The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 02, 1918, Image 7

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Knitting Bags, Work
Bags and Catch Alls
There is nothing for it hut to knit i
nd knit and then knit some more
and carry on. She who does not must
bo forever explaining why not. It'B
an obligation nnd nil that we have to
fchow that our hearts are in the right
place are knitting needles, knitting
bags and such things.
The four hundredth pair of socks
mny ' prove just a little monotonous,
but there are new knitting bags to
ndd the spice of variety to our dally
lives. At the ribbon counters they
nro showing some Immensely clever
oues along with other work bags nnd
"catch-alls." Those who spend their
time thinking of new things In bags
have grown to bo such adepts that
life nt the ribbon counter promises
to become one continual round 1 of
Joyous new bngs from now until the
end of the year. Then unless the
war is over they will begin all over
again with 3010 knitting bags.
A new nrrlvnl that charms every
one lsva knitting bag that looks like
n little umbrella. It Is made of silk
or strips of rlbbou, sewed together
nnd cut Into a clfcle. The circle Is
cut out In six scallops at the circum
ference and the points of these scal
" lops are sewed to the ends of the
narrow strip that forms the handle
Silk Street Suits
w sssh-k tjsshdskv.
0 "2
Some time before the days of mid
summer have really arrived, merchants
assemble stocks of silk street suits,
ready to be presented when the llrst
hot day comes. These midsummer
suits are almost untrlmmed, hut are
carefully designed and distinguished
by smart style-touches and niceties of
finish that place them closo to the
formal suit class.' Clever women
eometlmes take their graceful hut
plain suits and tone them up with a
little effective hand work, but even
without that, they are equal to almost
any demand.
There are many pretty suits of heavy
taffetas and of gros-do-londro In the
displays, Owo of tho new taffeta suits
Is shown In the picture and It could
hardly bo simpler or plainer, but It Is
reinarkably good style. Tho coat opens
to tho bust line, dlfforlng from eurllor
Ptylos which woro open to tho waist
lino. It has n short, flaring skirt por
tion with three plnltfl at each side nnd
n Uttlo dip In front, all vory crisp
and "Mtl. IInt. white pearl but
tons fnxtvn It. They Invito tho addi
tion o( ii white phpie vesteo and col--u-
in.! win- cufR Altogether they
three scallops at each .end of tho
strip. Then tho handlo is slipped
through u small slide made of the
ribbon and when It Is drawn through
the bag falls In the form of an um
brella. The tassel is sewed at tho'
center of tho circle of silk.
Work bags that will serve for
knitting as well ns other kinds of
work are mado of strips of plain
and brocaded ribbon sewed together
lengthwise like that shown nt tho
right of the umbrella bag. Tho top
is cut In scallops and draws up on
nnrrow satin ribbons thnt run through
u casing sewed along tho base of the
scallops in the plain ribbon. Small
rings sewed at the sides of the bro
caded ribbon are covered with cro
chet silk and tho narrow ribbon hang'
crs pass from the casing through
Below this bag a smaller workbag
Is gathered over large glass rings. It
Is mnde of plnln satin-ribbon Joined
with shlrrlngs over cord nnd llnlshcd
with silk tnssels. The bag at tha
right Is made of narrow strips of rib
bon feather stitched together. It$
mouth Is a small embroidery hoop sa
It, Is always open and rendy to catch
what may be dropped Into It. 11
hangs from four cords of silk and is
finished with n tassel.
make this suit Irresistibly cool look
ing, and that Is the charm of charing
In midsummer. White pumps nnd
stockings might he worn with It to
the best advantage.
Among these new silk suits there la
one having a coat with three flounces
set In across the back that Is very
pretty. It has narrow pockets set on
at each side with rows of .small but
tons, and a bolt of tho silk. These
belts, In many silk suits, extend around
the waist In tho most straightforward
and matter-of-fact manner, which Is
another point of ' departure from
stylo In cloth suits. The most popular
colors are navy, taupo and black, but
light colors, ns sand Bray or white
have a daintiness that compensates
for their lining shorter lived.
The Palm.
To keep a pot palm In' order, tho
leave should he spongod carefully
every wook. Dod't wutor palms too
often : let the earth becomo dry, then
1 soak It liherally
Faith in
Director MUuoiuLrjr Cottrse,Moody DIM
Institute) Chicago
TEXT For therein Is the righteousness
of God revealed from faith to faith: as
It la written, tho Just shall live by faith.
