"Old t This i a condition which usually comos In middle llfo. It Is por" foctly natural. Tho Inner Ions of thd'oye loses somo oMIts'olaatlc-Jj;jr iu 'lty with advancing ycarsIt.he- . ! comes hardor to soo clearly objects near tho oyo. Papor ami bofcs aro hold farther away thanfqrmorly All that la needed Is a pair of propp ory fitted glasses. Don't try to ' $ - pick them out yourself. That Is dan gerous, Let Clinton fit you. . C. S. Clinton Graduate Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. DR. 0. IL CRESSLER, Gradaate Dentist Office over tha McDonald Stat Bunk. LOCAL AND PEKSONAL Mies Bosslo Boyd, of Goring, spont Wodnosdjiy in town. A now aBBortmont Of Smocks Just ftrrived. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Ii. S. Smith has returned from a week's visit at Boulder, Col. Dr. Morrill, Dentist J. L. Sullivan, of Choyonno, made a business visit hero Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gazo loft Wed nesday to visit friends In Holdrogo. Miss Pearl Jenkins, of Brokon Bow, spont Wednesday in town visiting friends. For Salo My residonco at 809 west Third. Phono -T31tt"ck C89. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mothdrsaid, of Wallace, spont Wednesday in town on business. Miss Ituth Carroll, of Fremont, ar rived Wednesday to visit Miss Irma Barraclough. J. T. Murphy and daughter Isa loft Wednesday for Bridgeport to visit W, F. Chalou'pka. Mrs. James McFarland, of Wood Blvor. is visiting Miss Jowol Qlades and Mrs. Cornwoll. Wednesday with his ftudson super six racer to proparo for Uio raco July 4th. ' For Farm Loans see Gone Crook, Room west of Vienna Cafe. J. C. Don loft Tuosday for McCook and Arapahoe, whoro ho will visit ; frionds and transact business for a fow : days. Editor Wlsncr. of tho Scotts Bluff Star-Herald, has boon spondlng this weok In. town up a Juror in tho fcdoral court Mollno two-row machlno -for salo. Inqvdro at G20 east 4Ui stroot, North Platto. 45-0 Lost Saturday ovenlng wrist watch with Rubyo McMichaol 1918 engravod on back. Phono Rod 429 for roward. Mrs. A. W. Philips, son and daughtor of Lowlston, Idaho, oft Wednesday for tholr homo aftor visiting Mri. Max McGrow. For salorrYearllng bull, good grado Hororord, R, E. Marshall, Phono 790F11. Miss Gortrudo Robhausen arrived Tiomo "Wednesday from Chicago, where "sno had noon attondlng a musical con- sorvaiory. FEEL BETTER NOW HAD A DIP IN HRLSO in - 'DID YOU EVER TRY IT ON Y1UR STOCK? Nothing like It to put them In good condition, free them from Insect parasites and pro tect them from contagious dls easel, Knso Dip No. 1 KILLS LICE, TICKS, MITES AND FLEAS. Curat Manet, Scab, Rlrtfwsrm and Other . Skin Ditaasss. Dlslnfats. Clonnr.cs and Use It on Horses, Cattle, Sneep, Swlno, Dogs, Goats and Poultry. FOR BALE DY Stone Pharmacy 'CALL OR WntTE TOR FREE Eyes" Mr. and Mrs. H.. H. Qraham,'vSvho woro guosts of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stamp, returned Wednesday to their homo in Council Bluffs. During tho storm Thursday night of last week four licad of cattlo woro killed by lightning In tho John Fowlor pasturo southwest of town. Thoro la a movement on foot at Wallace, to organlzo a Btock company to build a hotol, which Is badly needed In that progressive village Christian Science sorvico Sunday at 11 (U m., Sunday school 12 noon. Wed nesday ovenlng meetings 8 p. m., Build ing and Loan building. Room 25. Thou recently organized Farmors' StatoJBank at Wallaco, In ..which F. C. PlolsUckpr and ML B..' Scott, of this city, arVlntorosted, opened for busi ness1 this1 week. For Service First and Guarantee Work, call North Platto PJumblng and Floating Co., Phono 469, 10G- East. Sixth stroot. In tho Camp Cody scones to bo pros ented at tho Sammy Girls theatre next Monday evening a wholo regiment of Nebraska boys march down tho street. Thoy toass on each sldo, so you can soo oach faco coming nil tho way along. For. Salo Two houses and two lots. Also.,t)rq utnod aujUomoiblloa on A1 condition' at a bargain. Soo Julius Hahlor. 