The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 05, 1918, Image 1

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Nb: 50
Just tho number of visitors in town
yesterday would bo hard, to accurately
estimate, but tho numbor was certain
ly not far short of Ave thousand. Tho
bulk o these visitors arrived' after j
twclvo o'clock noon, although the
streets were crowded during tho fore
noon hours. Moro than four-fifths of
people camo by auto and tho average
person was almost staggered by tho
number of cars parkod around the
garages and on tho side streets.
Tho advertised feature of the day
were of course the auto races, and
other than these not much had boon
prepared for tho entertainment of tho
crowd. At ten o'clock a parade was
given in which tho Homo Guards ofj
Brady and of this city marched as ulil
also a small detachment of tho Red
Cross, tho Boy Scouts and a very
creditable number of tho Homo Guard
cavalry troop. In lino was tho Home
Guards band, tho Dickens band and
tho Homo Guards drum and buglo
corps in white uniforms presenting ai
very natty appearance The repres-l
entation of tho North Platto Guards
was less than half that oxpoced this!
being due to the fact that nearly all
business houses kept open until noon,
thus- prohibiting employes from being
In-line. The Brady Guards showed up
strong and gave evidence that in tho
short timo thoy have been organized
they have been well drilled. Following
tho parade patriotic exercises were
held at tho court house park, these
including selections by the- two bands,
and a male gleo cjub, the reading of
tho declaration of independence by
M. B. Crosby and an address by J. J.
Halligan. Immediately aftor theso ex
orcises tho cavalry troop gavo a very
creditable drill on south Dewey street.
In tho afternoon o?rprybody , went
to tho races, and in the evening there
-was a concert by the band and a dance
nt the K. C. hall.
The weather during the day was
Ideal for a celebration, the forenoon
being cool and tho afternoon not ex
cessively hot''
Tho Lincoln Journal of yesterday
said: Govornor Keith Novlllo bns noth
ing to do to get into the gubornatlonial
raco with Charles W. Bryan excopt to
fllo a written acceptance of a nomina
tion by Ipetitlon filed by twenty-eight
of his follow tovhsmon of North
Platte. The petition headed by P. H.
McEvoy was forowarded Wednesday
by O. E. Elder of North Platto. It waB
received by Secretary of State Pool
and will bo held as required by law
until tho timo elapseB for Govornor
Novlllo to fllo a written acceptance
Accompanying tha petition Tvas a re
ceipt signed by S. M. Sander, treasurer
of Lincoln county, showing that tho
legal filing fee of $10 had boon paid
to him. Tho receipts runs to Keith No
vlllo as tho payor of tho fee. Governor
Novlllo was in Omaha Wednesday
attending an interstate gun club shoot
when the nomination by petition of his
townsmen was conferred upon him.
Ho said on tlio occasion of tho filing
of Charles W. Bryan's nominating
papers that he would be a candidate
for governor . notwithstanding Mr.
Bryan's entrance Into tho contest, so
It is considered sottled that tho gov
ernor is a candidate for renomination
at the August primaries.
Drugs Drags. '
For all ails and Ills where medicine
applies, superior to any or all, not ox
ceptlng "Tanlnc? or "Nuxated Iron.
Homeopathic medicine nt Twincm's
Drug Dcp't 50
Word was received Wednesday that
Everett Johnson, of this city, who
enlisted in tho navy and tvus station
ed at the Great Lakes training station
had arrived safely overseas. ,
Russian Engineers In Town.
Eugeno Zack, Antol Lerneskog and
John Zubesko, representing the Rus
sian national highways, aro in town
today and under tho guidance of Dep
uty State Engineer Morey are seek
ing information relative to American
roadways and road-making machinery.
Theso officials aro visiting many of
tho states Investigating conditions.
and camo to Nebraska .because tho
road situation in Siberia aro similar to
Nebraska, both being plains countries.
Tills mornng thoy were given a de
monstration of a. Fordson tractor pull
ing a Fry drag and wore favorably
Billle Burko in "Eve's Daughter" is
tho story of a young girl who decided
to live )ier own life and camo near
spoiling It by drifting Into ovil in
fluences. ' It is a picture which will
make every moving picture lover love
charming Billle more and tho story Is
one that mothers should go to with
their daughters to see. Come to think
of it the fathers should go to, as it
was tho mlserlyness of BlUIe's father
that started all the trouble. It will
be shown at tho Keith Monday and
Tuesday of next week.
