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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1918)
iGIT-YAfla)tfJ(Hraa?Y-NETV;S. , John Hahler.Jett last night -for Cay i" .... , -Ttrr: i por, Wyo,, whoro ho la. employed vin 'a mut'ra nt,ni nm i . , ' bank: IIo had been In town for a wcok WATB. CllSirlOS DlllCSbaCh -Will leaVO vlsltlnn hlo nnrrmta t&Jay for MlndeiTto visit relatives. V,sftlns hlB Parcnt8 Vwi.. t, i V , i. . J Mrs. Frank Barber and fS&i'-YZ u fl yt&k iot chlI(lron Ioft Sunday on an -ftUto lrlp Omaha to, take' niddtcal treatment n Wvhmt mi rv,iorn,irt Ti,nv nr. pect to bo absent about two woeks. The Prosbytorian ladlorf- aid society will mcoi Thursday attprnoon In tho church basement and will be enter tained by Mesdamos Curry, Mllton berger and Newton. W. J. Boll, of tho Blrdwood country I Dr. Morrill. Dentist ' Dr. J.'f Twlncm relumed' yesterday morning from n week's visit In Omaha; -Barn for -Sale, Call Black 179. 4Mlss Elizabeth Woir. or Grand Is ,hlnd, is visiting friends In town. . vMr .t vi. Mpfimtt- rninn.i cm.: was to town Saturday makinsr toreDara. day. oventtlg from a visit in Grand la-! n for a "shlng trip into Wyoming i- " t It hml 1h Unit o4n trw1 I Vl. ' it 1UVU 11 VJ till 11 i.Hk Q 14 OIUI bVU land, , Mrs, Vorno Mann anl baby have gone to Denver for an extended visit with, relatives. yestorday In tho Chandler car, airs. Ivlllan, Mrs. Bong, Mn J"ryo, . Mrs. Fotreill, Mrs. WJitlakand Miss El!a 'Corbott. of Wallhefc''' wore hero ,vWm. S. Hart last timo tonight in Saturday to attend tho Red Cross ''Blue Blazes, Bawdon" at the Keith Bpecial meeting. n . , .... Visit ' our optical department and . Miss Madge Flynn, who had been' you wlu bo convinced that wo are employed In Denvof for several -weeks equipped tosglvo you -professional eye lias-returned homo. 1 i Berrlce,--HAnRY DIXON & SON, ,' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leth roturned Optometrists, tho lattor part of last week from a viBit In Wwomlng. .MIrr Hosn!n Knllnhiirv Sunday from a week's visit with rel atlves in Aurora, Neb. Mrs., Louisa peters, who recently moved to Grand Island, spent the week end hero -with relatives. Miss Mary EHas, who had been visiting friends . in Grand Island, re tured homo last evening. Miss Theresa Tlghe, bookkeeper at tho Fori?"'- garage, left Sunday for Omaha 'ro visit her brother. . Mrs, ' Patrick O'Connor, formerly Agnea Hanlon, arrived from Omalha Sunday to visit the homo folks. ' Mrs. E. L. Garrison, of Pocatello, arrived hero Saturday tolsit rela tives lrf this city and Welltreet . Mrs. Clyde Cook will leave tomor row morning; for Cheyenne to attend tho Frontier Days and . visit friends. Jons Jetasen, of Kansas City, arriv ed tho latter part' of last weolt to ac cept a position lri the Ideal Bakery. Margaret and Dorothy, little daugh ters pt Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Gathers, -went to Omaha yesterday to visit rel atives. In making a note of tho Macomber assault case It was stated that George roturnwi Macomber had struck his wife, wherc- as it should havo rcaU that ho assault ed his slster-ln-law, Mrs. Chester Macombor. Wm. St. Germain, a railroad brake man, who does plumbing at odd times, was fined one dollar and xosts irt Justice Sullivan's court Saturday for doing this dlass of work without a Hcenso. The complaint was filed by Plumber ' Inspector Valerius. Miss M. Sieman, steain bathB and Swedish Massage, ladies - and gentle men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bjdg, 80tf Otto Westenfeld, one of tho 1918 rog. souuvwoat or iownr TJonipictlhE'i: now 60x52 foot -bnrn- nt-n cost of aboup! si.Rnn. ? ffl Green fruit is -passing through- In liberal quantities, from 12lf to 140 cars Itov. and Mts. J.' H. Curry cfipeel -ttf cu nai y nt uio jocaj plant. loavo.,noxtjwo6k on an artfo" trip to tlie? Tlu ground at-tho formon.coal yard mountains, wjtth EBtee Parlcfta theife is heUig cleared-preparatory to nn brobabVo obJoctlVe. point. c loading thirty thousand Btorago ties. Phil pdats derfvea today by auto fob Engineers llcnry HRpfpr and Geo. Encampment, "Wyo whero ht nvllj. Monks loft this' morning for tdrnmle fish for trout for a week or so. He; whero they go cn a trout fiahlng trip. ,W,1!,bo,,2lno(l at c,1yenno