Romans 1:17. (Road also verse 16.)
Tho Gospel Is not only "tho power
of God unto salvation to every ono
that bclievcth;"
but nlso a revela
tion of that "right
eousness with
which God would
Invest man In or
der that man may
come Into like
ness and unity
with himself,"
nnd a gift to faith
o f something to
live by or up to.
Our text dis
closes :
The Medium of
The m o d 1 u m
through which
man recelvcs'God's revelation Is faith.
Man discovers material thtngs through
tho medium of tho senses: sight, hear
ing, touch, taste, smell. Tho whole
world Is open for discoveries to tho
man who possesses Intact his live
senses. Through such mediums, how'
ever, ho cannot discover God. Faith
Is the only medium through which tho
soul discovers tho things of God.
Faith Is the soul sense by which we
"taste and eo that God Is good." Faith
Is the soul senso by which we "seek
tho Lord, If happily wo might feel
after him, nnd find lflm." Thank God
Cor tho touch of faith I Faith is tho
soul senso by which wo see God. Paul
tells us that truth Is spiritually dis
cerned. It Is the eye of faith which
sees God In nature, in providence, In
grace. It Is tho eye of faith which be
holds Christ in his beauty nnd sees the
wonders of his grace.
A righteousness of God Is revealed
"from faith unto faith." Tho gar
ments of righteousness nro fully de
scribed and offered to man in tho Gos
pel. God Is ready to Invest man with
all that his faith will appropriate. The
process Is like learning mathematics,
From problem to problem, from the
simple to the dlfflcult, from tho difficult
to the more dlfflcult, until tho boy has
imparted to him a knowledge of
mathematics up to tho measure of hie
ability to receive. So man Is Invested
with a righteousness of God from
faith unto faith; from the simple to
tho dlfflcult, from tho dlfflcult to the
impossible. '
The Meaning of Revelation.
The righteousness of God revealed
in the Gospel Is 'offered to man's faith
ns something to lay hold of and live up
to. By his faith ha appropriates much
or little. "The just shall live by his
faith." There is no limit in the de
velopment of man's spiritual life and
no limit to his achievement in Chris
tlan service, if only he will exercise
faith. If man has but meager faith
and will live up to It, he wfll acquire
more faith in tho process, and acquir
ing more faith will grow in spiritual
grace and usefulness. The trouble is
most people Hvo up to their doubts
rather than up to their faith.
I was aiding onco in a canvass for
funds to establish a Crlttendon Rescue
Home. Calling up a rich member of
my congregation, I presented the
cause. ITe said : "I doubt if even God
can do much for a fallen woman.
doubt if such a creature Is ever re
claimed. The enterprise docs not np
peal to me." So he declined to make
n contribution. He lived squnrely up
to his doubts.
I called also upon a young business
man of moderate means and presented
the cause, ne replied : "Yes 1 Yes 1 1
will contribute. God only can help
such unfortunate creatures. I believe
that such rescue work Is ono of the
roost Chrlstllko and effectual missions
,of the church." Ho gave $500. He
lived up to his faith.
Knowing of tho waywardness and
moral peril of a young man In my pnr
isli, I called on his mother to nsk help
and prayer In behalf of her son. She
said : "I doubt If ho Is as bad as you
think. I cannot feel that he Is In any
great peril." Sho lived up to her
doubts. No home Influences were re
leased to save him. Loss than a year
later ho was found dead hi a brothel
having died In a" drunken debauch.
Mother's Prayer Is Answered.
Some years ago a great union meet
ing was conducted by Sam Jones nnd
George Stewart In tho city where 1
.was a pastor. One night Mr. Jones
stepped to tho front of tho plntforra
nnu read this telegram : "Temple. Tex.
Pleaso pray for my boy Tom. He Is
In your city n prodigal from God. Am
pouring out my heart In prayer. Will
claim tho victory. (Signed) nis Moth
or." Before Mr. Jones could resume
his sent, a tall young man rose nnd
said, "That is my name, that is ray
mother. Yes, sir, I vtob a terrible sin
nor ; I have broken my mother's heart
and tho henrt of my ppor young wife,
nnd I havo blighted tho Hfo of our Ut
tlo girl. Hut this afternoon about tho
tlmo this messago left Temple, I was
yonder In tho parsonago with tho
preacher, calling upon God for mercy,
and he graciously forgave my sins nnd
saved mo by his grace." Ills mother
lived up to her faith and won her boy
back to God. "Tho Just shall Hvo up
to his faith." By this mcana nlono
can fa)th live and havo Its full fruit
I" Z
pw?" '5-: 'v.:?
