Ssmt'iiteklii tribune. IRA L. BARE, Editor mid Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Ycnr by Mall In Advnnco....$1.25 One Ifcar by Carrier In Adrunco $1-50 Entered at North Platto. Nebraska, Postofflco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, JULY 12th, 1918. AN AMERICAN SOLDIER HOY'S FOUR WEEKS IN FRANCE. A boy In France writes lila brothor: "This letter Is Intended to cover a space of somo four week In my 'auto biography. Of course, I havo loft out much that might bo of intorost on ac count of tlio censorship rules. "Wo waited a short tlino at the Eng lish port of dobarktnont and then en trained for a fivo hour rullroadrldo. Wo detrained nt a rest camp and spent the day rambling through that part of England. Wo observed an old abboy and a tiny paper mill close by. The abbey was well preserved and hand Homely decorated. "In Brltian tho compulsory ration ing system Is effectively carried out without rocourso to a great number of cards, as In Germany. Wo had plenty to oat, but thoro was no waste. Sugar is scarce and rather high pric ed. It seems to bo tho policy of tho British not to afford their allies tho least ground for protost. So thoy have assigned a vast amount of ship ton n ago to Franco, Italy and tho Unit ed States, theroby reducing tho trans portation capacity for their own needs. "Wo' enmo across tho channel Jn an old sido -wheeler that had surprising speed. I cannot toll you tho precau tions against submarines, but thoy proved ontlrely effective, Evory man was seasick on this short trip. "After debarking wo marched to a French rost camp. Wo stayed thoro about sixty hours. This was a nice gentle way of initiating us into somo Frehch habits and customs. "After leaving tho camp wo had an other railroad rldo, sixty hours tills tlrao. Franco is not sixty hours long In any direction uuder normal condi tions. . Howovor, our train took on water every ton mllos, and stopped and stnyod tho greater part of two ulghta. "Speaking of railroads, both Franco and Brltian havo small, light rolling stock In comparison with American practlco. Tho freight cars havo a cap actly of ton tons. When ho sees a tiny locomotive start a traln tho aver age American onglnoor fools like cheering. Howovor, the llttlo devils uopm to cover tho ground. "Wo wore quartered nt an old French military post for tho next nvo days. At this point thoro was a'bnth house, built according to continental ideas of efficiency, uniformity and con contmtlon. Thoro wore twelvo show ers, controlled by a single vnlvo. Either thoy wow all on or all off. Also, tho water was either hot or cold; us iiioro was no mixing arrangement uuwQver, tnero nro numoroua wnyB In which tho French can teach us something. Concerning economy, uiey certainly got greater results from, small things than wo do. Tho wood they uso for domestic purposes woum oo wasted in America. Like wisp most of tho coal would stay in uir noius. , "During our railroad trip tho French Wens about tho uso of watorfor drinking purposes were brought' to our attention forcibly. Tho French notion Is, that water has Us uso, but ciriniting is not oito of them. "The French madoraotsollcs aro cer tainly over odvortlsor-as much so as Ilia California cllmato. Wo have noon few ParUIunnoH. Somo of, tho girls aro nunc presontanio, but the general rago of good looks Is certainly manor m uio states than horo. "Woll. hero's to you and tho good old ,U. S. A. I cannot say how proud we are o our country ulnCo wo havo BOOT a bit Of ElironO 1 unn nnlv nnv that wo oro more, anxious than eVtir to iigm lor it." ::o::- WOULD' (JASOLTNK TEN CENTS A GALLON, Preparations for framing tho now war revenue bill wont forward in tho hfxino ways and means commtttoo