The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 23, 1918, Image 4

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ur itan Atifii
uiuiiici uuuuo
During the balance of August we will put a price on all classes of 'Summer Merchandise that will cause it to move
out. quickly. Hot weather will be" with us for some time yet so you will have plenty of use for the goods purchased.
Wash Goods
One lot wash .goods, printed patterns, 4 y
and stripes, per yd i i)C
One lot wash goods, good assortment FJ
of patterns and colors, per yd I I C
Silk Blouses
High grade silk blouses, made of Georgette
crepes, values up to $7.50, all T 1 Q
colors M.70
Extra quality Georgette blouses, AQ
values up to $10, only a few at. . J)0 O
High grade Georgette blouses, just a few of
these but very fine, values $12 (tn AO
and $15, all at 3)7.7U
Shantong waists, very neat and
serviceable for common wear . , ,
Cotton voile waists in a great va- tf 4 i
riety of patterns fi 9t)
Spring Suits
These suits are suitable lor early fall wear
and the materials in them are better than
you will get again at much higher prices. We
do not have every size, but if we Jiuve yours
they are a good investment at
$14.48, 19.98 and 29.98
Wash Dresses
Ginghams and voiles, new patterns and new
styles, all are marked at clean up prices
$1.48, 3.98, 4.78, 7.48
Silk Dresses
Foulard gingham silks and some light col
ored taffetas, all of the very best makes and
fine quality. The few that are left go at
$14.48 and 17.48
Men's Furnishings
Men's sport shirts made from good percales
and chambreys, good patterns, to se- Q A
lect from at 69c and OC
Men's soft collar negligee shirts, plain and
fancy patterns, priced cheaper than A
you will buy them again, at
Men's dimity union suits, made with
elastic knitted piece on back and legs
Men's mesh shirts and drawers made J 'T)
from good quality cotton yarns, each 4rO
Men's knit athletic st) le union suits an A q
exceptional garment for the price .... 4rOC
Women's and Children's
Low Shoes
Women's white canvass Oxfords, rubbre
soles, low rubber heels, medium
quality canvass
Women's white canvass Oxfords, low
heel, cap toe, rubber sole, fine
canvass ,
)rds, low
Women's white canvass boots
medium heels rubber soles
Women's white kid boots,French
heels (Queen Quality)
Women's pumps, assorted kinds QQ
of leathers and styles tyL SJ
Childrens Pumps
Clearance Prices.
and Oxfords at
Queen Quality white canvass jvf
pump, French heels, leather soles K)t J
Women's white canvass pumps, rubber
soles and low heels, one strap,
fine canvass ...
Women's white canvass pumps.
rubber soles, high heels, find
canvass . . .
Women's white canvass pumps,
Women's white canvass shoes
medium heels, leather soles
s, good
Women's while canvass boots (t
French heels (Queen Quality) $Qj9&JS
kid and
Women's Oxfords
gunmetal leathers,
(Queen Quality) ....
Women's patent pumps
and pumps,
finest grade
and(t AO
medium heels, one and two strap J) 0 (j
Boys' Wash Hats
All new styles made in the very best k O
way 65c and 75c qualities at ,. ...... 4-OC
$1.00 quality at 79c
Foulard Silks
36-ineh Foulard Silks, a few nice
patterns lett at
Wash Skirts
Our entire stock of wash skirts, the largest
part of them high grade, made with shrunk
waist bands, fine quality Garburdinas and
$1.48, 3.48, 5.48, 6J
If You Come Now You Will Get a Better Assortment to Pick From.
' Hi
' Thoro are a number of things you
men who Will go to the cantonments
i , ' this month ought to tako with you.
gv ' You can got thorn at cilnton's better
i f than you can away from homo. Tlfdy
will koop you busy at Uio camp. You
will not find much thnoor 8liopplng
, and you will want theso things right
away. Buy thom yourscCf bb'for you go.
t ' Safety ltnzorn, .Trench JtlrrorH,
, .aioncy jieiis, rocKet isookh, com
, paBseBi Fountain PoiiSiClgnrotto
Cases ami Wrist Watches.