For Farm Loans see .Gone Crook,
Room west of Vienna Cafe.
Mrs. John Vernon loft yestorday foi
a visit with relatives in Boone, la.
Mrs. Norman Connolly was an oast
bound passongor on train No. 18 this
Mr. and Mrs. Will 'Baldock who
wera visiting In California for Bovoral
woeks returned: homo yesterday.
Judgo and Mrs. H. M. Grimes spont
yestorday at Grant, tho Judgo going
thoro to mako tho Fourth of July
For Rent-243.
-Ton room house.
Martin in
"The Fair Barbarian"
Frances Hodgson Burnett's most pleasing
Story. Also the two part Comedy
Keith Theatre, Saturday, July 6th
Mr. and Mrs. Will Friond, now res
idents of Grand Island arrived Wed
nesday to visit relatives and friends,
over tho Fourth.
Tonight's feature at tho Keith will
bo "Burning the Candle" and tho two
part comedy will be "Saucy Madeline.';
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman wero
called to Omaha Monday night by tho
death of Mr. Fleishman's mothor, who
had boon ill for some time.
Judgo and Mrs. J. S. Hoaglasd spent
yesterday in Gothenburg, tho Judgo
delivering tho address for tho day.
They made tho trip in their car.
A daughter ,wns born this morning
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thornburg. Mrs.
Thornburg camo here from Chadron
several weeks ago to visit rolatives.
Wanted Girl for genofal house
work. Mrs. W. II. McDonald, 407 west
Fifth. 50-3
Tho dance given at tho K. C. hall
last evening by tho Home Guards was
attended by a crowd that packed tho
hall. From nlho o'clock until mid
night tho floor was crowded with tho
dancers. The receipts wore $240.
Word received in town yestorday
announced the sudden death at Kansas
City of Mrs. O. W. Brandt, a former
resident of North Platto, and the wifo
of a former train dispatcher. Details
of Mrs. Brandt's passing away aro
Tho Kaiser wants to conquer Eng
land but doesn't know how why not
take lessons from "The Fair Barbar
ian," Mr. Kaisor? That will toll you
hbw it was done in short order.
While tho eating houses were crowd
ed all day yesterday and up to a lato
hour last night, the big crowd did not
lack for meals or lunches. Cafeteria
I conducted by tho Sammy Girls In tho
i Woltemath building .supplied many or
j . : ...itu ..-Li ,: -
With the co-operation of American
destroyers, tho allied naval forces
have destroyed 05 per cent of tho sub
marines Bent out by Germany, accord
ing to a statement of Senator Swan-
son of Virginia, chairman of tho sen
ate naval aifalrs committee. The Ger
man submarines, he said, are being
sunk faster than they can bo built.
Effective today tho carriers on tho
rural routes -will leave tho postofflce
at 10:30 instead of 8:30. This change"
is made so that tho daily papers and
other mail that arrives on train No.
19 at 9:35 can bo delivered tho day of
arrival, tiereioiore tno yiair arriving
on that train could no be deliverd
until tho following day. This change
will hold until October first.
tesses am
We will place on sale today about twenty-five silk dresses, made
from Plain Silk, Gingham silk, and Combinations, all of excellent
quality. We have divided these into two lots at
$14.48 and $17.48.
We will also offer your choice of our stock of V 'h ..
at two special prices j
$1.39 and $1.5
The patterns and colorings are very attractive -and you will need
to shop early to get your share of these.
ilcox Departme
Driving a car that was entered as
a .Hudson spoclal, but which had parts
qf other makes assembled, King
Rhlloy, of Oshkodh, tho promlor driver
ofi western Nobraska took first money
injboth tho ten-mllo and tho fifty-milo
raco yestorday afternoon. In tho
twenty lap raco tho ipurse was $500,
of-which Rhlloy'sv share was $300; in
tho hundred lap ovont tho purflo was
$1,000 of which $1,000 wont to Rhlloy.
With ovor 2.200 norsons in tho
grand stand, noafly aa many in the
bleachors, with 8Q0 cars'linod around
tho track or In tno back ground, oach
containing not less than nn average of
four persons, and with at least 1000
standing at such points of vantage ns
they could obtain, and Including tho
small army of car mechanics, poaco
officers, raco officials and othor of
ficial or souil-offlcial attendants, tho
tirowd that witnessed tho races wns
not much short of ten thousand. Tho
gato receipts were abowt .$9,00.0 which
did not includo tickets sold in town
prior to tho opening of the gates. It
waa by far tho largest crowd that over
witnessed raco events in North
Platto, and it was also tho most or
derly crowd, not a somblanco of dis
order occurring, which condition must
bo credited to tho-lack of booze joints.
