-Kr ai, v iMHJ 1-' . Ik Equipment for Testing Eyes l',I3fhc'oiWn tT.rrp, To assist JiIhi Jn Ills work ho 1ms ..Tdellcato Instruments with, which ho-f is able to determine tho oxnet focnl slate, or seeing (iimllty, of the eye, mid to measure tlio strength of the muscles t!mt rotnfo .the or. Knowing these things accurately, ho Is able to prescribe glaSscK which will correct any defects 1h refraction . Clinton's optical .department is equipped with tlio bestmpdern appai$ rntus for testing eyes. Tho work Ifr dono by an optometrist of long ex perience and high professional stand ing. It Is nn economical and safe place to buy glasses. C. S. Clinton Graduate Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. I IlED CROSS PLANS Bid ; DR. 0. 1L CRES&EnY f. Qnbsite Dentist 'Offko over th McDonald StaU Bunk. CITY AND flWUNXY NEWS. Judgo Grlmea wont to Venango yesterday on court business. Ilsalo National Vacuum washer. Phono 812. x A baby boy -was born Sunday after noon to Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Eahloman, ta their homo north of tlio city. Dr. Morrill. Dentist Mrs Strain Tho had been visiting her slater Mrs. tBlla Lanyon, roturned lO nor Jiowo ill ivuuriiuy yuaiuruuy. ' Miss Essio Wcssburg, clerk In tho -county -Judge's office, left 'yesterday for a two weeks' visit with her sister Jn Ogden. ' Mrs. O. B. Woolman roturned ta Charles City, La., Wednesday aftor a ylslt with her sister Mrs. E. W. Plmnmer. HARRY DIXON & SON, Optome trists, grind thoir own lenses. F. I. Moonoy and son Frank re turned the early part of tho week from vi8it..in Donvor, Colorado Springs, ' Bidestfes Park. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ellison roturn ed the . early part of last weok from a week's visit with relatives in Daw son county, Wanted Board and room la private family, closo In, by man and wlfo. Phono Black 276. Tho mooting of tho "Ovor tho Top" auxiliary to havo boon hold at tho Carl Brooder homo this week has been postponed for ono weok. Will Allen nrrlvod'from Omaha a few day) ago to accept a position in thp'Landgrnf barber shop, in which ho was employed Boveral years ago. For Bale Yearling bull, good grade Hbroford. II. E, Marshall, Phone 700P11. A. L. Katiold, of Laramie, chairman of the protective board of the B. of L. E, on tlio Union Pacific, waB in town Wednesday whilo enrouto homo from Lincoln. Wahtedj Furnished ailartjmcnt br cottago, closo in, no children. Call Dr. Shaffer, 241, Upon complaint of City Plumbing Inspector Valerius, Palmer and Lints were fined $5.00 and costs In Justlco Sullivan's court Wednesday for doing work without a license. . Your eyoB desorvo first considera tion, your llfo depends upon them. Consat.lt our Optometrist and see if tliey are in porfect condition. HARRY DIXON & SON. JlOlNOS IlUJUNG TIIE FAIK.1 Through tho courtesy and with the dsslstttnco of the county fair associa tion, tho Bed Cross will conduct oven' Ing programs at the fair grounds during .tho continuanco of tho fair, Setotcmbor 25th. 2Gtn, 27tH and 28th Tentative arrangements havo been made for running, pacing and trdtting rnces at nlsht by the horses that will bo entered In tho regular fair races,! this being made possinio hy arc lights being strung around tho track. In the addition to tho horso races, several ireo niiracuons wmcu iiu-ve ucent ortgaged by tho fair association will also give evening exhibitions. In fact the amusement program In the evening will bo almost a replica ot tho nftcrnoon sports Tho ned Cross will have full charge of tho ticket sales and will recolve tho full benefit of tho gate receipts, which no doubt will bo heavy. Tho Red Cross needs