The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 12, 1918, Image 1

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    3V ." .?rf&r' . fit'....
71 hi iViHliv MMjih
NORTH PLATTE, NEB., 4 JULY 12, 1918.
No. 52
The business district ot the city la
to be further Improved by a now build
Ing on east Sixth street ot -which John
A. Herrod -will bo tho owner. The
building which Mr. Horrod proposes
to erect, and for which tho contract
ha been awarded to Ocorgo Brooks,
will bo located on tho lot Julst east of
tho room where ho conducts his pres
ent grocery Btoro, and la dimensions
will bo 26x132 two stories. Tho base
ment will extend under tho full length
of the building and bo fitted up for tho
especial purposes of tho proper care
nmi kpnnlnir of vecotables and as a
ctnm rnnm for surnlus stock. Here
will also bo located tho hollor room
and coal bin.
Tim nintiH call for a vory handsome
front of light colored pressed brlqk
tuuii white tile trimmings with modern
windows and ontranco. Tho second
finnr will ho retained for business
purposes by tho owner, tho floonj be
ing so constructed as to maintain a
heavy woight should tho uppor floor
DO USCU IOr KUUimiB fciu-u a
When the building Is completed Mr.
Herrod will remove his stock thoreto
and certainly he will have a room that
will bo a delight to do business in,
possessing as it will all tho modern
Mr. Herrod is ono of our oldest ana
most succssful business men, thoroly
conversant ,wlth tho grocer ouBinesu
with which ho has boon connected
for over a Quarter of a century and
we congratulate him that he is to have
a business homo that in all respects
will be to his liking.
Preliminary work on tho building
has already started.
Mrs. C. L. "Wood Tassos Away.
John E. Evans received a letter
yesterday' from Mrs. Kato Baker, of
Fruitvale, Calif., stating that her
noi Mrs-, n. t. Wood, had passed
away July 6th aftor an illness of
nhmit three weeks. She writes that
at the bedsldo o,f her mother when she
passed away Vero -Mrs. Maude Hell
mnTi nmi ArfhurftMcNaniara.
rrua rWnriserl Tvas - among the
pioneer women' of North Platte, com
ing herelJwUh her h,usband in 1872,
nnri mMne this her home until flfteer,
or more years ago when tho family
moved to California, Many friends
in North Platto will regret to learn of
the passing away of Mrs; 'Wood.
, 1 . -
For Salo V
One. Ice. Box.
Ono Kitchen Cabinet.
See a: ,S. HUFFMAN. 2t
Frank C. Brown was taken Into
custody yesterday at Akron, where, ac
nhnlinir to federal officials, ho .waa
charged with scalping Liberty bonds.
Indicted on four counts, .rqwn is ae
dared bv federal officials to have rep
resented Liberty bonds .as likely to
hecomo worthless, in order to Induco
holders to sell their bonds to him at
prices far holow their, valuo.
Beginning Monday, July 15th, tho
Red Cross Surgical Dressings Work
rooms will bo open as follows:
Monday in. tho Fedoral building with
Mrs. Dickey In charge.
Tuesday ln tho Waschington school
Tho Red Cross Canteen sorvice is
in readiness to servo any and all
troop trains which pass through
North Platto. Threo room'd m tho east
wing of tho former train dispatchers'
offico havo been repainted and placed
building with Mrs. Blalock in charge, j In neat and attractlvo order. ' One
Wodnosday in tho Fedoral building
with Mrs. Woodhurst in charge.
Thursday in tho Washington school
with Miss Moonoy In charge.
Friday ln tho Fedoral building with
Mrs. Hoxlo In charge.
Saturday ln tho Washington school
with Mrs. Curry In chargo.
The July quota Is amplo to provide
work for all who will come. Rooms
aro open from 2 until 5 p. m.
