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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1918)
s I THE OEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTH. NESRASKA. 6 loam? I -Koine of the Apache scouts who were with General Pershing In Mexico and nro now doing good work with the Amorlcnn forces In France. 2 Men of the First division of Anicrlcnn infnntry getting their llrst meal out of Hie trenches ofler 20 (toys' service at the front. ii Now portrait of funeral Diaz, commander of tho Italian armies. IMPORTANT TOWN TAKEN IN THE ALLIED DRIVE i,iJI?W '!? l0ll,c1l,J'-l,u-c'!,attl1' n lIortant point In the aerman defeiiHe system In" the Alsne-Murno salient, which was taken by tho Franco-American troops In the big drive. GETTING OLD BOAT READY FOR SERVICE HE DEFIED THE HUNS litre are .Tack It. Alnslolgh and his mother, who were aboard tho tug I'erth Amboy viien It wns shelled by a German siibnmrlno off Capo Cod. When tho U-boat opened lire, without warning, Jack, who Is ten years old. ' Ilmbod the mast and waved Old Glory dellnntly at the Huns. Workmen cutting away the damaged Hteru of an old vessel to replace It with a now one, In ono of the big shipyards where warships and merchant vessels are built and repaired. This yard Is In the northwestern part of tho United States. CALLING THE ROLL IN CHINESE CAMP Doq Adopts Marine. Sergt. J. (1. Murphy of tho St. I'aul murine recruiting stutlon ha.1 been adopted. No, It wasn't n millionaire widow, and It wasn't n young Indy who wanted a brother. It's a dog, and a good dog too. Cuow.ns It Is called, Is nn Irish tor rler, and It passed up an army major and several captatns and lieutenants to pick on Murphy. Chow has taken n fancy to the ma rine uniform ever since tho day it wandered Into the recruiting otllco and nosed out a master. Several days ago ( how was missing and tho recruiting olllcers thought It had deserted. H was a mistake, however, us tho marine dog Was found last night pa tlently waiting for Murphy. Sergeant Murphy says he will take tho doc to Franco when ho goes. s eji t roll cap In n Chinese labor ramp behind the lines In Franco. mrii's niiiiio Is Inscribed on the streamers which rovolve on a pivot. Heloht Indicators. The height Indicator Is a very dell ;te Instrument. It Is net nt nt the airdrome from which tho machine ir s. Consequently at night tho pi. o has to beware In lauding on any other part of the earth. If the groSS ,"I"K tho course of his hbS be -Igher than that from which ho start ' ny Hmhip Into It. although his '.eight Indicator may be register! g -f0 feet or more. ''This," said a Urlt, Mi aviator recently, "Is rather awk ward If you moot a mountain nt sev eral thousand foot." PUSHING ON AFTER THE RETREATING HUNS These British and French soldiers are moving forward to keep up with the steady udvance of the allied offen sive nlong the western front. . PRETTY FRENCH TOWN WRECKED BY GERMAN SHELLS ft. ukrT ..... -. ... y. it- .;:: "t . .. . -.:tw ..v-v ... - . , v. j v. ' . -a ---. : This nhotonrnnh of thn "urnnrt n. ,.f 1.., J i rT r ii iun in jviMuu uisincc snows uio conditions time lire met by most of the French peoplo who nro returning to their homes ns the allies drive the Huns northwnrd. TWO EMINENT SOLDIERS STERILIZING CLOTHING OF SOLDIERS 3 "WeHr Nwpprr Union ;iL.iil, MaJ. Gen. .1. Franklin Hell, com mandant nt Camp Upton, New York, nnd Col. Charles F. Lee, bend of tho Ilrltlsh aviation section In America. Learns French Quickly. An American who wrote homo a de scription of his Journeys into thq In terior of France, relates his experience In trying to crowd himself Into ono of the French "eight horses und 40 nion." "These cars wore loaded to the guards with Frenchles bound for somewhere. 'Howdy,' I snys. " 'Go to hell,' rcmnrked one of them who'd learned to spenk English from tho United States marines, but I knew lie mennt to bo pollto because ho of fered me a match and matches nro Just tho samo as ready money ovor there. 'So I says, 'Au revolr, old timer.' nnd when they seen I was right thero with their lingo, they grinned buck and mndo rqom for mo." This picture shows American troops In Franco removing clothing from a sterilizer which has cleaned It of vermin. Tho sanltnry corps of our urmy Is doing great work In keeping tho troops clean nnd henlthy. REMAINS OF A GIANT GERMAN PLANE Better Than Coal. , Triiitlitisli Ar'ivirflliiir tn nn scientist's llgurcs n square mile of the ,11. 0 I . . I . m I oiiriii h suiiuuu in mx. uours or sun. Bhlno receives hent equivalent to the couinustion or more man :.uw tonw of conl. Uensonhurst Ordor your sunsh!ut nw before tho rush begins. The remains of a giant Gorman pi,Uir. uMl wns downed by Ilrltlsh air lighters, being towed to u position far behind the battks lino.