The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 09, 1918, Image 1

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No. 51
The city council at Its meeting Tues
day evening of lost wcok passed an
ordinance boosting tho wator rates
twenty por cent. Tho service charge
vias raised from ?G.OO to $7.20 por an
num, and the motor rato from 15 cents
per. 1,000 gallons for nrpt 10,000 gal
lons to 18 cents 'per 1,000 gallons, with
a corresponding Increase on oach
1,000 gallons over 10,000
John D. Bargor, formerly a coal
miner of Pennsylvania, but of lato had
beon drifting around through Kansas
and Nebraska, -was arrested at Hor
Bhoy Saturday on tho charge of sedi
tion. Ho was arraigned before Judgo
Woodhurat, pleaded guilty as charged
and was bound over to tho district
court under bond of $2,000. Unablo to
This increase in rates was necessary Becuro an7.ho TmA
in order that tho plant might bo self-
supporting. Like all other classes of
business tho exponBos of operation
havo Increased wonderfully during
tho past two or threo years, tho raise
in tho cost of fuol alono proving' -an
important Item.
However, oven with tho twonty por
all and will probably romaln until tho
fall term of court.
Tho Information against Bargor was
filed, by Henry Miller, who testlfiod
that Barger made tho statomont "that
ho would rather kill tho coal admin
istrator of tho United Statoa than to
kill tho Kaiser, for tho reason that tuo
"?ZXZ' m ' coal administrator had raised tho prlco
VUUl UUUab UIU UIUUBO ,uuoumci r.. - - - .,.! ,.,.-.,,1.1 nnt
not pay much more than bo did under ! of coal sixty cents a ton and would not
tho naf rato systenuin vogue, ocioro , .w o D
ti, nnmArt fhn ownnrnhln of! Uudor tho law such statements as
tho plant.
theso aro construed to hindor, dlS-
.nnir Irntrn linmnnr find otherwise "Inter
fere with tho efficient iproscoation oi
r11 ntlo n-nil Ilia ivlwirn ntrwllnlnn tho war. and to bring into disreputo
nii- t n; nr nil tho United States and tho officials who
Writing from Camp Upton, Long Is-! Tho abstract ot assessment for 1018
land, undor dato of July 6th, Roy Bun- for Lincoln county has been complct
noll, former locomotive engineer of d In tho county dork's offico and
this city, Bays in part: shows tho actual valuo of lands, town
"I am glad I joined tho colors and property and personal property to bo
vf In tlm nnmn trw etrtn fhfa rrrAftf1 ltfnf. $l'l 1QO OOK nml neitAaaiul vnlnn na
I was made a corporal, then. a sar- $0,700,000. Compared with 1017 tho' n u,ls county. Pour woro sent t o Wal
geant and now am master of engineers aBsossod valuo of personal property t 000 8ra to Blgnoll, and tho others
Tho valuo of tho local federal labor
bureau to tho farmers of wostorn No
braska was demonstrated yesterday
when thirty laborers woro placod with
thoso who necdod harvest hands. Fif
teen of thoso woro placed with farmors
of tho Sixty-first Englnoors. Wo woro , shows an lncroaso of $315,690.
Inspected yesterday iind tho Inspector! Tho actual valuo-ot porsonal prop
told tho major that tho Sixty-first was' crty for 1918 is $10,724,160, which
tho best lot of men ho had inspected , tho actual vnlo of lands is $12,857,686
in 200,000. All members of this regi- and tho actual valuo ot town proporty
ment aro onlistod and all havo had ex- Is $3,918,200.
perionco In somo phaso ot railroad j Tho abstract shows that there are
work. I havo examined them all fcnd , G9.398 head of cattle In tho comity, tho
havo thorn so lined up that they can at real valuo ot which is $2,G78,035.
onco bo placed where needed whon Thoro are 19,540 horses valuod at $1,
landed ovorseas. We woro short cn 053,085, and 1,024 mules and Jacks
engineers and conductors and I was worth $100,725.
ordorod to tako the oldest firemen Tho assossors found 1,948 auto
an brakomen and make' engineors and mobiles, and tho assesed valuo of each
conductors out of them. l P'accd at f G5.90. This would place
"Whon I enlisted : went to Jeff or- an avorago actual valuo of $284.50 on
so barracks at St. Louis and thence cacl car. Thls valuation is low, oven
urnnm nnnliunln Harrlsn at Indian- f lf the cars are Fords, for in thoso
apolis. and from there to this camp. any kind of a socond-hand Ford
2KB Mcffi bo neuch worth $284.50, whlU
lTntimonnthlc medicine at Twlncm's war. longor, tliat we win soon omoarK ior .:'.;:;"
Drug Dep't.
