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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1918)
Wat Cribtnrc. mm THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 9, 1918; No. 60 win S EX VOH SPECIAL WORK WILL 00 NEXT WEEK. Next week eleven Ltnccl'n county young men who have enlisted for special work will ho sent to tholr respective schools, the week follow ing tour colored nion will bo sent from this county to Cam'p Pike, and probably a week later three young men w.l be sont to Logan, Utah, for mechanical Instruction. Eight of these loyd who onllsted for special work will leave August 14th for the Ilaho automobile school In Kansas City, where they will bo taught auto mechanism. Ihe following day, August lGth, three young men will bo sent to the state university at Lincoln for speci nl training. The four colored men will bo sent to Camp Pike, Ark., August 22d. The date of sending the three boyj to Utah hits not been definitely an nounced. For this special work In Utah nine men signed up, but only throo will be called at this time ::o:;' llnmi Corps Dance. A gala dance will be given by the Lincoln County Drum and Bugle Cor'ps at the Lloyd opera house on Thursday evening of next week, August 15th. This wil be the biggest and best dance of tho season, and those who attend aro assured good music, a good floor and the coolest place in town. Many kinds of refreshments will be Bervel during tho evening. Tho entire proceeds will go to tho purchaso of uniforms, and equipment for tho Honid Guards and everybody can well afford to boost for this patriotic ovent. Tell all your friends to be there if they want 'a good time. Tickets $1.00 plus 10 cents war tax, spectators 35 cents. ::o:: LEO EDDY, EOK.MEll XOUTII PLATTE HOY IS KILLED. Mrs. Mary Eddy, of this city, who has "been visiting in Donvor for a week past, received official notice from tho govormont Wodncsday that her son Leo Eddy had boon killed In action In Frnnco. In tho absence ot Mrs. Eddy It has boon learned from friends that Leo. who was about twonty-flve years of ago, had boon at tending school in Denver: that within last year ho went to Chicago and on listed in tho Infantry and had been In Franco three or four months una! at the time of his deuth was in n brigade ot sharpshooters. Tho Eddy family have boon resi dents of North Platte at different times for a numbor of years, the father, Charles Eddy, having boon em ployed by the Union Pacific for a numbor of years. Mrs. Eddy has had apartments in tho Twinem building for a number of ntonths past. ::o:: lied Cross Shipments. Mrs. H. H. Baldrldgo, of Omaha, etato censor of tho American Iidd Cross, acknowledges tho receipts of shipments of knitted goods and hospit al supplies from tho Lincoln county LOCAL AND PERSONAL There will bo a cavalry drill Satur day afternoon at tho fair grounds at 4 o clook NEWS ABOUT THE HOYS j WAMHEIt OK COMMENCE HOLDS WHO AllE IX SERVICE. AXXUAL MEETING LAST NIGHT. Alfred Peterson, a formorenfhoyoo ' Thn nnminl inrf',llni nf Hin Clmm. Ot. the Ulfinhono exchancGLnow Mrs Todim Donocan Jr loft lasL.t,Qned nt thQ Qrcat I-Koifjirainlng ing. a fairly good representation of mrs. josopn fioncgan, jr., ion ,,, un,n n.ih .n"kt, . i..,t ...... .......n.. night for Sterling, Col., to visit Mr,' and Mrs. C. II. Murrln and other rolatlvcs. Mr. and Mrs. Krauso, who had boon vlcitlng tholr tlaughtor Mrs. Arthur Tramp, returned to tholr homo in West Point this morning. Dft Morrill. Dentist. O.arcnco Redmond, onrouto east from Los Angeles, stopped ovr be tween trains yesterday to visit his father F. T. "Redmond. Mrs. Frank Martin left this morn ing for Camp Cody to visit hor son Goorgo Hall, who was ono of tho first to onllst In Company E two years ago. Join tho crowds of cagor buyors at tho groat August snlo now on nt TI1L LEADER MERC. CO. Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh'and Miss Mnrikt Rowan returned yostorday from their auto trip to points in Iowa and Mis souri nfticir an absence of several weeks. There will bo a special meeting of Btiu on. camo homo this week on a business men nttoiidtncr. It wnn do furlough, at tho tormlnatlori Of which , cidod not to attempt to rniso a publi ho .will bo assigned to a vcSsol. city fund, but by a momborshlp charge Glen Todd, formerly of this city. ,ot ?15 . I?'8 flclont funds to pay ho been In Frnunn for nnnm llinr, n9,r 01 l Prosoni rooms nnu assist a member of tho marine corps nnd Is prpnnuiy on tlio firing lino, as tho marines hnvo born In tho thick of tho flgjit since tho n'.llod offonslvo began. J. A. Bell. Y. it. C, A. snprnfnrr II SjP. O. 70G. A. E. F. France' nonda a card to Mrs. Joseph Donocnn and says: "I amglad to say I know your boy Noel O Donogan. Ho is well nnd happy. Ho Is tho spirit that snolls complete victory. We are liroud of him." Chapter on June 1st, July 26th, , thn Sammy Girls at tho homo of Mrs Rev. T. A. Lindcmmcyor has com pleted his courso of training in Y. M. A. war work at Lake Gonova, Wis., and is now- located at the Great Lakes Naval Trnlnlnir f!iiiiin na mlnmtlrmnl secretary of the 7th Regiment, Camp i two nml oloct officers. i,.; tt , ai.l. . .... ' n i rurrv. itn in irrnnnv Tiinnsafi wirn ma now work and with what, tho Y. M. C A. 'is doing for tho boys. Sargoant Fred Jack McGraw s, Monday evening at 7:30. Every one Is requested to como prepared as there will bo a short program. For Farm Loans seo Gone Crook, Room west of Vienna Cafo. and Jully llth, and that all articles had passed tho censor. Theiso ship ments wero: Hospital su'ppllcs Twenty-five un dordrawers, 50 undershirts, 37 bath towols, 137 pajamas, 70 bed shirts, 10 trench sllnners. 30 comfort bags. 20 operating ca'p3, 20 operating masks, I Not only aro oleven girls working 20 hand towols. I nt tho U. P. store room handling all Refugee Garments Twonty-flvo classes of material, three girls aro om chemise, 30 houso dresses, G house "ployed nt tho freight depot handling gowns, 8 blouses, 15 night gowns, 50 all classes of heavy freight and Agent petticoats, 5 skirts. Redmond says more will probably SurgicaltDressings 110 bandages of employed. Ho says the three gjrls aro three kinds, 1,200 gauzti compresses, doing good work. They receive 30 100 gauzo rolls. Knittod Artlcles- cont8 an hour. -100 sweators, 20 For qnlck action nnd satisfactory uo list your Innd with Tknclcckc tf Fhyslclnl Examination Next Week, piftv-flvo nf tin mis class of reg istrants In Lincoln county asked fori socks, 5 helmots, 10 wristlets offrlniilritrnl ovoniTiftnn f nrtv-Hirfirt nf , " 1 1 1 ' " JO" . ,inin,i i,ia ovomnUrm, hv i Nurse llrown Hospital Notes. i The scale of nrlces for thrtlshing as ihr- district hoird leavlnc twelve' Dr- D. A. Footo of Omaha, was at recommended by a committee of three nioi.c Wnr roY-Mii-roii Nnho the hospital yesterday. Mrs. W. D. thrcEhornKU and three farmers, all f iiIIB. ivnn th Wwnini I YNANOOshrdlu taoin otaoi etao mw residents of tho county, Is nino cents v,,m(nntini, ,i,t nnW thnt thn tnrfv. 1 Downing, Miss Lillian Carlson, and for wheat and rye nnd five cents for three wero' denied exem'ption, they'Mrs R- W Wilson's little 'daughter other grains. Whoro long and dlffcult will be summoned for such examina tion next week by tho locat board. Methodist Church. The following services will bo held in the Methodist church Sunday: Sun day school 9:45 a. m., morning wor shipll a- m the subject, "Eternity in the Heart.'-- Epworth. league at 7 p.- m. At 8:30 p. m. the congregation is asked to attend tho mass meeting at tho Franklin auditorium. were operated upon. faster Ltlland Crouch was ro'cat'ed from tho hospital having puils are made tho farmer of Paxton malce adequate compensation. should Miss Zelia Werntlr of Hebron, Neb. :c: : For Sale A Hudson auto car irt good order. A bargain if solid at onde. J Morsch, 305 west 3d st. 3t Congressman Chas. H. Sloan, a can didate for the republican nomination for United States senator Is spending today in town. Letters from Leonard Redmond now in France, speak of a big Fourth of July colebratlonln the town In which he is located. .1.. 1 u V . r " !; UVU1 ttlLCI "I''-hns accepted a pVaco In the iprimary i,r a.i,.. ,1 dopartment of tho Nortli Platto "7... schcols for next year. Miss Werner 7? . i i H iivl 1 nf hn- cen a student at Highland Park 1,ia,d beo.n dP" ca30S at tll, college, holds a professional life a tw .J..0 iw T-rf'dtirtlflcnto. and bas had a numuer of A baby girl -was born to Mrs. Leo "., t,. , p ,, ...... ... w. .v. w..wv.w of Norfolk, Nob., whom sho was re elected for tho coming year but did riot accept on account of local con ditions :o:: Wanted A competent girl for gen eral housework in smaJl family. Thirty dollars per' month. Phono 243. A Red Cross- sale will be hold at Maxwicll, August 17th to raise funds to buy material. The Daughters of Rebekah will servo a chicken supper in tho ovonlng. The Lincoln Highway gardens have cabbage at 4 cants per lb. No delivery. R. McFarland, 2005 E. 4th street. Phone Red 732. 