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big Ring.
Hoyt Smlthers, dlork In tho Rcxall J LHlU'l VOTE IS CAST
store, and family havo returned froml ,VT THE PRIMARY ELECTION,
a visit, with relatives at Peru, Nefi
Earl Brinley will resign his post- At the primary election last Tues
tlon in the Landgrat barber shop and i day tho total votes cast did not exceed
w ill make his student trip as fireman twelve hundred, or about one-third
Sunday. ot tlle normal voting strength. The
, , I vote in North Ptatte was oven Hghtei-
Wantod Girl for general house- proportionally than in tho country
work. Mrs. E. F. Seoborgor, C02 west proc;ncts. This lack of interest was
Fourth Street. TcCophono 2G4. t largely duo to tho fact that the con-
North tests for county offices wore not keen,
' Graduate Dentist
Office over tha McDonald
Stat Bunk.
Hugh Scoonover, former
Platte clothier but now in tho furni
ture business In Kearney visited
friends in town yestorday
Col. J. R. White, of Sutherland, was
in town yestorday transacting busi
ness, visiting friends and picking up
uaws of tho primary election.
ROOMS Sonla fine, cool rooms at
tho Rltnor Hotel. Rent by weok or
month, reasonable. G7
and that nono of the candidates did
any vork either in town or in tho
county at largo.
Tho exact voto on tho candidates
could not bo obtained for today's Is
sue, but with two precincts still
missing, the following flguros are glv-
Amerlciins uro Big Factor. The Willi McDonald building on
Professional German soldiers like Dewey street has been freshened 'in.
Generals von Blumo and von Llebert appearance by the application of a
do not seek to belittle the significance C0(lt of Pa"lt-
of tho American army on the west 7TT::ol;n
front i Estray Notice.
General von Blume, who is on the ' Taken up on section 30, town 11;
rotired list, writes, an article on the , rango 31, by the undersigned who there
subject which appears in tne Ituem-, 1 "" ' jcia
lscho Westfaisch Zoltung of Essen. He
frankly admits that "we havo to rec
ognize that tho Americans, all in all
havo dono very smart work and it
will bo a very sorlous tiling if the
Gorman army command had to face
an American fighting army of mil
lions." General von Liebert, who was for
mer German commandmant nt Lodz
L Llf , tllU n ' . O ' . (itui uw. ...... v. ...... w v
on: For tho democratic nomination anu wno now is military critic oi tne
for govornor Novllle received 413 Taoglilho Rundsdhau of Berlin, tells
votes and Bryan 219; whJlo McKelvle the public tliat tho American army
republican candidate for govornor ha8 has actually become a big factor and
inritv ovnr his onnonont. tho flobarktions in Franca ar nro-
Tho Standard Oil truck and tlie , Moreheud, democratic candidate for ccedlng regularly. Genoral von Lie
truck of tho Artllclal Icq Co. collided I Uf s 80nator, run away ahead of his bort says, "Tho French and British
at tho corner of Fifth and Dowoy nnnnnontji. while- the voto for the re- owe their recent success to their
Wednesday afternoon. Tho damage to.publlcan candidates for sonator was trans-Atlantic ally, without whom
each was but slight. Hammond 221, Norrls 218 and Sloan their offonslvo would havo been
Wanted Unfurnished room by older 131. The voto on legislative represent- doomed to disappointment."
lady on south side tracks with prlvato j ntlvo from this county & S. Davis 421, j : :o: :
family. Call or address this offlm 2t Lincoln Carpenter 213. Miss Gantt for . Money to Loan.
, , , county superintendent received 75G plenty of six per cent money to loan
The breaking of a draw bar on tho vot08 t0 Mlsa inlander's 418. Fo'on farms nlul ranchos, Interest pay-
- county cienc aucu ioa y.. nDl0 annually with prmiego or pay-
iinninlnllnir flip prmllnir oil tho Lin-(.i nn t in.lnnivni. 177 Allnn n,ani.. l 'n i i t
iiifj part or uu m any time, jjoans
old. weight about 800, no brands, but
hidden mark in his tail. Owner call,
prove property, pay charge and take
animal away.
