The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 19, 1918, Image 1

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    ' wfrf G7j!&. XZXlWA'yiWgr VL14 iV4if
NORTH PLATTE, NEB1. tULY 19, 4918.'
No? 57
This aftornoon at two o'clock at the
county cleric's office- bids will bo open
ed for grading tho road between North
Platto and Sutherland at an estimated
cost of $40,000 or about $2,000 fpor
mile. This Is what 4a known as tho
federal aid road, tho bulk of tho cost
coming from tho government.
This road will start at tho turn at
tho end of Sixth street, thenco a mile
west to tho railroad crossing, thence
along tho north sldo of tho track
to tho Frodorlcl farm, thonco north
to tho Baker school houso and thenco
a straight shoot, or nearly straight,
of fifteen" or sixteen miles west to
The bids include tho handling of
102,700 cubic yards of dirt and tho
hauling of tf.044 cubic yards of clay
or gravol.
Stata Engineer Johnson will bo
presant at. tho opening of tho bids.
Tho expenditure of this sum of
money means that within tho next six
months tho road from North Platte to
Sutherland will bo a regular speed
way ror auto drivers.
Toulght at the Keith will bo shown
tho Pox foaturo "Tho Devil's "Wheel,"
with Gladys Brockwoll and the comedy
"Those Athletic Girls." In again show
ing the, Fox features tho manager of
- tho Keith Is bringing to you a lino of
features that aro made by one of tho
mosC progressive men in filmdom.
Thcso feaures aro different and will
bo a source of pleasuro to tho theatre
goers as they appear each Friday
Come help ius find tho
After a week of absolute quietude In
the matrimonial division of tho coun
ty court, a license was Issued yestor--day
to Oscar Jones and Violet Miller.
Miss Miller will bo a war bride, for
Mr. Jones, whoso homo is in Iowa,
will be called to tho colors next week.
He has been employed in town as a
cook, while his to-be-brldo claims
Detroit as her homo.
Andy Olson, who lives seven miles
west, was in town yesterday taking
orders for early apples, of which he
has a fair crop. Incidentally Andy
volunteered tho Information that no
began cutting fifty acres of-spring
wheat yesterday which will yield not
less than thirty bushels to tho acre.
But it has developed into, a sort o buying whirlwind. We have never
seen more interest or activity in any sale. Big values stand out so
boldly that you can't help but see, as have many, many others,
where you will profit handsomely by taking advantage of this sale.
Bat Hurry,
Harcourt Clothing Co,
Whon tho nows was flashed over tho
wires yesterday aftornoon that tho
Yankee boys had tho Huns on tho
run, Captain Shilling, of tho Homo
Guards, at onco concluded that the
ovent should bo colobrated, and ho
hurriedly Issued a call for tho Guards
to turn" out and m'ada other arrango
monts for a jollification. Tho band and
drum corps woro also Johnny on tho
sfyot and tho organizations marched
over customary route. Following the
parado a meeting was held at tho
court houso park whoro addresses
woro xnado by Judge Hoagland and J.
J. Halilgan and music rendered 'by
tho band and drum corps. In the
meantimo a detail of tho Guards gath
ered material for a bon-flre. and as
this lighted up tho court houso squnro
tho band and drum corps played se
lections1 ind men sang patriotic and
other songs as they encircled tho, fire.
A thousand or more people attended
tho exercises. I
Our optometrist is a specialist along
his lino of work and devotes his entire
time to our optical trade. For this
reason we offer tho best of Borvlca
The McCabe building at tho corner
of Fourth, and Dewey streets, formerly
occupied. by Hendy and Ogler, Is being
McGovorn, who wllLput in a picture
theatre. It will be called tho Sun and
they expect to open about August 1st
Mossrs. Hawloy and McGovorn have
purchased tho machine and the
equipment of tho Red Cro38 Theatre.
They have kindly consented to give
tho Rod Cross tho receipts of one
night a month. The Sammy Girls will
assist tho management by furnishing
ticket sollors, ticket takers and ushers
every night, for which they will re
ceive a per cent of tho receipts.
Leslie Baskins has filed for tho
democratic nomlantlon for county at
torney, thuEr entering tho field as a
contest 'to John Grant, former
county Judgo. Attorney Baskins is' a
very energetic young man, possessed
much determination and will conduct
his campaign for tho nomination with
Carl Smyth, formerly of this city,
who has resided In Nampa, Idaho for
several months returned horo tho flrs$
of this "week and will be ono of the
slxty-rilno Lincoln county boys "who
go to Camp Dodgo on Juty ,25th. .
