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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1918)
StmMBeeklu Sfribune. WIS. L. HA HE, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Ono Tear by Tiill In Adrnncc. . ,.81.25 Ono l'car by Carrier In Adrnncc $1.50 Entored at North Platto. Nebraska, Postofflco as Second ClasB Matter, ""'TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1018. WO AMERICAN OFFENSIVE , TO STAKT NEXT SI'JtlNO. WARNS RAILROAD MEN AGAINST LACK OF COURTESY. Exports at Washington are all of the opinion that tho gronlost and nnal battlos of the war will ho fought next Summer. Gonoral Marcli. heforo tho sonato commute o, stated that tho two mil lion and threo hundred thousand drafted men available for Borvlce this fnSl will bo In Franco bofore Juiift of next yoar, thus Riving America an army on the wostorn front alono of four million mon. ThU numlnr Is consldorerl capable A HOME NURSING CLASS 's WILL HE ORGANIZED SOON. WONDERFUL WORDS A A class In Homo Nursing WJH be organized this fni'.l under the' dlrqfetlori of Mm Red Cross. ' K' During th;i past month a drive for nurses has boon conducted aili'ovei tho country and Lincoln county ha moro than filled her quota. Thesf young wornVm will servo In hospital! and cantonments of this country lb re leaso tho trained nurses for work among tho wounded In Franco. ThH will leave a grtat shortago of nurses at homo and tho burdon of caring for, From a North Platto citizen. . Is your back lame rind painful? Does It ache especially after exer tion Is there a soreness In tho kidney region? Those symptoms suggest weak kid neys? If so is danger In delay. Woak kIdnoy8 gila fast wcakor. GIvo your trdublo prompt attention. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak klunoys. Wm. 0. McAdoo, director general of railroads, Iibb Issued Gonoral Order No. 40 under dato of August 19th as follows ! To nil omployeos In tho railroad service of tho United States: Complaints havte reached mo from time to tlmo that employees aro not treating the public with as much con sideration and courtosy iu,nder Govern ment control of the railroads as undor private control. I do not know how much courtesy was accorded the pub lic undor 'prlvato control, and I have no basis, therefore for accurato com parison. I hope, howowr, that tho re ports of discourtesy under Govern ment administration of 'tho railroads are Incorrost, or that they aro at least confined to a relatively Csw cases. Whntovor may bo tho merits of thoso complaints, thoy draw attention to a question which Is of the utmost Jm- portnnco In th managoincnt of the raljroads, For many years It was popularly bollovcd that "tho (public bo flammed':' policy was tho policy of tho railroads undor private control. Such a policy Is Indofonslb-.o -cilther wider prlvato control or Government control. It would bo particularly Indofonslblo un der public control when railroad cmil'.oyccs nro tho direct servants of the public. "The public bo dammed" policy will In no circumstances boUol. eratr'd'on tho railroads undor Govorn ment control. Every employee of tho railroad should tako prldb In serving tho pub'.lc courteously and oftlclontly Courti'sy costs nothing and when It Is dispensed, it makes friends of 'tho public' mid- adds to tho solf-rcspect of tho employee. My nttontion has also boon called to tho fact that employees hnvo some time offered ns an oxcuso for .Uliolr own shortcomings or as a Justification ,iiu,1 tr.ilna nv othor iltfflcultlOS IUI uumjv... v ' . . 1 t no siniomum mm. ui running ho railroads now" or "These nro McAiloo's orders," etc. Nothing cour.d bo raorti roprohcnslhlo than statements of this character, and nothing could bo moro nurtful to the bucccsh of tho Railroad Admlnldrra tion or to tho ' welfare of, railroad employees tlewisolves. No doubt, those who have made them luivo dono so thoughtlossly in most instances, but i:he harm Is Just ns groat If a thing of this sort is dono thoughtlcsaly as K It la donln dollhorately. There are many people who for lmrUaan or selfish purposes wish Government operation of tho rallronds to bo a failure. Every employe who Is discourteous to title public or makos oxrusos or Btntomonta of tho kind -I havo deacrlhrid, Is helping thoso parti, pan or solllsh Interests to dlcrodlt aovorniiiont contrcl! of railroads. Recently tho wagitia