The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 20, 1918, Image 4

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    Sale fe.
Summer Goods
During the balance of August we will put a price on all classes of Summer Merchandise that will cause it to move
out quickly. Hot weather will be with us for some time yet so you -will have plenty of use for the goods purchased.
Wash Goods
One lot wash goods, printed patterns, 4 J
and stripes, per yd
One lot wash gootls, good assortment 4 rj
of patterns and colors, per yd. . .... . fl
Silk Blouses
High grade silk blouses, made of Georgette
crepes, values up to $7.50, all (t 1 tC
colors $4.70
Extra quality Georgette blouses, QQ
values up to $10, only a few at'. . J)0 O
High grade Georgette blouses, just a few of
uicsc nut very nne, vaiucs 5i t
and $15, all at.... 1 J". 7
Shantong waists, very neat and
serviceable for common wear . . .
Cotton voile waists in a great va
ricty of patterns ,
Spring Suits
.These suits are suitable lor early fall wear
and the materials in them arc better than
you will get again at much higher prices. We
do not have every size, but if we, liave yours
they are a good investment at
$14.48, 19.98 and 29.98
Wash Dresses
Ginghams and voiles, new patterns and new
styles, all are marked at clean up prices
$1.48, '3.98, 4.78, 7.48
Silk Dresses
Foulard gingham silks and some light col
ored taffetas, all of the very best makes and
fine quality. The few that are left go at
$14.48 and 17.48
Men's Furnishings
Men's sport shirts made from good percales
and chambreys, good patterns, to se- Q rk
lect from at 60c and JQ
Men's slftvcollar negligee shirts, plain and
fancy patterns, priced cheaper thanQ.
you will buy them again, at O-'C
Men's dimity union suits, made with i
elastic knitted piece on back and legs Q y Q
Men's mesh shirts and drawers made
from good quality cotton yarns, each
Men's knit athletic sl)lc union suits an
exceptional garment lor me price .
Women's and Children's
Low Shoes
Women's white canvass' Oxfords, rubbrc
soles, low rubber heels, medium fj 4 FJf
quality canvass ., fr I I
Women's white canvass Oxfords, low
heel, cap toe, rubber sole, fine
ps, good
Queen Quality white canvass fQ
pump, French heels, leather soles yj
Women s white canvass pumps, rubber
soles and low heels, one strap,
fine canvass
Women's white canvass pumps, good
rubber soles, inch heels, line
Women's white canvass pumps, rt 4 Q
low heels 3)1 0
Women's white canvass shoes (T i Q
medium heels, leather soles. . . . J) 1 ,4
Women's while canvass boots
French, heels (Queen Quality)
Women's Oxfords and pumps, kid and
gunmetal leathers, finest grade
(Queen Quality)
Women's patent pumps, low andrt
medium heels, one and two strap K)
kid and
Women's white canvass boots fkQ
medium heels rubber soles eJeO
Women's white kid boots,French
heels (Queen Quality)
Women's pumps, assorted kinds (T" fQ
of leathers and styles $Ze VO
Childrens Pumps and Oxfords at
Clearance Prices.
Boys' Wash Hats
All new styles made in the very best 1 Q
way 65c and 75c qualities at 40C
$1.00 quality at.
Foulard Silks
36-inch Foulard Silks, a few nice
patterns leit at
Wash Skirts
Our entire stock of wash skirts, the largest
part of them high grade, made with shrunk
waist bands, fine quality Garburdinas and
$1.48, 3.48, 5.48, 6.98
If You Come Now You Will Get a Better Assortment to Pick From.
Wilcox Department Store.
H . , ' Thoro nro n number ot thincs you
'if mon who wilt go to the enntonmonta
' ' this month ought totako with you.
, . j You dan got thorn at Clinton's bettor
tlmij you can away from homo. They
will kpop you bUBy at tho camp. You
will not find much tlino for shopping,
and you will want these things right
away. Buy them yoursetf bqfor you go.
Safety RnxorH, .Trench Mlrrorn,
Money Belts, Pocket Hooks; Com- 1
Iuihsch- Fountain Tens, ft'lgnretlo
Cases nud Wrist Watches.
1 ,, C. S. Clinton
Jf ., "'K' Graduate Optician
Graduate Dentist
' Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
MrB. WiU'on Tout loft Saturday for
a vlblt In Lincoln.
jC..P,;Ross,' of Omaha. vlBltod frlonds
In-tpwn Saturday.
