The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 13, 1918, Image 1
.11 Wxt lorth THIRTY-FQURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.?fVt!GU$f .13, 1918 No. 61 fame. GERMANS ItUSIUXfl 'itOOPS- TO SAVE ARMY COLLAPSE. Mighty efforts aro being made by tha German high command to check the allies' advance thru Plcardy to ward Poronno, Royo and Noyon. On tho northorn end of the battHsHlne the British have- not been ablo to progress rapidly during tho Sunday night, ri'.tho London reports unofficially that tho Tillage of Brayo has been entorod. In tho center strong German coun ter attacks seen to havo held up tho advance. There Is an unconfirmed re port, however, that Itoyc lias been abandoned by tho enemy. On tho right tho French aro still gaining ground steadily. They havo reached tho crest of tho hills west of the Olse and havo virtually cleared the iMatz valloy of Una enemy. Interest in the Plcardy battlo now centers on the German leJforts to mob ilize tho front along tho lino from Al lien south to Chouliits and to check the French efforts to envolopo tho enrany's position at Lasslgny. Tho coming day or two probably will bo marked by savago fighting, especially on tho south, whorfd the continued progress of the French would waken tWft whole German posi tion, If It does not turn tho flank of the Ntyon-Nslos line, which may bo the first defBislvo front upon which the enemy may elect to stand. ::o:: r- Tho Lutheran picnic which was postponed from last Wednesday on account of tho rain, will be held at Thomas' grove "Wednesday atfernoon and evening of this week. The chil dren will leave tlila church at two o'olock. Tho parents and friends are asked to come out In tho opening and enjoy tho supper with us. Each ono will bring his own . basket lunch. Should it rain Wednesday, tluef picnic will be held Thursday. FORMER NORTH PLATTE HOY KILLED IN ACTION. James Simpson Hodgos, Who atten ded tho North Platto high school In 1912 and 1913. and who was a marine in the service In France, was killed July ad in an engagement at Chateau Thierry. This information ntnehed rolatlves last Saturday when a card from tho f,ovcrnmont was received by Mrs. Pettir Strykor, of Overton, an arpit of tho young man, it wns phoned by her to Mrs. Will Boll, of tho Bird wood section, who is also an aunt. "Jiin" Hodgos will bo remembered as a bright young man, whose llfo in this city was darkened by tho sulcido of his father who ran thta brick barn on Front strecL Loavlng North Platto Jim Wont to rolatlves at Overton where he mnd,ei his homo until last year when ho went to Mllwakeo and oniisted in tlio marines. Tho namo of tho young man appeared in tho casu alty list published tho. same day tho card was received at Overton. In his announcement ns a candidate for stato representative from this county E. S. Davis statos that ho will support tho ratification of tho nation al prohibition nmendmont. vThts should ontitlo him to hearty support. The best thing, that over happened to North Platto was putting tho saloons out of business; when Nebraska voted dry tho- following year tho prosperity of ,the state was increased, and when we have national prohibition wo will havo a much bettor country than we havo ever had. National prohibition will bring to the people of tho coun try at largo tho same measuro of prosperity and happiness that local prohibition has brought to North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stofregan returned yesterday from a ten day visit with relatives at Bluo Hill, NPdb. THE HOYS WHO 00 TO lfUNSTON THIS MONTH. Tho exemption board this morning selected thirty-live juunes of Lincoln county registrants from which will bo takon tho twonty-soven who will bo sont to Camp Funston within a five- day poriou uegmmng August ziui,-i Tho nddltloal fivo names woro placod on tho list to cover any contingencies that may nrlso. The names aro as fol ows: James C. Peterson James Frcdorlcl Carl Ekberg Fred Isbrandsten Richard Stogemann Fred W. Schweder Carl J. Carlson Gcorgo Carlilo Edw. O. Sanders John R. Wing Clarenco Llston Josso E. Smith Guy James John H. Cook - George Lannin " ' , Forrest F. Eborly Byran R. Hlxon Frank Cokor i Andrew D. Riffo Wm. A. Raatz Charles 1. Lucas . fc Clydo M. Brown James R. Tolln Roland V, Douglass Arthur Nolson Charles R. Leach Arthur Howe , . Frank Burko Alfred Notlson Henry Hfcnclrickson John Smith - , George B. Gilbert John Skogman " W. D. Brooks Clydo W. Sheets : :o: : Elmer Koontz left Sunday for n visit with relatives in Dougns, Wyo. THIRTEEN YOUNG WOMEN JENitOLL AS STUDENT NURSES. Again hos LlnccCn cqunty gono over thonop: tliis time moro than filling its quota of registrations for studont nurses. Tho quota assigned Lincoln county ws twolvo; up to last ovoning tho numbor enrolling Was thlrtoen. jlq'.vWor, all thoso who havo ourollod may not succesruciy pass tho oxnmln utlon, and It ts thoreforo desired that n. fow nioro fcnroll. Thoso who wish 10 Ho so should call on Miss Lorctta MMphv, at. tho public library, who Is thOsiecruitlng offlcor. The names of tho young womlcin who h&Va enrolled nro: Floronco McCrnc keii) Iva Winttirs, Hiiaogardo Clinton, Evelyn Wogonor, Mary Schlarondt Ethl Kroslso, Leonn Nye, Vorna Por kinsj, LoulftEl Flynn, Boullah Pickorol. Dora Kugler, Margaret Kolly, Inez McNntton. Jonnio Rencau, Dulcie Firiler. "fli'-se studont nurses are needed in ordor that roglstord nurses may bo released ovontually from regular hos pitals and private practice and sont ovorsoas, whorbi thoro is n crying de mand for nurses to look aftor tho Syoundud Americans. j