The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 19, 1918, Image 6

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Semi Annual Apportionment Mora
Than ' Half Million Dollars
7,054 Districts Affected.
Tho largest semi-annual apportion
ment for distribution among thu 7,051
school districts of Nebraska which
tho statu superintendent's office hits
cent out for tuuny yours Is announced
irom that office. Thcro will bo $550,-250.7-1
for distribution and 389,370
children of school ago will participate,
making $1.05 por pupil, or un average
of $10.42 for each district.
Following Is tho soml-nnnfiul appor
tionment for July, 11)18, by counties:
Adams t.ttl Johnson ..... 4,902
Antelopa ' 7.616 ""ne'r
..t 4.1ZS
Banner ....
Ulaliiq .....
mm Kalth 1,377
'"J Kimball 1,74
J1!; Knox M32
haticaalar ...28,764
Lincoln M7
Box IJutlo
71 r
rnwn ........ J.t t .... 1.222
nuitaio i-oup ........ i.
Burt S'fZ! Mel'ltorson ... MSG
Butler 7.171 jUbiIUoii .S2
Cum J.JJJ Merrick 4,47
Cfdnr t.Jl Morrill 3.810
Guano MM Nanco 4,481
Churry 7.13S jjemahn 6,141
Cheyenne 349 tfuolcoll 6.22J
Clay 0.&E9 otoo 6.636
Colfax 6.699 Vnwnee 4.6 JB
Cuming 0.191 rerklne Z.36
Cunur 14,001 iMirtlpa ,.4,310
Dakota 3,076 Plercu 6.588
Bawe 4,376 rittttu 9.017
Bnwson CS6S i0lk 4.966
Beuel 1.376 tp,l Willow ., K,3S3
Dixon 6,082 ltklinnUon .. 1,266
Boclico 9,463 Hook 2,367
BoukIas 49,101 galino 6.027
Dundy 2,772 flnruy 3.8JB
rillmor ..... 0.467 Sauriilera 9.615
Franklin 5,144 Seotlebiuft ... X.9I3
Frontier 4,966 Reward ...... 7,266
Fui-n M Hherldnn 4,428
11,896 Sherman 4,866
rden 2,622 flloux 3,276
Onrflnltl 2,088 fitnnton ..... 3,943
Oonper 3,022 Thnyvr 0,701
Grant 669 Thomaa 800
Oreeler '4.K8: Timninn x.or.9
Ua" 8,139 Valley 4,808
Hamilton 6,343 Wnehlnnton .. 6,631
Harlan 4,769 WaVlio 6,113
Jly ........ 2,101 Wobnter 6,666
Hitchcock .... 3,194 Wheeler 1,671
"olt i... 9,687 York 7.C60
Howard 6,719 Total $660,266
Small grain In Nebraska was ser
iously diimaged by extreme heat, and
lack of hioisture, soys tho July crop
' roport Issued by tho Stato Hoard of
Agriculture' and United States Bureau,
vi .;rop ustinintcs. condition of
spring wheat was given at 58 per
cent, forecasting e production of
4,kdo,000 bushels, us compared to
0,000,000 bushels f,or 1017. Condition
of winter wheat wns plnced at 05 per
cent and tho production nt 40,310,000
bushels, 20,573,000 bushels under tho
3012-1010 average. Corn production
was estimated this year nt 215,345,000
bushels, compared to 210,480,000 bush
els last year.
Thcro I? only one pennant race, and
that must, bo fought out on. tho west
ern front In Europe, was tho con
sensus of opinion of tho president
and owners of tho clubs of tho "West
ern baseball leaguo nt n mooting at
umuha. Tho magnates voted to tils
hand tho organization until tho end
of tho war, und tho leaguo olllclally
died July 8.
"Nebruskn fit Work," thq motion
picture 111m of stato activities now
being llnlshed by tho stato publicity
pureuu, will bo ready nbout August
1C, and civic bodies will bo given tho
flrst opportunity to book them.