Our Semi-Annual jj
Started our July Sale
mark the end of July Reductions
Your Last Chance, Men,
To buy Clothes af these prices. Better get a Suit NOW.
Suits $12.00
Suits $13.20
Suits $1480
Suits $10.00
Suits $18.00
Men's Palm Bench Suits
$ 7.50 Suits i $ 6.00
8.50 Suits $ 0.80
16.50 Suits $13.20
Got a Good Supply of
1.75 Shirts $1.40
2.00 Shirts $1.60
2.50 Shirts $2.00-
3.00 Shirts $2.10
Look at these Prices on
Shoes formerly $3.80
to $9.00 now at ... .
Tho allies turned tho tablos on tho
Gormans yesterday whon tho Amorican
and f reach troops .In tho Chatoau
Thierry sector took the .lnltatlvo from
tho foe and drovo them back on n
twonty-fivo mllo front Tho American
troops went over tho top with a
cheer, and tho enemy was taken com
pletely by surprjso all along tho lino.
Tha Amorican troops woro brought up
In tho night togothor with French com
rades from crack units, and lay in their
position until five o'clock yesterday
morning wuon uio oaenslvo ocean.
Numorairs tanks participated in the
Tho American Infantry wont into at
tack without previous artillery pre
paration. In their advance behind the
rolling barrago thoy captured many
guns, machlno guns, prisoners, equip
ment nnd mntorlal. Tho Gormans in
most places offered feeble resistance,
but horo and thoro they put up a
stubborn fight, which tho Amorican
Bhock units quickly ovorcomo at tho
point of the bayonets and at tho muz-
Speclal salo prices on all fancy
dress, waist and skirt silks at THE
A beautiful lino of wash dresses,
waists and skirts at money Bavlng
prlcos at THE LEADER MERC. CO.
"We fit your wholo family In boat of
undorwear at before tho war prices In
most instances at THE LEADER
zels of tholr weapons.
Every where on tho twonty-flvo mile
front tho Germans woro driven back
from two to four milos, and tho
Americans and French in their opera
tions yesterday took at 'least 12,000
Tho towns of Torcy and Glvry and
Glvry wood woro taken by tho Amer
icans In their advance. They have also
captured the following towns west of
Chateau Thierry Vlller-Heldon, Dam
niard. Couirchampa. Llcy-CHgnon,
Monthlors, Belloau, Glvray, St Gon
goulph, Hautesvonos and other small
villages, farms, ' hights and woods.
Hall Insurance.
It Js reported that tho corn crop In
the vicinity of K6ystono was severely
damaged by hall on laBt Tuesday even
ing. "With prices high and prospects
good' don't you thing 4t woulld be a
good thing to protect your crop by In
surance in one of our first class old
lhie corop&nlos? See
1st, 1918
$25.00 Suits 1020.00
27.50 Suits j $22.00
30.00 Suits $24.00
32.50 Suits $2(5.00
35.00 Suits $28.00
Mohair, Alpaca, itool Cloth
,10.00 Suits $ 8.00
15.00 Suits $12.00
Shirts $2.80
Shirts $3.20
Shirts $3.60
Shirts $1.80
Shirts $6.00
Shirts- $9.00
$2.80 to $7.
2 IS
1 .
local and personal
- -
Rov. Arthur Jones wontfoOgalaila
yestorday to hold Episcopal service's,
Miss Bertha Thoelocko has return
ed from n short visit in Arthur county.
Mlsa Wllla Rauch began -work tho
first of tho weok in tho Ilorrod grocery.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Peterson, who
woro recently married, havo returned
from a visit in tho -west
Miss Ploronco Stack will leavo in
a few davs for Ltwlnirfnn tn viat rel
atives for a wook or longer.
Miss Irina Johnston leaves Sunday
for Grand Island whoro sho will spond
hor vacation visiting friends.
Who is "K"?
Carlotta knows, do
Mr. and Mrs. James and daughter
Zolla left a fow days ago for Cali
fornia to spend sevoral weoks.
MrB, E. P. Seoborgor, who submitted
to an operation at tho Mayo Bros, hos
pital sovorai weeks ago, arrived homo
last evening.
Did ,you ovor Investigate tho Dixon
Porfocto non-brcakabCe Lenses?
Mrs? "'Charles Reynolds , and son
Charlos, who havo been visiting rel
atives for two weoks will return' "to
Omaha tomorrow.
