The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 09, 1918, Image 8

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    MA L. BARE, Editor and Ifrbllsher
Ono Tear by Mall In Adranco... .5125
Olio Year by Carrier In AdVnno $1J0
Entored at North Platto. Nebraska,
Postofflco an Second Clans Matter.
TUESDAY, ttjhi UUi, 1018.
Joo F. McGoc, ot Brady, woll known
In North Platto, -who enlisted early In
tho war iln tho Twontlotli Canadian
Infantry, and a number or months ago
was physically shattorod by sholl Are,
Is now In tho convalescent hospital in
London. Writing to a Brady friend
under dato of May 30th, ho Bays In
I have boon moved over to this hos
pital for an. oporatlon on my thigh,
there was Bomo inotal In it and tho
wounds would not heal. Thoy woro
going to glvo Mo an injection In tho
splno but gavo mo other instead, and
thoy had a tlrao bringing mo too, I
am so weak They got two pieces of
lead tho slzo of bcansand soino bono
splinters and tho nurso sayB tho
wounds nro healing fine of which thoro
aro four cuts now. My dysentery Is
also T)Cttor, I now have tho sense of
taste and oat more than at any other
tlmo slncQ I havo been wounded. For
dinner every day I havo a nice pieco
of fresh fish, boiled (potatoes, gravy
and rice, also a custard pudding.
Tho doctor was. in today when I was
eating dinner and added two pints of
milk, a bottlo of stout and calvou foot
Jolly to my dlot shoot.
The Amorlcan Red Cross haVo been j
very gftod to mo bringing mo things to j
oat nnd tobacco. Tho lady that visits
this hospital Is a lady Indeed, they say
sho Is worth heaps of money and I
guess sho 1b by tho rings sho wears.
Tho last trip out she brought me a two
pound can of California asparagus, 3
cans of soup, 1 at chicken, 1 mutton,
and 1 gravy, a can of rusks, 1 Jar of
honor, 1 bottlo of calvos foot Jelly, a
package of bull durhani and three or
four Yunk magnzhios. Tho Canadian
Rod Cross- were also good about bring
ing mo food over tr tho other hospital
but havo given mo nothing since I have
boon Hero.-Just think smoking tobacco
is 9 poiico (18 cents) on oz. and
cigarettes 10 cents a, package. A Cana
dian doctor was yesterday chocking us
up arifl ho marked njo to be Invalided
to Canada when I am strong enough
to bo'up and around; when that will
bo (3od only knows. I am, fto-weak thoy
havo me on n water mattress and
about a doz,cn pillows. I am able to
shift about a little and of courso Use
Iioth arms, otherwise I am -so weak I
am helpless
The doctor says as 'soon as tho
wounds quit discharging I will gain" In
flesh fast, in fact I liavp gained a
little )n tho last two wooks,
Jlofont Additions to Public Library,
i Stories of Tho War.
Barbu,f9o "Under Fire-.",,
"Blaliop "WlBgcd Warfare" 4
Clark "To Bagdad with tho-'Hun."
Dawson "Glory or tho Tronchos."
Grov--"Surgoon Grow."
Hall "Kltchonor's Mob."
Huard "My Homo In tho Flold of
Hua.d-"My Homo In tho Flold of
O'Brien "Out Witting tho Hun."
Peat "Prlvato Pent."
Poole "The Dark People."
Thompson "Donald Thompson In
Boach- -"Rainbows End."
Boahor "Kitty Canary."
Grey"U. P. Trail."
Kolland "Sourco."
Londou "Valley of tho Moon,"
"Some Whore hi Franco" by R. H.
Davjos and tho thrilling story of tho
"Troy '0 Iloarta" woro donated by Mr.
If you aro considering a motor car
Investment, for a porlod ot years, we
recommend tho Cadillac to you. Wo
can make delivery of ono sovon- pas
senger car now. Future dollvorlos
aro not being bpokod as bolng too un
certain. Such a car will bo worth
more money next year than you could
pay fgor It now. Y03 Its a real In
vestment. J. V. ROMIGII.
