MABEL NORMAND IN "JOAN OF PLATTSBURG" By PORTER EMMERSON BROWN It Isn't a War Picture. It Isn't a Battle Pictnre Ii Isn't a Morbid Picture. It Is a Picture of " " '"' Faith' and Courage and :Hope and Inspiration. KEITH THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, August 7 and 8 LOCAL AN!) PERSON All Mrs. Theo. Lowe, Jr., and son re turned yesterday morning from Color ado. Mrs. Albert Muldoon went to Ogal alla Saturday td mako arrangements for moving to that town. Wanted To Rent a Farm, with soma pasture. Inquire of C. H. Smith. Phono 780F012. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cramer and Mrs. Ella Lanyon spent the week end In Gibbon, making tho trip by auto. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weeks comja up from Grand Island Sunday to attend tho funeral of their grandson, Wm Weeks. For Service First and Guarantee Work, call North Platte Plumbing and Heating Co., Phone 4G9, 10G East Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Richards went to Omaha Sunday where Mr. Rich ards will be one of a committee rep resenting tho B. of L. E. in a con ference with Union Pacific officials. Miss Laura Murray, who had been Spending two months in Chicago; .re turned Saturday eivoning. She was ac companied homo by her nephew Mast (" Raymond Murray of Lincoln. W. T. Wilcox returned Sunday from Colorado whore he had boon spending a two weeks vacation. Mrs. Wilcox and Misses Florence and LuciU'i who woro with him, will(ro turn by auto today. The Episcopal Guild will hold a social "nucl business meeting, in tho basement' o the church Thursday afternoon. Tine buciness meeting .will be hold at three o'clock and every member is requested to bo present. FOR u. ienator. What His Home Folks Think of Him. Resolution adoptWd by tho Dodgo county republican convention, July 20. 1918. "Wo desire to express our approval of tho candidacy of Ross L. Hammond, ono of our follow citizens, for the high offico of United States Benator, and wo cheerfully offer him our sup port. For nearly forty years hel has beon prominently Identified with loading Institutions. Ho has thUB ma terially assisted in tho development of our industries and has never failed to do his utmost toi promote tho high est local and state intorests. In his long and successful! nletwspapor career ho has beon a leader In all movements ' Ross L, : Hammond that have given strength to .the amoral rom Bloo,ngtoni NeU( an'd Simda foundations of thfd community. Al- , continued their Journey in ways a student of public afalrs ho has ,r car t , , MrB, kept abreast of tho economic and lcharaB remain a week visit political issues of tho day. In public.. ,M frp.1(1(, " offico ho has beon offlclont and up-linB wun Ineas right. His relation, to labor has always About tiwonty-fivio IJrfendii and been ono of sympathetic concern.' neighbors of Mrs. M. H. Mischko llv- Hlmself a- farm owner his Interests, In agricultural problems and this; createst Nebraska industry has never ' failed. In his attitudo toward tho pres ent great world war ho has shown the highest patriotism. His courageous and vigorous dlstouJs&Hon of var problems and his loyal support of tho war program have bjeon a real public service His visit ta tho battle front in Franco and Belgium has, wo be lieve, fitted him to djeal moro Intelli gently with tho big war questions. For all thepo reasons wla commend Mr. Hammond to tho people of Nebraska as one who. in our Judgment, as nrdfrhbora and frionds, believe he would eredltablv sorvo tho Btato and tho nation In tho office of United Hates Snator" - ,noon from tho Episcopal church, Rov. Mrs A L. Bostwlck was brought A,r'hur Jonf conducting tho services down from Denver Sunday seriously whkh emrgcly attended by friends , I To tho griof-strick:h parents tho Mrs. Omar Huff went to Paxton sympathy of all our pcoplo goes out Saturday to visit friends for a fow In tho loss of their son. days. ....... s-ot: Miss M. Sieman, steam baths and NEWS ABOUT THE HOYS Swedish Massage, ladies and gontle-j WHO ARE IN SERVICE, men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf " Mr. 'and Mrs. E. R. Goodman and' Word received yesterday announced Mrs. John Bratt loft this morning by that Lieut Burton W. Lambert, of thl;. auto for points in Colorado. city, had arrived Barely overseas. Dr. II. C. Brock and Owen Jones left Lieut Percy Schntt, of Camp Cody Sunday by auto for a ten day fishing ono of Company E's original offldcars, trip In Wyoming. spent yesterday in town while enrouto nr. a r c t. i i it i to Cody from Camp Perry whore ho Mrs. A. M. Scharmann and childrer. j d b r.,ceiving rifle Instructions, have been spending tho past week with friends In Grand Island. 