The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 06, 1918, Image 6
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. j 1 American troops of tho Rainbow division In the trenches iiu'cUiij; the German attack with rifle lire and bnyo nets. 2 French troop train on which In mounted nn antiaircraft gnu. !$ Italian wounded recuperating in the Quirlnnl, the magnificent royal palace In Home which has been turned Into n hospital. AMERICAN VESSELS ARRIVING AT BREST, FRANCE I ' t ' I WWmiHlft ..... v i ' ' " American vessels under convoy entering the harbor of Brest, France. JOSEPHUS AND JOSEPH DANIELS JUST AS THE SHELL BURST IN THE RED CROSS HOSPITAL AT PAIGNTON A view showing St. George's ward In the American Bed Cross hospital In Pnlguton, Kuglnud, u fully equipped hospital with beautiful, -ittnutlve rooms and charming suiroundlngs. FIRST AID FOR AMERICAN SOLDIER AT THE FRONT '1' Jooephus Daniels, secretary of the navy, and Joseph Daniels, his aid. The similarity In names Is u coincidence which Is not responsible for the old's present nsslgmnent, for ho has been overseas throughout the war with Admlrul Sims, and his viewpoint Is much desired. Daniels, the aid, Is one of tho most conspicuous examples of the success of Secretary DanlelB' plan of promotions from tho ranks In the navy. Having entered In the enlisted personnel nt the ngo of seventeen as n third-class apprentice boy, he has been promoted steadily through all the grades to commander, WOMAN WORKER INSPECTING GRENADES This British olllclal photograph Is one of tho most remarkable and Inter esting received from tho western front. At n great risk tho photogru phor clicked bis eiuncra Just us a shell from nn, enemy gun exploded 20 feet from him. The British Tommy In tho foreground has fallen, wounded by n piece of the bursting shell. Extreme Compliment. George 11. Primrose tells of a South ern pusscn of c'olor who hold the of fice of head waiter In oue of tho popu ! Inr hotels in Dixie. "Mlstnh Primrose," he said at break fast, "1 was ovah to see youall's com puny last night, and I tnus' say It was one of the mos' hilarious ebcnlngs I evuh had the pleasure of (pending, The fun was of that delectable kind i that would assimilate' and dcsuscltate do risibilities of an expiring theological delineator. Yours and William Shake speare's companies are the only ones I evnh attend." Berlin Children Deliver Coal School children in Berlin have been mobilized to servo as "coal transport era," according to the Berlin Vor waorts, which says that a pupils' uux' lllary service has been ortfuulzed, tho This photograph shows members of the American army medical corps dresslug the wouuds of a soldier fallen n battle at the front. A string of camouflage in tho background conceals their position from uermau snipers. GENEROUS TO HIS FOE KERENSKY TALKS WITH HENDERSON Iff f:$&$ i s A British officer's act of courtesy, lie Is seen handing his water bottle to a thirsty German prisoner. "Hindu Haircut." ' You have noticed men with that new style haircut which looks as' though tho barber had placed a crock over the subject's bend and then cut off everything In sight? The Coffeyvllle Journal says very fow barbers like to give that kind of u haircut, but some patrons Insist upon It, and so they get it. Tho Journal asked a barber the other day what tho men of the "pro fusli" thought of that style or shearing, and he .replied: "Well, Just confiden tially, we barbers call that the, Hindu haircut." Kansas City Star. ..A ffl Wiif tii htwip'a'ii'r Union'' Kerensky, former premier of Uussia, Is here seen having a quiet chat with Arthur Henderson, the British lnbor leader and statesman, in London. HUN HYDROPLANE TAKEN '..'mini, uofker Inspecting Mills hand grenades in au Ungl?tU ftory In 1 :,' wr cotton-spinning machinery was made. Former Owner Geta Famous Dog. Auburn Happy, who Is probably the most famous dog In Burlington, Vt., has returned to the ownership of CharK'S H. Mower after an absence of a couple of years. Mr. Mower sold tin. dot for $1,500 to Mrs. George a purpose of which is to deliver coal 71 - llIlUt?lBHUUJlilb ' happen to Mrs. Dressor Auburn Happy wnH to bo returned to Mr. Mower. frop tho ynrds to old or ill persons or to those who cannot call for the coal themselves. Tho children are to ho supplied with smull carta. Sandcycles. Motorcycles tilted with triple rear wheels are enabling British dispatch riders to drlvo through desert sands nt tho eastern front. Tho arrangement Is u simple ono. Two wheels are Joined by ono cono and special spindle. Tho, third wheal, without spokes, Is held be tween tho other two by struts that bind all three rtms rigidly .Popular, Mechanics Magazine. Mrs. Dresser Is now in 111 health and has returned the dog to Its first owner. American War Tractors Help. In connection with tho Increased food production In the United King dom shown by official reports, It Is In teresting to know that a very grent part of this Increase has been mude posslhlo by the Importation of Amerl Mm motor tractors slnco the beginning of tho food cunjpJgti in November. 1015. This German hydroulrplano. painted to look like an American machine, was brought down by thO gunners of an American transport in the Mediter ranean. The pilot and observer were captured and tho piano was taken to au allied base. - . J