The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 30, 1918, Image 1

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NORTH PLATTE, Nib., JULY 30, 1938.
No. ,57
i l l- 4 IV4:4
Denies ailschloTous Humor. I SEVENTY MEN WILL BE . .
Cortaln mischiovlous or misinformed INCLUDED IN AUGUST CALL'.I
persons in worm I'latto navo starieui
Prizes for the war gardens In North the roport that tho city schools -will Tho local board has been notified
Platte, the campaign ror Avhich was .not. start on time this year and that that tho August call for drafted moni
managed and conducted by J B. Nol-thoy will not bo irp to tho standard of I from Lincoln county will bq about tho"
bod, was awaruoa iasi riuay Dy w. jormer years, wo navo to say tho roi- Bamo a3 In July, which meana that in
p. snyuor ana u. r. luiuani. or uie
state experimental sub-station. Those
we are gradually gathering togoth-
prlzes consisted of a silver cup, ton j er a corps of touchers which we expect jundor tho colors,
trnlil mnrlnlR nnil thrno hronzn modal
tho neighborhood of seventy young
men will loavo us to march and fight
gold medals and three bronze medals.
Tho awards were as follows:
Silver Cup Thos. MuchHinski.
Gold Medals L. E. Hastings, A. T.
Yost. Marshall Johnston, Mrs. Geo. D
to bo up to tho standard. Every ono Tho date of entraining has not, yot
is chosen for her special fitness forjlwin announced, tho lottor received
tho position. Wo oxnect to have every by the board yostorday simply an-:
place filled before long. Graduates of praising tho board of tho number of
Iho Knnlix TTIttli lull! 1.M nM tn nnlnv fflOn "WHICH U1QV lllUSt. tr(t. In rOftfllllOHS
ti-i j ir xt pia t- ti ei... i "'(" " , .. . Y. - "
Jl8'-"' S'i i w th universities or colleges next fall lor"iu can.
. man, Mrs. J. F, noddy, Elmor Moody.) nB usunl & This call will exhawst tho original
aim. jiargaret iuaiuy. wub. jutoh, a,i-,ni .t I vJiass uno men ana lnciudfi nuito a row
8th. Atl teachers aro under contract J)10 w,l registered In June, 1918.
to be on hand at that time. 1 " a y1" , DC? ,n maK1D
Whftt wn nrmd now In lh iinltari .tin. "P th 1,st of tll0S6 CO nOXt
port of tho people of North Platte .in
I helping us over this temporary period
of financial distress. Such support
will be vital in placing tho schools in
tho propor light and giving tho teach
ers propor support. Board of educa
Schllentz. -
Bronze Medals.. Mrs. C. A. Moore,
Mrs. Ed. Walker, Lawrence Hart
Tho gardens of Mrs. D. H. Allen, Ed
Rebhauscn, Beeler Scott, Chas. Mceks,
Mrs. Georgo Plttman, Mrs. J. L. Bay
otto and Mrs. John Will received
favorabto mention.
The garden of Henry Yost was con
sidered the best in town, but on ac-
Dunn Will Leave Town.
P. J, Dunn, who lias been associated
with tho Nyall drug store for several
years, lias sold his Interest therein
count of Mr. Yost being a market tlon finds Itself in straightclned clr-'and will retire tomorrow. Mr. Dunn
irnniAnfir. was not ellelble to enter cumstances On account of the increas-. 1,as Purchased a drug store In Grand
tho contest. , od cost of everything that goes to run
i : :o: : i the school and tho income tho name as
Sale of City Property. 1 In former years. Nothing con bo galn-
tj, -a nhnr-t hno ni,i to cd by dlvclrtlng our local patriotism
Stofreggan her pretty bungalow on to national when It makes tho lpcnT. In7
cast Foulrth street opposite the First BtlMitlons suffer. mm ,4 .
ward city park for a consideration; WILSON TOUT, City Supt.
of $4,500. Mrs. Oberst will go to dm- "o::
aha to reside while ner husband is in I Lieut. Sfmnis (Worsens.-
thp service. I A cablegram received this morning
Mrs. Laura Van Natta has purchased by Mrs. J. S. Slmms from her husband
the Lem Bailey residence property on Lieut . Slmms announced his safe ar
east Sixth street. ! rival overseas, ag a member of tho
Mrs. L. W. Walker and Miss May 49th Unit Basfc Hospital Corps.
Walker have Jointly purchased the! This unit left Camp Dodgo arly
Garllch residence proporty on west , part of July and evidently was not long
Third street for a consideration of . detained at tho point of ambarkatlon.
