The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 02, 1918, Image 5

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j $38 Inches fln sale at Ub
Something very special, fine
Muslin, lace trimmed'
embroidery trimmed on
Sale, at '..
"Tub Silk Waists 'in fancy, wide
and narrow stripes most all
sizes Up to $6.50
Values at
V 111 l V J r-l I J Tt l J j
bcsL j (quality ' percales also
iGinghanA' Neatly
dark, medium-and
jlfght on sale at.
made in
In juice Percales, dark, mediuni
. and light colors Amoskeag
; umgnams; made big and
; roomy, styles you like
1 on sale at
The best on the market for the
money. Armour Plate Brand
guaranteed fast Black colors
fine ribbed on sale at OC
A lot of R. & G. Corsets to fit
regular, medium, stout andi
full figures in regular $2.00,
$2.50 and Borne $3.00 01
grades on sale at v I iHfu
This is to clean up all the odds
and ends of the season.
sizes 5V to 9y2.
Women's Silk Gloves in'coldre
black or white sizes KQn
6 to 7y on sale at uUb
Other lots at. 75c and 95c.
Bleached Damash Table cloths
sizqs 58x72 inches,, hemmed
A lot of Vests and Drawers to
fit little ones, sizes 3 to 8 years
S to 14 years' Misses sizes,
Women's in sizes up to 40
Vests or Drawers on
sale at
A new lot of Collars, just in, lat
est styles in best mater- QQp
ials up to 45c value at t.ul
Other lots at 28c and 47c.
Our Annual
Beging Today
In the Pace of High cost of manufacture we begin today
our most important August Sales, with as good values as
ever before. ,
ready for use, floral patterns A lot of bleached heavy, weight
Satin finjshed $2.50
values on sale at
Greatest Bargains in Silks
Foulards and others suitablefor
Dressofi or Waists and values
up to $2.50 now
sale at per yard
.Of supreme satisfaction.' are
1 Wirtmnrfi Waists Hat' $1.00
i unequaled ,at; the .price (M fift
on sale at P I iUU
You will find Waists at $2.00 in
other stores that do not com
pare with these.
We also have the Welworth
. Blouse at $2.00. Sizes run 34
to 4G. Best ever.
Turkish towels sizes 15x24
a 20c value on sale (J
Others lots larger at 25c and 35c
Qualities have not been skimped because of the prices 1
you may be sure of gettingfte best merchandise 'procur
able for the prices you pay.,5 '
i i
WITH OUR ALWAYS READY CASH we bought heavily
before the big advances, so that we have lots of goods to
sell you at
A Real Bargain, a good jMacp :
yarn, absolutely fast black
Hoso Some with white soles
worth up to 40 cents on OCnj
sale at per pah' ub
On sale, 2 yards for the price i
one. The greatest offeiever .
A great collection of plain and
fancy, most all shades in silk
and soft finished Batln in
-widths 40, GO, SO and
100 on sale at
lot of fine and good Lawns
Bic stock too' bic
ieice this great sacrifice? 1 (" 1 figured stripes, wide and nar
iall to go at .4.--2,' row all nice patterns worth
today 25 cents a yard
on sale at .
ore rae war r rices
You can Hooverize by buying here.
All to go out quick, sizes to fit
girls 12 years and up, and,
women's all sizes up to 42,
One lot to be sold Q7
at aC
Other lots at $1.28 and $1.50.
Never such an opportunity be
fore to buy the nicest Plounc-r
ings at & the price of one.
Hooverize, buy now, lay away
we're over stocked, to much
We've gone through the stock and picked out
all odds and ends, which are going to be
sold at 1-3 and 1-2 less the regular price
A ldt of children's best tan leather bare foot
sandalls sizes 5y2 to 10y only.
A real $l;50value a
A lot of this seasons dresses are being sold at ,
1-4, 1-3 and 1-2 off the start of season prices
One special lot of gingham dresses
values up to $8.00 on sale at
Sizes to fit misses and women to size 42
Another lot of this seasons' best dresses in
summer's most wanted charming styles and
materials, sizes 16 years to 42 size. (Q QC
Values up to" $15.00 On sale at
, ( Higher Grade Lot at $11.45.
