;a greeting and a statement to our old cus:
towers and tre new ones we hope to get .
Wc wish to express our thanks for favors shown us
' during the past few years, and also we want to interest you
in our plans and aims for the future.
Owing to the great world war of today, which has
brought about the scarcity of help, the high cost of mer
. chandise and many other things which are dissatisfying, we
are preparing to enter upon a
f Strictly Cash and Carry Plan
September 1st, 1918.
It is our intention to give our customers the benefits of
the saving, which means from 15 to 20 per cent on the
every day necessities of life and to insure them better and
prompter service.
Depend upon us to keep up the -high standard of the
goods we sell, to give you honest weights and full measure
aud to cut the corners off prices. We shall depend on
increased business and the power of cash to bring
1 results.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
Miss Laura Murray has been visit
ing friends in Maxwell and Brady this
Albert Swanson, o Gothenburg and
family wero visitors in town Wed
nesday. '
For Farm Loans see Gene Crook,
Room west of Vienna Cafo.
Mr an'd Mrs. It. D. Cox returned
yesterday from a visit In Idaho and
Mrs. E. N. Ogier and son returned
Wednesday from a month's visit in
Elyria, Ohio. ,
. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Golden left
Wednesday evening for a .visit with
relatives at Green River.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Store. tf
Gilbert Petors, who is railroading
out of Cheyenne, has been In town for
. a day or to visiting friends.
Mrs." Henry Brete'rnitz and daugh
ter returned the early Ipart of tho
week from a visit in Denver.
Wanted Boarder8 and roomers. G14
Garfield Ave. Phono Black 101.3 . tf
County TreaFrtiirer Souder and fam
.lly spent the latter part of last week
at 3cotts Bluffs, making the trip by
New coats, new suits, new waists,
now skirts for fall are being shown at
the Leader Mer. Co.
' President E. E. Calvin, of the Union
Pacillc, passed east yesterday morn
ing on train No. 6. He was returning
from a trip to tho Pacific coast.
Lieut-Governor Edgar Howard, of
Columbus, visited friends In town
yesterlay while enroute to Banner
County to look after reat estato inter
ests. Tomatoes $1.25 a bushel. Peppers 40
and 50 cents a dozen. All other kinds
of vegetables, North Platto Floral! Co.
Phone 1023.
Dr. Shaffer, Osteophath, K. C. Bldg.
Mrs. T. F. Healey, son Darrold and
daughtor Katherino left this morning
for Omaha where they will make
their homo while Darrold attends
Creighton college.
Christian Science service Sunday at
11 a. m Sunday school 12 noon. Wed
nesday evening meetings 8 p. m., Build
ing and Loan building. Room 25.
Harry Dixon was called to Omaha
Wednesday night by tho illness of
Mrs. Dixon who suffered an infection
of the oar-drum and submitted to an
operation. '
Wanted Girl competent in general
household work. Mrs. J. C. Hollman,
HOG west 5th, Phoiia Red 384.
See the beautiful full line of dresses
for women and misses new styles for
fall at tho Leader Mer. Co.
B. M. Reynolds has moved hi8 fam
ily to one of the npartments in the
now Blankenburg-Reynolds terrace,
and tho homo they vacated on Fifth
street has been leased by Mr. Jensen,
of tho Jensen Clothing Co.
Two troop trains passed east Tues
day with 1200 men on board bOfUaid for
nn Atlantic coast training camp to
bo outtfitted for overseas duty. On ono
of the trains was Wilbur Green, on
of W. T. Green, the North Platte
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
"Twin Beds," a farce comedy Is
booked for tho Keith theatre Satur
day evening, August 31st, It is a first
C'.ass company producing a very laugh
able play. Only seven stops is mado
by the company between New York
and San Francisco.
For Sale Four room house on weet
9th street. Will sell on very easy
terms. Inquire at 302 So. Chestnut, tf
Otto Thoelecke is feeling elated
over the wheat production on his
farm on Jack Morrow Hats. Tho fall
wheat everaged twenty-six bushols
per aero and weighed out 60.2 pounds
to tho bushel, while tho spring wheat
averaged seventeen bushels and test
ed a little over sixty-one pounds.
New dress goods and silks for fall
season an- being shown at the Leader
Mer. Co.
