The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 16, 1918, Image 4

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    w $mTlie Needs (Ja
Urn I
Tho soldier Hi eg- In .compact space,.-.
JIo carries with hlrii tlitiigs lio iirfjdH."
"Sccils" Ik tho word, for llioy ndd to
his comfort mid help Jilni In JJs work.
Von men who nrc going: to tlio can-,
toutncnls this month will do to
buy these articles nt Clinton's before
you go.
Thoy arc dependable fjnnllly, and tlic
right prices. Wis luivo been careful to
select goods of a quality which will
give you thorough satisfaction.
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big Ring.
A ?lass In Homo Nurnlrtir w ff lie
orgahjzed this fniljindor tiitf dlmftJon
v of thWim Cross. w -l .
nursd haboon cpnduCtedl nil ,pver
tho MuMfy and Lincoln county hni
moro tlian filled her quota. These
jffiirug -Wciiiy n -"WnrBor ve fnhospifnls
loose tlio trained nurses for wtirk
among tho wounded In France. , This
win leave a greni Bnoriagc 01 nurses
t i r ,
ComplaInt from North Platto Jias
been Blent to thei Federal State Direc
tor" of Labor, Omaha. Nobr., and tho
following pertinent ! 'parngraph is
quoted from his reply In a letter ro
a.ilved by the U. S. Employment Ser
vice. This is for tho benefit and Infor
mation of thoso who are not usefully
Graduate Dentist
fiqfficc over the McDonald
Stnte Dunk.
"You hav.i authority as chairman of
Community Board No. 4,and as exaln
Inor In charge V. S. employment ser-
at homo and the burden of caring forivlco to confer with the County Coun
the sick win fall In great measure up-Jcil of Defense, city authority or d'e
on fho untrained women In tho home, partment of Justice In order to adopt
Thorefore it Is of tho utmost lmpor- means to put Idle men to work,
tancp that every girl and woman "in these critical times when help
should rccelMa some eduactlon along is so scarce, no man sho-uild bo loaf-
thoto lines. A part of tho mission of Inc. At tlie present time wo have a
tho Rod Cross Is to organize classes In cull from Pennsylvania for four hun-
Hygleno and Homo Nursing that the dUckl mon, and other calls of equal im-
bome woman may bo ablo to care for portanco. Now I request thnt you
her own sick to assist, If necessary In make an estimate for this office ol tne
hospitals of her own town, nnd to- number of Idle men In your city and
have thftl knowledgo of hyglono neces-ncar vicinity. In this way I will
sary to prevent sickness. Tho Lincoln know whlere to draw for men when
County Chaptor is preparing to organ-1 they are needed, and I can nssure you
Ize a class In Homo Nursing early in ' that I will draw and put these Idlers
September. Miss Boyd, superintendent to work, wo wl.l havo a government
mnn In your city In a couple of weUJts
rounding ud workers, so you may tell
the Idlo of your section that they had
briter seek useful work."
of tho North Platte General Hospital
will bo the Instructor, and tho courso
will bo of great valujc, not only to the
student who enrolls but also to tho
. .. ... I . rni . ........ I - . ..
A card from Lieut. Burton Lambert, " iurri""Vu"r.,.""m.lB .
who 1b on tho troop ship Princess "T" ."T 7,'..
Mntolka,- received Wednesday states TZZ ,iL
that He had returned from his Hrst " '' 'UHB
trip overseas.
. Dr. T. J. Kerr Bpcnt a day or two In
Omaha this wcok.
Dr. Shaffer, Ostcophatli, K. C. Bldg.
Supt. Wilson Tout loft Wednesday
for York to visit frtends for a few
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dlenor loft yes
terday for Hollo Fourchtei, S. D., to visit
James DIonor boforo ho leaves for a
training camp.
.lust arrived this morning women's
and mlsslrti fall stylo taliored suits.
Sco them at THE LEADER MERC.
Harloy Gates accompanied by his
mothlfir and brother left tho early part
of this week for a visit In Donvor and
othor Colorado points.
For Sale A Hudson auto car In
good order. A bargain if soi'.d at onde,
J Morsch, 305 west 3d st. 3t
Throe of tho six Nolan boys of this
city arc now overseas, Joo Is with tho
24th onglneors, Francis Is In Co. G.