wemo(iay witu attention centorlng upo,, tho llBt of RUggofltlons for now or higher taxotj on luxurloB and nocos- Hiues Buimmtou by tho Trcnaury do toartment. Mcmborfl Of lln rvnnitnlttnn Imllnntiwl that tho list would form tho basis for consumption taxca In their draft of uiu 1)111, UoHkltte doubling present taxou on llquqrs and tobaccos, quadrupling soft drink lovies and making general Increases in other existing ratOB, tho treasury suggostlons Include taxos wf GO per cent on retail prices of J owelry watches and clocks, except thoso sold to army or navy men; 20 per cont on automobiles, bicycles, musical Instru ments, etc.; 10 cents a gallon on gaso llno to bo JiaJd by tho wholesaler; 10 per oont on hotel bills for room ovor $2.B0 a day or Amorlcnn plan oVor $5; 10 per cont on all cafo restaiuyant bills; and taxos of unstated amounts on men's suits soiling for mora than ?30, women's buUb ovor $40, and coats ovor $30; men's hats over $4; shirts ovor $2; pajamas over $2; hoslory ovor 35 cents; shoes ovor $G; gtovos over $2; undorwear ovor $3; all neck wear and canes; women's droHaes over $25; wklrtB ovor $1G; hata ovot $10; shoos ovor $0; llngerio ovor $G;, corsets ovor $5; and nil furs, rnns, etc.; children's clothing. Including cultB over $15; puraos, toilet articles, ovor $2. Tn addition to all thoso taxes, which would bo levied directly upon tho con sumer, tho Hat proposes doubling tho present motion plcturo admission tax and Imposing i 5 per cont on moving plcturo theater rontnlB, with the preaont film tax eliminated. A coatoil tonguo, bad breath, dlzzl nosq and a clogged condition In tho bowels can ha quickly relieved by ua Imr IJrlckly Ash Bitters. It Ib pro eminently efficient in such nllmontB Prico $1.25 per bottlo. Quramoro-Dont XJritg Co,, Special AgontB. The reaton given i that ordinary non-ikidi, with their mnll projec tion, make tteering difficult when ued in front, the effect being much tho tame as driving over rough roadi. Though ome non-skids nro unsat isfactory on front wheels, It is evi dent that tho uso of two different kinds of tires involvos serious disadvantages. Look for ill, Sijo on Lcaiilng Gutmm Miehelm Univettat? Are Ideal Non-ftdd? arweUar Unequalled 4ViiW1KS iBCSsK"' soL. "Driving " Tiicfi - 1 15 , . , , VULCANIZING ACCESSORIES NEBRASKA RUBBER WORKS Gth & LOCUST. FILLING TATION. PHONE 805 . , " ' COUNTY BOARD EQUALIZES - LIVE STOCK ASSESSMENT.' North Platto lowcrSd from $3000-to! v Government hopes for a billion V1 ; " . .j?200 0. ' "bushel wheat crop rocelved a setback - L Tiio boaru or equalization, in sion iubi wook, oquuuzeu uio assess- meut of Hvo stock In tho various pro- clnct8 as Iouowb; I Anioiope muios nnu cauio lowereu. 5 per cent. I urauy uorsoa ana cattio raisoa iu. per cent. ' Ulrdwood MuIob ralRecMQperMcent! cattle ralscij 5 per cont. - I Buchanan Cattle ralaed'lS poricont'. 'Ootltonwipod IIornoB and cattio F n, l rrnplr r".tM , 'mA K ' Deer Crook Cattio lowored 5 per "ont. x Dickons Cattio raised. 10 por cent. East lllnman Cattio lowered 10 por cont. Fox Crook Uorsoa lowored 10 por cent. Garfield Cattio raised 10 por cont. Gaalln MuIob raised 50 per cont, Cattio raised 15 por cont. , . lllnman Cattio raised 10 per conti Harrison Cattio ralHod 10 per .cent, Hall Cattio raised 5 por cont. 1 Jeffrey Horsos lowered 5, por cent, Cattle lo-werod 15 por cont. . B. H. Sprlngor, freight paid, $7.79, Prickly Aah Bitters Is a prompt and Lomon -Cattio raised 15 por cont. ' s. T. Kooh, freight on engine, efficIont remedy. Try it. Gummero . Keni Cattio raised 10 por cont $149.80. ' Dent Special Agents. Prico $1.25 por miller Horses lowered 5 por cont, Cattio raised iu por cent. 1 'Maxwoll Mules lowo,rod 10 por cent. Moiliclno Cattle