We may not bo much of a Judge of
good corn, but if the country south of
tho river between North Platto and
Ft. McPherson ha3 not this year, the
best corn crop it has over grown, we
admit our incompetency to Judge. And
what a wonderfully large acreage
there Is In that stretch of country.
T C. "attorson recolved .a message
Wednesday evening thnl hV'fion, Col1
onol Geo. T. Patterson had passed
away Hint "afternoon nt Fort Consti
tution, Portsmouth, Now Hampshire.
The mcpsiigr wnH Bent by Miss Ruth.
Pntterson who had been Bpendlng tho
summer with her brother. Mr. Pattor
roii left for Portsmouth on No. 12
Wednesday night. When leaving ho
was not certain whethor tho body
would bo brought to thla city for in
terment or whether It would bo laid
to rest In some national cemetery.
At the time of his death Colonol
Patterson was tho commanding offi
cer nt Ft Constitution nnd during the
sumimr tho fort has been used ns a
traini.ig school for sevoral hundred
younf. officers. Ho hnd a very serious
attack of Illncss about a year ago tu,t
had Npparontly recovered his normal
health and tho news of his death
caii.o as a shock. Mr. Patterson had
visited hc Colonel last aprlng arid
found him pleasantly situated and
thoroughly enjoying his work as com
nmmlm. nt
Colonol Patterson was born In
North Platte forty-six years ago,
graduated from tho high school nnd
took tho examination for cadot at Hio
Wont Point military ncademy. Ho
passed tht examination and four
years later graduated from tho
academy and was assigned to tho
coast nitillery branch of the service.
In years following ho wns stationed
at torts on both tho Atlantic and Pa
cillc coasts, and for sevoral years wnfl
an inspector of coast defenses and
spent tho greater part of the time on
a war ship. For about four years ho
wan rtatientii In tho Philippine Is
lands He had Leon commandmnnt at
Fort Constitution for about a year.
Graduating trun West Point ho had
been advanced through promotions
until at his death ho ranked at a col
o:iH. Colonel Patterson wan . an excep
tionally bright man, a close student
and therefore well posted on military
affuirs, extremely courteous and n
commanding figii'ire. Frlonds In North
Platto deeply regret his passing away.
: :o: :
Cannon "Meeting Tonight.
Platte Valley Lodge No. 832 Broth
erhood of Railway Carmen will hold
an open mooting at tho Knlghta of
Columbus hall this (Friday) evening
at 8:30 p. m. General vicd-prjsldent
Frank Paquin, of tho Brotherhood
will discuss important subjects of
interest to railroad men concerning
government control of railroads and
the duty they owe tho government.
If you believe in loyalty to tho gov
ernment you will attend this mooting
and bring your follow workmen with
Very few passenger cars will be
recolved of tho most popular innkeis
from now on, and probably none wLl
bo produced after January 1st. If you
are considering tho purchase of either
a Dodge Brothers or a Chandler Motor
Car this fall, you would not bo too
early If ycnir order is filed with me to
day. The scarcity of good cars 1B today
serious and this is your only protec
tlon. War taxes and higher prices will
mako a buy today or an order glvon
a mighty good Investment. Do It now.
J. V. ROMIGII. Dealer.
I intenesti ")
1 pit 1
Prompt Returns .
From Shippers
JVJicn you' ship your lTestock to mar-Let,-
jou nro interested Jn tho prompt
rcrelpl of correct returns.
Wc have made excellent nrrungo
nents with dependable stock yards'
banks whero yon will be likely to ship
your stock so Unit you may get' your
returns at tho earliest possible mo
went. We are ulnars glnd to serve our
friends, so when you ship, liavo the
account handled through this bank.
The service will bo the best possible
and nt no expense to you. Hear this
in mind.
Platte Valley State Bank
Dry Corn.
Big Evergreen Corn, 15c a dozon in
5 dozen lots, at tho farm two mile3
west of atnte farm or phone Doollttle,
782F022. 2t
: :o. :
Colored Roys Leave.
Five Lincoln county colored regis
trants left this morning on train No.
C for Camp Pike, Ark., to go Into
training for overseas duty. Under
the auspices of tho Sammy Girls the
men wore given a reception last even
ing and presented with sweaters and
comfort kits.
Tho men who left wore Eliis Frank
lin, Will Frlse, Will Mason, Shirley
Hie une Clarence Thomas.
