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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1918)
Au 1 i Buy Your Wrist Watch Before Leaving Home iVlion you get on a uniform, nil but . .toncl up, a cnrlrlilgo jjclf, niid pack, you won't Uo nblo to dig n watch out " of your pocket. lVHcn yon slioot "prone," you nro apt to ocrnpo tlio wntcli In your pocket -on a rock. Wicn yoii como'to Tort," or "Pros cnt Arms," yon are !Ikoly4o btimp a pocket watch vrllh an 11 pound rifle. You can get a belter wrist watch for loss money at ClIiiton'gAllian you can Injlio cantonment town.' lluy It beforo you Icaro. C. S. Clinton . Graduate Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. jf; DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Gredaate Dentisl ' f Office oyer the McDonald Stata Bunk. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. . PanrMoyer has filed for tho ropub Hcan, nomination for county survoyor. Ezra Dowhowor, who has boon In ji training camp for several months, yb called homo a day or two ago by tho Illness ot his mother. For Sheriff. ? I hereby announce myself as a candl date for the republican' noirilriatlbh for sheriff at'tho primary election to be hold August 20111, 1918. ' , , A.. J. pALlSBJJRY , r i::o:: Hcndy Oct the Briscoe. Tfco ownership of tho Brlscoo car sold by tho Homo Guards" iidw'reats in Will' irendy. It -was reportecfthat Dot Besnsk had secured 'thV car,' 'but later It. developed that 'this' was an error. Saturday Mr. llcndy Incidental ly noticed that he held the ticket that entitled him to tho car. . .w. . ' Chautauqua Poorly Attended. Tho Chautauqua which closed Satur day ovonlng proved a "frost" bo far as attendance, tho manager intimating that tho company had lost quite a sum of money on tho North Platte engage ment. The Boy Scouts canvassed tho town thoroughly In the' salo of ticket but found tho people very Indifferent. Those who atfpnded the sessions regularly Bay tho talent as a whole waB.not wp to the standard, not near I ly as good aB last year .:o:: Registrant Granted Divorce Marlon S. Huffman, whoso home is in Sutherland, and who Is one of the boys who will leave for Camp Dodge this month, was granted a divorce For oalc Yearling bulf. cood krado Huffman. The decreo was granted on Horoford. It. B. Marshall, Phone tho grounds of extreme cruelty. Thoy 790F11. had not been living together for six Miss Lucille Beyerlo and cousin months tho wife having gone to Iowa went to Elm Creek Sunday to visit with tho only child. However, Mrs PWabout? the torifiF m yiffife" . ' unin l ttj tut artivtnD ... . . . y lyiv vuui IS'."''.'", writing io,inouoniotioiKS irom tsfeicail. son ot MrSnnd trsi "iowl4$?ct dor date .f r ... - . - tfi. j una. 20th. Fred ujiok sava: "Hnvi "Tof" pill telalV.lett this ! mongf J $SP f f Granf IsLd'to enlist In tffe W all thoImo and have Russoll .Langford, who went to ,Sld- falrly good uuaratcrs at present, but have riot yet reached our pernlanent 4 . . , . . . , HUTU JUb I k'UViUt'U UUI IIU AliUJIUlll. hoy Thursday morning to eriltst in the th,9 8lmp,y bong a po)nt of debarkation. Candy and eatables are mighty Bcarco in tho village wo are home from near 1)1,1 tno wJno shops aro aB thick tlon nnd was sent to Ft.. Logan tho same evening. t Wnllap P.lHo nrrlvfifl J, . ,,, , tvs Buffalo knats at home ln June. To fjnmn Tnilirr Kntiirnfiv tnnrnlnif on fl. ' ;jtaort furlough to look-after business at noon we saw a great many Ger- matters. Ho has fcecn assigned to the i'"u' B "s " field artillery, which 1b more to his au ? a vf7 liking than tho Infantry. WUM"Wi aa 1 "" Harry E. Fritts, who played here mncn iroaunem pwa os long bb moy ,.vMi v.,, nr fhn Minir imii will work, Tho trip over, .was V,ery team, Is now stationed at Fort Word fin. Wnnh.. in tho 8th Co. C. A. C. Frank Herrod, of Ogalalla, spent flrBt two out, Sunday visiting his mothor ln this city. Hugh F. Kelly who left May 2d with V Mre. Wood White went to Grand Island Sunday to visit relatives for a few dayp. Mrs. Fred Elliott' wont toOmaho Sunday to visit her son Fred family. and