The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 16, 1918, Image 1

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PLATTE, $BBl JULY 16, 1918. :
No. 56
Tho local oxomptlon board has sent
out noticed to tho Class 1-A 1918 regis
trants to appear for physical examina
tion this wook. Thirty -will bo exam
ined Wednesday and thlrty-flTQ Thurs
day, Tho names of those who filed
claims for exemption on tho grounds
of agri culture, were mailed to the
district board of exvmptlon yesterday
afternoon for action. Nearly one-half
o the 1918 registrants illed agricul
turalclaims, and they will not be
given a physical examination until
their claims have- been passed upon
by tho district board.
Corn in Lincoln county is certainly
in magnificent condition, generally
speaking. On Irrigated land "It is
shoulder high and in tdsslo, about two.
weeks ahead of tho. usual season.
The county commissioners wero in
session yesterday allowing claims and
transacting routine (business..
"The Spy" Is an exposure of how the
Kaiser operates and secures Informa
tion in our country. There aro num
berless foreign secret police lurking
and scheming in, tho U. S., some oven
claiming American Citizenship. This
is one of the most timely topics of the
day and the photoplay will be shown
at the Keith Wednesday and Thursday
It is a photoplay that well posted
people will not miss.
A gentle, intermittent rain began
falling about nine o'clock last night
and continued throughout tho night.
While, up to this .morning the rain had
not much more than laid the dust, the
Indications are favorable for more or
less raln-durlng tho day.
The Economy knitting club will
meet Friday afternoon with Mrs . Elm
er Coates, 616 west Fourth street.
Wanted Clerk for office. Young man
preferred. American Express Co,
Walter Ellis returned to the train
ing camp yesterday.
In tho show case in the t)cn cigar
Btoro is a rollc from the Chateau
Thlorry battle Hold in Franco sent by
Loron Sturges and received yesterday
by Mr. Den. It is tho barre, ,or, part
of a barrel of a 1912 Spiugfleld rifle
made at Rockford, 111. Four inches
abovo the butt tho barrel was sheared
In two by shell or shrapnoll, midway
of tho barrell are several deop donts,
and near tho muzzle ond is another cut
almost half through. Only a frag
ment of tho stock remains.
Ih sending this relic Mr. Sturges
undor date of Juno 20th, says:'
"I am Bonding you a llttlo souvenir
of tho battle of Chateau-Thierry. This
is the battlp in which the old Second
Division of American troops have
made themselves famous and saved
the city of Paris. I was lucky enough
to be assigned to ths division, and j
ihavo been fortunate to bo located
where I could see and tako a small
part in the affair. The pleco of gun
barrel I am sending I picked up on
tho battle field before the dead and)
, wounded had been removed, and It
j plainly shows tho fury and penetrating I
power of tho Gorman shrapnoll. Of
; the hundreds of guns scattered on the j
; fields, evory one is cut up, and you
can imagine what tho remains of a
.human must bo after going through
such an avalanche or lead and stcof,
Tho warfare Is In the open In this
sector and casualties on both sides
unusually largo.''
The government grain -corporation
announced yesterday that the price to
be paid for No. 1 wheat at Omaha will
mn $2.1 R nor linnlipl Thin will hn tho
basis for wheat graded according to
'he grado revision by the department
I of agriculture,
Marv and Harold O'Kane. who had
been guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frances
' Dunn, reurned to their home in Wood
I River today.
H. L. Pennington has been In Ora
alia for Several days transacting lisMJ As usual, tho Sammy Girls will len-
Tho Baptist auxiliary will meot with
Mrs. Browning, 1015 oast Fourth Btroot
Thursday of .this week.
Miss Irma Barraclough feft this
morning for a visit with friends 'in
Fromont and Omaha.
Theodora Lowe loft last evening for
a visit with his daughter Mrs. Beechor
Parkor in Rawlins and with friends in
William, tho flftocn year old son of
.D W. Macombor living north of town,
broke his arm tho first of tho Week
while cranking a Ford car.
