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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1918)
MUSLIN UNDERWEAR! AT Special Prices Beginning to day we will place the larger part of ' our stock of Muslin Underwear on sale at special prices Children's Skirts withWaist attached made from good Muslins trimmed with tucked flounces, only two 111 M J Iffe qualities at. .... .. HQ 0"C Children's Skirts made from good materi als nicelv trimmed i - ' two lots at 23c and 39c Ladies' Drawers good plain draw- rkJr ers, well made but not fancy at. . Ladies' Drawers" made from good grades of Cambrics, Jancy ruffle trim- "jn med at ...... r 0 C Ladies' Combination Suits, a small lot of these extra good values, special k Q pce 45C Ladies' Corset Covers, some very nice Garments assorted f ,1 k kinds at........ JC 40C Ladies' Short Skirts, made from j ftp nice Cambric, lace trimmed at. . . . $ 7 V Ladies' White Skirts, all of better quality SLbdafu"yS-79$2-29 $2-69 Ladies' Gowns, latest styles, full cut, both $st:Hp 89c and $1-39 At the prices of Muslins and Cambrics these goods cost less made up than you can buy the material for. Wilcox Department Store, 1 LOCAL AND PEBSONAL Mrs. Frank McGovern was a visitor In Gothenburg Saturday. Riley Warren returned Friday frojn a visit in Norton, Kans., and Kansac City with relatives. Mrs. Edward Grady of Grand Is land, camo last week to visit Mrs. Johanna McGraw and family. Philip Pizr, of Lewellen, came the latter part of last week to visit Mr. and Mfsriiilius Pizer: - ' " Mrs. J. H. Crawford of Keystone, spent the week end as the guest of Mrs. A. J. Frazier. Mrs. Edward Putoff who was the guest of her sister Mrsj Elmer Coates Teft a few days agd for Sidney. Mrs. Vaunney Love, of the Leader 7Merchantilo Co., is taking he summer vacation and will visit in Omaha. Julius Thoelecke, of Idaho, arrived here a few days ago to visit with hia. nephew O. H. Thoelecke 4ind family. Dr. Morrill. Dentist' Miss Catherine Herrod whb ,had been vlsitng tho Harrington, family ,in Denver, returned Saturday morning. Miss Agnes O'Neill of Lincoln, is expected here this week to visit her cousins tho Misses Florence and Mario Stack. Mrs. Vigo Christensen and two sons, who had visited, relatives In St. Paul, Nob., for several weeks returned home Friday evening. t Jack Shields, of Paxton, .spont tho week .end with friends in town. He is ono of tho Keith county boys who leave for Camp Dodge July 22. Marcelline and Edwina Keliher, of of Chicago, formerly of. this city are expected here this week to visit their undo A. A. Schatz and family. A nine pound girl was born the 'lattor part of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Steinkoff. Mr. Stelnk-off- is associated with the A. T. and T. Co. Mrs. Edward Norris, of Omaha, formerly Miss Anna Golden of this city Is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs. Patrick Golden of tho fourth ward. Thomas Hagerty, who had been working in tho shops at Cheyonno for two weeks, has returned hero and ac cepted employment in tho U. P. round bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Alebrt Kopf are ro jolcing over the arrival of a baby boy which was born at tho Twinem hospit al Saturday. Mrs., Kopf was formerly MIbs Mary Feekin. Loronzo Macombor loft tho lattor part of last weok for Wyoming to visit relatives before leaving for Camp Dodgo on July 22d with the Lincoln county quota. . Mrs. Eva Reese and son Guy, form er residents' hero, aro vjsltfng the Stainfe and Bonner family this week. Thoy havo resided at Caster, Wyo. for several months past Andrew Kenworthy Is spending a fortnight in Denver. "Miss Nobody" with Gladys Huelette at tho Crystal tonight "Jack" White left this morning for Kansas City to spend a week. Dr. Morrill. Dentist Miss Margaret Wller, of the Block store, has returned rrom a visit with relatives in Hastings. 