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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1918)
3lorth ..A.M.. dm ui n c. : -rA A ATA . i I It'l'l'lVl' - NORTH PLATTE, NE&., JULY 23, 19)8. THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. - No. ' 58 WL BREAKOUT 800 ACRES ON 1 & H. RANCH.! . , .,,.., ,,,. ,,' Bight hundred l acres o ladd I on tho Plzor and Ilalllgan ranch six miles SffSlf r Td IdS winter" this fctamer and seeded to winter, concluslon yesterday. Tho iwork or necqssary tractors and plows can bo socnreu. , The ?ln"JL2? d.diU.0Lr5: "nueUI":u.:". i""B. J"L.1"?.1 SSS soldiers andtUe SI?!' ai1(i C.!OMO Ul pro": ... . . n. ,u.L"r4 "'7; t .ii i r- ,ui, fall is exodllont farm land, and with from 800 acres wlCl materially In-, croaso mo toxai proaucuon oi wncm In the county. ::o: i i v - Agrccmont. . i X'nrfV. TJInttn Mnl.r Tnlv 1 Q 1 01 S We tho -undersigned hereby mtor into iflie i)otlowlng agreement, thttt wnoreas, wo anu eacn or us. aro ongag (1 to tho running, operating and con diflctlng mieiat markets in Uie city of North Platto, Nebraska, and as such butchers and proprietors of said meat markets have been and aro running and conducting a delivery In connec tion with our said business, and Whereas tho great demand ior help in" hereby agreo by and between our selves to discontinue the said delivery of any and all meats and merchandise sold or dispo'sed of in our places oM business (as so aforesaid In said city and wo and each of us obligates our solves each to tio other In the-penal sum of Ono Hundred Dollars as liqui dated damagos for the faithfUl ipor !formanco of tlils agieemejitj This agreement, to bo in full force and ef fect FROM and. after tlio first day of Attgust 1918 to 'August the first 1919. FRED MARTI, BRODBEOK & SON. ' I. L. STEBBINS, ' GEO. P. SMITH. -'.lot; ' For Sale. N ; 1120. acres of geod Sandhill" gracing land,. Iprice" $8,00 per acre. -Also 240 acres" almost Valley land adjoining above 'tract, priced at ?10.00 per acre. These ''tracts aro only J 1 miles from North Platte and can give terms on each. ' MILTOXBERGER & LEINlfNGER, ,. "ju-. .AKentSv '.'!2t Don't Miss This Photoplay '"Stranded in Arcady" With MRS. VERNON CASTLE The best. knovn The best dressed Woman irt the World 1 T'H rvstai iiieaire mf itfht at the SV are offering 1 Children's Summer Dresses Voile Dresses from one of the very best factories in this country and the style and , workmanship cannot be surpassed. We have priced them so they will close out quickly at $1.48 $1.98, S2.4& $2.98, $3.98 and S4.98 These Dresses are made from nice Voiles and better styles of Ginghams with touches of hand work We also offer two lots of Middy Blouses to fit Children from 8 to 14 years of age at ....... B ;' . i Wilcox Department Store. I SCOTT REYNOLDS BUYS THE MYLANDER RANCH FOR 70,000. Ono of tho largest real estate deals fl reContly- wbag con8UramiUod the ,. . o.t lurclS 1400 Ac otThe c, - M,fl 6h fl e9 nd floll j makln BaJo Wr " r" ' r"rAr h. t sale Includes the tract on -which, aro tocated tho buildings and the grove. The land adjoins on the west tho rauch "5 ' uuu vi buu uu)L kuiiuiai luuiA ui&u cattle ranches in this section of IKe.; 'state. A large portion of tho tract purcnaseq lsinno, vauey iarm jana, ..1.,,,.. .. thA . ' flttnnrnil AVI Hi tnillnn- TTntru- JCTarl Lunkwitz. of tho Blrdwood, onntrv. wim iins his intitnir in ronrt 1 V'.x.Dv. ...... ciiKlt regularly, was arraigned before Tifflon Wnnfllnirct vnatnn1ni ni tlin "chargo of killing eight hogs belonging l to his neighbor. Lyman Reed. Lunk- wltz pleaded mot guilty and was ptac-' nwlor of ? flflft Tor n l.onrlnrr pext Friday. Ho furnished bond and was allowtrtl his liberty. :;o:: Notice; On account of so many com it bccome& necessary for a strict en-, forcemeht of the stato law regarding ! the Use of cut-outs aa automohlles . 