The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 26, 1918, Image 1

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01 aj
& Morth
eeh lir tribune.
No. 59
Combining together tho departure
of soviiinty Lincoln county boys to
Camp Dodgo and tho encouraging
from the warv front, North
was "wildly enthusiastic last
Never before had there boeni
an outburst of enthusiastic
patriotism for country, never before
such an outpouring of people to do
honor to the boys who began tho first
leg of their Journey to France to as
sist in destroying that power which
lias brought such terrlbleness to the
world. As early as eight o'clock tho
crowd began assembling at tho court
house park where the exercises Tvoro
held; an houtr later when the exercises
opened not loss than 5,000 people wero
present Prior to tho program the band
drum corps, tho seven companies of
A. R. C. canteen workers and tho
Home Guards formed in line and counter-marched
on Dewey street, and upon
breaking ranks tho program opened
London, July 25 Apparently only
supor-human efforts on 'tho part of
draiari reserves, which it would Seem
at this time thoy will bo unablo to put
forth, can save the Crown Prlnctfs
army from capture, annihilation or an
utter rout If tho Allies' advanco on
the three sides of tho big Ipockot in
which tho Hun army is now fighting
for its llfid Is as rapid and the result
as favorable during the next 48 hours
as it has been in tho past two days
tho Germans wil have Buffered one of
tho greatest military defeats in his
tory. The desperate! position Into which
tho' drown Prince's army has been
forced by the allies is" proved by the
ordors to tho Germans in the pocket
to fight to the death. In the meantime
' 4
There is a bdid, bad burglar in town.,
Bo koop your doorB and windows fast
ened and your gun handy. Following)
tho burglary at tho Garman residonco.
Wednesday evening, last night the
Skinnor cleaning shop and tho Best
Laundry wero ontorod. At tho Skinner
shop two coats, two rings, a stick pin
and $15 in cash wore taken. Entrance
was gained by removing the scroeri
from a roar wdow Tho laundry wai'
ontorod by' prying up a read window
and the goods taken therefrom wero
limited to two shirts, so far as known
at this lime.
This morning a colored man was ar
rested ad placed 'in Jail as a bus-pect.
Mrs. C. J. Vroman was a passenger
to Choyonno yotordny. , 4
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Inmnh are
among tho visitors In Cheypnfte.' this
wook. ' J
Miss Theresa TIeIio- returned yes
torday from Omaha Wherb she visited. John H- Skogman, Falson, la.
William P. Johnson, North Platte
Rrtwmrf! Rtnurnrf Vtnajnn
c t t t i . ""
mi a. xi. a. unwucau, who iiau uuen
Friend in tho city will be intorosted
the Gormen reserves are being rushed in knowing that Miss Holon Watts of
forward In an effort to prevent a Conning, la. who frequently visited
catastrophe. jrolatives here, was married July 17th
Dig developments ana impending on In Omaha to Dr. Roy P. Platz a grad-
thn AlHTinMn-Tio-Pliftlmn hnfttn. front. iintn In flvmlntrv from fTrnlfflitnti TTnl.
with selections by the band, M owed j UnofIlclal reporla mako ,t appoar Tho nmrrlag wns kept secret until
by a short address by Mother Mo-)thftt no(. Qnly are thc alHeB rapldiy Dr RaUz recolved the ca to rcport
Graw, of the Sammy Girls, who upon , conUnuing tho iproce38 of oustlng the to Camp Dodge. They have been living
conclusion introduced Mrs Donegan maill from Mara& gaMent but at th(J Fonten.,Uet Mrs Platz vm g0
who sang a solo and responded to an movemont ls foming to trap a to DesMoines while her husband is In
encore, juugo unmes ws presuiu auu( of thft Q6aa&n crown ' training,
B,vp u VWUiu u mu. n " , PrlnCO'B army.
(jUBiiuy luiunuyivu uy nuiuuo bji-
At the conclusion of tho addresse the
Driving In on tho west tho French
aTO now reported tj have reached
Philip LaBorgo of Sherdan Co.,
Mont., Harry Churchill, of Hamilton
county, Neb. Oliver E. Ball, of Rapid
In. nnlnt. within thrert miles of thn 1m- Uia... n y-. ti.,i tt. tt...h - ri..,
Leininger male quartette sang two r J u:nrt, tnwn nf v ' -"P . lotcner, oi uiuo-
selfbtlons and then J E EvaHs nresent P Junction town of Fere- im Cd!o., Norman Osborno, of Logan,
selections and then J. .lvans present ;onTar(enoISf whre e, ht rmds 0ver,utah Car, c McGren of Portland
ed to departing boys tho sweaters and, . .h nrmna mnvo trnna nmi xcuren, or roruanci,
comfort kits tho Sammy Girls made, 'irTe i0' Jn!9' f e8 MoInt Ia-
Tho band, drum corps and Guards re-l'fZZl M f th, ii.J Cnf' f B.Ira?0 S; ?
d followed hv the ' . , . 7 : were "ero yesieraay to no maucteu lor
to tho Sd denot British -trodps seem to have driven inlC Dm, , t, ,ocal boar(l
to tho cftU depot . dlatannn townrd Flames, the
formed in line and
crowd marched
grounds where material -twenty feet x Gorman base for tho district south ' w m7
high had been' tolled for a bon-flre. Bo-v . . , J7 K work. Mrs
fore the huge pile of inflamables was
of tho Aisne.