1 - Mrs. Percy Tbornburg has. gone to. Camp Funstpn to visit her, husband who left hero last month. Mrs. John Gorham, of Grand Island, will arrive here today to visit with hor daughter Mrs. W. A. Buchflnck. Mrs. John Herrod and daughter Evangeline will leave in a few days for Chicago to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. George Kanoff and children, of Grand Island, who wore guests of her mother Mrs. Rosa Nichols left Sunday evening. Omer Bradley, of Bayard, is visiting his mother hero thiB -week, having ,been called to report for U. S. service "july 22d. X George young, of Hastings, who has been In the service of the U. S. for several months, is visiting his sister Mrs. Carl Simon. Hnlgar Nelson, of St. Paul, Neb, came tho latter part of last week to spend a fortnight with his sister Mrs. Vigo Chistensen. Tho Presbyterian Aid society will meet Thursday afternon at tho church and be entertained by Mesdames Streitz, Iddings and McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Yates, who re turned from their wedding trip In the west a few days ago, are now "at homo" to their friends at 30C east Fourth street. Miss Ethel Smith, who spent sever al weeks with Mrs. A. J. Frazier a few days ago for Denver to enter wholesalo millinery company prior to accenting a fall position. A resumption t of mail delivery on motor routo B occurred this morning much to tho dolight of tho people living north of tho river. A man by the namo of Taylor Is carrying tho route. W. H. Stevens, ,who has been man ager of the Shoe Market, and a very popular young man. left todayt.Xor Iowa to visit tho homo folks until next week when ho will go to a training camp with the boys of that state. 1 Postmaster McEvoy was officially notified yesterday that effective July first tho pay of rural mall carriers was increased. Carrlors who were bald $1,200 por year will now receive $1, 400 and those who received fl,80Q will now bo paid $2,100, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bird returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit in Oolwlne, la. and Rockord, 111. At'tho latter frlaco they visited tho canton ment and was surprised at Its immen sity and the number of men stationed there. Mr. and Mrs. Miner Hull, who ' resided in Omaha for several months returned to this city a few days ago to make thoir home. Nearly one hundred thousand Am erican soldiers wero sent overseas last week. At this rate we will soon havo 2,000,000 men on foreign soil. Tho second floor of tho building va cated by tho Hendy-Ogier Co., is now being remodeled into an addition to tho Hotel McCabe. This will provide twenty additional rooms. The contrac tor figures that ho will complete the work not later than. October 1st. When you are through with your magazines send them to tho Red Cross Canteen or send word to Mrs. Ch'as. Bogue who will havo some one call for them. These magazines are needed to su'pply tho soldier boys with, read ing matter as (they pass through on tho trains. Methodist aid society meets next Thursday afternoon, July 18th. Red Cross sowing will be dono and tho president Insists on the Indies who can to help out with the work. A 25 cent supper will be served in the ovenlng to whiclran Invitation is extended to all the congregation and friends. Tho society "page of the Sunday Den ver Post contained a picture of Mrs. J. H. Hegarty, formerly of this city. It stated that she is extremely popular in club circles there, Is ono of he vice presidents of tho Denver Woman's Club and first vice-president of the Womans Federatiori of Denver. Though tho. auto tourist business is not quite as heavy as last year, yet it la sufficient to keep the Hotel McCabe, tho Timmerman and the several room ing houses wol filled each night. Ono thing is noticeable this year and that Is that a larger number of the tourists carry camp equipment with them and eat and sleep outdoors. Don't miss seeing "Tho Bluebird'' at the Keith tonight Hap'piness will bo your reward. W. H. Stevens and J. H. Walker who leave today to enter the service, wore honor guests at a dinner given at tho Vlonna Cafo last evening by Drum Major Beck and Guy Swopo, of the Home Guards drum corps. Other guests wero members of the corps Each of tho honor guests, was pre sented with an identification locket. On Thursday afternoon a number of llttlo folks and their mothers wero guesta of