A Current Jest.
Th Grandstandcr Say, tho lan
guage that fellow down thcro uses In
rooting Is perfectly shocking. I wish
you wnnld arrest him.
Tho Park Cop Nothln' doln1 boss.
I learned years ago to keep my bands
off an electric fan.
Match Famine In England.
Great Britain is suffering from an
ncuto match famine Cigarettes, cigars,
candy, beer nnd whisky can bo bought
almost auywhero, but a box of match
es Is as hard to find as a raiding nlr-
plano on a dark night Why, no one
seems to know.
w !J- i.....t:r..l .1..
white clothes. Um Red Crow Ball Blue.
!A11 grocers. Adr.
"I always sco that I don't got left in
anything worth whllo," snld tho aggres
slvo egoist
"Well," replied Farmer Oornstossel,
"you're not nlono In that A potato bug
docs tho samo thing."
Grooving Machine Building Ships.
Revival of tho wooden shipbuilding
industry has brought Into tho limelight
numbor of labor-saving appliances,
among which 1b a grooving and planing
machine, capable, It Is clalmod, of do
lng as much work as 15 or 20 men
equipped with manual tools. Tho de
vice, which Is Illustrated in tho Popu
lar Mechanics Magazine, weighs about
00 pounds and may bo driven cither by
compressed air or electricity.
Cutlcura Complexions.
Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap
dally and Ointment as needed to make
the complexion clear, scalp clean and
hands soft and white. For free sam
ples address "Cutlcura, Dept X, Bos
ton," Sold by druggists and by mall.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv.
What Exporters Should Know.
A ncedlo factory had Bent to Aleppo,
Turkey, needles that were tied up with
green twine. Tho Mohammedan mer
chant who had ordered them returned
the pnekage, for tho reason thnt tho
uso of tho green, tho color consecrated
to the prophet for such a purpose was
a derision of religion. Another con
signment of tho samo factory to China
wrapped up In white paper was return
ed becauso tho Chinese recipient would
not accopt goods packed In "paper of
mourning." White Is tho mourning col
or of tho Chinese.
And using their feet more than over before.
For Ml these workers the frequent use of
Allen's Foot Ease, the sntlseptlo powder to
be sbalcoa Into the shoes and sprinkled In the
foot-bath, lnoreases their efflolenoy and In
sures needed physical comfort. It takes the
Friction from tho Shoe, freshens the feet,
and prerents tired, aching and blistered feet
Women eterjwhero are constant users of
Allen's FootEase. - Don't get foot sore, set
Allen's Foot Ease. Sold by dealers every
where, 25o. Adv.
The Old Man's Call to Duty.
J. H. Snowdcn, n retired farmer
and capitalist, told a Seattle reporter
that he Is on bis way back from south
ern California to his old homo at Cal
gary, Can., to go back to tho fields.
Ho supposed that he had earned a
rest for the remainder of his days, but
now sees that he was mistaken. "I
am now fifty-five years of age," he
said, "and have not dono any manual
labor for eight years, but I am going
to hlro out this summer and fall to
help my former neighbors to harvest
their crops. I figure that as long as
I am too old for military duty, I can
help win tho wnr by helping produco
crops." Thousands of Americans as
well as Canadians will sco their patri
otic duty and take similar action be
fore tho war Is over. Tho call to the
colors is by no means confined to men
and youths under thirty-two. Ne
braska State Journal.
ill " iTiiIT minis
SMifof. ftintonta 15Eluid Bad
t i-nnor.-.l PER OBMT.
I UntitiicStomAcLs wwiwwwi
1 Cheerfulness andlkstQaUS
Mineral. NoxKaihjotic
hfeftgn""' '
and Fcvcrlshncss and
Yerw sleep
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Farmers ! Watch
Your Stomachs
In Hot Weather
Wc and Our Allies Are
Strength To Supply Our Armies With Food
Ton men who work long hours In
the fields under a blazing sun you've
got to bo big caters, becauso your food
is your strength, and now, moro (ban
ever, your strength Is badly needed.