Chas. Whelan.
M w trt,n-, .diovon nnH frmn tim "unman cigar storo stock has
lighted "Little, Wiflte, Papa's Pot t-atest roporte(1 poaltl(m o thd British beBn ln ,Drocss of removal to the now
(the Crown prince) was placed on tho Rn,,tWat nf nh(,lmB. liM nbout mld. ' quarters In. the Waltomath building.
teak, and as the match was applied the from the of ,pocltot ln whlch This "work will bo completed tonight
muBI0 "-" something llgo a half milCIon of Ger-1" v,u,y xullhu .
playing a dirge marched round the man8 aro xnnssed. jcomo his friends In his new location,
burning mass an the form of the Crown, Eastery ftnd weateriy movements . ' Miss Hazel Houser, who has made
rnncB ?oau " are tending to converge to close the 1 her home with Mr. and Mrs. O. H
viCD fcU.uu.un.o. ...v.. pocket gpeed seems t0 be the watchT,,niOolocke for some 'time, wJlir ,.be
and children marched round the. , fire ward allIe3 all along th 'linet!irrle,July'njimi to Ross T. Shaner
ninnlnn nnrt nllAnflill nj'' ft 1 WW O.VC1
aiB auv. v.0w.i aa attested-by orders on the American of Maxwell. .
nearly beat the heads off their drums, , t , ,,, A
and. the, band played everything from. VaVing leUU to deal" "I'08 May' Wh haS bCn CmM
".Normandy" to "A Hot Tim in the P ' 'eavln aetacnments to ueai wlth the Cressler ,dental office for
Old Town." The greater nart of the W tl he German Bunncrs- . ! several weeks, ill leave in.a few days
crowd remained until tho arrival of Methodist ' Church. ' for tho west to reHlde-
No. 4, on wmclx tne boys made tneiri Sunday school 9:5 a. m. Morning Mrs. Edward Hudson, and baby of
departure and loudly cheered as the worship 11 a. m. Sdbject "Seeing the Mooreflold, spent a few days this week
train pulled out. . Invisible. Epworth League! 7 p. m. visiting Mr. Hudson.
Mrs. Bert Barber loft Wednesday Cure for Worry." A patriotic musical Zl Sm h2n- 2n T
evening for Estes Park, where she will readlnr J gIvenP at this service. "BT IZ P
meet her husband who has been ln;: :
Colorado for several days transacting Mrs. Clevo Willerton and two sons Mrs. Vaunhey Love, and son Gordon
business. Thoy ill spend a week or so left this morning for a visit with who spent a week in Omaha have re
in .the park. friends In Oxford. Neb. turned home.
ummer Dresses will be closed out
The prices have been made so attractive that most
every woman will select several for future wear.
Every one represents an exceptional value and we
expect to dispose of our entire remaining stock in
short order.
LOT 1 '
Ladies Gingliam Dresses in all
All kinds of Voile and White
stylishjnodels only a M 70
few in this lot at HiiO
Ladies Gingham Dresses, fine
high grade goods in beautiful
patterns and the best 07
styles all at one price vl itQ
lWilcox D
Ladies Linen Dresses and high
est grade Voiles bnly 01(1 QQ
a limited number at v lUiUtJ
the new plaid patterns, new
Dresses priced at
$7.48, $4.78, $2.48
and $1.48
Hoys Who Left Lnst Nl(rh(.
David B. Gates, Kearnoy
Roy Lum, Dickons
Philip Musll, DickenB
Charles G. Lawronco, North Platto
Clydo Perkins, Dickons
Franklin Sanford, North Platto
Goorgo Gllbort, Sunol
her brother, whn wna 'III.
'vjsltlng In Kearney for somo time, ro
jturhed home a few days ago.
O. P. Johnson, of Laromlo. come
a fow days ago to visit for a woekj
with his daughter Miss Tyrone Praslor.