For Snlc.
Five room house, modorn
-r mi.n..l-a j iTT'Ivq rnnm hmisn. mnilnrn excent
37th Comnany. lGth Dopot Bridgade, heat, 514 west 6th street.. Largo trees
Camp Funston, Kansas, July 4, 1918. i good lawn. This place priced right ror
Mrs. Jack McGraw, North Platte, quick sale; Close ln and fine p ace
Nebraska, Dear Mrs. McGraw, "Mother for a homo. For tornva and pnrtlomlars
of the Sammy Girls:" I see BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY.
On behalf of the 73 selectlvo draft! ::o::
boys who left Lincoln county, Julne 24, Close Plctnro Show.
1918, for Fort Riley and Camp Funston V Tno Red Crosa theatre which passed
Kansas, 1 desire through you to ex- mtQ tne hand9 of .tho gammy Girls for
press our deep and sincere thanks a nmlted period was closed last night,
for your thoughtfulness ln providing and tne urnjBhings will go to Wrill
us with sweaters and comfort kits ,-Hawloy and his associate who bought
They not only mean a great deal to us , tncm f rom the Red Croga flnanco com
from a practical standpoint, but thoro mjtteo. This equipment will form part
is a tie that binds all of us closer even . of tho Urnishings for the theatre that
than that, and that la. they were the wlu be opened in tjie room vacated
result of your own hand work, .all done1 by tne Hendy-Oglor Co., as Boon as
too, because of lovo of country and de-'the work of romodeling Is completed
votion to her defenders. I ::oi:
You may rest assured tnat we wni) j B Nelson C. S
Tjrance of tho "Sammy Girls."
Clinton and one
for two others made a trip into Custor
tT i I CUUUIY OUI1UU) til lU" 11C1UUU Vl,
11 . l,Aiil Aifnwrln nnfl TVTt Mnlonn aiitvrrAata
w"Vr.:;r.r; Other property found by tho asses
overseas oquipmont
tn. C.imiin fl 1 n till' voouu llliuo VIV ravu, iUTU ijn.uwa
Vti nml (mto that will be taxed on a basis of $17.83
thanks tot the fwcator and camlort h Q , machlnos each
kit, and say to them that of all tho . . nBBOggod Aua oI $1 Cn 113
kits I have seen among ; the men none voot satolslssed at & Vor
can compare with mine. . f , aBQ of ?5 0Q cach( and 1 053 orcam
Snmniv Girl's No! MOO separators with a taxablo vahito of
. mi .JJSwLtiv. r Sn Pnfoforin 52'2- Tlle assessed valuo of money on
, Th ftli n .5nd or on deposit in the banbs is
unc i given br tho Sammy Girls j ?C4 (4G5 mttkln 1 tho anctuni vaiuo ot
4bth were 1 31344 n m0y 322'325 wh,ch nbo,ut
4th wero-$Mla.44 ana tne totoi ex fa h mount of inonoy ou do.
Pum of J700 for their effort! 4oyB,t tho ban,t3 r Llncol coun,ty
sum of $700 for tholr enorts. "oyion lUo flrBt of ia8t Aprll. Somo fonia
netted as much on the bo fe , of. poif as 0Vl(lelU, f t th 1 had nlonoy. ,n
they did on tho Cafeteria, and had Hot . . t til0lr ax
the Star Bottling Works run' out .of n U10y maH0 out Ul0ir iax
pop early in tho afternoon, tholrihet , ec,ieuiU0,
Feclpt ,hat,80,?2.!?u,lte No Hot Housos'Noxt Winter.
pu UUU1"U Vl r Rationing of coal to householders
greiuor. t was nnnoUnccd Sunday by tho fuel
a t wnn,i0rV;,ri'ir,o of lU.Mn hnvH administration as among plans do-
romper wash suits tor tho little fel- signated to provent a threatened short-
Tho local board has boon notified
that in the July call for men, notio ot
tho 1918 registrants aro to bo taken.
This means that tho slxty-nino men
Lincoln county must furnish July 22d
must como from tho 1917 registrants,
Clork Alloa says that including farm
ors, who woro temporarily exempted
by reason of farm work thoro Is still
about one hundred men in class ono,
but to 1111 tho July call, It will bo
nocossary to include somo of these
farmors. It Is figured that by July 22d
tho harvesting will bo over, tho culti
vation of corn protty well completed
and tho demand for farm labor will
not bo so great. Undor these condi
tions at least homo ot tho temporary
exomptcd young faremrs can go inter
tho sorvlco without particular hard
ship to themselves or to ; thoso T
whom they havo boon cmpJt'tfo
to sections ot tho Yall6y woit of tho
city. Tho othors woro sent to Koith
and Duol countlos whoro thoy will bo
omployou in tho harvost flolus.
