The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 16, 1918, Image 8

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    StmlMtMu (Uribtute.
IRA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher
Ono Ycnr hr Mnll In Adrnnco....S1.2u
One Ycnr bj Carrier In AUVnnco $1J0
Entered at North Plntto. Nobraska,
I'ostotuco as Second Class Matter.
To the Voters.
I am a candldato for tho republican
nomination for county treasurer and
respectfully solicit your support at
tiie primary election Tuesday, August
I horoby announco mysolf as candl
dato for tho republican nomination for
float roprosentatlvo from tho 77th
District composed of tho countlos of
Kolth, Lincoln and Dawson, at tho
primary olectlon to bo held Auguat 20,
and roHpoctt'ully solicit your Bupport.
l uavo been a resident of DawBon
county for fourtoon years, and my
present homo is in Gothenburg,
For Sheriff.
I horoby announco mysolf as a candl
dato for the renuhlican nmnlnntlnn fnr
shoriff at the primary eloctlo,i to be
noiii August zum,
County Clerk.
1 hereby announco mysolf as a
candldato for tho llopubllcan nomin
ation for County Clork at tho Primary
nioction to bo hold August 20th, 1918
County Attorney. "
I horoby announco myBolf a candl
dato for tho .office of County Attornoy
of Lincoln County subject to tho Dem
ocratic voto at tho primaries hold
August 20th, 1918.
For County AUornoy.
I horoby announco my candidacy for
tho nomination for County AUornoy
on tho Domocratlc ticket at tho pri
mray olectlon August 20th, 1918, sub
ject to tho will of voters, whose sup
port I rospcctfully solicit
For Commissioner.
1 um a candldato for tho nomina
tion for county commlsBlonor of tho
socond district or Lincoln county on
the republican ticket subject to tho
will of thiei votors at tho primary olec
tlon August 20, 1918.
For Slnto Sonntor.
I horcby announco mysolf as a
candldato for Stato Sonator from tho
25th District composed of tho coun
ties of Keith, Lincoln and Dawson,, on
tho Democratic tlckot, at tho 'primary
olectlon to b'd hold August 20th, and
rospcctfully solicit your support. I
havo lived In tho District olovon
I horoby announco my candidacy
for State Roprciaontntlvo from the dis
trict composed of Lincoln county.
I wish to oinphoalzo tho fact that I
havo btion a resident of Lincoln coun
ty for nearly a quurtor of a contury
and bolong to no organization whose
patriotism has boon questioned, I am
tied up to no business nnd liavu no
axes to grind but if nomlnntOd and
' eloctod will llrst support tho ratifica
tion of tho National Prohibition Am
endment and any moral or education
al measures that will bonoflt Lincoln
county and tho' stato of Nobraska and
give my ontlro tlmo and attention to
my dutiiw.
Primary August 20th,
Tho following appoatttd In tho Wed
nesday Deo:
Married men with no children must
goto war, according to orders rocelv
od Tuesday at local draft boards.
This rulo applies to all chlldLtjs
mon. Only a tow exceptions will ho
made, as tho ordors nro explicit in
ruling that murrfcd men with no chil
dren must bo reclassified at onco and
placed In Class 1 wherever there aro
rfijisonablo Bourcos of support avail
able for tho wifo.
Draft bourd mombors say that tho
fact that a wife has novor hoforo earn
kid money will not bo accepted as an
oxcuso Jf she Is ablobodled. In fami
lies whoro thoro aro uo children, only
Invalid wIWh will bo a reason for do
ferrod classification for tho husband.
Some of tho local boards already
have begun tho work of reclassifica
tion according to this new "wifo work
and husband fight" ruling.
Draft Ago'lHlYln Senate.
With a broad work or light amend
ment deIgril to provont strlkos and
a provision for education of youtliB
under 21 sorvlng In tho military or
naval wrvico at government oxponsl
after the war. tho administration man
power bill BxUmdlng draft ngos bo as
to Include all mon between 18 and 45
years of ago has been favorably lie
ported by the sonata military commit
ter and tho bill will Ha considered in
tho senate next Monday.
The bill Is framed to enable the na
tion to iBciUase Us war program In
accordanco with an understanding
reached with the iOos. About 13,000,
000 men would be registered undor
thy new law and Provost Marshal
Ooneml Crowder OHtlmutos 2.398.000
men between the 'ages of 19 and 20
and 82 and 46 will tie available at
-::o: !