355111 Infantry, and Corporal James Is
with tho Sixty-third company.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ottcn and chil
dren returned tho early pnrt of the,
wook from an auto trip to points; In
Idaho, Orogon and Washington. They
wore absent two months.
Fay Mudgo was given, a sixty-day
Jail sontonco Tuesday by Judge Sul
livan on the chnrgta of drunkencss.
This is tho second tlino Mudgo had
boon boforo IiIh honor within a month
or so.
Dr.,Morrlll, Dontist
,NInoty-olght ona hundredths of ni
inch of rain fell early Wednesday
morning. This rain suoius to Jinvo been
protty general over tho county, at
loast nil tho sections surrounding tho
city report a heavy fall.
Among tho boys on a troop train
passing oast Wodnosday ovjcinlng was
Fred Fryo, who was ono of a contin
gent from Wyoming. Fred for a couple
of years' pnst had been working for tho
Union Pacific at Evanston.
Wantod A compotent girl for gon-
fctral housowork in smail family
Thirty dollars per month. Phono 243.
S. Workman, who lives northwest of
town, brought to Tho Tribunal offlco
Wcdncsdny samples of his Early Ohio
potatoes, Theso woro lmmonso In size,
free from any scmli.anco of scabbl
noss and aro certainly ih fine In all
Teapects as ono could duslro.
requested to communlcato as soon as
possible with Mrs. G. T. Fields or Mrs.
Mrs. Chaa. Strauss and Harold York Ulnmnn.
Burke, who had been visiting at filn- ::o::
coin. Kelt Wednesday for Camp Fun-1 HVt) r;0 illsf
ston, whero they wiH visit Mr. Strauss Tho North Plattl; ,boyB who had bec
for a fxw days. . attending tho school of instruction
Whatovor you do. DON'T neglect t the state unlversly at Lincoln left
seeing. Chartcs Ray in "His Own-Homo Tuesday for an casern camp, and will
Town" at tho Crystal tonight. prooauiy tie Bent overseas within the
....... , . iiuai iiiuiuu. nurrj tannin, ono or mi1
A bOTt MUldOOn come. Uown Irom bovs. In a lottnr tn llm Trll.n
Ogalalla yesterday to arrango for i 8uro thlnt army llfc Jb great j am
shipping hiB library and law offlco idling fine nnd am gaining in weight
furnishings to that town whorohdwlll 0n tho nmnln UnnV Snm a f,,r,,ici,i..
holocated as manager of tho Whelpton us. If the food is as good at ail! tho
"aiaio. camns as it Iihh lmnn linro. nn mnn in
Vrtii rift ntmf 1wiln lulf ln nlftnolflrl nf
th'p service has a right to comnlaln.
at our Una of dressop for misses nnd wo J had a parade the othor night and
ladioB, nifty morchandlso and conBldor- """ " wunuonui ovmuon oy
Ing the quality and stylo displayed In "10 I?K?1, of Llnco,ln- Fp owing the
thoso garments very reasonablo in- ' ' , l"uy ,B"vo u.'u BOl'or ooys a
deed. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. 'V , e n , I?1 pVncl1' olsai1 ttes
So heavy Is tho fruit business ovor cortnlnly trentJ.d uh lino. Evnr sun.
tho Union Pacific thnt It Is figured that day they have takon about a, hundred
tho fiiipply of lco in tho P. F. E. houses of us out to dinnor and in tho ovl'iilng
will bo exhausted by Septomber 10th glvon us automobile rides. I may be
and aftor that date lco will need bo on my way to Normandy before I
shipped in from othr points. wrlbe you ngaln, so good-bve. I co
Wo can surely fit you out In a fall overseas as a radio operator."
dress. Vory classy morchandlso. Come ::o::
and see them. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Hoys Leave for Camns.
