CITY AJflL) COITNrY NEWS. AV. 'ynekan(lmlly left Sunday .foMJenVef. ' ' 'Krancls. .Norrls returned Saturday from a visit In Omaha. , NgIs' Rasmusseh lias' hoen 'spending the past day or two. In Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ericsson return ed Sunday from, a visit in Omaha. ' Miss CeMn. Hllirfirtli hn& rotnrniwl from a visit with friend in Pino Bluffs. Alma Reubens ;in Mndam Sphinx at the Crystal Wednesday. Mrand Mrs. Ed Stofregan left Sat urday 'for a visit with friends in Blua Hill, Neb. - Lost nink' sluW cameo Saturday evening. Reward. Call Black 727. 2t Mr. and' Mrs. M. E. Booth left Sat urday for a visit with friends In Mann wn, Iowa. i MrB. Harry Bybeo returned yester day from a visit with friends in Grand Island. Mrs. A. T. Boyer returned Saturday fom a trip to Albion and other towns in the east part of the state. For Sale National vacuum sweeper Garage for rent. Phono 812. Wal'or O'Connor , returned Sunday from fcw York City, where ho had gone to bay goods for his store. Mrs. J. R. McWllllams, daughter Minerva and son Walter left Suhday for a visit with friends in Denver E. F. Sceberger returned Sunday from Slgourney. Ia., where hoi accom panied thei remains of his mother last week. - Mrs. Henry Mehlmann. of Denver, who had been visiting her son Roy and family, returned homo yesterday, morning. Ovnntflnmhln nnw irraln wnn mar keted last week, both L. & P. and the mill buying all offered. The price paid was $1.95. Paul Harrington has returned from Denver -where ho had been spending several weeks transacting business and 1 visittfg friends. Miss Edith Quealey. telephone girl in the Western Union office, has re turned from a vacation spent with relatives in Laramie. Rev. J. H. Curry and Mrs. Curry leave tomorrow morning by auto for Manitou, Col., where they will spend a two weeks vacation. Lewis Norman, Robert Saunders and Alonzo Poyntex, three colored men of tins city will bo sent to a tram. Ing camp next Sunday. A. Holzmark, of Gothenburg, at one tlmo a North Platte merchant, has filed ior tho republican noimnaftbn , Sor treasurer of Dawson county. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO KENT? Rellablo party wants to rent modern house. Telephone (539. Tiie Golden iiuie isnno class or tne Presbytealan church will meet Friday afternoon wfth. Mrs. Geo).. Carman.. MS Rn T.nfMist A full ntf SrtflnViV'A Is deaired.r Hot weather 'underwear, at THE LEADER MERC. CO., at before tho war prices in most Instances. We fit your whole family at THE LEADER MERC. CO. Mrs. Wni. Coleman and son and Mrs. Chas. Vernon returned Saturday from Muskogee, Okla,, where thsy were called by the death of Sam Smith, who was killed by the explosion of a gas tank. Mrs. W. H. Mungcr, of Omaha, -who had been visiting her daughter In Portland, arrived Saturday for a few days visit with her son Horton and family. WW M. Dunn, editor of the Suther land CouTior, accompanied by His son H. L. Dunn, were in'town yesterday. The latter was enrouto to Omaha to report for the navy, having enlisted and passed tho examination two weeks ago. C. O. Weingand expects to leavo to night for Minneapolis to select, fur nishings for tho new annex to tho Hotel McCabe. It is probable that whilo in Minnesota. Mn Weingand will spend a few days fishing at 6ne of tho numerous lakes in that state. The Bible group of the Baptist auxi liary will meet August 1st -with Mrs. Anderson, 224 W. 1st street. The new group meets with Mrs. Durbin at 321 So. Walnut, The Queen Esthers will meet with Mrs. Tucker at 907 E. 5th street All meet Thursday of this week. , Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Store. tf For maintaining a nuisance and ob tsructlng tho exit from tho Keith hteatro Iro escape, Sam K. Poulos -was fined twenty dollars and costs in Justice Sullivan's court. Friday. Poulos had been notified sovexal times to re move tho obstructions' btu .failed, to .do so. ' Dave White, of Sutherland, was in town yesterday enrouto homo from Excelsior Springs whoro ho had been taking treatment for rheumatism for five woekB. When ho -wont thero he was compollod to use a wheel chair; now with, tho aid of a cane he getB around nicely. Two companies of infantry, 500 men passed east on a special train at noon yesterday. Tho men were detrained and wend Berved with coffee, sapd- wltches, cigarettes and postcards by the lied Cross Canteen. Tills courtesy was Tory much appreciated by tho men and as tho train pulled out they wav, ed their hats and cheered lustily for the canteen ladies. : :o: : If hot weather saps your energy and you can't work woll, it is a sign, that your system is full of bilious impurl ties. You will bo sick if you do not do something. Tako Prickly Ash Bit ters, It cleanses tho blood, llvor and ' bowels, restores strength, vim and cheerful spirits. Prlco 51.25 a bottle. Gummore-Dent Drug Co., Special Agents. NEWS ABOUT THE BOl'S WHO ARE IN SEKVICE. Arthur Tramp, a class 2-A man, went to Denver Sunday night to enlist as a musician in tho1 navy. Otto Westenfeldt, who made applica tion for enlistment as a musician has been accepted, and ho left Sunday for Camp Dlx, Now Jersey. Word was received Saturday that Jay Smith, who had been stationed at Camp Upton, N. Y in tho aviation corps, ha arrived safefly in Franco. . ,,mM T , 0,,, . , James L. Johnston of Sutherland, ono of the 1918 registrants, has. -tti- Isted as a concrete worker ami will be sent to Camp Forrest at Lytho, Ga. Ed. Whcelock received a card ves- terday from his son Clayton at Camp Dodgo in which ho said his company had packed up and wclro ready to go east. . . . major iu.v,u Harrington, now in Francet writes, ho has been assign- " uiviBiuii ui irouya ua uuuriur- master and says "It is somei life over here," Ivan Gordon, James McMurtry, David Wood and Harry Farnham, four young men of Sutherland, left Sunday night for DcinVer to enlist in tho navy. , Loe Bird, who is at 'the Ft "Worth aviation field, writes about Hying among tho clouds, for he is now one of tho fliers. In the last letter received ho referred to having reached an alti- uiuo oi o.uuu iecc Clarence Splcer, who was amt to Camp Funstbn, has been transferred to Camp Dodge as an ambulanco driver Im f 1 7 n rtrr'Hnci Hint ho will probably bo sent east In a J short timo. Joe McGee, of" Brady, who has been in a military hospital la London for nearly nine months, iln a letter to a "T," (,;,"" 'TXrS made ln my thigh to gfjt out pieces of metal havo healed n'p and give mo no pain. Tho old wound jib still unheal ed, but is not painful, -I only hope thero. is no more metal or dead bone to be removed I am still weak from the '.oss of flenb, cannot even sit up, but if raiKtea&5 uuw'. Wf, ?uuiui..w,u.w cmbeHbf - a, Canadian .ghjienb;V -I Roys Arrive nt Camp Dodge. Camp Dodge, la., July 27th. Editor Tribune: It may be Of inter est to the people of North Platte and Lincoln county to know that tho boyB who, left Ncrth Platte Jully 25th' havo safely arrived at this camp. Wol all enjoyed tho big time you gave us the evenlrig wo left, and the boys were in high spirits until late tho following morning', when we all quieted down, We got our first meal oji Undo Sam in Omaha tho next morning and also dinpor. Tne Red Cross girls at Omaha sure did treat US well. They had candy, 'cigarfets and postcards' for us on our train, which had eight coaches whon leaylng Omaha,. rWe arrived at Camp Dodge at eight l011 .S??nin5-.vroM rouRh "'ldeoT re'a tape our -BUef at mninignt. tho next morning wo to our readers: were up at 5:45, and following break- In tnes) tInJe3i 1 amr0l. Amer fast had two hours' work. The re- inn first, nn.i juridtiHt. nil fk rmMiilon roainder of ttie day was well spent in sSting acqauanttuiclGs and siting lepers, . ADAM CHRIST. UX, XUII1 UllllUlIUU, XUilU Brigade, Camp