The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 19, 1918, Image 7

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Drive Czecho-Slovak Troops
- From Cities in Volga and
$2.40 WHEAT
Says Patriotic Farmers Do Not
Need increase to Stimulate
The Way of Sport Styles
. , w.
' . . : '
lEnemy Reported to Be Retreating
Before CoUnter-Offcnslve of
Lenlne's Forces In
London, July 13. Bolshevik forces
havo taken tlio offensive against tho
Czecho-Slovak army In the Volga re
gion anil the government troops have
won a great success, says a Itusslan of
ficial statement received here by wire
less from Moscow. Tho Czccho-Slo-vuks
In Siberia also arc reported to bo
(retreating beforo a countcr-ofteuslve
of the Russian bolshevik.
Tho communication, which was sent
out by tho department of military op
eration of tho people's commissariat
of war, reads:
"July 0. Czecho-Slovak front : After
.preparations, for an offensive our
troops have reached a great success.
.Almost without loss wc took Syzran
(70 miles south of Simbirsk) and Bu
gulmu (130 miles northwest of Ufa).
The Ozecho-Slovaks and White guards
iled In disorder In tho direction of Sa
mara. Wo are reachlnn Stavropol (in
Ciscaucasia, Yoroslav (idO miles
northeast of Moscow) and Ityblnsk
(52 miles northwest of Yaroslav).
"An armed train has violently shelled
towns occupied by tho White guard,
-who are fleeing In panic over the
Ulver Volga. Detachments fled to Ry
binsk, where they tried to raise n mu
tiny. Measures hnvo been tnKen
:against them.
"Eastern sector: Czecho-Slovnka nf-
ter occupying Techesahrdrlnsk, now are
retreating beforo n counter-offenslvo
of the councils' troops."
Excursion Boat on Which 85 Persons
-' Lost Lives Rises to Surface While
Workers Are on Board.
Peoria, 111., July 13. Like some
ghost craft come to strike fear with
its hoary outlines, the steamer Co
lumbia, which crumpled up In tho Illi
nois river last Saturday with mora
than COO persons aboard, rose abrupt
ly out of Its grave Thursday after
noon and floated almost to tho water
Ifront of Pekln, 85 of whose citizens
tjlost their lives In the wreck. When
Anally tho wreck stopped and wns
Iboarded by rescue workers two more
Oodles were recovered. Coroner Clary
;and Sheriff Wilson, together with 15
or more workers, were aboard the Co
lumbia when It suddenly popped to the
surface. There was a hasty scramble
'to quit tho vessel and nil reached small
tboats In safety.
Hundreds Seized at Cub Baseball
Park In Chicago Movies and Bil
liard Halls Combed for Men.
Chicago, July 13. More than 5,000
men of draft ago were seized on Thurs
day us suspects by agents of the de
partment of justice In the greatest
round-up of slackers In tho city's hls
tory. The drive was prosecuted by
kederal operatives and tho police. Tho
scene of tho first raid was the Cubs'
baseball park.
Hundreds who could not produce
registration cards were rushed to near
ly police stations.
Monnwhllo other detnlls of police
-,and secret service men entered ho
tels, barber shops, saloons, motion pic
tnro houses every plncc. In fact,
hvhere men of draft ago might be
i ... .. . . . it .
lfound while mo . sirecia Biiuuunj
'were combed.
American Steamship Lake Forest
Sends U-Boat to Bottom During
Battle Off Capo Henry.
Nmv York. July 18. A German sub
marine which attacked the American
T.olrn ffnrnuf 1 KflO mllon off
.BlUUIMOlltl' . .... -t
!Capo Henry, while she was returning
form n recent voyage to Europe, was
tmnir hv tho steamer's suns after a
two-hour running fight. Capt. Her
bert R. O. Johnson, unuea states na
,mi mwrvn officer, in command of the
ship, has been commended to the nnvy
department ror naving sunu ine u
boat, by officers associated with him
in tho naval reserve. Tho Lake For
est formerly was the War Fopr and was
taken over by the umteu siatos snip
ping board on the Great Lakes soon af
tor she was launched.
Pvrhanne 500.000 Cantives.
Borne, July IB. More than 500,000
Invalid and sick prisoners or wnr or
different nationalities have been ox-
.Vinmrnil mill rPDA t fill tC(l tlirOUCll Swlt
zcrlnnd sinco tho beginning of tho war,
according to ouiciai siuusucs.
. i ijMt.i. a i l i it ii
KUcnimann oiuis. ui n n,
. l .1 .. T..1 - IK n THM.nwl
AIHSieiUUHi, i'ur 1 iiuimiu
Kuchlmann will go to Switzerland for
n long vacation, a Berlin dispatch
states. "I will bo glad to get n bit of
fresh air," he wns quoted as saying to
.1 mt nm o!lr nt If nil "
l invuu. '
Ambassador Viscount Ishll Called to
Secret Conference at the
White House. '
Washington, July 11. Further evi
dence that President Wilson Is matur
ing a policy covering Intervention In
Russln to drlvo out the Germans was
furnished when It was learned on
Tuesday that ho invited Viscount Ishll,
the Japanese ambassador, to . tho
White Houso for a conference.
