The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 06, 1918, Image 4

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    'l'i I ,i -.
Wa- W.-VX,
That Broken Watch.
v1 ;
'7 -
Tho onto you dropped, or that stop
ped all by Itself, or that loafs on th'a'
Job bring lt( Into Clinton's and havo
It fixed up like now. It will bo In tho'
hands of an export watchmaker, who
uses factory parts and materials.' All
work guaranteed for a year, and prices
aro as low as good work can bo done
for. You'll like tho way you and yoor
watch are troated hore.
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big Ring.
Graduate Dentist
Offtce over ths McDonald
Stato Bunk.
pcallc Hasklns spont yostorday In
Arthur transacting legal business.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Mr. and Mrs. Noalo Turplo, returned
Sunday night from an auto trip to
Colorado points.
Last tlmo for Sir Gfjbort Parkor'B
-Wjdrild for Sale lCdth tonight.
.foaflpli Hare, of Lincoln, la tho
guest of J. C. Aswlg whllo traiiBiictlng
buHlnoso In town.
Manager Pratt, of tho tolophono ex
change, returned Sunday from a brllof
visit In Columbus.
For Sale National Vacuum Washer
Phono 812.
Tho Kreoao, now a rosldont of
Cnstlo Rock, Col.r spont Saturday In
town visiting friends.
Mrs. P. A. Norton 'loft Friday oven
lng for Omaha whoro alio will visit
. friends for a woelc or so.
JIie. Loulso Peters, who had been In
Wyoming for ten days, roturncd to
her home In Grand Island yestorday.
Wanted Clean Cotton Rags at this
MIbsoh iHllco and Elslo Langford
loft yesterday for Washington, D. C,
whoro both will acopt positions In tho
federal offices.
Mrs. It'.'C. Pratt, who had Won visit
ing relatives and friends In Omaha
and Columbus for two months return
ed homo Sunday.
Ills Enomy, Tho Law with Jack
Richardson and Ireno Hunt at tho
Crystal Wodnosday night.
Minor Hinnmn, who Is with an auto
accessory cojiipany In Kansas City,
arrived In town yestorday to vlBlt rel
atives and friends.
Mrs. A. Wossburg and daughter
Miss Esslo returned Sunday from Og
don, whoro they had boon visiting rol
atlvoa for two weoks.
Lost Sunday on cast Fourth or
south Locust gray coat with 13. It. C.
of A. button on It. Iloturn to this or
flco and recolvo suitable rownrd.
Mrs. Claronco Splcor and motho
Mrs. Cralglo and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
llusch spont Saturday and Sunday
with rolatlvos and frlonds in Paxton.
Potor Peterson retunicd Sunday
from a thrco wcoks' visit with, T. W,
IIunBon and family at Winifred, Mont,
and at points In Wyoming and Colorado.
,...vw- r ft 'LIEUT. It-VAX ARK WEDDED.
umdrr 'S',eI8 t6tiZ:T MlM Florence Elizabeth Iddlngs, oi
V v nmimu nJio 5tandn' this city, was married In Now York
J. V. ROMIGII, Dealer. J CUy August lBt tQ L,eut Dav,d L
Miss Irono McGce, of Hrady, was P.yan. now with an aero squadron of
a visitor In town yesterday ;ShoBald tho army, and a former North Platte
that tho last word from lfpr brother young man. Though tho approaching
Joe, In a Iondon hospital, Btated that ceremony wna known to' tho members
he Is Improving. of tho two families and to tho moro
win, inf wri.inv tnl v.,Jxu Intlmato friends of Miss Iddlngs, dt
Will Baldock left Prlday lor. Eureka.. comc aa Hiirnrlnn tn Nnrtii pintfn
f?nl wlirl-o lw will nnnrintiinMw In- come?. aa a BUfpriSO tO iNOrtll 1 JattO
r'Vn Wra Tlnlftnnb nnnnmCinnin.l fiOIlOrally.
