IIIA L. MARE, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Ono Venr 1t Mall In Advance . , M "5 One YCar hj Carrier In Adfiinco $U0 Entered at North Platte. Nebraska, Postofflco as Socond Class Matter. FRIDAY, JUNE 2Sth, 1918. 220,000 MEN SUMMONED TO ARMS JULY 22-25. Ah a further atop carrying out the department's plan to havo 3,000,000 mon undor arms August 1, Provost Marshal General Crowdor Tuosday called on tho governors of all states except Arizona and Illinois for tho mobilization between July 22 and 25 of 220,000 white draft registrants qualified for general military service. This call Is expected to oxhau3t tho numbor of men" In class one, and when added to school requisitions ot 23,430 mon, brings, tho total calls so far announced for July to 243,430. To complete Its program of having 3,000, 000 mon under arms by August lBt tho department will havo to dopond on tho 400,000 class ono registrants expect ed from the Juno l enrollment, and tho 2CO.O0O or 300,000 to bo obtained from tho roclasBlflcatlon now In progress. Nebraska will furnish 4,000 men in this call, all of whom will be sent to Camp Dodgo Iowa. 1710 V. H. AVIATORS ARE NOW IN FRANCE. Washington, D. C. Thoro aro now 1,746 American, aviators In Franco, It wps learned tonight from testimony placed In tho record during Charlos Evans Hughes' Investigation of tho aircraft Industry. It has boon brought out that thoro are now nt tho front 37$ airplanes bearing tho Aniorlc&n Insignia. Those planes are being used by 120 American1 avlittora, who conBtltuto sovon aquad ronj. Few of tho 111111108 aro of Amor lean manufacture. Of tho 1,740 Amorlcan aviators In Franco n largo squaro of this number aro ready to go into air against tho enemy, but only 12C havo been pro vided with oqulpmont. There Is nn equal numbor of obaorvora and 38,307 onllnteuY mon to act as mechanicians and nlrdome mon aro to work complet ing tho flying fields to bo used by tho American forces. That tho training of aviators has progressed with far greator speed than has tho production of aircraft Is ovldonco by tho fact that thoro aro In this country today 3.4C7 trained aviators and 4,922 obsorvorannd non filing officers await orddra to proceed to Franco. The onllstod mon, many of -whom hav$ finished tliolr mechanical training at tho flying schools In this country total 99,001. It would a'pponr "that tho capacity of tho tWOnty-sovon tralnlnc schools of this country Is approximately 35,000 mon. At tho timo thoro aro about 3.394 mon being trained m aviators at flying Bchools nnd 3,393 at tho ground or preparatory schools, About 4,230 men, paased by tho oxaminmg nouru aro awultlnc an on- portunlty to ontor tho ground schools Thoro aro 1,030 mpn who aro taking advanced training courses in UiIb country, porfoctlnv thomsolvos in pur suit, bombing or observation work. About 2,500 AmorlcajiB aro bolng trained in schools in France, England, uiuy unci xugypi. From records brought up to date it nppoars that tho Aircraft Board ordered 5,300 olomontary pianos, 2,100 advanced trnlnlng planes and 11,000 combat pianos. Tho engines ordorcd corn'prlso 10.200 Tor olomontary planes G.,002 for advanced pianos and 37,500 for combat nlanos. Tho program also Included ordors for 35,913 propollors. Light Crops Ncnr (Lincoln. Gonorally spoaklng tho wheat and oats harvest in tho vicinity of Lin coln is disappointing, That is to say, tho yield is about what tho farmers reared early in May, not what thoy hoped for a mouth ago. A aouthorn Lancaster farmer said ho felt liko tho irishmnn who said "My pig didn't weign uh mucn as t uiought it would.' In Yankee Hill precinct, whom liar. vostlng has bogun, tho avorago yield of wintor whoat promises to bo about nrteen bushels to tho ncro. Spring whoat and oats will bo cut for hay very generally in una region. Lin com Journal. Prlmnry Election. Before leaving for Washington tho early part of this week Qovornor ivoitn iseviuo issued his proclamation calling for a primory oloctlon on August 20th. At this oloctlon thoro win do nominated u. S. senator, con groBHinon, stnto officers, state senators nnu Hiaio representatives, supremo Judges and county ofticors, also thoro win no suumutod tjio question of call wig n constitutional convontlon. ::o: : Miiy Launch Offensive With tho Italians again resting In tnoir original positions along tho Plavo river It Is now a quostion It tho allied force can proceod with ita counter offensive or bo forcod to again tako tho defensive. tA counter uuuusivo gn uiq nortuorn part or tno 11110 in uio mountninous region, is pos slblo and already undor way on 1 small ecalo but it is known that tho Austrlnns havo thoir rosorvo forcos mt&sod at this point. As a result tho Italian command may ho forced to ciiango its taotlcs. 