40tf A.E. Huntington Is homo from Ex CQlBlor Springs, wlioro ho had been taking treatment for six weeks. Ho rofurns much Improved and hopes to onjoy his normal condition in a Bhort tlm'd. AllUho kiddlos and many of tho grown folks will want to soo Baby Mario OBbornq's kid circus withihor rky assistant at tho Crystal ' rioxt Tuesday, It will bo shown in Daddy's Girl. Engineer Barton, of tho stato engi neer's office, was in town a fow days ago inspecting tho construction on tho south rlvor bridge Ho reported that tho work so far performod was as good as any ho had ovor lnspoctod, it tho .tho, boat.. Wo have a largo supply of silk hosiery. Wo can glvo you all colors at $1.00 per pair. Ask to soo thorn, thoy will bo a pleasant surprlso for you. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Victor VonGoetz has roturnod from a thrco wcokB' visit with his daugh ters in Omaha and Lebanon, Kan., leaving Mrs. VonGoetz fo continue her visit. While at Lebanon last weok Mrs. VonOootz feu and suffered a compound fracturo of ono of her wrlBts Dr, Fonnor and mother motored to Omaha Wednesday. Tho lattor will stay thoro with friends, whllo tho Doctor goes on to attond tho National osteopathic convention, -which Is hold at Boston. Ho will do special work thoro In tho noso, throat and major 1 surgery. Purifies. UOOKLETO ON KRCGO DIP No. 1. US) 1 t ! . I I , REGISTRATION IN THE COUNTY WAS HEAVY TUESDAY. While roturns from tho county havo not been recoived In full, sufficient havo como in to indicate that tho labor registration last Tuosday in Llucofn county was very heavy. In somo school districts an insuffi cient numbor of registration cards had boon sent out, and it was neces sary fo forward moro Wednesday. It was a difficult mattor to guess Just, how many would register In each dis trict, henco it is not strange that in somo districts thoro should bo a shortage of cards. Whllo a count has not yet been made of tho cards filled out In North Platto tho number It Is known, will exceed two thousand. The registration In tho city was well conducted, there being at each of tho sovoral registration booths um'ple volunteer help to con- duct tho registration expeditiously and correctly. ::o:: SI urges Gunning for Huns. In a letter to a member of tho post-j onico iorco, Jjiouu xjoron aiurges in tho mall sorvico in Franco, writes that ho has had opportunities to flro forty shots at th Huns. Whether ho killed or wounded a IIun at each shot ho 1b not prepared to say. Tho letter was datod about a month ago, which was during tho big drive and Lieut. Sturges was compeljed to movo his postflff Ico back to tho rear, as tho Hun arllllory mado tho front position too hot for tho careful handling of mail. With soveral shells bursting around tho mall clerk every second ho is like ly to throw John Smith's lottor In Sam Jones' box. Othor than weary of hearing bursting shells, Lieut. Sturgos seems to bo getting along nicely. CITI AND COUNTY NtfWS W. P. Snyder spent Wednesday In Paxton on business, Low Smith loft yesterday for Big Springs to tako u'p work on his farm. Mr. and Mrs. Thosl, McDonald leave tomorrow for a two weeks' visit In tho east Rov. A. D. Jones left Thursday morning for Ogallala' to render his weekly sorvlccs. . Miss Grace Pease, of Paxton, who had been visiting at tho Korr homo, left Thursday. Miss Martha Campbell 'and Miss Bortha Johnson, of Omaha, spent Thursday in town onrouto to Donver. TVTra T. T. Woltni. avnn.f. x 1n.i. tomorrow for Iowa whoro she will spond tho summor with relatives and friends. Loroy Snyder, of Quick, and Carrie Schmltz, of Maywood. wore married In this city by Judge Woodhurst luesuay. Mrs. R.. Round, who had been visit ing for somo time with Mrs. T. B. Halllgan, loft Thursday for hor' homo In Iowa. iiasadla and Hula silk in all tho best shades, the best silk on tho mar ket today. B. T, TRAMP & SONS. Oda M. Robortn and Hazel (i. M.nanri. both Of this cltv worn miirrlnil Tuna. uay, iiev. satclioll, of Maxwell, per forming the coreraony. A irlrl bahv xvnn lrtrn thn nnrlv nm-t Of tho week trv Mr. and Mm. flnv TCiHa Tho mothor and dauirhtnr. wlin nrn nf tho Nurso Brown hospital, aro reported 10 oo uoing niceiy. 