Tlie government has given permis
sion to the North American Hotel
company to Issue additional securities,
and to ilnlsh hotel buildings now near
lug completion at Grand Islnnd, Kear
noy, ScottsblufC nnd Ogulnllu. ' 1
N, O. Allen, superintendent of tho
Burlington with olllces in Omaha, has
been appointed by Governor Neville a
Member of thu Nebraska Stato Council
of Defense to succeed George Brophy,
Forty-four members of tho St. Paul
homo guards company, In co-operation
with tho agricultural agent went out
after supper ono evening last week
and shocked wheat for three furmors.
Threshing oiitllt owners or lnffnlo
county will receive I) cents n bushel
for threshing wheat and ryo. Six
cents will bo paid for threshing outs.
Sovoral school districts In tho vi
cinity of Virginia, Gago county, have
voted $50,000 honds for tho erection of
a consolidated school building.
Material Is now being received for
the now consolidated school building
near HolmesvlJlo, Gago county, which
1b to cost $40,000.
Omaha maintained Its position ns
tho second leading llvo stock inurket
of tho world for tho flrst six months
of UUs year.
Dodgo county melon growers say
that tho prospects for a bumper crop
were novel bettpr nt this season of
tho year.
The stato of Nebraska has stocked
up on coal enough fer the winter to
provide heat for tho state capltol and
tho governor's mansion at Lincoln.
The stuto litis laid in about 150 tons of
coal, lining the bins to capuclty and
has tho rest which is needed alreudy
According to railroad crop reports
corn In Nebraska Is in excellent con
dition. Winter wheat was dumaged to
some extent by the hot weather In
June, but tho damage was not so
greut as estimated at that time,
A million and a half Freuchmen
have tiled In tho war, u million huvo
been disabled, a million women have
been made widows, und two million
children uro fatherless, Mnduino 12.
Guerln of "Lyons, Franco, told mem.
bers of a war savings society nt Lin
coln. According to u statement of State
Fuel Administrator Kennedy tho Is
suance of fuel curds by the govern
ment will have llttlo effect on people
of Nebraska, because consumers of
uns stato Huvo heeded tho order to
lay In their next season's supply.
Tho Nobraskn Nonpartisan lougue
suit In tho Lancaster county district
court to enjoin tho Stuto Council of
Dolonso from Interfering wltli Its
meeting In this stato cuino to a sud
deu termination when the Icaguo
agreed to withdraw nil Uteruturo from
the state branded as disloayl by thu
council withdrawal of all paid organ
izers from outside the state, and tho
removal of Stato Organizer O. S.
Evans, who was sent into Nebraska
from South Dakota, and tho conduct
ing of the uffalrs of tho lenguo by
local men. The council took the vloW
that if Nebraska- farmers themselves
wanted to orgunlzo the league they
were free, to do so, "The result is a
comploto vindication of tho council's
protest against the circulation of cer
tain literature and tho employment In
Nebraska of pnfd and Imported organ
izers," said one member of the stato
Forty-ono of tho oa counties of
tho stato have reported their valua
tion to Secretary Bernecker of the
state hoard of assessment, showing an
Increase over last year's assessed val
uation of $15,000,000. Tho forty-ono
counties represent two-llfths of tho
material wealth of tho state and n
proportionate Increase In the remain
ing fifty-two counties which are yet
(o report will bring the entire gain up
to $.10,000,000, representing one-llfth
of the actual value. This would bring
tho aggregate assessed vuluatlon of
Nebraska to $501,000,000, nn compared
with $520,000,000 n year ago,
Flvo hundred farmers, representing
M.wo members of tho Nonpartisan
league, unanimously adopted resolu-
Hons at tho ilrst stuto convention held
by tho organization nt Lincoln, plcdg-
lug their united support to the -gov
ernment in tho prosecution of tho
war. They also adopted resolutions
denouncing profiteers, declared In fa
vor of conscription of wealth, public
ownership and stato dovelopraent of
Nebraska water power resources.
