The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 09, 1918, Image 5

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'1 '
Professional Eye
-A doctor comes at your call, examines "
you and leaVcs medlclno. But you do
not consider him a "soller of me
dicine." You regard him as a profes
sional man who Is able! to diagnoso
your cuso and prcscrlbo for you.
The optometrist stands In the same re
lation to you. He Is not a "sellor of
glasses," hut a professional man able
to diagnose your cyo troubles and pro
scribe for them. His Is scientific work
of a 'highly professional character.
It Is this standard of sorvlco yo'u
soruro when you como to Clinton's
for the care of your eyes.
C. S. Clinton
Graduate Optician
At the Sign with the Big Ring.
A distressing accldont occurred at
two o'clock Friday aftornoon whon
William Edward Reynolds, thirteen 'Ji .""i AX
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cll1.0" ,
Royalolds was drowned In tho South
Platte- river. William In company with
Uomoyn Thockmorton had gono to the
Graduate Dentist
Oflico oyer tha McDonald
Stats Bunk.
Mrs. Edward Seyferth left Saturday
to visit frlonds at Schuyler.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bird are visiting
relatives, at Oelwine, Iowa.
Mrs. Sarah Bangs returned Saturday
from a visit at Mt. Pleasant, la,
Mrs. Albert L. Lanq returned Sat
urday from a visit in tho east.
Niagara- Maid Silk all styles
J. N. Bradshaw, of St. Cloud, "Fla.,
Is in town visiting Mr. and Mrs. J
B. Elliott.
Pnr mirk ncflnn nnd satisfactory
alo list your land with Tlmelocke. Ui
Mrs. J. J. Do Rolf and children
spent tho week end with Iriends in
Grand Island.
T. V. Austin and family loft yes
terday; for a visit in Seattle and other
northwest points.
For Salo Remington typewriter in
good condition. Phone 274.
George Knapp, of Maxwell, enlisted
f tho nrmv last week and left for a
western training camp Friday ovon-
t ing.
trists, grind their own lenses.
Will Baldock arrived from California
yesterday. Mrs. Baloock and children
stopped off at Sidney to visit for a
day or two.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L.iorK aim ivua
Mr. and Mrs. Aiphonso Plcard loft
by auto Sunday for Estes Park whoro
they will spend a coupio oi weens,
having rented a cabin in tho Thomp
son canyon
Oriflcnl Surgery with Homeopathic
Medlclno In Acuto or unronic jus
wises. John S. Twlncm. M. 1. 51
J. T. Keefo left Saturday for Atlan
tic City as a delegate from tho North
Platto lodge to the annual convention
of the B. P. O. E. Ho will bo absent two
or three weeks.
Mrs. Ray Cummlngs and children
returned Saturday night from Webster
City, Iowa, where they had been called
a couDle or weeics ago oy mo aeain
of Mrs. Cummlng's sister.
Miss M. Sieman, Bteam baths and
Swedish Massago. ladies and gentle
men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bide. 8Gtf
A. P. Whlto and Joo Fillion left
Sumdav on an auto trip to .Denver,
Cdlorado Springs. Estes Park" and
other Colorado points, oxpoqtlng t0 foe
absent two wooks.
Johnnie Amen, former North Platte
ball player and cigar maker, passed
through to tho Mare island navy yard
Saturday having along with ten other
Grand Island boys enlisted jn tno
Dr. Morrill. Dentist.
Mrs. C. B. Wlnegar returned to
Lebanon. Kani, ' yesterday. She ac
companied homo her mothor, Mrs
Victor Von Goetz, who suffered
frncturn of tho arm while vlsitir
For SIc So5c:i3 hand Dcering 8
foot grain binder In running order?
now canvas. M. R. Magnuson, North
Platto, Neb. , 40-3
Our optometrist Is a specialist along
his lino of work and devotes his entire
time to our optical trado. For this
reason wo offer the nest of service,
Manager Stevens, of the Shoo Market
L. S. Sml'l'lffis enjoying a'vtsltTrdlff
'Nobrnska can woll bo proud of Base '"a parents, who arrived from Du
Hospital Unit No. 49, tho Red Cross .Quoin, 111., Sunday.