lowered 20 por cent. Mules raised 10 por cont, Cattio lowered 5 por cont : Myrtle Mules lowored 20 por cent,! Cattio raised 10 por cont. ! Nowoll 'Muloa lowored 10 per cont, Cattio raisod 5 por cont Nlchols-fHorsos lowored 10 por cent. Cattle lowored 5 por cont. t North ROBcdalo Horsos lowored 10 por cont, cattio lowereu 20 ipor cent.. Osgood Horses lowored 10 per, cont, Mulos lowored 10 per cont, j Cattio lowered 20 ipor cont, Plant Horsos raised 10 per cout, Mules loworod 10 por 'Cent, Cattio raised 10 psr cout. Payno Horsos loworod 10 por cont, MwloB loworod 10 por cent, Cattio low orod 10 por cent PecUham Cattio raisod 20 per cont. Itoaodalo Horses loworod 5 por cont. Boilers Horses raised 20 por cont, Mulos raisod 25 por cont Sunshine Mules lowored 20 per cont , Somerset Mulo"s raisod 10 per cont Sprlngdalo Horsos raised 10 por cont, Muloa loworod 15 por cont, Cattio rnlsod 25 por cont. Sutherland Horsos raised 5 per cont, Cattio lowored 5 por cent, Table Mules rnlsod 10 por cent, Cattio lowered B por cont Vromanr-Cattlo rnlsod 20 por cont. WallacoA-Horscs "loworod 10 per cont Valkor Horses lowored 10 por cpnt Muloa raised 15 "por cont, Cattio low ered 15 por cent. 'Willow' HorBOfc raisod 10 per cent, Muloa raised IG per cont, Cattio rais ed 20 per cont. "Whlttlor Mulos raised 5 por cont, Cattio raisod 15 por bent Well Cattio loworod 5 "per cont. Cattio of John McConnoll lowered as follows: Ono year from $100 to $35, 2 year from $100 to $45, 3 year from $i00 to $50, 4 year from $100 to $C0. Thtt ttttts of twtlvt tests it, tlnigriti' to lake the uncertainly out of tire-buying. Universal Usefulness jMOWADAYS many tire-makers are urging motorists nn-skids on rear wheels and smooth-treads or "driving" tires on front wheels. In tho first place it becomes neces sary to carry an additional sparo in order to be properly equipped for emergencies. , .J Secondly, a smooth-tread driving, tiro does not afford protection) ngainst'skidding. Tho ideal tire is a non-skid constructed so that it protects ncainst skidding and yet) steers easily and smoothly. Such a ttrcts the Mtchelin Universal Non-Skid. It is Iff-,!" I, ?s Tt"' f .V' "a""'' Ils talented tread effective rubber non-skid ever devised. Yet this tread ana flat thai it steers just as smoothly and easily as a When used on all four wheels Michelins utmost economy, satisfaction and safety all South 53 foot lota 7 andS. block G8 4 ?pcuon x-id-o, ioworeu,.When tho department of agriculture's BCB-.rrora ?buo to ?3oue - a. m. socuon i-ia-ao, loworeu from $505 to $375. Lot 8j block 2, Miltonborger's addl-; uon lowerou irom $ouu 10 $iuu. West Lot 11, Riverdale, lowered. ' C03I3irSSIONEIlS' PltOCEEDINOS. July 8, 1918. ' ' T?nari1 nf nnimfv f-rvmmlRnlnnorn mot mmn.innf, n r. .1 Inn .... . nr. f . Springer, Herminghausen. Koch and county ciork ' tk fn.iv, i,.ir.,., unmn.i. a. p. Tfoiiv nrinMtiir nnii nnMUh- lnc 215 fi 'r ' rt I' r,a"!B'Br u. u. uruiu, ruuu worn, I. Vf. Conant, blticksmithlngr, $G,00. John Frnzlor, bridge lnspoctor, $1307 Jos. Spies, hauling gravel, $37.G0. v ' F. D, Westonfeld, mdso county poor, $18.00 J. n. Hemphill sup'pllos, $G.50, . r. fnsn Cr . nnsrlnB. S272B.00 S. J. Koch, freight on grador, $3t.SG nnvltl Scott, hauling gravol, $25.00,- Murphy and Johnson, cement ami lumber, $411.85. -v U. n. TorgoiiBon. auto hlro, $5.0Q.jt D. E. Martin, road work, $180.50.;. Adjourned to July 15, 1918. -::o::- Opo of tho nlno boys who csoanQ . XI. J ti i vw 3U from tho Industrial school at Kear ney was Walter "Wheeler, who while working nt tho Busklrk garago sovoral weeks ago robbed tho cash roglstor and mado his got away ln a car which . nau Dcon.storoii m tho garago. Ho was approhondod In Omaha and roturned to school. at