friends. , Mrs.. W. T. Wilcox left yestorday morning for a visit ln Denver, and othor Colorado points. Huffman, upon being notified of the proceedings arrived Saturday but did not fight tho case. The wife was given tho custody of the child. :o:: Los Angolos Cal. Miss Ool'dft ch Jiderllnvftcd 1,00$ frlekdajfo h$r wedding, rented a lg jtallfoiho p'o caslSn,, attd Charged CO cenii? Sdmts aion 'tSb invfted' guests? Thlj lied Cross got tho gate receipts, and nelth nr nffnmliinn nor numbor of DreschTs received was cut down by tho admis sion charge. - - ::o:: Tho Medical Dpartment, In a later lettor ho says: "Have moved again and wo are now located in' our permanent barracks, a nowly . VuiJll fnmtv nonr n. rlvpr nn thfit -mo a company of Lincoln county boys for ' , ' , . . . , - . .. v Vlv ' , , . havo plenty of water handy for bath- Fort Logan and has since "been 11 In Qf hosp tal there came homo Saturdoy fte buncn aro United States Army needs women as reco'n tsructlon aids. Tho office of Surgeon General announces: "Tho work ot tq- construction aids la divided info two sections, (1) tliosd women who are woll trained In massage and tho-other rnrmti nf nhvHlntheranv". and (2) those quiet and I was not sick a,day except n trained In simple handcrafts.' ior a sngni. neaaacuo anu uizziness ino , r1 . Barvioi nnv i SCO. homo sor- a. y uifru ljsa ylco Ipay $50 por month and quarters allowances. ; ::o:: A coated tongue, bad breath, dlzzl- to visit'his wife and parents fcr month while convalescing from an operation. A letter has been received from Arthur Barraclough stating that he Is billeted in a Bmall village somewhere In Franco and that he Is feeling fine. Tho French people aro very kind to the American soldiers. J. H. Walker, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Walker, of the Walker MubIc Co., left this morning for Grand Island to enlist ln the navy. His bro ther Lew enlisted ln tho same branch of tho service several months ago.. Loo Bird Is now stationed in aviation camp at Dallas, Tex, us and all arc in good shape." :o;:- Unltcd States Itevcnucs. The Internal-revenue collections for tho fiscal year ending June 30 last totaled $3,672,000,000. Tho collections for tho preceding year were $800,000, 000. Tills year's collections exceed by nearly $200,000,000 the estimates mado when tho war revenue measures wero passed by Congress last year. noss and a clogged condition ln tho bowels can bo qulckiy relieved by us ing Prickly ABh Bitters. It la ro omlnently efficient in such ailments Price $1.25 por bottle, Gummero-Donl Drug Co., Special Agents. Dr, Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Store. ' tl Ashlpment of a bunch of cattle was mado from the Howard ranch to Soatti Omaha Saturday, C, P. Howard accompanying the shipment For; Sale I 'good nrulo colt, coming 2 years old. Mrs. M. Scose, Motor IU. A. frforlh Platte. 2 ' Dr, and Mrs. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dickey, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tiloy Nebraska. leff.Snturday morning for Entos Park by auto;, expecting to bo absont about twd weeks. Tho Trlbuno stated Friday that John Grant and J. T. Keofo had filed for county Judge. It should havd read county attorney, of courfle. It waB morely a slip of the pencil, . Lost Brown leather suitcase bo tweon south end of south nvor bridge . and town. Finder please leavo at this office and receive reward. Dodo Antrim,, of Ogalalla, who mot with an accldont whllo driving a Ford ln tho Fofutrth of July, auto racoB In this city, has recovorod from tho cuts, brniscs and Blinking up ho received Tor uulck action nun sntlsfactorv ie list your land with Thnclcckc tf iMlaa Sylvia Watts, who rocontly went to Butto, Mont., has been offorod a position in the schools ot that city at'a salary of $1200 a year and will accept. If she remains a second year Bhe will receive $1300. Mra. CIiob. Matson, of Lincoln, spent Saturday In town as tho guost ot Mr, arid Mrs. T. L (:roon. Mrs. Matson is now on a Chautauqua circuit and was one, of the talent at Maxwell Sunday afternoon and evening. - Tho