100 nurses! Luclon Stobblns eft ldsj.nlght toI
io offlcors Lincoln;' to nttond' a stato Convention
Unit, ovory- ot 1,10 nOn-partlsan league. 6 3
river to swim and so ected as the on0 ,ckcd nicn r 8tnl. H Mm. tl. S. White loft this morning
Saco a ten foot hole trim which l ad,bcon ,n t1"'" tor tho past four for Gar-don City, Kan., via. Denver to
lTOn?0Ltr fha " at Fort Dos Moines, Iowa, at visit hoc son Dr. James W. Butt.
ka physicians ami surgeon,
and enlisted men of this Unit, ovory-. ot th nbn-partlsnti league. I
been pumped out sand for tho now
brldgo fill. This hole is V shaped and
tho incllno is sharp. William, wnoso
experienco in swimlng had beon limit
ed, waded a short dlstanco and reach
ing tho sharp doscont, wont down
ovorhcad. Ho roso and called for holp,
but boforo ho could bo reached by an
other boy who wbb in tho wator ho
sank a second time, as ho again came
to tho Biirfoco tho boy caught him, but
finding that ho could not hold on with
out endangering his own life, lot go
and William Bank again not to reap
pear. Sevoral sand haulers woro near
by and to them tho nlarm was given,
but unfortunately thooo men could
not swim. Word was phoned to town
summoning the relatives and Dr. Kerr
and sovoral auto loads hurried to tho
scone. Morle Mnupln, Jim Keefo and
two or three othors quickly disrobed
and began searching for tho body,
which was finally located by Mnupln
and after Bovcral attempts no finally
brought tho body to tho surface, but
In doing bo was greatly exhausted
himself. Dr. Kerr worked for a con
sldernblo length of time In an attempt
at resuslcatlon, but tho body had boon
in tho wator for thirty or moro minutes
and the efforts wore futllo.
Tho funeral was hold from tho
tno snnio umo gotung rcatiy tno ovor .,t' , .i .
seaa equipment for tho base hospital' ' Dot' .Bosaok Is now tho owner of a
they will equip and operate somewhere . .V"' ViaVJnBb?oni fc ?ed UI2
In Franco. On tho morning of July;1;""'; " ",u "
4th, a glorious morning for such nnidm" , i
event, tho order camo for all mombors Greoloy Jncobs, colored, who was
of tho Unit to roport at tho barracks ' among tho first ot tho drafted-moh to
to entrain to start tho journoy ovor-jleavo for Camp Funston, has been In
Beas. A shout of patriotic Joy sprang . valldediho'mo.
" Local, offlcors nro on tno lookout for
a half dozon boys or tho Kearney In-
(lllRtrlnl Hclinnl wlin TnllHtlfml Qlllwlno
confiscated an auto and mado their got-
from tho throats of nearly threo hun
drcd mon. Thoy wnntcd to go, Uioy
woro tilled with righteous prldo to get
tlie call so Boon, they cortalnly woro
ready to servo Undo Sam, and If tho
command for doublo quick tlmo had
been given thoso patriotic medical
men would novor havo had a laggard.
And at tho guarded gates of tho Fort
an tho men of tho Unit passed between
tho military escort, I heard Mrs.
Cooper, wlfo of tho Colonel of tho Ft.
say: (and Bho 1b tho daughter of a
Colonol and raised In military life) "I
havo . novor soon a finor, cleaner,
manlier bunch of men leavo an army
post" And I cortalnly felt proud of
North Platto to know that sho was
roproscntcd by our own Dr. J. S.