1 Walter Ellis, who was sent from iir m ii i.. tt i here to Camp Dodge, has been trans W. T. AMen and daughter Helen ferml to thQ offlcborg. tralning CBmp left Saturday by auto Tor Wyoming nt Louisvlllo, Ky.. and will go in train- whoro they will fish for a week or so ,ng for a BCCond lktutenancby, Walter's Lost Plink sho'.l cameo Saturday friends will be glnd to learn of his evening. Reward. Call Black 727. 2t success. Chas. Yost went to Omaha Sunday ' A kUe-r from Earle Hdbbard, witli to attend tho conference between tho tho A E. F. in activo " service in Union . Pacific officials nnd tho 0. R. France, ttates that ho Is foeelng well, C. , ' cats three meals a day, and Is alright , - ,, , ., i., as yet. Ho sys tfrill all North Platto F?,U?1k Mtl 0.r0K! '"r,,1.110. So?Ui friends "Hello, would bo glad to re Bluff sclfoM'Kiuso.a child'fipocket colvo ,ettera from thom book containing small sum of money. Owner call at this offico. 1 A letlor received by the homo folks frnm ffrnil Tlllr nf fs Til fllaf T?!ii. Air and Mrs. 'J. H. Krause, of West 'einl. have been in town for several I dayi? visiting thoir daughtor Mrs. Arthur Tramp and their son Dr. L. J. Krause. Wanted Girl for general house work. Mrs. Chas. Whelan. tf. Mi', and Mrs. B. F. Thorpe, .of Chil- llcothe, parents of Mrs. Ray Cotteroll, t -i. - . , inV rZ tC;, i" " " , "'"""'a' left for their homo yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shannon and daughtor, who had bee., guests at the Frederlcl homo returned to Stldl- water,' Minn., yesterday. 1 Anion Burinell.vho has been on tho sick list for tho nast Ojreo months. enjoyed a postal card shower August 2nd from his school friends. He Is now .convalescing and wishes to express ills thanks. The way the store has been crowded since tho start of the sale at THE y ' Miss Kathorine' Feathers, of Ogalal- la, a sister of Mrs. Ed Weston, of this city, is r, candidate for tho nomlna- tlon of county superintendent of Keith rmmtv hr ip vnrv Vinnninr in hor n?,n r.nn iv P0P"ar n "or I A dWllghtfuC party was given by Mr, tparonts and friends. Captain Ilallig and Mrs. George Weinberger at their an's company is not now qujto up to I resldonco at 721 west Ninth street war strength, having 195 men, but the Thursday evening In honor of thtlr number lacking wlj: soon bo furnlsh son Harry. Twenty wore present ahd ed. Ho feels quite confident that Com tho boys and girls expressed their en- p.iny E will bo ordered out of Cody Joyment and appreciation of tho oven- between September 1 and October 1. ! ing. Ladles Aid Society of tho Methodist Company E when It left bore ar0 now church meets next Thursday after- 'membors of tho organization and near noon, 'August 8th. A plenty of Aid ly all of thorn are now sergeants or sewing wiil bo on hand for tho ladles In the evening a, committee of ladies will aervo one of their usual splendid suppers, to which the congregation and their friends are Invited. You will find that it will pay you; to accept our Invitation to make youi own try-out with one ox our Chandler cars; You will probably find driving satisfaction unknown to you before. A truly wonderful car and motor. Cars aro short and an early order may bo your only protection. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. For Sale Two registered Hereford 4 years old. Inquire J. W. Payno or Allison Wilcox, 2t W. J. and Charles Handy returned tho latter part of last week from Hol drege with 8100 pounds of Ford re pair parts. These woro transported on two Ford trucks a distance of 104 miles. Tho dealer at Holdrteigo re ceived a i.-arloai" of parts, part of which wero consigned to tho Hondy Ogler Co. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller and Mrs. Rosa Richards, nclco of Mrs. Wm. Madison woro visitors at tho Madison lng on west Ninth street tendered he a ttork shower last weok. Tho guost of honor was certainly suprised and received many llttlo gifts. A very pleasant birthday party "was tendered little Dollio Laiinln, of Grand Island, who is visiting Wctr Aunt Mrs. Russel Wyman at 422 west Tenth st., Saturday afternoon. Thero woro four teen llttlo ones present. Th'o guest of honor was six years old. Sho received many remembrances. ::o:: Honey to Loan. Plenty of six per cent monoy to loan on farms and ranches, Interest pay. nble annually with prlvllego of par. ling purt or nil nt any llnio. TiOnns closed promptly. No dclny. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON WILLIAM WKF.KS DKOWXS.At THE SOUTH )UVEU , lUtlftafT. ' Tho deep swimming holctit tho npw brldgo at tho South Platto River claimed another boy Friday evening about 7:30. Th'c unfortunato boy this ,tiino waB Wlldlam, tho eleven year old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Weeks. William accompanied two of tho Dickoy boys to tho river, but not be-. Ing nble to swim contented hlmscfjf for n time In wading In tho shallow water. In doing this ho ventured too ntar tho edgo of tho deep hole, the sides of which aro almost perpondlc ular with from eight to ten feet of water thoroln. Ho cried to his com panions as ho sank, but they wore powerless to give him aid, and by the time tho attention of the workers on the brldgo woro attracted ho had gone down to his death, Tho body had beon In tho water about forty-flvo minutes boforo rtcoverod. I Tho funeral was held Sunday nftor- glneors Btationed at Saimiur, Franco, ,tho conaor anowlnc tne nnni0 to nn. ftho censor allowing tho namo to ap pear) states that ho is feollng flno as Is also Biggs, Thayor and the other North Platt'e. boys. Tho lettar Is dated June 30th and tho Americans woro making arrangements for a big cele bration on July 4th. 0., r, On. .11.. . l" 1 ,,, ?.M .,., r,'. , t, ' - Cl 111 11 11 LI 11 HI III VUI MUiai X' l IV UlUVYUi members of Company E at Camp Cody, arrh.ed 1)omo guud ' on a ton lough. Sergeant Scully was the first man to sign tho muster roll when Company E was organized, Corporal Marti, tho youngest as wtf.l as tho L1.?. lPJ tyt .u uu' bb S??,Cody and nW l0k8 Uk a ral '301ulor- Earle Wright, who Is stationed with' Co. L, 15th infantry at Tcintsln, China, 1 "f 'hrinJ,011!,? nJr "L "rt t ?1 rg 'i :work but wlU not bo uisatlsfled if hoi does not go to France. Ho visited tho Great Wall oi' China and says It is a. wonderful aieco of workmanship. I n)ntn t n tt,ui nWii (, t.aptain P. K. Halllgan arrived from Camp Cody Saturday night and wlllt Only sixty-five mon who were with corporals. A North Platte boy in Franco clips the following from tho Stars and Stripes, tho paper published by tho Amorican soldiers and sends it homo: second clnss mall is no more certain of arriving in tho S. O. S. than it is any wnero else, bo ono man who Hikes, much as do tho rest of us, to seo tho homo town paper onco In a wlillim, has his wife Bend out tho news that will Interest him -and ship it along in a sealed envelope, postage paid. When he gots a letter from homo his offico looks llko a clipping bureau. But ho finds out what's going on. ::o:: Buys Dental Practice. Dr. L. J. Krause, brother of Mrs. Arthur Tramp, and late of West Point, has purchased tho dental practice of Dr. Walter Crook, taking possession last Saturday morning. Dr. Krauso is a graduate of one of tho leading dent al colleges of tho country and well qualified to give patrons modorn and satisfactory service. Untlilng' Prohibited. Tho Koneral pubtlc Is hereby notified that bathing In tho South Platto river at or near the now brldgo is Btrlctly prohibited and that tho sheriff has b?en notified to enforce this order. K. II SPRNGER F. VV. IIERMINGHAUSEN S. J. KOCH County Commbji'loners ::o:: Dr. Brock, Dentist, ovor Stone Drug Store. tf D. M. Loypoldt, of Horshoy, will move his family to North Platto In tlm near futuro If ho can secure a suitable house. Ho makes this moyo in order to glvo his children tho advantages of tho North Platto schools. Dr. Shaffer, Osteophath, K, C. Bldg. Phil Deats and Isaac Doats returned Sunday evening from a flshlnc trin to Saratoga, Wyo. Thoy roport excellent fishing In tho streams In that nelgh- oornooa. Wanted to Rent Small farm place closo to town. Ernest Hlelms, City, Tho Catholic ladles will hold a social Thursday aftornoon In tho base mient of tho school building. ii Battery Experience, he has attained m and what $ As gr ! .iLjiLijiLi. i Sizzling Wcntlicr. Weather Regulator Shilling has, started out tho month of August with a temperature that suro makes one porspiro freely and when romonstrat-( ed with yesterday, smiling said "Why don't you go to Omaha whoro they have real summer weathor, and whoro tho