Miss Nell Gannon of Victor, Ja., left
tho first of this wook for Denvor aftor
an extended visit at tho M. C. Hayes
A long train of passenger cqulpmont
passed west this morning, indicating
the movemont of troops east in neat
Mrs. Clarence Tollefson and child
ren, of Kearney, camo a fow days ago
to visit hor parents Mr: and Mrs.-Geo.
For Sale 3 year otd Maro colt, har
ness and cart. A good drivor. IUnson
ablo. Joo GInsor, 1204 E. 4th. 2t
,Joo PIzer returned yesterday from
an auto trip to Choyonno where he
witnessed tho Frontier Day stunts for
a day or two. '
Silk hebe In all thc wanted shades
Engineer John T. Strahorn and wife
wijl lpavo next week for Cherokee
Park to spdnd their customary vaca
tion of a month. '
Mrs, Ora Sailor who has boob ln
charge of thc Leader Milllnory will
lcavo the first of nsxt Woek for weatorn
ppints to romain indefinitely. '
Miss Tholma Thompson formerly of
this city who had been in Cozad for
several months was hero yestorday en
route to Alliance to accept a position.
Irs. Clarence. Cumpston, of Stroms-
bjjrgjSpent the past fow days here with
MrX3umpston who loft last tivonTng
for Camp Dodge. Sho accompanied him
to Central City
Mrs. Mary E. Anderson of Dickens
was hero yesterday to bid goodbye to
her adopted son Gorge H. Anderson,
oriei of the boys who was called to
Camp, Dodge. Sho left last evening
for Kansas City.
Oh, Boy!' If .you wont to moot a
pretty girl named Lilly and you found
that Lilly was a cow, wouldn't It get
your goat? That's what happens to
Roy Stewart in tho Western play Tho
Red-haired Cupid at the'Crystall Sat
urday afternoon and evening.
Robert Weeks and father have reu
turnod from northern Colorado whoro
they examined the crops on tho land
Bob owns. Samplo of tho spring wheat
grown on tfie land ls displayed at
Schaigor's cigar storo. It ls certainly
fine looking grain.
At tho Crystal tomorrow afternoon
and evening wKl be shown Tho Rod
haired Cupid a brisk, entertaining,
western story wherein Roy Stewart 1b
nuito a marriage manipulator. A
human intoncst talo of tho better type
with muchness of merriment, quick
ness of shootabllity and pleaslngnoss
of lovatlon. Genuine entertainment.
Thousands oh Strike.
London, July 25 Two hundred
thousand munitions plant workers
went on a strike at noon today, pra
ctically closing down all largo plants
in Coventry and Birmingham.
In Coventry alono sixteen thousand !
walned out whilo at Birmingham slxty
fivo thousand refused to return to tholr
worlo .
Electricians In tho. latter plant aro
included in tho walkouts and ns a
result of these strikes an additional
ono hundred and fifty thousand men
aro affectod and not working today.
William L. Roberts, Maxwolt
Ivan Shlnklct Horshoy
Adam Christ, North Platto
George Mongol, North Platto
Chestor Sipplta, Somerset
John R. Churchill, North Platte
Boryl MoNatton, Gothenburg
James Clark, Gothenburg.
Tom Cormak, Wallaco ,
Ray Burgnor, North Platta
Arthur Hondrlckson, Brady
Henry Paul, Maxwell
Norman J. Harmor, North Platto
Tolmlo Forsborg, Brady
Alfred MoDormott, Farham,
Josoph W. Tlgho, Omaha '
Lorenzo Maconvbor, North "kntto
Earl Dujrko, Brady
Otto B. Llnd, Brady (
Abnor J. Cliessmoro', Sutherland
Oliver Mayflold, Wollfleot '
John F. Schnoffer, Staploton
John Gray, North Platto
Fred Muntor, North Platto.
Goorgo H. Anderson, Dickons
Frank B. Robinson, Maxwdl
Harold E. Fonnor, North Ptatte
Bert S. Hudeon, North Platto
Marlon S. Huffman, Lena
John B. Covey, Curtis
Ferris Scoloy, Wollfleot
Swan Odean, Hershoy
Stuart Anderson, North Plattd
Howard Winters, North Platto
Carl W. Smyth,
Harry D. Carlson, Brady
Stamphor Schmalzriod, North Platto
Elmer E. Kilmer, Arnold '
Forest Eborl?, Klmballl ,
Joo Waggoner, North Platto
Bon. F. Johnson, Brady-
- John F. Dancer, Sutherland
Goorgo Hanson, Noth,' Platto,
Loroy W. HaWgan, North Pltjtto
Uiyan Vi, Slixon, :T31gnolt
Earl H. Whito, Sutherland
Charles H. Smith, North Platto
Claronco W. Cumpston, Stromsburg
Rudolph A. Anderson, Brady
Wilson BoUHsh, Wollfleot
Roland E- Linborg, Gothenburg
William Schick, North Platto
: :o; ;
To mako room for new goods Just
arriving I will closo out a big assort
ment of good looking trimmed hats
for $2.00. VILLA WHITTAKER, At
Blocks' Storo Second Floor.