1 ::o:; Hard work acta unfavorably on tho body that 4b bilious or constipatcdt producing low spirits, -wealcnoas and loss of onorgy. Prickly Ash BIttora Is a system cleanser and lnvlgorator. It creates onorgy, good appetite and cnoonuinosB. moo si.ao por hottio, Giimmoro-Dont Drug Co. Special WANTED - RAGS 3 to 8 cents por pound, Wii Am pay h N1ut tut prico for hidoa, nil klnds Junk NORTH PLATTE RIDE, IRON & METAL CO. Phono Rod 260. 5 Twelve lire fess'H 9 sections one a IV MM 11 A This levies ct twelve ten is designed to take the un certainty ojit of tire-buying. Tube-Fit Till photographic reproduction teaches an important lesson. ube shown was made by cementinir together two tubes of the same branded size iclin, the other a standard tube made in the ordinary way. This composite tube, slightly inflated, was then laid in a. casing, cut in half longitudinally. - Note that the MicheUn half fits the casing' perfectly (because Michelin Titles are made rmg-snaped like the casing) whereas the other tube naturally 'wrinkles. Such tubes are easily pinched ih fitting; wear thin in spots; or break, where creased or. folded, under the pressure of inflation and use. In selecting tubes, therefore, it is important for you to know whether the tube is naturally straight or naturally ring-shaped. You can determine this holding the tube up while deflated; straight 1 -i Li TVI- I ! .. .1 fl ;a uung airuignt, wnue micneun iudcs, wnicn ring-shaped, hang m a decided curve. Just try a A and see for Michelin 7n yourself. tub Jtemetnher ihif r AU Other? - Straight Michelin Tube at Right Ordinary .Tube at Left. JM'JrtWITJ ,t 1 - n VULCANIZING ACCESSORIES NEBRASKA RUBBER WORKS 6th &. LOCUST. FILLING STATION. PHONE 803 - i i in j. ..rr ii in" in I ' 1 Mra. Hattlo AndrewB, wifo of an em ploye of tho Union Pacific, died Mon day night at tho Cross rooming houso on oast Sixth street at tho ago o'f flfty alx, The remains woto taken to Hol drego for interment. Nbtico of Petition. Estate No. 1508 of John A. Nat buigor, deceased In the county court fo Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho stato of Nebraska, to all porsons interested in said Estate tako mottco that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of of H. W. Flint, na ad ministrator of said Estate, whlfch has beon sot for hearing on July 19th, 1918, at nlno o'clock a. m." Datod Juno 19th, 1918. , Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, J25-3-wks. County Judge. Notlco of Petition. Estate No. 1509 of Jorominh Snyder, deceased In tho county court of Lin coln coctnty, Nebraska. Tho stato of Nebraska, to all porsons Interested In said Estato tako .notlco that a petition has beon filed by Charles Sullivan for tho probata of tho last will and testament of the said Jeremiah Snydor, deceased and prayb that a' day may bo fixed for tho hear ing and proof of tho execution of said Instrument and tho appointment of C. H. Kuhns as Exocutor ot said last Will and Testament, which haa been set for hearjng on July 19th, 1918, at nine o clock a. m. Dated Juno. 20th, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, J25-3-wks, County Judge, Notlco to Creditors. Estato No. 1564 of Thomas Slmants, deceased In the county court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. The state or Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notlco that the tlmo limited for presentation and filing ot claims against said Estato la October 26th, 1918, and for settlement of paid Estato 1b Juno 21, 1919; tlmt I will alt at tho county court room in said county, on July 20, 1918, at nine O'clock, a. m., and on October 26, 1918, at nino o'clock a. m., to receive, ex amine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections du!ly filed. Wnj. H. C. WOODHURST, J25-4-wks. County Judge. The Artificial Ice and Cold Storage Co. Announces tlmt it Is prepared to for nlsh nil consumers with DEEP WELL Artlflcnl Ice. PHONE 40 and your orders will be Promptly Filled. SCHINERNGER UNDERTAKING COMPANY. NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN FUNERAL HOME. AUTO SERVICE LADY ATTENDANT PRIYATE CHAPEL PHONES DAY 023. NIGHT 030. 