Sutherland Courlor roports -tho 8alo ot tho Hunter fruit farm north of that town to M. II. Woodman, of Canon Clty4Col. Tho purchaser was formor- a rosident of tho Sutherland boc tton, , Tho purchase irlco wa not stated. For Service First and Guarantee Work, call North Platto Plumbing "und Heating Co., Phono 4G9, 10G East Sixth stroet, Jack Palmer, forraor McPhoraon county rancliman, now living at Sar bon, vlaltod friends In town Saturday. After ranching for twenty-Bovon years nnd amassing enough coin to llvo in qljpvor tho romalndor ot his life, Jack sold his ranch and cattle last spring. . .Guy Popejoy arrived from Donvor yesterday to bocomo manager ot tho Shoe Market, succeeding Mr. Stevens who gooB to Iowa this week to enter tho service of his country. Mr. Pope- Joy is an experienced shoeman, hav ing followed that lino tor a number of years. Mr. Popojoy wbb accompanied by hla wife and children. For Sale House and lot 8 of block 50, ' original townslto of No. Platto, Houso in good condition. Call at 1000 No. ,Pina 2 Tho Royal Cafe, on east Front street, which had boon ,conductod for several months by W, A. Payno, was sold, last week to a couplo ot Grooks Who. will ro-opon tho placo this week, Mr. Payne sold because tho place was not ' bringing him satisfactory re turns; About sixty women and children Hying In the Fourth ward aro employ. ed In tho flolds on tho Walter & Co raach weeding and booing beets. They are, takes to tho ranch ln conveyances brought back or darner, take,, out for the Hternocn work and roturned in the (veiling. Miss M. Sieman, steam baths and Swedish Massago. ladles and gentle mon. Phono 897. Brodbock bldg. 85tf Meet Japanese Prince. Prince Yeshlhloa, head of tho Jap- a'noso Red Cross, passed through the cltv Friday afternoon enrouto to Mrs. A. M. Mason 1b visiting friends rrftnc At the flnKKestlon of Stato in Boulder, Col., oxpecting to remain ChnlPnian Jtf(i80n nc,i crass workers ln uniform to the pumner of over que hundred wero at tho depot, as were until September when leaving. Mrs. Shane, of Kearney, has been the gut-st oC hor &t,or Mrs. Ella Mao Lauyon for several daya paBt John W. Cochran, Ed L also tho local Red Cross officials and several hundred citizens. The 'Prince, nhn annt Rnpllnh. nxnrnHsncl trreat . I i ..v Vl.ut.w . . U AIorso ' pJeasure at this ovldonco of welcome Four thousand persons' wore em ployed ln the work and tho total cost of tho collection was only $12,000,000. Tho patriotism roused by tho war e contributed largely to the success of 11 ,B tho work, and tho taxpayers assisted located on tho state fair grounds and and co.0perated with tho government, tho men are quartered in .pig pens, A determined effort will bo made each man having a pen eight' feet bring to-book, tax evaders in 4. every ...til. . rm, Anr Viv .'. 2- .. ' . J. . . auuure wjiu wuicui uwi. xuv part ot. tne COuntry. Tne 'Toasury foro he wrote the temperature'' was alreaySa evidence against'' a large 110 in tho shade. On July 4th there number who have boukM to evade was a big celebration and forty or fifty ana fcy checking up contracts planes, -were ln the air. One aviator aml wltn other data tho government lOBt control oj his machine and felj ex'pe;ts ilnally .to discover and pun- t, killlnghlm. jsn many tax evaders, as well as re- i:o:,: cover large amounts of revenue llle- uanieen oervico upens. "Qoldcn Itulo" Landmen, Sutherland, on th t of North Platto people. so-o Tho Jap contingent at tho Palace cafe Miss Ruth Stroitz camo hoino from presented the prince with a box of Lincoln v. Saturday to spond a two flowers. wecKs1 vacation wnn nor parents. ::o;;- I'lireman Georgo Hanson wont to Elm Creek yostorday, to visit relatives prior ttpj leaving for Camp Dodge, July zza witn tuo Jbincoin county contlng- Worm Injures Beets. Field Manager Bryan, of tho Amerl can Beet Sugar Co.,, informs us that thoro if a small worm that has been dolnc considerable damage to the leaves of tho beets, in somo fields SIgbeo Scott pleaded guilty in the damage to the extent of a possible county court yestorday to hypothecat- third