SInco the labor bureau opened a
few wooks ago Manager Frank Beolor
has brought Jobs to tho Jobless in a
great many Instances, in fact through
his efforts tho labor situation lias been
equalized Jn that It has brought labor
era from sections whoro thoro was a
surplus into tho soctlOn whoro there
oxlsted a scarcity. The bureau has al
ready proven of great worth to western
Nobraslta countlos. Th national call for AuiriM is 800.-
At a mooting of tho library board , month w b a'M taw
Inst evening tho officers of tho paat p g Sonlh. It is thro f or o pX
tary and treasurer. Because ot heri io"
very eff icient service and tho high I w , cabbage.' round or pointed
cost of living tho salary of 1 barlan, l d caullflow0'r, turnips, lottuca
Miss Loretta Murphy was raised to n1(1u ,t'ohlrivbl rcad for th0 table. No,
od. Frosh vegetables aro better than
Now and up to tho minute Btylos in shipped In ones. Duty them at, tho No.
wash skirts, waists and blousos at Plntto Floral Co. Wo deliver every
THE LEADER MERC. CO. thing free of charge.
lows. ,ijm 2 to 7 Years, aro on "sale 'age of coal next wintor. Each domestic
at THE LEADER MERC. CO. now, nt 'oensumor will bo nllowcd only as much
75c, 95c, $1.25 and $1,45. Best you "jbahl coal as Is necessary to heat his houso
iinv 5 tn (iK decrrnnn. nrovided ovorv consor-
that the road makers of Lincoln Ostermann field secretary of vation rule has been obeyed. The al-
coemty make a visit to Custer countyl ,rS' tho announcement said, will
and soe how roads are made and " '"A"b""rL"Y '7 be sufficient for comfort, but "tho
a conference wth business men and 'wasteful consumer who finds his al
good road enthusiasts. Ho told of thoS?nco gone before the ond of winter
Ray in
Getting into trouble is easy, getting out again is
different. Ray as Larry Prentiss plays the game
fast and furious and for all it's worth.
Crystal Theatre, du July 11-12
.have ever had and sho braved exciting
laad Qomic. perjls, .finally bumping into
romance full tilt.
The wheat harvest in Lincoln county
Is now ln full swing, many fields, hav
field southeast of town. Tho tractor
is run in high gear and moves along
faster than a horso can walk. With
the three binders he Is cutting a
twenty-four foot swath.
Another lot of woman's and misses
In "Tho Danger Game," featuring
Madge Kennedy and Tom Mooro and
showing at the Keith Wednesday and
Thursday wo have the" story of a girl '"Vained
al typo of burglar. She gained famo all sorts of summor underwear to flt ,WOrk being done on the highway both I w"l have no fuel with wnicn to neat
prices at THE LEADER MERC., CO. uro and auto makers had donaAedl 1tThLpl,v,en8, ftii'imnei,'0r
-Dick Gco, a' former Nor'th Platte flOWOBTVach to help place' the hlgli WJluonB H vSStMmSli
resident, is in town today .vislUngin bolter condition In Lincoln county IS?0?', VJi,?, "b" censored by
friends. For six years past Mr. a.race the had cb .f faionhigof tho
had linn lmUnr lnHnector for the citv Brady to the oast lino or tlio county, a;, . .. . . .
1.UI1 anJUhl "J , - i ---it ------ . ' " m ... . a , tt ...1 ! UUUKU WilUIU L11U LUill in IU UU USUUi
ntr hnfi nut. tho latter nart of last or omaiia, out wnen tne Jim uaniman rt no oubh
week. Wliile out driving Sunday wolregine ended he sent in his roslgna- that efforts should bo mado to navo
iloticed that L. S. Smith was using, Hon. this section of road put -In shape,
a big tractor to much was attached) Mp and Mpb Tho Jenkins who had ?teel marrs, foF th highway are bb
i,r.c hr,,iOM nn v,ic nnn.pra TOi,ont ' Mr' "V iv" ,V. " lng provided for its entire length.