. Omaha has adopted ti sugar card
rationing system, und nil householders
of tho city uro compelled to buy their
sugar supply for tho next thrco
months by card. The movement has
tho approval of Washington food au
thorities nnd tho general belief In tho
metropolis is that It will spread over
the stato and nation.
Nebraska stands third among all
states of tho union In production of
iw i n I'rou,,(:uon f
, S ' 0,O?1 n?d
J 5ZZ, b00 1 f 1,0 dr
or ugricuituro Just issued,
cattle and
oats in tho
OwJng to tho failure of Nebraska's
wheat crop last year it makes n poor
showing In that respect
Tho Otoo County Council of De
fense went on record nt i meeting nt
JNenrnskn City as being fbpposed to
tho uso of any language other than tho
American In all schools of the country,
over tho telephone, in public or pri
vate places or trains, or any other
method of communication,
Sixteen residents of Holt countv.
hnvo boon pcnullzed by J. M. Hunter
of O'Neill, county fcdornl food admin
istrator for Holt county, for lnfrac
tions, of tho food rules. Pcnnltles in
each enso took tho form of "volun
tary" donations to tho Bed Cross
C. E. Wrny, la harge of war sav
ings headquarters at Omaha, renorts
tho Intest tabulation of societies
formed In Nebraska In the drlvo
Which ended Juno 28 to bo 8,272, with
twenty-live counties still to mnko re
turns. Tho state's quota was 4,820.
The Northwostem railroad has ask
ed tho stato rallwny commission to ox-
tena tho tlmo for constructlnc u now
depot at Irwin until December 1, 1010,
Instead of tho same tlnto this year.
its reason is n shortngo of materials
and labor.
In a campaign to rid Omahn of nn
alleged "arson trust," State piro Com-
missionor v. s. Itldgell has warned
risk companies not to accept Insur-
ance policies on flvo business proper
Final figures how that In tho lnst
Bed Cross drlvo Nebraska donnlml
$2,800,000. For the whole United
Slates tho Bed Cross war fund now
stands ?170,038,000.
Owing to tho high price of soralmm
farmers In Gage county hnvo planted
about five times more cane soed this
yenr than last, In order to conserve
tho use of sugar.
uuwaru Galldwuy, n farmer and
hi,r L t "I..,
1 - - ' - wj UMU VJU ICI
a yield of from 32 to 35 bushels to
tno acre. ,
The Genou Bed Cross chapter has
mado. a wonderful m'ord. It was or
ganized Juuuury 1 last, covering a ter
ritory with u population or 8,ooo,
since which time It hus oragnlzed a
membership of 1,000. donated the flrst
load of hogs, raised $10,000 and made
uud shipped a total of 10,041 articles
In six months.
A large number of war savings so
cieties have been organized In Cumlug
county, all school districts doing their
share towards making this movement
a success.
J Information which Governor Js'evlllo
is seoKing in connection with tho
Btuto soldier voting law has brought
to light that eight Nebrasku families
have furnished thlrty-ono sons for
uncle Sam's army aad uavy. Also the
fact that quite a number of families
have two und throe sous In the service,
Fremont will have no race meet this
year for tho flrst time In 20 yeurs, ow
ing to tho war nnd lack of Interest on
tho part of thpso who usually support
tho game. Fremont Is tho oldest race
town In tho state, from the standpoint
of continuous sessions.
nZl rm .. t, c .YT
..nuiuu oiiuui, one oi
TWO ew Prn-Allv ReDUblics Arp
' 7 . .f ' V n.7U",1CS Mre
csiuunsnea in iMonnern
Part of Russia.
Von Hintze, Pan-German, to Succeed
Von Kuehlmann Italians and
French Conducting Successful Often-
slve Against the Austrian In South
ern Albania.
. "What shall wo do to help Itussia?'