of Railroad om ployeos were largely Increased. In volving an addition to railroad opera ting Kponsos of moro than $476,000, 000 ner annum. In ordor to moot this incrouao, tho. public has boon called unon l o nay largely Increased lias Bongor and freight ratios. Tho people havo accented this now bunion encor MIy and patriotically. Tho kwst that every employoo can do In return Is to servo tho public courteously, taitn fully and efficiently. A great roftponRlbllllty nnd duty rest upon tho rai.voad omployeos of tho United States. Upon tlioir loyaltyi officloncy and patriotism dopondB in large purl America's succoss and tlio ovorthrow of tho Kalsor and ulljtlmt he rcprcsew'fl. Lot us not fall to mens nro up to our duty, and to tho domund of the nubile that railroad sorvlco shall not only bo offlclont, but that It shaPl always, bo courteously ndmlnls torcd. :o: - GE1LMANS LOSE SIX MILLION SINCE BEU1NNINU OF AVAIL Tlnntl Milu Mrr1i IMntfrt (nallmnnV of smashing tho German linos and the sick wIK fall in great moaaurojiip- Mrs. E. I. Jenkins, 821 North Dewey decisively dcfoatlng tho enomy army. " "i" uniimiieu wu.n 1.1 mu iiomr Rtreot pays: "I havo had no occasion With an army or four million Am- Thoroforc it Is of tho utmost lmpor- to use Doan's Kidney Pills for years, erlcans in Franco the allies can tanco that every girl and woman a8 1 i,avo enjoyed excellent heaMi. strlko when thoy 'pleaso and whore, should recolMn some eduactlon along Howovor, I hawn't forgotten the ex- tlm mllltnrv rucnnrta stntf and they tllOBd lilies. A part Of tho mission ofinnrinnnn T ouon linil with Doan's and can go through tho Hun tines for any the Hod Cross Is to organize classes In jr am ready to glvo them credit for obVictlvc that might havo been sot. Hyglcno and Homo Nursing that thc.puttlng my kidneys In good condition; The program as outlined by tho homo woman may bo able to care for nnd romovlng backache and tho other, allied commanders calls for a glalit her own sick to assist, if nocessary In disorders I had at thai:, time." offonBlvo on line western front in 1910, hospitals of her own town, and t.-j Prlco GOc, at all doalors. Don't 1 tmrrlod out on a scalo that will sur- havo thfe knowledgo of hygiono noce j simply ask for a kidney remedy got paps any oftorts hortitoforo made Tjy sary to prevent sickness. Tho Lincoln Doan'a Kidney PI'.ls tho samo that olthor the onomy or the allied powers, i-ounty uinptor is preparing to organ Mrs. Jenkins had. Fostor-MIlburn Co., Tho number of troops in tho fhi'.d at ; zo a ciass in 1101110 wursing early ln.Mfgs., Buffalo, N. Y. that tlmo wJlt dctormlno tho out come of wuch an action. Oormany is expected to put forth peiacc offers In tho fall of 1919, or prior to that tlmo. but she will bo forced Ur offer such terms by the fall of noxt ybar as are a sufficient guar antee to tho allies to grant an nrm lsllc of hostilities. Tho allied military pixperts oven boliovo thnt tho enomy will bo forced to offer terms In the fall of next year and that they will bo such that thoy will ho accepted nnd can bti signed- by all bclllgoronts In tho win ter of 1919 or In tho spring of 1920. !:o:: ( , OVEK 1,100.000 FIGHTING MEN AltE NOW IN FltANCE. t hlof of Staff March announces that theri aro now In Franco ono million four hundred and fifty thousand American lighting mon. By Juno of next year, tho chief of staff stated, there would bo at lonst MirifO and a half millions of men across tho Hca. fighting undor tho Stars and Stripes. Owing to hotter fncllltlos mon aro going across fastor now than over bo-fop-, it waB stated, although !tho flow had slowed up somewhat during tho past few weoks. T!Oro ,was a siowing up of troop transportation during tho last month, duo to Mo heavy shipments of men and material made In tho months of May and Juno and tho foro part of July. This necessitated laying ;up some of the transports for repairs and overhauling. Now tho big steamers ark all ready again to tako itholr cargoes ovorseas and tho noxt sixty days win witness sonw rocord troop movomont. It is Hinted. Indications aro that during tho win- tor monllhs hundrods of thousands of Amorlcans will bo sent to Franco, a I seas; hor languago from tho Bchools; Tho total of German lossos from tho beginning of tu wm to tho end of July. 1918, aro understood to bo (i.uuu, 000, according to tho morning nows panors. Tho