So guard your health. Be suro and
watch your stomach, for In 'tho sum
mer tlmo nearly all Illness can bo
traced to stomach and bowel com
plaint You, yourself, know how lia
ble a man Is to sunstroke If ho goes
in tho hot sun too Boon after eating a
hearty mid-day meal, and nlso how
llablo ho Is to sudden attacks of stom
ach miseries. So cool off In tho shado
before going back to work. Don't take
Take care of your stomach, friend.
You know you can't work well with
your stomach out of fix. "Safety first,"
must bo your motto, so send to your
druggist and get a big box of EAT
ONIC, enough for yourself nnd family,
yes, and tho hired folks, too. It's
tho wonderful new compound for tho
quick relief of stomach and bowel mis
eries. It was originated by H. L. Kra
mer, the man who mado millions of
people happy with his first great rem
edy, Cascarots.
Now, all you need do Is to tako a
tablet or two of EATON I C after your
meals. It's good Just llko eating
candy. Enjoy the quick, sure relief
it brings how almost instantly it re
lieves Indigestion, heartburn, food-
rnmtna tn farmprn fmm fh
Westers Caaada. Where you can
at $15 to $30 per acre and raise from 20 te 46 iHtsheta
f $2 wheat to the acre it's easy to make money. Canada
offers in her provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
160 Acre Homesteads Free to Settlers
and other land at very low prices. Thousands of
farmers from the U. S. or their
advantage of this great opportunity. Wonderful yields
also of Oats, Barley aiia Flax. Mixed Farming la
fully as profitable an industry as grain raising. Good
schools; markets convenient
Write for literature and particulars as to reduced
railway rates to Supt Immigration, Ottawa,
Canada, or to
Room 4, Dee Dtdg., Omaha. Neb.
Canadian Government Agent
A DIscouraQlno Precedent
There is nothing original about Mar
shal Von Hlndcnburg's boast that he
would drlvo tho English Into the sea.
In tho Peninsular War Soult made tho
samo remark about tho British under
Wellington that Von Hlndcnburg has
now uttered ribout the British under
Hnlg. Wellington did retire perllpusly
ucnr to the sea, just as Hnlg has. But
Soult looked at the position nnd chang
ed his mind. Is Von Hlndcnburg, In
apparently still planning to give battle,
going to show less sense thnn his re
nowned French predecessor? Chris
tian Science Monitor.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop
and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee.
For more than thirty years it has been in constant uso for the
relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;
allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the
Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving
healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The
Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
In Use For Over 3 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Depending Upon Your
repeating, sour stomach, and that pain
ful, puffed-up, bloated, lumpy feelln
nftcr entlng. EATONIC will help you
nil to a paln-frco stomach a sweet
cool, camfortnblo stomach In fact
those who tako EATONIO say It makes
them forget they have Btomachs. They
never dreamed that anything could
bring about such quick and wonder--f
nl resttlts. Don't wnlt unt.H the sum
mer sickness of stomach and bowels
weakens you but start using EAT
ONIO today I Just ono or two nftcr
meals; that's all.
Your health your folks' health Is
a matter of vital importance, not only
to yourself, but also to tho nation. And
yon know ono can't bo too careful of
ono's stomach and bowels during the
hot spells.
EATON IC only costs a cent or two
a day to uso It a big box CO cents
no more. That Is the price, and re
member, EATONIC Is absolutely guar
anteed to do all wo claim In fact
more. It's tho best Stomach Remedy
yo.u over used.
You know your druggist; trust hlra
then to rnnko our guarantee good; if
EATONIC falls In any way, take It
back; he will refund your money, If
your druggist docs not keep It, drop us
a postal and we will send It; you can
pay when yon get it Address H. L.
CO., 1018 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago.
met? m
rlrh rhaf flello nt
bay seed fans land
sons are yearly taking
climate excellent
an rust- HMt.ii.ia,
rauuoUl, kbtmIm
ttp. ImU Ul MUM.
Mb! tt auttl, '?
ei Up nr will ast Ml)
or In or urtfclsf . tiw
utMd tSKtlt. 814 bj
dUr, r S Mat trr
praH, pnptlft, Cn fLOft
WBTPPIMPC WntionK.Colemtn,W&b-
1 HI Halt aj gat rstsraocM. Bui malt
V it W t end supplies. Larrest
PVO UMt. bouse In the west. All
ElUICUIIlf Eastman troods. We pay re-
SniOninU turn postage on flabblng.
' THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1813 Farnam Streri
' Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb.
Cry For
Signature of