Littlo Zoo Rao at the Crystal Mon
day In ,(Danger Within."
MIb'b Fayo Elder, of tho County
Superintendents offlco will tieavo Sun
day morning for Buffalo. Wyo., to visit
relatives for two wodlts.
E. L. Garrison returned last even
ing from Portland and northwest
points whero ho had boon visiting rol
talves sinco last October.
Mid summer stylo' hats aro now be
ing Bhown In tho Millinery dopnrtmeul
Genoral Manager Jeffers camo up
from Omaha on No. 5 last evening and
vjsited friends for a fow hours, re
turning on No 4 last night
All o'ptlcal work dono by HARRY i
DIXON & SON is guaranteed to give1
tho host of satisfaction. i
In tho Third Liberty loan drive in
Nebraska every fifth person bought a
linn fV flTlrl 4Vi nfti rn taI f o r9 aiiKdni1 r. )
'"- uuu wau v.W2'Abt ouui)(jI 1' I
tlons was $42.51. Can wo do as ,woll
whon tho Fourth loan Is fl&ated in
Octobcir?v"Wo hojno bo.iju .tt J
For -.Service First and Guarantee
Work, Call North Platto Plumbing and i
Heating Co., Pnono 4C9, 10G East!
Sixth street.
County Agent Barber lefUfor Kim
ball this morning to attond a confer-!
enco of potato growers. From Kimball !
a trip will bo mado to Greeley, to ln-
.1 1 1. .Till 1
and learn how tho Colorado growers
make such a success In growing
potatoes. ,
J. H, Day was called to Lincoln the
early part of tho week by tho 'Illness
of his son Davo, who siuibmltted to an
otfsration for appendicitis Tuesday.
Tho attack was an aggravated ono und
tho operation serious, but tho latest
word received states that Davo's con-
ditlon is considered satisfactory.
hildren's Summer
Special- Prices
Right at the time you will need them we
are offering a fine assortment of Children's
Voile Dresses from one of the very best
factories in this country and the style and
workmanship cannot be surpassed. We
have priced them so they will close out
quickly at
$1.48, $1.98, $2.48, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98
' These Dresses are made from nice Voiles and
better styles of Ginghams with touches of" hand work
We also offer two lots of Middy rkfk i mg
Blouses to fit Children from 8 Iff aflO Mf
to 14 years of age at CllIU 1 tl
RccepileH toldlcr Hoys.
Tho forowoll dccoptlon to bo given
bytho Sammy Girls to tho slxty-rilno
Ifoys, who go to Camp Dodgo will bo
hold noxt Thursday evoning on court
nouso dawn if the woath"'' permits, If
not then In tho Franklin auditorium.
Tho address of tho ovening will bd
mado by Geo. N. Glbba, Mrs. Donegan
will Blng, thoro will bo soloctlona by
tho Lolnlngor quartetto and tho
band will play. As Is customary, ouch
of tho boyB will bo prosontod with a
sweater and comfort kit
Rod Cross ChalrwcH to Moot.
Mrs. F. W. Rlnckcr, chairman of
the Red Cross relief work has sent
out nn Invitation to tho chairmen of
each Red Cross branch and auxiliary
In tho county asking them to moot in
conforonco at tho federal buildlnrr to
morrow aftornoon. Tho object of tho
meoung is 10 aiscuss genoral condi
tions of tho Red Cross Work and to
acquaint tho chairmen of present con
ditions relative to tho work.
All Red Cross workers aro invited
to attend this conforonco.
Ror. Crnm Lenves Sunday.
Rov. A. B. Cram, who recontly on-
ustoa as a ciinplnln In tho army, has
been ordered to roport ntAtlanat,
Ga., and ylll leavo for that city Sun
day afternoon.
A farowoll.rocoptlon will bo tendered
Rov. Cram at tho Motfiodlst church
this ovonlng, and In advance wo fool
warranted In saying that this farowell
to htan will bo honrty exprosal6ns of
most slncero good wlshoB to hinx ihd
his work undor tho colors,
Resigns ns City Engineer.
Chas. J. MoNamara has resigned as
city onglneor and wlill rotlro from
civil engineering work in order that
ho may accept a position with tho
Groat Western Accident and Health
Insurance- Co., of DeaMolnes, Iowa.
Mr. McNamara has been given a
district In which to oporato and will
maintain headquarters In this city.
Geo, A. Rnnnlo succeds Mr. Mc
Namara as city engineer,
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hanson left last
evening for Choyonno.