Airs. A. V. McKeown nnd daughter
Josephine loft yesterday for a two
works' visit in Denver.
Miss Holon Cross, who enlisted, In
tho army school of nursing a few
weeks ago, has received notlco of or
acceptance Sho must bo prepared, 'to
go at any tlmtei
Wanted Young ladies for work in
studio. Only wrltteln application con
ttidored. AppCy boforo ftho 25th of this
month. UHOOKS STUDIO. . 2t
D. M. Leypoldt, of Ilcrshcy. has
purchased for a consideration of
?(i.G0O the "Dusty" Van Doran property
on west Second street and will soon
move his family to his city. Tho salo
was made through the rl. & S. Ageucy.
For Sale Half section relinquish
ment, driving dlstanco of Choyenno,
4 miloa fron railroad station, partial
Improved, fn'woll settled community!
all r'-ow land. Dargaln if sold at onco.
Terms on part of payment. Wrlto Box
35-J, Choyenno, Wyo.
For Service First and Guarantee
Work, call North Platte Plumbing and
Heating Co., Phono 4C9, 10G East
Sixth stroot.
While in Denver last week W. II.
Harcourt met Lieut A. V.'Wortman, a
former. employo of The Tribune, who
with nino men had cone to Denver to
mi , ... , . ... 'onJ.iBt mon for aviation service Lieut.
Jiint fhn w ?n bCCn a Wortman ls with, tho signal reserve
? i AW,6n h0m' ro-, corps at Kelly field, Texas,
turned to Lincoln Saturday.
Mu4fc.iifiii.v tj 1 . , i I Wanted Olrl competent in general
,.SS?l,. riPontoni ro1tur,lc1dltto1 household Work. Mrs. J. C. Hollman,
f?fift,tU7lay Rft0r, lmV,,!ff VlB,te1 110(5 west 5th, PhoUd Rod 384. .
loval-frfcinds for n week or two. v
1 1 m n t..i.. ... .. .i Ti.i . .
I'latt vliito and J. J. Crawford ro .... n f i,,.. u
hS iPri,dfyfP0in. MItchoU wlioro Mrs. Pattorson and Edith In Seattle,
thoy. nttlendcd tho nuta races. nil,i tlihv win vuu thn ninoinr
Wanted io Rent Small farm nlaco a' lrk boforo returning to Chotoau,
close to( town, Ernoat IEelms, City. (Mont., whoro Edith wiK tench tho
Mm. (!nnria Trv ni. oml l.ll.ln.n '
lotf Sunday for a Itrin to wostorn
points, including Pacific coast cities.
lira.'!!. L. DoilErlaR wnnt in f!nnnil
StftSrday to visit friends for a few
Harry Fleishman biegan -work ag a
niiio-Kcopur av mo ico uoubos aun
For Sale Two lots and 4 room
houfo. 'Cull Black C97. 4t
Wrsl Margarot Mca, of LouIbvIUo,
ivy.,rjs. vjaiung jar. ni mrs. win.
Wejo!. '
Fqr Hont Four room houso with
throe acre's of ground. Inqulrh at 302
South Chestnut. tf
.Tlic Misses Martini returned tho
latter lprirt bf! last -wook from a visit
in.yie'caBt. .
Irs,.Thos".- Haggorty and son left
Sunday, for a visit with friends In
R4wllnB.; -
Mrs.j.ArUmr Hartwlg Is vlsltlnK
frlndB In Orant, having.. loft for that
piaco aununy. -
TvirB. Herman LoDIoyt and ,two
daughters loft Sundoy for u visit with'
friends In Schuyler.
Mr. and Mrs. John EW and children
loft Saturday for Laramlo whoro Uioy
Willi visit this week.
'MessrB. Romlgh, Earhait and Hlcko
wont to Aneelmo Sundny and drove
back two Dodge cars,
Mr and MrB. A. M. Solbert loft
Saturday for .Snokanc WaBh., whoro
thoy woro called bv tho Jllnnss o"f Mr.
ssoiuert'B BlsKfcr.