figures Include 1,400,000 killed up to t ho boglnnlng of tho Gicirman offonslvo last March. From March 27 to Juno 17 tho Germans aro said to havo lost 120,000 killed alono. Germany has acknowledged that hor mnn-powor 1b dwindling In pro'por tlons groat onou'gh to cause anxiety to tho high command. Tho toll Itakon by tho allied armlos, and tli(d prospect of being confronted by ovory growing American forces bafl ausod Gonoral Ludcudorff to Isbuo Imperative ordorB for a vigorous, immodlata comb-out in tho Gorman army In ordor to recover from auxiliary units all mon capabl of entering lUio flighting line. Appondod to tho ordor nrju spoclal instructions to Field Marshal von Mnckonscn and General von Schlotz to mnko "a groator demand upon tho local personnel! ' iustoad of using Gor mana in tlio auxiliary services ua ro InforcemcntB, ;OJ "I'oiiKcItMitloiiK Ohjectot' UenlcncotL A dlspntsh from ,Camp Moade, Md sayB: privnto llorrman ljundonson, a "coiiBclentloua objectoi, ha", boon saved from tho flrlr.K squad by Prusi dent Wilsou. but li!t must servo fifteen years nt Fort Loavonworth nnd re ceive a dishonorable dlschargo for tils actions. Iiuulonson failed to fill out liis qucstiotmlro and did not roport for sgrvido whon callod by a Harrls burg draft board. Tho court-martial found him guilty of desortlon and dlsobodleiipo of or ders and lmposod the doath penalty. ::o:: Cbrlstlan Sclenco eorvlco Sunday at 11 a. m Sunday school 12 noon. Wed nesday evening mootings 8 p. m., Dutld lng and Loaji building. Room 25, SopbtJiiber. Miss Boyd, sunorlntcndont of the North Platto Gonoral Hospital will bo the Instructor, nnd tho course will bo of great valnjr, not only to the Btudont who enrolls but also to the community. Tho course consists of flftoen lessons, and as the number of studonts must necessarily bo limited thoso desiring to join the class arc requested to communicate as soon as posslblo with Mrs. G. T. Fields or Mrs. York Hlnman. : :o: : Germans Wronged Most. ' That Imperial group of gangsters kuown as tho German war party haw committed unspoakablo wrongs upon tho world. Thoy have devastated Iift.'gluni and deported tho Belgians. They have trampled ovor France and despised tho French. They navel rained uoatn on England and hated tho En glish. Thoy havo Involved Itussla nnd b. trayed tho Russians. And so on to tho end of the bitter chapter. But no nation has been so perman ently and Irroparably wronged as Germany; no peeJplo so completely ruined ns tho Germans. Belgium has been given a position of imperishable fnmo in tho world's history. So long as (.ho stars shall shine no ono will over call the French "a decadent pooplo." Russia has started on her long Journoy toward freedom. England has, written a now and glorious chap ter In hor history. Italy Is at Inst a roal centralized nation. Amorlcdlias becomo tha world's greatest champion of liberty. But Gormany . If the war should end tomorrow sho Is a ruined nation; her peopljcl arc bopolessty dis graced. Llko n blind Samson she has pulled down the fair temple that has taken hor five hundred years to ere'et. uermany lias becomo an out cast nation. Her colonies aro taken from hor; hor commelrco awopt from tho OL. ED KIERIG, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales n Specialty. References and Dates nt First Nntlonnl Hnnk, North Finite, Nebr. Phone 1000. far groator numbor than th govern mont undertook to transport 'last year. Tho department is buu mtorositou In reaching the hoped for. flgurie of four million men In Franco -within n year and to got this roSUlt tho trans ports will havo to no Kept moving steadily throughout tho winter months, ;:o.: Hoys Express Thanks. North Kansas VMy Aug.10, 1918. Fdltor Tribune: Wp wish to oxpriths our apprecia tion to tho Sammy Girls and tho pooplo or Norm l'latto lor 1110 way wo wero ttlmtcd on leaving for this place. Our train 'picked up mon all Itlio way to Omaha and wo wore met by Rod Cross Indies onrouto who gavljl us post cards, clgitrottos and gum. Wo bojlove that North Platto and Lincoln county give? U19 )'s 1110 W t send off of any piaco wnoro wo si,oppeu, unii our com fort kits boat any wo havo sc?m yet, end we will alwnyB remombor our frlondB who gave thorn to us. WM. HENRY CLARK FRED ELLSWORTH E. RAY MAROVISH EARL WOODRUFF LEO MLLS ERNEST VANBUSKIRK ARTHUR DISCOE THOMPSON BIGHAM OSCAR FARNSTROM Nebraska Lends In Autos. Tho number of alujto Ucontfch Issued In Nebraska during tho presont yonr up to August 1, Is 107,400. Tho numbor issued during tnia onuro yenr xvii was 1 18 101, Nebraska will probnWly main tain hor record of owning moro cars ppr capita Ithnn any other state In tho Union. :;o:: Good appetite, vigor and choeirful spirits follow tho uso of Prickly Ash Bitters. 