009 LOCUST. HOME' GUARDS AT BRADY MAN REFUSES TO REPORT ORGANIZED WITH 00 MEMBERS. IS TAKEN 1IY FORCE. Francis M. Gllno, residing about One AtWomhanv of Homo GuardB was or cnnlzod at Iiradv-Tuosdav nicht with milo and a half tills sido of Elm Creole membership of nlnoty, and as tho expononcea more irouDio man no nau muster roll will bo kept open for a anticipated when ho ntempted to ovado timo, it is confidently expected that Booing service m tno urait army or tne tills number will bo largoly increased. United States. Cllno was called to go Tho 'officers olected were: H, L. witii oigmeon men to uamp 'unston Allllay, captain; Henry Gustafson, Monday night. first lieutenant; Loroy Rasmusson, When tho mon woro checked at tho second liontonant. Llout. Gustafson court houso Cllno was found to he has had four yoara oxporlonco In the missing. Sheriff Funk and Doputy navy, and tho Brady Quards therefore Hontiorson were uispaicnou to nnu start out with an experienced drill out the troublo and discovered that ortlcor, which is a distinct advantage Cllno had no intentions of Booing any ' i 1 I J. . . . . I T t 1 1 1 1 Jt A. upon invitation or tno urauy poopio survico. mo oxpiameu in iouu cones fifty mombora of tho local Homo that ho did not bollovo In fighting and Gunrds, Including tho drum corps, thorofuro saw no reason why he drovo to Brady and woro present at should, Sheriff Funk tried to explain uiq organization, upon arrival tnero "J mm ouc. u no avau. tho drum corps and guards iparaded! Cllno picked u'p a crow bar and in tho streots, and at tho conclusion of formed tho Bhorlffs that if thoy wanted this an open air mooting was hold him thoy -would certainly havo to como presided over by Col. Wm, Beatty. ana got lilra. Doputy Henderson await- Short talks woro niado by Messrs. ed his chanco and then rushed him. Pattoreon and Bare, and tho men In tho Ho pinned liim to the houso and then audienco then repaired to tho town Funk got in and put handcuffs on tho hall whero tho formal organization prisoner. Ho was brought to Kearney of tho company took nlaco. Tho onthusIaBin displayed at Brady is ovldenco that a llvo Interest will bo takon In tho Guards. To Limit Profit of Millers. A now plan of llmltlnir tho nroflts of tho flour millers, which la expected 10 ourainato waBtonu oporuting methods and provont nroflteorlnir. will bo Inaugurated by Food Administrator uoovor on July 1. InBtond of the maxi mum profit or 25 contH a barrel on flour allowod tho millers during tho last year tno roou administration, will allow a maximum differential of $1.10 a oarroi oetwoon tno cost of tho wheat to tho minor and tho prico ho recolvos for tho flour and feed. Thin differen tial will cover tho cost of "production nnu pront. ,;o; Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drue 9toro. tf nnd kept until No. 4 arrived whan ho wns taken to tho train. Kearnoy Hub. ::o:: German Program Upset. Germany's ontiro offensive program may havo been upsot, in tho opinion of Amorlcans by tho crushing dofeat ot tho Austrians along tho Plavo river. Official reports reaching Washington bear the picture of tho Austrian dis aster glvon In press accounts from Italy, nltho tho full oxtent of tho Itallau Buceoss Is not yot apparent. It Is regarded as certain, howovor, that tho central powers havo beon dealt a blow that will further shako tlio moralo of thoir poopio nnd probably will compel tho Gorman hlch commrmil to make a comploto readjustment of us pian m France. ;:o:: tor quick action ntirt satisfactory taie ust your land with 'Jlmclocko. tf Has Faith in Rolskorikl. Louis Edgar Browne, American war correspondent, haa Just returned to Chicago with Lleutenant-Colonol Ray mond Robins and the other members of