Was still tho lending question for the
Governments of tho allied nations last
weck Developments, though they
,rr ,n th0 mn,n fnvora,,,w t0 '
lied cause, had not creutlv ninrifin,! tin.
situation. It seems apparent that Ger-
many, too, Is in doubt us to what
course to pursue In tho nenr East. Iler
policy of terrorism nnd grab-nll has
not boon working out well oud has
caused bitter complaint even in the
., The people of tho Murmnn coast.
uetween Finland and the White sea,
wiiero there are largo allied military
stores under guard of British and
American forces, have created the
White sea republic, and lu the rest
of Arctic Russia, from the White sea
to Slborla, the republic of Wologila-
czne lias been established. Both of
these new ntntea are anti-Gorman and
pro-ally and their people prohilao to
form active forces against the Teu
tons If given nld, In western Siberia
the bolshevlkl have been defeated
again nnd are reported to have evac
uated Irkutsk, and a provisional gov
ernment for Siberia has been set up
in isovonicolucvsk. This government
has Inlil nut ,m,..... ii...
IV ,ii . i V,? . , ..uuva.
the liberation of Siberia from the bol-
shovlkl; tho avoidance, If possible, of
foreign Intervention; universal suf
frage, distribution of tho land among
tne landless antr other economic re
forms. It Intends to summon a con
stituent assembly and to restore law
and order. All this Is being done un
der tho protection of the2 army of
Czecho-Slovaks that has continued Its
victorious campaign ilgnfnst the bol-
siiavlkl uud tho German and Austrian
war prisoners who are aiding them.
Thus there appears to be forming
mo osiniiiisiu'd authority thut has
been considered requisite for tho ex
tending of aid to the UuskIiihh, at least
in Siberia. But President Wilson
would not consent to the dispatch of
an armed forco that would mean the
weakening of the western front in En-
rope, and doubtless tho other allied
leaders agreed with him. Further
more, Mr. Wilson especially is averse
to departing from thu policy of no.
Interference In the Internal affairs of
;a rnendly nation. This does not menu
!? w'U ahandon theptau"
to send to Siberia supplies from Amer
ica and a commission to extend help
oi an inuusmai ana economic nature.
.Moreover, the (echo-Slovaks there
are doing so valuable n work that the
entente powers Intend to give them
such moral and material support us
they may need, provided they stund
by their pledge to refrain fronrassum-
ing permanent control over the coun
try through which they ure passing.
ti a military rorco Is sent Into Si
beria It probablj will be largely mmle
up or Japanese and Chinese.
Through German sources cornea the
assertion that the soviet ovsrmnent
or itussia bus declared It will ally
Itself with Germany If nn Anglo-Jap-
uneso expedition intervenes In Siberia.
No doubt Lenlne would commit him
self to such a course, but It Is a ques
tion whether he would be sustained
by any greut numbers of Russians.
Germany's penetration of western
itussia and Finland line; been accom
panied by such brutalities thut the
minority socialists lu tho relchstag
have been attacking tho government's
policy strongly. Their lender. Hugo
Hutise, asserts that since the Germans
eutered Finland 73,000 workmen hnvo
""""" ' " 'w way 10 unsr
ine American commanucrs recently promoted by President Wilson.
neon arrested and r""iy of them, In
fludln? CO socialist members of parlia
ment, executed. Because of tho.num
erous executions there, he said, the
(own of Svenborg has been renamed
Golgothn. Finlnnd Is on the point of
starvation, despite its German friends,
and General Mnnnerhclm, commander
of tho Finnish nrmy, asked Mr. Mor
ris, American minister to Sweden,
what chance there was for Finlnnd to
get food from tho United States. Mr,
Morris told him plainly it was Very
slim so long as Germany held the
country under her control. Ostensibly
as a measure to save food, the Finnish
government has ordered the expulsion
or all Jews.