Somerset, Neb.
can be
Good Winner
But are you
J. .LaudhoCm has sold to J. K.
Burnett 320 acreB Bovon mllofl south
weal of Horshoy, for thlrty-ilvo dollars
per aero. - -
jcjlydo Trottor and a . companion
mado a trip to Omaha this ,wook and
drovo back a Hupmobllo and' an Oak
land car, both of which Jiad boon otd
before dollvry.
lor Sailo 5 room houao, modorn
ocept heat. B10 E. 4th street 4t
V' EJ Shuman and party returned
Tuesday ovculng from an auto trip to
Oonvor and Colorado Springs. Ona of
tno roaturea or tho trip was tho drlvo
tojtio top of Plko's Peak.
Wntld-A position as clork In a
gencrul or clothing Btoro. Experien
ced. Address XX Trlbuno office. 3t
Enginoor Dare Hardin is carrying
a bandaged right hand. Ho laid oft for
a weoK to help his brother Jako opor
ate a threshing machino and while
thup employed sovoroly Injured tho
Wanted Young ladles for work In
studio. Only wrltWn application con
oldoied. AppCy boforo Wio 25th of this
month, BROOKS STUDIO. 2t
Director Stamp requests us to an
nouhco that tlioro will bo no band
concert this evening. Band inombors,
owing to tno engagement at tho Kcltn
wcunosday and Thursday evenings,
wore unaulo to Becuro tho necessary
Mrs. Clins. Lterk, Sr., daughtor
Hazes and Mrs H. McGraw are
visiting; In Denver havlug left for that
city laBt night
Mrs. Albort Maldoon loft yostorday
morning for Ogaialla whero sho will
visit her husband for a fow days and
probably make arrangements to movo
to that town.
For professional oyo service hoo
HARRY DIXON & SON, OptotnotriBts.
Doc Jim- could dlngnoso ovorything
oXQopt lovo and was obliged to swal
low ' somo pretty strong medicine bo
fcro ho recognized tho symptoms of
NeglectlcocuB Wlflous, a dlsesaso
which Iw rather provalont Soo Doc Jim
In a "Good Loser." at tho Crystal
Monday. ,
Tho greatest lino of bungalow
aprons In. tho city are bolng shown by
tho Leador Mor. Co. Soo thom at 51.10,
$1 4G, ?1.G9 and $1.05, boat materials
mado good full and roomy.
J. V. Romlch roports tho sale of a
Dodge BrothorB Coupe to Mrs. G. T.
Field, a Dotlgo Sodan to Mrs, C. F.
Iddlngs, and a Dodgo touring car to
August Splinter, and Dodgo roadstors
to Henry Tlillon and John Aron of
117 acrcn of first class alfalfa and
farm land 3 mlloa from North Platto,
Nob. Good terms, $2,000 crop on land
this year. I. L. MILTONBERGER,
Agent C4-4
Potatoes, cabbago and tomatoes only
thnco cents a pound for tho noxt weok
at Lincoln Highway GardonB, 2000
ICock'Gast Fourth. 2t
"Porslilng's Crusadrjo" drew big
iiudloncoB at tho Keith thoatro Wed
nesday ovenlng and last evening; not
only tho first but tho second show
each evening being 'largely attondod.
Tho plcturo is a very Interesting ono
and givos a very good Insight Into the
task tho United States has had in
preparing for tho big war. Jas. Shaf
fer rendered a boio between bIiowb
that was woll received.
nomnlottnc the urrultnir on tho LIn-i,i iviioa T.iminnomvnr 177. Alien nilso
coin highway between thiB city and rocoiVed forty-throo democratic votefr
Maxwell. This strotch of tho highway ana no thoroforo becomes tho demo
Is in rathor rough condition. cratlc as well as republican candl-
dato. This Is also true of S. M. Soudor
touching. Good wages to start with candidate for county treasurer. For
tlckot Carroll received 290 votes and
Doty 2GG, while on tho democratic
tlckot for tho samo office Hlgglns
received 351 votes and Beal 233. For
tho democratic candidacy for county
attorney Grant recolved 351 votes and
Bnsklns 243. For tho republican nom
inatlon for Sheriff Salisbury had no
opposition and for tho same pfflco
closed promptly. No delay.
