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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1918)
UtA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION IIATE8: Ono Ycur by Mail In Advance . . .$1.25 Ono Year by Carrier In Advance $1X0 Entored at North Platto. Nebraska. Postofflco as Second Class Matter. TUKSRAyTaUOUST fllli, 1018. Representative. I horoby aniiounco myBolf as candl dato for the republican nomination for float representative from tlio 77th District composed of tlio counties of Kolth, Lincoln and Dawson, at tlio primary election to be hold August 20, and rospcctfully solicit your' support. I have boon a rosldont of Dawson county for fourtoon years, and my prosont homo is In Gotlionburgr GEORGE S. DOTY For Sheriff. I hereby nnnouuco myself as a candl date for the republican nomination for Bhoriir at tho primary oloctlon to uo hold August 20111, 1018. A. J. SALISBURY County Clerk. I hereby aniiounco roysolf as a candidate for tho Republican nomin ation for County Clone at tho Primary ejection to bo held AugiiHt 20th, 1018. A. 8. ALLEN. County Attorney. I horoby aniiounco myaolf a candi date for tho offlco of County Attornoy of Lincoln County subject to tho Dem ocratic vote nt tho prlmarlos held August 20th, 1918. ' C. L. BASKINS. For County Altornoy. I horoby announce my candidacy for tho nomination for County Attornoy on tlio Democratic ticket at tho prl niray olectlon August 20th, 1918, sub ject to tho will of voters, whose sup port I respectfully solicit. JOHN GRANT. For Commissioner. I am a candidate for tho nomina tion for county commissioner of tho sre onrt district of Lincoln county on the republican tickot subject to tho will of thlei voters at tho primary elec tion August 20, 1918. E. II. SPRINGER. Labor Regulations. Issued by J B. Densmoro, Director Genpral. Following additional regulations offetaiwi August first no advertising for unskll'od lubor by employers en gaged wholly or partly In war work whose 'maximum forces exceeds ono hundred. Prlvato . recruiting and ud v.rtiPing lor skilled labor .not ro trlctcd rrovldud it Ib so conducted as lo avoid tnktoig or causing rest lessness niuong men engaged in war won:, riillrouds, mines and farms. Non-war Industries may not orior Inducements or ln any wayog-a by advertising oi othorwlso offot superior inducomont or in any way compoto for labor with till Govern ment or cmployort engaged ln war work. ::o;: IV. C, T. U. Enjoys Flno Program Tne W. T. C. U. spent a vory inter esting and profltablo aRornoon at a mooting in. July with tho Exnorlmnn- lal Station ladies as hostesses. Mrs. RhonW was the loader of tho pro-l gram nnd led tho devotional servlco. mp t,iic for (llncusslian "Purity" was ably presented by Rov. Curry. A brlor bUHlnofls session was hold, vice president Mrs. Bollo Morris, presid ing. Secrotnry Mrs. Rosl?, Loudon road povoral Interesting lettors. At tho clou of tho program a social hour brot the cftcrnon to a closo. Next meeting will b nt the homo oT Mrs. G. W. Monks, 215 South Sycamore street, whon an Important business mooting will bo hold on August Oth at 2:30 p. m. As okctlon of otfleors for tho com ing year wll.l tako placo ovory mombor Is rcquoBtod to bo present. Minnie Perkins, Proas Supt. Pocket Almost Emptied. The grout pocket mndo In tlio allied Pn, between tho Alsnw nnd tho Marno when tlio crown prlnco started his of fensive to forco Uio allies to "plead for poace, is almost imitiroly oinptlod. Tho onormoua Gorman niassas which woro thrown Into It aro now ln full retroat toward Uiolr departuro parallols with tho French, British and American trooW In tho hottost of pursuits. Al orady tho retiring too has been chased across the Voslo and part of tho Alsno, destroying tho bridges ns ho went In order to provont the victorious allied soldiers who aro closo on his heols from Encircling and capturing Ids re tiring divisions boforo thoy had ttmo to organi2o now positions on tho north ern flWo ot river. Whothor thoy will bo ablo to mako more than a tompor nry stand on tholr pretfent lino cannot bo foreseen, but Indications ln tho Bha,po or burning villages, ammunition dumps and supply dopots floom to for'c- Bhadow a still further retirement Legal Notice. William A. Hayoa, dofondant WW1 tako notlco Umt on tho 14th day of Juno. A. D. 1918. tho CoatOB Lumbor & Coal Company, plaintiff horoln, fllod its petition and affidavit for attach