1 - ' All n . -j and motorcycles are notified that' the uso of cut-outs ' In tho city will re- sult m arrests . - :o: : ..,.., 1 v About fifty inombors of the Hbme Guards drilled with rifles last venT ins and made a very good showing. Captain Shilling announced that the committee, appof'nted to c'.oct uni forms WQuld reroort this week ' and that an ordw would be placed immedfc atoly thereafter. Mrs, C. JPas8 writes fom Washing- ton under date of Thursday that Mr. Pass would be releas-d from the Has- pltal' the following day. While on their wedding ;tri'p to Washington Mr.' Pass submlttedi to an operation for throat trouble. Miss Edwlna Keliher, of Chicago, Is visiting relatives, having arrived- from eiticaeo Sunday. " ' . , I, A- Gilbert and family wor,e victors in 'finwiii f3nndnv. tnaWne, 'ihm l.rln hv .auto..: .j&ii6t&taiim- .?gueatlsakHumhtatc.fe; i -4- TONIGHT AT time vou will need them we a fine assortment F013IER NORTH PLATTE JUAN IS KILLED IN OKLAHOMA. A tologruni received Sunday by Mrs. Viii. Coloman from Miiskogeo, Okla., announced that her son Sam J .Smith bad boon killed in tho. oil fields by, tho explosion of a bollor. Mrs. Coloman., accompanied by hor daughtor, Mrst Chos. Vornon, 16ft for Muskogtb Sun- ru "' Tlie deceased was well known in North Plalto, having boon engaged na a plumber whilo a tesldent of tho city, hi H.V I. nfr wn ; a McGa'when it was erected,! in won r in iiirmnnma n rn in n ni sidinc thcro. . . o::- Drew n Gnu, Fined $15. ' George Razes, proprietor of the Dowoy street shoo shining parlor, was une iE Qnu cosl8 ,ul coumy court .yesterday for assaulting H. L. Ponh- Mgton. Tho latter wetot In the Itoze? SHOP anU UPDralUeU U10 UrCOICS CHJ- ployed there for not talking English u..iuu u 0"1" anSer and going into an. adpoiuing room CaillO OUt With a 45- automatic revolvor which hej threatened to uso on Tonnlngton. In court Rases pleaded guilty and not omy pam inojine ana cobm, mit is d6 wllllo llvltf ,u , t . Plaints'e301, rJLVlPl, a ..yrbliminary IvmrK ...... . - . . 1 i 1 'was srtbieot to confiscation- by, the ... 1. - T 1.1 g - .. a rfli,S 7 Thhvr n, i, ,i. " V..-;:; waM tonl u Bt ft. , t . lbck tm ico)sb; coByeniion to no noiu Maurs tlav. .Tulx Iffith. and for tli tranaaGtlon couaU: coovontlon to b hold Thurs" I'm luou vi t. vj i. uv. 1. 1 lit. uuiumiv rn ui j of 8Uch htislnawa as may come before the dauou E. S. DAVIS. 'Precinct. Commlttpmain. . ) . ' iilrs. Nowiuiyi Dins at Jiilcsburg, Mrs. M. J. Newton, for' many yeVrs a resident ot North Platto, but who for several -years had made her homo at Julesburg, died Sunday. The remains w2 bo -brought to this city tomorrow j morning' arid funeral services hold at Ufo Methodist "church tomorrow after- . noon. ' 1:0: ! rmT.i fA i,a. i,,. i lift i ;iiT nni i f iHiiinR wni lmn n Knnin. t of ' llt? m; Miss'. Helen Burns. 6 arrived tho latter Mrs. W. II. Munger will entertain , una sui?ruuuii -uuiupniutMitury iu invts, part or last wee. Ing,,ales last week : All Sec. 12 T 14 j J With our lonse grinding plant wo Wanted a girl for general house-'are able to offer ono day service on work. App;y to Mrs. J. S. Slmms, 403 j broken lense or now. HARRY DIX south Sycampro. jON & SON, Optometrists. , Work on the new Hawley & McGov-1 Houselvold furniture for sal Mrs. ern picture .show is being rushed and Maior Walker. 118 W .id airnnt. J .. .1 I i.1 HHn A.. i 1 . ...Ill 1. . . .1 . . liiuicuLiuua uiu uiul ik win uu icuuy to be opened some tinna next week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Harboldt leave by auto Wednesday on a trip to Kansas City whore they will visit friends. Mr. Harboldt Is one of tlia solicitors for the Fidelity in3uranco company. rice of Children's c and 79c NOMINATION FILINGS FOR OFFICES CLOSE SATURDAY. Saturday was tho last day for nomi-l nation nungs ror political oKlcos, and following names will, appoar on tho ballot at tho ririmarr election to l)o hold August 20th lot county of- freest 4 ' '.. Roijuhllfan County Clork A. S. Jtillbn, Lucille Lindonmoyor. County TMnsuror S. M Soudor. County Sheriff A. J, Salisbury. County Commissioner, Second Dls- trlet E. H. Springer. County Surveyor Paul G. Meyer. Attorney-si. T. Keefo. 