"A Good Loser"
Crystal Theatre
and good opportunity for advance
ment Written appllcatlops only.
Hnrctd Burko has roturned from a
visit at Lincoln and Cairip Funston.
Wlillo at Lincoln lio mado application
for entrance Into tho service and Is
now waiting for notice of his accep
tance. 1
Hawloy and McGovorn oxpect to i RusscH had no democratic opposition,
open their now Sun thoatro weanes
day or Thursday ovonlng of next
weok. Unoxpected dar.ays ot various
nature havo resulted In postponing
tho opening Bovoral weeks boyoml tho
expected date.
For professional oyo sorvico see
HARRY DIXON & SON, Optometrists.
By nutting In such ovortlmo as Is
offered him, a good mochanlo In tho
local shopB or round houso can pull
down from $225 to $250 por month.
That's a pretty fair waga oven In war
Wanted Men tor flromon, stoady
work, $100.00 por month. No. Platto
Light and Power Co.
In "Ono More Amorlcan" with Geo.
Ueban. Bhowlng at tho Keith Saturday
night Boban writes to a soldier frlbnd
In Italy, quoting Uio following advicb:
"Our Undo Sam ho mako no nolso
But spon tho mon' and train tho
I hear you loso In big, bad push,
But Undo Sam mako centre rush.
You hold youT lino and do your host
Our Uualo Sam como do tho rost"
Soo Boban in this picture. Itfll
mako you laugh, ho'll mako you cry
and laugh again. Also tho comedy
"First Aid."
Anyonb willing to glvo board and
room or to rent rooms to tho teachers
during Uio Lincoln County Teachore'
Institute Soptombor 2-6. please call
Black 502. Alleen Gantt, Co. Supt 67
Judgo Woodhurst Jjnd no opposition
na tho non partisan ' catulldato for
county Judgo and Springer republican
candidate Tor commissioner nau no
opposition v Uhin his party.
Tho county canuiuates at tno
November election will bo: For
treasurer, S. M. Souder; for clork, A.
S. Allen; for shoriff Salisbury repub
lican nnd RubsoII democrat; for county
Buporlntendont Miss Gantt; county
attorney J. T. Kcofo republican and
John Grant democrat; for county
judgo W. H. C. Woodhurst; for
ropresontatlvo E. S Davis; tor county
surveyor Paul Moyer; for county
commissioner E II. Springer repub
Mean and Jas, Roso democrat.
For Sale.
12 light back rovolvlng hardwood
stools suitable for luncn counter, pool
hall, soda fountain, etc., also ono
medium bIzo roll top desk. Inquire at
Shoo Market North Platto, N(eib.
Real estate mon say that theso days
It Is Impossible to sot a voluo on Lin
coln county farm and grazing land.
Good faun 'land may oll for $00 por
aero this weok, bo resold noxt week
for $75, and a weok later sell at a
further ndvonco.
, ::o::
Good appetite, vigor and chooxful
spirits follow tho uso ot Prickly Ash
Blttera. It purifies tho stomach, liver
and bowels and makes Ufa wbrtli llv
nig. Price $1.25 por bottlo. Gumraere
Dont Drug Co.. Special Agents.
II'- v ... Hh.
H1I N-
T IS a freshness like a spring
morning on a mountain peak.
It spreads over your teeth and
tongue. But it's more than a fla
vor it's a testimony of thorough
cleanness cleanness that has
extended to the countless little
taste nerves and has freed them
of the sticky mouth secretions.
Any wonder your breakfast
tastes better after you use Klenzo?
Get a tube to try today.