Slmms In that Bplondld bunch. And
as tho offlcors camo to Mrs Slmms
and mo to bid farowoll Captain Patton
of Omaha, picked Httlo John Jr., up
.1 1 .1 . f T . .... 1.1 -
family residenco Sunday afternoon at! , " Cn,,Y.i ,
i.qn now t a rn., ,i.ii havo you for a mascot, but should you
4:30, Rev. B. A. Cram conducting thol n ' ,,,, , ', Avn '
own mother wouldn't claim you, whon
wo camo homo." And when tho train
loft tho station thoso bravo wives
with a feigned gayety which would
havo been heartless If It woro real,
waved and smiled goodbyo for at least
threo years to tholr departing hus
bands who woro starting on tholr mis
sion of mercy overseas.
Among the doctors of tho Unit which
will bo of interest to North Platto
people are MaJ. Stokes., MaJ. Bridges,
MaJ. Hull, Capt Potts, Capt. Patton,
dipt. Mooro, Lieut. Mooro, Lieut.
Glfford of Omaha, Capt. Rome, Lieut.
Flansburg, Llout. Thompson, Lieut,
Davis of Lincoln and Llout. Slmms of
North PlattoN
sorvlco and delivering an address in
which nwch feeling for William and
tho bereaved family was expressed.
Present woro the Boy Scouts of which
ho was a mombor, his school class
mates and many friends of tho family.
William Edward Roynolds was born
at North Platto Nebraska, on Juno
26, 1905, being thirteen years and ten
days of age on tho day or his demise.
Ho entered tho public school of
North Platto at tho ago of six years,
attending the Washington School,
whoro ho advanced steadily through
tho grades and would have this fall
Lentercd the Junior High School.
At the ago of twolve years ho be
came a member of Troop one, North
Platto, Boy Scouts of Amorlca, in
which organization ho took a very
great Interest. Ho had taken nearly
all of the required examinations to
qualify as a Second Class Scout
William was Intensely patriotic, en
deavoring to "do his bit" In all of the
hoys' War Work activities. Last sum
mer ho devoted most of his time to his
"war Garden" and his Bklll was evi
denced at tho Lincoln County Fair
whero ho was awarded threo first
nripq mi Ho vvtables that ho'ex-
Daring tao Second Liberty Loan
campaign ho sold Liberty Bonds for
which work ho was presented tho
United States Trensu,ry Department
Medal for Boy Scouts. In tho Third
Liberty Lean campaign ho again quali
fied and was entitled to. rcceivo a bar
for tho medal.
William was osBontially a 100
boy, studious, industrious, a lover off
all clean Bports
Fdtth Wendeboni lert Sunday morn- leaves this week for Iowa, whoro ho
ing on an auto trip to ustes i-ar aim " 7, ,, " p Xi l' "
other Colorado points
ing tho service of his country. He
registered in that stato ana will bo
included in tho July call.
A Tl Arlnmsnn. nno of Nortii Plnttn'n
John Do Rolf wont to Granu lsianu pjoneers, who is now visiting his son-
in-law in Portland, writes that he Is
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Store. "
-,,e,n.,inir tn nn.r.nmnanv home his wife
and children who had been visting
there, for a few days.
Miss Alice Langford left Thursday
night for Kansas City to attend the
funeral of tho late Mrs. 0. W. Brandt,
who was a personal frlond.
F. L. Moonoy and son Frank loft
Sunday night for Estes Park and other
Colorado points, expecting to bo
absent a week or ten Gays.
For salo Yearling bull, good grade
Hereford. R. E. Marshall, Phone
E. F. Seeborger eturned Sunday
from Rochester, Minn., leaving ana
chcriir in n. vcrv eatlsfactory con
dltlon following her ,peratlon for gall
Will Entertain tho S. G's.
Appreciating tho splendid work tho
Sammy Girls havo accomplished
through their tireless energy In pro
viding sweaters and comfort kits for
tho boys who havo gono into tho Bor
vice, tho mothers of the Girls will
tender them a party at tho Lloyd opora
house tomorrow evening. In order
that othors may tnjoy this event, each
Sammy Girl will bo provlleged to In
vito a friend either girl or boy. Just
what tho mothers havo planned for tho
entertalnmpnt of the Girls and tholr
guests, wo have not been advised, but
certain it is mat tne evening win provo
delightfully pleasant to all.