After having been tendered a wr-ll
ary, Mrs. A. W. Wilcox, chairman, aro r0.00!'111 nt tno court house
an nctlvo hunch, having been In cxls- 'b wmcn uie
tonco only about ton wooks. They havo "D"( P,yeih Mls,s. AnTnl? , Kramph
mado many garments and yesterday I1, J "i"111"088- lMrs- Leininger and
donated $r.0.00 to tho Red Cross Chap- "8 Derryborry sang. J E. Evans pre-
'"' miu owuuLorB uuu kus, eleven
uiutuui cuuuiy ooy leit ror training
For Service First and Guaranteo schools Wednesday mill vnatAnlflv
Work, call North Platto Plumbing and Wednesday mornintr T.m mnw. w..ri
Hoatlng Co,, Phono 409, 10G East Woodruff. Paul Farnstrmm wi buia.
aixm sirooi. worm, aonrv c ark. Rav Mnrnvtsh w
A soven car troop train passed west Wright and Arthur Dlscoe left for
Just boforo noon yesttrday. Thoso mon """ to enior tno llano auto
linil inn In pn n nir nirom anrvlnn fnr "UIH?auy lUlUrilOOll StAP.V
iucmicunoi. uoo Anderson and ItunHnii
tlon could not bo learned. Whllo horo . . . 1 fr ogan, Utah, to enter a
they wicro sorved with sandwlchos by BC,ll0' an" yestoruay morning
tho Rod Cross Canteen lndios. "ol)t- PcasC Beryl Haines and Owen
iinupon woro sent to tho training
T.J.......I.I.. .... tnlr.nii In .. 1 . i . . .lilt. I t . 1 . r .
uviluniltujlQ vui7 kiiiucil 111 luttu (.inn I bLIlOOI UL IlllCOln.
wook In tho case of Fred Plorson ::o::
against tho Wholptan estnto In which d, & jr. Dissolve.
Plorson suos for tho recovery of about w. H. DIonor nnd Harrv FlPiRhmnn
sixty thousand dollars. Tho case grows owners of tho D. & H. shoo Btore. dls-
vui in mo Biuu 01 u umiK. ui oiiuiormim solved partnership this weok Mr
tevornl years ago. Dlenor purchasing Mr. Floishinan's
Wnr Rrt'o nr Trn.ln A ennil Hna Interest. TllO dissolution of tllO nart-
Internatlonal hay balor. Address W. worship had been contemplated since
A. Solliy, 1721 West Sixth. 4t 1(181 spring, at wliicli time a stock ro-
, ,, . , . r. i, i , "uciJon snio was inaugurntc( .
Marlon V. Overstako, of Sutherland, Ionian,,,,,,,. ,i. ....
died at a local hospital Tuesday oven- turo ftro not fuU 'dovolopedt but ho
Ing from i?Tltonltls. duo o a bursted w!l, prooablv leavo Nortl pl'atto1 Ho
"''i m"A; "KO ";,U"K"J 1U is a live-w ro business man nnd wo re-
troatmont In a condition that almost Brct to havo h, leav to
precluded any hopo of recovory. IKI M- DIonop lflft vosfnrf1flv fnt. o,.,,
was forty-sovon years of ago and had Dakota an(l , ' t Chlrogo
boon employed ns clerk In tho Brown whoro ho w,n purcliaao BtO0k for tho
hardwuro storo at Sutherland. Funeral 1 1 Ul"
Director Malonoy prepared tho body ., ..,.,,.., ihn t,.inLri ata . ,
for burial and accompaWcd tho ro- Mr' FdsCa UntL ZJvfrS&Sl
mains to Sutherland Wedxiosday i,,ii.. i.i ' ' .i
inoruuiK. Tr-vlvn Dnnnnt ih
w v.u( WIXS IlllUlf it 111U(7
clan, who will dovoto ids time to the
Now Class to Register.
Thft Innnl roi.lolrnHnTi Krnr.l t,oa
notified Wednesday by Governor Ne-
vlllo that all young men who havo
reached tho ago of twonty-ono slnco
June 6th, 191S. must roglstor with tho
board on Snturday, AugUBt 24th.
This ordor was Issued by the war
department nnd appllos to ovory tato
In the ir'nlon. It Is surmlsod that thoso
registrations of young men becoming
twonty-ono will bo hold every sixty
or ninety days during tho contluniice
or tne war.
Aniioiinrcment to the Public.
I wish to call attention to the fact
that I havo purchased tho Dr. Crook
dental practice of this city and will
niulntnln the samo until I nm called
Into the sen-Ice of the United States,
I enlisted In tho medical corns Inst
November nnd havo boon awaiting
miuimons ninct. that dato, When that
time coiik p I shall close my offlco and
bo abgent for tho duration of tho war.