ln" enrolling as studonts Iheso young womiih aro showing tholr pa triotism, they aro demonstrating In a practical way their deslro to help out their, l-'ovprnmont and directly assist ing in (ho saving of li(c)s of our boys who are so gallantly fighting for us onMoroign soil. : ::o:: - LlOut. Percy Schott, who had boon visiting tho homo folks for "a wottk. roturnod to Camp Cody this morning. Tlie fire company was called out lastfovonlug to extinguish a fire at the Birgo lumbor ynrd tho sparks r,om a locomotlvVs igniting tho roof of tho coal sheds. ' Af?s. Ada Lewis will leave soon for a vllt with relatives in California. RECEPTION TO FOURTEEN HOYS THIS EVENING. A furfeVvoH rocoption tender tho aus pices of tho Sammy Girls will bo glv on at tho court houso park this opt ing lo the fourteen boys who loavo for training camps. Eight of thoso boys go to tho Ralito auto scljool nt Kansas City and will leave on No.O tomorrow morning, three tcavo on train No. 9 In tho nftornoon for Log an, Utah to nttond u school of In struction and throo loavo Thursday for Lincoln to nttond tho school of in struction nt tho state uivorsly. A program has been arranged which Includes selections by tho band nil nddrOSS bv Mlsa Amm Krnmnli , selections by n ladles' qunrtotto, solo I by Miss Caryl Dorryborry and tho I presentation of swotuors nnd comfort i kits by J. E. Evans In behalf of tho .Sammy Girls, j ::o:: I Do you bollovo nil tho stories you hoar, and especially whan they aro j derogatory to sOmo ono's character? , Unfortunato'.y wo nro all a llttlo too J ready to bollovo things of that sort jWhilo wo take tho good reports with !a grain of salt. You might sec "You can't Bollovo Everything" at tho Crys ! tal Wodnosday night and soo what harm Is often wrought both by malici : ous and thoughtless scandal told and 1 retold. I F. L. Mooney willl go to Omaha IThrjsday to attend a mooting of tho j district chairmen of tho Liberty Loan drives. Tho men who woro chalrmon i In tho third campaign will bo contln j nod as such during tho fourth cam paign. Mr. Moonoy is chairman of tho .second district I Trainmastor Wolr camo qp from Grand Island yesUclrday to boo that i the four troop trains woro safoly and , expeditiously handled ovor tho tklcond ) district. SAMMY GIRLS PRESENT A WONDERFUL SHOWING. Iho wonderful work of tho Sammy Clt'.H is shown In a stntoment which linn JiiHt boon compiled by Mrs. John Mod raw, mother of tho girls. This atntomont. received by The Trlbuno Just before going to prods this morn ing can only bo given in condensed form, lloro are tho Important fea tures : Sinco tho middle of April, or within' four months thoro has bc6n oxponded for ynm tho sum of J1.G30.75; for com fort kits tho sum oxponded has1 boon $1,270.01; thoro has boon donated to tho Y. M. C.,A. canteen scrvico tho Sum of $200. nml tlin Innlilnn'nl nv- posos flguro S20.00; total of $3,020.79. ino gins navo noout ?auu m unpaid bills, but thoro Is sufflclont money In tho bank to Hquldato theso and still havo a surplus of $625.00. CorUilnly tho Snmmy Girls havo roason to fool proud of tholr achieve ments during tho 'past four months. . :',o:: CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Elsowhoro tho Llork-Sandall Co. announco that on Soptombor first thoy will adopt tho cash and carry plan. In vlowof tho scarcity of labor, tho. tromondoua oxponso of doing business and tho gonernl dissatisfaction of tho dollvory and credit wo don't fault tho firm for making tho chnngo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Gould, who havo been guests; nt tho John Koontz homo, returned Sunday to Douglas, Wyo. Tho Economy knitting club will meet Thursdny nftornoon with 'Mrs. L. W. Walker, 414 west Socond Btroot. Christian Sclonco service Sunday at 11 n. m., Sunday school 12 noon. Wed nesday ovoning meetings 8 p. m., Build ing nnd Loan building, noom 2C. I 1 "" B 1 iSl 1 Inquire EUGENE Banks' Sub-Division of the south 32 Teii Acre Tracts COfVS Huh nfcB0 Ilrfcsh Pisa'' iynp of section 8, T. 12 NR. 30, W. of 6th P. ML, North Platte, Neb., Scale: - 1-inch equals 400 feet. 14-SEC. COR. I 14 SEC. COR , . ' . . 1 ! : ; ' r . 16 15 14 13 12 11 10. 9 8 7 6 5 4 - 3 2 1- T. " ' ', '':;';' (" , i i ' " - - . - ' , ' . ' S v ' f ' " 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES " ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 Al'HHS 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES EUGENE STREET i i I i I " W i t i I ' "S . ' 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 : ' x ' v ' ' ' ' 1 .1 I i ww s . ' ' ' ' . .'.' " 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 1 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES " ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES 10 ACRES COUNTY ROAD WITHIN ONE AND ONE HALF MILES OF NORTH PLATTE, NEB., 32 ten acre tracts of land, lying just south of the South Platte River, surrounded by good roads, also one of the finest bridges being constructed at this time across the South Platte River, and wben complete will be just another substantial improvement to ad- V CL A 11 1 1 A V .ll.wt w- - -Upon these ceplional crop tural farm one tracts may be grown the growing crops of this locality, which is ALFALFA, WHEAT, AND ALL OTHER SMALL GRAIN, BEETS making an ex . This is a rare opportunity tor tlie person who wishes to produce as they tro.also live close to the beat citv"m the state of Nebraska, also a State Asricul mile from this to stand back of any statement made above. THIS LAND IS FREE FROM CITY TAXATION. Address all Inquiry to EUGENE COMBS, i ii Hub S tore, North Platte, Nebraska