2t "The Whispering Chorus" With Katheen Williams conscience may make cowards of men but you should listen to the Whispering Chorus and this picture will show you how. . Monday and Tuesday Keith Theatre, August 12-13 Now is the logical tlmo to buy your tailored suit for fall. Tho lato spring styles now on sale are identical with tho coming fall styles but from tho fact wo never carry over suits from ono to another is tho reason you can savo $7.50 to $18.00 on any suit you buy during this sale. Wo are giving you yoiir unrestricted cholco of scits that sold at $25.00, $27.00, $30.00 and up to $37.50,, on suio at $19.05 as long as they last. A Hot of highest grade suits at $20.50 and up at THE LEADER MERC. CO. Mrs, Edna Shaffer of this city has beep ef.cctold to a position in the Eenior high school and has accepted She will teach history and take charge, of tho work of tho girl's gymnasium. She! Is a graduato of tho Los Angeles, Cal., State Normal school and has attended tho Univer sity of California, tho Indiana statel Normal school. Mrs. Shaffer has taught In Indiana, California and Ne braska and com'els to us wdll recom mended. I Hay and 6 rain Growers Attention We have the most completely equipped plant for the handling of your products of any concern between Omaha and Denver and can give you service second to none. Our bids on grain are the highest that conservative business will permit. We buy more prairie hay direct from the Producer and sell direct to the Consumer, than any other Shipper in the United States, and are, therefore in a position to bid you the top market, or better, at all times. Leypoldt & Pennington HAY, GRAIN AND LIVE STOCK, COAL AND FEED PHONE 99 Branches:-Newport and Atkinson, Nebraska, on the C. & N. W. Railway. County Agent Unrbor ns far as pos slblo In his work. Tho rooms, aro oc cuplod by tho county ngmt and tho federal labor bureau, both of which are of groat bonollt to tho county, and tho rost room for farmers and their wives is also maintained. In ordor to maintain theso .ngonclos it is nec essary that tho Chamber ot Com merco provide) quarters and assist In paying othor oxponses. For tboso 'pur poses about $1,000 a yoar la rcquirtid. S. R. Derrybatry, C,. S. Clinton, II. L. Pennington ad J. E. Nolson woro V.octd members of tho board of directors to succeed thoso whoso terms oxplred. Tho board will me"et In a day or lire Dcmonstnitlon. Mr. Atkins, br man of tho Dopt, of Potorson and Sar-' Entomology, university of Nebraska, goqnt Moso McFarland arrived home will glvo a demonstration to boo men Tuesday night from Camp Cody and and otheirs lntorostcd next Wednesday will remain until Sunday, Doth nra aftornon at Geo. Scharman's homo, looking lino and say they could not bo , in bettor shapo to' go up agalnBt "Vi miles west of town. Mr. Atkins besides discussing bco tho Huns. They oxnoct to leave Camn culture generally and answering qucs Cody for overseas duty somo tlmo tlons will pay (particular attention to next inontht. i tho discussion for tho protection of Rov Louden, ono of our North P1. bro.otl n torial nmlndy ' which mj.,' i.-.." ,' v,:." n: nee '.oopors not. oniy ior uio pro- . " tcctlon of tholr own bees, but for tho eafoty of thoir neighbors, should bo nblo to idontlfy and know how to control. On Thursday, August 15th, Mr. At kins will answer calls, us far as ho Is able, to visit apiaries and assist tho Individual In his particular troubles. Arrangomants will bo mado an (Instructor of the now boys as thoy aro sont over and Is consequently moyed around. U&foro hoing mado In structor he had a turn In tho tronchos anuf so knows what it is like. Ho speaks of ono city of 08,000 people which ho says has boon totally de stroy, d, In tho cities nothing but tho j nt lho Wedncslay mooting. wiy juuib 1,4 tuu uiu mull iuui : : O seen, an otners uemg ai ino iroiu Mrs c M Trottor loft last ovonlng rcBuruieai 01 iu uo u uiou um- for n. visit in Ogdon and other west lies. The fields ar full of