The first raco up was ilvo miles with
a mirso of $150. There wero four en
tries. Lloyd Powers, of this city, tak
ing first money, W. W. Cass Bocond
and A, B. Yates of Sutherland third;
time 7:33i,i. In this raco R. E. Searlo
of Dgalalla, had ontored a Ford, but
after straightening out after tho first
turn on tho first lap tho car overturn
ed.! severely bruising tho driver, but
no bono fractures wero suffored.
In the socond five mllo raco thoro
wero but two entries, Lloyd Powers
driving an Oakland and E. M. Smith a
Dodge. This was a .pretty race, nip
and tuck most of tho timo, but with
Smith tho winner in 6:5G.
Tho third five-mile ovont was a rep
etition of tho second, Powers and
Smith being tho contestants, with tho
Yates Ford Halting ne third place.
Smith again won in G:23.
In tho ton mile event, with a $buu
pdrso, there wero flvo entries, but two
of the cars become disabled and wont
"over tho top," but fortunately no one
was Injured. Rhlloy won, easily; timo
Then came a delay of ovor an hour.
Tho'Stutz car -which, was looked upon
as a strong contender for first money
Intho fifty mllo raco, proved, ueioctivo
lirttB timing gears ana an nuompi was
made to transfer tho timer from tho
L. S. Smith Stutz car to tho racer.
This attempted change consumed over
nn hour,- and then had to no abandon
ed with tho result that tho car could
not 6ntor the raco. There wero oight
pntrlos In this event, but enrly In the
face ono was forced to withdraw.
Thoro wero really only three real con
tenders for first place, with Hhiioy
setting the peaco and maintaining it
throughout and carrying on nrst
money. A Morcer special drlven by
Farley came in second and a Chan
dler driven by E. M. Smith th'ird. Timo
ono hour and twenty minutes.
Tho timo made was somewhat slow,
due to tho soft track on tho turns,
which after the first raco was churned
into -dust and grow deeper with each
succeeding ovont. Though tho track
had boon oiled the oily dust sifted into
tho grand stand and bleachors and
white waists and dresses as well as
facos wore turned to a very dark
Attendants generally wore pleased
with the races and went homo won
: :o::
Four Weddings Ycstordny.
Judge Woodhurst scarcely had timo
to allow hia "patriotism to effervesce
yestorday, for ho was called upon to
unite four couples ln matrimony.
Tho first to appear wero Ernest
Kelly and Bertha Trldlo, both of Max
voll, and having been raado ono thoy
proceeded to participate In the acti
vities of tho day.
Tho next couple to present them
selves woro Chas. C. Ryco of Law
ronco, Nebr., and Mrs. Zelma Elliot)
whose homo is In Nolson. Neb.
Then camo Oscar Bauor, of River
ton and Orra Etta Hatch, of Kansas
and thoy too woro sent away wreath
ed in smiles and holding each others
The fourth couple to come before
tho Judco wero Albert Richard and
Chostra Buelah Undorwood, both of
Burwall. Neb.
Ono ArreKt Yesterday.
Tho police mado but ono arrest yes
terday, and this occurred about 10:30
last night when a man from Oconto
was jailed for boisterous langungo in
front of tho Hotel McCabo. Tho fellow
had secured sufficint booze to mako
him use foul language. Later an ac
qualntnnco appeared and asked that
lio bo released ln order that ho might
'art homoward with members of his
lamlly and this request wub granted
: : o : :
Jobs for tho JoblosH.
Labor Agont Beolor reports that bo
f r this week he has plncod thirty
r cn with fannors who needed help
t-' fur ho has boon ablo to fill tho
1' al requirements for laborers, Ho
h rocolved. liowovor, a call for ono
h idred harvest hand for Douol county
an 1 ho Is bow hustling around to fill
th" order.' TIiobo men aro needed at
V', and Mrs. Thomas Austin and
rhl' 'ren will loave Monday for an ox-
torrid visit in California
M'sh Ilazol Young, who had been
a g"nHt at tho Carl Simon homo, ro
turned to Hustings todav.
Mies Emma Bradloy yUn has beon
cmpl'ied at tho O'Connor storo for
seven' 1 months will lnav tomorrow
Mrs. J. S. 'Simms roturnod tills
morning from an eastern training
camp whoro sho had -been visiting her
husband Ltout. Simms who is in tho
medical corps.
