The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 09, 1918, Image 4

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    Buy Your Car Now
Get your car now, if you .want it, as the market
is becoming very short of good cars. I have sever
al good used cars for sale, and you can save
money by buying now, as good used cars are
rapidly increasing in price and in the popular
makes are mighty scarce.
I have some real value in used cars, ajl complete
ly overhauled in my shop, and guaranteed for
30 days from sale. For instance:--
Ford Chassis-1916-good $200
Maxwell touring-1917 ...... $500
Dodge touring car-1917 $750
Buick light six touring, looks like new, winter top.
Chrevrolct Roadster, 1918, brand new, at a bargain,
ask. Every car will be worth more than you are ask
ed to pay now. Every car guaranteed as to mechan
ical condition,
This Is Chautauqua week in 5ortb
Plntto with a big tont located on the
former city tlay grounds on south
Dowoy street. The sale of season
tickets which has becn In charge of
tho Boy Scouts, has not been as heavy
las was hoped, notwithstanding tho
hoys havo niado a house to house can-
B vusb of tho city. Many of thoso sollcl-
icu saiu inoy wouiti nuy gingio aumiB
slon tickets for such talent as they
desired to hear, iHstcad of buying
season tickets. It is hoped that tho
, Increase In tho sale of single ndmls
'elonn will at least make up part of tho
shortage In season tickets,
j Tho Chautauqua opened yesterday
afternoon to a fair sized audlenco, tho
B1 attraction being tho Duhbar Boll IUn
'gora which our pooplo had heard bo
fon nnd which thev know are irood.
In tho evening tho boll ringers appear,
led as a preliminary to a lecturo by
i Booth Lowory.
I Tho program for tho remainder of
the week is:
I Tuesday Afternoon, Hoes Concert
Company; ovenlng, Hces concert com
pany and lecturo by Dr. Chas Bay
IIsb. I Wedttesilxy Aftornofon. Gamble
Bi;oncert uo.; ovoning, uoncori uo. ana
lecturo by Dr. Hulbert. I
and his pets; ovoning, same and Tom
Corvine, polyphonic imitator.
Friday Aftornoon, tho Lockhart
trio; evening, tho trio and lecturo by
Sergeant Wyman, homo from Franco.
Saturday Afternoon, Cathedral
Choir and lecturo by Dorothy Frooks,
avlatrlx; evening, full concert by
cathedral choir.
Serg. Butlor Miltonborger, of Camp
Cody, arrived homo Sunday on a fur
lough. Mrs. Fred Temple, of Loxlngton,
arrled last ovoning to visit Mrs.
Claro llobb for a fow days.
Quoon Quality Shoes for Ladles at
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Whcolock re
turned yesterday from Camp Dodgo
-whoro thoy had gono to visit for a fow
days with their son.
Bring your eye troublos to HARRY
A. N. Durbin spent yesterday in
Sterling, Col., transacting business.
For Snl6
Two Second hand boating stoves.
Ono Ico Box.
One Kitchen Cabinet.
Distinction Undoubtedly Belongs to tho
Reigning House of Japan Began
With Emperor Jlmmu.
The present Japanese dynasty Is
by far the oldest In the world, for
Yoslilhlto claims to bo tho oho hun
dred twenty-second monnrch of
an unbroken line, dating froin the sev
enth century before tho Christian era,
says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The
early history of Nippon, ns recorded
In tho holy book, Shinto, begins with
the dynasties of the gods and Is wholly
mythical In nature. The dawn of real
history begins with the reign of Jim
mu Tenno, whose memory Is revered
"todny by nil tho sons of Nippon.
Jlmmu tho Grcnt forced the savago
tribes to accept civil institutions and
extended his beneficent sway over tho
entire country. Ho established his
capital at Kioto. Ue formulated a code
of laws, established courts, encouraged
Industry, and laid the foundation for
that innrvelotiH ndvance made by tho
Japanese during tho nineteenth cen
tury. r
The title of mikado, which means
"honorable gate," was derived from
Jlmmu. From the days of this ruler
Japanese power In the Orient Increas
ed. The successors of Jlmmu like
tho great emperor himself, were wor
shiped as gods upon earth. Women
were not excluded from the succes
slon to the throne, and there are many
famous empresses In the history of
Foolish Questioner, It Is to Be Sup
posed, Was Satisfied With Ex
planation Offered Him.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Speaking nt a dinner. Senator )
Hamilton Lewis of Illinois referred to
ClrciiH Is Coming.