imuit In tho County Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said WI1 Ham A. Hayes, tho object and 'prayer or winch is to collect from tlio dofon' dant tho sum of Two Hundred Sixty ono and 54-100 Dollars ($201.54.) with Intorest thoreon ut 7 liae cont from March 27th, 1918, for lumbor ami building matorlnSl Hold by plaintiff to dofondant. That Uio Uunion Paclllc Railroad Company, a corporation, has boon garniBheed on attachment Issued ln said action nnd 'plaintiff prays fof Judgmont against tho monoy thus gar- nlslieed jn tho hands of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company, and nn or dor that tho monoy in tho hands of said garnlsheo may ho applied to tho saUptaoUon of BoJd Judgment, "flou aro reiqulro to answer said 'petition on or boforo Soptombor 2d, 1010. COATES LUMBER & COAL COM PANY, PlalnUff, By Ilougland & Hoaglaml, Ita At torneys. AG-4w. .NEWS FROM COUNTY PAPERS. (Sutherland Courier.) Monday and Tuesday Cltfrty-elght '.ouds of wheat woro unloaded at the, oleyator in Sutherland and tvery load tested No. 2. Nearly evory load brings tho rarmor $100.00 and bettor. The gooso donated to tho Yankoe Girls by Mrs. Frank Cokcr brought tlio sum of $37.50 Saturday night whon nuctloncd off by Col. Shappoll. Tlio Yankee Girls appreciate those kind of donations. Davo Wood, Harry Farnham, Ivan Gordon nnd Jamos McMurtry loft Sunday nvonlng Ifcr Denver wlioro they expect to onllst In the navy. A largo crowd of our citizens was at tho train to boo tho boys leave. On Friday evening, August 9, tliore wB.l be a box Biippor glvon at tho Yeoman Hall for tho benefit of tho Sutherland Home Guards. Tho Home Guards will bo at a big oxprnso in procuring suits and othor things nec essary to put them on an oqual foot ing with tho othor guards ln tho state In othor counties the Commlsslonirirs ltuvp bought suits for tho guards, but ai Lincoln county has four companies It seems hardly probable that the county will go to tho oxponso of. uni forming lh,nm, bonco tho box supipor. (Maxwl-tl TelJjposL) Flvo mon from MaxwWI wont out to I!, P. Slovens' yostorday and shock ed forto acros of barloy for him. Gosh! The grain goes into tho shock quick er and at loss kxponso for labor than In ordinary times because those fresh hands hustle. Eight more patriotic mon wont to Potor Kllng's plnofe Friday and shock ed about 100 acres of wheat for him. Kllng wns only too glad tho Maxwell men gavo him a lift lie has between two ond three hundred acres of good wheat. Monday aftornoon Ira Fislior, north of town, whon out hunting enmo near having his nrm torn off by a discharge from His sliot gun. In somo mannor tho gun which wnB pointed upward, discharged , a load of sliot Into tho arm near tho Bhouldor, toro tho flesh from tlio bono, inflicting n ghastly wound. It will bo of lntorost to "neonln of this county nnd community to lonrn that tho Maxwoll State Dank, recently iaKTin in cnargo by Los o R. Pr or. of Kearney, has as associates Messrs. noiMicwer and Scott, president and cashier, bespocfcivolvl fl thn Plnttn Vi".ley Stato Dank of North Platto. This change In tho management nni associations, togoth'er with Increasing tho capital stock from $10,000 to $25, 000, will add much lo tho strongtli of mo mum nnnnciauy, as -won ns give It prastigo not horMoforo enjoyed. In fact, tho Maxwoll State Dank will be able to handlo tho choice business tondVred it. (Drady Vindicator.) Flvo or six young men quit the Platto Valley Cat.o Co. vostordav and loft tho company tract!nnllv without any help at all excont thfe gonornl foreman. Wo aro Informed that Roy Cochran who Is an offlcor of tho field artillery In Francic; Is now ono of the Instruc tors with tho big guns and that ho Is now far bohlnd tho linos nnd is giv ing Instructions to tho now , recrulth that nro arriving daily. W. W. Wlnquost loft last Saturday night for tlio fhst to take his sum mer vacation. Ho will go by rail to pZ TM ffion wi,,!lrnn infl ir,,,l ,.nB .r V6 jxurou aiui rrom tliore drivo a now Will Join Ills WlC. Who is vigltliifr in that city. From thero thoy will drlvo lo Now York and othor eastern cltlos, and nftcr the vacation Is over drivo homo in the car. C. M. Trotter of North 1'iatto sold Mr. Wlnquest tho car. A. S. Allon, Lincoln county's afrablo chirk, was a Brady visitor last Sat urday foronoon. Mr. Allen is out for the r'-nnmlnntlon of county clork on tho Republican ticket, and was horo