Geo. XBrownlnir. of 1'nrU Mnnt..
and Mlsp Alice Pattorson, ot Khia city,
I Waiitmt TTnfiirtllnhAil rnnm lv oldnr
lady on south Blda tracks with private
family. Call or addross this orflOn 2t
Rev. Harrabolllo Mnrangcopai n
Malay by birth and traveling on foot
aa a missionary, hold street services
sovoral ovenings Inst weok, Ho arrived
hero from Gothenburg, Thursday wait
ing tho steel rail of tho rail road and
Wanted BoardorB and roomers,' 014 f-han tramping tho road bed or a
ipnnlos him, travels by train.
ThSLSiv , f . by nJudB Woodhurst .boWing himself wlUi a cane.
Thursday t his ofHce. , 8nyB wnlkltfB Ul0 rall la much
v a . U . I .i 1 I 1 ' H
unr.nom avo. l'hono Black 1013'.' tf
W. T Aldon, daughter Uotenhnd
nieco MIbs Janet Aldcn of Lincoln,
roturncd Friday from a two weeks'
fibbing trip in Wyoming.
For Salo Four room houso on went
9th Btreot. Will Bell on very easy
torniB. Jnquiro at 302 So. Chostnut. tf
Mrs. John Jonps loft Sunday for
Camp Cody to visit hor son Sorgonnt
Clarence Jonos who is opoctcd to
lsavo soon for oyoraens sorvlco.
Everett Kondall, f,ormer North
Platte uowspapieir reportor, haB boon
visiting In town for a few days while
onrouto to Colorado whoro ho goos for
tha benefit or his health.
For Salla Two Ford cars In first
clu8B running order, with light ttruck
bodies. Inquire at 214 South Chostnut,
worm l'latto, Nooraska.
Mr. and Mrs. "W, R. Harcourt re
turned Friday from Colorado and tho
Baindv night Mr. Harcourt weut to
;OnAhaTt&v ascertain how Boon he may
uo caiieu lino uio uanon sorvico.
For Sri'.o or Trade A gomi Gas
International hay baler. Address W.
A. Solby, 1721 West Sixth. 4t
Jn tho auto races at Mitchell last
Thursday E. N. Smith of this city won
Bocond place in two races and third In
onlei, and Albert Proltauer also won
two Beconds and ono third. Eacli pull
ed down about fl50. King Riloy'a car
loft tho track went Inlto tho fenco and
ripped out eightcon posts but ho was
not injured. Shockloy's enr also loft
tho track and ho sustained a cracked,
Last Thursday night tho garage on
tli3 premises of Charles Vefnoa was
broken open and the Hupmobile driv
en away. The thieves drove thci car
to the Grant McNeol ranch eleven
miles northwest, and leaving it in the
main road walked a half ml'.o north
to the McNeel building where tho lock
wns broken and tho National car tak
en out.
Tho muffler on tho car was open
and this started a dog to barking and
tho noise awaktened Mr. McNeel, but
by tho time he got out of the houBe
tho car had reached tho main road
and was heade'd east. McNeal at onco
telephoned to Sheriff Salisbury who
hopped into his car and started out
to intercept tho thief. When ho reach
ed a point north of tho river ho heard
a car coming and laid in waiU Tho
stolon car was being driven rapidly
and as it" approached tho sheriff call
ed a halt two which tho two men paid
no attention, and swerving to ono side
ran into a post, Salisbury at tho samo
time shooting at tho tires. Hitting the
'post resulted in a slowing down of
tho stolon car, and seeing that arrdst
was possible tho men jumped from the
car and ran Into tho brush and made
their escape. Othor than a bent front
guard nnd tho breaking of a small rod
connecting tho frame, tho McNeel car
was not damngod, whllo tho Vernon
car Heft at tho McNeel ranch was not
damaged, though covered with mud.
Henry Cordes Passes Away.
Henry Cordes, for moro than ithlrty
years a resident of tho cauaity, passed
away Saturday afternoon at the, home
of his daughter Mrs, Edward M.
Hoggo soiith ot Horshoy. Dtath was
due to kidney trouble and hardening
of the arteries, and ho had Uecn fall
ing rrithor rapidly for several monlths.
Mr. Cordes camo to Lincoln county
In tho SO'b and homestcaded southwtcHt
ot tovyn, remaining on tho land for
about flftctln years when ho removed
to town.
He (leaves a son William, now In San
Francisco, and daughter Mrs. Hoggo
bis wife having died sovoral years ago
'Henry was a kindly sou1, a groat
visitor with his friends, and a man of
integrity and honor. Ho was past
seventy-four years ot ago.