1?Rcprescntn1ivo G8th District E.. S avis. Lincoln Carpenter, Police MnirtRtrntn T T. "ATlUrfti. bwgor. 4 Domocrnt. '. I Shnrirt Cyrus Russoll. JCoiflnty Attomoy John "G rant, Losllo BAsklns. I Commissioner Second! District Jhmos W. Rose, vi Non-ParllSnn: -auouniy juugc w. H. C. WoOdhurst. Cninitv supt.- Allccrf GantL :o: : Mexican Bound Ovr. iTIio Mexican who cut and slashed UX Zu' V,V", "u:,"""'7" " IIILU U, IVILILU klL'VUllll WIH1KS " " TIWUUHMIPI. J UD Ivl Kill V and was bound ovwr to district court uio sum or $a,uuu. iNot Doing nblo 10 Bururo oonu .110 was romanueu ft"-. .Ht8'. whq has barn in aj cni capital slnco tho affray occur- . was able to appoar in court and , Passes Awny Lust Nlghl. -' Mra. Nemnnh. mother of E. F. See' bareer. bassod away last nieht at tffo nuvancea inceu ago .or oiguty-slx. The- fla, uwwvu KUUUItiU , 1UJUIIUH "III' U XHllJ uu buuojoui .injuries m a lan 1 njurBuuy morning ot mBt .weeic anu th8 hasbfined . tho end. For twonty fojr cr more hours preceding hor pass ing away Mrs. Nowman nan boon un conscious. . Funeni: sbrvices will bo hold at tho Muse at ono o'clock todayr and -tho Wiafhs taken to Sigournovv Iowa, on 2 this ,aftornoon-for Intermont , ::o:: L.1" - w. faizemoro and daughtor ' j-. - . 1 R. 29 to Fred R. Finch,' Maxwell NW& oup. jia, X il K. ;u to W A. Chamber ' Shorter, bf Chicago, loft yesterday for Penver cp a. visit. Thoy will return via Choyenno and spend a day at tho Frontier Days celebration. Mrs, R M. Gathers and mother Mrs. Mrs. C. R. Mcrey ontortained ln favor of Miss Ruth Streitz and her friend, Miss Helen Burns, of Lincoln, yesterday afternoon. A lot of wash satin waists aro being solid at THE LEADER MERCTcO., at $3.65, some worth up to $8.50, most all sizes. t Miss Dulclo Frater, who made ap plication to outer, tho division of nurses, has been accepted and leaves todayv for Camp Dodge to enter tho servlco.v W. R. Maloney loft, last evening for Lincoln where heSvi'll attend fl. meeting of the state board of health. From Lincoln he will go to Chicago to transact business for "a fow days. Groat reductions on wash skirts at THE LEADER MERC. CO. Ono lot at $11Kr up to $4.00 values. Another lot at $3.45 worth n:p to $7.00. At these prices thoy -will go quickly. Word has been recelvd in town an nouncing the death of Mrs. Florence Love at Fort Collins, Col., on Sunduy. Mrs. Lovo was thw wife of tho Into Col. David Lovo and a sister of Geo. and James Shoup of Sutherland. I Mrs. t-T TV Ttnnn nnrl nnn. ivhn hml boon visiting Mrs. Adda Turple, re turned to their home in Omaha this morning. Mrs. Raco is a daughtor of IMr. and Mrs. A. S. Brown who woro (residents of North Platto twonty-flvo i years ago. J A lot of womon and misses wash ; drosses in ginghams, voiles, -organdies and other material Odds and ends -of this season's soiling aro now hoing i old at Just one-half tho start of tho . reason prlco. Saio now on nt THE I EADER MERC, CO. J A woman dressed In Jumper anil oralis, accompanied by a small child, vo into tho depot this morning, tho o having stcCon .their- way from , i oytclnno to this city on a freight t Tho woman said sho liad been v rklng for tho Union Paclrfc In ( ''vnnnn Imf Vinrl.hnnn rofnanil n nnau! . J J 1 . V ......... u v.. . .1. ..... V. '...l.f l' U1UUUU. -i" ' Wm a thirty .days visit In Hershey f Lincoln, loathe and OitalrtHn. Kit, Cement SItl own lie llldn r,io Board of Education will recolvo hi'5! up to tho hour of nooa August Ct . 