Result of 3uar 8hortnae.
Tho Hiigiu' Hltortugo has encouraged
Lpulslnnii planters to broaden tho uso
of iniro nino Kyrup, which Is mude
from enno Juice, without taking out any
of its sugar. This Juice Is boiled to a
point Just below that required to crys
talllzo it Into sugar, nnd can be used
not only for griddle cakes nnd candy
ranking, but It is recommended by tho
planters, as a sweetening for cofteo
and ten. It Is practically sugar In a
liquid form, and on u basis of 8 cent
a pound retail for granulated sugar
will yield economies of 40 to CO per
cent, lit a prlcp of 4 to 6 cents n
pound for syrup.
Aged Treo Is Dying,
Tho original navol orange treo, pjnnt
ed 44 ycors ago, producer of the first
navel oranges grown In tho United
States and parent of millions of trees
now growing In California, Is believed
to bo dying. Horticultural oxports
have begun efforts to dtugnoso tho dls
caso that threatens It In tho hope of
prolonging Its llfo.
This tree, tho most noted In tho cit
rus Industry of California, cumo .orig
inally from Bnhln. Brazil. It was
planted In 1873 by Mrs. G. L. Tlbbetts,
who obtained It from tho botanical gar
dens In Washington, D. O.
Electric Protection.
Many of tho devices conjured up for
war service, under prcssuro of deep
fleMres, will bo useful for tho piping
times of peace. The Cniiadlnn avla
foe who has designed a way to keep a
flier worm by equipping hU suit with
.Uetrlc wires ninv be milntlnir tkw
4ftwp f a new day for peoplo who live
fei apartments whoro tho Janitor Is
MMwess, Montreal star.
Camp Cody. July 5. 1918.
Editor Trlbuno:
It has bcon aulto a while sinco you
havo heard from tho boys' who woro
once in North Platte, and we thought'
you probably would like to know what,
wo aro doing down horo. Thoro Is al
ways a littlo tlmo for athletics and Co.
E Is always at the top boosting for
clean sports. Although tho company
has been badly pulled to pieces It has
mado tho division sit up nnd take;
notice, and It Is on account of the un
tiring efforts of Sgt. II. A. Langford
and Sgt. F. C. Peterson.
TJieso men mado tho boys get out
and practice basoball and as a result i
havo tho baseball team of the division i
and are willing to hot money thoy have
the best company team in tho sorvlcej
today. Tills team has won 35 gnmos:
and lost 2. Thoy havo played every
team In tho division worth notico. In
cluding the division team. Officers
nro behind tho team and aro trying'
to got dates for games with tho dlvl-i
slon teams at El Pnso, San Antonio
and other southern cmps. It probably '
will bo arranged bocauso tho govorn-i
niont Is doing overything in its power'
to promoto games of all kinds. I
To tho best of our efforts wo will;
glvo you nn account of each man on
tho team. I
Sgt. F. 0. Peterson, manager, has
tho responsible task of socuring dates ,
ana looKing niter tuo parnpuanaua
and running tho team in general.
Sgt. II. A. Langford, coach, who on
account of his wide baseball ex
perience stands abovo.all as a coach.
Tho fans at North Platto will romcm-
bor his oxcollont work on tho homo
team but on account of his Injury Is
unable to participate, in any of the
games, but w hopo that ho will soon
no auio to play.
Joseph Wagner, catcher, Is from
Crolghton, Nobr., is a good catcher,!
has a wondorful mm and Is n good
Corp. Goo. Schuler, pitcher. Tho fans
havo probably hoard of this man from
Omaha becauso ho has pitched on ono
of tho best seral-profesclonal teams
lrf that city. Ho Is a southpaw, has a
groat curvo ball and a fast ono that
makos them sit up and tako notice.