$4,300. An addition of ono or two rooms ; : :o: :
will bo buHlt and appartments mado wm Baldock leave3 Thuy for
for Mrs. Lester Walker and ' Eureka, Cal., where he will make his
May and for Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Walk-(home Mj Baldock nnd clllldr0n wn,
JSatTSf SnKS: osTeen ITS also a .od Itl with a lun.ber
t ,v, Tw.ho n win tnim nnSRns..coinPany- He Is not altogether de-
sion as soon as Mr. Waltemath. moves c JdWcU Jie will accept Mr. nnd
to his new residence on west Third.
Island and will remove to that city in
a short tlmo. Ho Is offering his west
Fourth street homo for salp.k Mr.
Dunn Is a splendid young man, a very
capable business man and the removal
of himsolt and wife from town Is re
gretted by a large circle of friends.
Xuldoon to Ognlnllu.
Albert Muldoon has been Btjected as
manager and attorney for tho Wholp
ton estate at Ogalalla and will soon
remove to that town. This estate, list
ed at over six hundred thousand dol
lars, indhides various interests and
wllll require all of Mr. Muldqon's tlmo.
Tha contract as manager extends for
a tperiod of years and Mr. Muldoon will
dispose of his residence property and
othor intoretsts in North Platto.
This change will remove two splen
did peoplo who wo regret to lose.
Mrs. Barber Injured.
Word comes from Colorado that
Mrs. Frank Barber was Injured In an
auto accident last week. To avoid a
collision with another car on a dan
Mrs. Baldock but recently returned
: from Eureka where they spent several serous road, Mr. Barber ran the car
months. ' Into the hillside, the sudden stoppago
. , , , , throwing Mrs, Barber against the
Tho Red Cross canteen, which has wihdBhiefld, cutting hor face and dis-
Gco. N. Gihbs Enlists,
Geo. N. GIbb3 returned yesterday
from a brief visit with, his father in been opn only -tyhon troop trains coloring hor eyes. Tho car was con
Kansas. While enroute Mr. Glbbs came through will now bo. open every slderably damaged,
stopped at Lincoln where he made ap- day nja wUi enable the workers, to ::,;
pCicntion for enlistment in an officers'. oxtend ,tbeli services to individual,' J Storing Coal.
tralninc camn. He.. passed an almost soldiers and t attorn naksimr flircueh. Ttin TTntrvn 'PnoJfl- kau'.. lino ?IK nlln
100 percent physical epmina an or
expects to bd called,. abourXuustagtlirou'fih-on'ferytTain thoround house and this will bo in-
olu l" c" " :o 0. W. Likes, who ..employed at "oas,to, 0'0,00 T- f1)8
Patriotism Knows no Color. tho Union Pacific ice plant; has made a lot of coal, but whon it is
In tlSe -war fimes paWoUBm does application for enlistment In the light ff that ,tho aymBvnl ptlon at
not bait at the color lino and the three artillery. He served three yearB in the th,B terminal Is eight hundred tons tho
colored men who will bo sent to Camp rogiilar army in that branch of thj amount now stored would not last
from North Platto within the next service, .long If shipments were closed.
7SSt!on1Uby toe f 'oiriB Mrs. Clarence Spider has returned Mr. and Mrs. H!'E.Weisfleg, ot Knn-
pSamls bolng arrayed, and the rom Camp Funston, where she visit- sas City, are tho guests of their
date of the reception will be announced ed Ikt husband who left for an eastern nephew A. S. Allen and family. Thoy
Tatahf Hnr rt iYin nmnn wlinr fftfia linn tralnlne camb last week. i are homeward bound from an auto
Honrv WaP.tomath. A. P. Kellv. T. M.
Cohagen and Paul Meyer returned Sat- M- Georgo McKav and two sona.
urday from Cheyenne where they at- ,wn soent several ,tob in auiner
last week.
Eric Broker returned Sunday from The meeting of the Economy knit-
been a faithful member of the Home
Guards, seldom missing a drill.
::o:: ' '
Wirthmor waists at $1.00 and the U,U,C( Frontier Days
Wdlhvorth waists at $2.00. Tho best
that's mado for the price at THE Cheyonne where he Bpent several days ting club will be postponed for two
LEADER MERC. CO. r, attending tho celebration. weeks.
S" AT "P
I a Ma
Summer Dresses
All Summer Dresses will be closed out
The prices have been made so attractive that most
every woman will select several for future wear.
