The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 09, 1918, Image 4

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Glare Will Not
Trouble You
When yon wcnr modern tinted InnscB,
a day In tlic open it III Im more en- .
Joyable. IJrlfrlil light and mm jrlars
will not distress you. Your eyes will
Ik- fresh and untlred. Vision will not
be dimmed, for these lenses (liter on.
ly the heat rays, nnd let Iho Illiimlna
tlng light through. The light shades?
appear to be ordinary optical glasses.
Come In and let tis demonstrate tinted
lenses. , . , .
AUTO GOGGLES $.r.O to $20.
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big RingfA
Graduate Dentist
OflVc over th McDonald
State Bunk.
Mr. and Mrs W. It. Harcourt havo
been spondlng tho past week In Colo
rado. ' Miss Ethel McWllllamB and mothoi
returned a few days ago from a visit
In Colorado.
Mrs. C. II. WiHorton and children
returned homo Wednesday from n
visit with friends In Oxford.
MIb MInorva McWllllamB returned
WodnrJsday ovonlng from a ton day
vlBlt In Dcnvor with rolatlves.
George Fratcr, who has boon trans
acting business In Toxas for Bovorall
weeks, will routrn homo Monday.
Miss Molllo PenlBton, formerly ot
this city, arrived horo yesterday from
Rnwllno to visit rclatlvcB and friends.
Jack Carroll has purchased of Edt
Blsasser tho property at jhu bouui
;;Wlllo'w for a consideration of $2,200.
William Schott, of Junction City,
who has been visiting his parents Mr
nnd Mrs. Henry Schott wKl lenvo to
Tho, Federal employees In UiIb city
aro making arrangement to hold u
Vlcnlo at tho Dick grovo on Labor
Mrs. Will Pattorson, of Minneapo
lis, arrived Wednesday to vIbR her
parents Mr. und Mrs. Victor von
Lost on Aug. 3d pair of noso glasB
cs . In caBe. Finder please return to
Harry Dixon,
Mrs. P. A. Norton returned Wedncsi
day evening from a visit with her son
P. J. Norton and family In Grand Is
land. 1 '
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welngand, of
Omaha, aro expected to arrive in this
city Sunday for a visit with relatives
and friend.
Mrs. L. D. Dick, who had beon
visiting her sister In Toledo, Ohio,
for sttveral months, returned homo
Wednesday evening.
Tho Epworth Lcaguo will hold the
regular monthly social nnd business
meeting on Friday ovenlng at tho
homo of Mrs. II. A. Cram. A good at?"
tondanco is desired.
Soo "Tho Deciding Kiss," with
Edith Roberts, at tho Crystal Monday
nnd got a new slant at tho old "ugly
duckling" story.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P.. Winegar, of
Lobnnon, Kan., havo been guests at
- , : r
Hundreds of cities ixA towns thru
out this country and a number lift Ne
braska havo" endorsed the. movement
of tho national rStttry flub forgone
mlnutp of silent prayer each day for
tho safety of our boys In tho service
and ttn succeesfun termination of the
war. Slguals are provided for this
morning prayer and a whistle or bell
Is soudud so that people in all parts
of the city may cease work at, the
tfumo moment and make supplication
With nearly 600 Lincoln county boys
In the sorvico, many of whom aro now
on the firing line, North Platte should
Invoke for them guidance and safe
dellvory by tho supreme being.
It ha boon suggested that begin
ning Sunday and continuing dally, the 1
fire whistle be blown at eleven o'clock!
In tho forenoon nnd that all our people
c,qnse. from labor for.ono mlnuto'aml
engage in silent 'prayer.
Ilnnd Concert Program. .
Friday evening,' August 9th, at tho
Court House Park will be given the
usual weekly concert by thtl North
Platte Municipal Band, Earl Stamp
director. Tho following program will
be presented.
March, "U. S. FlotiUa," Ambrose.
Overture, "Pretozla," Skaggs,
Song, (By request) "Hitting the
rail to Normandy," Mr. James Shaffer
accompanied by tho band.
March, "Crescent City," Lopez.
Danco Cnprlco, "Augusta," W. Bar-rlngton-Sargcnt.
Waltzos, "Idalla," Ikmnctt.
March, "Tho Carroltonlan," Boehn
lcln. "Star Spangled Banner." . .
It was tho intention of Mr. Shaffer
and tho director to present an entire
ly new Bong nt this week's "concert,
but on account of so many requests
for "Normandy," it waB decided to
glvo tho latter. However, Mr. Shaffer
will be heard in his new song next
Cyril Cool Writes from France.