Set. IJ. D. Mlltonbercor. first-base.
la a Second Hnl Chase. It is lmpos-'
nlblo to got ono by him or ovor him. i
His ability ' to hit has won sovoral!
Floyd Aller, iBOcond-baso, comos
fromCroto, Neb., and Is an excellont
fleldor and knows -tho gamo from A
to Z.
Sat, C. M. Trent. short-sto'D. hails
from Horshoy. has developed Into a
Siniirt lnfiolder and Is dangerous ''at;
tno uat in it pinch.
Corn, J. II, Hlggins. thlrd-baso. Is
the surprise- of tho souson. Ho ,hlU)
like Frank, Baker and fields his posi
tion woll,
Ssrt. S. P. McFdrland. oft fleld. is
somo hlttor and has an outfloldors'
tyrm. He, Is dovploplng Into a very
good ball piayor. ,
Corp Joo Gleason. centor who hits
Uko Ty Cobb and gets overything that
gomes his way.
Corn Thomas McGovern. right flold.
13 a wondorful fielder aud a good hlt
tor. Ho cames In and goes back on a
ball Uko a big leaguer.
Wo havo Bovoral men warming tho
bonch Including Sgt. Ora McKco, of
Lexington, Corp Harold Ford Carr, of
Lexington, Corp j. v. Fltznatr ck of
North Platto. Sgt. Wm. Kearney from
Hastings is oiTIcinl umplro and Hank
O'Day hus nothing on Bill whon It
comes to calling balls, and
wo nopo soon to be able to wrlto
and toll you of dofontlng some of tho
host ball teams In tho southern divis
ions. -liOl
Men Wunterf for EllgInecrlng Corps.
Tho oimlnoGrinc cnriiR In in nnnri of
cortalu skilled men . Only white men
quaiiiucu ror general military service
may bo accoptod, under this call. No
man who Ih nnfldod to All thn .Tnlv
calls already announced should bo al-
iowou to voiuntoor ror tnis service
Volunteers may bo accoptod from tho
1918 class providod tho registrant
waives all tlmo llmltn for nlnRRin.
tlon and examination.
Tho following typeB of men aro do
slrod: Auto ropalrmon, axomen, black
smiths, boatmon, brhlgo carilontors,
cablnot makors, caiUkors. concroto
foremen and workmen, cooks, drafts
men, oloctricians, gas engine men,
stationary onglno mon. farriers, horso
shoors, machinists, buglors, iphoto
gra'phors, plumbers,, tailors, survey
ors, teamsters, tolephono operators,
snoomaKers, nuarrymen anil topo
graphers. -::oj
Peculiar" Chlldlch Idea Which May
Bring Back Old Daya to Some
of the Renders.
Tho car was a long tlmo-coming,
nnd a very small, dirty and Joyous girl
on ono roller sknto conllilod to nn In
terested bystnndor that there were
"two white horses coming."
Til stamp cm both," she added, and
irocooded to lick her thumb nnd Jam
t Into a soiled pink palm. Twlco over
t had to bo done, with eyes fixed upon
tho approncldng team.
"Why stamp them?" Inquired tho
"Why, don't you know? When I
stamp a hundred I'll And something.
Found a penny last tlmo."
Just thou tho newspaper boy arrived
with his suck, and as ho took the
money from tho woodcji bench, a
penny rolled toward tho gutter. Tho
unkempt Uttlo figure swnyed on Its
slnglo skuto. A frown of dlnnpprovul
followed tho boy's Industrious search.
Whllo tho pennies were In tho bng on
tho bench, they were property and to
bo respected. But It was plain to any
one with oyes that n lost penny be
longed to the finder In tho code of
tho Uttlo girl.
When It was picked up and dropped
Into tho boy's pocket, sh turned to
tho sympathetic bystander. "Don't you
hate boys with freckles?" she asked
"Besides, I'd only stamped 'loveiu
Walt till I get 'nuther hundred."