Mrs. Wilson Tout, Chairman
(Plcaso save for reference.)
room sorvos as a kitchen and is pro-,
vided with an lmmcnso coffee urn,
throo small gas stoves, sink for dish
washing and tho necessary tables;
another room tho largest of tho threo
is furnished with long tables from
which tho lunches will bo served; tho
third room Is fitted up for hospital
service in caso a sick soldier should
bo taken from tho train. In each of
tho windows is placed a Red Cross
omblem, and over tho main entrance
door hangs a bannor with a cantoon
sorvlco inscription,
Ico Company Asks Increase. , ' 8 auernon, immeUiaicy iouow-
m .,,.. . . . . , Ing tho reception to the Japanese Red
Tho Artificial Ice Co has asked c " comralsslon a public inspection
permission of County Food Adminls- f t, Canteen rooma will bo held and
trator Goodman to raiso its retail tlw1adleB ln chnrg0 wm toll you. just
price of ico from sixty to seventy-live h t (1 wHh basslstnnc0 of their,
cents per hundred pounds, also a cer- coramltteo. of severai ladlcs proposo
tain ncreaso in Ha wholesale price. t d , wWng aion the soldlor on-
Permission to advance prices must be t t jf Q th lltforon(
secured tlirough the county adminls- . . .
. in u training cami.
LIUIU1, UliU lit uiuvi IV ovu mut
whether tho Increase Is warranted, Mr.
Goodman has appolntod a . comniittoe
of four business men to investigate the
cost of Ico (production. This commit
tee will at onco make us investiga
tion and mako a report of its finding
to Mr. Goodman, will will either grant
or deny tho asked for Increase.
TV1U Discuss Uniforms.
Tho Homo Guards will' assemble at
tho Moose hall this evening and dis
cuss tho question of uniforms. It is
necessary that those who expect to
drill regularly and wear uniforms bo
present. Mctnuors uouId not forget
E. F. Seeborgor, chairman of tho
Lincoln County Rod Cross Qhaptor,
received tho following message last
"Jnpanoso Red Cross Commission
headed by Prlnco Reshlhlsa and Toku
gana, and escorted by Wm. h. Koano.
American Red Cross representative,
on. their way to Franco will pass
through your city Friday nftornoon nt
2:10 o'clock. Gonoral offico of Red
Cross wired us suggesting that at
each point whoro train stops that tho
Commission bo given Red Cross Wol
tomo and demonstration. It is asked
that uniformed womon Red Cross
workers, Rod Cross offlcnlls and prom
inent citizens be nt tho dopot. All
Bhould carry Amorlcan and Red Cross
Stato Chairman.
In accordance with those sugges
tions, all Red Cross women workers,
aro roquostcd to bo at tho depot in
"uniform at 2:10 this afternoon, and
that an many other cttlzons nB pos
sible bo present Each person, as sug
gestou should carry small American
and Red Cross flags.
Bakery Closed.
By order of thd Stato Food Adminis
trator the bakery denartmont of R.
R. Dickey was closed this morning
and will probably remain inoporatlvo
tofy a weok as a penalty for a viola
tion oi uio oruor roiaung to wuoat
BUbstttutes. Tho reports sont ln by
Mr. Dickey to the state food ndmin-
ved that in making bread
amount of
-ii i i novas not Using tho proper
mandtng offlcov may direct and that CfmiS Hi $
thev can bo held to that sorvlco. . PA? Jnd?rtuyd,n5 of tho orders given
" j. . . ii t 1 1 a nnr Tiirnuirn n iir i irn inninTinn rr
Thoso who do not Itnend to drill reg- " "n:,"V.V77 "
ularly will not bo furnished uni- ",ha'u luv ""u
forms, and Captain Shilling will prob--1""1 uum'"'a""tu...
ably mako lifquiry as to why mem- ilnrhln Joh'oh Is urnrrin.i.
bers do not attend drill regularly. Tho Word rccolved in town this weok
Homo Guards aro a military organlza-!nnnoUnced tho marrlago of CorbhV
tlon and can. be called into active Bor-i .tones, n. (nminr Vnrth vnitn imv. in
vlco within tho state by tho Governor
if such necessity arises, It is an qr-) ooremony occurring July 3d. Mr, Jones
gahlzatiOut in which a member can not
piay last ana loose.
Following the meeting to discuss unl
Sngnr' Dcnlcrs" Must Report. ,
Lincoln county merchants who sell
sugar muBt Mo with County Food Ad
ministrator Goodman boforo July 15th
a report showing tho amount of Sugar
they sold during tho months of April,
May and June. If they fail to do this
they will bo denied a certificate, and
without this certificate thoy cannot
purchase sugar during tho months of
July, August and September. No. wholo
sale, dealer Is permitted to sell sugar
to a retailor who does" not hold a
Certificate for tho current quarter un
der a severe ponalty. No exceptions
are made to this order.