funds and this is a most excellent way in which to re plcnlsh tho treasury, Boys Go July 2."th. Tho registration board hasf been notified that tho Lincoln county con tingent to Camp Dodge will leave the night of Thursday, July 25th, on train rri, T (nnntn nnM. U.m UNO. 1 1J1U UliyO Will I VltVl L IU UIU biatlon will be hold In North Platto P0!ml the afternoon of that day. ana Wallace Jiuay zgui ana 27tn. Heading Circle examination will bo Apply for Y. M. C A Work. given t6t tho loBt tlmo. Elmer Baker. Colonel Dickey and llarrv Plznr who mailn fiovom.1 at- Will Rowland havo made application mntB in rnillnt In .llffnront hrannhos for enlistment In tho Y. M. C. A. of Uio sorvlco. has nnallv liofln. accent, canteen service In France. All three . . " I .1 x .1 i. 1 i. I mil., thn noma anil flmoctn to are over urait uko aim not peine m bo called into tho service some tlmo Position to bo on tho firing lino are next. week. offering their service to help the boys . l . wlio aro on tno line, uoionoi DicKey jh. i' wneoier, preBS agent 01 inoi,i win nnminn.t amwto. ir k , ' . , . . 1r . I UIIU II 111 AW I. lilllll ... UMIII011 ITWI xanKoo uuiizstn snow, Byoui wuu-1 veterans nesuay in town vismng uio nowspaperi ::o::- onices. Ho naB been press agent ror Boys to Itoform School. circuses, since anu is inerciore Tj10 two uoy8 who wero ttrrested at a veteran in tho business, , Sutherland last week for stealing two Mr. and Mrs. James Dorram and bicycles belonging to employes of tlio dnjuchtor loft Wednesday for Bremer- North Platto postoITIce, wero arraign ton, Wash., to visit Clifford Dorram, od before Judge Woodhtirst Monday who has boon stationed thero on a evening and sentenced to the reform naval receiving ship but will soon bo school at Kearney. The youths were transferred to somo other point and taken to that Institution Wednesday porhaps abroad. morning by Elmer Baker, acting as a J. C. Fogg, former Lincoln county Uoputy mrm cowboy, cattleman and farmer, now running a garago at Partis. Kansas, SENATOR HOAGLAND JOINS IIIGGINS PACKING COMPANY. -::o::- Ilcglstrnnts for Auto School, A inll linn ItnAn (nnltnil Kff XTrt. nCilyJn,,W".H 1017 and 1918 registranfs for fl,l(3"y ".Tin" i cnl'stmont in tho Bahe auto school at In Sutherland. "Jim" says ho Is doing u, mi,t . well in tho sunflower state. Lmm,ii,i fX i.in.nin r.n,tv n. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. plications for enlistment in this work t.. m. tj t ti must bo filed with tho board of regis nil . iiiiu into. x. u. jJtvuun uini inu . . . . , . . . ..., children .loft yesterday for Rochester, ,tt,?5,J,2L,ttlT tinn wh Mr rinrmn i,nvft' ing, July 22d. This enlistment is limit- vn,nlnnHnn f 1,1. nhvplnnl to tllOSO WllO liaVO registered troubles madb bv tho Mayo Brothers.' MrSlBarron has. had what Is supposed to bo chronic appendicitis. Mrs, D, A. Baker has ::o: :- HAD A DIP IN KRESO n EHD YOU EVER TRY IT ON YUR STOCK? Nothing like it to put them la good condition, freo them from Insect parasites and pro tect them from contagious dis esses, i Knso Dip No KILLS LICE, TICKS MITES AND FLEAS Chtm Mtnft, Scab, Rfnfwtrm and Otht r ffcln Diatastt. DfatnfatfS! Crtanact and furtttic v Uh It 4Horses, Cattle, Socep, Swine, Dogs, Goats and Poultry. Content Sidewalk Bids Tlio Board of Education will recolve bids up to tho hour of noon AugUBt i), a. uaitor lias compieteu eth. 1318. for tho material ami . con knitting her' forty-eighth pair of socks Btruction of a cement sidewalk ac for tho Red CroBs and haB appllod for cording to tho specifications adopted onough yarn to knit four more pairs, by the City of North Platto ,upon tho making fifty-two