Tho British victory In tho sector'
east of Amiens Thursday morning
will bo given a nlcho In history of tho"
world war, although It may bo consld-!
ored only a small engagement. !
Australian forces, assisted by Am-!
orlcan army units, mot a pick of Kalsor '
wunoim'B army and signally defeated
It, carrying out with success a But-priso
attack and capturing fifteen hundred
prisoners and much war booty. .
Tho allied loss In this engagement
was very light, as compared ".' with
losso3 Inflicted upon tho onomy,. All
objectives of tho allied command woro
No artillery preparation was mado
in this battlo, tho big guns not bogln
Ing to roar until within two minutes
after tho infantry started ovor.
A coated tonguo, bad breath, dizzi
ness and a clogged condition In tho
bowols can bo quickly relieved by us
ing Prickly Ash Bitters. It Is pre
eminently efficient In such ailmonts
Prlco $1.25 per bottlo. Gummore-Dent
Dri:g Co., Special Agents.
Charter No. 319C. llosorvo DIst. No. 10
Ileport of thd condition of the
fit North Platto. In tho stnto of Nobraa
kft. at the oIobo of liuolness on Juno
29th, 1018.
LounH and dis
counts J760.807.01 .. ,
Notes nnd hills re
(llscountcd (other
tlmnlmnk accept-
Itom C7a 40,239.08
Overdrafts sc- ,
cured and unsec
ured .......
U. S. IioiiiIh (other (linn
Liberty IIoiiiIh.)
U. M. bonds de
posited to se
cure circulation
(par value). . .$100,000.00
U. H. bonds und
cortlllcntoH of
lndebte d n e s s
pledged to so
oure U. 8. do
posits (par val
ue) ........... 21,000.00
U. H. bonds and
cortlllciUea of
Indebted u o n s
owned und im
pledgoa .' 30,000.00
Llborty Loan
lJonds, 3 per
cunt and 4 por
cent, unpledged C.l&O.OO
Payments actually
made on Liber
ty 4H por cent
Bonds 0,250.00-
IIoiiiIh, NcvurltlcH, ctc.l
Uonds other than
U. S. bonds
pledged to Be
euro postal snv
lngs deposits 15,000.00
Securities other
than U.a. bonds 1 '
(not IncltidlnB
stocks) own
ed unpledaed. 25,710.45
Total bonds, se-
socurnies, etc.
Stock of Feder
al ltoso'cve
Hank ffiO nor
cent of sub- '
scrlptlon) k
Valuo of bank-
iim house ... -69,000.00 '
Euulty In bank- , .
ins house .,.-.. . , ,, ,-.
Furxilturo rYiand-V s
flvtiirpM .... T . s
Ileal estate own
ed other than
linnklnir hmiAA
Lawful reserve
with Federal
TtoHnrvn hnnlrn. 4fl.1ft7.7!
Cnsh In " vault
nnd netnniount
duo from na-
tlnnnl limilfa Ofi tut 01
Not amounts due
irom Dan Kb una
bankers, nnd
trust compan
ies other than
Included In
Items 13, 14
nnil in i.
Chocks on other
linnlts in the
snmo city or
town ns report
ing nnnK (oth
er than Item
171 . . o r.7ft 7B
Redemption fund
twill U. 3.
Treasurer and
rtUe from U. S.
Treasurer . , .
5,900.00 154,386.47
Capital stock
paid In $100,000.00
Surplus fund .. 50,000.00
Undivided pronts 6,020.72
Circulating notes
outstanding . . 100.000.00
Not amounts duo'
to banks, bank
ers, and trust
(other than In
cluded In 31
or 321 .. 44.011.17
Individual do-
posits subject
to check 524.850.06
Certificates of
deposit duo In
less than 30
days (other
than for mon
ey borrowed... 39.781.54
Cashiers chocks
outstanding .. 0.295.12
Dividends unpaid 10,000.00
Tlmo . deposits
subject to re
serve (payablo
after 30 days,
or subject to 30 ,
days or moro
notico, and
postal Bavin its:
Cortlncatcs of
deposit (other
than for mon
ey borrowod 229,900.01
Postal snvlnss
doposlts 7,050.99
Other tlmo do
poslts 25.055.27
United States de
posit (othor than
-postal savings)
War loan deposit
account 7,316,39
War savings de
posit cortlncate
and thrift
stamp account. 952.97
Other United
8tates deposits
Including de
posits of U. S.