Miss Margaret Kockon, formorly of
this elty is spending hor vacation with
hor mother Mrs. A. O. Kockcn. Miss
Kockon has beon employed In Omaha
for a number of years.
Miss Mildred Fitzpatrlck, who has
gone to Cheyenno to visit friends and
pltal in Omaha for two years, is vislt-
ng her parents.
Mr, and Mrs. John HUlobrandt have
gono to" Choyonno to visit frionds for
a week and attend the FrontleT cole
Who Wants a Towh Site!
Register E. J. Eaincs. of tho tho
local United Stntos land offlco says:
"Tho President has, by Executive
Ordor restored 200 acres of tho town
slto of Arthur to homestead entry.
Applications can bo filed until August
3 at two o'4!ock p. m., whan a drawing
will bd held at tho U. S. land offlco
of North Platter, to boo who holds tho
lucky numbers. It is In two non-contiguous
tracts, 1C0 and 40 acros. Tho
land la said to bo worth ?12,0tf0j 6no
forty is still withdrawn for cemetery
purposes." "
7 ;:o;;
Herman Divisions Wiped Out.'
t Gorman losses ln the Solssona
Rhelms sector (Aisno-Maro front) euro
coming the heaviest slnco tho Ijcgjn
nlug or tho war, acconUnghto opinion
oxprossod by military exports today.
Thid toll in dead and wounded Is ap
palling'. Tho fury of tho lighting of the Gor
man army was tho entlro Fiftieth.
djlvj!(v16u of tho Gorman army was
wiped out by tho British. Onlya fow
days provious tho Ono Hundred and
Thirty-third Gorman division hatbbeea
cut to ribbons.
Whilo tho British wero taking Mar
faux (between Rholms npd tho Marno
rivor) tho French camo up behind tho
oaelmy and suddenly struck op tho
right It was a spectacular engagement.
Maxwell Tclopost Itoms,.
Bon Bloom will return Sunday to
sorvlco In tho navy aftor a furlough
of about two months, to recuperate.
Word has been received that Lloyd
Roynolds, formorly of this placa and
who enlisted in tho navy has arrived,
in Franco. "
Haying' is on in earnest now and
thousands of tons aro being put up on
tho 1ottoms caBt and west of Maxwell.
Corn Is laid by and out of tho way.
Friday eight mett ffrom Maxwell
Wont out and Bhocked forty acres of
wlytfcvt for T. D. Ogdon. Tho wheat will
run 20 to 25 buhel per acre, and tho li) Whicli thoy sot it on end
was a caution. Good tor thoso MaxwoU
business won. " . ""
Honry-Waltomath and T." M. Cohngon
spdnt a day in Choyonno watching the
boys rldo horses nnd'ropo Btoors.
Shoe Market
75 pairs Ladles and MIbsos Ox
fords, Pumps and Sandals,
Black or Whito fancy and plain
ldather, several styles to
select from, brokon lots, few
pairs of a kind worth up to
$5.00 cholco por 01 II
pair ..'...' p I id
Ladles whito linen Poplin Or
fords, Whito Neolln boIos and
hoels worth $5 for
quick clearance.
-Keith Th
In which
A Riot of Real Fun
George nAT C JL JL D
Welch in JatMnJJJUIlU I lUUIgcU, Jack is
'Sent out to manage his father's store and the
employees all leave in tears. Jack bought
several cars of onions. Also two part comedy
SIiowb Hung in Need.
With tho Americana ln Franco, July
ft Huns ovacuatlng towns and vil
lages intho Solasons-Rhelms front are
thinking of tho homo foT.ks and condi
t ns in their native land. Toll talo ovl
(' cno of tho need which faces tho
( -rnian peonlo Is to bo seen on ttvory
i. ud by tho advancing, allied troops.
Juv somo Instances packagos wore
fr ind, noatly dono up and ready for
s. ling hoimi by parcols post. Tlioy
c talned wheat and othor edibles,
ol'1 shoes and tho llko. Everything that
nrglit bo appreciated by thoso lh Gor
nu ny was removed and takon with
the army or prepared for shipment
via parcolspost. f
TVTfHnrtnl 'hnf rn",i tinf lift nnrrlnil rift
as h,ot ia being destroyed by tho rc
' treating army, nothing of value esca'p-
liVJ t'Ppllcntlon of tho torch
We will open up in pur new location in the
north room of the Waltemath building on
Dewey street
Saturday 9 July 27, 1918
When we will be pleased to have all our
customers and friends call.