pairs, or ono pair north sldo of Block 144. Franklin fdiL'each webk in tho year. Mrs. Bakor School, a,so tho construction of (hroe inaddltlon has knitted a largo niuinbor cement water drains 9 Inches wide of ' sweaters. from school building to street. Meas uronienta may bo had from City En tion, which has a membership of 250 gmoor- c-mnwrm e . and of which S. C. Mccoipbor is tho A- F. STREITZ, Secretary, local Chairman., will hold a mooting Z . -. . I f Vlnnnt ff(na Hnfnr.tnv "TCr Hll 1I1CH 01 Jtnlll ttHH. ovoping. Ono of tho objects of this . '"""i 'VU1, " associatiop Is to look aftor tho fam- l?c ,of rillO foil Monday night, Tues illos of employees who are under tho da,y forenoon and Tuesday night, thus colors. roucving ino xurmers wno were oegm- Tr ,. - . ,, , ning to icar corn anu pouiioes wouia Wo. are paying $14 for mixed Iron, K,ft .,,..,, ,r ,;,, ,m, and $17 to $18 for machinery cast. Mw'nnrE iron. L. Llpshltz, tho Junk Man. v.,r ti, rn,(v. v'orV L,v rnin fn Ono Of tho most enthusiastic Red nl0nEr North Rlvor branch ronil Mniiilnv vjrosB oranciios in uio couniy is iocai- night, a small section of tho road-hed cu on uio uariioiu uioio. iuo orancu,Ping washed out near Sarbon. ms a largo memuorsiup ror a countrj Wednesday night another rain camo l.nn.l nil 111 ni.ll.A1... ,tl nil rl. Iuihii I ... . . . '1. uiinivii, vu iiinuuuio, uiuufcu uuoj wmcn nil (I oil t.wnniv-rniir nun Mnnil. AVlves of farmers, aro devoting much reths to that which previously toll. wmu ivnu uuh uiu wuuv, mm uiimaKing tno total 1.18 inches. are proving 01 mucn assistance 10 uio -q- Red CrosB chapter of Uio county. fiiA,, iiii'iPrnmnf,,! A, U, XOUZaim, BUWO Danit OXOminor, Tim vnlnn nf -mllUnrv ,1rin nn,l n Bpont Wednesday in town examining UIgh school education to tho young tlin rnnillHnn nf tlif TiTntnnl lliillillni' I ,,i ... . ... man wno onusis in mo servico is dem and Losn association, which ho pro- onstrated in the caso of Glenn Ritner. nouncoa oxtremoiy sausmctory; "none Lt year In school Glenn was major bottor," eaid Mr. Touzalin. Ho was nf thn hio.ii oni, nn.iMa ni,in n assisted by MIbb Ruth Stroitz, fchlof interest ln tho work, and was also i v.w.iv nww u"i.b uwi, "v memnor or uio iui8 grnauatlng class in njJumuuK u vuvuliuii uv nuiuu. Lnnt month lm -mnnt in Ornnil Tolntifl onltsted in tho navy and was sent to tho Great Lakes training school. He had been thero but a fow wooks whon aftor a day of hard drilling he was summoned to the office of tho com mandant and Interrogated as to his ago, residence, education and military oxporionco and then excused. An hour later ho was again summoned and told that ho had boon promoted to Bcctlon chief, which corresponds with a second lieutenancy ln the Infantry Ab section chlof Glenn (Will bo ln charge of sixty men. : :o: : Band Concert Program. Tho North Platto Municipal Band under tho dlroctlon ot Earl Stanrp will give their usual weekly concert Friday ovonlng, July 19th, at 8 o'clock at tho Court House Park. Tlio follow ing program will bo presented. March, "Undor tho American Flag.' HOUgO. Overture, "Marltana ' Wallace. Vocal Solo. "A-ai-E-R-I-C-A MeanB 1 1 Lovo You My Yankoo Land," (With nana accompaniment) James Shaffer, Serenade, "D'Amour" Blon. Waltz. "Brides and Butterftlos.' iiampo. Modloy, "Bits of Romlck's Hits I J.OIJ. March, "Glppsland," Llthgow. Tho solo by Mr. Shaffer at last wcok'b concert was so well received tnat in rosponso to many reauosta for anouor, no has kindly consented to Bipg tlio song programmed above, is BUggostod to tho audionco that tnoy do not stand too close to tho band stand, tho song will bo heard to bettor effect, aa then