The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 28, 1918, Image 1

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No. 48
Undor tho call mado for July, Aug
UHt, September, October, Novombor
and December, about 325 Lincoln
county men will go to tho various
training camps between now and
December 3l8t, at least It tho quotas
beretoforo assigned to Lincoln county
arc continued on tho same basis, this
number will be required. Just -where
all these men aro to comb from Is not
at this ttmo altogether plain to tho'
local board.
Drugs Drugs.
For nil nils and Ills wlicro medicine
applies, snperJor to any or nil, not ox
coptlng "Tnnlnc" or "Nnxnted Iron.'
Hoincopatliio medicine at Twlncm's
Drag Dcp't CO
Examining' Physicians to Meet
Examining pliyslcians who pass up
on the physical condition of selective
draft men in many of tho counties In
tho Sixth congressional district will
meet in North Platta this evening for
the 'purpose of hearing an address by
Dr. Jonas, of Omaha, who is tho bead
of the physicians so employed.
The object of this meeting is to es
tablish, as far as possible, set rules
in the examination of mon who arc
subject to call to the colors. It is
expected that fifty or moro physicians
will be In attendance.
: :o: ;
One of Uie features of the Fourth
of July will bo tho parado In the fore
noon bytho Lincoln. County Homo
Guards. In addition to tho North
Platte company and the cavalry troops
of the north and south sides, tho Hor
shcy company and tho Brady company
each 100 strong, have announced their
intention of coming and it is expected
that tho Sutherland company will also
be here. Tbl3 will mako a parade
with over six hundred men in line. In '
nddition it is a'ined to have tho high
school cadets, the boy scouts and the'
school children participate in tho
Barney Guinan and P. W. Oleson
two south; side farmers, said last
evonlng the wheat fields south of tho
river will average fifteen bushels to
tho acre. Some few fields will reach
twenty-five, others ten or less. Oato
.nr oolfl la ni-nntlnollir n omniilntn
failure. Wheat harvest will begin the ,
i a tier pan oi next ween.
,Tr , t, ,
iynssionary society una uie iuuhs
People's Missionary society of the
Lutheran church will meet at the par-
sonage this afternoon, (Friday), at
three o'clock. A good attendance is
Wo fit them all. Men, women and
children, in underwear at before the,
war prices. Heavy cash purchases of1
eighteen months ago enable us to do
thlsat THE LEADER MERC. CO.. j
Anyone wishing pasture for horses j
or cattle can obtain such by calling!
up 3014 Maxwell, Neb. This pasture
is located In south hills. '
Mary Pickford in
"Amarilly of Clothes-Lioe Alley"
Mary tried society but it didn't make good with
her. She found that oil and water wouldn't mix
and she stuck to the water.
Keith Theatre
HnrBhfleld Cnse Todny.
A Jury In case of John Harshfield,
wealthy cattleman living twenty miles
north of Sutherland, was secured last
evonlng in the federal court, and the
case is bolng hoard today. Uarshfleld
is being tried on tho chargo of sedi
tion, two Indictments bolng returned
against him by tho federal grand jury
In Omaha. Ho was tried tho oarly
part of the week on ono indictment,
but tho caso was taken from tho Jury
by Judge Woodrough. Thoro aro three
counts in tho second Indictment.
Upon the conclusion of tho Harsh
field case, court will adjourn until
next fall when civil cases now docket
ed will como up for hearing,
: :o: :
3L E. Church.
Children's day will bo observed
Sunday morning at 10:30.
Those having children to baptise
will 'please notify the pastor,
Tho following nro some of tho
numbers on the program:
Processional by all tho children, led by
the Flag and Columbia-.
Thero will bo three Violin solos.
Threo Piano solos. -
Patriotic recitations Intermingled
with class songs.
Tho closing number will be a class
song entitled "Tho Beautiful Flag."
A cordial invitation is extended to
Junior League 3 p. m. At 7 p. m.
tho Juniors will have charge of the
Epworth League program.
At 8 p. m. the theme will be
"Lost at Home."
Eight Billion Asked For ITnr.
Additional authorizations of $8,000,
000,000 in bond issues wero asked by
treasury officials appearing before tho
houso ways and means committee 'in
secret session yesterday afternoon.