L f"; t ??e,n "J ai, .V.,0J: fVv,0r.B These aro durable and easily discern-
ruBiuence, iu uu luuruiug ui- ,hl Tho marker8 will be placed In
ford where they aro inmates of tho Llnc0,n CQUnt wlth, tho t slxt
Soldiers' home. days
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wlllerton, of Special Sale on Foulard Silks at hall, archways to connoct the two
1 A 1 y- TtfHl A. u -1 .1.
wash dresses in ginghams, voiles and! 1"" , rBHluuc' E. F. Seoberger has beon appointed
other light materials Just received i - district counsol of the Lincoln High-
and placed on sale at THE LEADER I A. M. Solbert returned this morn- way, his Jursldlction comprising Daw
MBRC. CO. Hug from a brlof visit in Denver. son, Lincoln and Keith counties.
Consisten t Performance
houso whero tho coal Is to bo used.
.. Green Moves Billiard Hnll.
Tho Green blllard hall, or at least
part of It was moved Sunday to the
rooms vacated by tho Durbin Auto Co.
Tho north room vacated by Green
will bo occuplod by th Hiiiffmnn cigar
store, and whon ho moves tho room ho
leaves will also ho used by tho billiard
Silk Dresses and Foulard Silks.
We will place on sale today about twenty-five silk dresses, made
from Plain Silk, Gingham silk, and Combinations, .all of excellent
quality. We have divided these into two lots at
$14.48 and $17.48.
We will also offer your choice of our stock of
at two. special prices .
$1.39 and $1.59
The patterns and colorings are very attractive and you will need
to shop early to get your share of these.
Wilcox Department Store.
Tho south room ln tho Waltemath
building which Greon vacated will ho
used by tho Wostorn Union as a relay
station, and that company will later
also use the north room, having leased
tho entire ground floor for a long
term of- years.
-.'.a: :
Junior Clinutnunun.
Mrs. Maude Carroll Hammond, the
Junior Chautauqua superintendent.
arrived in North Platte Sunday morn
ing from Fort Morgan, Colorado. Sho
appeared In two or three of the
churches and talked about tho Junior
work. Sho said ln part: "That the
management of tho Standard Chau
tauqua System aro In thorough Bym
nahty with tho 'Child Wolfaro Move
ment.' Accordingly free Junior Chau
tauqua's aro 'provided for tho boys
and cirls of their Chautauqua towns.'
Sho said that sho believed that the
children's work should 'provide lots of
play and fun for tho young folks of
the community, but nt tho same time
sho believed that thoro should bo a
reason or all that is done, and beautl-
ful lessons left behind, tho momory of
which will romaln lone nftor tho
pleasant hours of tho Chautauqua aro
Tho Junior Chautauqua is In session
ovory morning at 9 o'clock at the big
tent and thoro is a special program
planned for them wmcii Is full of In
teresting things. All who attonded tho
session this morning report a line
Mrs. Hammond is an export with
dhlldreu and ovory ono should tako ad
vantage of this splendid opportunity
to givo tholr children this unusual
training. Mrs. Hammond Is not only
a teacher, but a writer, entertalnor,
reader and locturor of somo note, Tho
Republican Leader of Trenton, Ne
braska, whore Mrs. Hammond worked
last weok stated that tho Junior
Chautauqua was grand, enjoyablo as
well as educational and Inspirational.
DODGE BROS. Motor Cars
During Dr. Drosts absence his offico
will be in care of Dr. Shaffer who has
assisted him for sovoral months.
Sunt McDuffy, of tho Wyoming
division, is spending today in town
looking after railroad mattors.
In tho millinery dopartmont of THE
LEADER MERC. CO. thoy aro show
ing a handsome lino of now midsum
mer stylo hats.
Wintor wheat in Nobraska was
damaged to somo extont by the hot
weather In Juno, but tho damago was
! not so gr6at as estimated at that timo,
jaccprding to the Burlington crop re-
port ior uio wcok unuiug iuhi rxmuy.
Corn, at tho ipresont timo, Is in oxcoi
As in last year's race, with a stock touring car, so tliis
year, with a stock Dodge Brothers touring car and tho
same stock Chandler car. (except that this year wo re
moved both bodies,) we wero able to show very favorable
with tho various specials and speed creations.
Again we want to say that wo do not claim to be sell
ing racing cars, but wo aro selling cars which havo the
stamina to stand up under the strain of extreme speed, to
run steadily, to cool properly, and to balance and hold the
track at speed.
Wo are selling theso good cars, and wo are prepared to
give SERVICE for these cars right hero at North Platte.
If you aro looking for this kind of a car, we would like to
havo a talk with you. Deliveries aro very slow, better act
quickly as tho shortage is serious,
'Service fr Dun OvvNEns'
North Plattb.Neb.
lent condition and is 100 per cent
O. K.