Nobrwka now hoa moro than 40.000
of her boat .young men In tho military
or navat Hwieo of tho Ropubllo. This
moan one soldier or nallor for every
thirty-one of tho state's population.
What state in the "Union can point to
ft better howlng?
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Store. tf
"In preparation for tho contem
plated oxtcnslon of draft ages, Gover
nor Kolth Xevlllo has Insucd a bulle
tin to all local boards requesting thorn
to secure tho sorvicos of voluntary
registrars In vory voting proclnct In
the State. Nebraska has achieved a
Very enviablo record In tho adminis
tration of the Btloctlvo servlco law.
Nobraskans havo given freely of their
time in tho transaction of this work.
In (.ho 1917 registration, volunteer
registrars wero secured for the vast
majority of counties. In Omnlia, 400
registrars volunteorcd their services
Tho registration In that city of 20,000
mon cost tho draft government only
$9.18. Tho record attained In somo of
the rural districts of Nebraska has
boen equally as good and in somo
cases, bottor. Tho 1918 registration
was handled with no oxponso to tho
federal government
It Is Governor Novlllo's desire that
tho tltantlc task of conducting the
Proposed now reglsratlon bo accom
plished with as llttlo expenso to the
government as possible. Ho is, con
oquonUy. culling upon patriotic No
braskans to communicate with the
Local Hoard having Jurisdiction over
heir territory, offorrlng their sorvicos
on registration day."
- ::n::
Young Wood In War.
At . present, according to tho esti
mate of tho War doparmont thoro
aro In tho nrmy navy and marine
corps 224.32J5 men undor tho agh of Si.
of thoso 118,000 aro In the Army. 97,
500 In tho navy and 13,826 in the ma
rine corps. In tho civil war out of a
total enlistment of 2.788,312 only
G28,r.IG woro 22 years or oldor at the
time of enlistment, and 1,151,438 woro
18 years or youngter. This answers, tho
question as to "whero Grant got his
iirmy," nnd ought fairly to siionco tho
blubborlngs of Sonator Ivlrbyovor
not giving tho boys a chance at HOcl-
Omaha Deo.
Wo expklct a raft or people will bo
closln' in on us at tho Crystal Satur
day aftornjoon and evening to sco
William Diamond In "Closln' In."
'Sail about a protty girl who didn't
appreciate u real man until tho big
crisis came. And there's a fight In this
picture! Oh, Hoyj Why pay
two Inicks for a ringside seat whhi
you can sco this light for 17q. And say,
Stingy, don't lot yonr girl miss seeing
this ovpn If ycu aro afraid Hill will
win h:!r hoart away from you.
Uncllti Sum wants Nobraska to seed
down 3,702,000 acres of wheat this
year or 17 por cent moro than tho
1918 acreage. Nobraska farmors havo
not yftt failed to respond to tho limit
to ovory request of Uncle Sam, and
they will not rofuso this tlmo.
Wanted Men 'for firemen, steady
Work, $100.00 por month. No. Platto
Light and Powor Co.
J. S. ' D.
ftigfo Test
Not less than
58 per cent
This sign appears at
We have completed our Gas Station and are now
shipping our own Gas by Tank Car Lots.
Our Gas is the highest test than can be' refined in
all the southern field.
A trial will convince you it has more power, less
carbon. Car starts easier than heretofore.
J. S. Davis
Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray.
For your comfort and accommodation Tho Nurse Brown
Memorial Homeojiathid Hospital. Homeopathic medicine fpr
acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there
is'no system of treatment its equal.
Office phone 183. Residence phone 283.
Hospital Phone 110.
Don't Fail to Obtain Our Prices on
Wheat Oats, Barley, Rye
Hay and Alfalfa
You will have more dollars in your pocket
Hilcf of Staff March. In an ndiirets
innuo .10 pross corrosponuonuyvcu
r.esday nftornoon, stated that' tHe
Plcardy salient has been reduced oiL's
front of fifty-three mllos to a dopth of
fourteen mllcf).