'It inirllloa tho Btomach, llvor and bowolB and makes Ufa worth llv- nlg, Prlco ?1.25 per bottlo. Gununoro- Dont Drug Co.. Spoclal Agents. hor goods debarred from tho world's markets, (it doe.a not matter "what laws aro passed, ,'Mado in Germany" wm 00 Bumciont to tiamn ner mercn andlsQ for many a year.) Hor limita tion for art .and culture has become li by-word. Tho bloody footprint 'of tho Hun will bo seen on ovelry page' of Jier former glorious record. WJion hor symphonies arxi played men will hoar tho shrieks of murdorod children anu ravisneu women. When her cul ture 1b mentioned mon will think of Edith Cavoll. When her religion Is spokeli of tho world wiW sneer. Novor was there a nation so com pioioiy ruinou. Mover a people bo destitwo or overytlung worthwhile. If there is any class of people tiat has reason to hate these autocratic murdorors It Is tho GEtmnn ncdilo. Our Gorfnan friends can novor again Bpeak with pride of their "fathorland." Ihtiy can nover speak tholr natlvo tonguo without bolng Buro that tho vory cadence of It will cause somo ono to shudder. It 1b a telrrible loss to a man when ho can no longer bo proud of tho land of his birth, and to ho 'proud of Gormnny today is to con- dono her daBtardly deeds. Tho right thinking Gorman must feol as ono would if his fnthor had turned out law and his mother a harlot. Surely tho German peoplo havo boon terribly wrongod. Such wrongs can nover bo righted. Solocted. :o: That "all In" fooling so common In hot weathor Is not duo to boat alono, but to an unhealthy condition In tho liver, stomach nnd bowels. To pro vent a spell of Blckneds tako Prickly Ash Bitters, It Is an excotlont system clonnsor and regulator. Prlco $1.25 ier bottle. aummor,o-Dont Drm'g Co, Spoclal Agents. ::o:: Money to Loan. Plenty of six per cent money to loan on farms and ranches, interest pay able annually with prlrllego of pay lng part or all nt any tlmo. Loans closed promptly. No delay. HUC1IANAN & FATTERSON. DR. J. S. TWINEM. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown Memoriol Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for acuto and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there ia'.no system of treatment its equal. Office phone 183. Residence phone 283. Hospital Phone 110. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus' Building. It. BEIHTEL1). PHYSICIAN & SUBGEOK Successor to Drs. Redflold & Redflold PHYSICIAN SURGEONS HOSPITAL Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 678 'honu 308 Ti f ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bclton Building. North Platte, Nobraskaj ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over McDonald Hnnk. Office Phono 11.1C Res. Phono 1120 Wanted Rags 2 Cents a Pound. Must by dry and packed in sacksj We pay big price for Scrap Iron and all kinds of Metal. L. LIPSHITZ DEJIBYBEHHY & FOltHES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 538. WANTED - RAGS 2 to 3 cents per pound. We also pay tho highest market price for hidos, all kinds of unk . NORTH PLATTE HIDE, IRON & METAL CO. Fhono Red 2C0. SCHNERINGER UNDERTAKING COMPANY. NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN FUNERAl HOME. AUTO SERVICE LADY ATTENDANT PRIVATE CHAPEL PHONES DAY 623. NIGHT 030. 609 LOCUST. r Don't Fail to Obtain Our Prices on Wheat, Oafs, Barley, Rye Hay and Alfalfa You will have more dollars in your pocket HARRINGTON MERCANTILE COMPANY Mnko your family comfortable, tot only this Summer (it for many Snmmors.. Buy nn Elec tric Fan. Divide tho prlco by tho years thoy Inst. North Platte Light & Power Co. GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention GIron to Surgery and Obstrotrlcs Offlce: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offlco 130, Rcsidenco 116 Hospital Phone Black 033 House Phono Black 633 W.-T. ritlTCIIARD. Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of tho Court House. Notlco of Petition. Estate No. 1577 of Hattlo K. And- russ, deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, To all persons interested in said Estato take notioa that a tpotltion lias boon filed for tho appointment of Edward Spccht as Administrator of said Es tato, which has been sot for hearing heroin on SopfcEBiiber C, 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated August 8, lsis. WM. H. C. WOODHUHST. A13-3w County Judco. NORTH PLATTE -General Hospital.. , (Incorporated) One Hall Block Nortb ol Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Complstely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lncas, M. D. J.B. RedfifiH. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. The Artificial Ice and Cold Storage Co. Announces that It Is prepared to furi nlsh nil consumers with DEEP 1YELL Artlficnl Ice. PHONE 40 and your orders will be Promptly Filled. Notice, OrdtT of hearing of notitlon for summary administration. Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss. in tho icoinity court, August 13th ISMS. In the matter of tho estato of Lorenzo Wiser, deceased. On roadlng and flWng tho petition of Morrill Keith Novlllo praying that tho rogular ' administration of Bald Hstato be dlsponced with aa provided by Chapter 185 of tho Nobraska Ses son Laws of tho year 1915. Ordor that Soptembor 20th, 1918 at 9 oclock a. m. as assigned hearing said petition where tho holrs. crod ltors and all persons Interested In said ostato of Lorenzo Wiser, who dlod In Octobor, 1890, a resident of Lincoln county. Nobraska. Solzod of somo mtorost In tho EVa of SWA anu V of SE4 of section 30 township 14, rnngo 28. west of tho 0th P. M All 'persons Interested In gold mnttdrs and all creditors and holrs of said de- ceabed may appear at county court to bo heCd in and for said county Sctpt, 20. 1918. That paid Morrill Kolth Novillo, tiotltlonor heroin is tho owner by doc,d ofTconvoynnco to tho above dcBcribetl land nnd that thepo pro ceedings aro brought to detennino tho hrlrrhln and right of doscout. ThU order to bo printed for threo stltution of tho Stato of Nebraska. 6uccesblvo wooks Jn tho North Plntto Approved, April 9, 1918. Tribune a legal newspaper, ipubllBhed kfith imfvii i k lit Lincoln County, Nebraska, prior AUo8t. keith "v.LLE to Sep ember 20Ui, 1918. ., w nonT Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, CHARLES W, POOL al9-s6 County Judge. CTry j?I Jita PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Tho following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State ot .Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in full, Is submitted to the electors of tho State of Nebraska, to bo voted .upon at tho general election to bo hold Tuesday, November 5th, A. D 1918: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) ot Article seven (7) of tho Constitution of tho Stato of Nebraska. Be It Resolved by the Legislature' of the State of Nebraska: Soctlon 1. That Section Ono of Ar- tlclo Sovcn of the Constitution of tho State of Nebraska bo and the samo hereby is amended by striking out tho rouowlng wonts: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who slinll havo declarod tholr lnton tion to becomo cltlzons comformably to the laws of tho United States, on tho subject of naturalization, at least thirty days prior to an election." And Inserting in tho placo ot tho words so stricken, tho following wora8: "Socond. Porsons of forolcn birth Who shall have bocomo cltlzons of tho United Stntes by naturalization or otherwise conformably to the laws of the United States at least thirty days prior to an election. Sec, 2. That at tho general elec tion nlnoteon hundred nnd olghteon 1(1918) there shall bo submittod to tho leloctors of tho stato for tholr approval or rejection tho forogolng proposed amendment to tho constitution relat ing to tho right ot suffrage At fluch oloctlon. on tho ballot of each oloctor voting for or against said proposed amendment, shall bo wrltton or printed tho words: "For proposed amend ment to tho constitution rotating to the right of suffrage," nnd "Against said proposed amendment to tho con stitution relating to tho right ot suffrage." See. 3. If such amendment shall bo approved by a majority of all electors voting nt such election, said nmondmont shall constitute Section I Ono (1) Articlo Sevon (7) of tho Cca- DOCTOR I). T. (JUIGLET " Practice Limited to Surgery and Until um Therapy 28 City National