The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 23, 1918, Image 4

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    1 -rr'.r'
Serve Ice Tea in
To.f bo In style, you must scno Iced
(ca in largo capacity glasses with, long
V handled spoons. UuMhcrb' Ismdrq, ,;
tlmn Htylo to recommend, this' scnrlce.,
lltin ttatinllv xvmiftt tnnrn lrtA fim
tluin flic ordinary g'lasiiolSsJ "tlicse , f
deep glasses Iiold tlic right' iuaiillly.f. s
Tha long spoons ninko Jtcasy to
rtucli tho Nugar nt the, hottom of the .
' gtasH and cause It to Vs'sdit'e.
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big Ring.
No btda for grading' and hauling
gravol on tho federal aid road between
North Platto and Sutherland wero fil
ed last Friday. Ths bid oMho .Central
Iowa, Conient Co. was accepted for
tha culvorts needed on tho rood.
A nnntmnt nnt havlnir hnon nwJnrfl-
jed, tho county commissioners have
been authorized to secure a contrac
tor nnd have tho work porformed pro thtfy can make a contract at a
rfcl'ca not exceeding thd estimate
made by the state engineer. Or If tile
county bo desires It can do tho work
with Its own grading outfit it the
work can bo dona at tho engineer's
Tho. failure to reotflve bids Is not
likely to long delay work on tho road, I
as tho commissioners are anxious toj
havo tho work none aa Boon as possible
Graduate Oeab'sl
i' Office over tha McDonald
Stata Bank.
Miss Efflo Christ and mother
tumo(Li.tnK latter iparfc of last week
frowypprAtracted visit with relatives
In Pennsylvania. - '
Pdreale :YcarJJnB bull, good grade
Hereford, 'it. ;B.' Marshall. Phono
$ Mrs. Mary Thornburg returned Fri
day night from a visit at Golden, CoC.
Mrs. J, C. Reading, Bon and daughter
loft Saturday for a visit In San Francisco.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Store. tl
Mrs. Dan Valerius loft Saturday
morning for a visit with friends In
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Harrison loft
yoBtorday for a visit with friends in
Mrs. J. J. DoRolf and son left yes
terday for Grand Island p remain for
sovoral days.
W.. 1 Cary, of Omaha,, visited
friends and transacted business in
town Saturday. ,
For, Farm Loans boo .Gone Crook,
Roeta -west of. Vlonna Cafo.
. - - . 1 .
NelB nasmuBBon, . and two children
returned Sunday from ntrlp to Kansas
City and Donvor.
A card received-Friday afternoon
from Wm, (Crook announced his safo
arrival nvnrflAttn.
' Miss Elizabeth Weir, of Grand, Ia-f
land, arrived , Friday to spend a few
days with friends. '
MrsiA'Tomo Ogaml, a Japanoso.wp
maiflRaK6l thirty-four, died'aa local
hospltarf. Friday. Funeral serviced
wore", held, at tho Episcopal church
Sumitoy afternoon.
Mrti McMurray and motbof,
of Omaha, oro visiting friends In toWn
while enrouto homo from a western
trip. Mrs. McMurray was a, former
resident ot North Platto.
I wilr . Johnson, who is ono o: the
boys who will leave for Camp Dodge
Thursday, was tho guest of honor at a
party given at tho homo of Mrs. Wm.
Campbell Thursday evening, pl
For Sale Houso and lot 8 of block
3G, original town&lto of No. Platte,
House In good' condition. Call nt 100G
No.' Pino. 2
P. A. Whito and Joo FlUlon return
ed Sunday ovonlng from a two weeks'
auto tour In Colorado, visiting Don
vor Colorado Springs, Estes Park and
making tho drlvo up Plko'a Peak.
. A Red Cross social will bo hold at
tho Nichols school! houso next Thurs
day ovetiing, July 25th, at wiucn sup
bor will bo served. Tho public 1b In
vited. Tho proceeds, will go to tho Red
" For"Salo I .good mulo colt, coming
2 yoars old. Mrs. M. Sceso, Motor Rt
A. North PlattO. 2
. RoV. Soundy. nastor of the Preaby.
torian. church, at Gothenburg, known
to, many, In North Platto, has! enllBted
InHlto Y. M. G. A. -war work and has
boon ordered to roppft at Estes Park
next Thursday.
'v., ... ( i r . . J i .. . .1 i 1
J.' -ek from a vlslf' AV cSBeS
rnrlor. McDonald Dank Bldff.
a V m
with relatives In Choyanno.