" x Til ; 'i- y v '
We're going to close them all
out and have inade prices low
enough to move quickly. One
lot of Sport Skirts fl-f QC
value up to $4 at $ I idU
Mid summer styles on sale. All the summer'
styles priced to please you. I
AUTO HATS. A special lino and assort
ment in plain and fancy Sport styles QP
on sale at JUu I
A great bargain. Feast to lay in
, a supply, of fine Valencines,
Torchon and Oriental laces
in widths to 5 inches wide
all to go at 2 yards for the 1
price of one, sale at 2
Now is the logical time to buy your Tailor
ed suit for fall. The late spring style's now on
sale are identical with the coming fall
1 sytles. But from the fact we never carry over
Suits from one season to another is the rea
Ison you can save from $7.50 to $18.00 on
, any Suit you buy.
i We place one lot on sale of Fashon Favored
I materials, such aa Serges, Poplins and
j Gaberdines, in a good variety of choice
I colors, sizes, Misses and Women's values
' $25.00, $27.50, $30 and up to 10
$37.50 on sale at J JiUiJ
Not aSuit in the lot but what will be worth
more than double a few weeks latdr.
Other Suits at $2(1.85 and up.
For the little fellows in ages 2
years to Q years. The better
kind of best materials and
made right, white and flKn
colors, on sale at Jwu
Others at 75c, $1.25 and $1.45
Colored and fancy, in plain colors and Hover
ed effects. In ginghams and sateens (M
Values up to $1.50. On sale at I i&O
E. M C. denotes" perfect com
fort and fit with freedom in
every movement. The only
suit made of woven material
Early August Sale of Blankets at before
the Avar prices, Full size Bed Blankets in
Grey, Tan, White, Iderdown, Nap gopd
Weight, size 70 x SO per pair now
on sale at
Other lots at $1.65 and up.
an elastic, non-chaf- M npjWoOl mixed plaid Blankets now on flP OR
I Other suits of same style at Buy your Blankets for fwinter during our
' $1.50 and $2.00 rt suit. 1 August Sale.
The greatest, line in the city to
select from, Corset Covers(
Gowns, Chemies, Silks, Teddy"
Bear combinations and Qn
Gown3 on sale at Oi w
You Can buy any garment in
Muslin Underwear that you
want at way below the present
cost of the material.
Robert Dickey went to Sidney yes
torday morning, to spend the day
transacting business,
WntTRPkftfinlnor rooms for rent In
quire of Mrs. Rork, ?509 West 9th.
Wanted At once, "gdtod boy over 1G
for garage work, also first class
garago mechanic. Ji,y. ROMIGH,
Wm. D. Murphy, formerly employed
inHho local shops, ia now in Franco.
Ho is a sergeant in the 65Cth Aero
Dr. Morrill. Dentist.
Frank Litsey, lato salesman at the
Trotter garage, resigned a short time
ago. and has Joined the sale force at
Romigh garage.
Misses Ethel Frye -and Maude Miller
who spent the past fqrnight with rel
atives and friends, in western citiels,
havo returned home.
Th'e) Mforal Law rWith. GHadjyB
Brockwoll and the Sennet comedy
Friend Husband will make up the
Keith program for tonight.
For Farm Loans see Gene Crook,
Room west of Vienna Cafe.
'Ancol ke,rson, living on the P. &
H. rancl& iftl threshing his wheat this
week anS'ItJa said the yield ie close
to thirty bushels to the acre.
Mrs. John Gray,, nee Margaret
Craigie, left this morning - for
Oalfland,. Cal., where she will Tiirit
relatives for two or threo months.
The stork visited the homo of Mr.
and. Mrs. Roy BankB Tuesday and
deposited an oight pound boy. Mother
and son are reported" to be doing
Mrs, Arthur McNamara and children
who have been guests at the Clinton
homo for several weeks, will leave,
next Wednesday for their homo in
Oakland, Calif.