1 P. H. Sullivan received n. tfiWrrim yosterday nnnouinclng tho doath of ins sisier, mrs. wary i'erntor, at Rich mond, Va. Tho dqeasod had reached nor einty-nlnth year. John Harrincton. of Donvor. linn ueon in town tms weoic visiting his brother Paul. John has onllstcd.ln tho naval reserves and will loavr nrxf weok for Chicago Pier to go In train ing. Ralph Bass, of Cozad. was brouerht 10 a local Hospital recently to receive treatment for an Injured hand. Ho lost four fingers- by cottlmr them caugnt in tho gears of a corn sholler. For Salo Hooslor Kitchen cabinet In good condition. 520 So. ahnstnnt street. Pliono Black 480. 50 Ovor 300 acres Of hnntn nrn prnwlnir on tno lormor uody ranch, now owned by tho C. H. Waltor Co. About fnrtv forolgnors, principally Mexicans aro omployed in weeding and spacing tho ucuib. me crop is saui to bo in very BOOH cuuuuion. Albort Muldoon is nronarlnir Tnr thn fall duck HllOOtinc ReaRnn anil nnrlmnn for a summor outing In tlio Wyoming inns, no nas purciiasod a two-wheol trailer nn wlilpli lm will nnmr i.in r ...vs. m ..... .tV 4 J uta oqulppago. includlnir a cood-nl7i.il moiai uoac Wanted V lady to cook for a family. No houso work. Inquire at JucuiDo Hotel. Paul Harrincton will no to Ron vnr next weoK ana will seok to enlist un dor tho colors In tho miartnrm uoparuuout. in tho classification of registrants Paul was placed ln Class 1-F, nnd will mako an attempt to nasion ins ontranco into tho sorvico uy sooKing onllstmneL Prof. E. C. Elliott, n formnr Nnrlli i'iauo young man, now chancollor of tho University of Montana at Holonn hub ouua uirocteu uy uio ooaru or education of that state to mako Im mediate investigation of tho mihllc 1 1 . . . . .. . r i uuuraiicoa anu privato tcaciiings of two or thrco members of tim imiimr 8ity lacuny. On comnlalnt of Lawronnn Enrimrt O. II. TllOOlOCko Wnn broiicrht linfnrn Justlco Sullivan yostorday on tho charge of oxceedlng tho spoed HmlL Ab tho ovldonco was Bomowhat con flicting tho court took tho caso undor advlsoraent and will render a decision iouay. Tho Counoll of Dofonso is greatly pleased wltli tho spirit with which tho malo residents took hold of tho labor registration Tuosday and tho iiBsiBinnco givon by uio oreicors in tho various school districts. In noarly all Uio. districts ovory malo rosldout ui mxicen years or ovor registered Tlio Council of Dofonso oktonds Its thnnks to thn rnirlRtrnnta for tholr' JULY CALL WILL TAKE. SEVENTY LINCOLN CO. BOYS. Under tho call for 4,000 men from Nebraska to go to Fort Dodge, la., for tho period from July 22d to July 25th, Clork Allon of tho local board, says Lincoln county's quota will not be loss than seventy. This will considerably more than exhaust class ono, but whether those who registered Juno 5th last will bo attached to tho ond of tho prosont clasB ono has not been doflnlto ly decided. However, It Is probablo that Is tho position tho new registrants will occupy, when thoy recolvo tholr numbors, which will probably bo with in tho noxt weok. Tho drawing for numbers took placo at Washington yesterday. Just how the ro-classlllcatlon of classes two, three and four will result Is not at this time known, but It is ex'pected that qulto a number will bo put back In class ono. It Is also prob ablo that a numbor of tho now regis trants will bo put in deferred classes by roason of their occupation, whllo a fow of tlio 143 will fall to pass tho physical examination. Not until reclassification has been made and tho new registrants examin ed and classified" will the local board bo able to know Just whoro the seventy mon who aro to bo sent ln July will come lrom and who they will be In person. Tlio July call ns smaller man was expected, and this loads to the surmise that there will be another big call in August. It Is not thought that Secre tary Baker's assertion that thrco mil lion men will bo under arms by August 1st means that thrco million is all the mon needed for tho prosecution of the war. .:o::- Personal Efficiency. Practically every factory, office and homo aro performing somo kind oi war -service for tholr country. The decree to which this work pro gresses muBt bo measured by tho per sonal efficiency of tho Individuals par ticipating ln It. Personal oulclency recognlzos good eyesight as ono of Its first requisites. Your oyes aro not doing their run duty unless they aro able to see dis tant things and tho3e close by quickly ana distinctly. It la for tlio purposo of rendering you a perfect near and far vision in ono pair of glosses that we recommend Kryptok glasses, tho Invisible bifocals With them you can accomplish your work without the loss of time neces sitated by changing glasses. Kyrptoks aro solid lenses void or all seams or humps to worry tho oyes. HARRY DIXON & SQN, Optometrists. GERARD FILM PRODUCTION TELLS GERMAN SECRETS. 