W. T Wilcox and daughters Florence
and Lucllo loft Sunday by auto tor
Denver, Mrs. Wilcox following by
train yesterday morning.
Mrs. F. J. Cottcrcll and daughter!
who had been visiting at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs'. Ray Cotterel, left last
evening fpr their homo In Lead, S. D,
Tim Keofo has resigned his position
as baker at tlio Ideal Bakory jind to
day accepted employment In the car
repair gang, u branch or railroad ser
vice ln which ho was formerly em;,
Scoutmaster Carl Holman and twon-
tier a farewell reception to tho, seventy
Lincoln county boys who loavo some
tlmo next wook for Camp Dodge. Tho
xact dato of leaving has not boon yet
nnouueed, but it will probably bo
tonday night The rocoptlon will, on
ccount of tho hot woathor, bo hold
on tlio court house lawn, barring in
clement weathor, in which caso it will
bo held ln tho Franklin auditorium.
The Sammy Girls have tho sweaters
and comfort kits in readiness, and the
numbers on tho ontortalnmcnt program
will be given publicity ln.The Tribune
ffTho Home Guards, tho band and the
drum corps will bo out ln forco and it
Is probablo thero will be a short
"Thp Snv
. . With . .
Dustin Farnum
A motion picture revelation of
Germany's secret system in this
country. Intensely interesting in
itself, and even more so for its ,
timeliness. '
Keith, & My 17-18
Statement of Auto Rncos.
' President Plolstickor, of the agri
cultural society, has issued a state
ment of tho financial results of tho
auto races hold July 4th. Tlio total
receipts wore $0,143.35, which Is
about 3,000 bolow tho rumored re
ceipts the day following tho races.
In the disbursements $2,577.50 wore
paid ln prizes, muslci advertising and
postage amounted to $5S9.68; tho Red
GrbsB was given $400; tho Sammy
Girls $100 and concessions valued at
$&00: tho war tn.5" wna 35KS.4ti. n imv.
4 O 1. 1 Tl r . . i - 1 xj a . . '
ijr x .u auuuu. .Uuv0 wuuy lor ment of $li0o3.50 Vas made on tho
the Roberts Groyo southeast of town i bttlldlnBs, $750.45 was expended on
where thoy will remain la camp until t&ck and btuldlngs and $16 for oc
noxt Monday. The camp, equipment cupation and corporation tax, leaving
wust out in an auio irucic last a-palanco of $148.74
oveninir. i '
T. G. Thompson has sold his resi
dence property at 1011 oast Fourth.
Btreet to Ted Bakor and has purchased
.the L. C, Sawyer ' property at 908
west Sixth Btreet. Mr. Sawyer, who
i3 employod as a salemau, by the Lex
ington Mills, will remove to Lexington.
To bo Awarded Friday, JhI)- Sty 1918.
'You pooplo who dro raising War
Gardens, such as, think thoy 'have a
boat looking garden, pleaso notify by
person, phono or lottor, J. E, Nolson,
of the Leader Mercantile Company and
ho will call and boo it on hla In
specting tour of all tho best looking
gardens. Prizes to bo awardod Friday,
July 26th, All who enter tlio raco
must notify him not lator than July
23d. Prizes for best looking war
gardens In Lincoln county are One
sliver cup, 10 gold medals, 3 stlvor
bronzo medals. All tho other prizes on
what you grow will bo awarded, during
our Lincoln County Fair, last week J.
September. Pleaso notify J. B, Nelsow
at as early a dato as possible of your
Intention of entering tills race of
Undo Sam's best that's 'raised In
Lincoln county.
An Ep worth Leaguo social wltt' fe
hold tomorrow evening at.thVoA. P.
Kolly homo. Tills is to bo a 'farewell
rocoptlon to Rov. Cram and all
Leaguers arid thoir rrlonds ateurged
to bo prcsont.
Wonted to Rentr-2 or 3 rooms' for
light housekeeping or small' furnished
house. Must be- near depot. Phono 136.