This gain, mado by tho combined
British. French and American forces,
now throws tho enemy force, baaii 'to
a point flfty-flVc miles from Parfftat
t'icir noarest point The gain Wjpo
out a sharp wedgo o:eiU:oc toward
Paris by tho army under Gom von
Ilutlcr, who drove down towardrMbrtV
duller. ; (
General Maroh also stated that there
vrtrv now ongagod in fighting in
France alono thirty-one divisions, of
Americans. (As an American division
lms been fixed at from 40.000 to 45,000
men thoro are now ovor 1,400,000 fight- j
lug Americans in France, according to
tho statement made by the chief of 1
::o:: . j
Prisoners Rownhciirlcd.
Gorman prlsonors taken by, tho
Fronch hoforo Uelznl aro responsible j
for much valuable Inromintlon falling i
into French hands. Thoy aro( telling '
freely of contemplated Gorman oporu-1
IImis and movements undor way to Hip '
roar of their lines. As a result of this t
Inffrrmntlon the alllod commander
are bonoflttod to an oxtont where they
can again movo their forces for at
tacks and nro adding hourly to terri
tory gained.
All of tho prlsonors taken aro down
hearted nnd oxpross the wish that the
war was over. It Is not uncommon
ti have German offlcors stato that
Germany cannot hope to win a mili
tary decision against tho alllod na
tions. Such an nttltuao on tho part of
the enemy officers Is lynhoard of be
fore Comploto showing of advanced no1
fall models at BLOCK'S.
A GteVman sub-marlno approached
tho very gates of Now York harbor
Tuesday night and Blink tha oil tank
ntoamor Frederick It. Kellogg of 7.127
tons gross register valued at moro
than a million nnd a half daf.larB,
Soven of tho crew of forty-two nro
missing. Tho German U-bonts have
boon busy tho past week all along the
Atlantic coast from Malno to this Cara
linns and havo destroyed a number of
fishing smacks nnd small schooners.
All summer apparel must go! Du
lng this clean swoop sale at BLOCK'
All summer wasii hkii-ih, v;uiu?b up
to $7.75 are now sell at $1.48. $1.98.
$2.98 and $3.98 at BLOCK'S Clean
Swoop Sailo.
Don't Buffer tho mlsory of indiges
tion when you can get reliof from
Prickly Ash Bitters. It eases pain and
drives out badly digested food. One
does does tho work. Try it. Prlco $1.25
por bottle. Gummoror-Dent Drug Co.,
Special Agents.
... . -ti.. w
our filling stations
Auto Co.
Political Advertising.
Here arc some of the. thiims
William Maclgell
Staiicls For:
I There never was a tlmo in tho his
I tory of this nation whore the legisa
, tltve, executive and Judicial branches
1 of our government had such respon
I f ibllitlcs ami important duties to per
form ns at tho present time. Thore
foro I believe that no man has the
right or should bo permitted to ask
I to bo elected to tnl?, office of United
j State senator by the people without
first making known to them his atti
tude or position on national questions.
Loyally to Government.
Loyalty to our government is the
I first consideration. This wo must con
Itinlio to havo in order to retain and
Insure tho riefipect and admiration of
cthor nations. Without this Wo will be
unable to nccompish anything of im
portance cither international or in-.
j terntatje.
j In these trying and exciting times
! "e should oe vory careful and not bo
'conio unbalanced as a nation and as
Individrtils. Wi should at all times
keep in mind tho great principles of
irecdom upon which tho goverment
of this great nation Is, buhktl. The
privileges that the people of our na
tion havo boon permitted to enjoy un
ihr our form of goverment aro what
makes us patriotic and able to work
hnrnibniously and successfully and
mako certain tho winning of this war.
Wo havo a form of government that
makes it easy for our clthtctis to be
patriotic. Wo should not condemn
anyone or chargo him with being a
pro-uerman unloss we havo Btrong
.videncc but if wo have reason to be
lieve that any one is so inoculated it
1 our duty to investigate carefully by
honest and fair methods and when we
hata evidenco against anyono which
proves that chargo then wo ought to
deal with him Beverely. The teBt of
loyalty is not in what a man says nor
UJicesbarily confined to what he does
but in what ho says and what he does.
A nmn may say patriotic things and
not be at heart patriotic and ho may
give his tlmo and money and perform
acts of hucrlfldei when he thinks that
it is a wise and clover thing for him
to dc from a stand point of social or
political or commercial diplomacy.