Koarnoy, from which ho. had been out on parolo. All the boyp woro captured within forty-eight liours. . TESTED AND PKOVEN There Is n Hcnp of Solnco ln Uelngr Able to I)epoiu( Upon lYoll Earned Imputation. For months North Platto roadorn hJJT, VS.rSRf -ton. .. x.. u "'"i ij.hi road about 4.he good work thoy luvo tiv,ttv til kliin 4UUll.lll.jr. What other remody ovor produced such convinc ing proof of merit? M, O. Rogers, Prop, of- harness Btoro, 514 Locust St., North Platto, Bays: "Onco In a whllo my kldnoya havo bocorao disordered and if I didn't attend to thorn right away. J would got In bad shapo. My Ikwle would becomo Inmo and thero would bo a steady acho In It. Whon I tried to stralgthen up aftor sitting down, a sharp pain would catch me. I know my kidneys were tho causo of it; for at such times thoy acted too olton,' especially, at night. Doan's Kidney Pills havo always rolloved any sigus of such trouble, putting my klduoyti In a good condition. I know Doan'a can bo dopendod upon and I am glad to recommend them." Prico GOo, at all dealers. Don't Blmply ask for a ltldnoy remedy geti uoan a lvuinoy Pills -tho samo that A. S. ALLEN, County Clork, Lin Mr. Rogors- had. Fostor-MUouru coin County. Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. I qeo. E. JOHNSON, Stato Englnoor. a Universal is the most is so broad plain tread. ensure the around. Whcut Production Fulls Off. 'iJuly forecast showed a reduction of 40,000,000 bushels In the prospective crop. Unfavorable weather conditions during Juno cut tho estimated harvest to 891,000.000 bushels from the 931,' 000,000 bushels forecast in June. Pro- auction estimates on other crops also wure tuignuy reuueeu. a recora pro ductlon of corn, the most valuable of all tho country's crops, Is promised with an estimate of 3,160,000,000 bllSllOlS. lth Juno wenthfer was somewhat (Unfavorable for most crops, indlca- :tions are that Iho season s harvest will maliO'thls-a bumper year. In nd- 4,on to a rGcord crop of corn, barloy, rwrt (llir.Af ntn tsn nnil li lcaMt to exceed nh provlous yearl; provlous yearly .production and the harvests of oats; ,vhlto potatoes, tobacco and. hay 'will bo largor than the average of tho flVo years, 1912-1910. ::o ; A drowsy, half-sick, discouraged Jfeoling 13 caused by a torpid liver and , 1MIJU1V' a ju tuu PWAAlUUii uuu. UVI1U1P bottle. Hospital Phono Black 033 House Phono Black 633 W. T. FHrrCHARI). Grndualo Yoleriimrlnn . Eight years a Government votorlnar- Intl. T-Tncnltnl 518 nnt1i l.nniiMt St. ono-half block Court House. southwest of the . , . , Notlco to Contractors.- Soalod bids will bo received at tho off Ico of tho Countv Clerk. North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebraska. until 2 p. m., Friday July 19, 1918, for tho grading and Improving of Stato ind Federal Aid Proioct No. 10. and incidental work on Bald project. Bids will be opened at tho oKico of I tho Board of County Commissioners r Lincoln Countyr at tholr offlco in tho Court Houso promptly after tho tlmo for recolvlng bids has closed Tho Proposed work conalsts of con structing approximately 19.1 mllos of roada- Proximate quan- . tirics nro 10700 Cubic yards of earth excava tion. 6,044 Cubic yards mllo hauling clay or gravel. C74 Lineal feet concroto plpo 18 in. 8 Lineal foot concroto plpo 24 in. 20 Lineal foot concroto plpo 36 in. 98 Cubic yards concroto. Estimated cost ....,$30,116.34 J0 Engineering & Contin gencies ! 