Lina Cavalieri, The famous operatic star in
"Love's C onquest"
Keith, Hi, July 18-19
A former North Platte man who Is
In Now York writes that tho report Is
rii fron f in tlinr nifti- flint- nnnAnl
V I., w Aft WBMli VIVJ VHUV UEllVli ui Alt l t ' k , ' .
.Manager , JeffqflU .,wlll,resignU9iaH agfc "W-? "5rs 7
such other business as should como
Rcinocrutlo County Convention.
To all domocrats of Lincoln county,
You aro hereby notified that on tho
27th day of July, 1918 attwo o'clock
p, m. there will bo a democratic moss
meeting in the District' court room at
tho court house in Lincoln county,
Nebraska. Tlio purpose of said con
vention will bo to elect 15 delegates
to tho Stato Democratic convention to
ceptSa" position with tho federal rail
road1 council undor Chairman Lovott.
It Is known here that Judge Lovott
places a high value on Mr. JefTors
ability as a railroad manager.
Robt Newton and Will Axtell, aged
seventeen and eighteen respectively,
wtio say their homes aro in tho east,
were arrested at Sutherland Saturday
on the charge of stealing two bicycles
beforo tho convention. All democrats
are urged and Invited to attend tills
convention .
J. G. BEBLER, Chairman,
C. L. BASKINS, Secretary.
Is Luiikwltz Iiisnno!
EU Lunkwltz, who was brought down
from the Blrdwood country somo tim6
from tho rear of-tho North Platte post- ago and lodged In Jail because he had
office, the wheels belonging to two of attempted to do violence to his wife,
the carriers. The boys wero returned and who Is believed to have periods
to Jail here to await the action of tho whon ho gives evidence of insanity,
In, tho county court yesterday Geo.
Macombor was fined five dollars and
costs, for assaulting his wife.
A score or more Greeks' wore In at
tendance ln a case In the county court;
had a hearing boforo the Insane board
yestorday. A number of Lunkwltz's
neighbors iind also mcmbors of his
family gavo evidence at tho hearing,
Tlio board remanded Lunkwltz back
ot Jail to await further developments
yestorday wherein ono woman of that ' boforo rendering a decision.
woman with assault.
another t Greek
Tho complaint
against tho purported aggressor was
Some Idea of the ice cream manu
factured by R. R. Dickey can be
gained" from tho statemont that ho
receives from eighty to 100 gallons
of cream dally from Fremont In ad
dition to that which ho buys of dairy
men of this section. Mr. Dickey ships
his cream as far west as Burns, Wyo.,
and Orchard, Col., supplying practical
Lunkwitz says ho wants to stay 'In
Jail because ho Is well treated. lie
thinks Sheriff Salisbury is fine and
Deputy Sutton a "peach" of a fellow.
Rov. Hull Returns Todayr
Rov. A. C. Hull and two sons, Hon
rlch and Angus, return today from.
Aurora, 111., where thoy have been
visiting Mr. Hull's father. Thoy nlBji
visited tho Groat Lakes naval training
station and Camp Dodge. On the re-
- It Takes Three Persons
to Complete a Telephone Call
The effectiveness of telephone service depends on tho
degree of co-operation between three individuals
'' , .
1. The person calling'.
2. The operator.
S. The person called.
Also, it ia hound to holp tho telephone service gener
ally if every subscriber will accord the young women at
the telephone switchboard the same cpnsideration and
courtesy which the operators themselves aro always
anxious to show.
Save Food
Bur War SuvHiga Stamp
Mi Liberty IloutU
turn trip thoy attended tho Intorna-
ly evory town between North Platto "onal Convention of tho Baptist Young
... P(nnlpa' TTnlnna nt fVilnr T?nnl1a Tn
ana thoso points.
John Nolson and George Brooks re
turned yestorday from an auto trip to
Scottsbluff. Thoy went via Kimball,
passing through tho oil Holds near
Harrlsburg. Thoy stopped an-hour and
watched tho drilling operations, and
concluded from tho winding of tho
cable that tho drillers had reached a
depth ot not loss than 3,000 feqt. Tho
sand taken out, ln Mr, Nelson's opin
ion, did not seem to lndlcato that tho
oil strata had been reached.