Dodgo, Ia. : :o:: J-eP" Mr and Mrs. Julius Pizer and of his week for the east They will ent enonjleSl and tlioy should bo men first go to Rochester, Minn., where who when peaco ncE0tiations are bo Mrs. PJzer wLl bo placed In the Mayo ,ng considered can bo depondod upon 'uo' UKJ'i t , ""'x " e"' stones, which havo seriously affected her for some time. When she Is com- fortably located there Mr. Pizer ahd Miss Maymo will go to New York, to .purchafegoqtls for, Tho Leador,?Mor- cantlle yJ - f $ wo are paying ior mixeu iron, and $17 to $18 for machinery cast iron. Li. Lip&hitz, the Junk Man. Probably no child will havo to bo told to seo Jack and the Beanstalk, the w-J'.l known fairy talo. in nlm at the Keith theatro Wednsday and luuiBuuy. 4wui u. luimy ui.uK nuuuu b IB lUUl WllUll It HUB BI1UW11 141 unmaway ii seemeu i . enmriain bbi- ier umu u.e bwiHuuvuiii lypn ul uiina uiuwnuw i om ia supposed 10 auinuim. AmerIcan votor ls in ft grcat major. Largo audiences werte, surprised to ,t ,n hoth artlc& and thoy aro Jn- fl?nhat,U?oy h?d n, ou.BFOWn thelr, titled to havo candidates for tho groat childhood love for fairy tales. :offlce of U( s. Benator ln Doth parties Household furniture for Bakl Mrs. who will faithfully represent them." Major Walker. 118 W. 3d street. I !: : , ,. , . . ., The Happy Hour Club will mcot JVXZ 2.S2.?WV afternoon with Mrs. Mesauraul, that It will bo difficult to get pooplo interested In politics, thoso who havo party contestants will make more or, left this morning for Salt Lake City, less of a canvass of the county. Forjwhero Mrs. McFarland was called by uio party nominations too oniy otuces in which thietro aro contesting candl- dates 'aro tbo republican nomination for county aierK. tno aemocratlC nom- Inatlon for county attornoy and tho rdpubrican nomination for state rep- reseqtatlve. John W. Cochran. Ed. L. ricrson.'RepubHc Chemical Works wlillch will "Golden Ilule Lnndmon. Sutherland, bo located on tho Wallace Porter farm Nebraska. 509. Just west of Sutherland. Tho Ropubllc .,.. 'Chomical Works will soon commence Walter Keaton, a Gorman, who was work lay,ng tho plp llno from tho nrrnntArl na n nanlrmis rhnrnpfor In .1.. 0 . ' .. .... ... . it 'Zr.iC 4 J 4 4i. IV liiu BuuuittUBk iaii ul uio cuuiiiy a 1. f .. 4I 1.1 1.1.1 uuujjiu ui wcuiut ugu, ib bun ueillf, nuiu in tho county Jail. Ho camo to this county from Portland, Ore., in a pen- nH rnTlflffinti nn1 tnrrnrAfl nun tnrnf.. . ... .. : 1 papers and speaking tho English language brokenly, everybody treated i,im ?i, aainn.' n,i rnf, nj M work. Ho did not register as an alleta enemy because ho did not know that ho wan rnoii rivl to do Bf. Kfititnn. cln clarcs ho Is against tho Kaiser. Judge Woodhurst is in somewhat or a quan dary as to what disposition to mako of tho man. If you can't work well ln hot weather tako Prickly Ash BIttors, it purifies tho stomach, liver and bowels and fortifies tho body to resist tho do pressing lnfluenco of summer heat, Prlco $1.25 per bottle. Gummoro Dent Drug Co. Special Agents. LUCIUS SMITH WEDS MISS , GEORGIA MOXtE SUNDAY, Mlas Georgia Hoxlo and Lucius 8. Smith, Jr., were united' 'In; marrlago Sunday night at 10:40 at the homo of the bride's tfaroiits, Mr. and Mrs Frank G. Hoxie, and an hour later Mr! and Mrs. Smith left on" a wedding trip to points in tho east The corcmony was performed by Rov. Dr. Curry In tbe presence of members of tho family: lninicdlato friends of tho contracting parties and girl frionds of the brldol The brido was attended by Misa. Dorothy Hlnman, just norao rrom Cjllfor,a. nntl tho Kroom by Wm R) IInrcourt( tho fathor glvlng tho brlde away ana MrSi Harcourt rondering an American wedding march. Tho brldb was gowned In an exqulslto blue b!1- ver-toned traveling suit with hat to naicn. The brido has been a vory popular member of the younger society set In North Platte, is a most charming and accomplished