Tho original Yankee Robinson cir
cus has boon rintnri for NnrMi Plnfto
Julv 24th. Tho Yankee Robinson cir-l the propensity of somo people for ask-
Mrs. James Konncdy has returned cus has been in tho Hold for many, lng foolish questions, and told tho fol
from a visit with her mothor In Wil- years, but has not covered tho west lowing story :
low Island. jfor a number of seasons, at least it i one day a city man happened in n
For Rent-Ton room houso. Phono not visited North Platto recently.' cm,ntry community, and while ram-
243 503 IU limb lb uuo liviu Lilt? iici 1UI -
manco was good. Tho ndvanco man
E. Van Lawrence who has been loca- who was hero Saturday says tho main
tod In, Kearney for eoveral weoks ro- trouble with circuses this year is. to
turned hero Saturday. secure tho ncessary help.
A . , T XT-1. ...--. J L ' I tOl I '
Tho Royal Neighbors will moot' at
the K. -P. hall July 10th, at three
p. m. Modern Woodman Stato Deputy
will address tho meering. Refresh
ments will bo served.
John 'W. Cochran, Ed L PJerson,
"Golden Rule" Lnnilnien, Sutherland,
Nebraska. GO-9
Tho Rev. Wlnnlbald Wolf, a veteran
Catholic priest of Nobraska, who was
pastor at Garntl Island for thirty-four
years, died Friday at tho ago of slxty
soven. Ho had frequently visited this
city and hold .sofvices in St. Patrick's
For Salo Two houses and two lots.
Also two used automobiles on A1
condition at a bargain. See Julius
Hahlor. iGtf
Ray Essloy, who was operated upon
and has been taking- treatment for ap
pendicitis nt a local hospital for sev
eral weeks was released Saturday. Ho
is ono of tho drafted boys who are
called for servico tills month but his
condition is such that ho will bo un
able to leavo with the noxt quota.
Our Optical department is equipped
with tho latest Instruments and our
methods of examination are most
thorough and up-to-date. HARRY
Your eyes desorvo first considera
tion,, your, llfo depends upon them.
Cohault onflOptometrist and Beo if
they are In porfect condition. HARRY
Four of tho Lincoln county boys
who were sent to Camp Funston last
month failed to. pass tho final physi
cal examination and thoy havo return
ed homo. Thoy are Wm. Pltzer, Floyd
Shano, Wm. Kcegan and Belvin De
Rolfo. The local board has been n&tifled
by tho district board that John Gray,
a railroad fireman, Roy Burgnor, a
North Locust street merchant, and Dr.
H. A. Fonner, osteopath physician, all
of this city, havo been transferred from
Class Two to Class Ono.
A fow nlco sergo suits left that "will
save you money over fall prices at
Henry E, Peterson, formerly of
this city, who had been manager of
tho U. P. eating Iioubo at Cheyenne,
i has been transferred to Grand Island
as manager of tho dining room in tho
now depot. Tho transfer carries with
it an Increase in salary.
Clarcnco Redmond, of Los Angeles,
made a brief visit Saturday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Redmond.
Pie camo this far in charge of a special
train of Elks who were enroute to
tho annual convention at Atlantic
A Company of Artists on Chautauqua Program
Full Program Afternoon of the Second Day. Short Concert
, in the Evening
Block Goes Eust.