Mrs. C. A. Solby and small daughter Pbyliss at the homo of the grandmother Mrs. L R. Duko. Tho occasion was tho second birthday of Phyllis. In doforenco to tho sol dier daddy, Dr. C. A. Solby, who has been in active service in France for a number of months, tho decorations wore of a patriotic nateo, tho color schemo being red. white, and blue. Tho largo birthday cako was decora ted with flags, 2 candles and two ser vice stars. It was also the flret an niversary of tho D&ctor being called into service. An enjoyable afternoon waB spent and Phyllis received many beautiful remembrances of the day. LOCAL ANJ, PERSONAL The Happy Hour club will meet at tho homo of Mrs. Frank Mqoro, 416 So.' Maple, Friday afternoon. "Violet Williams; agod thirteen, died at a local hospital Sunday. Tho funer al was hold yesterday afternoon. Tho Luthoran Girls club will bo entertained Thursday ovenlng by .Helen Rodlno, and Irma Huntington nt tho homo of the former, .102 So. uowey. Miss Bessio Salisbury, of tho force in tho county dork's offjeo has tukon a vacation and loft Saturday , night for Aurora, Neb., to visit' her sister for ten days. A man named Toloson whoso homo was at or near Keystone, died at a lo cal nospital Saturday. Ho had no known relatives and tho interred in tho local cemetery Sunday. County Clerk Allen visited rolatlvos at Farnam Sunday. Ho says thresh ing started In that neighborhood thd lattor part of last weok and wheat was averaging about fifteen bushels to tho aore. Ed Hostetter. ,who was up from Maxwoll yesterday, said about tho only pa8tlmo they were having in that section these days is catching catfish In tho river. Somo of thoso weigh as much as fivo. 'pounds and aro lino eat ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. V Hoagland and children leave by auto Friday for Estes Park, whoro they will Bond two weeks. Mr. Hoagland purchased a cottage in Thompson Canyon throe miles bolow tho town and will occupy It while there. While at Paxton Sunday we wero told that a farmer living on tho table south of town had 350 acres of wheat tbat would averago not less than thir ty bushels per acre, and perhaps thirty-five. Tho wheat crop this yeav will bo worth more than double the brice he "paid for the land. The fourth ihot rom a gun manned by a Navy armed guard on an Am' orican merchant ship struck tho.con nlng tower of a German submarine vhlch attacked tho ship May 12th at 1,000 yards distance. The submarine was compeled to submerge after having launched four torpedoes, two of which missed tho steamer's bow by about 12 feet Chief Gunners Mate Harry R. Chambers, commanding tho armed guard, was commended by Secretary (Daniels for efficient conduct. ::or: ' Received l'nrt of Bnck Priy. Union Pacific employes received tho later part of last week and yesterday checks for back pay foe the month of '.Tnniinrv. the month in which Increas ed wages became effective. There is still duo tho men tho back pay for February, March, April, May and June. Whether the amounts for these months will come in monthly install ments or all "pain In a lump on August first is not known. It fs uder stood that General Manager Jefferles made a request that tho wholo amount .duo bo paid tho first of tho month. Employes who purchased Liberty bonds figured on using tho back pay to pay for tho bonds, and if it is not forth coming in a lump August, first they will bo somewhat embarrassed financially. ::o:: U. S. Casualties Over Seas, Washington, July 14 Casualties in tho army and marine corps overseas Increased 647 during tho week, com pared with 703 tho presvlous week and aggregate 11,733 with tho inclus ion of today's army list giving 72 names and . tho marine covps list giving CI names. Total deaths, including 291 men lost at sea, mon killed in action, dead of wounds, disease, accident and other causes number 4,673 army men 400; marines, 573. The wounded ag gregate 6,476 army men, 543; mar ines, 2,045. Thoso missing, including prisoners, total 584 army mon, 519; marines, 65. Of tho week's increase, 481 wero army men and 166 marines. Killed in action and other deaths numbered 259; thoso wounded