Tlicodoro Lowo returned ' Sunday
from Rawtins whoro ho liad been visit" I
ingjla datfghtor Mrs. Parker,
. Cathorlno Foster, who had been
visiting, rolatlves in. town, roturnod
Sunday to her homo in Ontaha.
Mrs. F. G. Hoxio and daughter
Goorgja loft Sunday for ponvor whore
thy will vlalfi for a Week or moro.
For quick action aim satisfactory
aale list year land vrltti Thocleek. tf
,MIbb Cathorlno Feathors, "who had
b'eeni visiting her slater Mrs. E.' G.
Wpston, roturncid to Ogalalla Satur
day. Franco-American toilet articles tiro
tho boat. For sale at tho Coatos Boauty
Parlor. McDonald Bank Building.
Mr., and Mrs. E. R. Goodman and Bon
John plan to leave Friday on an auto
trip to Eatea Park any other Colorado
"Wrflter--O'Connor loft Sunday for
New York to purchaao goods for his
store. He will be absent about two
Mrs. John Murray received a card
yesterday announcing tho safo arrival
of her brothor, Ray Johnson. In Franco.
IJo joined at (PL Crook a year ago,
was at Doming several months and
thence, to Franco. Iftfrshey Times.
Roy GunBoCly succeeds Frank Mc
Goyorn as local agent for tho Stan
dard OiLCo. Mr McGovorn reaignod in
order to glvo his full time to tho now
plcuro Bhow which will open about
August 1st In tho McCaho building.
Mr. Gunsolly fornterly travoled tor
tho Etlngo Candy Co.
' For Sale Two houses and two lota.
Also two used automobiles on Al
condition at a bargain. Soo Julius
Hahlor. 4Gtf
Friday ovonlng tho Brady Homo
Guardavo a Special entortainmdnt
and reception to tho boys -of that
section, -who loavo Thursday for Camp
Dodgo. Picture fllmB wero Bhown,
musical .and reading numbers given
and C. M. Trotter niado a patriotic
aUdresskThQ hall, -waa packod to tho
doors, ftil
Ford One-Ton Truck
Every farmer at'tliU time of the year' has under
consideration the way he can mbst cheaply bring
his gram, hogs, etc., to market return with coul
for the Winter, flour, feed, lumber and bran.
The Ford Worm Drive Truck is tho one that is
solving the problem, cost of up?kep unusually low
and the greatest service the Truck, world knows
Priced at North Platte $659.32
Your order must be placed at once to insure delivery
Phone 34 Corner 4th and Dewey
Pays IUg Prlco for ChlckeiiH. i
jonn. 'wjernooifsi appetite icr
pralrio chickens grow bo Btrong Fri
day that it impelled him to go out
hunting for them. Ho aucceeded In
klllig four Jn a field southwest of
towir, and might havo gotten, a few
more had not Game Warden Jones
swooped down upon him 11'nd found tho
birdB in his possesion. John was in
clined to consider tho game warden
too Inquisitive ,and they had words
that almost led to an altercation. A
warrant waa Issued for John charg
ing him with killing birds out of c&8-
on and resisting an officer. Saturday
ho pleaded guilty to killing chickens,
paid $20 as a penalty and $4.35 costs
and tho charge of resisting nn, officer
Was dismissed.
Temporary Cessation of Work.
Ordors havo been received by the
local Red Cross chapter to suspend
work for a period after tho present
supplies on hand aro used. Tills order
ia xnado by tho reason of tho great
scarcity of both, cotton and wool, the
sufoply of which 1b expected to be
greater after September first. Tho
scarcity of wool and cotton has forced
tho government to employ hundreds
of womon to repair tho 'garments of
sofldlorB. GarmontB that formerly were
discarded when needing repairs arc
now saved and Bent to tho, repair
shops. "
It 1b Understood that after Septem
ber first tho Red Cross work will be
resumed with Increased vigor.
.:o:: ' ., .
Uork-IVyinnn Wedding.
Miss Calla Rork and Lester Wyman
both of this city, wero united in mar
lrago last Thursday at tiro" homo of
tho brido, Rev. B. A. Cram officiat
ing. Houso decorations wero in -pink
and whito and tho bride s boquet was
of pink roso's. Many beautiful gifts
woro received. Following the ceremony
lunch waf) served and then Mr. and
Mrs". Wynmn. left In their car for
Donvor, whero they will Bpend a Week
and thencei to Colorado, Springs to
visit Mrs. Hazef Holden, ovsistor1 of
tho brido. They will thon go to Pueblo
to visit a fllster of Mr. wyman. -Re
turning tb Colorado -Springs they VW
mako that city their- nomo. at
Republican County Confront Jon..,
To all Republicans of Lincoln
county, Nebraska:
You aro herobv notified that on the
25th' day of July, 1918 at two o'clock
p. m., tlioro will bo a Republican mass
meeting in tho District Court Room
nt the Court Houso in Lincoln county,
NebraBka, Tho purpose of said Con
vention will bo to elect delegates to
tho State Convontion at Lincoln. Ntv
liraska, July 30Ut, 1018 at ono o'clock
p. m., and other business that may
como boforo the convention. All
Republicans aro urged to attend.