Tho new authorization would .bring
tho total of authorizations since the
first Liberty Loan up to $20,000,000. :
Two billion dollars of the last author - -
Ization still remains unissued
wash skirts and dresses in endless i
variety at THE LEADER MERC. CO.
The greatest line in the city of little&ire likely to be needed, arrangements
I tret ' MWinnwB ntlrl wnnli ntitf n tT Til It ( . . . .
leader. MERC . CO. ' J
Swiss dispatches received at Paris
yesterday stated that owing to the.
seriousness of the situation) in Austria
Hungary martial law 1b expected
momftntarll v tn Iir Tirrwlnfmflfl tlirnnt'li
out the empire. This is expected ttffh
ounuumy impuii mo munuu ui ui
'troops of the dual empire
y ,,: , 7. ,
,Cozad- waf found guilty by the Jury
on two counts . for sedition in the
federa court yesterday. Tho caso
was started Wednesday at noon and
(finished at noon yesterday. Lolbl was
seiuenceu 10 uiroo montns connnment
in tho jail at Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Scharmann re
turned last, night from Minnesota,
where they had been called by a caso
In court.
Homer and Edward Thompson went
to Chappell last evening to visit their
brother Charles.
July 1-2
Henry Ford 6
will Demonstrate this Tractor
At 2:30 o'clock
Mrs. Chas. Boguo, to whom -was
delogatod tho work of organizing a
Red Cross canteen servico, has com
pleted tho task and as soon as auth
ority Is obtained from Red Cross
headquarters at Chicago tho canteen
will bo opened.. This authorization
from headquarters comes only aftor
tho service has been organizod and tho
tcopo of tho work outlined, tills out
lino being necessary In order that tho
Chicago officials may dotorminq
whether tho organization is sufficient
ly strong and financially able to carry
out tho work which a canteen may bo
called upon to do.
Tills canteen will extend Its service
to troops passing through, but will
not apply to tho Individual soldiers
who pass trhough on every train, In
other words tho canteen will be o'pon
only at such times as troop trains
pass through, or when ono or moro
cars of soldiers aro attached to a reg
ular tran. Should tho ' office in
charge telegraph ahead that a meal
was doslred for so many soldiers, it.
is tho duty of tho canteen to furnish
such meal, and in this -case tho ex
pense of serving the meal would be
charged to tho government If, how
over, no such ordors are sept then the
soldiers will be furnished with coffee,
sandwiches, tobacco and magazines
frco of charge.
Soventv women have enlisted In this
locaf canteen servico. Those havo
boon divided into squads under com
mand of a captain, and quite" natur
ally each captain thinks sho has the
best workers In hor squad.
Tho old office building at tho dopot
has been donated by the Union Pacific
!as a cantoon and is now being put in
shape for that purpose. Mrs. Boguo
nnd her
committees appreciate the
kindness and co-operation of General
Manager Joffors, when says he will do
overvthlnir In hit? nnww in hnln tlmm
and make the service a success.
I To hocrln thin work fhn Hod fh-naR
chanter donated $500. but as this sum
is only a small part of.tho funds that
aro Doing maao to unancojcno service.
uno or tno plans aaopteu is tno sale
pf a; Ford Sedan which has been con
tributed by tho Hondy-Oglor, Co.,
anfl ihich sale will be handled, through
thl'snmmy Girls and tho entire nro-
tho Canteen
; :o: :
iV Mnson-ltoherts Wedding.
A AJpsetty wedding took place at the,
jomo -at ivir. ana airs. J. Ju. "xviason
Wednesday, at twolve o'clock, when
their daughtor Miss Hazel Goldlo Was
united In marriage to Oda M. Roberts
by tho Rev. M. S. Satchel of Brady.
The bride waB attired in a dainty
gown of crepe de chlno and carried a
boquet of ferns and Juno roses. Tho
houso decorations wero also ferns and
juno roses. Alter the coromonoy
splendid dinner was sorved to the
forty-five guests most of whom wero
relatives. The bride has been, one of
Lincoln county's most successful
'r.l!J '"' mvmB iuurui wr a
.number of years In the rural schools.
residing south of town, a man of
splendid character and highly respect
ed by all who know him.
uoui mo nnao nnu groom nave a
largo circle of friends, many of these
being North Platte people, who wish
them much happiness In tho years to
They will be at homo to their friends
at tho Platte view Farm after July
: :o:t
iirs. uaiiy ana mrs. Meyers are
visiting friends in town today while
enroute to their homo In Ogdon.