Every one represents an exceptional value and we
expect to dispose of our entire remaining stock in
short order.
Ladies Gingham Dresses in all
All kinds of Voile and White
stylish models only a
few In this lot at.
Ladles Gingham Dresses, fine
high grade goods in beautiful
patterns anfl tho best 07 Mfi
styles all at one price vl iHO
Ladies Linen Dresses and high
est grado. Voiles only fl1ft 00
a limited number at v lUiOU
the new plaid patterns, new
Drpsses priced at.
$7.48, $4.78, $2.48
and $1.48
Wilcox Department Store.
:",L. ('. Carroll wont to Gothenburg
today to transact bu'&lnoss,
Miss Irtna Johnston has returned
from a visit with friends in Grand
Mrs. Geo. T. Flold entertained
Tuesday afternoon complimentary to
Miss Ruth Stroltz.
J. E. Nelson. C. S. Clinton. Clvdo
j'Frlsto and Chas. Tlgho mado an auto
inp 10 McuoaK sunaay.
John Herrod and daughter,
Evangeline roturncd. yestorday from .a
two w,eeks visit with frlonds i
Neole Turplo and family left Sun
dn morning, on an auto trip to points
In Colorado, expecting to be absent
ent days.
' McCall 'patterns, 10c. 15c and 20c.
The August supply now on salo at
.Mrs. L. E. Hastings nnd son and
"daughter returned vestordav from .n
visit with her father and son at Long
Beacn, Cal.
i , Tim Sutton. ' Ed RfihhntiRnn nnd A.
,E.'Boll loft last evening on a fishing
excursion, expecting to bo absent for
several! days.
'The first now wheat marketed at
.the Eelcetrlc Mills camo from tho P.
St, IX. ranch. It graded, No. 2 and sor.d
for $1 05 a littBh'ol.
Simon Bros, aro Installing a heat
ing plant In a new houso John Grif
fith is erecting on his farm throe
miles south of Maxwell.
Tho Lutheran Girls Club wRl bo
entertained Thursday evening by
MVs. Koch at tho parsonage All tho
young ladles of the church aro Invited.
Those who wish to submit samples
and bids for tho Homo Guards unl-
fo'nns must do so before tomorrow
ovenlng, as jelectlonB wKl bo mado
at that time.
Closlnc out all tho wash dreasnn nnd
all the wash skirts at prices far bolaw
Jhe cost of materials at THE LEAD
On tho occasion of his thirteenth
birthday yesterday, Emmett Moody
was tendered a 'party by his mother.
Twenty boys wcro prcsnt and spent
art;enloVablo nfternbon.
tfGHbert IsDmpletlns-amirabe'r
iof improvements to his residence on
west' Third street. Those lncludo full
basement, higher foundation, now
porches and a heating plant.
Chas. Soyferth, now working In Om
aha. and Prank Foster, now employed
In Denver, aro expected to arrive hero
shortly to work for the Union Pacific
as machinists. Both wore formerly
employes of tho local shops.
Garago men say that yostorday was
tho heaviest auto tourist day of tho
season, the number of cars passing
through exceeding those of any pre
vious day this year. Tho occupants of
thesoscars represented residents of
many states.
Louis Kelly, who enlisted as a pilot
In tho aviation corps the oarly part of
the month and had been at home
awaiting a call, was ordered ycbtor-
day to report at Seattle, Wash. Ho
went to Grand Jsland yesterday to re
coive transportation.
Miss Alice Langford received a let
ter this morning 'notifying her that
she had been appointed a dlork In tho
war department at Washington, D. C,
and she will probably accept. Miss
Elslo Laneford. who hold a position
In Washington when called homo by
hor mother b death. exnnfn to return
to that citv with her sister.
For Sale Household goods. Mrs. W.
M. Baldock, 215. Locust.
Harry I. Block returned yesterday
from Now York City where ho spent
three weeks purchasing goods for his
store, Mr. Block says that contrary
to general reports there Is no scarcity
of merchandise ln tho wholesalo mar
kets, though prices rule considerably
higher than last year .
Miss Dora Schoro, of Cedar Rapids,
has acepted a position ln the Inter
mediate grades of the local schools.
Sho Is a graduate of tho Peru Stated
Normal and has a professional life
certificate. In all she has taught four
yearB at Talmago and Creighton, Ne
braska. Sho has not been assigned
A complaint was fllod against tho
Sodacott brothors yesterday for main
taining a nuisance on tho Lincoln
Highway oast of town. Thoy havo been
using a tract of land thoy own as a
dumping grounds for city slops and
eaolnu shrdu etoln otaoln shrduuu
rofuso and hog feeding grounds and
tho stench has betan fearful. They will
have a hearing today.