1.918, for tho material and con struction of a comont sidewalk, ac r i'ng to tho specifications adopted by )he City of North Platto .upon tho north side of Block 144, Franklin School, also tho construction of threo cement water drains 9 Inches wldo from school building to street. Meas urements may bo liad from City En gineer. A F STREITZ, Socretary. GENERAL RED CROSS WORK TOCLOSE UNTIL SEPT. 1st, Mrs. F. Vy Rlnokor, director of work or tho Rod Cross chapter hands Tho Trlbuno tho following for publication: "On account of the-Bnamltv nf mn torials and shipping conditions tho .Contral Division has commanded tho R'.,tl Croas not to purchaso any moro materials In tho open market, sMli as ,gauzo, yarn or matorlal foi' garments. i Futuro work -vvllt bo assigned to tho Chapter by quota and tho material will bo sent direct from tho Cqntfal Dlvls- Ion. "Wc havo decided to closo tho gen eral work room next Saturday until tho first of September; also th, North SIdo work room. "Tho knitting room wilt bo opon Tuesdays and Saturdays from two un til flvo o'clock. "Tho surgical dressing room In the fodoral building will 1io opon after noons on- Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays and In tho Washington school Tuesdays and Thursdays until our quota Is complotod. "Tho military rollef commlttoo will bft in tho surgical drying room Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to recolvo and glvo work to brnnehps and nivtxlllarlos." ,: ;o: ! NES ABOUT THE BOYS 'WHO ARE IN SERYfCE. Ezra Dowhowor, who "spent last wook jvltlrtho home folks, returned to n.. ... ta .1 ci a .. - 0 viuuj, uuuijU'Ouimuj' nuuriiouii, Limit. Cody Bortl arrived from'Cnmp Cody Friday to visit his wife -and child for a fow days. " ,Homor and Dolbort Poaso. who had rvoiterSL-lVcZ lot,yoetorday for, Camp Cody. . A card received SnnHnv 1iv Utr. nml Mra P. M. Surenepn announced-tho safe amval oversoas 6f their son Harvey, A card rocoiVcd Sunday announced the safe arrival la Franco of Reginald W. Hanson a former member of Com pany E., - A card received by Mr. and Mrs. E. Wf . Croas Sunday annouil.cqd ,th6 aafo arrival . overseas o tlioir sonLlout. Merrill Cross. " , A card rqcolved In town Saturday announced tho arrival toverseap of Calvin Duckwortli, who wont to Camp Cody with Co. E last fnM. iA card rocelred yostord.ay Afternoon SSfaTSyimS leas than nlnotydays ng9.- ,v Itex Anderson, stationed with tho coast artyiory at San Francisco, 'ar rived homo yesterday to visit hit parents, who live north of tho rlvor. Julian Walker, who went to Omaha last wook to onllst In tho navy was accepted and passed through Satur day morning onrbulo to tho Map?! Is land navy yafd, -California, Lieut Earl W. Fetter, who has boon in tho army medicai: school at Cornoll University, writes that ho has passed Ills final examinations and wlI probably soon bo sont overseas. Mrs. J. R, McWllJlaniB' received .a card yostorday that her son Robert had arrived in France. "Bob",oMlsted la tho railway engineering corps about two months ngo and was sent to Camp BonJ. Harrison at Indianapolis. tt t J . . d a mi nvVi f-i-.2 xi.. .... writes that no 8 in Uio raa o sorv ce "","""' !; . TA hn and has so advanced that ho can take' J0" fiZt mcesages- off-tho wires, -They go to led V -Snllment wSl .M,ni .i i..n n ,u fi,.n INurso Rosorvo. Tho .emTollment win Tlie officers aro giving Instructions in bayonet work, which Harry says is some, trick; If you don't got 'em with tho bayonet they, got them with tholr hands. Thov ar'o thus nre'narlnE the 1oyn for hand-to-hand conflict with , the Huns. ii:o:: ! PcsHliuIstlc TiOtlerH. An officer writcB that the pessimls-i tic isolf-pltyiug l'cttora that so many of tho parents wrlto to tholr hoys In sorvico aro doing moro to injure tho morala of tho lighting forcos of' Ant erica than anything olso. Ho said that tho letters which ho is asking parents not to write are Just tho kind that many mothers are very apt to wrlto whero thoy Ml their son not tb lonrn to hato, to remember tho early teach ings of justice, gentleness and klnd- noss, expros3 tho hope that thy may not haYo to kill any of the onomy, toll how hard things aro going at -homo, how tho work la Jagging becauso the hoys aro not thoro to do it, and tvlong slmKav strains. Hieiut. Cody Bonl, who hnd hoon visit ing his family fora fow days roturnod i to Camp Cody this morning. j ::o:: J I For professional oyo sorvico see! HARRY DIXON fc SON, Optometrists. 