3,911,63 Total Estimated Cost ?43,027.97 Certified check 5 of nmount of bid. Plana apd specifications for tho work may bo seen, and information may bo secured at tho offlco of the County Clork ot Lincoln County, or at offlco of thq Stato Englnoor, Lincoln, Nebraska. Tho Stato aud County rosorvo the right to walvo all technicalities and to reject any and all bids. The Artificial Ice and Cold Storage Co: Announces that it Is prepared to fur. nlsh nl! consumers tritli DEEP WELL Artlflcal Ico, PHONE 40 and your orders will be Promptly Filled. SCHINERNGER UNDERTAKING COMPANY. NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN FUNERAL HOME. AUTO SERVICE LADY ATTENDANT PRIVATE CHAPEL PHONES DAY 623. NIGHT 930. 609 LOCUST. 2 Cents a Pound. Must by dry and packed in sacks. We pay big price for Scrap Iron and all kinds of Metal. L LIPSHITZ NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoflicc. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment ot medical, urgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.' J, 8. RedfielJ. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. WANTED - RAGS 3 to 3 cents por pound. Wo also pay tho highest market price for hides, all kinds of junk NOItTII PLATTE HIDE, IKON & METAL CO. Phono Itod 2G0. GEO. 11. DENT, Phsylcian and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgory and Obstrotrics. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Office 130, Residence 115 DR. IIAHOLD A. FENKEIl Osteopath. . ..Bolton Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ' ' 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. PhAnea ' Offlco Black 333 Ros. Black 1020 ,). B. ItEDFIEL). PHYSICIAN & SUHGEO Successor to Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld PHYSICIAN &i SUnGEONS HOSPITAL Offloe Phone 62 Res. Phone 676 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L, C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEX Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 728 City National Bank Bunding. Omaha. Nebraska. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dontist Rooms 1 and 2 Helton, Building North Platte, Nebraska. DERRYBERItY & FORBES, Liconsod Embamera Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 638. PLATTE YALLEY. MOUNMENTAL WORKS. Grnnlto and marble headstones. Tho only shop la tho city. Equipped with puoHHmtlc machinery. Lettering neat ly done. AH work . guaranteed. WOODGATE & ABERNATIIY, Corner 7th and Locust, North Putto. J0mf W. COCHItAN ED. L. PIEItSON "Oolden Rnlo', Landmen. Sutherland, Nebraska. W. E.FLYNN ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW Offlco OTcr arcDonald Bnnlf. Offlco Phono 113C Ros. Phono 1120 5 Ifotico of Final Report. Estato No. 1536 of tho ostato'of Francis E. Snyder, deceased in tho county court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. Tho state of Nebraska, to all persons Interested ln said estato tako notlco that tho administrator has niod a final account apd report of his admin istratlon and a petition for final settle ment and discharge as such adminis trator, which has been Bet for hearing beforo said court on July 26th, 1918, nt 9 o'clock a. m., when you may ap pear and contest tho same. Dated July 1, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, July 2-3 wka County Judge. Kctlco to Creditors. Estate No. 1565 of Caroline Telltz, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln uouniy, iNeoraBKa. xno btato or Nebraska, ss: CredW tors of said estato -will tnUn notion that tho tlmo limited for presentation anu nung or ciaimB aealiiBt HnJd Estate Is Novemober 2, 1918, and for settlement of said Estato is Juria 28. 