Harry I. Block, of tho Block ladies
Mr. and Mrs. C, M. Reynolds, of furnishing store, loft Sunday for Now
nivoM av RON. Miov nro onuinnnd to -On1111' woro called horo Friday by York City whero ho goes to purchase
iva vmi tim imat nf nttntiHnn. j tho death of Win. Hevnolds. ihls fall slock of goods. Iteallzlnjr
( Mr., w a WM, routed U, wJ JJr UgJ-. On SSSKAft SitSS.--'
ter part of last wook from Alliance, Room west of Vienna Cafo. t ., okrilor , itRui on they had nenrly n
r-whoro sho had boon visiting hor son Mrs. Frank Bowen, of Grand Island, in order that ho may be among tho. left, which they didn't want to cart
iieury wurit mm uiiiuiy. mn8 ucon tlio guost or Mr. and Mrs. first to placo his orders and by doing buck home, so they tnrew mem in me
MahoKany calf Bhoos for Mon and "111 Yost for several days. bo stand a much bettor show of get-
bllng nround he ran across a depres
sion In the earth covering" several
acres. Somo nernlexed. ho questioned !
a native closo by, and was told that I
It was the bed of a lost lake.
"You don't really mean It?" returned ;
the city man. "Whatever Decame 01
nil tho water?"
"It wns this way," readily explained
the native. "There wna a picnic out
when night came
bnrrel of pretzels
John G, Gates, of Chappoll, who had "nj hilrd,or.a..fl.!!cd- Ho W,U bo ab"
Boys at
... h.ti . f ... l j i j.t.
Mrs. Claronco spicor left yostor- bi wvumu n jum mo mivy. f,OVX, A"N1 PPUSONAL
day for Colorado Springs to visit reltw Boys' Wash Hats at WILCOX DE-i --old Hartwoll's Club" with William
V-Ulll). l-uuowu l T.D.b ..Wl . ! i nlfmntln. nt Prvofnl Wn,ln00,ln v ' '"" ou
I 1I1MM 11 ILI lILI'KI. II Willi W LH WJ.TV' I 1 VJ V tJ V J i
Houso cleaning and mtgs cloanod. 1 employed at Blocks atoro ns fitter haB nlghL It Ib tho story wherein a wo- an tue wnten
satisfactory. r0aigncd and returned to hor homo in man's lovo is forged by tho hammer i "
".Columbus. !of ex'porlenco on tho anvil of blttor; Women In Britain Cut Logs.
"Yes, I see," interjected the other as
the native paused, "but what had that
to do with It?"
"Everything," answered tho nntlve.
"The fish afo them, and the salty diet
made them so thirsty that they drunk
All work guarantcod
Phono Red GEO.
Tho Catholic ladles will hold a so
cial in tho basement of tho parochial
school Thursday aftornoon nt three
o'clock to which tho public Is cordial
ly Invited. ,
Special Salo of Silk Dresses at
x Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh and Miss Mario
Bowon loft ln tho lattor's car Sunday
jnorning for a trip to points ln Iowa,
Missouri and Nebraska, expecting to
Tio nbsont about two weeks,
A musical program and ico .cream
social will bo hold at tho Platto Val
ley school houso on Friday, July 12th.
Tho proceeds will bo given to tho Rod
Cross and tho public is cordially in
vited. Mollno two-row machlno for salo.
Tnquilro at C20 east 4th street, North
Platto. 45-0
The local board Is now noloctlng
h list of tho sixty-nlno Lincoln county
naon who will loavo for a training
camp J'imy 22d. up to ystordtty noon
they had solected fifty-lhreo of tho
sixty-ill no.
All optical WOni UOllO ny WiUUU I I . - , ,,, ,,.n-i-(m mnro or
DIXON ft SON is guaranteed to give' All but ton of tho registrants of England are "Z tZ
.......... tv r miD t . un i.,.i .i in.i lntia imilnriir nti Tim lflltfl. SnVS tUO
A quarter of a million women
tho host of satisfaction.