shaking hands with old friends and now votors, Mr. Allen, besides all hl& extra work for tho govrnniont, has proved himself a "popular county of ficial, and should bo rotumed to Uio offlco for tho porlod of tho war. Next year tho birr bridiro ncr-osm thn B.utto river nt Drndy Is to bo built, and wo bellovo It is no moro than right mm v;ouiuy uommisstonor E. 1 Springer, tho man who fostorod this proriascd;' (lm'pJrovcinont Should bo oloctod for nnothor term. Whlto the brldgo soeniB assured, It Is not built' yet nnd a now man eloctod from an. othor neighborhood could not bo ex pected to tako much lntorost In out Improvements. If you aro a Democrat, wrlti Mr. Springer's namo on your bal lot for County Commissioner at tho miliary election, August 20th (Horahoy Times.) Al. Harlow tondor'al his roalirim. Hon Tuesday evening ub ca'ptain of uie iumo uuarus, as no lias accepted a position In Colorado with Uio D. & R. G., and loft yostfTday. Tlio Guards iinanhnouuy oloctod F. c. Donnniiv to tho position, and horeaftor It must bo Captain Donnelly. Frlonds In Hetshoy woro ngrooably surprised Monday when a tologram was recolved about flvo o'clock In tho aftornoon announcing Uio (marriage or Miss Ruth MatthcwBon to Mr. Harry Andorson at Donvor, Tho coromony was performed nt 4 o'clock and camo as a comploto aurnrlso as Uio vnnnc P-cople In company with Miss Glndys iuurr ami mr. jsnirioy Kvcrhart luul gono 10 t.:noyonno to tako In tho Fron tier colobratlo,, and hal not monttan. ed tholr IntienUons to nnyono. n-ih aro numbered among Horshoy's youn gor f-oclal sot and tholr frlonds extend noiny congrnuirntions. It 1h estimated that at last nln tenths of tho crop on tho Blrdwood tablo Avoro destroyed Tuosday night by hail. Tho storm wns not accom panied by much wind, but tho hat. ranged in slzo from nbout threo quartors of nn Inch In dlamotor to , great slugs of Jaggod Ico. Tha corn is a pitiful Bight whoro groat ears woro struck by Uioso largo hail Bton'ca thoy woro complotoly broken off, and grain In tho shock waa pounded consider ably. Wm. Boylo had bettor than 400 ncros of corn and about 105 acros of uncut wheat, Wm. Boll had 235 acres of corn and ho estimates ho lost closo to 10, 000 hushols, Robert Hoatson, Thos. Hawloy, Chris Jensen and numerous ethers woro also vory heavy ilosers. The storm was betweon two and threo miles wide and whon It reach ed tho valloy the hall stones fore not quite so largo but thoy stripped the corn badly and corn Is pracftlcUlly a loss. Doets woro cut up and the small' grain ln shocks was poundpd unmercifully. ' r It soems thero were two storms as another storm foroko In south of, town and almost cleaned out C. A. Johtigon and C. J. Hildobrnnd, who tmly. a phort time ago were touched up with hall. ::o:: Whon your braln is dull and you cannot hold your own in a tost of wit among your fellows, It meana ybur liver is torpid and your stomach and bowels full of bilious Impurities. To brlghton P your montnl faculties and make you feel right, Prickly Ash Bit- tors Is tho remedy you need. It clears thp brain and braces tho body. Price $1.25 prr bottle, GummTe-Dent Co.. Special Agents. FOR U N ITED STATES SENATOR FORMER GOVERNOR JOHN W. COCHRAN EI). L. PIERSON "Goldon Rulo" Lnndmon. Sutherlund, Nebraska. W. E. FLYNN ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW Offlco over McDonald Bank, Offlco Phono 1130 Res. Phono 112C Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phono Black 633 W. T. ritlTCIIAltl), Gradunto Votorlnurlnn Eight years a Govornmont Veterinar ian. Hospital 213, Bouth Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. WANTED - RAGS 2 to 3 cents per pound. Wo also pay tho highest market prlco for hides, all klnd3 of Junk NORTH PLATTE HIDE, IKON & METAL CO. Phono Jlod 200. The Artificial Ice and Cold Storage Co. Announces that It Is prepared to fur nlsh nil consumers with DEEP WELL Artlflcnl Ice. PHONE 40 and your orders will be Promptly Filled. Wanted Rags 2 Cents a Pound. Must by dry nnd packed in sacks. We pay big price for Scrap Iron and all kinds of Metal. L. LIPSH1TZ SCHINERNGER UNDERTAKING COMPANY. NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN FUNERAL HOME. AUTO SERVICE - LADY ATTENDANT PRIVATE CHAPEL PH0NES-DAYW623. NIGHT 030. 609 LOCUST. GEO. I). DENT, Phsylclnn nnd Surgeon. Spcclnl Attention Given fo Snrgory mid Obstrotrlcs. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Resldcnco 115 Make your family comfortable, rot onlj this Summer rnt for ninny Summers.. Buy nn Elec tric Fun. DIvIdo Uio price by the years lhcy last. North Piaffe Light & Power Co. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital. (Incorporated) One Hall Elcck Ncrlh ol Posloflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement case. Completely equipped X-Rsy and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. RednekULD. L-S. SIMMS, M.D. Phone 308 4 ALIJEBT A. LANE. Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platte, Nebraska. UERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 538. PLATTE TALLEY JIOUNJIENTAL WORKS. Granite and mnrblo headstones. Tho only shop In tho city. Eqnlpped with pneumatic mnchlncry. Lettering neat, ly done. AH work guaranteed. WOOD GATE & ABERNATI1T, Corner 7th nnd Locust, North Pntto. NOTICE. In tho county court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska. In tho matter of the-Estate of James O. Gorman, decoased. lo tho creditors, heirs and all per sons Interested ln said estate. Notice is hereby given that Catherine L. Alpino fifed her patltlon In this court on tho 24th day of July, 1918, to securft a determination of tho tlmo of tho death of Jamos O. Gorman, de coased, and of his hors, tho degree of kinship and tho right of descent of tho real proporty bolonglng to said deceased, towlt, an undivided ono-hnlf lntorost ln tha southonst quarter (SE4) of section ton (10), township sixteen (16), range twenty-seven (27), west Cth P. M. nnd to bar all claims and demands against said estate, whothor duo or to becomo duie, actual or contingent, tho said petition alleg ing that tho said James O. Gorman, ddparted this Hfo lntostato on March 5, 1905, bolng at tho tlmo of his death a Tosldont of Jollot. Will county. IllJ and that his widow, Annette Gorman, inuoriteu n llfo ostato In the roal estato abovo described and tho potltlonor horoln, tho tltlo ln feo Uioroto, sub ject to tho said llfo ostato. Tho said petition will bo heard bo foro tho county court In tho court Iioubo, ln tho city of NorUi Platto, county of Lincoln, and stato of Ne braska, on tho 28th day of August, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, J30-alG County Judgo. Notlco of Final Roporf. Estato No. 1B47 of Zara I. Mitchell, deceased In Uio County Court of Lin coin County. Nobraska. 1 Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all por- sons Interested in said Estato tako notlco that tho excutor has filed a final account and roport of his admin istrntlon and n netllon for final sottlo mont and dlschnrgo as such, nnd for a decree of distribution, -which havo bcon sot for hearing before said court on August 23, 1018. at 9 o'clock a. m.. whon you may appear and contost Uio samo. Dated July 29. 1918. , WM.'H. C. WOODHURST, J30-A20 County Judge. J. B. I1EDITELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEOS Successor to Drs. Rcdflold Redfleld PHYSICIAN ifSUnGEONS HOSPITAL OfDoa Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - NebraBKu. Knights of Columbus Building. DOCTOR D. T. QDTGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery nnd Itadlmn Therupj 728 City Nntlonul Bank Building. Omaha, Ncbrnskn. Prlmnry Election Proclamation. By virtue of tho authority vested ln mo by law, and In accordanco with Section 2159 of tlio Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, I, A. S. Allen, County Olerk of tho County of Lin coln, Stato of Nebraska, do hereby direct and proclaim that a Primary Election bo held ln tho several polling places throughout tho County of Lin coln, Stato of Nobraska, on Tuesday, tho 20th day1 of August, 1918. during tho hours designated by law for the following purposes, to-wlt: For the noflnation of: Ono candidate by each of tho politi cal parties for United States Senator. Ono candidato for Congress by each of tho political parties for tho Sixth Congressional District Candidates by each of tho political parties for tho following offices: Ono Governor. Ono Lieutenant Governor. Ono Secretary of State. Ono Auditor of Public Accounts. Ono Stato Treasurer. Ono Attornoy Gonoral. . Ono Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. Ono Railway Commissioner. Ono Stato Senator for tho Twenty fifth Senatorial District, Ono Stato Ropresientativo for tho G8th District. Ono Stato Representative for tho 77th District. Also tho non-partisan nomination