When the news came of the assas
sination of Count von MIrbach. Ger
man ambassador to Russia, In Mos
cow, at the Instl-ration o a group of
social revolutionists, there were
many predictions that the knlser
would get revenge by sending a great
army to occupy the chief Busslan
cities, and indeed It was semi-olllcial-
Jy stated In Berlin that such would be
his course. But after breakfn off
Poatlc relations the chief Hm, ap
nnrentiv tiimmi.f i,tt. ......
mild statement was issued hoping
"that the Hussion government and neo-
pie will succeed In nipping the prs
cnt revolutionary "neltnilnn In tlif
oiutionnry "acltatlon In tho
bud." It is not easy to see how Ger
many would gain much b.v further
grabbing in distracted nnd starving
The pan-German party triumphed
over Its opponents and- forced tho
resignation of Forelcn Minister vnn
Kuehlmann because of his "peace lm-
possioio ty force" speech, and then
proceeded to pick Admiral von Hintze,
mo merest nnd most disreputable of
Teuton dlplomnts. ns his sueppssnr.
Great excitement in the relchstag re
sulted nnd the socialists agreed not to
vote the war credit, which could not
be passed without their nld, until Che
new minister had announced his pol
icies. Von Hintze is a swashbuckling
militarist and the creature of Admiral
von Tlrpltz. As, minister to Chlnn he
disgraced Himself, nnd as minister to
Moxlco hi. rioiii,i Jl " .
row between Huerta nnd Cnrranza In
order to embroil the Tlnitn,! st.i.
Tho French press accents the siIpi
tlon of Von Hintze as evidence that
the militarists In Germany are strong
er than tho diplomats and uro iiotnr.
mined upon n war to the ilnlsh. They
believe ho will do the pan-Germans
much more harm than good.
Mllltary operations of prime Ininor-
tnnco Inst week were confined to Al
bania, a field of whli-li mil
heard for n long time. There (he
Italians and French got very busy and,
with the aid of British navnl-forces
In the Adriatic, started an offensive
that met with considerable success
und Is still progressing As this Is writ
ten, within a few days the nllli-il
forces had advanced more than twenty-five
miles on a battle- front slxlv
miles long, had captured Fieri, an Im
portant town eight miles from the
Adriatic, and had practically sur
rounded Bernt, the chief city of south
ern Albania. They also had occupied
mountain positions of great .strategic
value. Before the week closed the
Austrians had evacuated Bernt.
This Albanian offensive was counted
on to nave great political effect, es
pcclully In Austrla-Hungarv and
unions uiu moan nations or the Bal
kans. Already It hud caused evident
unenslness among the forces of the
central powers thnt faco the uIUcr
from the Adriatic to Suionlkl. In
MaiedonJii they made several costly
and vain attacks on thr allies. The
npparent objective of the allies lu Al
bania Is the Shkumbl valley and the
old Roman road, the Via Egnatla,
leading to the Vnrdar valley and open
ing the way to a movement toward the
east that-would outflank the enemy
north of Mouasttr,
If the Austrians are decisively ih.
feated in this region the knlser mav
forco them to accept Von Below as
their generalissimo, despite their pro-
tcsiH. me enorts to Gcrmnnlzo tho
Austrian general hendquarters have
stirred up tne already angry people
of the dual kingdom. Another row
there has been caused by more or less
open assertions thnt Empress Zlta
ruined the offensive on Italy by pre
venting the use of gas and otherwise
hampering the commanders. A big
5?U.h comrades. 2-Cossnck cavalry
smeriu to flgjit the bolshevlkl. 3
seitntmi resulted, nnd extremists In
Vienna are asserting that both tho
emperor and tho empress should be
literally sequestered nnd mado to take
orders from Berlin, nungnry, too, is
iiinous at Austria because tho Hun
garian regiments were forced to bear
the hrnnf nf tlm t. I
In some ensns m
" UliULli ill II ll v III1II
r !"-". iycu
There were no mulor oneratlons nn
the Italian front last week, but the
iinunns unceasingly harassed the
enemy by raids nnd sorties nnd In the
mountain region Improved their own
positions considerably. The American
aviators on that front kept up their
excellent work.