MIbb Iddlngs left tho latter part of
SS,i HMnS? ?PnSL Ju,y for th0 caat for th0 enounced
and will lator go to Eureka. purpose of accepting a cCerlcal posl
Tho county commissioners wtlro In tlon In Washington. D. C. Whon sh
session yesterday transacting routine reached Chicago sha was joined by
business. TlKei commlsBlonors expect to ll0r aunt, Mrs. W. B. Conklin and they
go to tho south part of tho county proceeded to Now York where tho
somo day this wcok to view roads and wedding was held at tho homci of MrB.
bridges. -Conklln's daughter,
I It Is undertsood that Lieut. Kyan
For Sale A Hudson auto car In Is shortly to bo sent overseas, and
good ordor. A bargain if soCd at onde.,that during his absenco Mrs. Ryan
J. Morsch, 305 west 3d st. 3t will fill a clerkship in ono of thel do
"7"" u . -i.tM, , , , Ipartmonts at Washington.
byror, Hsher, of WHhvd, is in the Tno weddlng is tho consummation
aonoral HoBpUal suffering from tho ot a friendship when tho two wo
accidental discharge of a double bar-, classmates in tho North Platto high
rolod shotgun. Both charges passed schoor.. from which both graduated,
thru his loft arm between tho elbow, Mrs. Ryan later ontored a college at
and sliouWr. Uryn Mawr, Pa., and graduated with
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Wilson nnili honors
daughtor, Mrs. Wesley Welch, return
ed Thursday from Lincoln wh'ero
Minvr rtu M (11 tli nit n 1 1 V -v l -v . S
Profits and Prices
Profits may be considered
from two angles:
1st Their effect on prices;
2nd As a return to investors.
When profits are small as
compared with sales, they have
little effect on prices.
Swift & Company's profits
are only a fraction of a cent
per pound on all products sold,
and if .eliminated entirely
would have practically no
.effect on prices. t (
Swift & Company paid 10
per cent dividends to over. 20,000
stockholders out of its 1917
profits. It also had to build
extensions and improvements
out of profits; to finance large
stocks of goods made necessary
by unprecedented requirements
of the United States and Allied
Governments; and to provide
protection against the day of
declining markets.
h it fair to call thfo
profiteering ?
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
JTttiiy Troop Trains.
Between tho hours of midnight Fri-
Claudo Wilson, who is In training at day and noon Saturday eight troop
tho Stato University. jtrainB passed east. Tho trains avor-
Wantod man and family to work on ,as"d nbout, 6,00 ,no" ?ach Thr,e0 r the
ranch, everything Jfurnlshodi. oxedpt tra's "rIv,ln,g (?atUnd?yn forenoon,
house furniture. Phono 797F031 or ad- or? sorved by tho Red Cross local
drcsa C. P. Howard, M. D. B North c and the men wro given cx
pjate tf erclso by marching and drills.
1 111 I O I "
In leaving tho city of North Platte If you had two lovers and one wrote
for his new homo In Ogalalla, Attor- to bo sure and wear your rubbers or
nov Albert Muldoon has transferred vmi tnlc-lit Mich nnnmnonln nnil Mm
all of his legd! matters and tho. good othor wroto that his lovo burnod in
will of his practlco to Attornoy Wm. his heart llko thin clow in an incenso
E. Shuman of this city. , burner to which man would you reply
Tho Lincoln Highway gardens havo I w,1117 S what Gladys Leslie- ans-
flno potatoes at $2.00 per bushel and wored and who got tho afflrmatjvo in
cabbage at 4 coats per lb. No dollvory. It "apponed to Adole at the Crys-
lt. McFarland, 2005 E. 4th street. tnl ton,Bt
Phono Red 732. 2t TT":Lo:i:
. , For Sale.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Halllgan who wore RteKlstored Stallions and Jacks or
spending a vacation In Colorado, ar- will trade for land. Seo or address me
rivod homo Sunday night. Tholr stay at McCabo Hotel, North Platte.
m tho mountains was cut short by tho
arrival of Captain Halllgan from Camp
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hupfer nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Nolbert and Mrs. LoulsoPK.t
orB roturncd Sunday from a ton 'day
fishing trip to .Centennial, Wyo.Mr.