Homo Canned Fruit.
I have secured tho agency for tho
colobrated homo canned fruit, picked
parents and relatives. His loyalty to'PQoled an(1 canned by hand whoro It
tno uoy scouts and nis intense Amerl-!13 kiuwh m uuiuhuu. um .ijriuin.
canlsm was commented upon by nil of'1"0110 cu qjL- Mrs- u A
his associates and ho ondeavored to MER, 114 South Sycamore,
exemplify tho teachings of tho Boy' t-m, n :.
facout cotlo or ethics in hls everyday
life. Ho greatly appreciated every i
favor shown him, was possesed of a
1. 1 j t
Ulgll sense Ot Honor ana Was OVOr, An nrfllnnnno aatnhllnlilnir wntnr rnton
very feeblo and has almost lost tho
use of his limbs. Ho fears that ho
will never again see his North Platte
A lodge of Masons was Instituted
at Sutherland Monday evening of last
week and officers elected and install
ed. At tho closo of the Installation Dr.
J.'B.. Redfleld on behalf of tho North
Platto lodge presented tholiow lodge
with a silk flag.
John Griffith, oue of tho successful
(armors south of Maxwell, told tho
Editor Monday he never saw corn
looking as well at this tlmo of tho
year. Residents hero who havo mado
trips Into tho agricultural districts.
bear out his statements. Maxwell
structlvo and ingenious mind and ho,,,- ,t nri,ni;(i i,v the Mnvor and CItv
was over in search of books and council or North Platto, Nebraska,
manuals that might Improve hlB knowl c,pptinn i rtatca -A RorVico
edge and assist him in dealing wIthcha'rB0 0f ,$7.20 per annum shall bo
mechanical problems. William was a nnl(, ,.v ,. wfnr nonsiimnr usinc
born salosmanc His sparkling oyes,i ,. oni,i .,im nimr )n hrw
and sunny smile, ils enthusiasm andfcomo (Ul0' aml payabi0 quarterly at
It , vu,,..... u,.,UB Ul0 ena or Ul0 quarter in wnicn tno
With Whom ho camo In contact. L,fr la ,.Ho,l nv a rnnHiimnr Is
From his early childhood ho was a' ,, i,0iD0 i,, nrnr-o
member of the Methodist Sunday, ,,, ,0i,ia .ni t, nnn
ohnnl nil rl TliniT Ti!rYH T nn rmm'
WVUWUl ilt J UII1U1 J-ll V V4 111 UUtlnUU yy. At AT
1, I 1 nU 1 IUUIUI
Ford One-Ton Truck
Every farmer at this time of the year has under
consideration the way he can most cheaply bring
his gram, hogs, etc., to marketreturn with coal
for the winter, flour, feed, lumber and bran.
The Ford Worm Drive Truck is the one that is
solving the problem, cost of up-keep unusually low
dnd the greatest service the Truck world knows
Priced at North Platte $659.32
Your order must be placed at once to insure delivery
Phone 34 Corner 4th and Dewey
ready to do a kind act to his elders.
He was very fond of music and In
palno playing ho had progressed well
for a boy of his ago. He had a con-
In tho City of North Platte, Nebras
ka, and amending Section l or or
cUnnnce Mr. 90 W North Platto,
Ray Burgner, who will probably bo
called far sorvlco July 22d, has sold
his grocery storo on North Locust
etruot to Joseph B. Hood, who Is om-
fioyeu oy tno union I'aciiic as a
mai hinlst.
Tho Christian aid society will meet
Thursday aftoroon in tho church
hascmout. -Tho entertaining committee
is Mrs. Linileumoyor, Mrs. Ray Lin
coin and Mrs, Leavltt A largo nt
tendanco is dcslrod.
Don't neglect seolng Bllllo Burko In
"Evo's Daughter" nt tho Kolth tonight.
This will bo tho last showing and It Is
a plcturo that you! will not Want to
hoar peoplo talking about afterward
and know that you havo missed it.