G. S. THOMPSON, Chairman.
: s:o::
Colored Boys to Camp.
Clerk Allen, of tho registration
board, was notified yesterday to get
ready to send' to a training camp about
August first tho colorcVl registrants
in Lincoln county. There aro seven
of theso colored men In tho county
who aro dligible to shipment to camp.
JTo "Delivery of Meat.
Elsowhoro tho four moat markets of
tho city servo notlco on tho public
that on and after Aucust first they
will not mako deliveries of moat This
innovation will no doubt result In
considerable crlticlsmv but it is tho
public that is responsible for tho new
Tlie abuso of tho dollvery system
has bo increased tho number of de
liveries that In theso days when there
is a constantly increaslnir shortnere
of labor it la impoaiblo to socuro men
and boys for tho work.
When a woman nhonea in n
inarkct to send up flvo conta worth
of liver for hor cat, or tho man phonisfe
ror ton cents worth of meat for his
dog, and that man or woman lives any-
wnoro irom oignt to sixteen blocks
from tho market, thero surges In the
Droast ot thd market man a fooltnc
that ho cant oxpross in words. The
Tjrlbuno man, who nosos around any
whoro and overvwhoro nnd loanm lnta
ot things !io don't print, is readv to
swqar that thero is nothing that tho
poopio or North Platto abuse as much
as thoy do the merchants' delivery
Bystom, and ho man-els that tho ero-
cer and tho meat market man is ovor
auio to Bummoa a suiilo to his face
in otner words what thoy have to con
tend with wotf.d makp a 100 per cent
groucn. oui or uio awootest dlsposl
tlonod nialo or femalo In North Platto,
There aro Borne podplo In town who
can remember whon thero woro no free
nouvonos, and people woro Just a
happy, contented and lived as won n:
thoy do in these dayB whon tho cat's
and Uio dog's meat inuBt be delivered.
u .you uon't uko tho Idea of carry:
ltfg homo your meat, do without it
iwo an eat moro meat tlian wo
should) and put tho amount you save
in Lduorty bonds tr war savings
, Card of Thnnks,
wo uosiro to thank our boloved
friends and neighbors for their sym
pathy and kindness, also for tho floral
offorlnga at tho dcatli nf our ltninv.xi
daughtor and aUbesr Ellrzo Jonnlo Mae
Public Demonstration
G. M. G. Tractor
12-25 Horse Power Pulling Three Plows
At the Pizer & Halligan Farm, Formerly the
Turpie Ranch S miles southeast of town.
Tuesday i'Mrtfc Mj 23-24
It will pay anyone needing a Tractor to he present
Had Its Origin In Hoax Which Is Un.
derstood to Have Had Its Chicago.
Andrew D. White gives some of the
particulars of tho "Cardiff Giant" In
a book entitled "The True Story of a
Remarkable Deception." The Cardiff
glnnt was the huge stone image of a
mnnvwhich Farmer Newell of Cardiff,.
N. Y claimed to have unearthed' while
digging a well In the autumn of 1809.
After It had been sold to a Joint-stock
conlpnny formed to exploit tlie wonder
for show purposes, Bnrnuui tried to
buy it or his own museum, but his of
fer vas, declined. The showman then
had an Imitation made, with the result
tliat two Cardiff giants were on exhi
bition nt the snmo time, tho dupllcnte
being shown to the public as "the only
nnd original." Doctor White attributes,
the exposure of the fake to Professor
Marsh of Yule; in nnother account it
was Dr. John V. Boynton of Syracuse,
N.'Y., vihof laid, bare the fraud. Tho
original Cardiff giant was carved or
chiseled out ot a gypsum block In n
stoneyard In Chicago and was trans
ported thence by rail and wagon to
Cardiff. According to Doctor White,
scientists as well as Clergymen wero
much Impressed "with tho colossal fig
ure, Dr. .Tnnies Hall, 'state geologist,
issuing a, statement in which he de-
scribed tho giant as "the most remark
nblo object brought to light in this
country"- nnd as "deserving tho atten
tion of archaeologists."