young woman and Tho Tribune congratulates Mr. Smith that i,n line wnu eiiMi n wnrtliv hrliln Mr, Smith came hero from Illinois "a year' or so aco far the mirn'oso of nlac- Ing under cultivation a large tract of and south of the city owned by his fathor. He seeded about 900 acres to wheat last fall and lias been rewarded by a very generous crop. This year no has also broken up about a thousand ocrcs if land near Big Springs rind tills tugethor with the land south of this city will be seeded this fall. These extensive operations In tho ngricul tural lino demonstrates IiIb progres- glveness and good management. In all Particulars Mr. Smith is a splendid young man. i0: : Efficiency Ncedpd. It must be apparent to all that these aro times when efficiency Js needed in all public offices, and that it is no time for Ineixporienccd pooplo to tako up tho reins. This is particularly truo of tho duties of tho county clerk, who is a member of the excinption board, and nnn w. ... tn nnrt n. upon whom falls tho greater part of tho clerical work of tho board. As cterk pf this board the duties aro ex acting, good Judgment 1b required in order that tho woTk of tho board may bo carried out with fairness and im partiality to men who havo been regis win ba registered Mr. Allen has toroven his offlclencv county clerk as well as, a membdr of tho registration board, receiving no compensation for his duties as a board member yet very frequently burning the- midnight oil to thei end that the work might be performed In order and on time. If tho voters placo full vtlluo on the work Mr AUen hna perf0rmed they will not hesitate to remomlnato for county clerk on August 20th. him Must Bo 100 Per Cent American. Prior to entering the primaries for tho democratic nomination us II. S. fionntor TL L. Mnt.nn.1f wrntft n nnmVinr Qr iMtera tn inrnmlnent men In botli parties asking their advice as to his entering tho primaries. We! clip, from the Omaha Nebraskan the following riinrnrtrHt1v inttm- writton tiv v p.. Patterson, lr.esponso to .Mri, Mo'tcalf, cii wo bolievo will be of interest at llome and abroad, after that I am a republican. I am decidedly in favor of both tho democratic and republican nnrtlAH In thin ntntn Inlnflnn- In nnml. nation mon who havo beon-for Amor- wu. uvtei uio utxmittuuu o. ui-, 1i av alirmlfl ni3(fv n ninti v1tn mrlrvr i to our enlorine Ul0 war aid not ln any to atand up for all ui our allies. In x0thr w0rd8 both partJcs gUouId llftV0 candldates that will ppeal to tho 100 pcj. cent voten In Ross l. Hammond's n,n,innv ,n,n mn dt- rnnt Aortz-nn momber4ot tho republican party havo a ca(ndi(lata that answers', these sped- iiiiununo, uuu wwumui,; uuiu appeal to the 100 per cent Americans in the) democratic party .With you and Hammond representing tho head of the tickets in both parties, there would bo an assuranco that which over was elected would ho satisfactory to tho 100 psfr cent American voters of tho fitafo For tneSe reaBOnB I hope you wt i.l afinnnl rha vm Inn tfin nnil te o i candidate in tho primary. Thero is no qUeation but what th 100 per cent 1 407 801,111 MapI Mrs. Fred McFarland and children tne iiincss ot ,ner sister. ,:o:: WJ11 Build I'opasli Plant. Tho Sutherland nnurinr nva-Thn engineer for tho U. P. arrived in the city yosterday morning nnd is now busy locating tho sJdotrack for tho norm iaKeB to-wnero tnoy will nuiiu thvnr nlnnt "'w. VlUllt. Cnpturo German Huso. Z"A'i I " ,8! tho Qurcq river and , penetrated town of Foro-en-Tardenois ?no "f tho Breat Gorman supply bases for. o enemy troops Inside) tho Sis- ouud-ivhoiiiib nuuuiu. ::o: Driven Back Twelve Miles. Under tho battering tactics of tho Amoricans and French, tho Gorman lino on tho south haB now beon driven back more than twelve miles from tho J point south of Chateau-Thierry whoro j tho allied troops locked the door to Paris against tho enemy July 18 and themselves became tho