Cyril Cool, with an engineering
company in Franco, writing to the
homo folkB under date of July 2Sth
says in part:
"Wo are located In a small village
tho VpnOoftz homo for Bovoral days i about as far from the front as iff Hor
taut'. They made tho trip from Kansas
In Uiolr Apporson car.
Miss Isabollo Dornm who has been
employed In the Standard Oil com
pany offlco In Omaha for several
weeks, has boon offered a position ns
teacher in tho schools in that city.
Miss Oeorglnia McKay returned
Wednesday from Denver and Greeloy,
Colo,, whore sho spent sovoral weeks
taking preparatory work for teach
ing. Sho wllj accept a position In a
scho.)l six miles west of Sutherland.
Thoro will be quite, a few passon
gors for tho "Station Content" nt tho
Crystal Thcatro Saturday afternoon
and ovonlng. Gloria Swanson conduc
tor. All Aboard.
A special train boarlng westward
423 men enrouto to a training camp
stopped Mil thin city for an hour yos
torday and woro served breakfast at
tho different eating houses. Nearly
all these men wero from South Dako
ta. 1 ost on the streets yesterday fore
noon, a folding pocket book Issued
by tho .Maywood Bank and con-
W. E. Shuman. dauchtcr Dorothy ? at. last J35 ?nd probacy a
and Mrs. Louisa Burke loft Wcdnos-1 1UU oiiock. innuor return to uus oi-
day on an auto trip to Colorado a'l rci:olvo Bltaul r0Wlir"-
points. What do you lovo most, your wife,
,,., , . . . . , your paronts, your country, youi
Wanted Board In a tprlvato family bankbook, or your best girl? That is
by a young man. Phono Blnck 570, a qU08t0n that may bo hard to an-
froni 10 to 11 Sunday. awcr but you can cot your answer In
Work on tho new Lutheran church "The Thing Wo Lovet," with Wallace
was resumed yesterday niter a ton Hold, at tho Kolm Saturday night,
day suspension duo to non-arrival oi Tho comedy "A Playwright's Wrong,'
trimming stono. will bo shown alBO. 1
sliey from North Platto and wo
hear tho shells whistld o'vor us al
most every day, and we soft so many
aeroplanes that my neck Is almost
broken from looking' at theim.
I havo beon swimming In Uie
"Rivor of Blood," the Marno river.
and it Is sure a nlco little stream,
about fifty yardB wide and sure is
deep, na some pretty good sized boats
go up it.
I never knew what a good bed u
pllo of hay Is until I got over here
and began sleeping on tho ground,
which at times jivould bo covered with
rocks or cactus. Bollovo mo, tho bed
of hay feels flno compared with the
"I saw a bunch of German prlson
ora yestorday and they wero boyte of
1G or 17 or men of from 45 to 50, and
they suro looked ns though they Dad
a hard time of it.
"This is a beautiful country and
overy foot that is posslbo to cultivate
Is farmed, but farming is not on a
largo scale, llko In the states. You
will seo a vineyard, a wheat Hold and
then a field of something else nnd
that is tho way right up to tho front,
But with ni'.l tho beauty of this coun
try, glvo mo dear old Nebraska,
"The) marines aro doing some great
fighting over hero and I will take oil
my tin hnt to thorn. We drow our
ovorscas caps tho other night and
thoy look rather nifty but a man will
sure bo dono to a nico chocplato
brown In nbout two Weeks
Dr. Morrill. Dentist
Final Clearance of
For Women and Children
Here is indeed an opportunity so profit. Low Shoes which
formerly sold tor much more are greatly reduced in this
Women's White Canvaks Oxfords, rubber
soles, low rubber heols, medium 01 70
quality canvass y hi 3
Women's White Canvass Oxfords, Low
Heel, Cap Too, Rubber Sole, fine tfn HQ
canvass . tp&iOu
Queen Quality -White Canvass OH QO
Pump, French Heels, Leather Soles tp&iUU
Women's White Canvass Pumps, Iiubbor
Soles and Low Heols, One Strap, PO OQ
Fine Canvass xJ)&itJi)
Womon's White Canvass PumpB, Good
Rubber SoleB, High Heels, Fino AO CQ
Canvass : tptiU J
Women's White Canvass Pumps M QO
Low Heels, Leather Soles v I iDO
Women's White Canvass Shoes 0110
Medium Heols Leather Soles v I iHu
Women's White Canvass Boots OH OQ
French Heels (Queen Quality) $JiZu
Women's Oxfords and Pumps, Kid and
Gunmetal Leathers, Finest Grade M A Q
(Queen Quality) iHO
Womon's Patent Pumps, Low and M QQ
Medium Heels, One and Two Strap I idG
Womon's White Canvass Boots CO QQ
Medium Heels, Rubber Soles $&iUU
Women's White Kid Boots, FrenchC QQ
Heels (Queen Quality) UiJO
Women's Pumps, assorted kinds 00 QQ
of leathers and styles tpZiuO
Children's Pumps and Oxfords at Clearance prices
Clean S
Drive! I
Now on in full blast, will continue with
out stop until every Dollars worth of
Summer Apparel is swept away. Throngs
of economical women buyers have crowd
ed our store daily and gladly grasped tlie
many bargains offered. There are plenty
of bargains left. If you valu your money
you had better get in on these prices while
they last.