out tholr fiuostlonalres. Tho local. London Observer. The great major-
Miss Mario LoDloyt, Avho has boon board has boon holding .light sessions,1 ity nro village women who go out
attending tho Kearney Normal, camo and up to yestorday had classified. from their cottges and work for tho
ZZtal hLlayS ttE at th'ty f io 142 June, 1918 regis-1 Yann Seven thousand nro In tho
parental uorao, jtrnnts. Tho othors will bo classified now Lnnd nrujy( whlch employs worn-
Wanted Girl for gonoral house-. in a fow days. j cn wjl0 ure recruited for a certain
work Mrs. W. H. MpDonald, 407 wostl Dhl you ovcr investigate tho Dixon-i term and sends them wherever they
'"" 0 , porfecto non-breakablo lenses7
Tho Episcopal Guild meet Thursday HARRY DIXON & SON.
aftornoon at two thirty in the church J Henry clark who for 80Vernl
Daspmoiu. xnoro win 'do special woui inonthH- had be0n omploycd with a
Tho Roes Concert company consists of Mao and Gortrudo Rees, dauN
tors of tho talented musician, John Rees, of Nebraska, and Beatrice Lango
four years a student of New York's famous teachers, who has a beauti
mezzo soprano voice, and Willa Given, cellist. Chautauqua audiences
demanding the best. This demand of tho public is responsible for a it
musical ideal that calls for tho music of tho masters, proscnted with
color, which makes it sing into the hearts of tho people. Tho popu
audience- rosonts music given for tho purpose of 'demonstrating techni
ability. It welcomes tho real, vibrating music of tho great compose
when it is given so that it may bo understood. This is what tho Ro
Concert Company will do. Their programs are for tho people.
on hand for all.
I funeral director in Alllanco, haB on-
Mrs. A. M. Solbert Is assisting In listed ln tho medical department and
tho Barkalow nowsstand durlns tho will report at Fort Rlloy noxt wook.
absonco of Mrs, E. T. Casoy, who is Ho will arrlYo horo in a fow dayB to. ,, ' nig0 ct for ie yenr onc jer.
..n.k1rn n nnilAit 1 tfnnitHA Vila vnlAnon fVrttti flirt 1nnl i -Lll-J b J
are required.
Tho wombn ln tho Land nrmy en
list either for twclvo or six months.
In cuso of twelve months they recelvo
two complete outfits free, consisting
of a dress, corduroy breeches, strong
boots, lecc ncs. overalls ana lint.
board. H1b wlfo is now horp and will
remain while ho is ln tho Berylco.
Munsing Underwear for tho wholo
taking a two weeks vacation.
Wo aro paying $14 for mixed Iron,
and $17 to $18 for machlnory cast
iron. L. LIpshltz, tho Junk Man.
A baby boy was born Frlduy to Mr.
and Mrs. James Karls. Mr. Karls was
ono of tho local dratted boys who was ; Charles Ray at tho Crystal Thursday
sent to Fort Losnn May 1st and Is here and Friday In "Playing tho Game."
on a fufrlough, ' After being awakened by an EngljBh
. 1 . '"' 11 1 1 "ilL?"J" 1 ' I- 1 Vnlnt nftor n iili.lif nnnnt nn Tlrnnil.
way to working for a mighty poor llv-1
ling on a ranch, Is a far step, but it Is
tho stop that Charles Ray takes inj
("Playing tho Gamo," and ho takes
i tho change ln a way that will mako
yoiv want to stand up nnd yoll "Good
boy, Charles."
Behind the
Telephone Operator
There Is a Large
Invisible Army
A muster of tho telephone f oroca of the country Would
bring together nearly 200,000 men and women.
Over 100,000 young women comprise the oporating
force alone a f orco now handling an intricate telephono
trafllo of aioro than thirty million messages a day.
Telephone employees everywhere aro playing a big
part in the war-time activity of tho nation. Thoy aro
meeting each task with a spirit that at all times deserves
from the public a courteous appreciation of their efforts.
Ihvo Food
Bar War SkvLkh Blnrapa
nnd Liberty Honda
sey and ono mackintosh. Thoy nro
given four or six weeks' freo In
struction at a training center. Their
pny on the farm ranges from $2 to
$5 n week.
For a girl who joins tho army
for six months there is no training.
Sho goes straight awny to tho land
nail begins on tho work requiring
less skill. Services of women en
rolled ln tho Land army aro avail
able for timber cutting and hay bnl-Ing.