aggresBorB in what has turned out to bo ono of tho greatest battles of tho war. :ifssssagS5 eautg. ! Is- .... K Mr. Moore. As Steelier Joins Navy. Altho they aro both in class 2-A of jrho draft and will probably" not bo called .for two months or more. Joo Steelier, logical contonder for tlio' heavyweight wrestding championship of the 'world, and brothor Tony, who handles the businoss side for Joo's af- I fairs aro not to wait for tho draft wheels to grind out tho namo that has . . J. T" XT.l. 11. havo j,MBed tbo oxaminaUon for ad- tho map. uo tn ' mittance into the navy at Omaha WE BUY YOUR HAY GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We soil Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, SAlt,. Shorls, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. CAR EXCHANGE Before buying a car be sure to see me as I have a number of cars almost as good as new, which, I will sell at a bargain. These cars are not old hroken down junk, but cars which will stand close inspection and will save you money. Would be pleased to have you call and seo these cars. A. M. BLUME FIJIST CLASS CAR PAINTING. r AUTO LIVERY SInco I ImTO sold the garage am doing auto Hvcry from the North Side Barn.. Day or Night. Telephone 29. We Rake a specialty ef drlyci to sales aU over the cohhIt at the rate ef ire ceati per Mile per persea. Those who bare tales throughout the eoaatry please let Me taew. Also a fovr cars for sale. Night Call Bed 032. Julius Mogensen. mwiiiiiuiivuiuw.t 1 your' Storage Battery- a you?,;:;i'Jheh drop in and meet You won't needa spyglass oiv a ;iVho's . Who, tb.tell you that he knows his business. Having been through the school of ' Battery ExrJerience, he has attained ;success, and What he knows, HE I$0WS. , official Prest-O-Lite service'' station representative in this territory, glad to extend " you every courtesy". Midway Motor Col (Incorporated) KEARNEY, GRAND ISLAND, NORTH PLATTE, McDonald Bank Building. Howell Withdraws. R. Boocher Howell, candidate for tho republican nomination for governor, will not ,mako the race at tho August primaries'. This announcement was made ln a signed statement from Om aha given to tho press Sunday even ing. Saturday evening following a meeting in Lincoln, held ut the city auditorium Mr. I low oil announced that ho had been called into tho naval servlco and must roport for duty August 15th. IT'S A LASTING PEOI'OSITION Witn us that until you are satisfied wo don't consider a transaction end ed. So you will bo doing us a favor if you will tell us of anything you don t like about our FEED and our service. Don't hesitate becauso tho matter may seem a trifling one. Wo want to correct tho. fault bo it little orf'big.' Perfect shofvlco 'la tho aim of this establishment LEYPOLDT '& PENNINGTON PHONE 09. 818 North Locust St. y"'y,MJjgy, " mysteryto your friend he will be GEO. B. BENT, - u I'hsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attcntloa Given to Surgery and Obstioirics. (Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phonca: Offlco 130, Residence 115 Hospital Phono Black 633, Houso Phone Black G33 IV, T. PRITCHARl), Graduate Voterinavlnn Eight years a aovornmont Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of tho Court House. WANTED - RAGS 2 to 3 cents per pound. N Wo also pay tho highest markot prlco for hides, all kinds of junk NORTH PLATTE HIDE, IRON & 21IETAL CO. Phono Red 2G0. The Artificial Ice and Cold Storage Co, Announces that It Is prepared to fur nlsh all consumers with DEEP WELL Arilflcal Ice. . PHONE 40 and your orders will be Promptly Filled. Wanted Rags 2 Cents a Pounti. Must by dry and packed in sacks." We pay big price for Scrap Iron and all kinds of Metal. L LIPSHITZ SCHINERNGER UNDERTAKING COMPANY. - NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN FUNERAL HOME. AUTO SERVICE LADY ATTENDANT PRIVATE CHAPEL, . PHONES DAY 623. NIGHT 830. 609 LOCUST.