1919; that I will sit at the county court room in said county on August 2, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on November 2, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objection duly nieu. WM. H. C. WOODHURST. J2-30' nonnt.v .Turitro i 1 tfotico of Petition. Estate No. 1568 of' .Tohn A. Nnt. tlnger, deceased in the county court 10 ajincom county, Nebraska. Tho stato of Nebraska, to all persons Interested in said Batata tnkn -nntlm that a petition has been filed for the appointment or of H. W. Flint, as ad ministrator of said Estate, which iiaa been set for hearincr on Julv 19th. 1918, at nine o'clock a. m. Dated June 19th, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST. J25-3-wks. County Judee. Notice of Petition. Eatate No. 1569 of Jeremiah Snyder, deceased in tho county court of Lin coln coupty, Nebraska. - The state of Nebraska, to all persons Interested la said Estate tako notice that a (petition has been filed by Charles Sullivan for tho probate of thb lot will and testament of tho said Jereifflah Snyder, deceased and prays that a day may be Used ior tho hear ing and proof of the execution bf said Instrument and the appointment of C. H. Kuhns as Executor of said last Will and Testament, which has been set for hearing on July 19th, 1918, at nine o'clock a. m. Dated Juno 20th, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, J25-3-wks, County Judge. Notico to Creditors. Estato No. 1564 of Thomas Siraants, deceased in tho county court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. The stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will take notice that tho timo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said E3tato is October 26th, 1918, and for settlement of said Estate la Juno 21, 1919; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on July 26, 1918, at nine o'clock, a. m., and on October 26, 1918, at nlno o'clock a. m., to receive, ex amine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. , Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, J25-4-wks. County Judge. Notlco of Hearing. In the county cauirt of Lincoln County, Nebraska, In tho matter of the Estate of John Bratt, deceased. To all persons Interested In said Estato: Notice is hereby given that Elizabeth Bratt, Elizabeth M. Baldwin, Jessie M. Hendy, Grace S. Goodman and Nellie E. Buckley, (neo Bratt) on Juno 21, 1918 filed In this court instruments purporting to bo tho last Will and Testament of John Bratt, deceased, and a Codicil thereto, and which Will and Codicil relate to both real and personal estate, and also a petition praying that tlio Bald instruments bo admitted to probate and tha.t ' letters testamentary bo issued to thorn, upon tho estato of tho said John Bratt, deceased and that said petition will bo heard beforo tho county court in tho court houso in tho city of North Platto, county of Lincoln and stato of Nebraska on the 15th day of July, 1918, at nine o'clock a. in., at which timo -anyone may appear and contest tho probate of said Will and Codicil and show cause, If any there bo, why lottors testamentary should -not bo Issued to Baid petitioners. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, Juno 21, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, J25-J12 County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho District Court .of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foroclosuro rendored ln said Court wherein James A. Flko, la plaintiff, and Will Outtrim Is defondant, and to mo directed, I will on tho 13th day cf July, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the oast front door ot tho Court House in North Platto, Lincoln county, No braska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to eatisfy Baid decree, interest and costs, the following described property to-wlt: Northwest one-fourth (NWi) of section twonty-nlno (29) ln township sixteen (16) north of rango thirty-two (32) west of tho sixth P. M. Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nob., Juno 10th, 1018. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.