CITtf A1TD COUNTY NEWS. .Mrs. B..B.. Bodlman r6turnfeu:v Sun day from a visit in the east. Weather Obsorver Shilling reported a light frost Sunday morning. Dr. Morrill, Dentist Mrs. Ella Mao Lanyon returned Saturday from a visit .in Boston and Philadelphia. Miss Florenco Stamp returned Fri day evening from a visit at the Koliher licmo in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Forbes and daughter Truly returned Sunday from a three week's auto trip to Iowa. Miss Gortrudo Robhausen arrived home Wednesday from Chicago, whero sho had been attending q. musical con servatory. Tho secretary And knitting depart ment 6f tho Hod Cross -will be in their former rooms in tho federal building on Tuesday. Mrs. "Wilfred Stuart and children, of Lexington, who visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Tigho last -week, loft Friday evening. Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and Swedish Massage, ladies arid gentle meiu Phono 897. Brodbock bldg. 85tf Mrs. P. J. Gilmamrcturned Sunday night from a threo weeks visit with hor daughter -Mrs. Kato "Woolsey, at Van Couver, Washington. Attached to train No. 1 were two special cars in which Chas. fti. Schwab and party were travollng tnrougn to mo coasiv For Sale Hoosior Kitchen cabinet In good condition. 520 ao. unestnui street Phono Black 4SU. tu' Miss Riuith Streitz, chief clerk in the State Banking department will nrrivo from Lincoln July 13th. to spend hor vacation with her parents. Tho sale of the Briscoe car by the Home Guards will occur on J my ui. By that time the full fifteen hundred tickets will nave Been soiu. Charles, La., is tho guest of her sister the latter part or last weou. Dr. Brock; Dentist, over Stone Dnig Store. Material is on tho ground for tho new 'Ottenstein garagO'On east Sixth Btreet Tho concrete foundation will be laid this Week and bricklaying will begin a few days later. t Mrs. A. B. Hdagland, who had been taking treatment for several weeks at Rochester, Minn., returned homo Sat urday night. Her general condition is materially . improved . For sale Yearling bull, good grade Hereford. R. E. Marshall, Phono 790F11. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith return ed tho latter "part ot last week from a trip to St. Paul, Minn. While there they visited the officers' training camp at Ft. Snelling. Mr. and Mrs. G. Schroedor who have made their home hero for several weeks will leave today for Chicago -Mr. Schroeder was connected witli the local office of the A. T. & T. Co. Wo will bo closed all day July 4th, LIERK-SANDALLi ju. Tomorrow at the fair ground' track Taccs for position In the Fourth of ' July auto events will be held. During the past week tho track has been well oiled In order to keep down tho dust. Lost Saturday evening wrist watch with Rubye McMichael 1918 engraved on back. Phono Red, 429 for reward, "Corn Is growing so rapidly,' said a south eido farmer Saturday, "that few of us will bo abio to go through it with a cultivator the third time. This may mean weedy corn, but it can't be helped." Tho Hendy-Ogier Co. will occupy tho new garage this week, though it will not quite be completed. By taking over the building tho firm 'will bo in better shape to take care of tho 4th of July crowd. Found Juno 2Cth on the road lead ing west from the state farm a kit of auto tools. Ownor can have same by calling at house of Irvin Hohn, 1 miles west of Btate farm and paying for this notice. THE UNIVERSAL CAR EVERY FARMER NEEDS A Fori One-Ton Truck Every farmer at this time of tho year has Under consideration the way he can most cheaply bring his gram, hogs, etc., to market-return with coal for the winter, flour, feed, lumber and bran. The Ford Worm Driye Truck is the one that is solving the problem, cost of up-keep unusually low and the greatest service the Truck world knows (FORD SERVICE.) Priced at North Platte $659.32 I Your order must be placed HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. Phone 34 Corner 4th and Dewey Mrs. E. N. Ogior returned last oven Ing frfofcaVWaia in Gibbon.; ; Jonathan Hlgglns went tp Loxlng- ton this morning to attend a district convention ot tho non-partlsaJ lcnguo Will Norris left yodtcrday for lAl- lianco on business connected with potash fields in which ho Is Interested. A letter recolvcd last week 'an nounced tho safo arrival of "Jim" Clinton overseas, whoro ho will bo