Mrs. E. N, Oglor and son Raymond
left this morning for a visit In Ohio.
Mrs. John Vosolnka loft this mom-'
ing for Lincoln where sho wiCl visit Smith had had an Interesting career as
friends. ( a business man in Londont as Y. M. O.
Robert Armstrong returnod' last ;s?cr?t1ftI?; Htfift ihtrtJn0ir,ta' i1"
night from Omaha whoro ho had anqu"a .th Hnl.tC(l- Kingdom. His
operation performed on his throat.
Fill vvvnnt- mAH.1nMll 1Ih ... 0 T '
iui ui.u iiiuau .vuuuuiiu! uuv 01 nuKuV- pnst two year8 ,no nas personally raised
er suits' Tor boys and girtd .in ages , a 0f $150,000 annually. For tho -past, sir .
to C years at THE LEADER MERC. , months ho haB had charge of cmploy
CO at "prices loss than cost of thQ,ing secretaries for tha 160 associa
matorlal. itlon lwits among tho troops In Groat
Mrs. Wm. Newman, mother of E. F. Britain. At Ipresont ho is having a
Seoborgor, who la past eighty-six years vacation in America. Rov. Hull! and
of ago, had a fall yesterday and BUf- Mrs. Smith wero assoclato secretaries
fored an injury to hor hip, tho oxnet of tho Buenos Alros Y. M. C. A. sovon
natuiro of Which has mot yet been do- years ago and noxt door nolghbors In
tormlnod. Tho hfp was placed under that groat city. A conforonco with tho
tho X-ray yestorday, but at this tlmo men of tho Baptist church and others
it has not boon learned whether thoro Intorosted will bo arranged on Sunday,
la a dislocation or a fracture. Tho Tho young ladles of tho local tolo
aged lady who la being cared for by phono offlco hold a frronuptlal shower
a nurse, suffered intonBoly last night. (Tuesday ovonlng In honor of Miss ,
Kaliki dross for girls In ages 8, Callio Rork, at tho homo of Miss
10, 12, and 14 on salo at $2.90 and Mario Stuart. Tho guest of honor re
$3.45 at THE LEADER MERC. CO. colved many pretty gifts.
Department Store.
Tho management of tho Homo
Guards Mnstrolft has rccolvod an In
timation that in Ovjtobor a certain
patriotic war Society will need funds
to carry on lte work, and that tho
receipts of a mlnistrol aliow would
como In mighty handy. As tho Mlnstrol
hcompany was organized for tho boIo
purposo of croatlng fiunds for tho sup
port of patrltoic 8ocletios and at tho
Bomo time furnisldng nmueoment for
tho public at a popular !prlce, tha
Mlnstrols will moot Uio call Jor fund
In October by giving another show.
Tho oxact dato has inot been determin
ed but It will bo tho early part of tho
month. ,
Tho Minstrels bojiovo that tholr next
Bhow will be .greatly superior to tho
first as moro novel featuroo will bo'
Introduced Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stamp
will dlroct the musical rehearsals'
and tho B'plonilld orchestra will nes
company tho choruses and Botolsts, f .
InYosllgalo Beet Worn,
prof. Swonk. of tho ontomology do-.
partmont of tho stato university-spent
yosioruay n ttio beet fields In tho Hor
shoy section Investigating tho ravages '
of the boot wob worm, which has beon
croatlng havoc In the boot flolds .bo
twoon North Platto and SuthoiCatid
TIiIb lnsoct broods throo crops a year,
and tho second crop Is now hatching,
tho anticipated loos up to dato Is said
to bo from throo to five tons 'to the
aero, and at least twonty acres havo
been totally destroyed. Tho Groat West
cm Beot Sugar Co. will aid Its growers
by furnishing spraying, machines and
poison. ,
Atlcntlon Homo Guards.,,'
' Tho Homo Guards liavo beon Invited
to attond In a body ( tho farewell ro-7
caption which will bo tendored Rev.'
B. A. Cram nt tho Methodist churph
tjils ovonlng and this Invitation has
boon acopted. All Guards aro requeat
tp meet at tho Moose' hall at eight
Q'clock to proceed to tho church ln a
A. W, SHILLING, Captain. .
1 Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Smith of London,
Eng., nnd Calcutta, India, are visit?'
lng Rov, and Mre. A, C. Hull. - Mr.
0,"cia' 18 lu 01 Bcnera seen-
. . r . 0 .