The Goose That Walked.
A rVrtftfllnn cnlfllnt- wlllluf Horvlno
I.., f X--..... .wu j t rt till. ....... v. . ..... , ' ' ." v. . .
125 Dodgo Brothers cars per day on tho western front, received a par
havo been bought by the U. S. govorn- eel containing amongst other eatables,
mont. and this has been so ovor slnco' portions oi.n cooiceu goose ns n spc-
i Clio hoavy troonf movement aunoau
Madge Kennedy
Tom Moore in
The Danger
Playing a dangerous game
at Prison risk.
Keith Theatre, S"yay.a.nd. July 10-11
Ovor 100 Dodgo cars accompany ovory'
dlvjlslon of American xroop. -which
I "go across." Dodgo Brothers cars
i for Sorvlco, horo or ln Franco or any
i whoro. Thoy do "Stand Up." Got yours
ordered today. J. V. ItOMIGH,
Postmaster McEvoy has been notified
that tho mall doltvory on Motor route
B will bo resumed July lGth providing
certnln sections of tho road is repair
ed. Tills is tho route that runs cast
to Gannett and thenco sorvlng resi
dents living north of tho rlvor as far
west as tho McNeill ranch. Tho round-
trip mlloago 1b sixty-two miles.
For Sorvlco First and Guarantee
Work, call North Platia Plumbing and
Iloatlng Co., Phono 409, 100 East
Sixth stroot.
Will Yost had a near accident whllo
out auto riding Sunday, tho steering
rod breaklug and dropping whllo
driving on tho grndo at tho Thomas
place four miles wast ot town. For
tunately ho was driving slowly and
clal luxury. By an error the pnrcel
was sent on to Itnly to another section
of tho snmo unit. In the fullness of
tlroo It was returned to Frnnce, hav
ing been somo weeks on tho trip. Tho
soldier, writing homo recently, eald:
"I had a big surprise today . . ,
for tho parcel you posted to mo In
November last turned up In great
stylo, having performed the lntter part
of tho Journey on foot. When I sum
moned up enough courage to open It
tho noble bird simply formed fours
and departed nt thtf double. . . .
I should say It had qulto an exciting
journey round Itnly and France."
Limited Choice of "Stinks."
Tho Into Fnthor Stanton, ono of tho
most loved Angllcnn priests of tho Int
er part of the nineteenth century,
onco entered into a conversation with
n' visitor to St. Albun's, Ilolborn, who
had attended tho servico for tho first
time. Mr. Stanton asked him whnt
ho thought or tno service. The
!hBmTdtihi b0f?ir !t roach01' stranger replied that ho liked it very
inn niton TTnrl Mm nnnldnnf nnmttni1 1
whllo Bwlftly driving a diJforont Btory
would bo related.
well except tho Incense, to tho uso
of wl)lch ho strongly objected.
3 am sorry ror you, my incna,"
II mi. Tl t -. r k . i
,..,..u L"'?"? 5u Ml1 ?CAB.C. aB81r snld Mr. Stanton,
..uH-uumuu uiuuiWBDiiu mo umvorsai n,i,nr ,,nf iinnntnrnllv nol,.l
Bymbol of happlnoss will bo featuro
attraction at tho Keith Monday and
Ttiosday, July 16-10. Tills fobotoplay
la roadlly conceded to bo tho most
"Well, you see," snld Mr. Stanton,
"thero nro only two stinks in the
beautiful and pleasing photoplay of' next world Incenso nnd brimstone
mo yuur, lvoop mo uaies in your, and you inuai iuhv juur cuoico oe
mind and watch for furthor udvjrtls-' tween."
Ing matter.
Equal la 60 Frdtht Cr
"' ElEPHANTS cam ls
WllJ Aaliuti Eihiblud
50 CLOWNS' 50
- LION Loops the Loop
I CoLHoWs $10,000 ChaMenflc Dancinfl Horses KESEE
Savage s Company of Worlds Famous
North Platte,? 24