DR. L. J. KRAUSE, Dentist.
Waslilngton, D. C, Aug. 6, 1018.
havo boon nn admirer of George Nor-
rls ever slnco lie began his distin
guished enreer In tho house. Ho w&b
ono of tho pioneers of tho progressive
movement at tho capltnll. I havo boen
closoly associated with him and his
friends Blnda ho entered tho sennto.
Ho Is n cloan. courageous and patrio
tic public sorvnnt.
Thero Is no man who moro faithful
ly and porBlstontly urgea legislation
In behalf of tho gonoral public and tho
pooplo that George Norrls. Ho Is ablo
In dobnte, and oxceodlngr.y oftlctent
and industrious In committee.
I bollovo In him absolutoly ns a man
and as a public srtcwnnt, and bono he
will long continue to bo In tho placo
wnicn no now occupies
j interfesfo mY
mil ry m
il Mail Your Live Stock 1
Checks tor Credit 1
I J' ut this bank ns soon as rovclved it h
il . prevents their becoming lost ami gives r JSJ
I yuu the uno of tho proceeds at once. ihI
lVe Jnvlto you to call us on tho IE
j J . phono at any time for market quota Itjl
1' UoiiH or for other servlco tliat vvHl jaj
j I help you In tho financial end of stock- If
j I raising. Jgl
1 j , .Make use of this strong progressive Sri
I br.k. S
Platte Valley State Bank '
Notice of Dissolution of Co.Pnrtner-
Tho firm of Dionor & Fleishman
dealers in Boots and ShdEa, Is this day
dissolved. W. II. Diener as liquidating
partner, wlSi settlo all obligations of
tho late firm and is authorized to col
lect nil claims. Thm business will bo
continued at tho old stand.
Dated August 13th, 1918.
Al 6-1-1 wks.
: :o: :
Republican Representative.
Vote for T. L. Carroll for the Re
publican nomination for Float Repre
sentative for Lincoln. , Dawson nnd
Keith counties, 77th DIst.. nt the pri
maries next Tuesday. Nearly thirty
years a rosidfont of Gothenburg, a self-
made busiessman of unquestionable
loyalty to the United States and to tho
best interests of tho people of this
August 12, 1918.
Board" met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present Springer, Htelrmlng
hauscn, Koch and county cferk.
Fred Walker, road work $20.00.
Pnall Meyer, surveying, $15.00.
Board takes a rliteess until 2 p. m.
and convenes as a board of equaliza
tion and proceeded to make and did
make tho annual levy of taxes for thfci
year 191 S, on a valuatio of ?G.700,000.
General fund 7.5 mills, road fund 4.4
mills, bridge fund 3.1 mills. Also spec
Wl road levies and v school district
At 2 p. m. the board reconvened ns
a board of county commissioners.
Dewltt Cantrall, road work $2G.50.
R. L. Rhine, road work, $30.75.
John Muirhead, dragging, $22.50.
V. McCormlck, road work, $40.80.
V. McCormlck, bridge work. $9.00.
Gt.lo. E. Prossor, election bonds $37.
Dcrryberry & Forbes, machine,
Joo SptfS, hauing sand, $29.25.
Wellfleet Equity Ex., lumber. $7.93.
F. B. Mnrr, house rent, $9.00.
II. W. Brown, mdso county poor,
R. A. Cox, dragging, $16.00.
John Discoe, road worlc $15.00.
E. C. Hostetter, bridge work, $3.00.
Wator Adams road work. $55.00.
Paul Meyer, offlco exponses, $1.58.
Carl Fletcher, road work. $59.00.
Frank BotlnMclU, roadwork, $17.25.
George Isrnol. road work, $24.25.
Boyd Blander, roac work, $22.00.
Wolllloot Equly Ex., lumber. $2.23.
E. Llnblnd, blacksmlthing, $18.00.
J. E. Ware, dragging, $54.75.
Lincoln Co. Farm Burcaiul, salary
county ngent and expenses, $151.65.
Adjourned to August 19, 1918.
Protestant Episcopal Services.
Sunday Aug. 18th, 1918.