Hank Building. Omaha, Nebraska, Order Fixing Claim Hays. In the Matter of tho Estate of Jer- eminh Snyder, Deceased. Now on this 1st day of AukusL 1918. it is ordered by the court that the ex ecutor bo allowed ono year from this data in which to settle said estate, and creditors will be allowed until tho Cth day of March, 1919, to ft:, tholr claims, after said dato claims will bo forever barred. That on tho Gth day of September, 1918, and the 6th day of Atarch, 1919, at 9 oclocX m. of each of said days.tho court and the executor will attend at the county court room in said county to receive, examine, near, allow and ad just claims. That notico of this or der be given creditors and all "per sons interested in said estate by pub lication of a noiico for four succes sive weeks Immediately preceding the Gtn day of September, 1918, in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi weekly newspaper printed and pub lished in Lincoln county, Nebraska. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, a6-4 County Judge. Legal Notice. Notico is hereby given that by vir tue of an adjlfters lien filed in tho of flco of the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, in the first day of July, 1918, upon the following deg scrlbed chattel property to-wlt: One bay horpe about 11 years old, weight about 1100 lbs.; and one gray horso about 12 years old, weight about 1200 lbs,; now in my possession, as tho property of George Wlckham; I will at 2 oclock p. m. on the 27th day 01 August, 1918, at tho Mrs. Malone farm on Section 12, Township 14, Jtango 30, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash tho horses above described to satisfy my adjlsters lien for the sum of $31.00 and costs of lien and sale. ' aG-3 ARTHUR STEWART. Legal Notice. William A. Hayes, defendant, will take notico that on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1918, the, Coates Lumber & Coal Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition and affidavit for attach ment in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said Wil liam A. Hayes, tho object and prayer of which is to collect from tho defen dant, the sum of Two Hundred Sixty- pno and 54-100 Dollars ($201.54,) with interest thereon at 7 flix cent from March 27th, 191S, for lumber and building material sold by plaintiff to defendant. That tlio Uunlon Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation, has been garalshecd on attachment Issued in said action and 'plaintiff prays for judgment against the money thus gar nlsheed in tho hands of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company, and an or der that tho money in tho hands ot said garnishee may be applied to the satidfaotlon of said! judgment. You are reiquiro to answer said petition on or before September 2d. 1918. COATES LUMBER & COAL COM PANY, Plaintiff, By Hoagland & Hoagland, Its At torneys. A6-4w. Notico for Publication. Sorlal No. 06112. U. S. Land Offlco at North Piatto, Nebr., JiOy 24, 1918. Notico is hereby given that Austin L. Fletcher, of North Platte, Nebr., who, on Juno 16, 1914, made Home stead entry No. 06112, for E of NE&. Section 10, Township 11 N., Range 30 W., 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mako final threo year Proof, to eatablsh claim to the land above described, boforo the Reg ister and Receiver, at North Platto, Nebr , on tho 29th day of August 1918. Claimant names as witnesses:. L. Smith, Fred Wheeler, Belvln Darrab and Martin Magnuson, all of North Plattt, Nebr. E. J .EAMES, Register. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Serial No. 05371, Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, Nortt Platto, Nebraska, July 19, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Mlnnlo Eliza Soese, formerly Mlnnlo Eliza McGulro, ot North Platte, Neb., who on Fob. 8th, 1912, mado Homostead ontry, No. 05371, for E& of SE&, sec tion 2, township 11 N. rango 30 W. Gth Principal Meridian, has filed notice ot Intention to mako final threo year proof, to establish dlalm to tho land above described, before tho Regtster and Rccclvor, at North Platto, Neb., on tho 28th day of August, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Joss Hlghborgor, of North Platto, Neb. Andy Howard, ot Wollfloet, Neib. Martin Magnuson, of North Platto. Scott Shanor. ot Blgnoll, Nob; E. J. EAMES, Register. J23-A23.