150 - SILK DRESSES 150
In taffetas, satins, georgette and silk plaid
ginghams. In all the yanted shades, made
up to the minute in style and formerly sold
up to $43.50 are now going at
$11.98-14,98 19.98
AND 24,75
One lot of white voile dresses, lace and em
broidery trimmed,- good styles, some are
slightly soiled. Not one dress in the lot
worth-less than $5.00 and many in the lot
that sold up to $13.50. All going M 1Q
at one price for a quick clearance at $ 1 iHll
Beautiful Jap silk waists, value 01 QQ
up. to $3.00 .at.- IiOU
Georgette and taffeta plaid and striped
waists values up to $7.50, Clean Sweep price
Princess slips and muslin night gowns val
ues up to $1.75. ciean Sweep price (jgg
In all sizes, made good and full QQp
values up to $1.79, Clean Sweep price 30b
Silk skirts in taffetas and silk poplin, in
plain colors or fancy stripes, values OC QQ
to $8.75, clean sweep sale tpUiJU
White washable satin skirts and silk pon
gee skirtSj values up to $12.50, Clean fl7 JiO
Sweep price at , I in-Q
Our highest grade silk skirts in Khaki
Kool, Foulards, fancy silk striped taffetas
and Baronette Satins, values up to $24.50,
Clean Sweep price
$9.98 AND 12.49
In all the desirable shades, made of the
best quality taffeta and satin, values up to
$7.50, Clean Sweep price
- $2.98 AND $4.98-
2 dozen party dresses in all the wanted
shades, values up to 29.50, now going at
$4.98, 9.98, AND 14.98
lOO Wawli Skirl lOO
At less than cost. Divided into 4 lots.
Lot 1. All wash skirts formerly 01 0
sold up to $2.50, now $ I iT"0
Lot 2. All wash skirts fomerly (M QQ
sold up to $3.50, are now going at I iu0
Lot 8. Wash skirts that fomerly 00 QQ
sold up to $5.00, Clean Sweep PriceZi JO
Lot 4. Our highest grade, wash skirts,
values up to .$7.00. What's left of dQ QQ
them at tj)JiJu
White voile waists up to $1.50 4Q
values, Sale Price 4uL
One lot of white voile and organdie QQn
Avaists, values up to $2.00, at 30 G
Onyx Lisle Hose 23c
Onyx Fibre Silk Hose in all shades, nn
Sale Price, UuC
July 30, 1918.
Nnnril mot mirsuant to adjournment,
present full board and county clerk.
Checked books ot county superin
tendent and nnd balaco in nor hands
of '$227.59.
Sundry persons, roau worn uist. a,
Chockdd county clerk's dooks ami
nnd excesB fees for flrst and second
quarters to bo $1058.03.
Adourned until July 31,
July 31, 1918.
noard met samo as yestorday.
Claims wora allowed as follows:
A. S. Allen, salary for July, 137.50
Esslo Wessburg, July Balary, $65.
Anna Anderson, caro of Emma An
derson, $35.00.
Alteon Gantt, otneo expenses,, $ia.i7.
Ailocn Gantt, July soflary, $133.33.
Fayo Elder, July Balary, $55.00.
L. A. Giunbrel, July salary, $75.00.
A. J. Salisbury, July salary, $145.80.
Tim Sutton, July salary, $83.33.
A. S. Allen, ofHco oxponses, $44.33.
C. M. Newton, supplies, $8.10.
P. O. Johnson, dragging, $19.10.
David Scolt, urnplng sand, $25.00.
P. W. Hermlnghausen, services nnd
mlleagd, $105.30.
E. II. Sprlngor, sorvlces nnd nille
ago, $105.60.