Amid all tho chaos ofthe Italian re
treat one" kept on meeting utterly In
concruous fluures. for nlongsido of
others road-worn, shabby a"nd dirty, to
be clean and well dressed is to do
Amtd.thl.T'multltude of haggard, un
washed, unshaven, dead beitt males,
I noticed two Italian ladles treading
delicately over tho rough ballast o
thq rnllway track. They had naturally
brought with them in that flight tho
lnos valuable of their possessions,
which were of a kind conveniently car
ried on their persons. Against this
gnfy background of mud and rubbish
and a disbanded army their two fig
ures glittered with a brilliance that
would have been conspicuous In tho
It no de In Palx,
Heavy sable fUrs and muffs almost
bowed their shoulders ; cach finger had
two or three rings that Hashed in tho
light; round, their necks were gold
chains huug with pendants, and yet
Instead of the air of self-sntisfled os
tcntntlou that might "Wtell have gono
with a display so lavish, thoy were only
two pathetically Jlttlo. frightened," per
plexed faces, and an uncertain gait
that did not promise much further
progress along thnt nnkle-wrcnchlng
railway line. Q. Ward Price in tho
Century Magazine.
Cavlte Flashes Time Over Pacific
Since October 1 the radio station at
Cavlte, co-operating with tho Philip
pine bureau of posts and tho Manila
observatory, has been sending the tlmo
Blgnnls of tho 120th' meridian oast, of
Greenwich al 11 a. m. nud 10 p. m.
every day, says Science.
For the purpose of sending time sig
nals, tho transmitting clock of tho Mn
nlla observatory la connected with the
Cavlte wireless station through the bu
roau of posts, Manila observatory tlmo
signals begin at 10:55 a. m. and 0:55
p. in., standard tlmo of the 120th me
ridian cast of Greenwich, and continue,
jfor flvo minutes. During this intorval
every tick of the clock la transmitted,
excQpt the 28th, 20th, B4th 55th, 50th,
67th, 58th and 50th of each mlnuto,
Tho Bltuatlon of Manila In tho Pa
cjflc makes this ao'vlce of tho groati&t
Importance to the Mercantile and naval
fleets thatjrtjr VpoVthat oqean.
jsy ma '
10n W Anlmjls E6ibltcd
50 "CLOWNS" 50
Trained '
Tiivr -
Loops the Loop
CoLOoWs $10,000 Challenoc Daftcmg Horses rBSnS?
Savages Company of Worlds Famous
Wednesday OA
j July . . . .
North Platte
Tomorrow Is Clrcns Day.
Tho Great Yankee Robinson Shows
will reach hero early In tho morning,
at eleven o'd'.ock the mile long parade
will begin to traverse! tho principal
down town Btreets, and immediately
on its return to tho allow groundB sev
eral froo acts will be given, and the
opening o tho annex departments,
sldp ahows and tho now war museum.
When tho big door open, the cop
cert band will render a pleasing -program,
and then the show Is on.
Much iias been promised, and the
management having a good reputa
tion ito sustain, wlU seo the peoplewaro
not disappointed.
Tho clrouls Btreet prado -will leave
tho show grounds at 11 'vu m. rain or
Drivers and Teamsters aro caution
ed to havo secure control ot their
Motor car Jpartloa "will And good
sight-seeing space In tho sldo streets.
If tho weather Is inclement, the
tents aro wuter proof.
Doors aro open at 1 and 7 p, ni.
Performance begins at 2 and S pv m.
Tho Concert band will play for one
hour before each exhibition.
Two tporformances are given daily,
rain or sliino.
To prevent orrcrs or arguments havo
yourrdxact change ready. .
Ample pollco protection will prevent
any disorder.
Tho show carries Its own detectives
' n '
For Servico KLrst and Guarantee
Work,, call North Platto Plumbing and
Heating Col,. Phonp '469, 10G, East
Sixth street. i
:;o:: .
If your appetlto ia poor and. your
stomach and bowels out of order the
r,oracdy you need is. Prickly Aoh Bit
tors. It cleanses the system of bilious
impurities, sharpens tho appetlto and
makes you feel lino. Price fl.25 per
bottle Gumero-Dent Drug. Co. Special
Tho navy department announced
Sunday that throo nteai aro know to bo
dead,' forty-seven missing and twelve
aro unaccounted for as tho resuTt of"
tho sinking of the United .States cruis
er San Diego last Friday off tho Lang
Island coaat ' Thq men unaccounted
for are believed to have been on 'leave.
Mako yonr family comfortable,
rot only tills Sammer Hint lw
any Summors.. Buy an Elec
tric Fan. BItWo tho prlco by
tho years they last
North Platte light
& Power Co. '