:;d;.: ,
Must Repair Roads,
Postmaster McEvoy says that If tho
residents north of tho expect the
dally delivery ot mail to go Into effect
next Tuesday they mmst put lri .botter
Condfltlon ' certain str.otchcs.uof. .Toad,
on, tho route. Part. of tho roadyias.bejn'.
rop-aireu'llnit "other parts' do hotteonifr
up to tho requirements of the postal
.to: :
Ticket agent Nola Rasmtissen and
two children loft this morning for a
visit with relatives in Boleus, thence
to Kansas City and will return home
via Kansas City. This Is tho first vaca
tlon Mr. Rasmuesen has taken In threo
years, i
All that's now In silk? and dress
goods, advance fall styles aro now
coming in at THE LEADER MERC. tho Union Pacific 'and other western aclcs.
haiwbeoii traveling " for an Omaha
Wholesale nouso for several years and
making his -headquarters at Lincoln
forms a drill with guna will bo held. North pjatto friends will bo Interest
i, ; cd ln tho announcement of his mar
Mrs. F. H. Lathr,op wilP.roturn to rjag0,
Chicago tomorrow after a throe weeks ! ,i' :o::
visit wun ner sister Airs. w. J. Hot weather undorwoar to fit tho
&&uart, v . whole family, on sale at THE LEAD
Clyde Trotter ..has bonnin Omaha ' ELWMg Jft
-foreveral' dajis -rpait'' '
the shipment ot Oakland cars. Mrs, M. B. Crosby and soli loft this
A few nice sorgo suits loft that wjll Z V NK l Vl8lt
feavo you money over fall prices at rel?"Tfn8 f" rf?wf Amrii.n
Wcox depaWent STORE .rLt&WTv
Sergt. Butler Mlltonbergor, who had sorted to raid .Ceblcriz fe'U' Into the
boon homo on a week's furlough, ro-, ImndB oE tho- Germans yesterday. Tlio
turned to Camp Cody this morning. ,crows -wore tnkort prisoners.
C. D. Soger, former chairman pt the1 Children's gingham dresses on salo
board of directors or tho Union Pacific at 95c, $1.25 and $1.45 at THE LEAD
railway system, has beon elected pros- ER MERC. CO1.
tdont, succeeding E. E. Qalvln, re-1 Lost Between 7th and 9th streets
cently appointed federal manager of on Elm, a pair of dark rimmed spect
tho Union Pacific 'and other western aclcs. Finder please return to this
rr hL
Rov. B. A. Cram, pastor - ot the !
Methodist Church, is dally expecting
a call to enter tho service of his
country as a chaplain In tho navy,
Some tlmo ago ho mado application
for onllstmont in this sorvlco, but
thoro was somo objection to accep
tance on account ot his ago. Tills ob
jection was subsoquontly waived, Rov.
Cram successfully pasaod tho exam
ination, and ho Is now dally expect
ing a call.
when called ho will go to a train
ing station for a six wooks' prepar
atory courso, and then be assigned, to.
a vessel, navy varus or uavai train
ing camp.
The board of trustees has asked
Mrs. Cram to conduct sorvicos for
tho remainder of the church year
which terminates October 1st, n case
Rov. Cram is called in the Immediate
futuro, but at this tlmo It Is not known
whether she will accept.
Tho following resolutions wore nas-
sd by tbo commUtoo:
North Pinlto, Nob., July 8th, 1918.
Whereas: Ror. B. A. Cram liaff boon
our pastor for nearly six years, and
during that tlmo has shared with us
many Joys and sorrows and Is greatly
uoiovou uy us,, ana
Whereasi Etfory organization of tho
church has grown undof hie leader
ship and tho spiritual llfo of its
members haB been enriched by his
holp and undor his guidance; "and
Whoroas: Ho has doomed it wiso
and best to offor his services to the
government ot tho United States to do
whatever ho can to holp wm this war
and thus uphold the principles of
Jsoub Christ; and has received tho
appointment ot chaplain in thd army,
Wo, The official board of tho Meth
odist Episcopal Church of North
Platto ln tiehalf ot Its members here
by , express our deep appreciation of
bb labors anion tr us and. extend to
him our prayers and best wishes tor
a successful futuro ns ho outers tuipou
his new duties,
And, thoroforo bo It resolved that
wo grant him an Indoflnite lcavo ot
absonco to servo hia country in this
world war for liberty.