temperature Sunday climbed up to 110, tho hottest over known In that cily." But thanks, Its hot enough here. Last Thursday tho tomporaturo was ninety-seven, Friday ninety two, Saturday 102, Sunday ninety eight and yesterday It was 95. Obsorvor Shilling can givo no prom Iso of coolo r weathor In tho near futuro. :.o:: Allies Take Muny Prisoners. Tho Gorman retreat continues un abated, with tho alle in hot pursuit. Apparenlly tho situation now hasi rd solved itself Into a race for tho north ern bauk of tho Alsno river by tho Germans, who have been evicted from tho stragotlc positions along tho Vesle river, in tho center of tho lino and dlre-ctly east of Rheims, which soomlngly renders necessary that thoy put the Aisuo between thelmsolvea and their pursuers to escapo further largo losses of m,'eln made prisoner. Just how large this bag of captives Is at present cannot be reckoned, but un official advices from Paris assert that when tho figures are made 'public thoy will thrill tho allied world. Goneral Ferehlng In his communication says tho Americans nf.ono havd taken 8,400 prisoners and In addition 133 guns. For Farm Loans seo Gone Crook, Room west of Vienna Cafe. ill - 1 1 Sijjj II KEARNEY, GRAND ISLAND, tp I"1 1 nil i iillli 5Bi sEaszHMdr-zr H EUGENE HEAL, Candidate for the Democratic nomination for reprlcHent ativo of tho 77th District. Dprn and raised In Nobraska. Resident of Ketih county 1G years. Served as Sheriff of Koith county nlno years. war and Philippine ) Insurrection 1808-09 in Co. "C" 1st. Neb. Iteg't. Sorved In tho Spanish-American Representative 77th Dislt, 1917-18, If my services In tho tast Loglslo- turo merit your continued support, I Bhall appnVlelato tho same. EUGENE HEAL, S3?S Is your Storage Battery a mystery to you? Then drop in and meet your friend Mr. Moore. You on't need a spyglass or a Who's Who, to tell you that he knows his business. Having been through the school of he knows, HE KNOWS. official Prest-O-Liie service station LLtmmum .J.T li. ' rr juijilM. ni mmrigg representative in this temfory, glad to extend you every courtesy. Midway Motor Co. Battery Alios Hold Most of Salient. Four-fifths of tho salient botwleton Soissons and Rheims which was oc cupied by tho Gormans on tho'inorn ing of July 18 Is now In allied hands, and tho end is not yet, Whtto Amor ican advanco of moro than hIx miles in tho Inst twenty-four hours has boon comparatively easy going, the suc cess Is tho result of tho last week's heavy fighting. : :o: : Dr. Morrill. Dcntint- DR. J. S. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEUItASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. M For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeojiathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine s for acute and chronic diEeases. A trial will convince you that there isno system of treatment its equal. Office phone 183. H Residence phone 283. Hospital Phone 110. WE BUY YOUR HAY GRAIN. SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We still Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley,. Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & EAST FRONT ST. OAR EXCHANGE Before buying a car be sure to see mo as I have a number of cars almost as good as new, which I will sell at a bargain. These cars aro not old broken down junk, but cars which will stand closo Inspection and will save you money. Would be pleased to havo you call and see these cars. , A. M. BLTJME FIRST CLASS CAR PAINTING. success, he will be Servic - 3" T, s-ri Ynnks Club Germans. Tho Americans covorod thomsclvoB with glory In tli.a hand-to-hand fight ing In tho stroota of Flsmes Sunday when they captured that Gorman baao. Tho fighting is said to havo been tho blttorost of tho whole war tho Prussian Guards asking no quarter and being bayonletod or clubbed to death as thoy Btood by their machine' guns. -: :o. : For quick nctlon mm satisfactory alo list your land with 'flmolcclfo. tt TWINEMi Pennington, PHONE 99. IT'S A LASTING MtOTOSITION With us that until you aro satisfied wo don't consldor a transaction end ed. So you will bo doing ub a favor if you will tell us of anything you don't llko about our FEED and our sorvlco. Don't hesitate because tho matter may seem u trifling, ono. Wo want to correct tho fault bo it llttlo or big. Perfect shervlco Is tho aim of this establishment LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON rnoNE do. 818 North Locust St.