disbursing officers 1,000,00
Cash loters of
ridlts und Trav
tiors. chocks
outstanding .... 400.00
Total i $1,152,639.24
Liabilities for ro- I
discounts, Including
xnoso witn Federal
HuEsive bank (see
Item Id.,.,
State of Nebraska. County of Lincoln bb
I, F. L. MoonoyCashler of tho above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statements true to the beat
ot my Knowledge ana neiier.
P. Ii MOONKT. Cashier.
, Subscribed and sworn to before me
"this 5th day of July, 1918.
N. 12. BUCKLlflY, Notary Public.
uurroci Aiiesi;
13. P. BBEUEnOEn,
Nebraska Helping to Win the War. I
Nebraska leads tho natIon In pr
capita subscriptions to Liberty Loan,!
War Savings Stamps, Y. M. C. A., Red I
Cross and K. of (J. Nebraska fanners I
aro doing hioro per capita than tho
farmers of any other state in produc
ing wheat, corn, cattlo and hogs, to
feed our soldiora and allies. Nebraska
potash production, has made tho Uni
ted Slates Independent of tho Gorman
supply. Nebraska's banking business,
which clears through Omaha, has mado
that city tenth among all cities In tho
land of bank clearings. Tho stato Is
coming to tho front so rapidly that not
even tho school children who study
commercial geography can keep post
ed on Us progress.
"Golden Itulo,, Landmen.
Sutherland, Nebraska.
Offlco OTcr McDonald Bunk.
Offico Tliono 1130 lies. Phone 1120
Hospital Phone Black 033.
House Phone Black S33
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Court IIouso.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will bo received at tho
office of tho County Clerk, North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
until 2 p. m., Friday July 19. 1918, for
tho grading and improving of State
and Federal Aid Project No. 10, and
Incidental work on said project.
Bids will be opened at tho offlco of
tho Board of County Commissioners
of Lincoln County, at tlie'r offlco In
.the Court House promptly after tho
time for receiving bids has closed.
The proposed work consists of con
structing approximately 19.1 miles of
earth roads. The approximate quan
tities aro:
102,700 Cubic yards of earth excava
tion. 0,044 Cubic yards mllo hauling
clay or gravel.
074 Lineal feet concroto pipe 18 in.
8 Lineal feet concrete pipe 24 In..
20 Lineal feet concrete plpo'3G in.
98 Cubic yards concrete.
Estimated cost ,.$39,116.34
40 Engineering & Contin
gencies .'. '.. 3.911LG3
Total Estimated Cost $43,027,97
Certified check 5- .of amount of
Plans and -specifications for the
work may be seen, and information
may bo secured at tho office, of the
County Clork of Lincoln County,
office of the SUito Engineer, Lincoln,
Tho Stato and County resorvo the
right to waive all technicalities and
to reject any and all bids,
A. s. ALLEN, County Clork, Lin
coln County.
tQEO. E. JOHNSON, Stato Engineer.
Statement. i
Statement of Jlte Condition of the
aiuruAii iiuiioung and
of -North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 30th
day of June, 1918.
Cortmcato No. 32.
First mortgago loans $865,000.00
Vein a In process of foreclosure 300.00
Loans on stock or pass book
security , 5,400.00
Real estato, office 29,923.14
U. ,8. Govt. Bonds 19,400.00
Cash 19,740.51
Delinquent lnterost, flnos, otc 856.90
Furniture nnd nxtures. . ., . . 1,017.37
Foreclosure acct 65.72
Total $941,703.64
Running stock and dividends $432,365.01
P&ld-up stock nnd dividends 450,700.00
Reserve fund 22,500.00
Undivided profits 36,108.63
AUyunco Interest 30.00
Totnl $941,703.64
Receipt nnd ExpentUturen'tor the yenr
ending June UOtli, 1018.