totalled 307, and tho missing and ipriBonors, 81. Tho array casulty summary as officially announced today follows: KllTed i action, including 291 at sea, 1,656. Died of wounds, 599 Died of dlseaso, 1,338. Died of accident and other causes, 507.. Wounded inr action, 5,431. Missing in action, including pris oners, 519. Total to date, 10,050. Tho marine corps casualty sum array announced today follows: Deathd, 573. Wounded, 1,045, In hands of enemy, 2. Missing, 61. Total to dato, 1,683. Officers included in tho marine corps summary woro: Death, 24; wounded, 29; missing, 2. Tho army Hummary does not note tho numbor of officers Included. Sugar ponsjprrnfloii Important Tho conservation of sugar la tho all important thing Just now, according to Federal Food AdnilnlBtrifon yitj braska. Yet Nebraska houlowivcs' are urged to can and preserve all -the frulta and vegetables pot4lbl$flr'?5! Maximum cnnnlncr -with minimum sugar la tho urgent request i the foou Administration. Six different methods havo been suggested for the preservation of fruits which require llttlo sugar and oft times none. JJryinjr fruits of course, is' tho" easiest and saves both BUgar nnd cans. Pulping fruits is fast growing In favor, while tho bottling of fruit Juices and eyrupu has many followers. In getting sugar for canning pur IQHQst application, nustbo made to tho county food administrator aftbr tho first 25 pounds havo boon Jpur chjotj. Sufficient sugar should o secure'd to properly preserve tho frutn but houowlosf should uso Just as Httlo as 'possible, asks the Food Administra tion. . " hml of Thanks. Wo" deslr'o t6 thank our frlonds for tliolr 'sympathy and kindness, also for tho beautiful iloral offerings, during tho sickness . and death of our son, Bruco Valentino. MR. and MRS. A. E. ERICSSON, MISS ALICE ERICSSON. "ft - For Farm Loans soo Gono Crook, Room west of Vionna Cafo. THE UNIVERSAL CAR EVERY FARMER NEEDS A Ford 0ne?Ton Truck Every farmer at this time of the year has under consideration the way he can most cheaply bring his gram, hogs, etc., to marketreturn with coal for the winter, flour, feed, lumber and bran. The Ford Worm, privo truck is the one that is solving the problem, cost of up-keep unusuully low and the greatest service the Truck world knows (FORD SERVICE.) Priced at North Platte' $659.32 Your order must be placed at once to insure delivery HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. Phone 34 "Corner 4th and Dewey DR. J. S. TWINEM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician.! X-Ray. WBI- For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for acute and chronic diseases, A trial will convince you that thero system of treatment its equal. Office phone 183, Residence phone 283. &TT ' Hospital Phone 110. WE BOY YOUR HAY GRAIN SEEDS AND 55 We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Wliole hcat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. jgj Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. v Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 90. it's A Casting ntorosmoN With us that until you aro satisfied we don't conoldor a transaction end ed. So you will ho doing us a favor it you will toll un of anything you don't liko about our FEED and our service. Don't hesltato bocauso tho matter may seem a trifling ono. Wo want to corroct tho fault bo It llttlo or big. Ferfoct shorvice Is the aim of-this establishment LEYPOLDT '& PENNINGTON PHONE 89. OAR EXCHANGE Before buying a car bo sure to see me as I ha,ve a number of cars almost as good as new, which. I will sell at a bargain. These cars are not old broken down junk, but cars which will stand close inspection and will save you money. Would be pleased to have you call and see these cars. A. M. BLUME FIJtST CLASS CAB PAINTING. 818 North Locust St AUTO LIVERY SInco I kiiTe Bold the garage am doing auto Urery fren the North Bars.. Day or Night. Tekg&sae 29. We wale a specialty ef drlreM sales all over tke coaaty at tke rate ef ire eeata per aule per peroit, Tho Be who hare sales threaghrat the country please let He feaew. Also a few ears for sale. Night Call Bed && Julius Mogensen.