Hupfor says fishing is uot aa good
at that point as it was laat year.
J. V. RomlEh reports tho salo of a
Cadillac touring car to W. W. Ryan, a
Chantllor Speedster to ChaunCey
Dllccjnan, Dodgo Brothers touring
car to John, Mussor of Tryon and a
Dodgo roadster to Jos. Sullivan of
How Proverbn Travel.
Proverbs undoubtedly have a tend
ency to travel; they are carrk'il from
ofie land to (mother by emigrants, tour
ists, missionaries, tradesmen and sea
men ; but many which nre closely sim
ilar doubtless owe their origin to no
common stock, but the common cspe
rlenco of mankind.
Domestic Tragedy.
Wlfo (returned from overnight visit)
"Did you got yourself a good dinner
Don't put of : attending tho ' great ! inst ovonliiB, dear?" Hub "Yes, there
ttrL? T LA " ?na Was a bit of steak in tho lee box and I
$37.R0 values aro on sato dt S10.G5
Wash dresses worth up to $8.00 on salo
at $4.45. Better ones at $8.05 and $11.45
Most any worth double the price you
Donald Austin, son of Georco Aus
tin, or Pasco, Wash.,, and grandso,, of
ueo. a. Austin, or tins city, was ono
of five students selected from tho Hill)
military acadomy of Portland to go:
to uio l'reslulo at San Francisco to
tako military Instructions for the pur-1
poso of becoming Instructors In the
IHU academy. Donald was ono of tho
honor endots at tho academy last year.
Porlor Emerson Browno tho dram
atist who wrote A Fool Ther Was--and
Tho Spendthrift and who writes
some- of tho most lively short stories
today Is tho nuthor of-rJoan of Platts-
uurg thU patriotic picture showing
at tho Kolth Wednesday and Thurs
day. This plcturo was tawen at Platts
burg, Now York and has tho real mili
tary air. It especially answers tho
(iueptl6n of what women can do to Wflp
wm tno war,
Elsowhoro tho county commissioners
publish a notice prohibiting bathing
In tho South Platto river at or near
the now brldgo, niid tho sheriff has
been instructed to onforco tho ordor.
In view of tho fact that two boys havo
drowned in tho deop hotMa; near the
brldgo within tho past month tho or-i
dor of the commissioners Is to bo com-
memkul. Theso deep holes aro filled
with spring wator. that is water that
comes from beneath, and oven an ex
perienced swimmor is HablQ to bo
sMzed with cramps and bocomo help
less. Tho oboyanco of tho commis
sioners' ordors will result In no fur
ther toss of lifts.
cooked It with n few aniens I found in
tho cellar." Wife "Onions? Jack,
you'vo eaten my bulbs." Boston Transcript.
North American Birds.
A recent census of North American
birds shows an Increase of 125 species
and subspecies since 1010. But though
there are really new birds In tho list,
many of them belong to subspecies, up
to this time unrecognized.
Whon thoro is hard work tn iln In
hot wenthor Prlcklv AbIi Bitters nrmma
I .
us worm as a stomacii, livor and
bowel purifier, ohso who ils'q It stand
tho heat better and aro lesa fatigued
at inluhL Prlco S1.2B nor hottln. num.
mora-uont urug uo.. Spoclal Agonte
Mirror of Politics.
Tell me what kind of a man governs
n people, you tell me, with much exact
ness, what the net sum total of social
worth In thnt people has for somo time
been. Carlyle.
"Those nutos smell dreadful," re
marked an old lady. "I can't under
stand how thnt delicious perfume was
ever called 'auto of roses.' "
Dragging Tempo.
Profiteer "That's Just llko thoso
musicians. I hired him by tho hour,
and seo how slowly he plays." Punch.
Dally Thought.
There Is great ability in knowing
how to conceal one's ability. La
Cleans the Flower Vase.
Tea leaves moistened with vinegar
will remove tho discoloration in n
glass caused by flowers.
t Never Looks Prosperous.
How can anybody tell whether or
uot n Junk shop Is a failure?