When you want that now pair
silk hose don't forgot to give us
look. E. T. TRAMP & SOTS.
Geo. W. Vroman went to Omaha
this morning to visit for a few days.
Wo can fit the Btout ladles In the
whlto wash skirts, special modols for
stouts. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
M'sp Rmth Carroll, who Is employed
at Fremont and was homo on a visit,
roturnod to that city this morning.
..Orincial Surgery with llomoopnthlc
Mculcino In Acnto or Chronic l)is
cases. John S. Twlncwi, M. 1).
Mrs. C. Frodrlckson and children,
wlio had been visiting relatives in
Virginia, returned" homo Wednosday
Mrs. Adda Turple returned Wed
nesday night from South Dakota
whore sho spent two weoks conduct
ing a county teachers institute
' ..Ernost Stongor at ono timo1 station
ed at North Plate ns assistant super
intendent, Is now In France with an
engineering corps. His commission in
tho servico Is that of lieutenant-
A big now sunnly of collar nnd cuff
sotij and tho bes thingB for tho mid
season wear. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
bo Interested in tho film that will bo
phovn at the Sammy Girls theatro
toiugat, tomorrow afternoon and to
morrow night, naimoly Gorard's "My
Foiir Yoara in Germany." Tho picture
wm givo an insight of many ovents
loatUng up to the war.
Arv Peterson, now with an en
gineering corps somowhoro in France,
writes that rhilrnnil nnnrntlnnn nvnr
thafo is rather wearing and strenuous
wq.rk. unfortunaloly thoy aro call
ddupon to handlo locomotives and
cars that aro of nntlquatcd inako, but
tiioy nopo soon to have enclnes and
carl made in tho good U. S. A.
Did you ever buy mining stock? If
you- did, you can appreciate Mary
Fortune's suspense when bIio invosted
her money with "Rimrock; Jones."
First they tried to steal his mine and
then 'they tried to steal his steno
grapher do you think thoy got away
wltn It? Rimrock Jones at the Keith
Saturday, night, thinks different.
A lot of now waists Just recoived at
crepe, urepo uo unino anu a lot oi
.JTha Lincoln Highway betweon
North Platte" and Brady Is In very
good condition, at least we consider
ed it so When driving over It Tuesday
evonlng. Commissioner Springer, In
whoso district tho road Is located,
says, Qiowevor, that ho is planning
considerable moro work on it, for ho
realizes that thero aro a number of
stretches that will not stand up In
wet weather.
The 142 young men who registered
on Juno 5th havo boon notified to ap
pear next week to fill out their ques
tlonaires. Tho 142 wero divided into
four lots, the first lot to appear July
2d, the second July 3d, the third July
5th, nnd tho fourth July 6th. Tho
questlonalros will be filled out under
tho 'direction of tho advisory board
consisting of the county Judgo and
two attorneys. ,
In our millinery department wo are
closing out all tho hlgli grade trimmed
hats at ?3.45. Hats that previously
sold up to $9.00. Bettor grades $10.00
and upwards aro now on sale at $4.85
This Is certainly nn opportunity to
save. Visit tho millinery department
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. McDonald and
daughter Janet returned from Pough
keepsio, N. Y., tho early part of the
week, where the parents had gono to
bo present at tho daughtor s gradua
tion at Vassar College Mr. and Mrs
McDonald were present at tho com
mencement exorcises and heard the
baccalaureato hymn, tho music of
which was Miss McDonald's compos!
tion. Enronfto homo thoy "visited in
New York City, Philadelphia, Wil
mington, Del., and Elmlra, N, Y.
Smash ovory spoko out of a front
wheel while hitting a forty milo clip
and yet keep tho car from going over,
That was tho performance of Arthur
Hoairlr.nd Wednesday ovonlncr with his
Bulck roadster on tho road, south of
I tho river. Ho struck soft sand, tho car
Bkluuou, wont into Oio ditch, tire now
into an adjoining field, spokes broken
off, hub of wheel plowed nlong top of
ditch thus keepings car from going
over. Hoagland not "skcered" but
few more gray hairs.