'Is it not a shame that the world should have been so disturbed; that peaceful mon aro compelled to He ln mud and filth In tho depth of raw winter, shot at and stormed at and shelled, waiting for a chance to mur der some other inoffensive follow creaturo? Why must the people in ola Poland die of hunger, not finding dog enough to eat In the streets of Lcm- berg? The long lines or broke peasr ants In Serbia and Roumanla; tho population of Belgium and Northern Franco torn from tholr homes to work as slaves, for tho Germans, tho poor prisoners oi war Biarvmg in ineir huts or working In factories and mines; the cries of tho old and the children wounded by bombs from the ZoppollnB; tho wails of tho mothers for tholr sons; tho very rustling of the air as the souls of the ten million dead swoop to another world why must all theso horrors come upon a fair green earth, where wo believed that love and help and friendship, gonlus, science and commerce, roll glon and civilization once ruled." In tho introduction to Ambassador James W. Gerard's remarkable book, ho so eloquently asks Uioso questions which all tho world Is intorcstod In. In the big, remarkable film production nf fhn UnnV "Mv T?mir Vnnr In Hnr. many," youAvll find tho answer why the world Is at war, you will see un rolled before you the whole history of uorman intrigue ana plot. This picture will bo Bhown at Uio Sammy . Girls thoatro on Juno 28th and 29th. Sour belching and a burning sensa tion In tho throat Is a symptom of In digestion, and indigestion leads to diseases that aro soriousi. Tako Prick ly Ash Blttors, it corrects tho digestive troublo, purifies tho stomach and bowels and makes you feel good. Prlco $1.25 per bottlo. Gummere-Dont Drug Co, Special Agents. PREPARE NOW to Build Your Ideal Home Thoro aro too many points of difference botweon a house and a HOME to tako any risks. Dangor of ovorjooking theso can bo avoided and your IDEAL HOME assured by al lowing us to confor with you BEFORE you mako any final decision. Wo havo today's Prlzo Homo Designs and, regardless of your purchaso and without any obligation wo will .fool honored if you will ponnlt us to show thoin to you. Coates Lumber Co. North Platte, Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Abbott, of Stap loton, transacted business in town yesterday. . Lloyd Bunnel, residing On tlio north sldo entered the Nurs'oBrown hospital for treatment yesterday. SB? "RIMROCK JONES" A Western story filmed at the Copper Mines in Arizona. Two Part Comedy "Did She do Wrong?" Keith Theatre, Saturday, June 29th WHY SIXTY DAYS? Worm sick hogs must havo Immediate relief. A sixty day treatment oven If successful TAKES TO LONG Evory minute your pigs aro tormented by tjieso disease breeding para sites adds to your loss and Uio danger of total loss from dlseaso In creased. CHAMPION WORM EXPELLEE ' will drive tho worms from your hogs ln TWENTY-FOUR HOURS and do the work so easily and harmlessly that tho worms aro expelled allvo. Don't wait untl your hogs aro sick. GET IT Champion Mfg. Co. Chautauqua Begins July Dr- U.c: cc V. iJaSis and His War Experience ,Dur ing Bis Belgium Journey SERGEANT WAYMAN, JUST RETURNED FROM FRANCE Wounded and Gassed He Is Still Doing Service for Uncle Sam. Mrs. A, L. McDonald, of Kearney, who had been' Visiting a', tho Nllos homo left yesterday for Goring. Mrs. Jos. P. Donegan, Jr., left last night for Paxton whoro sho will sing at a Red Cross concert tonight. m3 NOW 501 McCague Bldg. Omaha, Neb. 8th Ends July 13th im N FORMATION Does Yeoman Service for Uncle Sam DOROTHY FROOKS, AviaMx hoarty co-oporatlon.