having 'occurred. These little lng an auto . tiro from tho American worms, u,half to throe quarters of an Express Co, Ho was fined fifteen dol-" inch long, hatch from a moth or mil iars, and costs, if you want to,know what the Kaiser lor. Tho first hatching has about spent itself but these ' moths or millers aro has done secretly in this country and "l,,ck Ba,n and 7ar,,ou? metih,0(ls arAe what moro ho would do If allowed to, being employed to destroy thom. A boo "The Spy" at tho Keith Wednesday p,lac3(1 "tho flolds r a tub of Paris green and other similar poisons whero used do nut Bo'em to have been and Thursday. For Salo Second hand Deorlng 8 foot grain binder in running order j now canvas.4 M. R. Magnuson, North Platto, Nob. 49-3 Bob Weir camo down from Sterling yesterday offuotlvo. -Harshey Times. -x:o: : The Red Cross canteen service opened Saturday evening when the boys on a troop, train wero furnished gaily withheld. This is a Ileal Snnp. Seven room cottage, run modern, Volunteers for Y. 3L C. A. Work. Four thousand men aro needed and loft last ovenlng for overseas to nssiBt in the various pha ses of Y. M. C. A. work. Tlieso men California to visit hiB wlfo and child ron who havo beon In that state for aro needed ns nianagors and clerks severnl months. Dr, and Mrs. W, T. Prlchard and In canteens, stenographers, directors of amusements, picture Bhow mon, truck drlvor.s auto machinists and -In with lco cream cones, post cards and wlthJn throo blockg o Pagt 0f. I Flit. 1. .. HnnMtnfl 4 n nn. magazines, mu uuj l" "- flCe. For ouick sale $3,200.00, easy preclato thh courtesy extended, by terms 52-4 the Red Cross workers. Yesteraay. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON; morning another troop train of four- ::o:: teen cars passed1 through, but the' Miss iva Mills spent sunuay in train remained but a few minutes and Sutherland with friends. the mon wero not permitted to leave . tho cars. Tho ladles were at tho can igw teen, however, ready to serve the boys had they tho opportunity to do' so. j Special Work Half Completed. 1 Yestorday tho 900 Nebraska troops who aro undergoing special training at tho Nebraska state university com pleted the first half of their eight w'eoks' cdffrso. Sixteen or eighteen Lincoln county boys aro In this train ing school, and word from them states that thoy aro xgetting along well. Just whore tho boys will go when they leavo Lincoln August lGUi has not been intimated, but probably to some east ern camp preparatory to a Journey overseas. When tho present boys leave on August 15th, another bunch; of 900 Jlnko your family comfortable, rot only' this Snmn?5r'J NtMor many Summers.. Bay an .Elec tric Fan. Divide tho price by tho years thoy last. North Platte Light & Power Co. JlTr n nil 7f f a ITnnm sl Amnl.n 1ni .... - w".u..u, th vocations. D .u. UB XWK TQ flU tula quQta of 4 000 m(Jn( R uU.o u.oy wm remain unui Auguat hundrod or TOOro aro needed from Ne ,ir8t braska, and to securo this quota E, For Sale Two houses and two lots. Merle AdamB, of Omaha, spent Friday Also two uaed aultnmoilillea on 1AI town and in tho ovenlng addrossed condltlSnT at a bargain. Soo juliua a meeting of business mon In order to . maV Hahlorj 4Gtf Eluor "i'arraer, who had been om- ployod In tho Landgraf harbor shop loft'yBlcrday for Newton, la., to visit for a' fow" days beforo leaving for n training camp with tho next call for Iova troops. Cardo rccolvod In town last week announced tho birth of a daughter to Mr and Mre. Ralph Graham, and thus Mr. and Mrs. Goo. O, araham, form- or residents of NorUv Platto bocomo grandparents. ' Strayed Alrdalo pup, 3 months old. Finder return to 315 W 2d or phono Black 970 and recelvo roward. Dr. W. T. Pritchard, veterinarian reijqfrta that ono hundred hcad ot caivoB havo died rocontly north of Ringgold of black, log. Dr. Pritchard assisted ln treating about 500 head ln Logan and McPhorson. counties. Wo nro paying $14 for mixed iron, and $17 to $18 for machinery caBt iron; L. Llpshltz, U10 Junk Man. Speaking of the wheat harvest ln Keilh county, tho Ogalalla