Tho supremo court rccontly affirmed
tho doclslon of District Judgo Grimes
In tho mattor of tho ro-fonnntlon
of Drainage district No. l.ln Lincoln
county. Ttho objectors liavo forty
days in which to fllo an appeal for a
ro-henrlng In tho Biipromo court, but
It Is not thought likely that this will
bo done. Horshoy Times.
J. V. Romlgh reports tho salo of a
Cadillac four ipassonger touring car
to N. B. Buckloy, a Chandler seven
passenger touring to Jos. Murphy,
Dodgo touring cars to O. J. Bryant of
Sutherland and M. L. Smith of Gandy,
and a Dodgo business car to P. P.
Rolchonborg ot tho Flats store.
Thoro Is no really wicked woman In
Tho Hoart of Ezra Groor," tho Patho
featuro at tho Crystal tonight, but an
unusual character Is introduced in a
"Baby Vamp." Sho iu a girl who likes
hor Broadway, creates trouhlo by caus
ing a young collego student to full In
lovo with hor, and has a great tlmo
gonorally. But unllko a real vamplro
this baby has a hoart and straightens
things out for a hnppy ending. With
this featuro will bo shown "Tho Chief
Cook" a two part Billy West comody.
Mrs. Tilltnnn Cnsov loft Sunday for
a visit with friends at Alta? 'Cauada. '
.Charles. -Hupfcr loth .fprmnha,-
Sunday whoro ho will enlist In the
school of navy ensigns. Ho will toko
It. t A 1 - At . VN -.
mu uiuiiwimnun ,11ml muii j;w ioiucb
Mplnes for An foj? days, vlBlt,, "with
frjondsf ancl returning homo will await
ascnll for BOyvjco-fln tho school.
Havo you soon thoso now Parasols
Oscar Andorson Is in jail on tho
chnrgo of having no vlslblo means ot
support, his wife and daughtor furn
ishing tho substnnco on which Oscar
subsists. Tho two women woro not
supplying lilm with Just tho provondor
ho doslred, a quarrel rosultcd and ho
landed In Jail.
Don't forgot tho namo of tho rem
edy you ncod whoa tho '-stomach or
bowels nro dlsordorod. Prickly Ash
Btttora quickly corrects such troubles
and makes you fcol bright nnd cheor
ful. You should havo n bottlo at homo
all tho tlmo. It is tho doso taken
promptly that porvonts Blcknoss and
oxponso. Prlco $1.25 per bottlo.
Gummoro-Dont Drug Co., Special
Hnko your family comfortablo,
rot onl this Summer lnt for
ninny Summers.. Buy an Elec
tric Fan. Divide tho prlco by"
tho years thoy last
North Platte Light
& Power Co.
Physician, Surgeon,. Obstetrician. X-Ray.7
For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown
Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for
acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there
isno system of treatment its equul.
Office phono 183. Residenco phone 283.
Hospital Phone 110.
and vitally Interested In tho teachings
or God and tho church.
Upon tho payment of said sorvlco
charge such -consumer shall bo on
tltled to the use of tho amount of
Ills character was bullded on a firm ..iif - on ,Ml. ontri
f L n! 8 BtC ln hlS, ov?rVvator to bo measured at tho regular
thought, word and deed by a dovotcd , t without additional cost and for
? and mother. Will am gave ovory ,Wftte' U80(1 ,n oxces8 of Sttl(1 amount
promise of a high and noblo man- h consumQr Bhnn pny for tho same
1100(1, I r, f 41, n nllmirlnw fnnn IXTfitn ffltncl
ill. L11U XUIlUUiUb UtVO IT kV7kT
Tho immediate relatives left to
mourn tho untimely passing of this
shall bo 18 conts por 1000 gallons
furnished up to 1-0,000 per quarter;
V"'; T'xt":.,. Vr.T- , : sumed and used up to uu.uuu gallons
Charles McDonald, of North Platte, his
aged grandrathor.
Hoys Leavo for Camps.