the Amorlcan Red Cross mission, convinced that the bolshovlki govern ment under Lonine and Trotsky will bring order out of chaos in that har assed, war-weary land. HO likewise is certain that Russia today is an aid to tho allioa and this aid will grow in timo and proportionately injuro tho Gorman causo without the Interven tion of Japan. "I havo hold fast to that view in spito of tho fact that for months I havo eaten little else except horso meat coarse' black soggy bread that has a stomach acho in every blto, and a potato cake, now and then, without any vegetables," said Mr. Brown. ::oi: Why Not In Lincoln Comity"! A dispatch from Beatrice appearing In an Omaha paper saya: "A number of women aro driving Ford cars in tho harvest fields which aro attached to binders. The care do tho work much quicker than horses and furnish more power with, which to pull tho machlno." Thoro aro at least a hundred women In North Platto who drive cars. Why not havo them help In tho Lincoln county wheat fields as thoy aro in ago county? ::o:: : Dr. Morrill. Donrist Notlco of Hearing. Ih tho county potCtrt of Lincoln County, Nebraska; In tho matter of the Estato of John Bratt, deceased. To all persons Interested In said Estate: Notion is hereby given that Elizabeth Bratt, Elizabeth M. Baldwin, Jessie M. Hondy, Graco S. Goodman and Nellie E. Buckley, (neo Bratt) on Juno 2i, 1918 filed la this court Instruments purporting to bo tho Jast Will and Testament of John Bratt, deceased, and a Codicil thereto, and which Will and Codicil rolato to both real and personal estate, and also a petition praying that tho said instruments be admitted to probate and .that letters tostamontary bo Issued to them, upon tho estato of tho said John Bratt, deceased and that said petltioni will bo heard before the county court In tlio court houso in tno city or Nortn PlattO, county of Lincoln and state of Nebraska- on tho 15th day of July, 1918, at oilno o'clock a. m., at which. timo anyono may appear and contest tho probate of said Will and Codicil and show cause, if any thoro bo, why letters testamentary should not be lssuod to sold petitioners. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, Juno 21, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, J25-J12 ' County Judge OAR EXCHANGE Before buying a car be sure to soo mo as I have a numbor of cars almost iib good as new, which I will sell at a bargain. Those cars aro not old broken down junk, but curs which will stand close inspection and will save you money. Would bo pleased to havo you call and see these cars. A. M. B LIT ME Tiriir'tii -w a m . . iK&x iASS UAJI rALNTING. 818 North Locust St. ayMMMHMBBHKMnaHijpft ill iiiiBiii AUTO LIVERY Since 1 imvo sold the gurago am dolug unto livery from the NorUi Side Ham,. Jhiy or Night. Telephone 20. Wo mnfco a BpcpJalty of cJrlTOB to saloa nil oror tho county nt tho rate of 1Wm onts per mile pe person Those who have enlos throughout tho couutrr plcailo lot ran - . - r " " aibo a low cars ior gaio. Notice of Final Report Estato No. 1528 of William M. Hay, deceased in the county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho stato of Nebraska, to all persons interested in said Estato tako notlco tnat tno administratrix lias meu a final account and report of her admin Istratlon and a petition for -final settle- men and discharo as sucn admin istration and for final decreo of dis trlbutlng which have been set for hear ing before said court on July 5th, 1918 at 10 o clock a. m. when you may ap pear and contest tho same. Dated Juno 8th, 1918. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, jll-3wkB. County Judge. Hospital Phono Black 633. Houso Phono Black. C33 IV. T. PEITCHARD, Graduate Yotorinarinn Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St one-half block southwest of the Court Houso. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION "NABOB" No. 97352 Willi make tho season of 1918 as follows: Tuosdnys, Thusdays nnd Satur days nt tho Mogcnsen Feed and Sale Horn, North Platte, Nob- beginning April 0th. Uuhinco of tho Arcok, except Sunday, nt my farm six miles west of North Platto nnd thrco-fourtliH of a mile southeast of Illrdwood 6 witch. s Night Call Hcd 032.