tomorrow; . Engineer Thos. Qrtoa and son-Tom by his father. ieft today Tor Kimball to harvest a To. those who enjoy flowers a ilrtv "crP of tiillkd on Jand leased by Mr. or walk past the homo of Toni Gutbcr Qfln- i less on west Ffohtlrjeb is well worth' Brakcman Robert Weoks and family while. Caro of flowers and a fine gardS; loft last evening for Pino Bluffs where en occupy Tpm'a recreative .periods. they will Bpcnd somo time on tholr Tho Dfigreo of Honor is requested to hc",C8toa(' meet at tho hall tomorrow afternoon .T'n,n, No- 5 SUndny struck an auto to proceed in a body to tho Mothodist ni Gardner, a station west of Coluih churdh to uttifjnd Uie funoral of the J,u,s- ftnd Instantly killed two men and lato Mrs. M. J. Newman. 4 ... Injured a child. v a m-v,i 4i, . Conductor E. 0'. Cool returned Sun- .ffin lnlLinn lll' fr0m - tWO WCCks' Visit With TCl- qf,winrt n wfl I J wTZ 1 accompanied on tho trirby his daugh Snthorland, as $40000. are t.,r Mrn nifinnli , ICO acros In the Irnct but not quito all wr' , . umno1' In fruit, ' Conductor J. B, Jeter loft yesterday -. morning for Los Angeles, whero ho Tho county commissioners mot in will visit for two weeks. Ho wiJl be session yesterday and will, probably accompanied homo by Mrs. Jeter and continue in session for a week or so, Hplen, who havo been thero for aOtno during which ttlmo they will make time. semi-annual settlements with tho var-( i0n tra,n No 19 ye8terdtty woro loua county officers. , twenty naYal lteutcnanta and ensigns Are you w)jarlng a service p!n. enroute to Pacific Const points. All Every bno who lias a son, relative or these men were seasoned "sea dogs" near friond In tho service Is duty having been in tho merchant marine bound In honor of them to wear a sor- sorvlce before ontering tho navy, vice pin. See dur show window. Twelve mon employed at tho U. P. HARRY DIXON. icing Want quit work yesterday, County Commissioner Koch Is put- which handicaps the work consider- ting tho tractor which was recently ably. Tho men are paid 32 conta .an received for road Work in 1x1b district nour anu lodging ana cimrgea thirty Nottcb to "U'cldcrfC" vWo liavo Just tuiCblvcd" IJhflrM in dustrial eyo shields espcclrt'.ly made ioV tho woldora' work. ' HARRY DIXON & SON; OptombtrlstK Architect Beck 'has' comploted plans for a flow bank building nt'Wailaco in which will bv housed tho now Insti tution organized by F. C. PlolsUctoe-r, M. YE, '-Scott and others of this city. to cnotl ubo. Hm not onlv nsna it. for cents for meals. Wltli tho ovortlnio Istrants, has mado application for en-' grading purposes, but last week at- they, put in nt time and a halt price, iistment as a musician at camp Mor-'iacnea u 10 a iry urag anu greatly uvn.u ivu ui uh u. muum rlt, J. J. Ho mado application for en listment in a band some timo ago, but was a coupto of pounds under weight. Sin.ce. then ho has gained 'tho neces sary pounds. improved tho romls In thn vallov. I - JtOJt- r i .. i , tJ ,4 t Itcccptlon te-Kcy. Cram. Methodist Aid will hold Its regular Tho farowell r6cetion to RoV. B. meeuug noxi inursuay aiternoon, a. Cram, who leftSnndav for Atlnnln. and $17 to $18 for machinery cast iron. Li. Liipsnitz, tno junk Man, Ex;shbrlfjf rinejlln, Carpantor was In Mw&f SairdaWanaIn. talking of crpp$ Vdid' thejtWhet groMwntjio solith epenillng two or fhrpe weeks in Kansas Citv.": returned homo t vesterdav morn ing. part of the county; flg'ired"'on;yahbut fifteen bushels tothe acx4. Ho report ed fivo inches of rain laat,weok'and 'Alias Alice Langford, who had lyjen1?11111 corn coma not ,OOKmore Prcmis- Mrs-. John H. Day returned Satur day, ovoning from Lincoln whoro sho was called by the operation for ap pondicltls submitted to by Iror ,Son Dave. The latter is In a very -serious condition duo to tho seriousness of the operation, coupled with a weak heart, but the. physicians are hopeful that ho will piill 'through. Arthur Tramp lias been notified of lua re-ciassincauon, navmg- oeen J.tT, Keefe returned tho latter part of last week from Atlantic City, where he attended tho annual convention of tho B. P. O. Elks. Mrs. Earl Hamilton Is visiting Mrs. J: S. Slmms and oth6r friends in town, having arrived from Omaha tho latter part of Cast week. jU.y 25th at. tho church