It is surmised In some diplomatic
quarters that President Wilson re
quested Ambassador Ishll to acquaint
His government with tho fact that tho
United States favors tho principle of
military assistance to Russia. It is
believed the president also wants to
obtain from Tokyo tho Japanese gov
ernment's views of tho Immediate mili
tary action that Is practicable on tho
part of Japan, including the number
of troops which might be engaged in
an expedition into Siberia, tho dis
tance it might penetrate, tho extent
of Chinese co-operation, and what col
laboration by tho American govern
ment is desirable. ,
Tho situation of tho 50,000 Czecho
slovak troops In Russia, who arc at
tho present tlmo holding Vladivostok,
Irkutsk and Samara, shortly Will be
come critical, it was learned on the
highest authority, unless relief Is in
stantly given to them.
Lieut. Quentln Roosevelt Brings Down
German Machine Northwest of
Chateau Thierry.
With the American Forces on tho
Murne, July 12. Lieut. Quentln
Roosevelt, son of exjPresldent Roose
velt, brought down his first German
airplane In n light north of Chateau
Thierry. Lieutenant Roosevelt with
threo other pilots was flying at n
height of 5,000 yards eight miles Inside
tho German lines when tho machines
became separated. Soon after Roose
velt saw threo planes which ho thought
wero his companions, and started to
join them. He was approaching the
machines from the rear when he saw
his mistake, for tho planes were Ger
man. The American opened fire and
after 50 shots tracers penetrated tho
fusllago of the nearest German ma
chine and It Went Into a spinning noso
dive, falling through the clouds 2,000
yards below.
Passenger Trains In Head-On Collision
In South Illinois Soldier Among .
tho Dead.
Nashville, Tenn., July 11. Ono hun
dred persons, most of them negroes,
arc believed to havo lost their lives In
a head-on collision between passenger
trains on the Louisville, Chattanooga
& St. Louis seven miles west of hero
on T'.esday. One of the trains Is said
to have disregarded orders. Lieut.
Don Long of tho aviation service of
Nashville was among tho seriously In
jured. The dead Includo Private John
P. Hussey, Uhlan, 111.; Wilson B. Har
ris, naval reserves, and Alexander,
United States marine corps.
Cubans Save Yank Officers.
Huvniia, July 15. At tho mercy of a
heavy sea, tho englno of their motor
boat having failed threo miles off shore
near Santiago, two American array offl
cers wero rescued by tho crew of a
launch of a Cuban gunboat.
Rail Strike In Russia Spreading.
Paris, July 15. Russian railway men
are on strike In several districts, ac
cording to a Zurich dispatch, quoting
tho Leipzig Nouesto Nnchrlchtcn. Tho
strike threatens to become general, the
new&nnncr reports.
36 TO 33.
"Bone Dry" Prohibition of Manufac
ture and Sale of Intoxicants '
Expected to Pass.
Wushlnirton. Julv 12. "Bone dry"
prohibition of tho manufacture and
sale of Intoxicating liquor throughout
tho United States for the remainder
of tho war will co Into effect on Jnnu-
nry 1 next unless President Wilson dc-
l'ents tho proposed action of congress.
The "raid to immediate passage or
the measure, for which the prohibition
ists have been fighting for several
months, was cleared on Wcdncsuny
when tho senate, by a voto of 30 to 83,
went on record in favor of attaching
tho natlon-wldo wartime prohibition
rider to tho pending agricultural ex
tension bill. By this voto tno senate
reversed tho chair's ruling, holding the
rider out of order.
The Indications nro that the senate
will adopt the prohibition amendment
by an ven larger majority.
The concurrence of the house is re
corded as a foregone conclusion, Inas
much as that body Initiated tho move
for war prohibition by adopting an
amendment to tho penning Din uo
signed to suspend tho liquor traffic.
No Danger of Sugar Famine, Says
Hoover Publio Mu6t Observe
New Rules.
Washlncton.' July 11. Definite as
surances that, there Is no danger of a
sugar famine were given on Tuesday
by tho food administration und the
food situation generally was declared
to be bettor than ut any tlmo since
America undertook tho feeding of the
allied world.
The Amerlcnn nubile, however, will
be cxnected to observo closely the new
regulations, limiting tho household per
capita consumption of sugar to three
pounds monthly, and to continue nil
other conservation measures.
German Planes Attack Big Belgian
Hospital Behind the North
Sea Front.