1 "The Doctor and the Woman" vTaken from Mary Roberts Rinehart's "K." Featuring MILDRED HARRIS An intimate disclosure of life as we live it , KEITH THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, July 24-25 ; YANKS TH01V OFF COATS, ' ROLL SLEEVES AND DASH. A young (pollu who lost his hand in tho fighting July 18 arVived lift Paris Sunday. Ho bolonged to a regiment which was In lmmdlato contact with tho American troops. In a conversation 1m said: , 1 "Tho flghthig of tho Americans was a rovolntion to us. Thoy could hardly wait until tho word was given to go ovor tho top. Thoy seemed impatient to got at tho bodies. "When finally tho word caitoo, thoy leaped ovor tho trenches, aomb oE'them pooling off their coats after' running a fow hundred meters In tho groat boat , and fighting, in tlioir. shirt aleovos' "Tho finest thing of tho combat was tho dash of tho Ahiorleans," "writes Lieutenant Entrayguos, tha special correspondent at tho front for tho Tomps. "It was a lino thing to see. thoso grand Mlows, with their tunics thrown off and their shirt sleeves roll kA up abovo tholr elbows, wading tho rlvora with tho Water to tholr should ers, and throwing thomsolyes on the bocho Uko bulldogs. "Anyone who has seen such a sight knows what tho Amorlcan army is good for, honcoforth and to thf end of tho war. At tho sight of thoso' men, magnificent In tholr youth, physi cal force, good temper and dasli,"tho .Germans ilod 'with, every lfeg' or sur rendered wlthQUt awaiting tho order to throw away tholr arms and tako off tbalr, feuspondora, which Is tfto . first thing a 'prisonprHs told to do n ordor that ho'lnay bo, com polled to keop his hands employed and out of mlsclilof. "Tno Germans' hurrlod toward our ' iff.?6 lVPK3lt&' lmESnrd that ev-or mother In Franco jwho jna lMt a 8()n Jn tho wr.could ' havn ftflen Ihnt nnlh nlehL Thev would Ihnvo seen thomsolvea avenged, and It would Have boon ACini consolation to thonx In thor Borrow." " . -:0:. (3ooi1lnruss. . (From tho Lebanon Ky., Enterprise.) Tho marriage of Miss IIlldft-Goodltf, of t tills city to Mr, Chnrkis Pasa-i, or, North Platte, . Nebraska, was quietly solemnized at St Augustlno's ohttrch yoaterday . morning nt 5:30 o'clocic. Tho ceremony was! porformed by tho Rov. Joseph -A. Hogarty and took plftco in tho prosiepco of a 'number of friends. Tho attendants woro MJas, Julln Qood lu, sister of ho bride, and Mr. Leo Goodln. and soon after (he marriage Mn and MrsPass left for a, bridal trip 0 MiV;ongtigemont of -the young peolpci and tho wedding cams as a pleasant surprlso to tho many frjonds of tho bride. . . - , Mrs.1 Pass -Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R, G. Goodln and ono tho- city's most talented voting Vpnkm. Sho poBSossoa an imuijVally boautlful voIc6 and is well known5 in musical circles ovor tho stato. Sho has heem studying nt tho Loulsvlll'a Conservatory- of MhhJc and graduated from the conser vatory In Juno. Mr. Pass Is a prominent and success ful business man of North, Platte. At tho , conclusion of tholr wedding trip tlioy will go' to North Platto nvhero thoy will mate tholr Iiomo. V J i- Ml! - 2.',()00 Studoiit Nurses Wimtcty BocauBo the nation's' reserve lifts been- depleted by tho calling of liter ally thousand of graduate' nurses for pervjeo m military anu naviu iiooim.- alB, It IB absolutely ) necessary 1m I mn bt!6,n July iJm- -::o:: Ihipcrlnl rrlnco Calls for Jfolp. Frederick WUUnm, the Gorman 1m- nnrini crown nrlnco. has been obliged to call for help from his cousin, Crbwn Prlnco RUpprechor Havana, uorama divisions from tho army in tho north havo peon hurried down to protect tlm western Hank of the defeated army, which haB bden driven back ovor -tlie Marnd and ejected from Chateau Thlorry by Franco-American troops. Please Go 'Way AND LET ME SLEEP But see THE MAN WHO WQKE-U'P - With Pautln Stark Crystal, Wednesday, July 24