- ogeitsesi. NABOB was foaled May 24, 1913 and Imported wth h!fll mothor by North & Robinson, of Grand Island In Julyi 1913. Was bred by M. Dos- proz, Department of Orne, in France. Thia horso wolgha 1780, is clean and sound In every particular, and is aa goott aa you will find anywnoro. Wo invito you to como and aeo this horse. TERMS- J1B.00 to tnauro colt to stand and Buck. If mares aro dls posod of or leave tho country sorvico fco becomes, due and payablo at onco. Cars will ho tnVen to prevent Sheriffs Sale. By virtuo of an ordor of salo issued from, tho District Court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court whoroln Jamoa A. Fiko, la plaintiff Land Will Outtrlm ia defondant, and to mo directed, i win on tno i3tn aay o; July, i.918, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho oast front door of tho Court House in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to Batlsfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described property to-wlt: Northwost one-fourth (NWVi) of section twenty-nlno (29)" In townBhlp sixteen (10) north of rango thirty-two (32) wost of tho Blxth P. M. Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platto, Neb., Juno 10th 1918. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff Notlco of Fnnl Report , Estato No. 1525 of Henry F. Doobko, deceased in tho ocunty court of Lincoln county, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all porsonB Interested In Bald Estato tako notlco that tho administratrix has fi!d a final account and report ot her adminlstra tion and a potition for final settlement and discharge as audi administratrix which havo boon sot for bearing be foro Bald court on July 5th, 1918 at 0 o'clock n. m., whon you may appear and contest tho same. Dated Juno 10th, 1918. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, Jll-3wks. County Judgo. Notice of Final Report. Estato No. 1478 ot Joseph M. Wil boh, docoasod In tho county court of Lincoln county. isnDraBKa. Tho Ptato of Nebraska, to all por sonn interested in said ostato tako notlco that tho Executrix hao filed final account and roport of her ndmin istratlon and a petition for final settlement nnd disohargo aa such which havo beon sot for hearing be foro said court on July 12tK 1018, nt donw. but should uuy occur stallion i0 o'clock a. m., ivnwi you-nmy uppaar ownar will not bo rsponsiblo. ;ami corneal uw bbui. watea juuo io, Wm. H. C. WOODHrRRT, FRANK STROLLBERG, OttSLR. J18 3k3 tvunty Ju Wanted Rags 2 Cents a Pound. Must by dry and packed in sacks. We pay big price, for Scrap Iron and all kinds of Metal. ' L. NORTH PLATTE .General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Oae Hall Block North oi Postoftice. Phone 53 A modarn institution for thi scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casei. - Completely (equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B.RdfieId.k D. J.S. SIMMS, M.D GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention GIren to Surgery and Obstrctrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 115 l)It. HAROLD A. FENTfEB Osteopath. Bolton Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Office Black 333 Res. Black 1020 .T..B. KEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN- SURGEON Successor to Dra. Redfleld & Redfleld PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Office Phone 642 Rea. Phone 678 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska., Knights of Columbus Building. DOCTOB D. T. QUIGLE1 Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapj 729 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska; Phono 308 g ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platte, Nebraska, All Kluda of Hemstitching Done. Now Machines sold on payments. Also second hand machines. Singer Sowing Mnchlno fio. H Block north of Post Office North Platte, Nobraska. DEBBXBEERY & FORBES, Licensed Emhamera Undortakora and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 538. PLATTE YALLElf 3I0UN MENTAL WORKS. Granlto nnd marble hcndslonos. Tho oul) ,7ioi Ih P diy. Equipped -with piiouuintlc muchlnery. Lettering neat, ly done. All work gunniulecd. WOOD GATE & ABERNAT1IY, Cwrutr 7th una Locust, Noita Patto,