W, E. Flynn, Jr., Bon of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Flynn of this city, passed
through on No. G onrouto from Camp
Fromont, Cnl., to an eastorn camp and
thonco to Franco. Ho claims tho dls
Unction of being tho first Lincoln
r-ounty boy to enlist, having dono so
two days aftor war was declared
"vftor enlistment ho was sent to Ft
T-ogan, thonco to Camp Fromont In
i 'o hospital department and has slnco
i en commissioned as an officer.
ur Boys aft
Monday, July 1st
Shows at 7:30-9:00
ADMISSION 2!5p himI lflc
U. S. Troops In Itnljr.
Washington, Juno 27 Gonornl P.or
shlng, undor Instructions from Wash
ington, has solected a roglmont of
Infantry to bo sent to Italy, Secretary
Bakor announced todny. Tho secretary
would not disclose Uio Identity of tho
Tho rcgimont Is in training In
Franco and will bo replaced thoro by
ono sont from this sldo, Bakor Indicat
ed thnt the Bonding of this' regiment
was not to bo tnkon as roprosontlng
tho full extent of American military
participation on tho Italian front
which may bo carried out lator,
This first regiment will carry tho
American flag Immediately to Join
those of Italy, "Franco and Great
Britain against tho Austrlans for Ub
moral effect. Tho United States al
ready Is roprosontod in Italy by nn
aviation contingent.
For Sale.
Five rccm cottage at 520 west 5th
street. Modern except heat. Close in,
good lawn, large treoo. This property
Is priced right for quick, salo. For
terms of sale and inspection see
Bronze and Silver Medals to be Given as Prizes
Boys Field Meet wblch praveda
be held again this year. To the b'pys winning bronzo medals last year, and
winning all four evonts this year, will bo given a beautiful silver medal.
Boys winning for tno first time, the four
Boys oi all ages aro eligible Gotput
Tho following aro tho four ovents:
' -'Running High JumJ;- Standing liigli Jump, Chinning, 100-Yard Daali:'
All boys who want to win a badge must come and ontor tho try-outa In
chinning, Jumplny and running. The crewman, who is n real athlete, will
meet wjth you ovc y morning, umpire your ball gamos, go hiking with you am)
URin you ior tno riom moot, tsis noiq
Got out ai.a y. ..Uo a record lor ot.r
I api prepared to give good service on Dodge
Brothers and Chandler Motor Cars. Repair parts
in stock at North Platte. No expensive delays for
service. This is the day when we all need real
service, and that is one thing you buy of us, when
you buy one of our good cars. Better think more
of this after service than of your choice of colors
in cars, because it means much to you.
... .V'
lne hrmg one m
Our ono aim Is to mako tho Pintle
Valloy Stuto Dunk helpful to thoso who
nro on tho "firing lino" In farming.
How well wo have succeeded Is host
shown by our list of patrons, Including
many of tho best farmers of this com.
If you Iinvp uny money matters about
which you need n llltlo counsel como
In nud talk to us. At your serviced
Platte Valley State Bank
Flrst LHthcran Church.
Morning worship with colobratton
of tho Holy Communion, olght o'clock
sharp. Evory morabor Is urged to bo
prosont. Sunday, school at 12:30. '
At threo o'ilock tho cornor Btono of
tho now building will bo laid. Program
as follows:
Hymn "All Hall tho Powor of-Josus'
Scriptures Lessons Rev. A. D. Jones
Prayor Rav. B. A. Cram. .
Spoclnl Music.
List of articles to bo placed in. corner
Laying of Stone Tho Pastor.
Address Rov, S. H. Yorian, Ph. D
D. D., President of tho Synod of
Hymn "My Church, My Church, My
Dear old Church."
Rov. C. Franklin Koch, Pastor.
Thoro will bo a special meeting of
tho Sammy Glrlg Monday ovening at
tho homo of Mrs. McGraw at which
plans for tho Work on tho 4th of July
will bo discussed. Eovry girl is asked
to bring a spoon Monday evening as
rofreshmonts will bo served.
big event in last yertr's chautaunun. ia to
ovonta, wlll-bo givon a bronzo iriodai.
and traitrfor tho ovents at once.
moet last flay.
town, Duya, for wo aro all proud of yawl