KccelptH '
Cash on hand last roport $12,640.68
Dues (Running stock) 123,241.50
Paid-up stock , 86,200.00
MOftgago payments 97,796.24
Stockr- loan payments 1,779.12
Real estato sales 500.00
Intarust 61,872,64
Fines 631.10
Membership and transfer fees.. 345.25
Rents and office building
receipts 1,020.87
Sale U. S. Bonds 600.00
Foreclosure acot 80.26
Total $386,707.66
Mortgage loans $208,000.00
Stock loans 800.00
Withdrawals running stock
nnd dividends 55,955.85
Withdrawals .paid up stock. .53,300,00
Withdrawals dividend on paid
up stock 25,615.74
Salaries 2,560.00
Othor oxpenso 653.18
Real estato account offlco
building 101.34
OnBh on hand 19,740.51
Other disbursements in detail
U. S. Gov. Bonds 20,000.00
Foreclosure acct 91.04
Tqtal $380,707.60
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
I, Samuel Qooxee, secretary of the
nbovo named association, do solemnly
swear that foregoing statement
of tho condition of tho said association
Is true and correct to tho best of my
knowledge and belief.
SAMUEL apOKEE, Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 1st day of July, 1918.
Notary Puble.
The Artificial Ice and
Cold! Storage Co.
Announces that It Is prepared to fur
nish nil consumers with DEEP WELL
Artlflcnl Ice.
PHONE 40 and your orders
will be Promptly Filled.
Wanted Rags
2 Cents a Pound.
Must by dry and packed in
, sacks.
We pay big price for Scrap
Iron and all kinds of
-General Hospital.-.
One Hall Block North ot Postoftice.
Phone 58
.. A modern institution for the
seiantifie treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. DenL M. D. V. Lucas, H. D.
J.B. Red5eliH.D, J.S. SIMMS, M.D.
2 to 3 cents per pound.
We also pay the highest market
prlco for hides, all kinds of junk
& METAL CO. Phono Bod 2G0.
Phsylclnu and Surgeon.
Special Attention Glrcn to Surgory
and Obstrotrlcs.
Offlco: Building & Loan Building
Phonos: Office 130, Besldenco 115
Belton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 333 R03. Black 102U
Successor to
Dra. Redfleld & Red fleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phonn 67
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Practice Limited to
Surgery And RadlHin Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Onaa, Ncbrnxfcn.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Licensed Embamors
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 638.
Cnuilto nBi Marble headstones. The
only shop Ih the city. Eanlpped frith
PHouiaMUe Machinery. Lettering neat
ly dene. All vrerk gHaraafoetL
Comer 7th sad Looast, Norta Patte.
He""rfbped Not.
Edwin R. nisey, the undertaker, nnd
O. L. DIetz; the broker, nre brother
Rotnrlfln$.( One stormy dny recently
Hlsey, wlillo returning from Crown
lllll with Ids motor hearse, fiaw.DIetj
standing on n corner 'way up Mcrldlnn
Btreet. Hlsey stopped tho hearse and
shouted to Dlotr.:
"Going down. Lew?"
Diet stared at his hospitable
friend nnd replied:
I hope not I" IitdlnnnpolU
Notico of Flnnl Report.
Estato No. 153C of tho estate of
Francis E. Snyder, deceased In' tho
county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. Tho state of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested In said estato tako notico
that tho administrator has filed a
final account and report of his admin
istration and a petition for final settle
ment and dlschargo as such adminis
trator, which has been Bet for hearing
before Bald court on July 2Gth, 1918,
at 9 o'clock a. ni,, whon you may ap
pear and contest tho samo.
Dated July 1, 1918.