8? 00 a. m. Holy Comnvumlon; 9:45
a. m. Sunday school; 11:00 a. m.
morning prayor and sormon; 7:00
p. m. evening prayer. St. Pauu s North
Side, Sunday school 3:00 p. m.
Rev. Arthur DlttLH Jones, Rector
When thero Is hard work to do lit
hot weather Prickly Ash Bitters proves
its worth ns a stomach, liver and
bowel purifier. Thoso who uso It stand
the heat better and are less fatigued
at night. Price $1.25 per bottlo. Gum-
mero-Dcnt Drug Co.. Special Agents,
I Farmers, Attention! I
We are authorized Agents for the
Fordson Tractor
Made by Henry Ford & Son,
We will accept orders with deposits from
residents of Lincoln, Logan, McPherson and
the eastern half of Keith County.
Shipments will be slow. Orders filled ac
cording to dating.
For information regarding price an.d equip
ment address or phone
Hendy - Ogier Auto Company
Authorized Ford Sales and Service, North Plalte
P. S.--The Tractor and Car business will all be handl
ed in our new home, 113, 115, 117 and 119 east
Fourth Street.
When your bral,, ia dull and you
cannot hold your own in a test of wit
among your follows, it means your
liver Is torpid nnd your stomach and
bowels full of bilious Impurities. To
brighten yur mental faculties and
make you feel right, Prickly Ash Bit
ters Is the remedy you need. It clears
tho brain and braces the body. Price
$1.25 per bottle. Gummere-Dent Co.,
Special Agents.
Goueral Farm Sales a Specialty.
References and Dates at First
National Bank, North Platte, Ncbr.
Phono 1000.
. v HOME.
000. LOCUST.
Order Fixing Claim Days.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jer
emiah Snyder, Deceased.
Now on this 1st day of August, 1918,
it Is ordered by the court that the ex
ecutor be allowed ono year from this
.dato In which to settle said estate,
land creditors will be allowed until
the Gth day of March, 1919, to ffc,
I their claims, after said dato claims
i will be forever barred. That on tho
Gth day of September, 1918, and tho
Gth day of March, 1919. at 9 oclocK
a. m. of each of said days.thQ .ppurt
In tho county court of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska.
In tho matter of the Estate of James and tho executor will attend at the
O. Gorman, deceased. county court room in said county to
To the creditors, heirs and nil per- receive, examine, hear, allow and ad
sons interested in said estate. :just claims. That notice of this or-
Notlco is hereby glvon that Catherine der bo given creditors and all ner-
L. Alplno filed her petltlon In this sons Interested In said estate by pub-
court on tho 24tb day of July, 1918, licatlon of a notice for four succes
to secure a determination of the time slvo weeks immediately precedfnjr tho
of tho death of James O. Gorman, de- j Gth day of September, 1918, in the
ceaseu, anu on nis neirs, uie uegreo ionn riniio rriDune, a legal seml
of kinship and tho right of descent of , weekly newspaper 'printed and pub-
tho real property belonging to sala nsneu in Lincoln county, Nebraska.
EUGENE DEAL, Candidate for tho
Democratic nomination for represent
ative of tho 77th District.
Dorn and raised in Nebraska.
Resident of Kotlh county 1G years,
Sorved ns Sheriff of Keith county
nlno years.
war and Philippine InsurrecUon
189S-99 in Co. "C" 1st. Nob. Reg't.
Sorved In the Spanish-American
Representative 77th DlsiL 1917-18
If my services In tho Cast Loglsla-
turo morit your continued support
W- E. BORAH. IV. S. Senator. I shall appreclato tho same.
(Avertlsoment) EUGENE DEAL.
WM. H.
County Judce.
deceased, towlt, an undivided ono-half
Interest in tlio southeast quarter
tsuvi) or section ten townsmp vnHrn f iiiha,,
sixteen (lb), range twenty-seven (Zi), I Estabsi No. 1577 nf Hnttin v. Ami
west Gth P. M. and to bar all claims rss. a9PM,oA in ti, n,,
and demands against said estate, 0f Lincoln County, Nebraska
whether duo or to become due, actual) Tho stnto of Nei)ra8ka( To an
or contingent, the said petition alleg-. persons interested in said Estate take
ing una uie buiu jumus u. uuniiun, i jjotiOQ that a HotlMon linn lmnn filml
n t . ) . . " "
de'parted this life intestate on March
5. 1905. being at tho time of his death
a resident of Jollct, Will county, 111 J
and that his widow, Annette Gorman,
Inherited a life estate in tho real estate ' o'clock a. m
tor the appointment, of Edward
Specht as Administrator of said Es
tate, which has boen set for hearing
iierem on sentitimber G. 1918. nt ft
above described and tho petitioner
herein, tho title In fee thereto, sub
ject to tho said life estate.