Miss Mineiva McWllliams went to
Ogalalla yesterday to do stenographic
work in tho office of Albert Muldoon
for several days.
Visit tho millinery department of
tue turner wcr. (Jo. Tiioy aro already
showing tho advance styles In millin
ery. Miss Pholan In charge. Ask to
inhpect tho line, she'll bo glad to
show you.
Strayed: Gray mare, nearly white,
woignt about 1,000 pounds, slightly
lame behind. Last seen at Geo. Jur
gensens 'place 8 miles southwest of
Big Springs. Left Haxtun, Colorado,
about July 15th. Notify James H. Has
kell. Haxtun. Colo., or tho Trllmnn
office, Ogallala, Nobr.
A considerable nnrtlon nt th
south of tho river between hero and
Mnxu'nll linn linnn. thrnuhml ami nori
of It marketed. The wheat, wo wore
Informed, has been running around
twonty bushels to tho acre. The
Coatos Lumber Co., at Maxwell, lias
so far bought and shinned out about
G.000 bushels.
Durlnir tho oast week not. Imh tlmn
ono hundred tourist cars per day have
paeou tnrough North Platte, while
the greater number of these cars aro
from Nebraska points, Now York,
Pennsylvania, and) other eastern
states have been roprcsentod, while
qulto a few from Texas and Oklahoma
have been observed.
rbr nrofesdional ovo sorvtm in
HARRY DIXON & SON, Optometrists.!
You'vo heard of all kinda of Gm1h.
but we'll wager you never heard tell
of a "Fly" God. The Gods are suppos
ed to bo all poworful, but can you
picture mo common, ordinary garden
varloty of house-fly deciding a nues
Hon of life and death? That is exactly
wnai napponB in "Tho Fly God," a
really truly Western picture with Roy
Stowart In tho load, at tho Crystal
Saturday afternoon and ovenlng.
Tho temnoraturn nt North- iintn
this wook has raneeil frmn ntiMv.
sovon to nlnetv-two deirrenR. whinh
though not quite as high as tho rango
in june ami juiy is plenty warm
enouch for all irenoral nurtioRAs Tho
hot weather Is ripening corn vory
rnpiuiy ami mucn or tno liem corn Is
so far advanced as to bo dented.
Twcnty-8ovon Lincoln county regis
trants wl:i lcavo on" train N'o.4 Mon
duj night for Cnnlp. Fuuston. Prion to
leaving they will bo tendered d faro- i
well rccoplt6u at, tho' qourtThouso
.park, which, wilt? lucludd musical,
selections nnd a short address.
The twenty-Boven who leave are:
James Peterson
i Jamos Fredorlui , I
Carl Ekburg
I" ltd Isbrnntson
Kk'hnrd Stogenlnnn !
tnrl Cnrlson
Kd Sanders , '
Uaronco Ltston
.lesso Smith ? .
John Cook '
Geo. Lanntn
Forest Eberly
l'jrun lllxon
Andrew Riffle
fharlos Lucas
Jamef) Tolon
Charles Leach
Frank Burke
Alfred Nollson
Henry Hendrlckson
John Smith
John Skogmnu ,
Clydo Sheets
Aloxlb Stearns
William Rattz
John Wino
Fred Schroedo
l'rnlesttint Episcopal Services.
Sunday. Aug. 25, 1918.
8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. 0.48
n. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m
Morning prnyor and sermon. 7:00 p.
m. Evening 'Drnycr. St. Paul's Chapel
North Side, 3:00 p. m. Sundny Bchool
Rev. Arthur Dittos Jones, Rector.
: :o: :
urso Jlrown Hospital Xoles.
A. L. Bostwlck entered tho hospital
Tuesday for trcotmont.
Miss Clara Baker was operated on
nt . the hospital Wednesday.
Mr. McCIaln's nonhow, of Hershoy,
was operated on Wednesday.
'J'ho son of Mr. Knoles. of Hershoy,
was en operative caso Wednesday,
: :o:
'Twin Beds," Salisbury FIcf.d nnd
Margaret Mayo's great laugh festival
will bo the attraction at tho Keith
theatre on Saturday, Aug. 31. This
funnlost of nil plays kopt Now York
ers in a dollrum of laughter for n
solid year, London for two years nnd
Australia for six months. Every ono
who sees It will n'.oop woll and rlso
in good humor in tho morning. Clean,
w,aoloRomo laughter is hoalthfui!; it
ntakes tho blood circulate and It
hduspcleanB tho mind of peevishness,
discontent nnd boredom. "Twin Beds"
wifl mako your sides acho with laugh
tor. ; from curtain rise to drop. Tho
same great cast and production play
ing only prlnclplo cities will bo seen
llf;I e.