Arthur Carney who has boon In the
sorvico nt Camp Fremont for tovornl
months and was homo on a short fur
lough left this morning.
Mrs. Clifford DoMott.'of Scottsbluff
came Wednesday evonlng to visit her
aunt Mrs. Clara Van Doran for sovoral
days. '
Mra. Josso Smith, who was visiting
In Colorado for a month, has returned
homo. .
Mrs. Harman, of Goring, Is, vlslting
hor parents Mr. and Mrs.";. Elmer
Coates for a wcok or longor,
Mra. Edward Putoff, of Sldtfoy a
forinor rosldont is visiting ..tkifweok
with her Bister Mra. Elmor,Ce3.
Mrs. Olnronco Spicor and "Mrs.
David Brooks will loavo la a fow daya
for Camp Funston to visit their, hus
bands. .
Burke in
Was willing to pay the piper that she might
dance. A picture that you must not miss.
Keith Theatre 8th and 9tli
From iuii 4th to July 1st, 1918.
Juno 10.
Juno 17.
Juno 20.
on Hand. .$3,
Donations Received ,
U. P. Railroad Employees
Women's Relief Corps
Ft. McPhorBon Auxiliary, Memorial Day Refresh. ..
U. P. Railroud Night Round Houso Employees
Ft. McPhorson Auxiliary Ladlos Mission Circle......
U. P. Railroad Day Round Houso Employees........
School District No. 97, Denmark .
Pupils of Miss Florence McKay...,
Sundry Persons whoso subscriptions arrived aftor
Socond Red Cross War Drive had closed
?f Riinrlrv PornnnH who illil -not cat In tOUCh With the
Committees during Socond Red Cross Drive...,
Juno 25. U. P. Railroad Night Round House Employees ......
Entertainment of Miss Tholma Starr...,.
Pleasant Vlow Auxiliary Entortainmont
Received From Solo of material.
Hershov Branch ,
.Muxwoll Branch '". ............... w..
Somorsot Branch ..................... i?. ..........
.June-29.. Two Sots ..Needles ..... .a.. -iSM
Received Prom, memberships
Annual Mombors, North Platto 45..,..., ..,. $45.00
Contributing Mombors, North Platto, . 3, . ., ,.vv 15'9
Annual Mombors, Wellflcot, 1C. .. i ...... ; 8.00' '
Annual Membors, Horshey, 17 .', 8;50
Annual Membors, Maxwell, 12 i". COO
Contributing Mombors, MaxwcH, 1 . 3.00
Annual Mombors, Garfield, 44 , 22.00
19.50 :
50.00 ,
8G.30 ,
, 13.75i
Juno lib
Singer Sowing Mcji. Co. No. 131 rent of McIib, and Mdso. $15,80
W. J. O'Connor, No. 132, Material 9.05
J, C. Penney Co,, No. 133, Material...... G7.C2
Wilcox Department Store, No. 134, Material 84.88
Tramp Department Storo, No. 135, Material 72.G5
Tho Hub, No. 13G, Material 1G.04
Tho Leader, No. 137, Material 24.78
American Rod Cross, No. 138, Material , 01.02
Amoricau Rod Cross, No. 139, Duo Washington on
Memberships ., 85.75
Harry Dixon, Chairman, No. 140, Exponso Second Red'
Cross Drive f. 273,83
A. F. Stroltz, Sec'y No. 141, Postage and Expross 9.05
J. B. Hemphill, No. 142, Stationery 0.50
A. H. Abol, No. 143, Froight, (Ctg. froo) 2.12
Wostorn Union, No. 144, Telegrams 4.94
Nob. Telophono Co., No. 145, Phono Ront 2.00
Mario Schatz, No. 140, Stono. March and April 10.00
N. P. Light & Powor Co., No. 147, Sowing Machine.. f 32.60
Balance on hand July 1st $3,340.52
Nothing like it to put them
in good condition, free them
from insect parasites and pro
tect them from contagious dis
eases. Kfsso Oip m
Cures Slangs, Scab,
Ringworm and OSIior
Dis nfecSs. K oonsas and piir ncs. .
Use it on Horses, Cattle, Sneep, Swine, Dogs. Goats and Poultry.
Stone Pharmacy
eAti. or wmTC ron fbee booklets on kkeoo di- no. .
for Grdoley, Colo.