Trlbuno pays: "Tho WolchB, who own about six sections northwest of town, aro now working with a tractor and three binders, a tractor and two binders and a tractor and a bindor. In tho Somo neighborhood ono of tho now Deorlng harvostor-throshors 1b operating. The gonoral report is that fall wheat will avorago about twenty-flvo bushels to tho aero, but that' tho hot weather of tho last fow weoks has damaged tho spring groin to somo extent Interest them In helping to securo re cruits for this service. A committee consisting ot J. G. Beeler. C. O. Woln gand and Dr. Mitchell was appointed and thoso who nro intorestod can se curo from either of these bucIi infor mation as ho may desire." :;o:: . Many Men Rejected. A soldier boy writing home from Camp Funston says: wo ariveu at ininston at 3:30 a. m, Saturday and wero taken up and put to bed on cots. About 5 o'clock thoy aroused us and wo lined up for breakfast, but it took ub until nftor 7 o'ciock to got It. "Immodiatoly after dinner at noon wo wero lined up nnd taken over to tho 'mill' for physical examination' Bollove mo, it 1b auro a mill. Thoy aro getting vory strict on tho physical examination, as all men accopted must bo fit for overseas duty. They reject' ed and sent homo recently about 2( por cent of tho mon accepted and sent hero for flat foot, heart and most ovory disqualification. Wo wero talk' lng to a bunch o men that wore be ing to a bunch of men that wero be ing sent homo tho first day wo camo, Out of about 1,000 thoy had rojoctod 700, so you can eeo thoy aro getting moro strict. "Last fall thoy took almost every body and found eo many unfit for ovorscaB duty that thoy aro much moro caroful now. ::o:: Mr, and Mrs. Charles Leth havo gono to Colorado to spend sovoral weeks. Vegetables . . a We have Cabbage, round or pointed heads, Cauliflower, Turnips, LettuceJandKohlrabi ready for the table. Fre8h3vegetableBuare better than shipped in ones. Buy them' at NORTH PLATTE FLORAL CONPANY We Deliver Everything" Free ofCharge PHONE1023 1 will bo sent to training. tho university for Coming to North Platte Tho Physician on Chronic Diseases Tlslt Our City FRIDAY, JULY 26th, And WH1 Iio at tho Tlmmormnn Hotel Until 1:30 p. in. Ono day Only. r THE ORIGINAL Dr. Potterf of 3108 Garfield, Ave., Kansas City, Mo., who has treated thousands of patients with electricity and medicine, will give consultation, oxamlnatlon and all medicines nec essary FREE. All parties taking ad vantage of this offer aro requested to state to their frlendB the result of the 'treatment. Treats DEAFjfESS by an entirely now process. Treats catarrh, throat and lung dis ease, eyo and ear, stomach, liver and kidneys, gravel, rheumatism, paral ysis, opllopsy, Brlght'a disease, dis eases of tho bladder, blood, skin, goiter, stammering and asthma. Piles and rupture, without detention from business. If you aro improving under your family phyBlclan do not tako up our valuablo tlmo. Tho rich and tho poor aro treated alike. Idlers and curiosity sookors will pleaBo etajf away. Our tlmo la valuable. Remember. NOT A PENNY will be charged for tho medlclno required to all thoso taking treatmont this trip Off lco hour 8a.m. Positively married ladles must be accompanied by their husbands. Re member tho date, Friday, July 2Gth at tho Tlmmorman Hotol until 1:30 p. m. only, North Platte. Nebraska. BIG THREES RIMG OA ma WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS 3 R1NGS-2 STAGES STHEL ARENA-WILD WEST HORSE SHOW THE BIGGEST WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS IN THE WORLD OA DOUBLE LENQTtt URS Oil EflailloWFrtljUCir, TOO PEOPLE SOO HORSfeS tS.tX EDUCATED OUU ANIMALS lO TENTS ELEFMANTS camlls irvn Wit J Ashuli Eikiklled IUV FKUB IN PARADE lOS WAGONS ELECTRIC LIOHT PLANTS Srt PtJNIMV 'CLOWNS' Trained LIONS LEOPARDS F U IVI A. S TIGERS POLAR BEARS BLACK BEARS SEA LIONS ELEPHANTS CAMELS HORSES ZEBRAS PONIES MONKEYS -4 LION Loops Ihc loop PARKER'S CARNIVAL SHOWS II COLLOSAL ZOO OF WONDERS I GoLHobb's $10,000 Challenge Daneino Horses Savages Company of Worlds Famous WRESTLERS . mam North Platte, 24