Tho funeral was hold from tho Epis
copal church yesterday, Itov. Koch
conducting tho sorvlco. Ho had been a
mombor of tho Luthoran church for
many years.
Western Nebraska Stockmen Active.
Tho Association of Wostorn Ne
braska Stockmen which was organiz
ed last May is already making Its
influence felt In that portion of fche
Thnt it has struck a responsive
chord In the minds of stockmen is
evidenced by its growth from a mere
handful to a membership of over 250
in the two monlths of its existence.
This membership represents practic
ally every county in the stato west of
thci 100th raerfdian, and the associa
tion expects to have a ntetmbership of
one thousand by fall.
The secretary is now actively en
gaged In digging out tho llvo stock
men, listing and classifying thtem ac
cording to their interests, and pub
lishing this information in a two
hundred 'page directory, which will bo
sent free to members and otlielrs, sup
plying him with the" necessary infor
mation pertaining to their herds.
Besides tho directory, tho associa
tion has succeeded in getting tho
Duvoc members together in sufficient
numbers to hold a cooperntlvo boar
salo during the Lincoln county fair at
North Platte this fall.
The object of this association ls not
howevor,to sponsor any breed, but to
lend Its Influence to tho dovfeflopmont
of all. This is but a beginning. It will
bo particularly serviceable in dis
covering and bringing togetheir brced
eib of similar stock, and to work for
stockmen's interests in general. Such
an institution is like a tolephone,
valuable In proportion to the number
of people it reaches. It is therefore the
orncst- desire of this association to
reach every stockman in Western Ne
braska, worthy of the name.
Parties interested should address,
The Western Nebraska Improved LIVo
Stock Breeder's Association. Nortr
Platte, Nobr.
1 : ;o; :
Four dollars a day does not seem
an attractive wage to tho day laborer
these days, at Ceast Charley Whelan
has beon short of men for work on,,
the new bridge fdr ten days past and
1b still short. Quito a fow men go
down and look over the work for
which mon are needed, but most, of
them seem to conclude that they arte
too heavy for such light work or vice
versa. Mr. Whelan is advertising for
twenty men.
For Snle.
4 head of horses, 2d hand hay load
er, Baddlo, light work harness, A. F.
Streitz. 2t
:o: :-
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors .for their kindness and sym
pathy and the beautiful Horal offer
I Ings extended to us, at the death of
our littlo baby.,
MR. and MRS. R. D. JONES
and children.
Germs nro plentiful in tho summer
nlr, wo breatho thorn ovory minuto. In
health thoy do no harm, but to thoso
who have a had liver, disordered stom
ach or constipated bowels thoy mean n
spoil ot Blcknoss. The best way to in
suro your health is to tako Prioklv
Ash Blttors. It purifies and strength
ens mo syBicm. rrico $1.25 per boMlo.
uummero-uent Drug Co., Special
Ptiblic Library Notes.
Ovor 200 books for Camp" libraries
woro shipped from tho North Platto
library last week. Tho books woro all
in good shape 'and Just thla kind to
plenso ttho boyB. Among them were
forty-three donated by Mrs. Muchlln
ski nnd a largo number given by Mrs.
F. Buchanan.
During tho month tluoro haB beon a
largo increase in tho number of men
who havo taken ndvantago ot tho cool
and cohifortablo reading room.
Mrs. Anna Church will bo in chargb
of tho library while tho librarian has
her vacation.
Applications for Nurses should bo
rdVurned this weok.
::o:: .
Wanted Mon for firemen, steady
work, $100.00 per month. No. Platto
Light and Powor Co.
Telephone Rates Lower
in the United States
Than in Europe
Bates for telephone service should be based upon the
cost of materials and labor and the kind of service fur
nished. Wages paid telephone employees in this country aro
practically double thoso paid in Europe for tho same kind
of work.
Telephone materials also cost a great deal more in
America than abroad and tho grade of telephone service
furnished here is far superior' as everyone who has trav
eled in Europe knows.
Thus, the same ' materials could be purchased, tho
same amount, of labor employed and service, such as is
provided, could bo furnished for less money in Europe
than in America.
When the cost of operating is twice as much in Amer
ica as in Europe, telephone rates in Europe, to be pro
portionately equal, should be only a dollar for service
costing $2,00 in America, and a long distance call costing
$1.00 hero should only cost 50 cents in Europe.
Save Food
Bur AVnr Huvtnic Starapa
and Llbcrtr Honda