M. E. SCOTT. '
- o: :
. For Rent Ten room house. Phono
243. 50-3
When C, J. Pass loft for the east k
weok or two ago, mi. was interrogated
ns to whoro ho was going, ho was In-
cunod to treat the nowsgatbor with
an air of "riono of your butalhoss," but
said "cast for throat treatment." It
la possible his throat neudod trewt
mont,, but the real object ot tho- trip
was. to become a benedict and sucb he
became yesterday morning at six
o'clock. Thtf lady ot hla cholceMtsa,,,
Goodon, and tho scone of ttoawMdlnr'4
was Lobnnait, Ky tend following th
ceremony tho newly-weds left oa a
trip that will includo a visit in Wash
ington, Now York and other points.
Tho friendship which resulted In
tho hnppy consummation yestorddy
was formed when, four or five years
ago Miss Goodon wan Instruetdrf' ot
mxtslo ln tho local parochial snhoot.
She will bo remembered na vory nttrac
tivo and splendid young woman? . and
tho many friends aho mado wlillo bora;
will warmly woJcomo hor roturn av!&
pormanont resident. Tho friends at
Mr. Pass will probably consider tlm
ho has "something coming1 to hlm,f oi
his return because they woro ?ot
takon Into IiIb confidence in tills' Very
Importaht stop ho has taken, v ,
CooklHir School.
Tho socond cooking school tor houso
wtvos, whlpli was postponed ono weok;
on account ot the Chautauqua, will,
open ln Uio cooking laboratory of the"
Franklin building hoxt Monday; after
noon at 2 o'clock. ' This schodl' is not'
for children bht for tho ladles wib
aro having troublo with tho wheat sub
stitutes and who havo a deslro to leavn
tho best and, latest methods ot can
ning fruits and vegetables. The school
lasts for threo wooks and la hold;pn.
Uireo afternoons of tho weok, I,ojiq,
day la moro convenient than anqth"ofr
t will be- ho)a tbon. The fOo of ono,
dollar covers nil i;ost of matorlals. Uw
loard of" education furnishes, the
place, the equipment and tho teacher.
Futhor Information or registration can
bo made by calling on Superintendent
Tout at his offico or homo Additional
work will be slyen In this school on
meat substitutes and niothodBt sugar
consorvatlon. The school iB ..oCKea
by tho local' food administration.
New lot of women's and misses.
drossw and seprt skirts ami waUt
coming m every y t fiiV wauv
We are not Asked to Save Food in Order to Save Money, hut to Save
the Lives that Will Win the War.
MM - Summer Clearance . Sale
Ladies Dark Brown Russia
Calf Military Oxford, $6
value, Sale price ........
Ladies Mahogany Brown
Oxfords, Military Heel, 5
value, Sale price .......
Ladies Tan Russia Calf,
Louis covered Heel, turn
sole, Oxford, value,
Sale price . . . ,
i Alt' White Kid, Lace High
Shoes, Kid covered Heel,
. $6,00 value, sizes 2 1-2 to
5 widths A to D, Sale
price ,
One lot Ladies Strap Slippers, small size $
Values up to $4.00
90 nor mrt Dicrmmf 0n Ladies White High and Low Shops.
L3 pel Ceill iilbtOUni Including White Kid Boots, Pumps, Ox
fords and. Whit Poplin SJippers original price PERCENT
from $3.50 to $7.00, on sale at ........
) 1A Per Cent
Are You too Old to be Young ? ?
Seeking happiness you will be eager to
see tho screen version of the eternal .
struggle The Bluebird will appeal ,
to you vhether yoU'areiTaan. woman' or . ;
child. ''"., fl-
A, tyy.and My 15-l;i
i ' i) s
Mr. Railroad Man-Make
That Raise Count i
Somo ono Is Kolng' to Iinro moro
iiionoy In tills bunk on nconnt of your
raiso hco Hint It Is YOU.
This In Uio Iicut -tlmo (o slnit Having
regularly becnuso you'll not lmvo to .
cut down on any of your expenses, to
do It live on what your wages woro,;
bank tlio dlflforcnco grow tliat,,
much richer oyery pay day.
Helpful and friendly attention given
you at this bunk como la noxt pay
day and open a savings account any
amount down to $1.00 will start ono.
Platte Valley State Bank
E If