Mrs, John McGraw and Miss Hazel Judge Hoagland, who Is department
Mlnshall lef t a few days ago for , commander of tho G. A. R., and Mrs.
Rochester.. Minn., where ' both will Hoagland will leave August i5th for
take treatment for two or three weeks Portland to attend tho annual reunion
at the Mayo Bros, hos'pital. A special train will leave Lincoln with
Charley Shinn, tho Jap who lives onh Nebraska delegation, which it -Is
tho Wilson farm, six miles west of "' "u " "b.
came here from Dallas, Texas, wi'.l
town threshed, his apring wheat this
week arid ' found that It averaged
thirty bushels to the acre.
Wanted a girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. J.' S. Simms, 403
south Sycamore.
Christian Science service Sunday at
11 a. m., Sunday school 12 noon. Wed
nesday evening meetings 8 p. m., Build'
lng and Loan building. Room 25..
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Tlgho have rent
ed one of the Twlnem apartments
and Mr. and Mrs. Trovelyn, Doucet
will occupy the Novlllo residence
whero tho Tigha family formerly re
sided. Ruby Stuart, a girl fourteen years
of ago, who had been brought to a
local hospital for treatment, died
Tuesday night. Tho remains were
shipped to her homo at Big SpringB
Miss M. Sleman, - steam Wths and
Swedish Massage,, ladles and gentle
men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf
The county comlssioners who had
been in session for threo days ad
journed. Wednesday until next Mon
day. At tho session this week the books
of tho county officials were checked
and claims allowed.
Up to noon yesterday eleven persons
had registered at tho U. S, land office
as participants in tho drawing, for 204
acres of land adjoining tho town Bite
of Arthur., Tho drawing will tak&
place tomorrow at two o'clock la tho
For Kent.
Six room house at 308 So. Chestnut.
Modern except heat. $25 per month.
Don't Fail to Obtain Our Prices on
Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye
Hay and Alfalfa
You will have more dollars in your pocket
go Sunday with tho other colored men
for a .training camp, Alonzo PoynteV,
who was to go from North. Ptatto has
gone to Omaha and will entrain with
tho colored contingent of that city.
Thousands of Dodfeo Brothers
Commercial cars are in daily use both
in this country and France for tho
government They aro made for hard
service. Better consider tho good one
of theBe trucks might do you either in
your business or on tho farm. J. V.
ROMIGH, Dealer.
For Service First and Guarantee
Work, call North Platte Plumbing and
Heating Co., Phone 4C9, 106 East
Sixth street.
Several old soldiers of Ogalallla will
como hero tomorrow to associate
themselves with S. A. Douglas Posk
of the Grand Army of tho Republic.
The post at Ogalalla was allowed to
go by default, and tho men coming
tomorrow will become members of tho
North PJatte Post
It is possible that there will be a
consolidation of govorment land
districts in Nebraska In which event
tho Broken Bow district and part of
tho Alliance district wKl be merged
into tho North Platte district. Thlo
would considerably increaso business
in tho United States land offlco in this
Enid Bonnet In Naughty, Naughty
at tho Keith Saturday night is Just
as Jolly as the name of tho play
implies. Tho highlights of tho heroines
senso of humor are thrown on tho
absurd conventions of a "ono horse"
community, and with this will bo
shown the Keystone comedy A Safe
Dr, Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug;
Store. tf -
John Den has converted hia
Hupmoblle Into a sort of. a hayrack
and will leave a week from Sunday
for a secluded spot near Encampmont,
Wyo., whero with Mrs. Den and two
relatives ho will camp and ensnare
rainbow and brook trout. Having
accompainod John on sovoral such
excursions In the paBt, wo caj, tostify
that he can whip a stream from sovon
a. m, to soven p, m. with nothing to
drink but river water and catch more
trout than ono ablo bodied man would
caro to tote moro than a mil.