But If a man talks right all tho tlmo
and givos his time, Ills energy and his
money, then we must acchpt him as a
good loyal citizen.
IVnr Profiteering.
There is nnother kind of disloyalty
to our governmf.'nt that is destestable
and dangerous and that is the so-called
war profiteering. I favor a more
thorough investigation of tho high
cost of commodities In all instances
where It appears that tho price or cost
of such commodities is unnecesarily
high. In all cases wh:!ro it is found
that n combination has been made to
tho great detriment of tho consumers,
tlw persons responsible therefore
should bo 'punished by fino and im
prisonment and their property, or a
largo portion thoroot confiscated and
used In helping dofray tho expenses of
carrying on the war.
Endorsod by tho Laboring men and Carpenter's Union No. 1G72 and Farmors Club of Hastings.
At a mooting of the Hastings Church Federation, March 28thj, 1917, tho following resolutions wore unani
mously adopted:
WHEREAS our present Mayor Hon. Wlic.lam Madgott havlug' bdrai elected upon certain pledges of law en
forcement (especially along moral linos an$, having during his administration kept good faith with his constit
uents by entirely fulfilling theso ptedgleis ami, 1
WHEREAS ho has givon tho City of Hastings an economical management of public affairs and notably froe
from he suspicion of graft and ' ' '"'
WHEREAS ho has exercised extraordinary Judgment and discretion in tho character of tlio men he has
from time to time appointed to the varlou's' niunidlpal offices particularly thoso having to do with the 'enforce
ment of tho law and
THEREFORE, bo It resolved that wo,mpst hxarttly ondorso the admlnlsratlon of Mayor Madgett and
oarnostly commled him to tho electorato of the city, urging tho support of his candidacy for ro-olection, and we
tho mombors of tliB Church Federation Council, hereby plcdgo him our support and active effort in his behalf to
tho end that the. present credible admistration jnay be continued.
D. B. MARTI. Pt. CP. SHEAFF, Secy.
Hastings, Xebr.. Aug. 5th, 1918.
To whom It may concern :
Tho Ministerial Association Hastings,, (Jpalres to placte Itself on record as heartily approving tho Adminis
tralon of Honornblo Willinm Madgett as Mayor pf this city.
Ho has stood unquestionably for law bnfrircflrapnt, and has.bcian exceptionally strong in his appointees who
have boen men of ability, strength and i$(ffic!ancy.
P, J. THIEL.ProsIdont
D. P, RICHARDSON, Secretary.
Extract of editorial of Hastings Dally Tribune:
Mayor William Madgott has savod tho City of Hastings, and tho taxpayers thousands of dollars In paving1
contracts and in one item of inspection alono, ho has saved tho taxpayers $10,804.27.
Extract from editorial in tho Hastings Domocrat:
Whon William Madgott first boga nerving tho city as Mayor, ono of his first contests was in tho matter of
getting paving contrnct fiijuros that would sayo tho taxpayers, and ho won out, saving tho city between $125,000
and $175,000. Ho noxt mado a determined and successful effort to savo tho taxpayers on paving inspection, and
ho won out, saving thq taxpayers $10,804.27.
J Hastings, Nebr.. Aug. 3, 1918.
To whom It may concorn:
Tho first thing I want to say in behalf of .Mayor William Madgott, Is that he is honest, a thorough business
man. nnd is poes'etfsod of excellent baler's and oharactor.
Ho is at,J4lO proflont tlmo sorvlng his socond torm as mayor, having boo MMi'.eotod by a big majority.
Mr. a born loader, and bus tho ability to mako good. Ho has saved our taxpayers thousands of
dollars, and Is hold in high ostjeiom by our people.
, Your vory truly. ' .
A. R. THOMPSON, Vico-Pres., Nobr. Nat'l. Bank.
If this pliilfurm nnd record incets your approval, tell your friends.
Rcnubllenu. candldato for U. S. Sennto at the Primaries August 20th.
For United States Senator
Conservation of Natural Itesources.
Tho winning of the war in which
wo are now engaged and tlisi proper
adjustment of affairs, International
and interstate, immediately after tlto
war, and dulring the re-construction
poriod require and will demand our
giK-atest ability In thought and action.