London, July 12. Fifty-four nurses
and women arabulunco workers were
killed by bombs dropped by German
airmen In an nttack on an ambulance
station nt Lu Panne, Belgium, says a
dispatch received hero from Aiuster
dam. About fifty bombs were dropped
in the attack, La Panne is situated
on tho North sea coast, a .few miles
back of tho fighting ftont.
Kaiser Accepts Resignation of Dr.
Von Kuehlmann, Says Berlin
Copenhagen, Denmark, July 11.
Emperor William has consented to tho
reslcnntlon of Dr. Richard von Kuehl
ninnn, the Qenuun foreign 'secretary.
the Wolff news bureau of Berlin says
It Is reliably reported.
It Is expected Admiral von niutze,
German minister at Chrlstlanlu and
formerly minister to Mexico, will sue
cccd him.
28,500 Work at Hog Island.
Philadelphia, July 15. Rapid prog
ross is being mado toward tho comnle
Hon of tho Hog Island shipyards. Thlr
ty-flvo keels havo been laid und tho
number of workers ut-tho yards has
reuched 28,500.
Turk Capital Bombed.
London, July 15. Air forco contln
gents acting with tho British uuvy
dropped u half-ton of bombs upon tho
city of Constantinople on July 7, it was
announced by tho admiralty on Frl
day afternoon.
Arbitrary Basis Is Not Fair to the
Producer or Consumer, Asserts
President In Message
to Congress.
Washington, Jhly 15. President
Wilson vetoed on Friday tho annual
agricultural appropriation bill, con
taining an amendment Increasing tho
price of wheat to $2.40 nor bushel.
Menibciw of congress from" wheat
growing states will mukc a tight to
puss tho bill over tho veto, but Indi
cations nro that tho wheat-prico pro-
isions will bo eliminated. The presi
dent's messago said tho Increase In
tho price of wheat would add S2 to
the cost of a barrel of flour, and
would add $387,000,000 to the price of
tho 000,000,000 bushel crop of 1018
Tho president's messago follows:
"I regret to return without my sig
nature so Important a measure ns
H. R. 0054, entitled "At) Act Making
Appropriations for the Department of
Agriculture for tho Fiscal Year End
ing Juno 80, 1010,' but I feel con
strained to do so becauso of my earn
est dissent froiu the point of view of
prlnclplcas well as wlso expediency,
from tho provisions of that part of
section 14 which prescribes a uniform
minimum price for No. 2 northern
spring whont of $2.40 n bushel.
"I dissent upon principle becnuso 1
believe thut such inelastic legislative
prico provisions are 'Insusceptible of
being administered in it way that will
bo advantageous either to tho pro
ducer or to tho consumer, establish
Ing as they do arbitrary levels which
nro quite independent of tho normal
market conditions.
"It Is evident that tho prcseut
method of determining tho prlco to bo
paid for wheat has had tho most stim
ulating effect upon production, the cs
timated crop of spring wheat for this
year exceeding ull high records In a
very remurkablo and grutlfylng way.
By an overwhelming majority of tho
farmers of tho United States the price
administratively fixed hus boen re
garded as fair and liberal, and objec
tions to it hnvo come only from thoso
sections of tho country where, unfortu
nately, It has in recent years proved
Impossible to rely upon climatic con
dltlous to produce n full crop of wheat
aud where, therefore, many dlsnp
pointments to tho farmer havo proven
to bo unavoidable.
"Personally, I do not bellcvo thn
the farmers of tho country depend
upon the stimulation of prlco to do
their utmost to servo tho nation nud
tho world at this time of crisis by ex
ertlng themselves to an extraordinary
degree to produce tho largest and best
crops possible. Their patriotic spirit
in tills matter has been worthy of all
praise and hns shown them playing n
most ndmirnblo and gratifying part In
the full mobilization of the resources
of tho country.
To a very greatly Increased pro
ductlon of wheat they have added un
Increased production of almost every
other Important grain, so that .our
granaries nro likely to overflow, and
tho anxiety of the nations nrrnyed
against Germany with regard to their
food supplies lias been relieved.
"Tho administrative method of
agreeing upon a fair prlco has this
very great advantage, which any ele
ment of rigidity would In largo purt
destroy namely: the advairtngo of
flexibility, of rendering posslblo ni
every stage and lu the view of overy
change of experience a readjustment
which will bo fair alike to producei
and consumer.
"A fixed .minimum price of $2.40 n
bushel would, It Is estimated, udd $2
a barrel to the price of flour; In other
wordH, raise the price of flour from the
present prlco of $10.50 to $12.50 at the
mill; and Inasmuch ns wc are antlci
pntlng a crop of approximately 000,
000,000 bushels of wheat tilts Increase
would be equivalent to the immense
Hum of $387,000,000.
. "Such nn incrcaso In the prlco of
wheat in tho United States would force
a corresponding Increase In the price
of Canadian wheat.