parlor. .Sewing Ga., to enter tho service as a chaplain, (for tho Aid and tho Red Cross will be rnii0i 4ntrftv.oT?pinv mmninn- nn nt We aro paying $14 for mixed iron, on hand commencing at 2 p. m New dance sufflclenUy large to well All uuimuora mm viBior uurumuy iiivn- the-Methodist church, about sixty ea . members of tho Homo Guards' were Strayed Airdalo pup, 3 months old. present. Each department of tho Finder return to 315 W. 2d or phono church gave Rev. Cram a farewell Black 979 and recelvo reward. message. Miss Sarah Kelly ropresont- L w , , " ed tho Epworth League, Mrs. Chas. ether or jnot you. havo read Mary McNamara thq foreign, missionary Roborts Rineharts fascinating story an4nt ifa riAi Triia,n iirt "K" you will certainly want to see tho i,omo mlssionB, Mrs. M. E. Scott tho picture uiKen irom mo story, .hub aja clety, Wilson Tout tho Sunday story, it 1s claimed 'by .tha pubLishors Bcnool, Dr. Curry the .local clergy and has had two million readers. It is a Capt shilling thct Home Guards. B. StOry Of modern Settings and one that at, nnvnnfiln whn wan r.lmlrman of thn you do not havo brush up your ancient evening, in .behalf of tho .church, pre history to enjoy, Mildrckl Harris ds sented Rev. Cram with a purse for his Sidney Page makes the character -persona expenditures. In accepting quito as lovable as tho author intend- the farow.ffllB from the BoVoral sources od. Trua Boardman as "K," Albert and tho nurse.' Hov. Cram mado a talk Roscoo as-Dr. Wilson, Zella Caufll as in which ho feelingly expressed hial ui iuuii uuu mi miner u juc uiiiui- appreciation ana spoKe oi wnat no mona aro am eccoient. At tno iieuu hofped to accomplish In his army work. Miko Ryan, who, has been engaged, transferred from class 4 A to class 2B, in .farming, hera for several months,! Arthur, who Is an accomplished musi- lnft vnalerrlnv fnt- ATlnilitm in. nnswor . Claii, Is Strongly Inclined tO, enlist in the July catf of drafted boys. 0111 branch of service and for which theatre Wednesday July 24th and 25th. ::o:: and Thursday, During tho evening . tho national hymns of Enjf.and, Franco and Italy were sung and tho colorB' of those countries carried and displayed! by Money to Loan. Plenty of six per cent money to loan bovs-. The church. 'ras decorated on, farms and,, ranches, Interest payr .-wjth tho national colors. ,and army and ..ii..1 i . 1 1 IV , . ,. 7: .A ii. J,,1w.',Fefter, llio Maxwell druggist)) duties of a musician -is "to remove1 the abh annually with prlvllego of pay j navy pennants was in town yesterday enrputo to.aoad apd wounded from tn battle ings part or nu nt any time. JiOanst cnetam and cak Colorado Snrlncs' and other Colorado , field, rather a Kruesomo and hazar- closed promptly. No delay. points, whero ho will spend a month.' dous task. ' IlUCnANAy & PATTERSON. cake j ladies. At the j oIobq Ice was served by tho Lr. ivioorer Is your Storage Battery a, mystery to Then ' drop in and meet your friend $4 ii ill , ... t You won't needa. spyglass or a Who's Who, to' teil you that he. knows his business. Having been through the school of Batley Experience, he has attained success, and what he knows, HE KNOWS. ' ' ' As official Prest-0-Lite service station -representative in tills territory, he wiirbe , gladto extend you every courtesy. m Midway Motor Co. (Incorporated) Arrosted for Sedition. . "Frank Cumberfeldt, a man about fifty years of aco was arrested near Sutherland Saturday by Sheriff Salis bury on tho charge of sedition artd - lodged In Jail. Tho complaint, which was filed by Georgd Palmer, Btatea that Cumberfeldt said that "ho was I for tlj Kaiser," that "mo and- Mio Kaiser Is one,' and "wo. will kill tho Americans off like dOgB." Ho made ether vile remarks that aro unprint- ,In, tho information thoro were six counts, and when Cumberfeldt was arraigned before Judge WoOdhurst ho acknowledged that ho 6ad said some of the tbjngs accredited to him, but denied making others with' which ho is charged. Cumberfeldt will have a hearing be orn Judge Woodhurst Thursday. Dorothy Dalton in The Tyrant Fear" An absorbing study in Feminine Psychology teeming With Life and Activity 1 Crystal IKS'-, July 25-26 Use Less Sugar When Canning Friit or Vegetables 4 THE Hall Cold Pack , Canner will give you ia complete