Use Less Sugar When Canning
Fruit or Vegetables
THE Hall Cpld Pack
Canner will give you a
complete, canning out
fit for use in , your own.
home. It eimb)?s ypu to do
your complo canning,
with less sug?r and in Jess
time than wo"iUd ordinarily
be required. In additiqn tb "
this, fruit and vegetables
canned by the cold, pack
method are less likely, to
spoil than if canned by any
otlerr jnethod.
yTTiia is a year when it is '
vthe.'patrioticLduty' bfjery Juoueewif $tb danv alithcff rult'
alid vegetables., possible. The Hall Cold Pack Canner of
fers5 you the very best possible means to dq your canning ..
with the least effort and the least amount of work,-,
Wo ask ovory housowlfo to como to our storo and pee tho Hall Cold
Pack Canner. it is mado of galvanlzod stool, will last practically a
Hfetlmo and is so slmplo that It can bo used equally woll by ama
tour or oxpert. Hub patented fruit jar holders which make It im
possible to burn or scald the hands, Has a capacity
of from a ono-plnt to twolvo pno-qunrt jars, Com- G k $(
ploto Canner Bolls for only . aDoiVF
Call and got Direction Booklet for C0M PACK CANNING
W. R. Maloney Company
North Platte, Nebraska
Peoples' Unions at Cedar Rapids, la.
Mr. Hull will glvo an account of tho
convention at tho church prayor meet-
In on Wednesday night. All niemborp
of tho congregation pleaso tako note)
Educate Wfld Animnls.
As will bo soon when the blg.Yan
kco Robinson show comes, to North
Platte, Wednesday, July 24tb, a wond
erful program can bo glvon by all
kinds of trained and educated wild
animals from tho Junglo undor tho
most skilled and compotont trainors.
Mnv Itation Tobacco ITsera. UI ino '""noa"" icaiures me uucn-
Govornmont control of tho tobacco anan Blu0 Rlbbon horses aro a,ono
Industry may result from' tho heavy worui 1,10 pnco or aam,8S,on.
roqulroments of tho allies and tho Am- ' tra,ncd p,BB' a Heomlnely Impossible
act. attract mucn attontion, iikowibo
Besslo Harvoy and her flock of pige
ons,, and an entirely now novelty a
trained zebra, Thero aro ovor fifty
wfld and domestic animals acts In tho
throo rings during a pralso worthy
program ovor two hours long,
At a business mooting of tho Homo
Gvirds Friday evening the question of
uniforms was discussed and, a commit
too named to socuro samples and
prices, Stringent rules In regard to at-
tondanca at drills was also suggested
as It Is not considered wlso to order
uniforms for those who do not attend
drill regularly.
orlcan military forces abroad. Ration
ing of tho American population is bo
Heved to be a possibility. Tho war In
dustries board annoanced that It has
boon conducting an investigation to do
termlno tlio requirements abroad and
tho amount that .must bo conserved. It
estimates approximately two-thirds of
tho loaf tobacco raised ln this country
In 1917 will bo avnllablo for Ameri
can manufacturers. Out of this must
como ctgaret and plpo tobacco for
troops not yet overseas and exports of
manufactured tobecao, In addition to
manufactured tobacco purchased hero
for Belgium,
Take Care of the
Victory Machine
The farm tractor will win the war against
food shortage. 1 500 have been sent to
France. Thousands are fighting for food
victory in America. To make yours do
its full share, keep it properly lubricated.
Gas Engine Tractor Oil
is especially manufactured to meet the unique
lubricating requirements of heavy duty, kero
sene and heavy fuel burning: tractor engines.
It has the body and the lubricating qualities
that keep compression tight deliver the ut
most power to traction wheels or belt. It will
keep your engine running smoothly.
Fill your oil tank with Stanolind Gas Engine
Tractor Oil and cut down your carbon troubles.
. Find out what your tractor can do when it is
) properly lubricated.