stationed in tho Marino hospital corps. Tho county commissioners wero in session yesterday transacting routino business which included tho allowance ot salaries. Miss Hazel Young, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Earl Simon for several weeks will return in a few day to Hastings. Word has been rouoived in town of tho arrival last weok of a ton pound babv boy at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.i Harry Albright of Toledo, Ohio. Tho Harrington Merc. Co. is pre pared to offor nrlcos on now Prairio and Alfalfa hay and grain. It will -pay you to call and see nils boforo you sell. Miss Julia Gleason, who has been emnlovod In a drug store In Ohappell for sovoral months, loft yesterday morning after a visit with, tho home folks. Just Avliat you want, don't miss theso now .Tap silk waists, nil colors at $1.99. THE HUB. James Karis, ono of the Lincoln county boys recently sent to Ft. Lo gan, Colo., will leavo today after soendinc his furlough here with rel- ativos. Word received from Ray Peters at Camp Cody yesterday announced that ho was duo for another operation. Ray has been in tho hospital or in tho con valescing ranks almost all tho time since ho went to Camp Cody. Judge Woodhurst last Saturday issued, marriago license to Edward H. Yates and Amy Young and to Glenn A. Moore and Harriott Johnson. All tho parties make their homo in tills city. . Foiutr hundred feet of tho north end of tho bridge south of Horshoy has been torn out and replaced with a fill. Tho lumber of tho part of the bridgo torn out was sold for an amount suf ficient to nav for tho fill, and there Is 400 feet less bridgo to replank arid otherwise keep in repair. People who saw Margarita Fisher in "Ann's Finish." recently will certain ly want to see her again in "The Girl who wouldn't Grow Up," at tho Sammy Girls Theatre tonight. Also Charming Billio Rhodes appears In a comedy', "Her Terrible Time." Both of theso stars are favorites with both young and old. Dick Willams was called to Roches ter, Minn., tho latter part of last week by tho serious condition or nis wito, In submitting to an operation for hernia, othororganic trouble was dls covered, and another operation will be necessary. Ray Raney, of Wallace, who Was a business visitor in town Saturday, :ox pressed the opinion that wheat inhis section of tho county would average fifteen bushels to the acre. Corn, ho said, Is about two weeks ahead of tho average season and is looKing line. i E. F. Seoberger will return tomor row night from Rochester, Minn., whore he went two weeks ago to be present at an operation to which Mrs na'inVMr.r aiilhm If f mt 'Pit ft In i 1 H'T la getting along nicely, and yesterday was removed tho convalescent noiei. "Daddy's Girl" with Baby Mario Osborne is a good home play some thing that every member of the family will like to seo. It is so filled with sweetness and charm and quaint humor that those who see It will be chuckling for days afterwards. Don't forgot that it is at the Crystal tonight James Keefe, of Sioux City, has been visiting his son County Attorney Keefe, while onroute homo irom a trip to California. Ho and his wife and daughter had been on tho coaBt but two weeks when ho learned that his son, who was at Camp Dodge, was about to bo transferred, Ho started east and when reaching here learned that, the son had already been sent to a Texas camp. at once to insure delivery si'httfr of Tltoortf f8 FINE, SAYS LIEUT. COCHRAN. ;ihJTi-wttT'to Tho Tribune datell sbuiewhero in France. Juio 9th Llcu'i UyC Cochfrih in parti says: . "I havo not missed tho opportunity of boosting tho wondorfM showing that Nebraska has mad in tho war savjngs stamps, tho . Third Liberty loan and other war measures. You can lust "bp.t that tho, conduct of tho U6mo folks, as It pertains to wa'i mbasurbB, is closely watched by mem bers of tho American Expeditionary Forces. I am tho only man out ot a great many offlcors at this contor who is from Nebraska. "Paris editions of tho Chicago Trib une, Now York Horald and tho Dally. Mall aro available ovory placo whoro thoro Is a Y. M. C. A. and that Just about includes every placo in Franco whero thoro aro Amorlcan troops. Tho Y. M. C. A. is doing a wonder ful work over hero and is deserving of good support at homo. It looks to mo as though tho war spirit at homo has improved a great deal slnco I loft six months