
ecutor bo allowed ono year from this
data In which to settle said estate,
anu creditors will bo allowed until
tno Gth day of March, 1919, to IVn.
their claims, after said dnto
will be forever barred. That on tho
Gth day or Septembrx, 1918, and the
Gth day of March, 1919, at 9 ocloc.
a. m. of each of said
and tho executor will attend at the
county court room in said county to
receive, examine, near, allow and ad
Just claims. That notice of this nr.
der bo glvon creditors and all 'per
sons interested In said estato by pub
lication of a notice for four succes
sive weeks immediately preceding the
Gth day of September, 1918, in the
wortn riatto Tribune, a legal semi
weekly nowspapor 'printed and pub
lished in Lincoln county, Nebraska.
a6-4 County Judge.
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby given that bv vir
tue of an adjlfters lien illed In Uio of
fice of the county clerk of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, In tho first day of
July, 191S, upon the following de
scribed chattel property to-wit: Ono
bay horse about 11 years old, weight
about 1100 lbs.: and ono gray horso
about 12 years old, weight about 1200
lbs.; now in my possession, as the
property of George Wickham; I will
at 2 oclock p. m. on the 27th day oi
August, 1918, at the Mrs. Malono farm
on Section 12, Township 14, Rangu
30, 6oll at public auction to tho high
est bidder for cash tho horses above
described to satisfy my adjisters Hen
for tho sum of $31.00 and costs of Hen
and sale.
Legal Notice.
William A. Hayes, defendant, will
take notice that on tho 14th day of
June, . A. D. 1918, tho Coates Lumber
& Coal Company, plaintiff heroin, filed
Its petition and affidavit for attach
ment In thexCounty Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska, against said Wil
liam A. Hayes, tho object and prayer
of which is to collect from the defen
dant, tho sum of Two Hundred Sixty
one and 54-100 Dollars (?2G1.54.) with
interest thereon at 7 pjjr cent from
March 27th, 1918, for lumbor and
building material sold by plaintiff to
defendant. That the Uunlon Pacific
Railroad Company, a corporation, has
been garnlsheed on attachment issued
In said action and plaintiff prays for
Judgment against the money thus gar
nlsheed in tho hands of tho Union
Pacific Railroad Company, and an or
der that the money In the hands of
said garnishee may bo applied to tlio
satisfaction of said! Judgment. You
ave rtiqulre to answor said petition on
or before September 2d. 1918.
PANY, Plaintiff,
By Hoagland & Hoagland, Its At
torneys. A6-4w.
Notlco for Publication.
Serial No. 0G112.
U. S. Land Office at North Platte,
Nebr., Jully 24, 1918.
Notico is hereby given that Austin
L. Flotchor, of North Platte, Nebr.,
who, on Juno 16, 1914, mado Homo
stead ontry No. 06112, for E of NEi,
Section 10, Township 11 N., Rango 30
W., 6th Principal Meridian, has filed
notlco of Intention to mako final three
year Proof, to establsh claim to tho
land abovo described, boforo tho Reg
ister and Receiver, at North Platte,
Nebr , on tha 29th day ot August 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses: I.
Smith, Prod Wheoler, Bolvln Darrah
and Martin Magnuson, all of North
Platlt, Nebr.
E. J .EAMES, Register.
Serial No. 05371, Department of the
U. S. Land Offlco, North Platte,
Nebraska, July 19, 1918.
Notlco Is hereby given that Minnie
Eliza Soeso, formerly Minnlo Eliza
McGulro, of North Platto, Nob., who
on Fob. 8th, 1912, mado Homestead
entry, No. 05371, for E1 of SE4, sec
tion 2, township 11 N. rango 30 W. Gth
Principal Morldlan, has filed notice
of intention to mako final threo year
proof, to establish d'.alni to tho land
abovo doscrlbod, boforo tho Register
and Rocolvor, nt North Platto, Nob.,
on tho 28th day of August, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses: .
Jess Htghborgor, of North Platto, Neb,
Andy Howard, of Wollfloct, Nob.
Martin Magnuson, of North Platto.
Scott Shanor, of BIgnoll, Neb.
E. J. EAMES, Register.