Tlie said petition will be heard be-!
foro tho county court In tho court
house, in the city of North Platte,
Dated August 8, lais.
A13-3w - County Judge.
Legal Notice.
Notico is hereby given that bv vir-
county of Lincoln, and stato of Ne-! tc of nn adjhters lien filed in tlio of-
braska, on tho 28th day of August,' flpo of the county clerk of Lincoln
1918, at 2 o'clock "p. m.
J30-alG County Judge.
Notico of Final Deport.
Estato No. 1547 of Zara I. Mitchell,
deceased In tha County Court of Lin
coln County. Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested In said Estato take
notico that tho oxcutor has filed a
final account and report of his admin
istration and a pctilon for final settle
ment and dlschargo as such, and for a
decree of distribution, which have
been sot for hearing before said court
on August 26, iui8. at a o'clock a. m..
when you may appear and contest the
Dated July 29, 1918.
J30-A20 County Judge.
county, Nebraska, In tho first day of
July, 1918, upon tho following dos
scrlbed chattol property to-wit: Ono
bay horse about 11 years old, weight
about 1100 lbs.; and ono gray borso
about 12 years old, weight about 1200
lbs.; now in my possession, as tho
property of Georgo Wickham; I will
at 2 oclock p. m. on tlie 27th day oi
August, 1918, at the Mrs. Malone farm
on Section 12, Township 14, Rangu
30, sell at public auction to tlio high
est bidder for cash tlio horses abovo
described to satisfy my adjlsters lion
for tho sum of $31.00 and costs of Hen
and sm'.e.
Legal Notice.
William A. Hayes, dofondant, wlJl
take notico that on tho 14th day of
Juno, A. D. 1918, tho Coates Lumber
& Coal Company, plaintiff heroin, filed
its petition and affidavit for attach
mwnt in tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska, against said Wil
liam A. Hayes, tho object and grayer
of which Is to collect from tho defen
dant, tho sum of Two Hundred Slxty
ono and 54-100 Dollars ($261.54.) with
Intorest thereon at 7 pot cent from
March 27th, 1918, for lumber and
building material sold by plaintiff to
dofondant Thnt tlio Uunion Pacific
Railroad Company, a corporation, has
boon garalshocd on attachment issued
in said action and plaintiff prays for
Judgment against tho money thus gar
nlshecd In the hands of tho Union
Pacific Railroad Company, and an or
der that tlio monoy in tho hands of
said garnlshco may bo applied to tho
Batwraauon of said) juitgmcmt. You
are require to answer said 'petition on
or boforo September 2d. 1918.
PANY, Plaintiff,
Dy Hoagland & Hoag'land, Its At
torneys. A6-4w.
Notico to Creditors.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska,
In tho Matter of tho Estato of John
Rratt, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given to any and
all persons having claims and demands
against tlio estate of tho said John
Bratt, deceased, that tho 18th day of
Novombfir, 1918, has been set and
appointed as tho day for tho recep
tion, examination, adjustment and al
lowance of lawful dlalms and demands
of all persons, against said estato and
that tho county court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska will at said tlmo re
ceive; tocamlno, adjust and allow all
such claims against said estato, as
provided by law, at tho County Court
Room In tho court houso in tho city
pf North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, and all persons so interested
in said estate, will appear at said time
and placet and duly present their Bald
claims and demands in tho manner
required by law, or show cnuso for not
so doing, and in caso any of said
claims and demands shall not bo pre
sented on or prior to tho said 18th day
of November, 1918, tho samo shall be
rorovor barred.
t,?otestHn0ny I havo signed
this notico and affixed tho seal ot
said court this 16th day of July, 1918
J2s2l5n W00DnuRST. Co. Judge.