poppies rn nnina growing wild like tho sunflowers in Nebraska. Whon -thoro is hard work to do In In a letter to tho homo folks Lee hot weather Prickly Ash Bitters proves nirrl. ntatlnniwl at tho Carruthor's worm as a siumacn, nyor ana nvlntlnn flnlrl mnr Vt Wnrlh Toy.. OOWCI purilior. inOSO WHO USO 11 BlttHU fuivs htK nnv im i.Aon cut. from S7K to tbo boat better and aro less fatlguod ISS ptir month and ho gots up at 4:30 nt niBht. Prlco ?15 por bottlo. Gum- in tho morning instead or. &:30 as ror , w- merly. Tho instruction courso has al soJieon kaigthenod from ten, to fifteen- woeks: Starting last wook Loo now files a machlno without an Instructor, and goes up ovory day icbccopt Sunday. His usual landing placo was on a dairy farm near Ft. Worth, hut tho nolso or tho motor frightened tho cows so that they kicked over tho milk palls, and tho owner of tho farm got so riled up that ho wouldn't givo Leo even a drink of water, much lclss of milk. ::n:: Liltlo (Jlrl Passes Awny. Marjorkl Snyder, five year ctd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Snyder of tho Stato Experimental farm, pass ed away yesterday aftornoon at four o'clock. Death was duo to somo intes tinal poisoning and followed an illness of-only a fow days, hor condition not bblng coijsidorcd critical until Tuesday. At this writing arrnngemonts for tho funeral havo not been announced. ::c:: F. W. Rincker is in Omaha today transacting business, leaving for that city last night. : :o: : lilouey to Loan. Plenty of six per cent money to loan on funps nnd ranches, Interest pay able annually with privilege- of pny Ing part or nil nt any time. Loans closed promptly. No delay. RUCIIANAN & PATTERSON. IIKITISII AND FRENCH ADVANCE THREE MILES IN 1I0ARV. Giving tho Germans no tlmo to catch tholr breath after tholr crushing doroot en the Aisno-Mame front. Marshal Foch has launched a fresh Wow against them in n now sector. Tho nttnek started at dawn yostor day morning on n wldo front la Plcardy, oaat nnd southeast of Amlons, Thn Kronen first army and tho Bri tish fourth army aro engaged. In this now offonslvo, which is undor tholtn mcdlato direction of Flold Marshal Halg. tho British commanddr-ln-chicf. According to advices recolved In London tho Fronoh and British forces which attacked ThiirHday morning In tho Plcnrdy sector havo advanced at some points to a depth of moro than threo mllo3 on a twonty-olght miles front. Reports up to noon yesterday the alHos havo captured tha towns ,ot Moroull, Domuln, Ablancourt and MorlnncourK tho holghts west o! Corlsy and tho heights south 'of Mor-. lancourt. k Sovoral thousand prisoners hnvo boon taken nnd many guns captured. Tho flold ot Uio fighting Is. tho scono of tho most pronounced Gor-, man success In this year's series of oncmy offoifstvoB. It was in tho first Gorman blow, dlvorod against tho British front, between Cambrai and La Fore, on March 21, that Uio onomy broko into tho allied lines and was not stopped until ho had pushed to tho region of Montdldl'or. Tho great British drlvo to recapture tho ground lost in Plcardy and French Flanders last March and April Is on, and thoro Is ample) Justification for thu bjllet that this tiart of Foch's Inten tions will bo accomplished beforo tho rains preceding winter set in. Tho mlddlo of Octobor usually finds tho roads, cut up as thoy aro by passing armies. In bad condition. .:o:: Tho Keith program tonight will prosont "Six Shootor Andy," a story in which Tom Mix ehootB a crooked sheriff to savo tho town, and with this a comedy "A Nolghbor's ICey- hole," a comedy .that is aCl comedy, it doesn't skimp in anything. Thoro aro rivals for tho hand of tho horolno, school girls In bathing, cops, crazy automobiles, and other wheels ot many kinds, an Indomltahlo swan, a pugnacious ram and many othor funny things, The first official war picture. Made under the supervision of the Government. Given with the support and for the benefit of the local Home Guards. Keith wnes,day jtt&iui, Thursday, August 21.-22 Wash Skirt Special WE ARE putting our entire Stock of WASH SKIRTS on SALE TODAY at SPECIAL PRICES to close the season The larger part of what we have are HIGH GRADE SKIRTS, made with Shrunk Waist Bands and materials that have been SHRUNK before making. Prices: -98c, $1.48, $3.48, $5.48, to $6.98 Wilcox Department Store J