tho accomnanl ment will bo found to blend better wim tho volco. Former State Senator Walter V. Hoagland, of North Platte, a large land owner In the western cattle country, has become interested in the new independent packing plant of tho Higgins Packing coiphnyi and has Just been elected director and vice president. As to crops conditions, tho senator has this to say: "Wo aro at present onjoying ono of the most prosperous season we ever had. Whilo western Nebraska has always been recognized for its thrift in the small grain and cattle industry, this year Is a most ex ceptional one, and going to bo a rec ord breaker. If tho balance of the state does as well as tho western part, Nebraska will onjoy tho greatest pros perity ovor known ln this state. Wo", being in a cattle growing country are muclt interested in tho movements of Omaha people ln getting bettor pack ing house facilities, which not only means more money for tho stock pro ducers of tho Btote, but greater pros perity for tho city of Omaha." Omaha Bee. MHHHHHHMMMk l ' FOR BALC BY I Stone Pharmacy I ml en wnrrc re rncc bookict on krc9 no. 1, I I , , 1 Have you road Mary Roberts Rlno- hart's niyBtory Btory "KV If you havo tho play offers nwv charm. You win navo a chanco to bcq It noxt week, watch for dates. For AHlctc aetkH Ami unttiiNriarv tale list yosr Jung with Thnelocke. tf Public Demonstration OF THE G. M. C. Tractor 12-25 Horse Power Pulling Three Plows At the Pizer & Halligan Farm, Formerly the Turpie Ranch 5 miles southeast of town. iy :: Wednesday, July 23-24 It will pay anyone needing a Tractor to be present . NORTH PLATTE BUCK COMPANY, Agents Tues sra 0m-mn wry THE ORIGINAL : :o: "Blue Blazes Jtnwdcn". Tho story l which Thomas H. Inco presents Wm. S. Hart for his fourth appearance An an Artcraft picture, which will bo shown at the Keith thoatro. Monday and Tuesday, is en titled "'Blue Blazes Rawdon,'" and has for its themo tho awakening of a rough, brutalized man to a sense of bottor things through the appeal of a woman who has lost her own son. and takes tho rough northwoodsman to her heart In place of the boy she has lost As "'Blue Blazes Rawdon," Hart Is a lumberjack who has lived all his life in tho great woods and whose existence is- a compound of hard work, flerco lighting, earnings scattered in dance-halls as soon as received. With no influence to alter this accustomed round, living as ho doeB n ono of the romotest places of tho world, he shares the same ideals as the rough folks of tho lumber camp. ::o:: 3Ioncyto Loan. Plenty of six per cent nionor to lonn on farms and ranches. Interest pay nble nnnnnlly with prlvllcgo of pay ing pari or mi nr. nny urae. jjoans closed 'promptly. No dclny. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. TP r BIG THREES RIMG Ok 1 WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS 3 RINGS- 2 STAGES STEEL ARENA-WILD WEST HORSE SHOW THE BIGGEST WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS IN THE WORLD SjJ DOUBLE LENGTH CARS if Equal la 60 Frtl(b Cir 700 PEOPLE SO HORSES TTh EDUCATED OUU ANIMALS tO SS TENTS HV ELEPHANTS camlls inn Wild Anlmill Eihlbltel 1UU FKCB IN PARADE lOS WAGONS T ELECTRIC LIQHT PLANTS 50- FUNNV CLOWNS1 so esp Trained LIONS LEOPARDS F UIVTi AS TIGERS POLAR BEARS BLACK BEARS SEA LIONS ELEPHANTS CAMELS HORSES ZEBRAS PONIES MONKEYS LION Loops the Loop PARKER'S CARNIVAL SHOWS I COLLOSAL ZOO OF WONDERS Winners el New York -::o::- Farowoll Iteccptlon to Jtov. Cram. A farewell reception will bo given to Uov. B. A. Cram tills ovonlnjr at tlio Methodist church to which all tho members of tho church, tlio Home Guards, tho drum corps, tho band and his