of six Judges of tho Supremo Court. Tho non-partjlsan nomination iyr four Regents of tho State University. Tlio iuon-ir!il8an nomination Dor two candidate's for State Superinten dent of Public Instruction. At tho same time and places will be submitted tho question of the cabling of a constitutional convention. Also Candidato by each of tho polit ical parties for thd office of: Ono County Clerk. One County Treasurer. One Sheriff. Ono County Survoyor. Ono County Attorney. One County Commissioner, 2nd District. Also tho non-partisan nominations of two candidates for County Judgo. Also Wo non-partisan nomination of two candidates for County Superin tendent of Public Instruction. Also, ono candidato by each of the political parties for tho offlco of: Pollco Magistrate for tho City of North Platto. Pofls will be opened at 8 o'clock a. m. and remain opon until 8 o'clock p. m. .of the samo day. In testimony whereof, I havo here unto sot my hand and seal of tho County of Lincoln, Stato of Nebraska, this ISth day of July, 1918. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. (SEAL) , J23alG PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Tho following proposed amondment to the constitution of tho State of .Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in full, Is submitted to tho electors of tho Stato of Nobraska to be voted .upon at tho general oloctlon to bo held Tuesday, November 5th, A. D. 1918: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section ono (1) of Article seven (7) of tho Constitution of tho Stato of Nobraska. Bo it Resolved by tho Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Soctlon 1. That Soction Ono of Ar ticle Seven of the Constitution of tho Statu of Nebraska bo and tho samo hereby Is amended by striking out tho following words: "Second. Poi-boiis of forolgn birth who shall havo declared their inton tlou to becomo cltizons comformably to the laws of tho United State's, on tho subject of naturalization, at least thirty days prior to an oloctlon." And Inserting in tho placo of tho words so strickon, tho following words : "Second. Persons of forolgn birth who shall havo becomo citizens of tho Unltod States by naturalization or othorwlso conformably to tho laws of the United States at least thirty days prior to an election. , Sec. 2. That at tho general elec tion nlnotoen hundred nnd eighteen i(1918) thero shall bo submitted to the electors of tho stato for their approval or rejection tho foregoing proposed amondment to tho constitution relat ing to the right or suffrage. At such oloctlon, on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said proposed amondment, shall bo written or printed tho words: "For proposed amend ment to the corstltutlon relating to the right of suffrage," and "Against said proposod amendment to the con stitution relating to tho right of suffrage" Sec. 3. If such amondment shall bo approvod by a majority of all electors vqtlng at such oloctlon. said amendment shall constitute Soctlon Ono (1) Articlo Sovon (7) of tho Con stitution of tho Stato of Nobraska. Approvod, April 9, 1918. KEITH NEVILLE, . Attost: Governor. I CHARLES W, POOL . . ..... 5snlqryjl?atnt .. . ' t Legnl Notice. Notice is licVeby given that by vir tue of an adjlf ters lien filed in Uio of flco of tho county clerk of Lincoln county, Ne.brnska, in tho firtfday of July, 1918, upon tho following dos scrlbed chnttol property to-wit: Ono bay horsr. nbout 11 years old, weight about 1100 lbs.; and ono gray horso about 12 years old, wolght about 1200 lbs.; now In my possession, as tlio proporty of Georgo Wlckham; I will nt 2 oclock p. m. on tho 27tli day oi August, 191S, at tho Mrs. Malono farm on Section 12, Township 14, Range, 30, sell at public auction to tho high est bidder for cash tho horses aboyo doscribod to satisfy my adjlsters lien for tho sum of $31.00 and costs of Hen arid sinlo. aG-3 ARTHUR STEWART. Order Fixing Claim Days. In the Matter of tho Estate of Jer emiah Snydor, Deceased. Now on this 1st day 'of August, 1918, It. is prdorod by tho court that tho ex ecutor bo allowed ono yoar from this date in which to settle said estato, and creditors will bo allowed unUl the Gth day of March, 1919, to ffc tholr claims, after said dato claims will bo forovor barred. That on Uio Gth day of September, 1918, and tho Gth day of March, 1919, at 9 ocloch. a. m. of each of said days.tho court and tho executor will attend at Uie county court room ln said county to receive, cxamlno, hear, allow and ad Just claims. That riotice of this or der bo given creditors and all per sons interested ln said estate by pub lication of a notice for four succes sive weeks immediately preceding the Gth day of September, 1918, in tho North Platto Tribune, n legal somi wookly newspaper printed and pub lished in Lincoln county, Nebraska. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, n6-4 ' County Judge. Notice Charles Bacon, will tako nnttr.n ihnt on the 2Gth day of June, 1918, W. H. C. Woodhurst, Judge of tho county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of One hundred thirty-one 50-100 dollars ($131.'0) with Interest and costs in an action pending beforo him, wherein Claudo . DoLaney is piaintiff and Charles Bacon is defendants That proporty of tho defendant, consisting of money duo tho said defendant from tlio Union Pacific Railroad Company has been attached under said order. batu cause was continued to Monday, the 2Gth day of Aucust. 191S. nt in o'clock a. m. CLAUDE DELANEY, Plaintiff. By A. MULDOON. His Attnrnnv J23-3 wks. Notlco for Publication. Serial No. 06112. U. S. Land Office at North Platia. Nobr., JUly 24, 1918. Notice is hereby glv?m that AnsUn L. Fletcher, of North Platte, Nebr., Who, 011 Juno 16. 1914. mniln TTnmiv. stead entry No. 06112, for E of NB&, Section 10, Township 11 N., Range 30 W., Gth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establsh claim tp tho 'ana auove eicscrlbod, boforo tho Reg ister nud Receiver, at North Pinttn Nebr , on tha 29th day of August 1918. nii. t. k.i luiiuuiit uuiuBB as opennesses: l,. Smith, Fred Wheeler, Belvin Darrab and Martin Magnuson, all of North Piattfc, Nebr. E. J .EAMES, Register. Notice. S. S. Honshaw, first and true namo unknown, will tako notlco that nn the 15th day of July, 1918, 1. L. Mllton borger, Justice of tho Peace of Lin coln county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $1G.99 in an aciion pending before him, where in Leirk-Sandall Co. aro plaintiffs and S. S. Honshaw in ilofnnrtniit th nt nrn orty of tho defendant, consisiting of moneys in tno nanus or tho Union Pacific Railroad Co., a corpoartion, has been attached under said order. Said causo is continued to tho 7th day of August, 1918, at 2 o'clock v. m'. LEIRK-SANDALL CO., Plaintiffs. Notice lo Creditors. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, ' In tho Matter of the Estato of John Bratt, Deceased. Notice Js hereby given to any and all persons having claims and demands against tho estato of tho said John Bratt, deceased, that tho 18th day of Novombeir, 1918, has been sot and appointed as the day for the recep tion, examination, adjustment and al lowance of lawful d'.aims and demands of all persons, against Bald ostato and that tho county court of Lincoln county, Nobraska -will at said timo re colvo, (xamlno, adjust and allow nil such claims against said estato, as provided by law, at tho County Court Room In tho court houso in tho city of North Platto, -Lincoln County, No braska, and all persons so Interested in said estato, -wiKl appear at said time and plaoei and duly present tholr said claims and demands ln tho mannor required by law, or show causo for not so doing, and ln case any of said claims and demands shall not bo pre sented on or prior to tho said 18th day of November, 1918, tho samo shall bo forovor barred. I testimony whereof, I havo signed this notlco and affixed Uio seal of said court this 16th day of July, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, Co. Judgo. J23-A15. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 03371, Dopnrtment of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Nobraska, July 19, 1918. Notice Is horoby glvon that Minnl Eliza Scese, formerly Minnie Eliza McGulro, of North Platto, Nob., who on Fob. 8th. 1912, nmdo Homestead ontry, No. 05371, for E& of SE4, sec tion 2, township 11 N. range 30 W. Gth Principal Meridian, has fllod notlco of intention to mako final Uiree year proof, to establish cflalm to tho land abovo described, beforo tho Register and Receiver, at North Platto. Nob., on tho 28th day of August, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Jess HIghborger, of North Platto, Nob. Andy Howard, of Wollfloet, Nob. Martin Magnuson, of North Platto. Scott Shanor, of Bignoll, Nob, E. J. EAMES, Register. J23-A23.