, Lars' Holby and IslS Scott, both
giving JuCcaburg as their resldenco
were married Saturday by Judgo
Woodhurst at his office.
Mrs. Nora Schoals, claiming to bo,
the wife of a soldier, and her sister
Daisy Culbdrt wero arrested yBterday;
1 the vagrancy charge and given a J
thirty day Jail sentences. Tho sentences j
W(trc however, suspended pending tho
two women (facing htonorob bin-plcyment.
1)0 Wu'1VaKT'TOtSE1j1J"
your Residence tPrpperty? If so lis
with us. Wo sell listed stuff only. Wg
havo calls for medium prhjed homes'
on easy "ternls. Let us serve you.
Tho H. & S Agenpy", . Brodbecff
nuif ani noor East cf Post Office:
North Platto, Nobr. Phono Red 612.
Tho Christian aid society will meqt
Thursday aftornoon In tho church
parlors. Refreshments wll be served.
good attendaned Is desired.
You can't get bet
ter hno. In v.iltio
- - i - - -stvle
or fit anvwhrra
then those we offer.
WeKnow Shoes '
That is the reason wc
can always satisfy your
shoe needs. Being
judges of real
Shoe Values
we are enabled to
buy advantage
ously ana con
tinue our prac
tice of maklnglt.
to buy your shoes
knouf hnw In fit
your leet ana al-
tvav r.nrru tht
widths and sizes (o
do it properly. We
Good Fit
Right Price
Latm Stylet
Solid Vat,
What more could
you want
l.n'f nntu VrA
that we know icithcr.
Wc Know Feet
and we know how to over
come and correct foot
trouoics ox an sorts.
We understand the fit
ting of these famous
ui. ocnous Appil-
every Individual
font npprl nnrl ljuo
can aosoiutely
promise you
if Vmt hrlnrt
foot trouble to
Our advice and
examination Is
tree, with no
oongauon involved
1 FOOT MASSAGE:- For Tired, Burning, Aching Feet
- Over Cash Meat Market
andidafe fsr ispniieasi Nomihatio
Don't Fail to Obtain Our Prices on
Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye
Hay and Alfalfa
You will have more dollars in your pocket
SInco I hare sold tho garage a doing auto 11 Tory from the North SIdo
Bam.. Pay or Night Telephone 29. Wo make a specialty ef drlrea to
Bales all eror the county at the rate of fire coats por Mile per peraea.
Those trhe hate sales througfceat the country please let sae know.
Also a few cars for sale. Night Call Sod 632.
Julius Mogensen.
For United States Senator
Charles H.
' Was four tlmea electod Congressman In Fourth District with'increasod
his ticket 8UCCeed,DK el6Ct,on' In 1916 ran ten thousand ahead of
Only Republican Congressman from Nebruska in its ilfty-one years of his
tory, who attained membership on Ways and Means Committee, tho most
important Committee of the House of Representatives, and the one havinir
Jurisdiction to proparo and present tariff, rovenue and bond bills
Is a gradunte of an Agriculture College, resides on and conducts a large.
farm.V fJ?8 ado thorough study of tho agricultural Interests of Nebraska
and the Northwest Is recognized on tho floor of the House as an authority oa
agricultural subjects.
Has conducted a persistent flght against the discrimination In democratic
tariff and other legislation in fator of southern agricultural products and
against those of the north. Has opposed price using and market control
legislation for northern products while in no wise interfering with thoso oD
tho south.
Framed and forced through Congress measure for the control and the
eradication of hog cholera. Under tho working of this legislation the depart
ment of agriculture estimates hog production increased twenty per cent and
a decreaso of loss of nearly fifty por cent. This was pronounced by an eminent
authority as one of the best measures of food preparedness Congreas enacted
prior to tho War.
Trosented a bill and furnished argument before Committee and the IIouso
for a similar measure for tho eradication of tuberculosis In llvo stock which
paVsed the rocoat Congress.
Has always advocated and voted for a large Navy and an adequate Army,
Has supported every completed War measure for tho successful prosecution
of tho War.
Is active in both Committee and the House and is recognized as one of the
ablest debators in Coneress.