"The Incrcaso would also add very
materially to tho cost of living, and
thero would Inovitably ensuo nn In
crcaso In the wngo paid In practically
overy Industry In the country. These
added financial and economic dlfllcul
tics, affecting practically the whole
world, cannot, I assume, huve been in
contemplation by tho congress lit puss
Ing this legislation.
Air Instructor Is Killed.
Bollevlllu, 111., July 13. Lieut. Leo
O. Glddlngs of Dnluth, Minn., nn In
structor, was killed and Cadet Ed
ward C. Darlington of Washington, D,
O.. was severely Injured when an air
piano dropped 800 feet at Scott field
Edison. Jr.. Joins Tank Forces.
Morrlstown, N. J., July 13. William
L, Edison, son of Thomns A. Edison,
tho inventor, and honorary chairman
of tho navy consulting board, enlisted
in a tank division of tho United States
1 1 T-1 . C I
unny UUU tun lur run jiutuui,
Sport clothes, having coma to stay,
havo their growing strength constantly
ro-enforced by wonderful now develop
ments. Designers can bo ns daring as
they llko so long as they know how to
turn out beautiful, if startling, new
things that aro Ingenious and full of
Stripes and checks, In strong con
trasts of color, made up in combina
tion with plain color, have occupied our
field of vision this year, almost to tho
exclusion of tho odd, brilliantly colored
figures that wore strewn over tho sur
face of sport clothes last year. . Theso
checks and broad stripes nro most
cleverly managed, and now wo havo
hats and turbaus mado to match coats
.and skirts. Ono wonders whero theso
mow by-puths will leud, at any rate,
they run in tho direction of tho smart
est Informal clothes that wo havo ever
Tho sport costume pictured leaves
nothing to bo desired in tho way of
Children's Frocks
For late summer and early full weur i
tho choice of fabrics for children's
dressy frocks narrows down, as sheer
goods nrc moro or less eliminated from
calculation. Wool has advanced until
It has reached n point where silk may
be considered on a par with it, so far
as economy is concerned, For this and
for patriotic reasons, tho little miss
may as well go In silk attlro us In any
thing else.
Among tho now model drosses thero
aro taffetas, crcpo do chine and fou
lards. Tho taffetus aro shown In plain
colors and in narrow stripes, tho crepe
do chlno In uniformly plain colors
und tho foulurds, with medium dark
grounds, hnvo rimall figures In white or
In white and colors printed on them.
But, of all silks, tho taffetas fill the
requirements of children's dress In
tho best mnnnor, Ono of the prettiest
taffetus Is shown above and Is un ex
cellent example of good designing.
This frock has a skirt In which tho
fullness is arranged In tlyo box plaits.
It Is set ou to a short bodice, and by
wny of ornament it has suspenders ot
silk over tho snouiuers. xney aro
split near tho ends, where thoy oxtend
below th bodice und fasten to tho
skirt with flat pearl buttons. Small
Bllk'Covered buttons might bo substl-
good style. It lias a skirt of white
shantung, with panels nt tho side
showing brond bands of color lfa this"
caso n vivid green ou n whlto ground.
Tho sleovclcss ' Jacket, with narrow
belt and patch pockets, Is In tho sumo
bright green, and largo buttons On the
skirt rovcal how perfectly big buttons
lit In with tho character of sport
Large checks, broad stripes and
fringes havo Joined forces with but;
tons to glvo thoso who think up sport
clothes every posslblo chnnco of suc
cess. The slip-over styles In sweaters
and blouses play into their hands, and
other allies are tho now heavy weaves
in silk and tho funcy shaded striped
tricots. Long, wide scarfs that may
bo worn In several ways, and scarfs
that aro belted and pocketed to bo
worn in but ono way, aro made witli
companion ptoces In hats that mutch
them. A whlto blouse and skirt find,
themselves part of n sport suit in their
for Late Summer
tutcd for these. This dress is in porce-.
latn-btue taffeta, but tho same design'
looks well In tan or brown, and In any1
cuse tho French knots thut provide tho
finishing touch are mado of black slHcj
Thero are some heavy cotton crepcs,
In all tho attractive colors of silks,
that will prove Interesting ns, substl-j
tutes for wool frocks, when tho time
arrives to get school clothes ready.;
All dresses aro simply mudo, with
funcy stitching and French knots, or'
very simple embroidery providing their!
meager decorations. Whlto orgundlo,
collars, and sometimes uudersleeves of
organdie, provo a means of freshening'
up these childish frocks. '
Capes in Vogue.
Capes are much In evidence and
pleated ones on deep yokes nro very
good; tho large collars roll overnnjl nil
but cover tho yoke. , Yoke collars are
cut to follow tho yoke lino exactly.
Other capos are for afternoon wear
and aw of satin or heavy silks, and
havo vests of contrasting material at
the front.