Passongor Director Mcllvane1, whoso
duty it Is to keep the depot In present-
rblo shapo, Is minus two janitors this
morning, ono coioreu man who is to
so, into army service quit, another got
'oto a crap game and was jailed and
n third was fired. If you know of men
who will make good JanltorB whisper
In Mollvanes ear,
Curd of Thank.
Wo desire to extend our, thanks to
th friends and nelghh'3j;altpr. Hull
and tho Snanlsh War Votofhns for the
kindness, sorvlces and many beautiful
floral offerings durlnc tho Ulnoss and
.death of our beloved wife, mother and
Albert Durbln, who , has boon In
Banner county for a day or two soil
ing auto trucks and cars, phoned Tom
Hoalty at midnight last night that oil
had bcon-Btruck In that county, nnd
that tho wholo country was wild with
excitement and enthusiasm.
For a numbor of monthB past a
substdolng concern of tho Standard
Oil Co. has boon drilling In BannOr
county, and up to last wook had reach
ed a depth of 3,000 feot ln ono or more
of tho wolls. Tho fact that a Standard
company located ln tho flold and llavo
continued operations for so many
months Is evidence of a good prospect.
Tho flold ut which tho wellB have
boon sunk Is about twenty miles north
ot Ktmball.
Should tho woll prove a good pro
ducer Banner county wSl soon, be
come a section of wondorful activity,
and this activity along oil linos is
cortaln to spread to othof wostorn
Nobraska counties. It is not improb
abjo that within two weoks wo will
have oil prospectors traveling over
Lincoln county. ft i
Former Teachers JoIR CeUrs.
Word wati received from Clay coun
ty last wook that William Fleming laft
for Camp Dodgo with tho Clay county
contlngont on July 22. Mr. Fleming
was prjlncipal of tho Senior High
School hora laBt yoar and oxpocted to
rotlirn tO tlmt lllltv ills, iwillluv vaar
At tho beginning of tho war ho volun-
i X AM. . . . . .
muruu ior me onicors training uarap
at Fort Snolllng hut was rojocted for
physical rooBbna. Another of out men
toachors. to ba called by tho draft was
Evorot Ward, of Plattamouth, who
taUtlht !n flirt .Tlinlnp Uteri OnVnaT Ikaf
year. .Ife loft with the Juno contingent
irom v;as8 county. Paul Ohman Joined
tho navy tho day school was out and.
Is stationed near Chicago as a chem
ist's assistant. Sunt Tnnt. nnd Mr.
Nowman, tho manual arta tcachortaro
the onlv mnn nnw urtHi Hia
schools. Tho now High Schol principal
may po a man pr a womap.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Smlth,v'9r.,wh9
had been at Colorado Springs and'
stoped ovor to attend tho marrlago of
their son, ,loft for their homd In
HUnols yesterday.
CoHHty Attorney.
I hereby nnnounco myBolf a- candi
date for the orflco of County Attorney
of Lincoln County subject to tho Dcnw
ocratlc voto at tho primaries held
August 20th, 1018.
Judgo and Mrs, J. S. Hoafcland re
turned Sunday from an auto! t'rip"
tho central part of the stato.
feS K' "A Ms House"
Henrik Ibsen's greatest story and staged suc
cess translated into an impellu photoplay. It
is the story of a shattered lovevnd a woman
undeceived. A
Crystal, Thursday and Friday, August 1-2
"Jack and the Bean Stalk"1
90 years of age. Bigger and better than a
Keith Theatre
Wed. - Thurs., July 31-Aug. 1
Two Quart
- Sauce Pan
This Week Only s Regular Price 80c
Here's a Mirro Aluminum Sauce Pan offered for
a short time only at about half tho regular price
to acquaint you with the remarkable quality of
this famous lino of aluminum that reflects good .
housekeeping. '
See these Mirro features: (1), the cool, hollow
steel handle; (2), the sturdy flat-headed rivets
which keep the handle everlasting firm and se
cure; (3), the tightly-rolled sanitary beads; (4),
the twin Hps for added convenience in pouring;
and (5), the famous Mirro finish.
This is tho same celebrated aluminum ware you
see advertised in Tho Saturday Evening Post and
other national publications. Get your saucb pan
now while this limited offer holds.
Sale and Demonstration all this Week
Derryberry & Forbes, Inc.