canning out fit for use in your own home. It enables you to do your complete canning with less sugar and in less time than would ordinarily be required, Tn addition to this, fruit and vegetables canned Uythe cold pack method are less likely to spoil than if canned by any other method. , This Is a year when it is tho natriotlc duty of every housewife to can all tho fruit : and vegetables possible. The Hall Cold Pack Canrtervof- fers you the very best possible means to do your canning with the .least effbrt and the least amount of work, Wo ask every housewife to. como to our. store and boo tho Hall Co,lu Pack Cannor. It is iriado of galvanized steel, will lost practically a., lifetime) and is so slm'plo that It can bo used equally woll by nnm tour or export. Has patontod fruit Jar holdors which mako It Im possible' to burn or scald tKo hands. Has a capacity of from a ono-plnt to twelve ono-quart Jars. Cora- plcto Cannor sells for. only Call and get DlrecUon Booklet for COtiD PACK CANNING. $4.50 W. R. Maloney Company I North Platte, Nebraska' PR. J. S. TWINEM PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, - . , NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. v Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. For your comfortvond aceommodntion the Nurse Brown, Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for I acute and chronic diseases,, A trial will convince you that there islno system of treatment its equal. ' Office phone 183. Residence phone 2813. IHospitol Phone 110. t h'. mum vmmrT7 .,Ttl i.iftftfrmMHUiTiitiiuauaaBaaHBB . lrj . - 11 1 KEARNEY, GRAND ISLAND, NORTH PLATTE, 1 McDonald Bask Building. Coming to ' North Platte Tho Physician on n Chronic Diseases Will Visit Oar City FRIDAY, JULY 26th, And mil lie nt tho Tlmmermun Hotel Until J:30 p. ra. One- day Only. Dr. Potterf of 31QS Garfield, Avo, Kansas City,' Mo., who has troatod thousands of patients with 'electricity and medicine,' will glyo consultation, examination and all medicines nec essary IJItEE. All parties taking ad vantage of this offer aro requested- to Btato to their friends' tho result of tho treatment. Treats DEAFNESS by an entiroly now process. Treats catarrh, throat and lung dlri oaso, oyo and ear, stomach, liver and kidnoys, gravel, rheumatism, paral ysis, opilopsy, Bright'a disease', dis eases of tho bladder, blood, Bkin, goiter, stammering and asthma. Plies and rupture, without dotontlon from business. If you aro improving under your family physician do not take up our valuabl6- timo. T,ho rich and tho poon aro treated allko. Idlors and curiosity sookors will pleaso stay away. Our timo is valuable ftomomber', NOT A PENNY will bo charged for tho medicino required to all thoso taking treatment thfs trip. Offico hour 8 a. m. Positively married ladies must bo accompanied by their, husbands. Ito mombor tho date, "Friday, July 2Cth at tho Tlmmerman Hotol until 1:30 p. m. only, North Platte, Nebraska. WE BOY YOUR HAY GRAIN SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain." Quality guaranteed and SERVICE IKE BEST Leypoldt & Pennington, ' EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. IT'S A LASTING PK0P0SITI0N ' With us that until you are satisftod we don't consider a transaction ended- So you will bo doing us a favor If yqu will tell un of anything you dqn't like about our FEED and our sorvlce. Don't hesitate becauso the matter may seem, a trifling one. We want to correct tho fault bo it little or big. Perfect shervicb is the lm of this establishment , LEYPOLDT '& PENNINGTON phone w. CAM EXCHANGE'' Beforq buying a car be sure to secme as I havexa number of cartf- almost as good as new, which: I will sell at a bargain. These cars, are not old broken down junk, but cars which will' stand close inspection and will save you money. Would be pleased to have you call and see these cars. A. M. BLXTME FIJtST CLASS CAR PAINTING. 818 North Locust St. AUTO LIVERY Since I havo sold tho garage aa tlolRg auto Ilrory from the North Side Bam,., Day or Night Telephone 29. We make a specialty et drhe te calos all over the county at the rate of fire coats per Rile per persesu Those who have sales throB&hwt the eoratry please let me mew. Also a few cars for sale. Night Call Bed 882. Julius Mogensen.