O. A. Carlson, refund of taxes, $6.
S. M. Soudor, ofllco expenses, $20.50.
Sundry persons, reports of births
and deaths, $42.60.
S. J. Koch, services and mileage,
John Prazlor, inspector Osgood
bridge, $130.00.
Sundry forsons, reports of births
and deaths, $64.50.
S. J. Koch, freight on oil, $6.03.
Adjourned to August 5th, 1918.
August 5th, 1918.
Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment,
present full board and county clor.
Our Kratenstoln, bridge supplies,
Walter Wilson, $68.55.
Pcaso & Son. blacksmlthlng, $10.25.
Sundry porsons, road work Dlst. 33,
A. J, Clapp, haying roads, $10.00.
rtydo Reckert, ditch work, $7.50.
P. D. Westenfeld, mdso county poor,
REey Brown, road work Dlst 23,
Sundry persons, road, work Dlst. 23,
H. B. Combs, road work, $5.00.
John DIscoe, road work, $8.00.
Ne!b. Tel. Co., tolls and rent, $35.95.
Brady Vindicator, printing, $59.58.
Jcsso Long, road work, $12.50.
A. E. IMshel, blado man, $130.00.
Sundry persons, road work Dlst 22,
Joseph Spies, hauling gravel, $40.50.
J. II. lUtnor, bridgo work, $400.95.
Wm. Elliott, sorvlces, $G.l0.
A. B. Hoagland, engine man, $508.
E. J. Eames, printing, $15.85.
Nob. & Iowa Steel Co., scrapers,
Nob. & Iowa Steel Co., scraporB.
$53.40. '
R. W. Brown, road work, $20.50.
Clyde Brown, road work, $5.00.
A. P. Kelly, printing and supplies,
Wnntcd to Rent.
A wall located, Btrlctly modern house
of not less than seven roomB In North
Plntto. Lease muBt run for not less
than one year. Address D. M. Leypoldt,
Horshoy, Nebraska.
For Sale.
Rlelglstored Stallions nnd Jacks or
will trade for land. Se or address me
at McCabe Hotel, North Platte.
For Sorvico First and Guarantee
Work, call North Platte Plumbing and
Heating Co., Phono 469, 106 East
Sixth strcot.
When your braln Is dull and you
cannot hold your own In a test of wit
among your fellows, It meanB your
liver Is torpid and your stomach and
bowels full of bilious Impurities. To
brlghten up your mental facultlos and
mako you fool right, Prickly Ash Blt
tora Is tho remedy you need. It clears
the brain and bracos tho body. Price
$1.25 per bottle. Gummero-Dent Co.,
Special Agents.
Rutlilng Prohibited.
Tho Kcneral pubtlc Is hereby notified
that bathinc In tho South Platto rlvor
at or near the new bridgo Is strictly
proniDiiea ana that the sheriff has
been notified to enforce this order.
County Commlfoloners
McDonald State Bank.
of ,Noth -pJLatte Charter No. 047 In the
nesa August 1, 1918.
Loans and discounts 4ii fi!?7 sa
Overdrafts 1,789.65
Bonds, securities, Judgments
ClulmR Ati. it? nnn nn
.7 ' . ' ' ItlfUUU.UV
Other assets, Liberty BondB
uiiu war Bavingrs 'und, . 24,257.13
Bankinfc house, furniture
rt and rtxtures 16,194.67;
Other Real Estate 7.609.22
Due from nat'l and
atato banks.. $ 75,049.52
Checks and Items
of exchange.. 2,346.24
Currency 9,973.00
Oold coin ... 327,50
Silver, nlcklea and
cents 8,425,55 96,121.81
Total $625,999.76
Capital stock paid In J100.OOP.00
Surplus fund i... 20.000.00
Individual depos-
na HUDjeci 10
check $280,092,74
Demand certifi
cates of depos
its. ererjf
.......... vtuwtfiiv
Time certificates
oi aeposit.... 160,916.90
Certified checks 75.00
Due to national
and state banks 32,874.28 480,514.44
Depositor's guaranty fund. 4,973.49
Total ;625,999.7G
Strte-f IiSbrA8Ha' County of Lincoln, ss
I. w. H. McDonald, cashier of the
!?ove...nanLod bank d0 hereby swear
that the above statement Is a correct
?h atTXi op?'iof "Port made to
the State Banking' Board.
Attest- tt lfoDONAlir Cashier.
J, B. McDONALD, Director.
.fu!r,bod and. "worn to before mo
this Sth day of August. 1918.
A. C. KRAMPII, Notary Public.
My commission expires Feb. 10, 1923