ago. I will commenco wearing a sorvlco strlpo in nbout a weok, which means six months of service. At tho present time I am an orlentem officer in ehargo of instruc tion to tho newly arrived officers of heavy artillery who specialize is orl ontem work at this contor. Llko ovorybody elso I havo hopes and I think good chances of getting to the front at tho close of this courso. "Tho soldiers horo. aro very well fed and tho spirit is fino. Everybody is workinv hard not union hours but day and night: tho instructors as well as those taking instructions proparing for tho work at the front. You got tho spirit over hero and can't help but work. It happons that the orl entem work with heavy artillery is very closely connected with my work In civil life, so I am naturally vory much Interested. "I have never been able to connoct up with "Pop" Sturges, but havo cor-J responded witn mm anu nop to see him somo time. "In coming from my first location (which was near the front) to this place I came through Paris, and llko ovorybody oIbo that hltsi that city, spent two days. It Is a wonderful place. "Big Bertha" barked once in the vicinity of tho hotel in which I was stopping and the papers stated that ninteon wero killed. France Is a . wonderful country nnd tho Amorl can activity at the front is having a good effect on tho peoplo. "Even though wine and liquor can bo bought any place in Franco, tho conduct of tho troops is remarkably good. "The weather hero has been Ideal, for tho past two or three weeks, al- though very rainy and damp previous i to that. Last winter was tho mildest I havo evor spent." ::o:: "Tho Voico of Conscience." A real Hallowe'en party in an old Southern mansion is ono of the novel features In "Tho Voico of Conscience" a Metro picture co-starring Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayno, which will bo tho attraction at tho Sammy Girls theatre on Thursday. Tho party, replete with unsual novelties, was staged In a largo ball room Betting at the Metro studio. Tho room was decorated with jack o'lari terns, flags and bunting. With domi nating prominence, in the center of room whs a mammoth pumpkin, which provided tho do luxo novelty of tho ovening. A little fairy entered tho scene and when sho waved a wand the pumpkin separated into sections and out flow a "baby angol." Eighty dancers participated in tho party scenes and gay music was pro vided by a colored "Jazz" band. In tho midst of all tho festivities tho villain comes in and denounces the hero. Exciting scenes take place which aro in vivid contrast to tho previous moments of gaiety. Tho lighting effects are novel and beautiful. Tho party Is genuinely Southern, as Mr. Bushman, the di rector, Edwin Carewo, and tho author. Finis Fox, all being Southerners, have given tho needed realistic details. ::o:: Tho annual Batemont of tho Mutual Building and Loan association for the year ending Juno 30th, 1918, shows assest of $941. 403. (14 nvlrlnnerv flinf If has grown to almost a million dollar concern. Listed in its assets aro ?8G5,G00 in first mortgage loans on worm jf latto property. The statement Is published elsewhere in theso columns. It was John Rltnor's good fortuno to talk to a soldior boy eastward bound who had been occupying tho same tent with "Will Ritnor at Camp Fromont. Ho learned that Will has boon ap pointed a sergeant and that chances wore good for becoming a lieutenant. Will is taking advantage of everything poBHime mat win lenu to promotipn and is working very hard . THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION "NABOB" No. 97382 Willi mako tho Boaoon of 1018 as fol lows: Tuesdays, Thnsdays and Satur days at tho Mogonsen Food and Sale Barn, North Flatto, Nob, beginning April 8Uu b b Balance of tho vroolc, except Sunday, at my farm six miles west of North I'laito and three-fourths of a mllo southeast of Birdwood switch. NABOB was foaled Mav 24. 1M3. and tmnorted xrttih (lild mnthar iv North & Robinson, of Grand Island, in July, 1013. Was bred by M. Des proz, Department of Orne, In Franco. This horao weighs 1780, is clean and sounu in every particular, and is as good ao you will find anywhore. We Invito you to como and seo this horso. TERMS- $15.