On the western front there was an
ominous silence on the part of the
nuns. The usual 40 davs nportort hv
them to organize a new drive had
......j "(mcu, OUL SIHl iney Ultl nOtV uimiueu
start. However, abnormnl ncttvlrv wns Fw. switchboards will need only one.
observed behind their lines, especially
in the regions where the Americans
are stationed. On Teusday tho French
unuertooic tne Urst considerable in-
fnntry operation In many days and,
witn tho nld of tanks, ndvnnced more
than n mile on n front of two nnd a
half miles northwest of Complcgne.
Prisoners and gun? were captured and
positions occupied that serve to nro-
tect the Important railway junction nt
Estrees-St. Denis. General Pctaln also
took Important ground east of the
lletz forest on tho Marnc front, There
were many raids by nil tho allied
forces during the week, and some ar
tillery activity beyond the ordinary In
tne urmsn sectors.
Such splendid work: is being done by
the air forces of the allies on the west
front that military observers now as
sert the superiority In the air now un-
questionnbly rests with them. Tho
British flyers have engaged In it num-
ner of extraordinary exploits, and the
French and Americans are keeping up
uieir enu or it most satisfactorily. On
vtcanoiuny a squadron of American
scout planes flew back of the Germun
lines in the Chateau Thierry region
ror oo miles, obtaining valuable In
formation nnd all returning safely,
Colonel Roosevelt was elated by the
news that his youngest son, Lieut
guenlln Roosevelt, had downed his
first Hun plnne. Bombing raids on
Germnn cities by .tho nllled airmen are
increasing in frequency nnd effective
in preparation for the next big drive
Von Hlndenburg called for a million
more men, to be tnken from the fac
tories, their places being fllled by prls
oners and forelguors, nnd, contrary to
agreements, by exchanged prisoners of
war. Recruits of sixteen, seventeen
and eighteen years ure being called,
and everything Indicates that tho su
preme command Is straining every
nerve to end tho wnr this year. To
encourage the troops there has been
u systematic campaign to mislead
them as to America's 'participation In
the war. Tho people now refuse to
believe we are taklug an active part
lu the conflict or thut there are more
thau u few thousands of ur men In
There have been mnuy stories of
the decllulug morale of the German
troops, due partly to the prevalence
of Spanish Influenza, but It would be
foolish to grow optimistic over these
reports. The enemy Is still strong and
can produce an amazing number of
men, und confidence in our victory
must be haspd on our growing strength
rather than on his growing weakness.
The stream of Americans across the
Atlantic continues, although it mny he
they uro not being sent so rapidly Just
now us In recent months. The wnr
department recently decided thut all
men of the new drafts should be given
six months' training on this side.
The senate gave tt big boost to the
plan for a hone-dry America by
voting In favor of the prohibition
rider lo the agricultural extension
bill. It went on record flrst by re
versing the ruling of the chair, thnt
the amendment Is general legislation
and thereforo bnrred from un appro
priation measure. The wets admitted
their defeat since tho move for war
prohibition originated In the lower
house, and relied on the president to
veto the bill on the ground that tho
workers In vital war Industries tOumtd
not be deprived of alcoholic bevoruges.
Telegraph, Telephone, Radio and Can
bio Lines Affected Government
Ownership Predicted.
Washington, D. C, July 10.---Pdwoc
to tuko over the nntiou's telegraph.
telephone, radio and cablo lines now
rests In tho hands of President Wll
Son. Both houses of congress huvfc
massed the resolution authorizluc tlU
jprcsldent to assume control of com
munlcntion lines whenever he deem
lit necessary. '
t Congressional lender predicted th
president would lose no time in tnlo
lug over tho lines millions of mllet
jof wire, thousands of men nnd mil
iions or uoilnrs Invested.