Julj'23wks County Judge.
Notico to Creditors.
Estate No. 1BC5 of Caroline Telitz,
deceased In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, S3: Credi
tors of said estato "will tako notico
that tho tlhie limited for presentation
nnd filing of claims against said
Estato Is Novemobor 2, 1918, and for
settlement of said Estato is Juno 28,
1919; that I will sit at tho county
court room in said county on August
2, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on
Novembor 2, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m.,
to receive, examine, hear, allow, or
adjust all claims and objection duly
J2-3 County Judge.
Notice of Petition,
Estate No. 15G8 of John A. Nat
Unger, deceased in tho county court
fo Lincoln county, Nebraska. "
.The stato of Nobraska, to all poreon3
Interested in said Estate tako aotlco
that a petition has been filed for the
annointmont Of of H. W. VUnt na nrl.
mlnlstrator of said Estate, which has
ooen set tor hearing on July 19th,
1918, nt nino o'clock a. m.
Dated June l'9th, 1918.
J25-3-wks. N County Judge.
Notico of Petition.
Estate No. 1669 of Jeremiah Snyder,
deceased in tho county court of Lin
cola coumty, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested In said Estate take notice
that a petition has been filed by
Charles Sullivan for tho probata of
th6 last will and testament of tho said
Jeremiah Snyder, deceased and prayb
that a day may be fixed for the hear
ing and proof of the execution of said
Instrument and the appointment of C.
H. Kuhns as Executor of said last
Will and Testament, whlch has been
set for hearing on July 19th 1918, at
nine o'clock a. m. '
Dated Juno 20th, 1918.
J25-3-wks. County Judge,
Notico to Creditors.
Estato No. 16G4 of Thomas Simants,
deceased in tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho state of Nebraska, ss : Creditors
of said estate will take notice that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estate la
October 2Gth, 1918, and for settlement
of said Estato Is Juno 21, 1919; that
I will sit at the county court room in
said county, on July 26, 1918, at nine
o'clock, a. m and on October 26, 1918,
at nino o'clock a. m., to receive, ox
amlne. hear, allow or adjust all claims
and objections duly filed.
J25-4-wks. County Judge.
Notico of Hearing.
In tho county cauirt of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
In tho matter of the Estate of John
Bratt, deceased.
To all persons interested In said
Notico is hereby given that Elizabeth
Bratt, Elizabeth M. Baldwin, Jessie M.
Ilondy, Grace S. Goodman and Nolllo
E, Buckley, (neo Bratt) on Juno 21,
1918 filed in this court Instruments
purporting to bo tho last Will and
Tostamont of John. Bratt, deceased,
and a Codicil thereto, and which Will
and Codicil relate to both real and
personal estato, and also a petition
praying that tho said Instruments bo
admitted to probate and that letters
tostamentary bo issued to them, upon
the estato of tho said John Bratt,
deceased and that said petition, will
bo hoard before tho county court in
tho court houso In tho city ot North
Platto, county of Lincoln and state of
Nobraska on tho 16th day of July,
1918, at nine o'clock a, m., at which
tlmo anyone may appear and contest
tho probato of said Will and Codicil
and show causo, If any there be, why
lottors testamentary should not be
Issuod to said petitioners.
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
Juno 21, 1918.
J25-J12 County Judge.
Sheriffs Sole.
By virtuo of an order of salo Issued
from tho District Court ot Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
whoroln James A- Flko, is plaintiff,
and Will Outtrlm ts defendant, and to
mo directed, I will on tho 13th day of
July, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the
east front door of tho Court House In
North Platto, Lincoln county, No
braska, soil at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said decrco, interest and costs, tho
following described proporty to-wlt:
Northwost one-fourth (NWM) of
section twenty-nine (29) In township
Blxtoon (16) north of rango thirty-two
(32) west ot tho sixth P. M. Lincoln
County. Nebraska.
Dated North Platto, Nob., Juno 10th,
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.