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. If mares are dls nosed of or leavo tho coiintrv Hnrvinfl foo bocomea duo and payablo at onco. uaro Tviu do taKen to prevont accl dents, but ahould any occur stallion owner will not bo rsponslblo. FRANK STROLLBERG, OWNER. Sammy Girls Tlieatro Program. Tho following JphoYonltivs havo boon boqkctl for this week. Wo want your patronage and approval of these: Tuesday Margarita Flshor in "Tho Girl ,Vho Yfouldn't Grow Up." Wednesday Alfred Whitman and Mary Anderson In "When Men aro Tempted." Thursday Francis Bushman and Bovorly Bayno in "Tho Voico of Con science" Friday Virginia Pearson In "Tho Firp Brand." Saturday Tom Mix "Acq High." Germans Fear Americans. Gorman prisou'ors aro virtually un animous in confirming tho foar ot tho Americans by tho Gorman high com mand. According to tho declaration of officers, this is tho principal reason for tho determination of Germany to seek at all cost to Impose peace on tho allies before next winter. Tho prisoners make no secret of their astonishment at tho spirit and versatility of tho American soldiers. J. H. Edmlston, who ahs about 400 acres of wheat south ot Blgnoll, thinks tho avorago yield will not fall much below twenty bushels por acre. DOROTHY FR00KS--AVIATRIX Does Chief Yeoman Service for Her Uncle Sam. Chautauqua Program Afternoon of ' the Last Day ', If every American answered tho country's call with tho enthusiasm of Chlol Yeoman Dorothy D. Frooks of tho United States Naval Reserve, tho war would bo over in no tinio. Recently this twenty year old Now York girl, who has recruited 10,000 men for tho Army and Navy, pinned on thd now Gold Modal with which tho American Patriotic Society hpnorod hor, nnd went to Wash lngton. Tho United Statos Treusury Department borrowed hor from tho United States Naval Rosorvo Forco, and because of hor tremendous success In boosting tho Liberty Loan and recruiting campaigns in tho Wost, tho two 'departments aro now compotlng for the BervicoB of this young glr. orator. To do her patriotic work in the West sho has passed up an opportunity to be admitted to tho Now York Stato Bar. Sho thinks thcro la plenty of timo for that and to got married. In addition to studying law slnco she was graduated from the University of Chicago, recruiting for the Army and Navy, stumping for suffrage and t.iUIng a hand in settlement work, Miss Frooks has found time to own and (iii. tho Public Service" Record of iiran Heart." Aftornoon of last DR. J. S. TWINEM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there is'no system of treatment its equal. Office phone 183. Residence phone 283. Hospital Phone 110. WE BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. !2We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. II. J. . Runner, of Horsh6y, -was In town yesterday transuding business. Ho recently roturncd from Rochester, idlnn., whoro lie took treatment for several weeks for rhoumntlsm and kldnoy trouble Ho has,, improved Bomowhat slnco taking treatments For Sales! ' Five rccm cottago at 520 west Eth street Modorn except boat Close in, good lawn, largo tree. Thid property Is priced right for quick salo. For terms of Bale and inspection seo BRA IT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Baby Marie Osborne Ambassador extraordinary of Sunshine nnd Happiness in "Daddys Girl" Also two part Billy West COMEDY "Back Stage" Crystal - Tonight Oyster Bay and to write a bo?k "The day of Chautauqua. PHONE 99. IT'S A LAS'IEtfa PIlOrOSITION With us that until you aro satisfied wo don't consider a transaction end ed. So" you will bo doing us a favor If you will toll us of anything you don't llko about our FEED and our sorvlco. Don't hesltato bocauso tho matter may seem a trifling ono. Wo want to correct tho fault bo uuio or big. Perfect shorvico is tho aim of this establishment LEYPOLDT '& PENNINGTON v.. :...iiS9HIHf ill REMINDER DF PAST, DAYS - - l.. ., " - , Author's Depiction of "Tourist" Printer Will Be Recounted as Drawn f ( 4 From Life. hi' i f . Thrilling adventures bf tho old Jour neyman printers nro contained In "Theso Shifting Scenes," by Charles Kdwnrd Jlusscll. Theso wanderers roamed from town to town, denounc ing evqry.thlng ou'sldc of New York na unfit for consideration, and returning by way of freight trains once a year for n visit to that Mecca of Journalists. Mr Iiusscll describes a typical mcm ber of the guild, ono "Scotty." "This solid nnd Borry ragamuffin had so often escaped violent death thnt ha was convinced of n destiny to dlo of disease nnd wns