Postmaster General Burleson. It
whoso hands control may bo placet!
wouiu Keep tho present wlro onrnnl
zations more or less Intact, develop.
mg an operating organization siml
lar to that now running tho railroad
under federal control.
If I am called upon to select a mot
to direct this work," said Burleson
I ' I .1-111 .a nn. 1 ...
u JUUU ivno SM-
everyone a sotinrn tlonl wiiJ.
bro will
jbo no favoritism.
I1T. ....
ii uio president turns this work
,over to mo, I will bo the last man to
pinna out against any censorship. ,J'
uo not propose to interfere in an
way, with the conduct of this or nn.
ouier ornncn or the business to the
detriment of those Involved."
Competing telephone systems Ir
nearly 1,000 cities and towns will ho
merged ny President Wilson, leaden
weru uuormcd. This will result In
economy, administration lenders ri
liusincss houses vhlch have onerarei
-"-eiepnone combination nlso wilt
ltluuso mimy men and, women for
ncccssfirJr war work. One wire gang-
" ocl4U wnero two served before,
DuPHcatIon of solicitors, branch ex-
wmscs ana central offices will be?
eliminated eventually.
competing companies flrst villi hi.
ordered to Interchange service. Then.
government experts will rcnrrnmrR
equipment until the country's wliole-
telophono system Is run as a slncli.
The proposed merger, officials snv.
will help solve tho question of new
equipment The merger of the two telecranh
companies' will follow tho telephone
consolidation, although nothing has
been definitely decided.
Friends of government owncrshtn
say the lines never will co back into
private hands. "Unscrambllnc" nf-
tne ,lne? nfter tho war will be lmpos
sibje. they hold, If present plnns nre
carrled out.
24 Nations In Economic League, '
Loudon, July 10. An economic as
sociation of twenty-four nations com
prising the entente nllies already Is
ln existence, according to LordIl6b
ert Cecil, British undersecretary for
foreign affairs and minister of block
ade, In a statement regarding the
world's trade after the wnr:Whothor-
Germuny eventually shall befadmlttctL
to tins economic association, lie said.
would bo determined by the test es
tablished by President Wilson.
The president said December 4 thai
if the German people should, after the-
war, 'continue to be obliged to live
under ambitious snd Intriguing mas
ters Interested to disturb the nonce-
of the world." it might be impossible
toailiult them to the partnership of
the nations or to free Intercourse.
Germany Is the onv obstacle to this
economic association, snld Lord Rob
ertthe Germany described by Presi
dent Wilson,
Building Owners Blamed for Disaster-.
bioux City, In., July 10. Tho Slour
Clty public safety department of tho
city council and the owners of the
Oscar Ruff building were held nri-
marlly responsible by u coroner's Jury
here for the collapse of the Ruff struc
ture June 29, when 89 persons lo3t
their lives. Tho verdict sa.vs fnllurn
of the walls of the building caused
tne conupse. Both of the F. X. BnhnL
& Sou and Ruff Drug company con
tributed to the cause of the accident,
the Jury said.
Tobacco Ratlonlnn Possible.
Washington, July 10. Government
control of the tohucco Industry mny
result from the heavy requirements of
the ulllos and tho American military
forces abroad. Rationing of the
Amerlcnn population Is believed to bo
a possibility.
Failed to Buckle On Belt.
Washington, D. O., July 10. Fulluro.
to bucklo his safety belt and the i'po
cullar quick snap" of his scout nlanp-
"when It was nosed ovor for tt glldo
apparently caused the death of Major
John Purroy Mltchel, says the official
report on tho occldont at Ucrnstet
Flold, La., received n few tiny ago at
tno wnr department.
Tho Investigating board found thut
Major Mitchel's death "occurrul in
line of duty, nnd not because f his
own misconduct." Major Mitt m-i was
formerly jt.ayor of New I'orU