Ice prices for North Platte, Nebras
ka. effective August 5th, 1918, (
Maximum prices for Ice for North
Platto have been fixed by the commit
tee, appointed by tho County Food
Administrator. Ice dealers are not
pormittod to sell for moro than the
prices glven m the list which follows:
Ice delivered and put In ice box, per
hundftek ..75c
Ice delivered and put in refriger
ators of morchants, restaurants, etc.,
in lots of 150 lbs. or over, per hun
dred 35c
Ice bought at 'plant or warehouse
In lots of 50 lbs. to 300 lbs. per hun
dred 50c
Ice bought at plant or warehouse in
lots of 300 lbs, or over, per hun
dred ...30c
In allowing this ralso In price tho
commltto have found that tho power
expense of tho Ice Co.. by reason of
tho chango from an oil engine to
electric motors is over ?500.00 por
month and that with tho increased ex
panse of labor at tho plant and in the
dollvry service tho company wore un
able to make and aoVl Ice at tho old
Tho Ice Co. has agreed that if tho
Federal Ffcod" AonJnSBtration make
further investigation and find that the
prlco fixed is more than enough to pay
a fair profit, tho Ice Co. will refund
the difference paid by Its customers.
All lco tickets bought before this list
takes effect will bo filled at tho old
County Food Administrator.
Holtl Family Reunion.
A reunion of tho Albro family was
held last week at tho homes of Stove
Albro and Mrs. T. B. Halligan weat of
of tho city. Thoro wero present Mrs.
J. L. Wiiber of Council Bluffs, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Rounds of Duncombe, Ia
Mr. and Mra, J. S. Dickenson of Gal
vln, 111., Mrs. E. V. Dugan of Fremont,
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Albro of Sweet
water, Nob., Mrs, Porry Franklin of
Fremont, Nob., Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Albro of Valparaiso, Neb., and Mr. and
Stove Albro and Mr. and Mrs. T, B.
Halligan of tho valley.
Theso reunions wero started twolvo
years ago, and slnco thon havo mot
yearly at tho homo of soma member
of tho family. Slnco tho first meeting
tho mother and two of tho sond havo
passed away, but tho remaining mem
bers aro keeping up tho reunions the
same as though tho mother was with
them. Tho combined ages of tho nine
uromora and Bisters total 552 years
On tho Sergy-Sorlnges Boctor Tues
day tho Americans forced tho Ger
mans back two miles.
Tile Gormans wero "mopped up"
and the Americans held tholr now line
Just east of tho forest Not manj
prisoners wero taken, but hero and
thoro a few wero rouundod up and
brought In. Sorgoant Louis Lootz of
Souix City, Iowa, contributed four
teen. He attacked eighteen Gormans
who had been separated from their
command, killing four of them and
capturing tho others.
Awful execution was dono by tho
Americans. Eight captured guards
said they woro all that remained ot a
company of olghty-alx. Monday tholt
number had boon reduced to tlilrty
and a lieutenant Tuesday -tho HlQuten
ant and all but they wero klllod.
For the first tlmo In the history of
Nebraska state convention, women
delegates sat In tho republican"
gathering at Lincoln Tuesday. Thoy'
woro flvo In numlrcr and woro from
Custor county. They wore Mrs. Belle
Robinson. Mason City; Mrs. J. H.
Kerr, Ainsloy; Mrs. R. H. Hunter,
Brokcta Bow,; Mrs. E. J. Johnson,
Ansolmo and Mrs. J. H. Douglas,
4 y
Obey Jkt Impulse
When some financial matter comes
up iind you don't know Just how to
handle it In the safest and cnnlest
wuf, you iinlu'raifly think of calling' on
a bank for advice.
Just because, you uro several miles
uwity Is no reason why you should
not usk Uils bank's ndvlco on thoso
mutters us thoy como up JUST STEP
TO THE 'PHONE and talk tho matter,
over wlillo It's fresh In your mind.
Platte Valley StateBank