: :o: :
For Sri'.o or Trado A good Gas
International hny baler. Address W.
A. Solbv. 1721 West Sixth. 4t
Thq. .Swollsh Luthoran, aid Bcctpty
will meet? -Frlrfajt, Aug. 30th.' lnUi&
country at tho Clous Anderson homo.
. For profcpflonnl oyo sorvjeo see
I HARRY DIXON & SON", O-ptomotrlsts
Dr.. L. J, Krause. Room 3 McDonald
Bank .Inilldlhk; ' r'b . .
The Ruali Mercantile Co. hnB nddod
a nw Ovrland ftuto truck .to its de
livery system. ,
: -
Keith Theatre Friday and Saturday
"The Man
Without a Country"
Tuesday and Wednesday
August 27-28
North Platte,
United Doctors'
Will be at The Timmerman
Thursday, Aug. 29th,
HOUR 10 A. 31. TO 8 1. 3L
itctnnrknbie Success of these Talent,
ed Physicians in the Treatment
of Chronic Diseases.
Tho diagnosticum of tho United
Doctors, HconBed by tho state of Ne
braska, for tho treatment ot chronic
diseases of men, women and children,
offer to all who call on thlfl visit, con
sultation, examination and advlco free.
They have a system and method of
treatments that nro sure and certain
In results.
Theso doctors are experts In the
treatment of chronic diseases of the
blood, liver, stomach, lntostines, heart
kidneys or bladder, rheumatism, scia
tica, dropBy, log ulcorB, weak lungs,
and those afflicted with long standing
deep seated, chronic diseases, that
have baffled tho Bklll of other physi
cians, should not fall to call.
Accordlnc to tholr system no more
operation for appendicitis, gall stones
goiter, piles, etc., as all cases accepted
wr,l bo treated without operation 01
hypodormlo injection. If you havb
kidney or bladder troubles bring a 4
ounco bottlo of your urlno for chemic
al analysis and mlcroscdplc examina
Worn-out and run-down men and
women, no matter what your ailment
may be, no matter what you have
boon told, or tho experience you have
had with other physIdnnB, scttio it
forever In your mind. If your caso Ib
Inrurablo thoy will tetl you so. Consult
than upon this visit. It costs you
nothing for examlnntlno.
Remember. thl free offor Is for this
visit only.
Married ladles must come with their
husbandB and minora with their par
Fatty Arbuckle in "
The Bell Boy"
FRIDAY-Peggy Hyland in "Her Debt of Honor''
SATURDAY-Geo. Beban in "One More America"
Adults 25c
Balcony 20c
Including War Tax
Children 15c
The. Dodge to 2 Ton Truck
What you have bpon waiting for. The truck for the
fanner and for any business which requires dependable ,
service. With the wonderful power of the Dodge engihef
yoked to a Torbenson two ton rear axle, we have a very de
sirable combination.
Fower to haul a 100 per cent overload
Dependability o! tried mechanism
Service Repairs always on hand
This truck, equipped with starter, electric lights, and
pneumatic tires in front, with seat and cab will sell for
$1,400, f. o.b. North Platte.
Several body types available, including farm body with
easy dump hoist, at an extra price, or you can use any
ordinary grain box. Large cord truck tires for sand .hills
will also be available:-
Come soe this Truck and try it.
Dodge Brothers Dealers
rE have' purchased the entire stock
of rugs of the W. R- Scott Co., of
Beatrice, Nebraska.
We will place on sale over three
hundred (300) room size Rugs of all
qualities and sizes.
Rugs are very scarce and hard to
get in the open market and we bought
these at prices prevailing before the
wsr and we can give our customers ex
ceptionally low prices on these.
Sale Starts Friday, August 23d
This is an Opportunity You Cannot Afford to Miss
W. R Maloney Co,
Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray.
For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown
Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for
acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there
is'no system of treatment its equal.
Office phone 183. Residence phone 283.
Hospital Phone 110.
Don't Fail to Obtain Our Prices on
Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye
Hay and Alfalfa
You will have more dollars in your pocket