Threo Lincoln county boys loft Sat
urday morning to enter tho sorvlco,
Charles Rlnckor ana Frances O'Con
noll of this city wont to Port Logan
whoro thoy will bo assigned to tho
quartormnstcrs department, and
Henry O. Wayman, of Blgnoll, having
on listed in tho light artillery, was
ordorod to report at tho samo placo.
A number of friends or tho boys woro
at tho depot to wish them good luck,
and' thoy woro supplied with sweaters
and comfort kits by tho Sammy Girls.
For Saio'Chcap.
A lot or first-class second-hand
lumber, mostly dimension stuff takon
rrom tho old Luthoran church. In
quire or C. O. Welngand.
: :o::
Fined 8110 nnd Costs.
On complaint or J. C. Potorson, U.l
P. special agent, Low Fonder waB ar
rostod Saturday on tho chargo or In
toxication and illegal possession of
liquor. Ho was arraigned beforo
Judgo Woodhurst and pleading guilty
waB lined ?10 on tho chargo of intoxi
cation and $100 on tho count or Illegal
possession or liquor, together with tho
costs. Peterson, whoso homo is In
Keith county and Is a carpontor by
trado, was remanded to Jail ponding
his effort to securo monoy to pay tho
A drowsy, half-sick, discouraged
feeling Is caused by a torpid llvor and
lmpurltl's ln tho stomach and bowels
Prickly Ash Bitters Is a prompt and
efficient remedy. Try It. Gummoro-
Dent Special Agents. Prlco $1.25 por
Wc sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,
within tho period of threo months
tho rato shall bo 15 cents per 1000
gallons W 'water; for ovory addi
tional 1000 gallons or wator ln excess
or 60,000 gallons consumed and used
up to 100,000 gallons within tho period
or throe months tho rato shall bo 13
conts por 1000 gallons or wator: tor
ovory additional 1000 gallons ot wator
in excess or luu.uuo gauons consumou
and used up to 150,000 gallons within
the porlod of threo months tho rato
Bhall bo 12 conts por 1000 gallons of
wator; for ovory additional 1000 gal
lons of wator, in oxcoss or 160,000
gallons consumed and used up to 200,
000 gnllons within tho period or three
months tho rato shall bo 11 conte por
1000 gallons or wator; for ovory addi
tional 1000 gallons of wator in oxcess
or 200,000 gallonB consumed and used
up to 300.000 witnin tno ponoa or
threo months tho rato shall bo 9 conts
por 1000 gallons or wator; for ovory
1000 trallons of water consumed and
used in excess or 300,000 gallons within
tho period or throe months special
rato to bo mado ny council, rroviaeu
that for all bills paid vlthln twenty
days uftor tho samo becomes duo, a
reduction and refund of ono cent por
1000 gallons shall ho mado.
Sectlon 2. That Section l or Bam
Ordinance 90 or said city and all or
dinances or parts or ordinances in
conHlct therowlth aro horoby repeal
ed. This ordinance shall take effect and
bo in force from nnd after Its approval
passago and publication according to
Passed and approved this 2nd dayi
of July, 1918.
Attest: O. B. ELDER, City Clerk.
With us that until you aro satisfied
wo don't consldor a transaction end
ed. So you will bo doing ub a favor
If you will tell us of anything you
don't liko about our FEED and our
sorvlco. Don't hositato bocauso tho
mattor may scorn a trifling ono. Wo
want to correct tho fault bo It llttlo
or big. Poifoct shorvlco la tho aim
of this establishment.
piione 99.
Before buying a car be sure to seo mo as I have a number
of cars almost as good as new, which I will aell at a
bargain. Theso cars aro not old broken down junk, but
cars which will stand closo inspection and will save you
money. Would be pleased to have you call and see theso
818 North Locust St.
SInco I Iiuto sold tho garago am doing auto livery from tho North SIdo
Barn.. Day or Night Telephone 29. Wo ma&e a specialty of drives to
sales nil over the county at the rato of flro conta por mile per person.
Thoso who bare sales tlirouglmt tho country please let mo biiorr.
Also a few cars for salo. Night Call Red C32.
Julius Mogensen.