many friends aro cordially Invited. Rev. Cram oxpects to loavo for a school of Instruction to Chaplains of tho army. Sunday afternoon A fino program has been planned and re froshments will bo sorved. Hall Insuranco on your corn crop Is a wiso idea at this timo. High prices and good prospects should make you think twico beforo you tako all uio chanco. Let BRATT, GOODMAN and BUCKLEY, wrlto your policy. ::o:: , M. E. Church. Sunday schooll at 9:45. At 11 a' m, tho pastor will preach Ids last sermon boforo going to war. tlio themo will bo "Tho book." Epworth Leaguo at 7 p. ra. at 8 p. m. Mrs. Cram will havo charge or tho sorvlco. A cordial Invitation la ox- tended to all. ::o:. For Sale Houso and lot 8 of block 36. original townslte of No. Platto. Houso In good condition. Coll at 1000 No. Pino. 2 i j. ' o; t 1,1 11 First Lutheran Church. Morning worship, 8: SO o'clock with sormon by Rev. Oak Ebrlght, a membor of the congregation, and now a senior at Hamma Divinity school, Springflold, Ohio. Sunday school 12:30. Everone welcome at theso sorvlccs. ::o:: Christian Science eorvico Sunday at 11 a. m., Sunday school 12 noon. Wed nesday ovonlng meetings 8 p. m., Build lng and Loan building. Room 25. For Sale Two houses and two lots. Also two uaotl automobiles on vM condition at a bargain, Soo Julius Ilahlor. 46tf CoLOoWs $10,000 Challenfle Dancing Horses Savage s Company of Worlds Famous WRESTLERS .... Wednesday O j July ... . " h a a b North Platte For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho republican nomination for sheriff at tho primary election to be hold August 20th, 1918. A. J. SALISUUUY. : :o: : Notice. Notico is hereby given that the in debtedness of tho Loader Mercantile Company on tno lum uay oi juiy, 1918, was $12,628.72. THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO., By JULIUS PIZER, Pres. :o i The First Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school at 10:00 a. m., Mr. Snyder ln charge. Rov. J. H. Curry, D. D., will preach at 11:00 a. m., subject "Jesius Anxiously Waiting." 8:00 p. m., "Somo of Faith's Difficul ties." If you havo no church homo come over and get acquainted with us and enjoy tho good musio that Mrs. Gllfoyl with her choir 1b giving us. ::o:: If hot weather saps your energy and you can't worlf well, It is a sign that your system Is full of bilious impurl ties. You will b sick if you do not do something. Tako Prickly Ash Bit ters, it cleanses tho blood'llrjr and bowels, restores strength, vim and cheerful spirits. Prico $1.25 a bottle. Gummoro-Dent Drug Co., Special Agents. Protestant Episcopal Servico. July 21, 19J8. 8:00 a. m., holy communion; 9:45 a. uv:, Sunday, school; 11:00 a. m;, morning prayer and sermon; 7:00 p..' ra., evening prayer .and sermon. St.. Paul's chapel, northsldo, 3:00 p- m.f Sunday school. , REV. A. D. JONES, Rector. Notice. S. S. Honshaw, first and true namo unknown, will tako notico that on Uio 15th day of July, 1918, 1. L. Mllton bergor, Justice of tho Peace of Lin coln county, Nebraska, Issued an order of attachment for the sum of $16.99 in an actIon pending beforo him, where in Lelrk-sanaau vo. ata piaintms ana R. S. TTpnuhaw is defendant that nron- erty of tho defendant, consulting of moneys in the hands pt tho Union Pacific Railroad Co., a corpoartlon, has been attached undor said ordor. Said causa 1b continued to tho 7th day of August, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m. LB IRK- aApi D ALL uu., I'lalntlffs 9 f&iff I Make your family comfortable,, rot only this Sumner feat for many Summers.. Buy an Elec tric Fan. Divide tho price by tho years thqy last. North Platte Light & Power Co.