In doing this It ia very essential that
wo muster together aha cause to work
In harmony all the natural resources
of our grjent nation, such as water
powor. water for irrigation 'purposes,
minerals and products of all kinds.
Thjs Is a time when wo are using a
great deal ,of enlctgy and money and
we should be very careful about the
manner in which It is used. Our of
forts and our montry, also oulr natural
rosoureos of all kinds should be used
In such a way that it will not only win
the war, but be of benefit to us during
the reconstruction period aftfrar tho
war and for all future time. We should
look squarely into tho face of all
these problems that confront us at the
present time and also look into tho
future as far as ipossiblo and proceed
in a way that will havo as much pfclr
manont and lasting effect as possible.
National Prohibition.
I strongly favor national prohibi
tion. Thoro has never been an ar
gument made In favor of tho liquor
traffic that could stand the test If
there over 1b a time when tho liquor
traffic should bo eliminated it is cer
tainly during war time. During theso
times when ,we need a largo number
of strong able uodied young men for
the war and when wo are so badly
In need of mon In thta factories on
tho farms, on tho railroads and tho
difficulties we aflil experiencing in the
fhortngp of help and facilities for
moving 'traffick, also in tho conserva
tion of food nnd materlals.wte' certain
ly ought not to wasto any of our
time, our energy and material in
manufacturing, shipping and drink
ing liooze and at tho santei time render
a lhrgo number of our men less
officiont for war work, on the rail
roads, on tho farms and in tho factor
ies. I do not beliovo that a barrel of
beor or a keg of whiskey will work
woll with a machine gun, a flying
machine, on a railroad loconioave, an
automobile, or with a farm tractor.
Experience has proven to im beyonu
a shridow of a doubt hat mon en
gaged In all similar linos of work or
duty havo been more offlclent when
thoy totally dispensed with that lux
ury. Kquul SuiYriigc.
I beliovo in equnl suVfrage. It is
right to say that tho mothers of this
nation who havo glvon birth to the
boys who now occupy tho trenches
and nro otherwise ongagod in war
work and the women of this nation
who aro taxing thoir energy and
health to tho limit and in many in
stanco boyond tho limit in different
ways to help win tho war and theso
women whom we must admit from a
standpoint of loyalty and intelligence
aro equal to tho men and from a stand,
point of morals, moro than tho equal
of man, should not havo tho right to
vote? I can not seo any reason why
women should not vote, but every
! reason way tlioy should ho permitted
!to enjoy this privilege to tho same
1 extent ns mon. , I feol certain that
j equal suffrage would bring about
j speedily many good things for our
Federal Ilond Aid.
; I favor immediate and more liberal
federal road aid. Wo have arriveil at
tho time in this country when wo must
feivo a great deal of thought ancl at
tention to our public roads and
highways. These are the days of the
automobile and the tractor and there
Is nothing that wo can do that will aid
more to tho comfort and convenience
of tho people In traveling and moving
traffic than good roads. This is not
only necessary during tho war but al
so after tho war. Not only should v
havo mpro federal aid for the purpose
of bringing about this needed road
improvment, but we should launch a
patriotic movement to assist in doing
this worlt.
Federal lVorkmon's Compensation.
I also favor federal workmen's
compensation insurance for laboring
men. I have given this matter a great
d&nl of thought and I believe that the
laboring men of our country aro en
titled to this kind of protection and
that it should como from ho federal
government. Many casualty companies
ann now refusing to write this kind of
insurance and the rates are increas
ing and I feel certain that this pro
tection can bo furnished onCy through
tho flrUoral government satisfactory to
tho laboring man. ,
Soldiery nnd Their Dependants.
Wo aro the richest nation on earth
and wo have! the best soldiers in the
world, and every effort. on our part
should be mado to see that our sol
dier boys aro woll care for and madti
as happy and comfortable as possible.
Wo should see to it that tho dopend
rtnts of tho soT.dlcr boys are well cared
for and made as comfortable as pos1
slble. I favor any legislation that will
havo for its purpose comfort to our
soldier boys and care of their depend
ents. Wo should also be liberal in
making provisions for taking caro of
thoso who havo been crippled and dis
abled as a result of the war.
Government Control of Ituilroads and
Other Utilities.
I favor government control of rail
roads and othor utilities when such
control by tho government becomes
ned'Hsary to best carry on the war.