fnr more fearful Qf drinking contaminated water than of riding on car trucks. Once us ho clung to the bumpers of n freight car n mad or intoxicated brnkemnn had fired flvo revolver Hhots at him and every shot had clipped or gono through Scotty'a hnt. Whereupon tho brnkeman, prob ably convinced that ho had seen a ghost, leaped from tho train and was killed. "Sovernl times Scotty had been in train wrecks. Onco tho car was on flro and ho wns pinned down by a pile of Joist, but two brakemen worked with frenzied seal until they freed him nnd saved his life; nnd then pur sued him down the track pelting him with coal for stealing a ride. "Ills wulking experiment was mado In 3874 when business wns depressed and tho country wns full ot trampsr IIo Joined a colony of theso and so great was the terror they inspired that tho farmers used to como every morn ing with presents of chicken nnd milk; but as a mnttcr of fact the tramps wero tho most hnrmless of men. Ono had been n clergyman and usod to re prove tho others for swearing." LIQUIDATES DEBT TO FRANCE In Sending Prune Trees to Devastated Country, California Is Repaying . an Obligation. California Is generously sending a million and a half .two-year-old pruno trees to help In restoring the French orchards, nnd enough seed beans to plnnt GO.000 ncres. Cnilnda is under taking the planting of thousands ot Cnnndlnn tim. lcs In France. It is pleasant ulso to know that there Is to bo no Inck of outside help for tho dev astated towns, observes Christian Scl enco Monitor, In stating these facts. English and American architects aro at work on plans for new buildings to repluco those razed by tho guns, both In Belgium nnd In Frnnce. The Indlnnapolls News sees senti ment in tho prune trco transaction. It says : "Theso trees nro expected to con vert 15,000 ncres into bearing orchards In two years. It wns Franco which, in 18f0, gave to California her first pruno trees. The prune, which slnco then has illlod many a gap on the table of tho American boarding houses, and hns borno the bruut of many a Jest, keeps right on proving ItEf worth." Troops Suffered From Thirst- " Somo of tho hardships experienced by tho HrHlflh forces In Palestine nro described In a letter received by a friend In Montreal from a priest Tho letter, written shortly beforo the fall of Jerusalem, tells of a day early in November when a camel convoy from Ileersheba wns unnblo to reach tho men then fighting for the doltvornnco of the Holy City from tho Turk. "Thero wns a hot wind blowing," wrote tho priest. "A tumbler full of water wns left In my bottle, which I divided between Xour ofllcors whoso Hps wero split nnd covered with a green slime. Thnt nfternoon I had a burial service, and literally I could not articulate without keeping my hand to my mouth nnd pulling my lower Hp off my teeth, while bullets from a concealed sniper whizzed past us. In the evening water enmo In enough to give each one bottle qulto Inade quate." Communal Kitchens. Tho latest proposal for tho elimina tion of wasto. In food nnd tho supply of meals at minimum cost In England, Includes, what for n better term Is called, communal feeding. Tho com munal kitchen hns been proposed on jovernl occasions but, savo for a few spasmodic experiments, It hns not been given n thorough trial. Lord Ilhonddn Is interested In the now proposal and acting with a committee of soclnl workers ho Is devising plans to give tho scheme n renl test. With so mnriy women doing war work and with con sequent neglect of household duties, somo such plnn as is proposed fill have to bo carried out if tho rising generation Is not to suffer seriously in health. War Helps Chinese Industry. Tho European war nnd consequent cessation of Imports of German aniline dyes Is bringing nbout a revival of Chinn's ancient industry of indigo making. China's fondness for tills color has earned for her tho nnmo of tho Lnnd of tho Blue Gown. Indigo growing Is especially adapted to tho Yangtze valloy and southern China. Tho color is extracted by soaking tho leaves in hot water aud beating tho PUlp. Hog Killing In Britain. According to ofllclal figures secured by the United States food administra tion, hogs havo decreased much more than any other class of llvo stock in tho British Isles. Tho total decline for 1010 and 1017 was over 000,000, of which raoro thnn BO.000 wero brood fows. - -n rnoNE 99.